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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Huntington Memorial Hospital Ty, with new woman Jenn right by his side enters the psych ward. They exchange a kiss as they wait for Daniel to come greet them in the visitors lounge. Jenn "Last night was so great." Ty "I do my best to please. You are well worth it." Jenn "I haven't been this happy since, I can't even remember. No more greasy pub and lonely nights for me." Ty "You're right about that." He kisses her. Daniel clears his throat as he enters the room. Ty smiles and hugs his number one right hand man. "It's good to see you Danny boy." Daniel "I see you finally got the girl." Ty "Yes I did." Daniel "How are you Jenn?" Jenn "I'm great and you?" Daniel "Look at where I'm at. Ty, man you have to get me out of here." Ty, looking at Jenn "Here, take this (pulling a wad of cash from his pocket) " Go get something pretty. I have a surprise for you." Jenn, (flabbergasted, that the man she has longed for just gave her cash to go shopping, "I can get used to this"*she thinks to herself*) "Wow, A surprise. Ty you are to much." Ty "Nothing is to much for the woman I love. Have a good time. I'll meet you in a little while." He kisses her and she leaves. Ty and Daniel sit down. Daniel "Abe came by last night." Ty "Is that so? And what did the chief have to say this time?" Daniel "He's watching us." Ty "Is that right? That must mean he has to much time on his hands. I'll have to change that." Daniel "So that means you're going to play your trump card?" Ty "I believe so. The time has come. I can't let Abe stop me from making my money. Mike is out the way, I got the girl, so it's time for phase two. It's time to start blackmailing Abe with his past. Once Abe is out the way, I can put my own man in the Chief's place and that will mean I don't have to look over my shoulder when I sell my product. Speaking of which. I haven't heard from Mona in some days. Have you?" Upon Ty asking him that, he gets nervous and gets up and looks out the window overlooking the parking lot Ty "What's the matter?" Daniel "Nothing. I just need to get out of here." Ty "O.k. I'll see what I can do. I really need to ask you something man. This has been on my mind and I can't put it to rest until I hear it from you." Daniel turns to him and looks at him, knowing that Ty is being really serious. "What is it?" Ty "Please tell me you did not try to off yourself. Someone set this up didn't they? Tell me who it is You know I won't let them get away with this?" Daniel pauses, wanting to tell Ty about Mona, but afraid that if he does, Mona will kill Lauren just like she tried to kill him. Daniel's gut instinct is to tell his boos the truth, knowing he is powerful and will protect him like a brother, but because he loves Lauren so much, he continues to lie. "Ty, I really did try to commit suicide." Ty "Danny, man you know you could have come to me about anything. You know I consider you like a brother to me." Ty hugs him then stops. "Look man, I need to get going. I'm getting to emotional." Daniel laughs Ty "Don't tell no body." He says laughing with Daniel. "I'm going to see what I can do to get you out of here. I need you in the streets pushing my product. My cash flow is hurting right now. Santino can't push product like you. So I'll be in contact." Ty leaves. Daniel turns around to look out the window once more. He hears a woman clears her throat and he turns around to see Mona, dressed like a white nurse again! Episode :39 Written by ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHE$ The Jump Off Mike is drinking a Heineken at the Bar. "May I join you?" Mike turns around and sees it's Jodie "Suit yourself" Jodie orders a Heineken as well. "Mike, can you just listen to me for a second?" Mike "Sure" Jodie "I know that you seeing me with Ty at The Blue Note has cast doubts about my character." Mike "To say the least." Jodie "Like I told you that night. You don't understand." Mike "Then Jodie, help me understand since you have the answers for everything." Jodie "I don't have a lot of money. When I went into TC Hotel I didn't know it was Ty's Hotel. He offered to give me a room free if I went to dinner with him. So I accepted." Mike "I didn't know you were for sale." Jodie "It's not like that Mike. I need to pinch my pennies. I don't have a job yet. So what was I supposed to do?" Mike "I don't know Jodie, you tell me. What I can't figure out is, when I called you, your phone kept going to voice mail. I feel like you were ignoring my calls for Ty," Jodie "No. Not the case of all. I knew if I told you what I was doing or with whom, you would-" Mike "What be upset? You're right. I told you how Ty has ruined my life. Got me suspended then fired, takes Jenn from me. Then I see you dining with him. What am I supposed to think to think Jodie?" Jodie "Mike please. It was not as if I was trying to get with him." Mike "How do I know?" Jodie "Trust me when I say that" Mike "I don't know you like that to be trusting you. Based on your actions, my mind is sending me the red flag when it comes to you. I mean what if Ty offered you a million dollars to sleep with him?" Jodie "Mike don't be ridiculous. You don't understand. That would never happen. Even if he offered me 2 million. I'm not that type of woman no more." Mike almost spits his beer out upon hearing her last statement. Mike "What do you mean no more?" Jodie, realizing she just said way to much tries to think of an answer to cover up her last line. She just decides to tell Mike the truth, to prove to him that she is sincere, and maybe gain his sympathy "I used to be a prostitute." Midtown Pasadena, High Klass Hair Sharan pulls away from Dondre's Kiss when she sees Kevin stepping out the limo. "Kevin is here." Sharan greets him outside. Dondre, is left standing there, looking at the woman he loves run into the arms of another man. He shakes his head in disappointment that Kevin has showed up, stopping his kiss with Sharan, not knowing how far it was going to go. Outside Sharan "Hi baby, This is a surprise. What are you doing here in a limo?" Kevin kisses her. "We have been around so many crazy things lately that I think it's time for us to have a good time." Sharan "I like where this is going." Kevin "Were going to the Old Pasadena Jazz Fest in beautiful Brookside Park." Sharan "Baby, I can't wait. It's been a while since I saw some live Jazz. Who's going to be playing?" She asks as she gets in the limo Kevin "The great Norman Brown." Sharan lays in his arms, thinking of her kiss with Dondre. Kevin "Dondre didn't make any moves on you today did he?" Sharan, looking at him out of guilt, "Baby what are you talking about?" Kevin "You know Dondre has a track record of trying to get mixed up with involved woman." Sharan "Even if he did baby, I love you. You have nothing to worry about." Kevin smiles at her "That's what I like to hear." He kisses her as the limo arrives at Brookside Park. TC Hotel, The Bar Karim sips on his cognac and Alexis sips on her Sex on the Beach Karim "So how long you're going to be here in Pasadena?" Alexis "Oh I don't know. My sister needs some soul searching and I'm here to help her get her act together. I don't even think she knows I'm here yet. I tried to call her but we got a bad signal due the storm." Karim "Yea. That was some storm." Alexis "Try driving a u-haul in it." Karim "Oh, that is your big u-haul I see out in front. I couldn't imagine a little thing like you driving something so big." Alexis "Yea well I won't let that happen again. I think I hit something or ran up on a curb or something. But you know what? I love driving big things." She winks at him, and he smiles. "You have such a beautiful smile. It makes me tingly on the inside." Karim "Is that right? I'm known for making the ladies to feel other things too." Alexis "I bet. When can I find out papi?" Karim "Uhm, you're blunt. I like that about you." Alexis "You ever hear of clothes mouths don't get fed?" Karim "Yes I have." Alexis plants a kiss on him. Huntington Memorial Hospital Bryan sits in the waiting room in shock, reeling from the news that Ashley is dead. "This can't be happening. This has to be a dream." Sabryn, feeling Bryan's pain holds him "It was an accident. A freak accident. That's all." Bryan "Sabryn, she's dead because of me. Her death is on my hands." Her phone rings "Hello,…Gilbert, this really isn't a good time….. You can't be serious….OK I'm on my way." She hangs her phone up. "I have to go to the office. Chinese terrorist has hacked into my computer systems. I really hate to leave, but this is major." Bryan "Go ahead. I understand…Wait, you said you had something to tell me." She smiles at him "Yes I do, it's some news you need to hear. Don't worry, it's good I think. You can look forward to it that's for sure. Why don't you meet me at The Blue Note. You need to eat something." Bryan "No, I just want things back they way they used to be." Sabryn "I understand. But I have a ray of hope for you. I'll see you soon." She leaves, and Bryan wonders what she has to tell him. "Could it be she wants to reunite". Deciding to pay some respects to Ashley, he goes into see her dead body. He slowly walks over to her. "Ashley, I am so sorry. More sorry than you could ever imagine. I never meant for you to get caught with me like this. " He holds her cold hand. "I didn't know much about you, but I really pray you are resting in peace. May God Bless you." He wipes a tear from his eye. He then gently kisses her hand and walks out the room. As the door closes , Ashley sits up!……
  2. Great episode Redd. I really love the opening act, very nice set up. It was as if Novi had a big week in daytime and then ran a special prime time episode. I also love dialog Cassandra is so dirty and I know Yvette isn't going to let her hurt her mother. But I know the truth is bound to come out. I wish I had the officer the hit man came across.
