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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Another great episode. It's really good reading these back to back. I love it. FINALLY SOME movement on Owen. I love how you did the murder. I thought for sure it would be shot gun affair. But this was much better, and more evil if you will. I can't wait to see how this unfolds. Great build up to I also loved how Blake was the better man. I wanted a love triangle wit ADL but this turn of events was so much better and unexpected which made even better for me I loved CC she is now officially the new Nan after this episode and yes she even reminds me of Nasty Natti. I LOVE CC Now this Sky/Ava/Ginny/Nate thing is REALLY intriguing. I love all the dynamics and all the players in it. Loved Ginny as usual. She is a fire cracker. I just love her And Sky was straight tripping over Ava. Makes me wonder if Skye is crazy because she seems to nice. Matt you have been doing an excellent job. Great entertainment that's for sure.
  2. Man I am sorry to see Owen go. All this wait to see what is going on an he's being let go. I just knew something big was going to happen. Alexia she can leave. And Tanisha, I would hate to see her go but you got to do what you got to do. I bet it's Nan coming back!!!!)Please GOD) I am also afraid of this finale since you are now known to kill off my favs.
  3. You would cliffhanger it there. I would too. Good episode The characters have been so damn aggressive lately. Carrie and Jules MUS really hate each other. That was a vicious( yet good) cat fight. The dialog has become much more edgier. Loving that. Also I new a new script format. Why the change?(I like it btw, easier to read) AGAIN WHERE IS OWEN? I can't believe Jon was released from jail that fast. What were the charges? It's like some story lines you move at breakneck then story lines like Owen's seems to be dragging. And what a surprise it was that Miss Ags heard Nick's crimes. This murder mystery is going to be good and I know it's going to feature Nick in a big way Loved how Carlos is now using chica. I don't think I noticed before. Now it seems we are going toward and Ava/Skye/Nate thing. I don't know. It's hard to call it with Nate. But I tell you what would be hot is Ginny and Ava. I really don't care for Skye all that well Good episode.
  4. aMLCproduction

    Casting News

    can't wait for the mystery, I bet it's Nick who is killed off. Dont like the AF casting at all. I pray she is short term. I hate that bia on Y&R
  5. This is crazy. We both had free falling in air collisions. Great end and twist. I wonder how Mika is going to explain this. GREAT EPISODE. So much is going on. I feel so damn bad for Jenny. My GOD. Nick , I hate him. I can't believe I said that. I also loved how Jules asked Carrie how did she get her memory back so fast. I thought is was cute. I also loved CC's living arrangement details in her scene. You know how I feel about that. I now wonder what her secret is. Nick is sinking lower and lower. He's being boxed in. I guess there goes my hopes for a A/D/J triangle. Jon going to jail was unexpected. I was expecting this big on the run story. I am camp Jon. and glad Alley is going to stand by him. And my girl Ava and Nat. Now it seems Nate is back to his player ways. I loved Ava's comment about what she liked. I don't know where you're going with that one, but I pray he don't hurt her liked he did Ginny. But then again, this is Cody huh? PS I think this is the first time that i am SO INTO this many storylines at once. Usually its one or two, but lately it's been 3 and 4. So much is going on, I guess I am finally seeing the darker side of PP4 you were talking about Where in the [!@#$%^&*] is Owen?!!!!!
  6. What a classic cliffhanger. Loved the action. I was on the edge of my seat. Another GREAT episode. I see there are no more news one but I pray I don't have to wait long to find out what happens, Love Tonya Boyd. Just love here.
  7. Wow, what an exciting episode. Loved the longer length I loved how you had Greg be the one who came to Lynette telling what they were doing was wrong. I thought it would be her considering she's a woman, loved the reversal on that. I loved this storyline even more and in fact it is my fav.Let me take you back Redd, "Secret lovers...yea, that's what they are,...Trying so hard to fight they way the feel, Because she's in love with some one else..but they can't let go..," Secret Lovers by the great Alantic Starr. That's what that storyline reminds me off. ALSO, FINALLY some major movement in The B.P. mystery. Good reveal. Was not expecting that at all. Dude is crazy as hell. Very good twist and I also like how Norm turned the tables on ol' boy. Again, GREAT EPISODE probably one your best. Keep them coming
  8. Redd you do have some of the best casting choices. Trish is stunningly beautiful. Liked the Lewis casting. He seems very fitting.Wish Bell would do more with him on B& Is Linda New? Again I love your causal flow of your writing. I do feel this big mystery is coming to a head, the walls are closing up around
  9. aMLCproduction


    Wow man, I am glad to be back and so glad I get to read a few eppies back to back. These previews good as hell esp Lynette/Greg/ I am rooting for them Like the Leigh and Ed custody storyline And to be real I am kind of glad this BP and mystery thing is going to wrapped up. Can't wait to see the new family, PLEASE PLEASE POST MORE. I love Novi If you need any help with anything let me know. now on to the episodes
  10. Damn. I can't believe Nick did a 360 like that. I like the build up to the ending. It was soapish. Man, I am still tripping. I am really enjoying Alley/Blake/ and Jon. I am wondering if Blake and Alley will rekindle what they once have. I KNEW MIKA was hired to kill Will. I wonder how this is going to play out. And I wonder who and why wants Will PanzerWW2 dead SO GLAD TO SEE another run in between Ginny and Tanisha. So delicious. I love Ginny and Again I hope you put her on contract and give her more to do. Ginny is now my fav character. Nate has been acting very strange. He was a playa now he wants a LTR? It's like this big cloud of mystery over him. Finally Ava/and Skye is interesting. It's been touch and go with me and I liked there scenes in this episode. Another solid episode. You move at lightning pace
  11. What a nice first episode to come back too. You're writer did a great job Matt. He's a keeper. The dialog was razor sharp, and it moved fast and didn't seem as long. Loved when Vic slapped Carrie. That was funny. They must live in nice area for Dylan's keys to to be just sitting on the dashboard. I LOVED THE CC vs Jenny. Loved her spicy dialog. Loved Jenny's back bone as well. Love catfights. Just love em. SO damn glad to see my girl Ginny. I really wish you would do more with her. Loved the ending. I would have been even more shocked if it was revealed that Alley, was sitting in the back seat.
