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Per TMZ.com: SEINFELD's Kramer Drops The "N" Bomb...


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I dunno! For some reason, I just still do. Or maybe I don't want to let that get in the way of me liking SEINFELD, a show I basically grew up on(and am still watching).

I mean, he's no winner in my book. But I'll be one of the few accepting the apology.

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Kramer doesn't care anout black people and I don't care about his tired ass.

A blind item I believe is about him:


This white actor appeared on a long running TV series. This sitcom is one of the most successful shows in television history. This actor was given his own show when the series was cancelled. The show lasted a few seasons; his career took an nose-dive and never recovered. This actor has a secret; he has an intense hatred for African-Americans. So much so, he makes donations to white supremacist websites. He also has a reputation for being a lousy lover, his nickname in Hollywood is: ‘The one minute man.’

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I mean this is fricking ridiculous and I bet all those stupid shows are going to spoof this loser. This makes me sick. And after we just had that thread on racism and something ridiculous like that pops up. It absolutely makes me disgusted. I refuse to watch Seinfield reruns. And I used to like Kramer. What a fricking waste of oxygen. Damn this has me PISSED OFF. Why are so many people so keen on ruining themselves? I wonder what his ex co-stars would have to say? Lemme guess, he's always had some alcohol problem or BS like that. You know he'll apologize go into one of those rehabilitation centers, but the damage has been done.

Even if he was drunk I still say that alcohol has a way of showing your true colors!

I spit on you, you washed up filthy arrogant piece of shi*.

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From Wikipedia:

On November 17, 2006 Richards performed standup comedy at The Laugh Factory in West Hollywood, California. A black heckler began filming Richards on his cell-phone camera when Richards began responding to the harrasment. Richards made several aggressive and racially-charged comments at the heckler. Richards told the heckler that "fifty years ago we'd have you hanging upside-down with a fork in your a--," a comment widely understood in the media as a referring to the United States' history of lynching. During the cell-phone camera recording, the heckler had stopped shouting taunts at Richards. Richards responded by saying: "You can talk, you can talk! You're brave now [!@#$%^&*]!" As the heckler was taken outside the room, Richards shouted: "He's a nigger! He's a nigger! He's a nigger!" At one point, Richards was denounced from someone in the audience as "a [!@#$%^&*] cracker-ass [!@#$%^&*]!" Richards' outburst lasted about two minutes before audience members began leaving and he walked off the stage. After a short period an employee of the establishment walked on stage to the microphone and apologized for Richards' behavior. During a satellite appearance on the Late Show With David Letterman, Richards apologized, saying, "For me to be at a comedy club and flip out and say this crap, I'm deeply, deeply sorry. I'm not a racist. That's what's so insane about this." He described his outburst as one of rage. Comedian George Lopez said that he believed the reason for the outburst was Richards' inexperience in stand-up comedy and dealing with hecklers.

What?!?! Oh fukcing please.

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