  3. aMLCproduction

    Cast Update

    It's official, Ashely Jones has left the building. Her exit was storyline dictated. We thank Ms. Jones for her time and talent, and we wish her luck with her role on B&B. States usually quiet, Monique Bitches, 2nd in command. "I had a blast playing this role. It was fun and very entertaining to say the least. I am saddend it has come to an end. I'm going to miss those catfights with my co-star Sabryn." the actress was quoted as saying. Her sister, Alexis Jones, played by the wonderful Alexis Thorpe, ex Cassie on Days is now on contract. Her storyline will really begin to pick up. She will become involved with Karim and the diva Ria. It has been a battle on who Ty's driver should be. My team and I fought about this for weeks, so finally with out further do, Les Brandt, formerly Rafael of AW has already joined the cast of STEAM. He plays Ty's driver, Santino. Look for Santino to mix it up with the people of Pasadena. The role is recurring The Season Finale is just around the corner so be on the look out for more cast changes
  4. Westwood Park, Natalia's House Coming out from the bathroom, Ria joins Natalia in her breakfast nook. Natalia "I know that shower felt good" Ria "Yes it did" She digs in to some waffles and strips of bacon. Natalia "I wasn't able to tell you last night that Mark and I had sex." Ria "The man you saw in your store?" Natalia "That's him." Ria "Was it good?" Natalia "Girl yes, all nine inches of him." Ria "Girl I know that's right. I know you put it on him." Natalia "You know I did." Ria "Reminds me of Dondre. True Mandingo right there. But I guess I won't be getting me some of that no more. Thanks to that nosy Sharan." Natalia "That is messed up. Knowing you, I know you not going to let her get away with this?" Ria "Hell to the no. I have to teach her a lesson." Natalia "What are you going to do?" Ria "I really haven't thought about it yet. But trust me, she will be sorry for dipping in my business." Natalia "Sounds like we in the same boat." Ria "What you talking about?" Natalia "Sabryn fired me." Ria "Girl you lying. For what?" Natalia "Some B.S. about I didn't inform her about the theft charges I filed against Dahlia." Ria "That's Mark's woman right.?" Natalia "Used to be." Ria "Girl, I know that's right. I finally taught you how to get what you want." Natalia "Listen why don't you come to the hospital with me and we can see what's going on there." Ria "Hospital? What you talking Natti?" Natalia "Dahlia has been stabbed." Ria "Shut yo' mouth. Yea Let's go. We can devise a plan to get these Bitches back" Natalia smiles and they both get in Natti's Chrysler 300 and heads to the hospital. Suga, who has been staked outside her house follows Natalia on Episode: 38 Written by: ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Huntington Memorial Hospital As Diego has finally stops the bleeding from Dahlia's stab wounds, she is now in stable condition. He looks at her face. "What a pretty woman to be coming from jail. I wonder what the story is" Diego charts on Dahlia and decides to bait Mark to see if he can find out what happened to Dahlia. Mark approaches Diego as he sees him come out the room "How is she?" Diego "I was able to stitch close the stab wounds. She took 3 direct hits right in her uterus. I'm sorry but Dahlia will never be able to have children. " Mark "Damn. That is one of her biggest dreams. To have a family. I don't know how she is going to take this." Diego "I got a question if you don't mind?" Mark "Go ahead doctor." Diego "How did she end up in jail?" Mark pauses, flashing back in his head to when he was kissing Natalia at the SG Fashion Outlet store, Dahlia comes out the dressing room to see her man lip locking with Natalia and storms out the store, wearing an outfit that was not paid for. "Doctor, it's a long story. Let's just say, that Dahlia was innocent. So she will be ok right?" Diego "For the moment yes. She is in a shock induced coma." Mark "Can I see her?" Diego "Yes" Mark enters the rooms as Diego watches him. He thinks to himself" Something is not right." Meanwhile, in Daniel's room Daniel "Chief, I did nothing wrong, so If you would please leave, I am going home." Abe "That's what you think?" Daniel "What is that supposed to mean?" Abe "Answer some questions Mr. Cosgrove?" Daniel "Do I win some money if I get them all right?" Abe "Not exactly. You get to remain out of jail, now please stop being an ass and stop wasting my time." Daniel (mocking him) "Yes sir" Abe "Did you try to commit suicide, or did some one set it up like a suicide?" Before he answers. Remembers Mona telling him, if he told a soul about her shooting him, that would cost Lauren her life "I tried to do the world a favor and off myself." Abe "Are you selling drugs for Tyler Christopher?" Daniel (Lying) "No sir I am not" Abe "Is Mr. Christopher selling drugs?" Daniel "Shouldn't you be asking him that" Abe "I'm asking you. Now answer" Taking out his cuffs. Daniel "No sir." Abe "Then how were you able to get a hold of some meth last night?" Daniel (Lying again) "I don't know man. Some thug on Colorado Blvd. Is that all? I am ready to go." Abe "No deals. You're not going no where." Daniel "Am I under arrest?" Abe "No, but you are going to the psych ward." Daniel "No please. I am ok. I won't do drugs again. Please don't send me there. I'll go crazy." Abe "Relax. It's routine. You tried to commit suicide. This hospital will not allow you to leave without getting a complete psych evaluation. Good day Mr. Cosgrove. I really hoped you told me the truth. I'm watching you and your boss Ty." Abe walks out the room. "Damn Mona. I have to put a stop to all her madness." He think in his head. Back in Westwood Park, Lauren House Lauren wipes the sweat off her face to answer her door bell. She sees it's Chris, with a dozen of red roses. She smiles "Those are beautiful. Please come in. I would hug you but I feel nasty. I've been sweating, packing these boxes." Chris enters her house. He looks around and sees boxes filled with clothes and personal belongings. Chris "Are you moving some where?" Lauren "No, I am just packing Daniel's things. He's out of my life for good." Chris "I really don't know what to say. I mean I'm happy because that means, he won't be an obstacle between us." Lauren "You're right. Do you know he was high on Meth last night?" Chris "Woah, that's serious. And sad. That really explains why was acting so rash last night." Lauren "Yes it does. Chris, I can't believe he fooled me again." Chris "It's not your fault. You were just being there. You thought something was wrong with him. I did too." He holds her. Lauren "Oh. Please Chris don't. I feel so yucky." Chris places