  12. Before you dive into this dramatic episode I have a few things to say. During my absence I was unaware of the naked controversy concerning Marcus T. Patrick who plays or I should say did play Jett on NBC's Days of our Lives. As many of you know Marcus also plays Karim Williams on S.T.E.A.M. and I want to reassure everyone that I, stand behind Mr. Patrick, and his role is vital to this series so he(Marcus/Karim) will not be going anywhere. This episode picks right up where 50 left off. My style of writing includes mini recaps, therefore, I will not be doing a whole big "Previously on such and such" And with out further do, the first of many "WTF" episodes TC Hotel Ty walks out of his office and into the hallways behind his office, and enters the room where Santino and Jenn is. Santino stands up upon seeing his boss walk into the room. Ty "Is everything ok?" Santino "Yea boss. Jenn woke up a bit ago, she some questions but-" Ty, cutting his henchman off "What did you tell her?" Santino "Nothing boss, I just told her she was going to be ok and to get some rest." Ty "Good. Is the candy ready?" Santino "Yea, I just finishing cutting up the last bit of it." Ty "And no word on where Daniel is?" Santino "No, I have not heard nothing." Ty "Ok, go ahead and sell everything you cut up tonight. Don't worry about the police. Abe and his force are no longer a concern of ours. We are free to make money as we please." Santino "That's what I like to hear." Ty "Be on the look out for Daniel and let me know all of Mona's whereabouts. I still don't trust her." Santino "Me neither." They both her Jenn call out. Santino knowing this is his cue to get on his mission leaves the room. Ty takes a deep breath as a quick image of shooting Jenn runs through his mind. He walks in the bed room and he smiles at her. Jenn "You shot me?" Ty "It was an accident. Somebody was creeping up on me. No one is supposed to be in these halls back here. These are private rooms behind my office. So I went into self defense mode and shot the first thing I shot. Jenn I did not do it on purpose. I love you. I fought so hard to be with you." Jenn "I don't know what to say. Why am I here and not in a hospital. Am I going to be ok?" Ty "I had Diego come over and take the bullet out your shoulder. He said your are going to be ok. Nothing major. Just some swelling and pain." Jenn "Well he's right about that. Why didn't you take me to the hospital?" Ty "Damn Jenn what is it with the 20 questions. You're ok. You're going to be ok. I'm sorry now get over it." Ty gets up and storms out the room. Jenn is stunned at how cold Ty was to her. "I left Mike for this?" Episode: 51, Catfights and CliffHangers Written by: ML Cooks with Monique Bitches At Huntington Memorial Hospital Chris walks into Lauren's room. Lauren, who has just finished gathering up her belongings smiles and hugs Chris. Lauren "I was so worried about you. Tell me you didn't find Daniel?" Chris "No I didn't." Lauren "Thank God. You had me so worried. You left here like a mad man." Chris "I know and I apologize. But I did hear a gunshot at TC Hotel." Lauren "A gunshot!" Chris "Yes, I called the police, so we should be hearing soon about what happened." Lauren "That damn Ty." Chris "Back to the subject Lauren. Daniel. I am still enraged at what he did to you." Lauren "He's need's help." Chris " But that still does not excuse Daniel for putting his hands on you." Lauren "I didn't say it did. I just don't want you to do anything stupid. Your in school, you work two jobs I don't want you to mess that up." Chris "Lauren I know you're right. But It makes me see red, that he hit you." Lauren "Let the police handle Daniel. I need you here with me." She says pleading with, then softly kissing him on the lips. She looks into his eyes. "I love you." Chris, smiles as he hears that heart warming three words. "I love you too." They kiss passionately. Diego walks into the room and they stop kissing and look at him. Lauren "So you got my release papers?" Diego "I sure do. Keep some ice on the bump on your head and get plenty of rest." Lauren "I will doctor. Thank you." Diego smiles at the couple and leaves the room. Lauren "Well you heard the man. I'm free to go. I want to watch a movie and lay in your arms." Chris "I like the sound of that." Chris grabs Lauren's bag and they leave the hospital. Mark walks into Natalia's room and sees a gleeful Natalia and Ria sitting next to her. Natalia "Hi, baby. I'm so glad you're here." Ria "I'm going to give you two time to talk. Congratulations Mark." Mark shakes his head, mad that Natalia has obviously ran her big mouth too seemingly everyone. Ria laughs and leaves the room. Mark "You might as well make a commercial and air it on WMLC. Enough people know about us. " Natalia "What do you want me to do? Hide the fact that I am carrying your child?" Mark "I don't care what you do." He turns away from her, unable bear the sight of her. Natalia "You don't care what I do? We are having a baby Mark." Mark "How could I be so dumb. I feel like Pasadena's number one jack ass." Natalia "I'm sorry you feel that way. You shouldn't feel like that. You should be happy. Your going to be a father. I'm giving you more than what Dahlia can give you." Mark turning around to look at her. "You are one cold Bitch. Your heartless. Don't ever, speak ill of Dahlia again. It's because of you why she can't ever have children. You and those phony theft charges." Natalia "It is what it is. If you're going to be mad at somebody be mad at Dahlia, she's the one who walked out my store with unpaid articles of clothing. What choice did I