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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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Her spoilers aren't trustworthy but Carol Banks Weber of SZ is at least a regular soap viewer and knows ABCD. It shows in her commentary about the Zarf story where she jabs at McTravesty's motivations and assertions about the Zarf story and her interaction with Bianca.

Carol Banks Weber's AMC News and Gossip for Week of Dec 11 on SoapZone...

Also, what R Sinclair said.

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MMT's motives are as plain as day, anyone who thinks this story is going to be something groundbreaking I have one word for you: Josh

MMT's fetus resurection was going to be something groudbreaking, add great depth and layers to the original storyline. Provide drama and heart. But we all know and she ended up saying it after enough pressure was put on her: She just wanted a Kane-Martin

She doesn't have to say it this time, it's clear as day: She wants to have the show's lesbian, put her in a relationship with a man who believes himself to be a woman, and call it roses and sunshine. She wants her cake, and eat it too.

I can't wait for this storyline to bite her in the ass too. Maybe this will finall rid us of her.

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I think it is her final attempt to keep her job. She thinks that it is a brilliant idea and that she is a freaking genius. I really hope that it tanks and she finally gets what she deserves. I am anxious to see what the ratings are for next week. I hate to wish bad on anyone or anything but the show needs to be fixed and that will never happen with McT writing the show.

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Well, the good thing about McTavish's horrendously plot driven/agenda motivated writing is that there are sooooo many loopholes that anyone with three braincells more than Megan can get out of the bulk of the sh!t she's written.

McTavish is just lazy and unskilled, which is why AMC is suffering. I think of her writing as very paint-by-number. It's all formulaic, every character is placed in a certain position, and when it's all aligned, there is a reasonable facsimile of a story. But it lacks the nuance and highlights and depth and range and hues of the work of a skilled artist who creates a masterpiece. So many undercurrents intentionally ignored and glossed over because examining those things would shed light on other aspects of character and story that don't fit McTavish's agenda.

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R Sinclair that description was so accurate I have no words. :lol: And you are right there is some hope there that someone with any type of writing skill above highschool level could salvage this show.

And yes she wants to be groundbreaking :rolleyes: put the lesbian with a man but call him a woman. I've read a few boards where people like them together but I get the impression its because they like having Bianca with a man in general, and don't want her with any woman. Wait till Zarf starts wearing dresses and kissing Bianca. I think then they are really going to start hearing the complaints. Nothing too shocking yet has happened, beyond seeing Bianca let a man kiss her.

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This is from a summary of an SOD interview with Eden in the current issue. The part in quotations is her remark. Don't have the full interview myself yet, but was posted by SON's own Angela over at the NB board.

It makes me feel better to see her say it again in print (she's been quoted this way in the past). Having been a Bianca fan in the McT era, I have trust issues with Ole McHack'n'Sack. She doesn't not what the hell she's writing about, is obsesseed with lesbians transcending the fact that they like to f.u.c.k. other women because it's all about the soul love (and that's not just from Zarf era), imo.

I won't feel totally comfortable with it all until we see how it shakes out on screen. And it's hard to say predict just how offensive (yes, and possibly if it gets offensive...but I try not to imagine how bad it can get outside of current circumstances because most often, McT out worst-case-scenarios me).

It does, however let off a considerable amount of steam for me.

So here's hoping Bianca's sexual identity, its integrity and ALL of AMC can survive, can find some way to hang in there for a little while longer without being totally obliterated by the preyerfully-requested, soon-to-be-canned EvilStupid!Genius of Megan McTRAVESTY.

*crosses fingers*

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Don't worry Theresa

WE all want Megan Gone and believe me the lastest news I heard this past weekend from a very reliable source that ABC will be announcing 2 new HW for 2 shows and one is a DONE DEAL from what I"m being told that's why on one ABC show there are being massive re-writes and the return of an actor who just left a couple of months ago is returning in Feb. for a short time.


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I am going to very upset if OLTL and GH make changes first like some of the rumors are suggesting. I do think OLTL needs help but GH is doing the best out of all the ABC soaps so they don't need as much help as AMC does. I am so tired of MCT and so ready for her to go. My patience with AMC is reaching it's limits.

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