his arms on her shoulders and stares into her eyes. "You are the most beautiful and caring sweating woman I have ever met." He kisses her. Lauren, getting into the kiss, holds Chris, rubbing her hands up and down his back. Chris pulls Lauren's hair, rough but as not to hurt her, her head is tilted back and he sucks on her neck. Her neck, being her weak spot, she knows that if Chris sucks to hard, she'll get one of those high school sucker bites. She pulls away, smiling at him. Lauren "Why don't we take a shower together." Chris licks his lips and pulls his shirt off. Lauren smiles as she looks at his rock hard abs. She walks up to him and plays with his hairs that is around his nable. Lauren "You're sexy too." She kisses him. Chris picks her and Lauren wraps her legs around Chris. Through her spandex, Lauren can feel Chris hard on through his pants. They walk into her bedroom and he lays her down on the bed. He takes her spandex and panties off, then unbuttons his pants, slides down his boxers, and Lauren feast her eyes on his "Cuban stogie". Lauren "Looks tasty, Can I taste it?" Chris smiles and standing up, with her sitting on the bed, Lauren puts her mouth on the stogie, and after she slobs it real good, they make love. Back at The Hospital Ria and Natalia enter the E.R. as Mark comes out Dahlia's room Mark "What the hell are you doing here?" Ria "Hold on man. No need to get hostile. Can't you see she is here to support you." Mark "And who are you? Her cheerleader." Ria (taking out her earrings) "Look , you don't know me all like that-" Natalia "Ria, it's ok girl. Why don't you grab us some coffee real fast." Ria rolls her eyes at both Mark and Natalia and walks off. Natalia "I came to see if your ex is going to be ok." Mark "My ex, you are crazy. I am thinking about turning you into to the police for black mailing me. You told me If I had sex with you, you would drop the charges. You didn't and now look at Dahlia, she can never have kids . Are you happy about that?" Mark turns around and goes back in Dahlia's room. Natalia's phone rings. "Hello?" "It's Suga. You got my money?" Natalia "Uhm, (getting nervous) not yet. I got fired see and-" Suga "Look, you paid me to do a job. I stabbed Dahlia for you. Now I don't want to hear no sob story." Natalia "You don't have to remind me that I paid you to stab Dahlia. It's just going to take a few more hours, that's all." She hangs up and is about to go find Ria until Diego stops her. Natalia "Can I help you?" Diego "You yea can, I just heard everything. Your affair with Mark, and you paid someone to stab Dahlia." Natalia is speechless, she's exposed………
  5. Guess what Matt, I have no questions this time. I understood everything I KNOW MY GIRL NAN is not really dead. Matt I am going to be so mad if she really is. That Nan flash back with her being pregnant then her getting runned down was vicious. I can't believe Trella is dead. And Now Lenvy. Now there goes my dreams for a Lenvy/Trella pairing. Ava was tripping in this episode. I still feel her pain but home girl needs to move on. I am feeling this Nate person. He seems like a man with a mission and he sure did dog Chordelia asking was that her name. Good episode except for Nan/Lenvy/Trella dying. P.S. where did you get the name Chordelia from?
  6. The Jump Off Dondre and Chris are drinking beers at the bar. Dondre "It has been a crazy day man." Chris "O yea, why you say that?" Dondre "Somehow, I fell asleep in my recliner, 11:30 last night and I woke up bout 3 hours ago." Chris "You must have been tired. What's crazy about that?" Dondre "When I woke up, Ria, Sharan, and there dudes were in my house." Chris "In your house, how did they get in?" Dondre "That's a good question. Ria claim she rode past my house last night and it looked like some one broke in. She found a note in my lap saying I know about the affair." Chris "Now that sounds real strange. Was anything missing from your house?" Dondre "Naw man. I didn't see nothing out of place. But get this, Karim put the pieces together about me and Ria so now he knows that we been having booty calls. He figured out about where she was the night of TC Hotel's party." Chris "Damn, that is messed up. What happened next?" Dondre "Karim dumped her ass. I'm just worried about how Sharan gone feel about me now that she know I been creeping with Ria." Chris "Do you still think you got a chance with her?" Dondre "I don't even know. Ria admitting to the affair certainly didn't help. I got to find a way to let her know I am a good man, the man she need to be with." Chris "You know, I almost feel you what you going through." Dondre "O word?" Chris "Yea, me and Lauren are getting very close. That was until Daniel came down to the Blue Note interrupting our date and he acted all kinds of crazy. Grabbing her, oushing her around." Dondre "I didn't know he was out the coma already." Chris "You telling me. But he's out. I don't know, I know deep down Lauren got a soft spot for Daniel and now that he's out the coma, I really don't know how her feelings are going to be for him and for me. They share a long history together. I can't compete with that." Dondre "I don't know man. The night of the Hotel party, she was pissed at him. I don't think she's going to get back with him. That's why you need to stake your claim now. Don't let Daniel get a chance to come between you and Lauren." Chris "I don't know. We'll see I guess. So what about you and Ria? Are you still going to be seeing her?" Dondre "Naw man. I am good on her. I told her from jump no dramas. Just booty calls. She admitted to the affair. I don't get down like that. What Karim don't know won't hurt him. She should have denied it. Besides, I'm bout to focus on my mission to make Sharan mines." Chris "Good luck man…Good luck" He says as they both finish the rest of their beer on Episode: 37 Written by: ML Cooks, with MON!QUEB!TCHE$ A new Day arrives In Pasadena and it's a sunny one today Huntington Memorial Hospital Lauren is sleep in the chair sitting next to Daniel. He awakes her. "Lauren?" She slowly awakens Lauren "Good morning." Daniel "I'm am so happy to see you here. You stayed here with me last night?" Lauren "Yes I did. I was really worried about you. How do you feel?" Daniel "I guess I feel ok? What happened?" Lauren "You don't remember?" Daniel "Should I remember something?" Lauren "You came down to The Blue Note last night. You was saying stuff like she's out to get us, you can protect us and.." She pauses. Daniel "And what else?" Lauren "You were grabbing me and pushing me around. I have never seen you act like that before" Daniel "I don't believe this. Lauren I am so sorry. Did I hurt you?" Lauren "I'm ok. It's you I am worried about." Daniel "I can't believe I went down to The Blue Note. I don't recall that at all." Lauren "Listen, I really need to know something." Daniel "What's that?" Lauren "Did you really try to commit suicide or did some one set it up like you did?" Daniel has a flashback of being outside of Lauren's house the night of TC's Hotel Gala. He pulls out a gun and drinks on his Patron bottle. Suddenly, Mona creeps up, reaches inside Daniel's car, grabs his hand with the gun and pulls the trigger. Just as Daniel is about to answer, Diego walks in. "Good Morning, I hope I am not interrupting. I have those test results." Daniel "Test results? What's going on?" Diego "It seems, Mr. Cosgrove, had a very high dose of meth in his system last night. He showed all the classic signs of being on that type of high." Daniel then has a flasback of Mona injecting him with Meth last night. Lauren "Daniel I can't believe this. Even in the hospital you still can't resist the thirst for your drugs. And to think I thought something was really the matter with you. You have done it again. I am sick of this. I'm through caring for you Daniel! You're never going to change are you? Just some tired drug addict. That's all I see you as. I really pray for you." She grabs her purse and leaves the room. Daniel "Lauren, wait! Please you don't understand!" The door closes as Lauren is already gone. Diego "You mind telling me how you were able to leave this hospital and get a hold of some meth and rough up Lauren Mr. Cosgrove?" Daniel "I' don't know what you're talking about." "Then maybe you better start remembering real fast" Police Chief Abe Williams says as he enters the room. High Klass Hair Dondre enters the shop and sees Sharan counting the cash register down. "Good Morning" Sharan "Good morning. I am glad to see you didn't over sleep this morning." Dondre "That's not funny. I still don't know what happened." Sharan "Maybe you should call Chief Williams" Dondre "Naw, I don't like none of the Williams. I'll call some other cop or something. Listen About last night-" Sharan cuts him off "Dre please. You don't have to explain anything to me." Dondre "I need to. I want you to understand." Sharan "Understand what? You had an affair with an involved woman?" Dondre "I know it looks bad. Look, A man got needs. We all got needs." Sharan "Your needs come before one's relationships and feelings. You are beginning to sound selfish Dondre. Even if Kevin and I were to break up this moment, there no chance I'd ever be with you knowing you are capable of having affairs." Dondre "Wait, Sharan, I didn't have no affair" Sharan "But you did know that Ria was engaged to Karim though right?" Dondre "True." Sharan "Case closed." Dondre "What am I supposed to do Sharan? I have to watch everyday while that punk ass man of yours, call you his woman. Sometimes I feel you and I are closer than you and Kevin are. We laugh, we talk, hell we even cried together Sharan. Remember when your brother went missing, who was there for you when your man was at work? I was. I made you smile again. I turned those tears into laughter. Ria was just something to take my mind of not being with you. I love you. I have needs Sharan. What am I supposed to do? Keep my big D in my pants until you become available?" He grabs her and draws her into a passionate kiss. A limo pulls up outside the shop and out steps Kevin…. Huntington Memorial Hospital Ashley is rushed into the ER as Diego gets a report from paramedics who brought her in. Bryan and Sabryn arrive right behind Ashley Bryan "I can't believe this is happening." Sabryn "Me neither. I hated the Bitch, but I would never wish this on her." Bryan "How did this happen?" Sabryn "I was about to pull into your driveway right behind you when some big u-haul rammed my car into yours and kept driving off." Bryan "It's all my fault. I caused all this" Sabryn can really feel Bryan is in pain and she holds him, for the first time in weeks. He holds her back. Feeling her arms around him puts him at ease a bit. Wanting to hold Sabryn but not in these circumstances. Sabryn "It was just an accident. She'll be ok. We have to pray she is." TC Hotel Alexis gets out her U-haul and walks inside the Hotel. She walks to the front counter and checks into a room. "That storm was so bad, I could barley see anything. I think I ran up on a curb or something." Alexis hands the clerk her credit card and turns around to admire the indoor fountain. But instead she lays her eyes on the Sexxy and now single Karim. Alexis "Wow. He is gorgeous. He's pretty. No man should be that pretty. His lips says taste me. His eyes says seduce me." Karim walks up to the front desk and waits his turn to check into a room. Not being shy, "I'm Alexis Jones, I just arrived here in Pasadena. Would you like to have a drink and feel me in on the sights to see around here." Karim looks Alexis up and down, and liking what he sees, especially her mini skirt , smiles "I wouldn't mind at all. Jones you said?" Alexis "That's right. Ashley is my sister." Karim "It's nice to meet you. I'm Karim Williams." Alexis "And I hope you are single" She says flirting with him Back at the Hospital Diego comes out Of Ashley's room and approaches Sabryn and Bryan Bryan "Is she ok Dr. Serrano?" Diego "I'm sorry, we were unable to save her. Ashley is dead……..
  7. Thank you all for the comments. I am glad you all enjoyed. My staff and I worked REALLY hard these last few weeks. I had issues with balance. I took care of it and you not seeing so and so or that storyline for weeks will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. Sorry it went down like that in the first place. Everyone please stay tuned because I got a lot more surprises coming for ALL storylines. Trust me
  8. LOL thanks Matt. I am nervous bout these cast changes.
  9. The white background's of Sam is VERY nice
  10. My boy is back! And has sucked me back in. I am liking Lynette and her therapist hooking up. Can't wait to see how this mystery plays out with BP and Cody and I love Anna.
  11. Wow great episode. Short by your standards. Where is my girl NAN? And I am so glad you casted Rachel Melvin. I love her. I could see her going toe to toe with Nan. I don't think it was meant to be funny but I had to laugh when Carrie fell out that tree. How did Blake and London know the explosion wasn't an accident already. I was like damn slow down. So glad to see that smart ass Dr. Quarr back exchanging heated words with Carlos. can't wait to find out about Nan and you know what, I could really feel Ava's pain, having lost James. I hope she finds happiness this season but knowing you, she may but it will come with a price Look at, you got a great buzz. Most deserved. Congrats!!
