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AMC: Another vet OUT!

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I would love to see her and Kathleen Noone play sisters on some other show out there.

Bad move, ABC. :angry: Seriously, is there any doubt now that Frons needs to GO?! Kinda like the whole "Genie Francis is great but we don't have the budget to accommodate her wish for a contract" spiel we've been hearing on GH. Frons is (literally) bending over backwards to get Kelly Monaco to re-sign, Mo's on a $1 million+ salary per year, and yet Julia Barr and Francis cannot even get a contract? ABC is a [!@#$%^&*] disgrace.

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I found an article in SOW when McTavish first returned in 2003.

I thought I would share the the first part of it.........

Soap Opera Weekly:

How will you alter the direction of the show?

Megan McTavish:

I wouldn't say "alter." I am trying to take it back to the show I wrote before,

one that offered payoffs to big stories, with alot of twists and turns that

encompassed romantic couples. I'm taking it back to what it once was ---

certainly what it was the two times I wrote it before. All My Children is a very unique show

that blends outrageous story with a very dramatic, social-issue story.

I am taking it back to what it was in it's glory days.

-SOW June 17th 2003

This stuff that is happening on the show is like the glory days?


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Greg, after reading that all I can say is "HUH?" or maybe "WTF kind of drugs is she on?"

If Simone and JR go that is the end of the show for me. I like Ryan but he's not enough to watch and I think they've dummied him down in order to write Zach in a bright light. Seems like everyone is getting that treatment so that Zach and Babe can shine through. What a shame! This show sucks!

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It just gets worse and worse...I copied this from SON earlier:

In other sad casting news, although the show's rep won't confirm it, Digest is reporting that Terri Ivens who has played the feisty, blabber-mouth Simone Torres since October 2001 has also opted to end her relationship with "AMC." A source close to the actress reports that the actress was fully prepared to leave and head back home to Los Angeles when her contract was up last year, but they "pulled out all the stops to keep her and she agreed to renew." The stops included the promise that her character would become more prominent in Pine Valley, obviously that never came to be. In October, Head Writer Megan McTavish told viewers to expect a "big thing to happen with Simone at the end of sweeps," for all appearances that big thing will facilitate Simone and Iven's exit. One of Iven's colleague adds, "She'll be hugely missed...If she's going to go, we're glad it was her chocie."

Read the whole story at:


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I don't blame Teri for wanting to leave either. She really hasn't had much to do for awhile. She was more involved with Greenlee/Kendall started Fusion. She was good comic relief getting arrested every week!! And she had a love story with Ethan but they were rarely shown. It is such a shame. She has so much more talent than anyone that they have hired recently.

And the article is saying that more people are going to be leaving before the end of the year. I wonder who is next.

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I am so sick of waiting for AMC to improve.

Shaky camera work which still makes me nauseous half the time.

Colby and Babe/Josh shoved down my throat.

And now Julia Barr is thrown out the door like yesterday's garbage.

Get a clue ABC. This is not what longtime viewers have been waiting for!

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I am absolutely livid at this news (though nowhere near surprised). Julia Barr and Brooke are AMC - or rather, what AMC was. I used to watch all the time, stopped for a few years (but still kept up to date with what was going on by tuning in every 2-3 weeks or so and reading recaps sometime). I came back full time when Kate Collins rejoined last year, but stopped again around April or May. On one hand, I'm glad that Julia's getting off the sinking ship, but I'm furious at the way it's been done. To offer someone like Julia Barr, one of daytime's legends, a pitiful recurring status is just insulting and, like others have said, I'm glad she refused it. Julia Barr is expendable but new characters like Colby, Sean, Erin, Josh, Jamal (though he left, but was his choice), Annie, etc, etc, etc, are popping up all over the place? Disgusting.

I thought that bringing back Kate last year, along with Sydney, Shari, Cady this year, and Eden might have signified the show going in the right direction, but what's happened since then has completely gone against that. Getting rid of Julia, Vincent and Jill (without even a goodbye as far as I can tell) is a slap in the face not only to them, but also to those who have stood by AMC for so long (not to mention the way Marcy left). I can understand dropping Tonya to recurring since Livia had been gone so many years and hadn't really done much upon return, especially given Tonya's heavy theatre schedule, but the rest of the changes are completely unacceptable. They were willing to bend over backwards and rewrite story to keep Jeff Branson on as the pointless Jonathan Lavery, but Julia Barr as Brooke English doesn't matter? I never thought I'd see the day, but apparently it's here. This shows the mentality of those in charge, and makes me feel sorry for the actors who have invested so much that are still around (Susan, David, Walt, Michael...is that it besides James, Eileen and Ray who are never on??). Anyway, long live Brooke English and Julia Barr, one of the greatest actors and characters to ever come out of daytime. Brooke and Julia will be sorely missed, along with the once great AMC.

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NEWBIE Here hehe. WOW I'm TOTALLY SHOCKED!, Brooke is a HUGE Part of AMC's history. At the same time we should be happy for her and every other VET. She was the only one to stand up and say NO!, You don't want me anymore? SH** FINE BUMP YOU. I Wish Julia all the luck in the world, she clearly doesn't need it but I hope she can land a BETTER Gig.

hehe, its funny people think Susan will let down/let go NOT IN YOUR YOUNG NATURAL LIFE LOL. The Day Susan leaves AMC IS DONE. Susan IS AMC, There gonna keep her around happy until she decides ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Soap fans complain and complain but you guys NEVER Do anything about it. My family is a Nielson family(I shouldn't of said that but, my name isn't out there) I've STOPPED Watching ALL ABC Soaps. I want them to all suffer ratings wise. I just pray everyone in 'Nielson' does that so we can get ABC To get rid of Frons.

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