have? I'm a law abiding citizen and I wanted to do the right thing." Mark " That's some bullsh!t and you know it. She walked your damns after she walked out the dressing room and saw you kissing me." Natalia "Don't act like you didn't like it." Mark "I didn't have a choice but to like it. Ever since we've met, you keep trying to control me and my life. Black mailing me into having sex with you, so you can drop those charges against Dahlia. Then what did you do? Reneged on that. And now,. Here you are pregnant." Natalia "Yes I am..... So I hear Dahlia has awoke from her coma,... should we go tell her the news? I want her to be clear, that you have a new family now and it doesn't include her." Mark "Yea right. Look at how you got me into bed. There's no telling who else you slept with. There's probably whole list of suspects of potential fathers for this baby. You're a liar Natalia. Your word means nothing to me. So stop telling Diego, Ria and God knows who else that I'm this father's child." Natalia "So you're trying to say that I just give up the pu$$y to anybody.?" Mark "You gave it to me easily. Who else got it easy?" Natalia has a remembrance of sexxing Bryan at his club on the pool table. "Sorry to disappoint you. Believe it or not I'm not that kind of girl. I saw something I wanted and I went after it. You are the only man I want. You are the one I love. I want you making hot passionate love to me every night. I am in love with you, there is nobody else. You are this baby's father and we will be a family. If you want a paternity test, we can do that to." Mark is in disbelief, what if she is really telling the truth. "My life is spinning out of control." Diego walks into the room. Just then Mark's cell phone rings. He answers it and he again hears heavy breathing. Mark hangs up the phone. Without a shadow of a doubt, Mark now knows, it's not Natalia or Diego calling him and harassing him, but somebody else. Mark has a look of paranoia on his face. Natalia looks at him "Baby you are you ok?" Mark, snapping out of his dazed state of mind "No Natalia." Diego "I just came to give you your release forms Natalia." Natalia "Great. I'm ready to celebrate my new family. How about you Mark?" Mark, not wanting any part of his new family "In your dreams." He says and he then walks out her room and leaves the hospital. Back in Natalia's room Natalia "Something is going on with Mark." Diego "I got that same feeling. He keeps getting these phone calls." Natalia "I know, he came to the club asking me about these harassment calls. I thought it was you." Diego "No. I don't play childish games like that." Natalia "I wonder who it is and what is going on?" Diego "I'll leave that one to you. I'm going home for the night, enjoy your family with Mark and make sure you keep him away from Dahlia." Natalia "No need to worry about that. You just make sure you keep Dahlia busy now that she is a woken from her coma." Diego "I plan too." Diego leaves. Natalia begins to take her hospital gown and change back into her clothes. She walks out her room and decides for the hell of it, to pay her nemesis a visit. Natalia walks into Dahlia's room. Following Ty's order, Santino pulls down the street from Mona's mountain resort in Sierra Madre. Santino lights his cigarette, and rolls down the window of his car, and inhales the mild air of this quiet Pasadena night. Tino ashes his cigarette out the window and sees Daniel leaving Mona's resort. "Ty is right. Mona said she hasn't seen Daniel in weeks, but he's leaving her house." Tino pulls out his cell phone and begins to dials Ty's number, that is, until Mona shows up out of no where. Tino, shocked, and now a bit nervous drops his phone. Mona "What do you think you're doing?" Santino "I could ask you the same thing. You told Ty you haven't seen Daniel in weeks but here he is leaving your house. What's really going? What are you hiding?" Mona "I shot Daniel and set it up like a suicide. Then I got him hooked on meth and tonight, will be the last time Pasadena will ever see him. I got a few surprises in store for the citizens of Pasadena. I've been playing your boss since day one. Like every other man out here, he was a dumb a$$ that was easy to fool." Santino "Most villains only confess there sins when they are about to take drastic measures." Santino says trying to reach in the pocket of his hoody to retrieve his gun. Mona beats him to the punch, pulls out her gun out her pocket and shoots Santino in the neck. Santino begins to choke and gag and begins to spit up blood. Mona puts his car in drive and turns the steering wheel towards the mountain side and Santino's car drives through the guard rail and over onto the mountain side. His car explodes upon crashing into the ground "You're right. Something drastic is about to happen. Tino, you have met ya maker. Now it's time to finish off Daniel and kidnap Sharan. Let the games begin" Mona gets in her black car and gets on the highway leading to Pasadena. Back at Huntington Memorial Natalia enters Dahlia's room. She smiles and walks over by her bed. "Poor Dahlia. What a loser. You got stabbed, now you can't have children. What a shame if I say so myself. But don't worry, I'll take care of Mark for you. I'm going to give him the family he wants. A family you can't give him." She says as she rubs her belly. "I told you I'll take your man from you and I did just that. Thanks Dahlia, you're the best. I hope we can be friends. I'll send you pictures of my sonogram. How's that sound?" Natalia walks over to the window to look at the nice view of the city. "You know, you can help me come up with baby