  12. WARNING: ADULT CONTENT! The storm continues to intensify as it passes over Pasadena. Huntington Memorial Hospital. Bryan enters Sabryn's room one last time before meeting up with Ashley at his house. He sits next to her. "Look, I know you don't want me here right now. I just came to see if you were ok before I meet up with Ashley for the last time." Sabryn "What do you mean the last time?" Bryan "Ashley has waved the white flag. She is tired of all this drama." Sabryn "That makes two of us." Bryan "She is out of our lives now. We can move forward." Sabryn thinks of her baby news once more and upon hearing Ashley has given up, she decides it's best to tell him that they are about to become a family. "Listen, I have something to tell you. I don't want to do it here and I don't want to go to my mansion tonight. I don't want to remember any more of that beat down I layed on Ashley." Bryan "Well Just meet me at my house. I'll make us some dinner and you can tell me what's going on" Sabryn smiles at Bryan for the first time in weeks at him. Bryan smiles back at her, hoping this could be a sign they may rekindle their relationship. "It is so good to see you smile. I have missed it. I am telling you, things are going to be different" Sabryn "What are you talking about Bryan? Please don't jump the gun. I said I have something to tell you, I didn't say I was giving you another chance." Bryan "I can hope right?" Sabryn "I guess so. I'm going to get ready and I will meet you at your house soon." Bryan kisses her on her cheek, and leaves the room. Sabryn thinks to herself "I hope I am doing the right thing. I pray I am" She gathers her things and heads out in the serve storm to meet Bryan at his house. Already in Bryan's driveway is Ashley. As she awaits for Bryan to arrive, her cell phone rings. Ashley "Lexis, I am glad to hear your voice. I got some great news" Alexis "I do to, you first." Ashley "Bryan and I are going to make love tonight. He's going to be mine forever." Alexis "Sis are you sure about that? I think you really need to leave this man alone. You are doing some crazy things to be with Bryan" Ashley "I love him. And after tonight, he's going to feel the same way" She says as she looks at her vial filled with Mona's "Love Potion no. 69." " You said you had great news too?" She says as a loud clap of thunders causes static in the line. Alexis "I'm at the airport here in Pasadena. Give me directions to your house so I can drive this big bulky u-haul to your house" All Alexis hears is static "Ash…Hello…Are you there?" The phone clicks "Must be the storm I guess." Alexis pulls out an envelope out from her suitcase. Bending over to get it, she exposes her woman hood thanks to her super short mini skirt and no panties. Men and even some women whistle at her while other ladies look at her appalled and they whisper about her. Realizing she is the center of attention she smiles. "Nasty Skank", "Slut", "No Self Respect" "Trailer Park", is what Alexis hears from the crowd, and not worrying about the naysayers, she looks at her freshly painted red finger nails and blows on them, a complete snub to her haters. Alexis Jones has officially arrived in Pasadena.Alexis looks on her envelope which has her sisters address on it and asks for directions to Westwood Park. The Blue Note At the bar. Jenn asks Pierre if Lauren is available. Pierre "Lauren left a while ago. She had an emergency at the hospital." Jenn "Emergency? Is she OK?" Pierre "Yes, she's OK but it's Daniel. He showed up here tonight." Jenn "Daniel was here?" Pierre "That's what I said" Jenn "I can't believe this. I thought he was just awaking from his coma. Please grab me a Strong Island Ice Tea." While Pierre fixes her drink she turns around and sees Ty, dining with Jodie. Jenn is in shock as Pierre hands Jenn her drink and upon sipping on it, she decides to confront the two. Jodie and Ty are finishing up there meal. Jodie "That was so good." Ty "Yes it was. I bet you taste better." he says as he sees Jenn approaching them Jenn "Well, Well well, what do we have here?" Ty "Jenn, how nice to see you again." Jenn "What are you doing here with her Ty?" Ty "Come again?" Jenn looks at Jodie "You sure do get around don't you? First Mike and now Ty." Jodie "Like the first time, you got it all wrong. It's just dinner" Jenn "And like I told you the first time save it. Is this how you do things back in Cleveland? Bounce from one man to the next? My man on top of that." Ty arches an eyebrow upon hearing Jenn staking her claim to him. Jodie "As in Ty is your man? I was under the impression you two weren't an item." Jenn "And I was under the impression you were trying to be an item with my ex after I saw you straddling over Mike like some horny teenager and speak of the devil" She says as she spots Mike walking over to them. Mike "Jodie, what's going on? I called you a few times but now I see why it went to voice mail" Jodie "I'm sorry Mike." Jenn " How many more times are you going to say that. We already know you are sorry.No,No wait I take that back She's not sorry. She's a loose Jezebel who likes to sample all the men here in Pasadena" Jodie "You know Jenny, you are really starting to piss me off. You never give me a chance to explain anything. All you do is hurl accusations my way and call me names. Now I am going to ask you once to please show me respect. If anyone is acting like a teenager it's you. Your so childish playing your Miss Almighty all nighty." Jenn "Is your ponytail too tight? I think it is because it's messing with your words coming out that filthy mouth of yours. Every time I see you, you are on a new man.So what am I supposed to call you then. If it walks and talks like a hor then guess what, it means you're a hor!" Mike (Cutting in) "Jodie, you are here with Ty?" Ty "She most certainly is. Doesn't she look great tonight?" Adding insult to injury, and knowing that his last statement is going to make Jenn red hot. Jenn "You just made me throw up in my mouth. Gag me. (Looking back at Jodie)"You better choose one man and stick with him. Ty is mine. You can have sloppy seconds Mike." Jenn grabs Ty's arm and pulls him out side. Jodie looks into Mike's hurting eyes. Jodie "Mike it's not what it looks like." Mike " You know, that's the same thing you told Jenn when she found us hugged up. Jodie I really don't know what to say. You tell me to call you so we can enjoy some QT and I end up finding you here with TY after I told you he is the reason why my life is falling apart right now. Damn, are you two working together? Did you set this whole thing up?" Outside The Blue Note. Ty "I thought you wasn't sure if you was ready to be with me. The