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Days: Another person is going to be fired..

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Yeah but he clearly had plans for Lexie and Abe and now Lexie is gone. He liked Jack and he was cut. I don't think see it as collaboration totally. I do think Hogan was a part of Frankie, Austin, and Carrie's exits as he said there were too many Brady's but the rest I don't think he was. Maybe Stephanie's but other then her's and the other three I don't think he had a hand in those.

I don't see Victor being cu. Maybe put aside but not cut. I can't see why that would help the budget.

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Okay. Maybe I wasn't being totally clear. When I used the word vets, I didn't mean Deidre Hall, Julia Barr, Eric Braedon, etc. Yes, all of those actors are considered vets. I don't have a probem with people wanting to see them leading the story. That's how it is and how it should be.

However, my comments were garnered to those that think Jeanne Cooper, Kathryn Hays, Marie Masters, John Aniston, Suzanne Rogers, etc. should be leading the show's stories. Those actors, all but amazing, have had their long amount of time to shine. Storyline potential starts to decrease, which is why most older women go through a "breast cancer" storyline.

I'm not saying that I want a total teenage overtake. Why do people assume when I say a new generation coming in to lead tha I mean a teen invasion? On DAYS, I consider Sami, Lucas, EJ, Belle, Shawn, etc. the next generation. Those characters are going to be our leading actors in a few years (some already are considered). Do I want a storyline all about Abby or Chelsea? No. Do I Sami and EJ to have a leading story yes?

Don't assume I'm some teenager/early-20s fan that wants to see people my own age. I don't. I started watching DAYS when I was 8 years old. I wasn't interested in Shawn-D at the time. I was interested in Stefano and Marlena and John and Kristen. I'm a fan of the vets, but not the older vets, who in reality, need to pass the torch.

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We were not talking about Victor being cut from the show in that sense. We are just hoping that he is backburnered. There is a big danger in it since he doesn't have a contract. It will be more tempting not to use him since they don't have too.

The only advantage they would have is that John Aniston is a long time vet, and even though he doesn't have a contract he still gets paid a veteran's pay on the days they do use him. He still qualifies for that even though he doesn't have a contract. So they still have to meet it. So they are better off not to use Victor for that reason - the same way they are better off not to use the likes of Bill & Susan Hayes that often.

So no they wouldn't be cutting a contract player so they wouldn't be cutting any quaranteed money they have to spend, but cutting him back will save them money in the long run.

I just have a feeling that Hogan is using Victor to establish the new Philip and his story. I am sure he will cut Victor's airtime back when this part of the story is over. For one is to save the money for paying Aniston, and two is he won't be needed as much. But Aniston has been one of the big highlights of the show lately for me.

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That's exactly what I see happening. Hogan has repeatedly said he wants to make Philip the new Victor. Is there anything wrong with that? No. I'm loving the passing of the torch between the generations.

Philip = new Victor

EJ and Sami = new Stefano and Marlena

Shawn = new Bo

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Nothing wrong with it. But EJ, Philip and Shawn can't carry the show. And Days ratings proved that when they were featured. ;) Shawn is being played by a new actor and same goes for Philip. If you want to get the long time viewer of Days to watch again you wont get it that way. People will wonder who Philip and Shawn are because of the new faces. I know because I have family members who tuned in and didnt recognize them. :P As for EJ he is a new character all together. Long time fans want fimiliarilty.

We can go back and forth. But we have different views on how the show should feature its vets. It's just plain and simple as that. ;) I would run the show a different way than you would. :)

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I know that, and they should have. I'm referring to the people that can't stop b!tching about Rogers or Aniston or the other older vets not getting their own storylines. Where have you been for the last 20/30 and even 40 years? They've had their time. It's time to move on...

You also have to realize who was writing at the time when they were the only ones featured? Reilly shoved Shawn/Belle/Philip/Jan/Rex/Mimi down our throats. The storylines were horrendous.

I'm sorry, but I'm more interested in Belle finally growing a backbone and deciding the route of her own life than going after Shawn. I'm enjoying Shawn, not instantly going after Belle after his marriage with Mimi ended. I'm enjoying Mimi moving on after Shawn.

Good writing can make ANY character interesting, old or young.

And your comment about EJ, Shawn and Philip not being recognized, I'm not saying they have to become the leads over night. In essence, James Scott, Brandon Beemer, Martha Madison, etc. are the new leading future for DAYS. It's definitely going to take a few years to get used to everything. I'm saying the vets should be there for this to establish these characters. I'm glad Victor is in Belle/Philip's storyline. I'm glad Bo and Hope keep tabs on Shawn's new "destructive" life. I'm glad they're bringing Stefano back to establish EJ as a DiMera. Hell, they even used Celeste.