names, we can my baby shower, you know what you can even help me plan my wedding to your ex. That would be wonderful!" "In your dreams Bitch!" Natalia is stunned and turns around to see Dahlia sitting up on the side of her bed. Natalia "Dahlia, welcome back to the world. I have some wonderful news for you." Dahlia, taking her iv's out of her arm "What's that? Your having Mark's baby? Or you paid Suga to stab me in jail?" Natalia "Suga? Who is Suga? That coma has really messed with your brain cells." Dahlia, getting out of the bed "Don't do that you rotten Bitch. Don't patronize me. Suga told me everything." Natalia "You have no proof. It doesn't even matter now. I'm pregnant with Mark's baby. Were going to be a family." Dahlia, in a rage picks up her lunch tray and slaps Natalia across the face with it. Natalia loses her balance but catches taking two steps away from her, Natalia "You're crazy! I'm with child. " Dahlia charges after Natalia, grabbing a handful of hair with her left hand and pounding Natalia with her right. Natalia pushes Dahlia into the wall using and then punches Dahlia in the stomach, right where she got stabbed. Dahlia's screams out in pain. This time Natalia charges Dahlia grabbing the hair on the top of her head and begins to pound Dahlia's head into the wall. In between the blunt force blows to the cranium, Dahlia gives Natalia a right hook followed by a quick left Blood begins to drip from Natalia's lips. Dahlia grabs her , and when Natalia sees her grab it, she begins to run. Dahlia begins to chase Natalia around the room. Dahlia "I'm going to kill you Bitch!" Dahlia finally has caught up with Natalia and takes a good swing at her foe. The I.V. pole lands on Natalia's back. Natalia falls to the ground. Dahlia in a rage continues to hit Natalia with her I.V. pole over and over again. Natalia kicks Dahlia's leg but Dahlia doesn't budge. She still continues to beat the hell out of Natalia. Then Natalia in a desperate attempt to break free from Dahlia's lashing's bites Dahlia's leg, so hard, that she draws blood. Dahlia screams out. Natalia gets a reprieve and stands back up. She tries to wrestle the I.V. pole from Dahlia's grip. The two ladies tussle for the I.V. pole and in the heat of tussling, Natalia yanks on the pole so hard, she falls back, losing her balance and crashes out the 4th story window, with Dahlia, who still had a firm grip on the I.V. pole flies out the window with her, a window that sits right above a very busy street.
  13. Sorry for my abrupt absence, I was involved in a bad car accident, but by the good will of the Lord, I am able to be here now. I hope everyone continues reading and please give me a little time to get a new episode up, I have a lot of catching up to do. But I promise this wait will be worth it.
  14. Ria walks into Natalia's room at Huntington Memorial Hospital. Natalia, who was watching CNN, as they was showing a report on the downfall of Brittany Spears, smiles at her best friend. Ria "Girl I am so sorry. I didn't know you even passed out until Karim told me at the club." Natalia "Karim? What was he doing there?" Ria "He was there with that white Bitch." Natalia shakes her head. Ria, realizing that Natalia has asked her once before to refrain from the white people comments "I'm sorry. I mean that Bitch!" Natalia "That's better. So Alexis and Karim are an item now?" Ria "I guess so. It makes me sick It makes me want to pull out an afro puff." Natalia "So I am assuming you went off on the new super couple?" Ria "Nope. Not this time. I'm not going to let them know they are working my nerves. That's what Karim was expecting me to do, cause a scene as he would say. I was civil." Natalia "Wow, Didn't expect that from you." Ria "I know, I have been thinking a lot about me and my life lately" Natalia "Sounds like you going through menopause" Ria "Naw girl. I was talking to this chica named Lisa. We had a good conversation. Girl she was telling me about this sex sorority, "AlphPhiFuckem"" Natalia "A sex sorority? You're not even in college" Ria "I know right. That's what I told her. But it's not for exclusively college folk. Well If you in college that's cool but it's not for college woman. It's for women's of all kinds." Before they can discuss the sex sorority anymore, Dr. Diego Serrano walks in. Ria roll her eyes at him, remembering their encounter at The Jump Off Diego "Oh, God, here we go." Ria "Uhm Hmm …Girl, I was so caught up with APF I didn't ask how you were feeling. My bad." Natalia "You cool, I am ok actually." Diego "She's right, We ran some test, Ms. Cigultie, and they reveal your pregnant" Natalia's face lights up. "Pregnant?" Ria's mouth drops "Hell to the naw. I'm going to be an auntie It will be the first white person in my family." Diego "Congratulations" He says to her with a smile. (She smiles back, since they are now in co hoots) Diego leaves the room. Natalia "This is a blessing. Now Mark really has a reason to be with me. Dahlia can't bear him children but I can." Ria "Girl Mark? Don't you mean Bryan?" Natalia closes her eyes, and remembers she had sex with Bryan not so long ago as well. "Well I just hope it's Mark. That's who's child I need this to be." Ria "Natti girl I don't know. It could be Mark's or Bryan's" Mona's Identity Revealed pt.2 Episode: 50 Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches In Dahlia's Room, Mark walks into her room with a dozen of red roses. He looks at Dahlia, and sees her eyes are open but she looks lost. Mark "Hey baby? How do you feel?" Dahlia slowly moves her eyes to look at him with an expressionless face. "I brought you