last time we were together, you ran out on me" Jenn "I know and I am sorry. I had to sort out my feelings. I have thought about it and Ty I want you." She kisses him passionately. Westwood Park, Dondre's House Karim (chuckling) "Kev do you hear that? One said no and the other yes" Kevin "Let's get out of here man. Cool off some." Karim "I'm good." He looks at his fiancée with anger and hurt in his eyes. Dondre "You not gone be good if you don't get the hell out of my house. My name is on the lease and I don't recall the Williams brothers chipping in on my rent so get to stepping. The ladies can stay." Karim sucker punches Dondre. Ria pushes Karim back, and they go out side, and Kevin follows them leaving Sharan who looks at Dondre in disbelief. "Dre, I am at a loss for words. I can't believe you and Ria were having an affair." Dondre "It doesn't change how I feel about you. Sharan I'm sorry. I'll explain things later" Sharan "I don't know what to say to you right now. I'll see you tomorrow." Sharan leaves as Dondre rubs his jaw as he tries to figure out if his house was broken into and why was he sleep so long. Kevin "You going to be OK man?" Karim "I don't know." Sharan "Karim I am so sorry you had to find out like this" Ria "Ahh Bitch Please! Whatever." Sharan "Excuse me?" Ria begins to take her earrings out and pull her hair back into a ponytail. Sharan "What are you going to do Ria? You're going to hit me. So juvenile." Ria "I'm bout to whoop some ass. Teach you to stay out a grown womans business Bitch!"" Taking her heels off. Kevin "Karim come by the house, we'll have dinner with ma and pops" Karim (starring at Ria) "I'll be good man. I just need to be alone." He looks at Ria "It's over, your things will be on the curb for you to pick up. " Ria (grabbing him, pleading) "Baby, Please don't do this. Let's talk about it. I'm, sorry" She pleads. But her cries falls on deaf ears as Karim pushes her off him and she falls back into a puddle of mud, Karim gets in his car and races off in the storm Ria "Sharan this all your fault you nosy heifer. You really cook my last grit you know that." Kevin "Don't blame Sharan for your indiscretions. Blame yourself. I didn't know you be so cold to my brother. What goes around comes around and one day, somebody you really love is going to do to you what you did to my brother." Ria "Kiss my ass and go to hell. You too Sharan. I just want to beat the brakes off you." Getting up out the mud Kevin "You lay one hand on Sharan and you will be behind bars faster than your last grit has a chance to even think about cooking. Don't forget my pops is Chief of Police." Kevin and Sharan get in their cars and leave. Ria shakes her head in disgust and turns around bangs on Dondre's door. He opens it, when he sees it Ria, "You look like swamp thing. Gone head Ria, We done, it's a wrap! You blew It!"He slams the door in her face. Ria is finally broken to tears, she takes her joggers off and her shirt trying to wipe some off the mud not wanting to get the interior of her car dirty, she hops in her car with bra and panties on and head's to Natalia's house Dahlia is rushed into the E.R. of Huntington Memorial Hospital. Diego immediately comes to the aid of the Latina. Diego "What happened to her?" Paramedic "She was stabbed" Diego "OK go get an iv started, and get some blood ready" He says as he rushes Dahlia into emergency surgery. Westwood Park Mark stepping out the shower, answers his phone "Hello?" Voice on the other end "Mr. Mortimer?" Mark "This is Mark yes." Voice "This is the city police and we are sorry to inform you that Dahlia has been rushed to the E.R. a little while ago with stab wounds." Mark "What!? Stab wounds? How, who did this?" Voice "That's all we know sir. Good night." Mark immediately gets dressed, while calling Natalia Natalia , looking at caller id her face lights up when she sees its Mark "I missed you. I am so glad you called." Mark "Cut the chit chat. Dahlia has been stabbed and it's because of you. You and your games and your phony charges. I hold you personally responsible." Natalia "When can I get some dick again? My nana is throbbing." Mark "Never you crazy Bitch!" He hollers in the phone. He hangs it up and rushes to the E.R. in the storm. Natalia's House Natalia is putting away her dishes in her kitchen "It took a long time for them to admit Dahlia. Maybe she's dead by now. That means Mark will be all mines. All nine inches of him" She is interrupted with her self conversation when she gets a knock on her door. She opens it and sees Ria in tears with bra and panties on. Natalia "Sorry, strictly dickly here" She laughing, but pauses, looking at her good friend and relizing something is wrong."What happened? What are you doing out in this storm?" Ria "Natti girl, I lost Karim and Dondre in one night thanks to that meddling Sharan." Outside Natalia's house, Suga is sitting in a car outside, Natalia's house. 'Bitch betta have my money" The wind picks up and the rain intensifies as A series of mis fortunate adverse circumstances take place Ashley sees Bryan's car coming up the street. She gets her umbrella and gets out her car. Behind Bryan is Sabryn following him in her car. As Bryan is about to pull in his driveway, a u-haul rams into Sabryn's car from behind, causing Sabryn's car in turn to ram Bryan's car which in turn loses control of his car, speeding into the driveway, Bryan runs over Ashley with his car, and the u-haul, which Alexis is driving pulls off. Ashley is trapped underneath Bryan's car…Love has Been Runned Down!!! On Episode : 36 ^^BRAND NEW OPENING CLICK ON IT TO VIEW!! Now Don't forget to read the season 4 premiere of and "Novi" and teen soap, "The Market" right here on
  13. I was very surprised you found Sabryn being pregnant a shock. I thought it was so obvious. Even my writers were surprised. I couldn't belive I got that one over on evrybody. Interesting. You know I briefly toyed with the thought of sisters at one point in time but then I thought nah. I've been there done that. Glad u liked
  14. Don't you mean Sabryn instead of Ashley when you're talking about Gilbert? And why do I have to it full edit to read all of your comments? It keeps cutting them off. I think I have set up a pretty strong triangle where CDL is concerned. I am proud how it is developing and am excited to tell this emotional story. The status quo in Pasadena is about to shake up. The past 35 episodes having been building up to what everyone is about to read. It's going to be one hell of a ride as S.T.E.A.M. barrels toward it's 1st season cliffhanger. Buckle up
  15. aMLCproduction

    Casting News

    Matt I can't WAIT to read season 4. Hurry up Monday!!!!
