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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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Is ABC going to look at the ratings for each individual show or the average? Because GH is going to skyrocket. If they just look at the average then it's already guaranteed TPTB will all keep their jobs thanks entirely to Genie Francis.

AMC has nothing going for it from what I see. Jamie and Julia get back together? Oh wow, that'll get people tuning in. More of Jon & Amanda with no story, just pointless scenes? Big whoop.

This whole thing makes no sense though. If ratings go up a tad in November then Megan McTavish and Dena Higley stay, and nobody cares about about the past year of crap? What happens if they go up in November and then fall again afterwards? Nothing?

And how much do they have to go up? Just stop dropping? The ratings will still suck.

Why doesn't ABC just replace them regardless? Clearly there is better talent out there. Even if the ratings go up, it won't last.

I also find it hard to believe that Brian Frons was ready to replace Megan McTavish and then ABC came in and said "no no ratings are in the toilet, don't replace her, let's wait and see what happens". Ummm okay.

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Why is everyone so certain GH is going to get a huge help from Laura's return? I know I was a huge L/L fan but they can't pay me to watch the show at this point. I'm not turning in for Laura's return, I'd rather have the good memories. Why am I going to tune in for 4 weeks after what they did to Robert and Anna?

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I don't think Jessica and Antonio have a huge online following. I think they stink offline and online. LOL.

Nope, I don't see anything to look forward to on ABC.

I will watch Laura. I read another one of Frons' foot in mouth interviews. He said that Laura coming back would allow viewers to meet the new great young characters. He's a moron.

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I don't get the mystery surrounding Dena's contract. We all know she started October of 2004. So how long are writer's contracts generally written for? 1, 2, 3, 4 years? If it was one year it was up last October and she should have been fired then. If it was two then it was up this month and she should have been fired then. If it was for more than 2 years or if it was up last year and they signed her to a multi year contract then we're all screwed b/c this show can't survive another year of the Hack. Regardless there have to be out clauses in these contracts. The actors certainly have them why wouldn't the writers?

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It's a shame that ABC is pimping out Laura for sweeps because it will no doubt have a huge impact on the ratings. The problem is, the crappy writing hasn't changed. This will be the excuse to keep the current team in power and if it gets them another Emmy I will be done with that show.

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I think Errol said that there could be news the end of Oct or into November. But, Target, you could be right and they could be holding off any decision until after sweeps. I am anxiously awaiting for that day when I hear that Mctavish has been fired and replaced. I will be drinking some champagne!!!

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I know that this isn't what everyone is talking about, with Errol saying won't have any news until after sweeps.

But I love this reply.

Megan is gone, no matter what as soon as contract is up.

Higley could stay if good November.

I hate to say this, just because OLTL is my third favorite soap, and I know alot of people feel about it, like I do AMC. So on that note, no offense to anyone, but I really don't think OLTL has anything to worry about the numbers going up, because well the show speaks for itself.

But I want Megan gone from AMC, because I want HOPE for AMC. PLEASE !

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I heard this same exact thing from a friend of mine who works at Disney. That she was signed

to All My Children and was working with Burton Armus. That was in early August, but I

didn't want to post anything that I couldn't prove and get banned.

I heard directly from Burton Armus own mouth that he is coming to HW All My Children.

I ran into him with some of his golf buddies.

People, I kid you not.

Now there's an audio interview up on another website where [s.W.S.N.B.N.] says she is

working on a soap opera right now as a "consultant" without a contract, but she's fearful to

put her name on the credits because Tide Detergent and Jiff Peanut Butter got her fired

from Days of Our Lives. This is from her own mouth in her own interview.

"All My Children" may have let [!@#$%^&*] go when the Whitney Houston brooha broke out at

the end of August.

I don't know if it's true, but someone told me that [s.W.S.N.B.N.] is consulting "uncredited" at

Young and the Restless and Kay Alden is doing the same for As the World Turns. [!@#$%^&*] is

basically writing the Druscilla plot for the last two months I'm told.

If "All My Children" let Burton Armus and [s.W.S.N.B.N.] get away then they're craziest idiots

on the planet. I think Armus could do major things for AMC because that's his lifelong

favorite soap and he's pissed at how McTavish has been writing it.

Correction. [!@#$%^&*] is not writing the Druscilla plot, but is consulting on the Winters family

and writing scenes for Druscilla, Asian dude and "Sheila twin".

I found out because [!@#$%^&*] supposedly pitched a fit when Davetta Sherwood was fired and

she got Steve Wyman to create a role for Davetta at DAYS, but you didnt hear it from old

Gabe. *Wink*

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I am really upset about the possibility that they let Burton go too. Even though I am not familiar with his work, from what I heard he seemed to have a respect for the history of the show. And he hated the unabortion storyline which was a huge mistake that AMC really, really needs to correct. They probably didn't like his bible because it was vet heavy and changed many of the mistakes McT and Frons have made. And Frons' ego is too big to admit he could be wrong. My fear is that they are going to keep giving MCT more chances.

Any idea who else AMC could have in mind to replace McTavish or be the co-headwriter???

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