some roses." He puts them in a vase. Then he pulls a chair up to sit beside her. He takes her hand and holds it and kisses it softly. "I have been so worried about you. I have been going crazy without you. You really gave me a scare." He looks at her to see if she will respond. Coming out of a deep coma, Dahlia is not able to respond nor get her motor skills together just yet. "It's ok baby. Don't stress. Your going to be ok now. I'm here for you. You awoke from your coma and that's a positive sign. It may take a few days to get all your strength back." Dahlia looks away from him and looks up at the ceiling. "I love you Doll, I promise nothing like this will ever happen to you again." She slowly begins to close her eyes once more. Mark closes his eyes and takes her hand that he had in his hand and rests it on his forehead as he begins to say a prayer for Dahlia."God, come on, bring my Doll back to me." Mark's prayer session is interrupted with the entrance of Diego. "Here we go. Doctor smart ass." Diego, chuckling "That was a good one. Should I call you out too? I think the time could not be better, since your girlfriend here is out her coma." Mark "You better keep your damn mouth shut!" Diego "Tell your son or daughter that." Upon those words, Dahlia's opens her eyes back up really wide as if she heard what Diego just said. Mark, looking confused "What the hell kind of jabber are you talking about?" Diego "Go ask your baby's mother. Natalia is in the room next door." Mark is floored, he's paralyzed in shock, the thought of Natalia carrying there child is the last thing he wants to hear. Just then his cell phone rings. He picks it up an answers it. "Hello" The caller hangs up. Then Dahlia's hospital room phone rings, Mark answers that, but alls he hears is heavy breathing. Mark slams the phone down. Realizing that it's not Natalia, and now for sure it's not Diego making these calls, Mark really wonders who's harassing him with these phone calls. Mark "I can't take much more of this." Diego "I bet." Mark "You bastard. Your just loving this aren't you? I bet you want Dahlia for yourself" Diego "Don't be ridiculous. You shouldn't be worrying about who I have feelings for. You need to worry about your new family your going to have with Natalia." Dahlia' has a tear run down her face as she hears, her boyfriend has impregnated Natalia, she closes her eyes once more. Mark storms out the room to confront his brand new baby's mother. Meanwhile, at TC Hotel In one of the rooms behind Ty's office, Jenn lays on a hospital bed with iv's hooked up to her. Santino is meanwhile sitting in the living room, cutting up candy so it can be sold, He hears, Jenn making sounds and moving around . He gets up, and walks into the bedroom. Jenn looks at Santino. Still a little weak she tries to speak. "Where's Tyler?" Santino "He's taking care of business. He'll be here shortly." Jenn "Where am I?" Santino "You're in one the rooms here at the Hotel." Jenn "Why am I not at the hospital? Who saved me?" Santino "Listen. Don't worry about all that. You're going to be ok. The doctor said so. You just need to get some rest to build your strength up." Then Jenn has a pain in her right shoulder and she puts her hand on it as if that's going to stop it. She then remembers that Ty shot her. "Ty did this to me. He shot me." She says getting worked up. Santino "Look don't worry about that right now. You need to focus on getting better. Get your rest. Ty will be in here soon." Jenn, still feeling drowsy from the ativan Diego gave her, closes her eyes. Santino watches her as she falls asleep and wonders. How could Ty shoot his beautiful girlfriend. Feeling a bit guilty and not wanting to get choked up emotionally, he goes back into the living room and resumes cutting up the powder. Ty's Office. Abe looks upon his daughter, Mona, whom he thought he killed. Mona "Long time no see pops." Abe "This can't be happening. This is a sick game you two are playing." Mona " You know it's funny because I thought those same things every time you ran that sick dick of yours up in me. A game yes, but this is the truth. I knew you would have doubts pops, so I have proof" Mona pulls out paternity papers from the bag of magic tricks she always carries with her. Abe reads them as Ty, finishing up his drug stick ashes it. Ty "I got some really good weed chief. You sure you don't want me to roll you up a blunt? I know you need one right about now." Mona "I do. We could have a drug session. Me and my pops." Abe puts the papers down, as images of Mona as a young girl, is tied up to a bed, in a mountain resort in Sierra Madre, Abe keeps having images of molesting his daughter. Abe "How?.. " Is the only thing Abe can get out being at a loss for words Mona "Didn't you hear Ty, his fathers' people." Abe "So you are the one who is stalking Kevin and Sharan? You're behind all the strange things that's been happening? The pink roses with the secret camera hidden inside, ramming of Kevin's car door. These notes." Mona "You're smart pops." Abe "So why now, what do you want?" Looking at Ty," Why are you involved with this?" Mona "I want revenge. On you and your family. Kevin, Karim, my mother." Abe "Please leave them alone, they don't have nothing to do with this. I did this." Mona "That's too bad. Like I had no choice when you beat me and raped me day in and day out. I didn't have a say so all those hellifeid nights you put me through. You get no say. So now i'm going to destroy you Abe. Your are going to pay for doing this to me you sick Bastard. You are the reason I hate men. I can't trust no one. I have no self