  16. Westwood Park, Dondre's House Police Chief Abe Williams, along with his sons, Karim and Kevin, and his girlfriend Sharan wait for the answer of Karim's question Karim looking into Ria's eyes, wanting answers for her actions, "You left last night at 1:30, talking about some jive you going to see Natalia and, here you are at Dondre's house 9:30 in the morning. Come to think of it, the night of the TC Hotel Gala, You were very distant, it seemed something or someone had your attention. Than out of no where, you just upped and left without any explanation and, who did I see you with getting off the elevator some time later, Dondre." He pauses, putting the pieces together. He continues. Ria "Please, let's not do this here. I don't want our business on blast." Karim " No.. No, hold up, When I told you that Dondre set up a romantic breakfast for Sharan, you acted crazy, and upset. It seemed you may have even been jealous. I get home from work early yesterday, to find you "playing with yourself". If I'm not mistaken, I swore I smelled a hint of curve in the air. I don't wear curve. I smell curve in this house. You already know that fragrances is what I do, I know my colognes. I work at Ivory, we make fragrances. Did you think I would not put two and two together?....." He shakes his head, hurt and disgusted. "I can't believe I have to ask you this." He pauses trying to cool down and clear his head for the possible outcome of this next question. " Ria, I am only going to ask you once ,Are you cheating on me with Dondre?" Ria, embarrassed her Fiancée putting her "personal sexual encounter" on blast in front of his family, and scared to lose everything if she admits to the affair, at the same time, mad at Sharan for bringing this all on. Ria gathers her thoughts and prepares to answer the allegation....That is until Dondre finally wakes up who has been sleep all this time, drugged, by Mona who is in a discrete location behind some bushes in the back of Dondre's house, listening to the drama that's about to take place on Episode: 35 Written by: ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Huntington Memorial Hospital Nurses rush Daniel into the ER as Diego walks up to Chris and Lauren to find out what's going on "I understand he was at The Blue Note?" Lauren "Yes he was." Diego "I don't believe this, the last time I checked him, he could barely stay awake let alone get up and make it all the way to Lavender Hill. I have never seen anything like it. I'm going to check on him and run some test and see how did this happen." Diego walks away. Lauren turns and looks at Chris. She sees his knuckles is busted. "You should get that looked at." Chris "It's OK. Nothing major. I'll have someone wrap it up. How about you? You OK?" Lauren "I just don't know what to think right now. I have never seen Daniel like that. I can't believe he was able to get up out of his coma and make it all the way down to my restaurant." Chris "It's does seem a bit odd. Like a medical miracle of some sort. To tell you the truth, it looked like he was on something. He was drooling, sweating and acting erratic and very paranoid." Lauren "He also kept saying something about she's going to get us. I wonder who he is talking about. What if Daniel really didn't try to commit suicide? I never thought these next words would ever leave my lips but maybe Ty is right. Someone set it up like an attempted suicide." Chris "I did sense Daniel was afraid of something. Maybe he was just nervous and scared that this person is still after him, or maybe even you Lauren. Daniel did say this woman might get the two of you." Lauren "I better call Police Chief Abe and tell what's going on" As she does that Diego out of Daniel's room. Lauren hangs up her phone and approach him Lauren "What can you tell us?" Diego "He's still acting erratic, i think he may be high. His blood pressure is very high and his heart rate is up. We had to put restraints on him because he was not cooperating with my staff and has a posed a threat to himself." Lauren "Drug high? Don't tell me Daniel is high off something? He's going to try and hurt himself?" Diego "It's to early to tell any of that. It's possible. We don't know what's going on right now. So until these test come back from the lab we won't know anything." Lauren "Well can I see him?" Diego "I don't think so. You can wait in the family room and I will let you know the first thing those test results come back." Lauren is disappointed and Chris holds her, escorting her to the family room to wait on Abe and the test results. Back at The Blue Note, Ty's Limo pulls up, and Ty's Driver, Santino opens up the passenger door. Out steps a crisp and clean Ty, and pretty Lady Jodie. Ty winks his eye at Santino "I want you to go check on Daniel while I dine" He tells Santino as he escorts his pretty lady inside the restaurant on the bottom of Lavender Hill. They step inside, the music is Cherish the Day by Sade Pierre, greets and seats them. As Jodie and Ty take there seats, Jodie's cell phone rings. She pulls it from her purse and the caller id tells her it's Mike,.... again. She hits ignore for the time being. Ty "Do you need to answer that?" Jodie "No, I'm OK." She looks around and admires the beauty of the place. She's especially fascinated over the pond that The Blue Note sits in."This is so beautiful" Ty "Yes it is. It's my first time here. It opened up not to long ago." Jodie "Thank you for bringing me here" She says as she looks at her menu. Ty stares at her and Jodie sensing a pair of eyes are watching her, looks up at Ty. She smiles "Is something wrong?" Ty "Not at all. I can't stop admiring your beauty. Cleveland's lost is certainly Pasadena's gain." Jodie "You're kind." Ty "So why don't you tell me more about you and Mike. Are you two a couple?" Jodie "I'm not sure why that matters. From what I understand, You and his ex Jenn are an item now." Ty "Says who?" Jodie "You're not dating Jenn?" Ty "Is that what Mike told you?" Jodie "I'll take that as a no." Ty "Now how about the answer to my question" he says as he caresses her hand. Jodie "Mike was going through a rough patch. I was being a friend." Ty "Is that what you call it? Then what do you call this dinner?" Pierre comes back over to take there order, saving Jodie for the time being from answering the question. Unbeknownst to them, Jenn enters The Blue Note, she heads to the bar, looking for Lauren not knowing Ty is here with Jodie. And wouldn't you know it, Mike has arrived to, to check out the new restaurant Back at Westwood Park, Dondre's House. Dondre wakes up all the way and rubs his head "Feels like a train ran over me." Abe hangs his phone up, he whispers to Kevin "I got a situation, I'll call you when I am done. Take care of your brother." Kevin "I will pops. Be safe." Abe leaves to head to the hospital. Dondre looks in his kitchen and realizes, Sharan, Kevin, Karim and Ria are all in his house. "What the hell is y'all doing here? I'm not throwing no party.?" Sharan "Dre, you realize what time it is?" Dondre "No." Sharan "I came here after I didn't see you at the shop. You had a 9 o clock appointment. I called you but you didn't answer. I even called you last night because we were supposed to meet up with Sabryn to sign the deal on Elegante'. So I came by to make sure you was OK and I found Ria here." Karim "Yea reading this note." Karim hands it to Dondre "I know about the affair?" Ria "I found it in your lap. Do you know what it is?" Dondre "NO the hell I don't. But I still don't understand why these dudes is here. How did all y'all get in my crib?" Ria "Well I was coming from Natalia's house and when I rode by your house, it look like someone broke in. So I came in here to see if you was alright." Dondre "Wait, it looked like somebody broke in here? I don't remember nothing. I remember dozing off in my recliner at about 11: 30 last night. Now it's"..... He looks at his Rolex" 8:30 p.m. I was sleep all that time? " He again rubs his head, grabbing some aspirin for his headache. Karim "Yea right. Tell us anything. What about this note Dondre? Are you sleeping with some one's woman? Like mines to be exact?" Dondre "You straight trippin dude. I'm going to need you to leave my house and take your punk ass brother with you. The ladies can stay of course." Kevin "This isn't a joke." Dondre "I'm not joking homie. Get the hell out of my house." Karim "Answer my questions, Are you two sleeping together?" At they same time Ria and Dondre give an Answer, both of them being different with Dondre's being "No" and Ria's "Yes"
