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The *NEW* Family Feud


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OMG, to game show addicts, the fact you liked Louie Anderson is sacreligious.

Louie Anderson was ALL wrong for the FEUD. Just like Donny Osmond was all wrong for PYRAMID(but alas, another thread).

That AND the drug/drinking problem too, which was hilariously parodied on MADtv.

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Thought so. (about Louie)

And while I agree Donny Osmond was all wrong for Pyramid, Pyramid's best feature was its retro feel. It NEEDS the opening and shutting door-categories to work; the cheesey time clock. I think Reege or some other old guy would make a great host for a new time / old time pyramid.

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Put Chuck Woolery in ANY game show and he will make the game show all the worth watching. Even PYRAMID. Very few people know he was the original host of WHEEL OF FORTUNE, and IMO, seemed to have WAY more fun than Sajak. But then again, I've never met Chuck.

I think another downfall to PYRAMID was the leniancy on the rules. I can't recall specifics, but there were SEVERAL times when a player was awared a clue and the person giving the clues broke the rules. And their $100K tourney was unsuspenceful and LAME. DAMN, I miss Dick Clark's version!

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Hate's a strong word to use but -- I HATE the new Family Feud. The set is ugly as hell and John O'Hurley sucks. I've never understood the appeal and I'm still bitter he whined so much about losing Dancing with the Stars that he got a re-do and won it. Bastard. Go back to sitcoms -- which he sucked in as well.

Whoa ... bitter much? LOL. Sorry but he just drives me up the wall. I really don't like him.

Richard Karn, hasn't he hosted for a couple of years now? First we had Richard Dawson. Then Ray Combs. Then wasn't it Richard again? Was there anyone after him? Then we had Louie Anderson, who I really liked and Richard Karn, who I really enjoyed as well.

Family Feud is in the shitter.

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I loved Family Feud with Richard Karn! I’m not an everyday viewer, but I would always stop on it if I was home during the day. John O’Hurley is so annoying. Why did they replace Richard? I thought he was great! He seemed very comfortable, warm and approachable. Louie Anderson was creepy.

Looks like I’ll be skipping it from now on.

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ITA With your description!

I saw the new version earlier this week, and was less than impressed; the only thing that I liked somewhat was the new set.

Richard Karn treated the contestants like real people, John O'Hurley gives me the feeling when he's hosting that he think's that he's better than the contestants......

If John O'Hurley's stint as the FF host doesn't work out, he better keep his ass FAR FAR AWAY from Y&R!

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I *HATE* game show hosts like that! Pat Sajak was the exact same way when I appeared on WHEEL, except I was so starstruck and foolish to see it until it was all in retrospect.

If I were a Game-Show host, I would NEVER get tired or bored with giving away money and making people's dreams come true.

I'll probably lose all respect for the man if he's like that.

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