respect. I can't even look myself in the mirror because all I see is a young girl, me, your daughter. Being raped night after night." Mona, a true soldier, and tough as nails, finally breaks that hard shell of hers, with tears forming in her eyes as she relives the pain and horror Abe put her through. Ty "I'm in on it so I can avenge my fathers arrest. You locked him up. A mistake I might add." Abe, with tears now forming in his eyes "Mona I am sorry." Mona gets up and socks her father right in the jaw with a closed fist. Blood begins to drip from his mouth "Sorry. You rapped and tortured me for 15 years. Kept me from my family. And all you can say is sorry. I'm fucked up in the head because of you And all you can say you're sorry." Abe sits in silence, gathering his thoughts, his first thoughts are "So what do you two want? You're going to tell the world what I did? " Mona "Well it doesn't have to go down like that." Abe "What do you want?" Mona "I'm going to need you to leave Ty alone, call off your men who's watching him." Ty "I also want you to quit harassing Daniel too. He's been through enough." Mona "And we want you to turn a blind eye to the goings on, that's about to happen here in Pasadena." Abe "What do you mean? What's about to happen?" Mona "Just like a soap opera, you have to stay tuned for that one." Abe "Please don't hurt my family. They had nothing to do with this. Your mother had no idea you were even alive. I made her believe you were dead. Your brothers have nothing to do with this either. Just come after me. Just leave your brother and mother alone." Mona "Why should I? You didn't leave me alone every time I screamed and pleaded with you to stop raping me. You showed me no mercy. And now I'm going to show no mercy. I have no love for you or my so called family. I'm alone in this world. I have no one but me so I'm going to make sure no one uses me or abuse me aver again. I'm going to make you and your family pay for what you did to me. So fasten your seat belt pops, I'm just getting started." Ty "And one more thing, I'm going to need you to talk to the governor, Arnold Swahcamnager and get a pardon for my father." Abe "That's going to be next to impossible." Ty "If you can make your family believe Mona died at child birth, keep her chained up and torture and rape her for 15 years than surely you can get a pardon for my father. If you don't want to lose everything, I suggest you make it possible." Abe "This is absurd." Mona "Shut the fu(k up." She gives her father a left hook to his lips again. "You getting on my nerves. Do what we ask or everyone will know what kind of sick perverse bastard you are. Now get to stepping, be gone, before I pull my 9 mm out and pump your head full of holes." Ty, smirks at Abe "It's nice doing business with you Chief." Abe shakes his head at both of them and slowly gets up out of his chair and leaves TC Hotel as he prays Mona and Ty will not harm his family.. Ty "Perfect, now Abe is out the way. Now Sharan is all yours." Mona "I have been waiting for this day for 4 months. I can't believe I'm about to have my Nubian queen." Ty "She's all yours. So when are you going to strike?" Mona "You don't need to know all that. I'll call you when I have her. But I will say this, I'll have her in the next few days." Mona puts her black veil on and leaves Ty's office. Ty reclines in his office chair, enjoys his high and basks in his victory over the police chief of Pasadena. Ty "I own this city now. I can do what ever it is I want." He says with a smirk on his face.
  15. aMLCproduction


    My bad, I am new to yens blog, but I am loving what I am reading
  16. aMLCproduction


    Ooh wee. I decided to check you guys out and I am glad I did I love the short length. Episode moved VERY FAST. So glad to see Abe in the mix of things. Also glad to see Marlena and Kate as enemies. And hold up, are you telling me that Helena and Abe fathered EJ or did I mis read? This Helena story is very interesting. I know this is Jay's doing. He love him some ABC soaps. GREAT EPISODE and I look forward to the next
  17. ahh i see, so what is Abby being treated for? ANd yes I do remeber them winning the Vendtta game right? And more thing I forgot to metion I loved the little back story that yens gave Ms. Flowers. So the Dimera child isnt John, now I am going to have to wrack my brain. I guess I'll just wait to see what happends
  18. WOW. THis is [!@#$%^&*] crazy When you read S.T.E.A.M. Matt you will understand What a great twist and reveal. Was not expecting that all. Great job with the episode N. Lee. It was leaps and bounds than 91. It all flowed so well LOVED the catights and boxxing matches. Reminds that I haven't done a catfight in a while on my blog. But BOY was it coming for all of them Jenn vs C and Nick vs Carlos. As old as Agatha is I am glad she didn't get hurt trying to pull these two wolves apart. Jon considering kidnapping his duahgter. O GOD. This is getting really good. I can't wait to see how this plays out and where the hell is Owne and what is going on with him Who has him and why? I think Mika was hired to kill Will. And where is my Ginny. She needs to be on contract. Loved the Nate scenes and what a good message to get out there I hope no more people die, I can't take much more Trella, Lenvy,London, Nan, B,
  19. wow good episode. LOVED the recap of histories with Forrest and Daphne. Thank you so much. I bet the other son is John. SO GLAD Steve and Hope are getting" Closer" Who is Jean? And for the life of me I can't figure out what kind of place is Abby in? Love the pics you guys use. Very classy and bright.
