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DAYS: Interesting NEW Spoilers

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Wasn't he fleeing, too, because of Hope finally learning everything about the whole art thieving gig as Gina? I remember vividly John going after Stefano - somehow I doubt that was over Marlo, because it wasn't just a cop/criminal thing.

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possibly no one can prove the lunacy of a microchip changing a person's personality.

But to clarify, isn't this the site that has all the wrong, or incredibly generic spoilers? Cause it makes sense to me that you're not going to bring someone back only to send them to jail.

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This was posted on the Sony board though. The spoilers there usually come true.

I was also wondering what Stefano could be charaged with. I completely forgot about Marlo. But you're right. Rolf killed Marlo, not Stefano. Rolf is now dead, or so we think. And Stefano cannot go down for putting a chip into Hope's head. John will be pissed at him, but he is no longer a criminal. I'M SO EXCITED! I'll be even more excited once I hear that Thaao is on his way back as well.

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I will lose my lunch if Thaao comes back.

But thinking back on it more, the police case was all pinned on Hattie finding the body of Marlo in DiMansion. Rolf then destroyed the body in acid. But the cops busted in, Stefano ran, and had his final scene with Shawn & Belle.

The other stuff never could be proven.

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I'd love for Penthlis to return as Tony. I have yet to see Penghlis and Mascolo play father and son. When I started watching, Tony had already "died" and Stefano was on. Then, Stefano left and Tony came back. I want to see the DiMera dynamic.

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Having major characters who do not pay for their crimes is NOT a trademark of Hogan Sheffer it is a trademark of a SOAP OPERA...every soap does it, every headwriter does it, since Hogan has only been in this buisiness less than a decade, I can name MANY headwriters before him who are just as "famous" as Hogan is for this kind of thing, and trust me he is not the last.

Also I personally do not have a problem with major characters not going to jail or whatever for their crime, heck if that were the case over 3/4 of all the characters on daytime television (past and present) should be or should have served jail time at one point or another....like SORAS this is just something fans have to look past.

As for these spoilers, AWESOME!!

I totally cannot wait for Stefano to return.....I am SO excited!!

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as long as they pay in some way, I don't care about jail.

As for Thaao, he represents one of the worst periods in this show's history. The sight of him is revolting. DiMera dynamics have been done, they're not all that they're being cracked up to be lately. We'll have enough of it with Lexie, EJ and Benjy. We don't need the damn cartoonish fool that faked a serial killer, faked a bigillion deaths, and stashed people on a gazillion islands.

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