We can go back and forth. But we have different views on how the show should feature its vets. It's just plain and simple as that. I would run the show a different way than you would.

Yes, obvioulsy we would. And in no way is your ideas better than mine or vice versa. It all depends on the writing and effectiveness of it.

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For those who are discussing Hogan, he may have been in collabaration with Corday, he might not have, but either way Corday could turn his back on Hogan in a second, and I could see him doing that because Corday has hardly ever stuck to plan when it came to casting decisions.

And when I say "turn his back" I mean just go off and do another thing, because Corday is known to make plans for this character and then a few months later their out.

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Not to mention the viewership numbers are nowhere near where they used to be. You could have newbies carrying some stories with eight or nine million viewers watching your shows like in the 1980s... no way you can do that today. You've got much less breathing room.

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Drew, one last comment on the vet thing. I try to understand where you are coming from, and I know there are many that agree with you and feel the same way you do. Sadly that thinking is what has caused the soaps to lose the viewers they once had, and one of the biggest reasons they don't get the numbers they used too IMO.

Sadly many of the producers and writers feel this way.

When soaps got those numbers they were multigenerational - maybe not in every episode but the overall format of the show was a multigenerational show that featured stories for all ages.

There is no reason that any actor or actress should have to pass the torch. With the talented casts that we have on most of the shows stories can even be rotated from time to time. There is no reason that some performers have to be front and center all the time. They can rotate from supporting to lead. They used too.

Sadly the writers today are not as talented either as the ones we used to have. And they put too much emphasis in the youth. They think it comes from Gloria Monty, and it does to a certain extent. She is the one who started it and the rest copied her. Sadly they just weren't able to live up to Gloria, and took it one step too far. And by copying her all the soaps except Y&R lost it's identity.

Now the writers feel like they have to find that one good looking performer that hopefully can act (if not he looks good) and put him on screen almost every day of the month whether the story he is in is good or not.

And yes even Hogan is guilty of that too.

As I said there should not ever be a point in the soaps that someone should have to pass the torch as you say and give the show over to someone else. And there is no reason that as you said in an earlier post that the likes of Jeanne Cooper, Kathryn Hays, Don Hastings, Suzanne Rogers, Frances Reid, James Reynolds, Peggy McCay or any of them should be forced to take pay cuts. I think it was about the first or second post when we started out talking about this. While all these young folks have come on, got popular, and moved on these folks have been faithful to this show, and gave their careers to it. And no they should not have to pass the torch as you say. Sorry but that about the pay cuts is almost as bad as the Troll we had around here who said all actors and actresses on soaps who reach 75 should have to forfeit their contracts.

Just because they got older does not make them invalauable. And any talented writer can write for them and keep the show balanced. They just choose not too. If they would only realize if they made the show multi-generational again they could appeal to all demos - giving all ages something to watch. Instead today they try to focus on that one demo, and appeal to them. And why NBC got in the mode of caring so much about the teen demo years ago, I have never figured out for the life of me. I guess they thought they would build an audience that would grow with the show. Yeah that one worked really well for them.

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Maybe that was a tiny part of the reason. The real reason is that from the 80s until present time, mothers are no longer housewives. They don't sit around the house all day and watch the soaps. They're out making a living. That is the BIGGEST reason the numbers are no long up there like they were in the 80s. People will watch crap. That's been deteremined.

Those older vets are not going to live forever, Steve. They are all getting up there in age. If the show devotes all of their stories to them, when they die, what does the show do? Cancel? Having the vets on the show to establish the next generation keeps them on the show while making room for the next generation. There comes a time when you do essentially have to pass the torch. Whehter you agree with that or not, that's totally up to you. It's logic though and happens in all types of businesses.

It did work for them. PSNS and DAYS were numbers 1 and 2 in the demos the network was aiming for. They may have sucked in HH or Total Viewers, but at the time, NBC didn't care. Their shows were at the top of the audience they wanted tuning in. End of story.

It may not have been your cup of tea, but you aren't the viewer they wanted watching that's probably why you tuned out. Oh well...

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Once again, I'll just randomly jump in here to reiterate that if Lauren Koslow gets the axe, I'll be PISSED. Since Eileen Davidson's departure in 1998, Lauren Koslow has been the one performer on this show that I've enjoyed all the way through, without even one disappointment. I can't say the same for ANY other Days actor/actress/character. Lauren must stay.

Also, if Kristian, Ali or Peter Reckell get the axe, I'll be FUMING.

If any of these people are fired, I do believe I might stop watching the show until either they or Eileen Davidson come back. It doesn't matter how great the writing is for me if all my favorite characters are gone.

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