  20. Very intersting. I wonder what Helena and Steffy are up to
  21. Wow, I wonder what Liz is hiding. I hope Steve and Hope get closer on there trip. I also loved how Alex stood up to his mom regarding her and Jack. How old is Alex? And I feel so bad for Jack, he is really caught up in the middle
  22. Wow I didn't even realize you had posted two episodes until I posted in the My son TV thread. I don't know how I missed it earlier. But still a good episode. I really like Lynn and Greg together. I think the have hot chemistry
  23. Dr. Diego Serrano walks into the lobby of TC Hotel. Santino, who was waiting for him escort to the room where Ty has Jenn. Ty "Diego, thank you for coming so fast?" Diego does quick vitals on Jenn and begins to apply pressure to stop Jenn's gunshot wound from bleeding. Diego "Why didn't you call 911 or take her to the hospital. She's not doing good! We have to transport her to the E.R. now!" Diego pulls out his cell phone and Ty nods his head at his 2nd hand man Santino, letting him know, to take Diego's phone. Diego "What the hell is going on here?" Ty "Doctor, I can't let you take Jenn to the hospital I can't have the police involved in anyway. That's why I called you here. I need you to personally care for her here, and what ever you need let me know, money is not an option." Diego "This is insane. I can't be a part of this. Police,... who shot her?!" Santino, brining in a black duffel bag out of Ty's office, unzips it in front of Diego revealing a bag full of money. Ty "There is 5 million dollars in that duffel bag. Again, I'm going to need you to care for Jenn right here, and keep this under wraps. Will that be a problem for you Doctor?" Diego "No sir,.. not at all." Santino zips the duffel bag back up and throws it down at Diego's feet. Diego begins to try and remove the bullet with surgical utensils, from his black medical bag. Thought's of Jenn rolling over and looking him in the eyes as she says "Why?" Keep playing in his head over and over again In Ty's head. He keeps having flashes of him turning around and shooting Jenn. Unable to bear any more pressure, Ty, a man to never loses his cool, goes to his office, to smoke some weed, taking some of the stress of his mind at the same time trying to make sense of everything happening around him. Just as Ty is about to flick his Bic, Police Chief Abe Williams walks into his office. Ty, not flinching, and as always cool, calm, and collected, continues to light up his Mary stick and even has the balls to exhale the 420 smoke in the Abe's face Episode: 49 Written by: ML C, with Monique Bitches The Jump Off Ria is sitting at the bar by her lonsome, thinking of Ashely's funeral, and how she caught Dondre kissing Sharan. Ria shakes her head back and forth and then takes her double shot of Armandale. A woman grabs a seat next to Ria at the bar and orders herself a glass of Moet. Ria looks at the woman. "I've never had Moet before. Is is any good?" Woman "I wouldn't be drinking it if it wasn't any good." Ria "I know that's right. I'm Victoria, but I like Ria better." Woman, putting her hand out to shake, "I"m Lisa . " Ria "It's nice to meet you Lisa." Lisa "Same here, but I don't know how much longer I am going to be here." She spins around and bops her head to the music which is " Party Like a Rock Star by R. Kelly and Ludacris"These mens in here look dusted and digusted." Ria "I was telling my home girl the exact same thang." Lisa laughs and puts her glass up to toast with Ria's double shot of Armandale. Lisa "To dusty men" Ria "To Dusty men" They clank there glass and shot glass and sip up. Ria "You know, what they say, the ugly ones are the one who got the biggest dicks though." Lisa "That's a lie. I know some fine ass men, intelligent men, sexxy buiness men, who slanging big thangs. The complete package. The swagger, the abs, the body, pretty pearly whites, money. It's out there. It is possible" Ria "Maybe I need to be looking where your looking. I just got out of a relationship with a sucessful business man for cheating on him with a thug" Lisa "Damn girl. How you get caught?" Ria "Some nosey ass Bitch." Lisa "They are the worst. Look, you seem like you very down to earth, strong willed. You seem like a woman who is adventrous." Ria "Uhm....., it sounds like your coming on to me?" Lisa "Girl Please. I don't get down like that." She pauses " Only on Fridays" She laughs and Ria laughs at her joke as well. Lisa "No but foreal, I love dick all day every day." Ria "Me too. Smack it up, flip it, rub it down" Lisa "That's my song girl, I love me some Bell Biv Devoe. But see it's not all about dick. It has to be about satisfying your self completely. Getting in touch with yourself. Getting in touch with your most inner darkest desires. Experience what this good earth has to offer. Good dick comes in all shapes and sizes." Ria "What are you trying to say to me?" Lisa "I want you to join my sorority, "AplhaPhiFuckEm"" Ria is stunned Wanting, to release some built up stress, Mark decides to go grab a quick drink before going to find Natalia and confronting her about these hang up calls he's been receiving as of late. He knows dealing with Natalia is no easy task and a drink will keep him relaxed. Walking over to the bar of The Jump Off, Mark orders a glass of 1800. Waiting for his drink, Mark turns around and sees Natalia, dancing to Duffel Bag Boy by Lil Wayne. The bar tender hands Mark his drink and Mark gulps it down at once and decides it's time to confront Natalia. Natalia seeing Mark approaching begins to walk over to him. She opens up her arms to hug him but he shoves them away. Mark "Why do you keep harassing me?" Natalia "What do you mean baby?" Mark "The phone calls, you telling Diego about us. You really have it in for me don't you?" Natalia "What phone calls, what are you talking about?" Mark "I 'm tired of you treating me like I'm dumb. The hangup calls on my cell and on Dahlia's hospital phone." Natalia, frowning up "I am not calling you and hanging up. What purpose would that serve?" Mark "I don't know you tell me. The same purpose it served when you filed theft charges against Dahlia, the same purpose it served when you blackmailed me into having sex with you, and the same purpose it served when you told Diego about it!" Natalia "Mark I love you. I did all that for love." Mark "Your [!@#$%^&*] crazy. You saw me one time, planted a kiss on me, and bam you love me! You need help!" Natalia "Mark, I really don't know why your so upset, but I promise you I am not the one calling you. Hell you can tap my phone if you want to." As she says that Mark's new cell phone rings. He pulls it from his pocket and after saying hello, and getting no answer, he realizes that Natalia is telling the truth. "Who are you? What do you want?" He hollers into the phone over the loud music. The phone clicks. Mark shakes his head in frustration "Damn, who is harassing me?" Natalia, wonders if it's Diego. Just then Mark's phone rings again. He answers "What the hell do you want from me?" "This is Huntington Memorial Hospital, and I am calling you to let you know that Dahlia was awoke from her coma." Mark " Thank God! I'll be right there." Natalia Is everything ok?" Mark "It is now, Dahlia is awake." Mark leaves to go to the hospital. Natalia begins to panic, having worked so hard to get Mark, it may all go up in flames now that her enemy is awoke from her coma. The stress of the situation causes Natalia to feel light headed, and she ultimately faints. Party goers see the vixen fall and dial 911. Alexis, with Karim watch the Paramedics pull Natalia out the club entrance, Natalia, who has come to sees Alexis and stares at her. She remembers Alexis was arguing with Sabryn at Ashely's funeral. Natalia continues to stare at Alexis as the ambulance doors close. As the ambulance heads to Hunington Memorial, She thinks to her self," I could use her to help me finish taking Sabryn out." Even through dire health, Natalia's still continues to plot and scheme. Alexis, feeling a bit odd at the way Natalia was looking at her, speaks on it "Did you notice how she was looking at me?" Karim "I did. Strange." Alexis "Indeed. I wonder what happened? Maybe this isn't such a good idea?" Karim, overhearing people say she passed out "You hear that, She just fainted. Maybe she was too drunk. Let's go inside." Alexis smiles at him and they enter the club. Karim and Alexis both see Ria over at the bar. Karim "Damn. The last thing I need. To run into her and her causing a scene as always." Alexis "Don't even let her bother you like that. Although I didn't appreciate her calling me a Bitch at my sisters funeral. I don't even know her." Karim "That's Ria for you. She hold's nothing back. Will say whatever is on her mind." Alexis "I see that runs a lot around in here in Pasadena." Karim, frowning "What do you mean?" Alexis "My sister always told me how much of a smart ass Sabryn was." Karim "I don't know nothing about that. Every time I come in contact with her, She was friendly. She can be very stern I know that. My company just signed on to this new venture line with her. Elegante." Alexis "Karim please, I don't want to talk about business, especially with the competition, I own my own fashion house as well, Divine Design. Perhaps you may have heard?" Karim "I believe so, your based out of New York right?" Alexis "Wow I'm impressed you heard of Divine. It's a small fashion house for now, but since I'm here in Pasadena on the west coast, there's not a better time than to branch out and start a west coast production." Karim "I see. Good sex, competition at work, I like this." Alexis "Do you?" She says as she turns and faces him, kissing his moist lips. Karim "Yes I do. Fighting against each other at day and sexxing each other at nights." Alexis "I like that too daddy." She says as she kisses him passionately That is until Ria walks up behind them and clears her throat. They stop kissing and Alexis, who's back was turned from Ria turns to face her rolling her eyes. Karim takes a deep sigh, knowing once again Ria is going to cause another outrageous scene. Back at TC Hotel, Ty's Office Ty boldly continues to smoke his drug stick in front of the police chief. "Can I help you chief?" Abe "What the hell do you think your doing?" Ty "What does it look like? I'm smoking." Abe "Your under arrest Mr. Christopher. You have the right to remain silent....-" Ty "I think you need to be silent. Have you checked your mail box lately Chief?" Abe freezes up, and remembers he found an ominous letter that read" Secrets have a way of coming out. The skeletons in your closet will be reveled." "So you have been the one who's been sending this notes." Ty "I wouldn't say all that?" Abe "What are you saying then? Get to the point. I got a call about a gun going off here. What is going on Tyler?" Ty "Nothing you should be concerned about. I got everything under control."" Abe "Your under arrest." Ty "You arrest me, and all of Pasadena will you know you killed your daughter 10 years ago." Abe freezes up Ty "Yeah,( he chuckles) "I thought that would get your attention. You wanna hit this blunt? I know you are stressing right now" Abe "You don't have a clue what you're talking about" Ty "Oh don't I?" Abe "You can't black mail an officer of the law." Ty "Your no man of the law. You're a molester. A perfect liar. It's really funny what people are hiding behind smiling faces." Abe, is stuck. Knowing this is the truth does not know what to do. His heart begins to pound against his chest. "I- I..." Ty "What? Do I got your tongue?" Abe "You have no proof. That must be some good weed, it's really got your mind in overdrive." Ty "In fact, I do have proof Chief. You see I am hiding something behind my smiling face. Not only do I know you killed your own daughter, well I should say, you think you killed her." Abe, looking more confused than ever "What the hell are you talking about?" Ty "See what you don't know, is my father, I am sure you know him, you did put him behind bars, had his people watching you, for years. They knew about your secret child you held captive and molested. 10 years ago, you tried setting her on fire, and when she didn't die, you tried to bury her alive." Abe is stunned, sweat rolling down his forehead as he hears this horrible nightmarish truth. "Why didn't your father come out with the info when I arrested him. It was Carl wasn't it? Carl Hutchins? And your Tyler Christopher Hutchins. His son." Ty "Ding, Ding, you win. Now let me tell you what you've won. I got two doors, door number one, or door number two. See After you left that pit you dug for your daughter, after you left her there to die, my father had his men dig her up. My father didn't know any of this until he was already sentenced. No one would believe him. He was Pasadena public enemy at the time." Abe "Your right about that. And you're here to carry on the drug dynasty?" Ty "Your right. And there won't be a damn thing you can do about it. Now back to the prize, behind door number is your daughter. Yup that's right, she's a live." A door opens and in walks the Lady in Black, Mona "Hello pops, Long time no see"
  24. Trish is so beautiful. Great episode. I love how mysterious ans suspense your episodes always are. And like I said many times before, I love how you use TONS of dialog to tell your stories and convey emotions.
  25. aMLCproduction


    did you make this one?
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