  17. A loud clap of thunder awakes Ashley inside Huntington Memorial Hospital. Startled, she turns on the tv and looks at the weather report. "Severe Thunderstorm warning has been issued for Los Angles County. The worst of the storm will pass right over the city of Pasadena." Ashley turns the tv off as the lights flicker inside her room. She thinks "Mona said it has to be storming out side in order for the love potion to work. This has to be a sign. I can't pass this opportunity up." She gets up out of bed and get dressed, thinking of a way to get Bryan to go to his house. In Sabryn's Room, Diego "You need to put the brakes on all this fighting you're doing. You have a child to think about now Ms. Genet." Sabryn (in shock) "No. O my God no. Pregnant. This is the last thing I need. Diego, please tell me this is a mistake. Maybe a mix up?" Diego "Ms. Genet please. This is not the Bold and the Beautiful or Days of our Lives. There's never a mistake in my work. Hence I am chief of staff here. I'm a little insulted so if you will excuse me, I have patients to see." He leaves. Sabryn "Pregnant....with Bryan's child. This is a might mare..." on Episode: 34 Written by: ML Cooks, with MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Outside Sabryn's Room Bryan approaches Diego "Dr. Is Sabryn and Ashley ok?" Diego "So you're the man these two ladies are fighting over. How did you do it man?" Bryan "It's not like that. You don't understand. See, Ashley is crazy, she's a few cards short of a full deck. I was hoping you could recommend a mental institution for her?" Diego "Where did you go to medical school?" Bryan "I didn't go to any medical school." Diego "My point exactly. Look, I didn't see no crazy in Ashley. Both woman are ok. I don't know which one you are taking home tonight, but whomever it is, let them get plenty of rest. Now if you'll excuse me." The doctor walks off. Bryan enters Sabryn's room as Ashley comes out of her room and sees her "man" going into her enemies room. "That's what I'm talking about. That Bitch won't quit. But after tonight, it's all going to be over." Inside Sabryn's room Bryan sees tears rolling down Sabryn's face. He pulls up a chair and sits next to her "What's the matter?" She looks at him. She pauses and shakes her head and then looks away. She contemplates on what to do with the baby news. She remains quiet as Bryan holds her hand. "Look at me." He says, holding her hand tighter. Sabryn still can't look at him. Bryan "Talk to me please. What's going on?" Sabryn "Look just leave me alone. I want to be alone." Bryan "Sabryn, please don't shut me out. Stop putting these walls up between us. I made a mistake Damn I am human. We all make mistakes. I love you and you know that. I would do anything for you. Let me make things right. Let me turn those tears into smiles and Laughter. Give us another chance. " Sabryn "Bryan, just please leave me alone?" Bryan "You know, I just wonder do you think still think of me anymore?" Sabryn "Bryan please don't do this now. I can't take it. Just please GET THE HELL OUT!! I don't want to be bothered." Bryan "Ok I won't push it. I can respect you wanting to be alone. But Sabryn, I love you and I'm not going anywhere. I am going crazy insane without you." He kisses her hand and leaves her room. Only to run into Ashley Bryan "You sure have a way of sneaking up on people." Ashley "I'm sorry." Bryan looks at her face wrapped up in bandages. "Shouldn't you be resting or something?" Ashley "Oh I'm ok. Just a few minor cuts. Nothing major. Look, I just wanted to tell you I am waving the white flag." Bryan "The white flag?" Ashley "I realized that all this drama and fighting is pointless. It's not worth it." Bryan "Really? I don't know what to say. I didn't expect those words coming out of your mouth" Ashley "Yes my mouth, that's something your going to miss. No one does it better than me. But enough about that. I want to go to your house to grab all my belongings." Bryan "Now? It's storming like crazy outside" Ashley "Yes Bryan, the sooner the better. I need to get this done. Put closure to it ASAP." Bryan "I can definitely understand that." Ashley "I bet you do" Bryan "What is that supposed to mean?" Ashley "Nothing. You paranoid." Bryan "Look I'll meet you at my house in 45 minutes." Ashley "Great" She leaves. Bryan "This is almost to good to be true. No more crazy Ashley in my life. Things are looking up" The Blue Note Lauren and Chris are slow dancing to "Can I Take You Home" by Jamie Foxx They look into each others eyes. As they hold each other tighter. Chris leans in closer to her lips and kiss Lauren on her sweet and soft lips. She looks at him and smiles. The song ends and they go back to their table to wait on their food. Chris "You know, I've been looking forward to this date." Lauren "Me too. I could not stop thinking of you. Your colgnoe. Your beautiful smile." Chris "O yea" Smiling at her Lauren "Yes, your smile makes me smile. It makes me feel warm." Chris "I'm glad I can do that for you." The waiter brings their food to the table Lauren "Thanks you Pierre" Chris "You have a beautiful restaurant here." Lauren "Thank you. We've been open for two years now. Business is pretty good bu could be better." Chris "So tell me, how was your day." Lauren (Biting into her chicken parm) "You know the craziest thing happened today. Jenn told me she is developing feelings for Ty." Chris "That is crazy." Lauren "What's even crazy was when she told me, I had a mouthful of tea in my mouth and I spitted it out all over her." Chris "Woah." Lauren "I know tell me about it. She's a little upset with me, but she'll be ok. I just hope she thinks twice before getting involved with a man like Ty. " They continue to eat. Lauren "You know that new Halloween movie comes out this Friday." Chris "Are you asking me back on a date?" Lauren "Yes I am" "Naw Naw Naw, That wont be happening." Chris and Lauren turn around and are astonished to see Daniel Lauren "Daniel, what are you doing here? What are you doing out the hospital.?" Daniel "I have to save you." Lauren (confused) "Save me, from what?" Daniel "She's going to get us. But I can protect you." Chris "Hold on man. Something isn't right" Daniel (drooling) "Man who are you supposed to be? For all I know you could be working with her. Come on Lauren" Daniel grabs her arm Lauren "Daniel, let go of me! You're hurting me." Daniel "Lauren please don't make a scene. Let's make this as discrete as possible. We can't draw attention to ourselves" He says tightening his grip on her. Lauren "Daniel, let go, you are really hurting me." Chris "She said let go." Chris lands a right hook on Daniel's jaw. Daniel collapses to the ground. Lauren instructs Pierre to call the police. Chris "Something is definitely wrong here. I have never seen Daniel act like that." Lauren "You're right, something is very wrong....."
  18. Westwood Park, Lauren's House Lauren fixes some green tea for her and Jennifer. She hands Jennifer the cup as Jenn turns off her favorite soap opera, Point Palace. Jenn "That Nan Sheridan is one evil lady." Lauren "I know tell me about. I can't wait till the fourth season premieres next monday night" They both sip on their tea Lauren "So have you talked to Mike?" Jenn "For what?, there is no need to Lauren. Mike and I are done. I don't want to be with him nomore. I have grown out of love with him." Lauren "Well Maybe you need to be by yourself for a while anyway. Your life has revolved around Mike for as long as I can remember. It's going to take some time to get use to the single life again and find yourself" Jenn thinks of her romantic escapade with TY in the limo and she wants so badly to tell her good friend about her possible new love interest, getting the guts, she begins to test the waters. "Speaking of single life, how did your date go with Chris?" Lauren "Jenn it was great. He's in school to be a bio chemist or something. He works two jobs, and got a good head on his shoulders. He's kind, and a true gentlemen." Jenn "That's great. You certainly deserve it, after dealing with Daniels drug drama's" (Jenn realizes she said the wrong thing by mentioning Daniel, because she already knows Lauren is about to again trash talk Ty.) Lauren "Well, If Daniel really loved me, then he would have met me half way in our relationship and stop smoking, snorting and injecting. I can't compete with drugs and I shouldn't have too. I mean I am going to be there for Daniel, but I am moving on with Chris." Jenn "That is so great. I am so happy for you." She hugs Lauren. "I have some great news too?" Lauren "O yea…?" Jenn "What if I told you that I might be moving on too?" Lauren "You met some one new?" Jenn "Uhm,…yea?" Lauren "Girl don't keep me in suspense, divulge the details" Lauren takes a sip of her tea. Jenn "His name is Tyler Christopher" Upon hearing that, Lauren spits out her tea all over Jenn, Episode:33 Written by: ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Huntington Memorial Hospital Sweat rolls down Daniels face like the raging Niagara falls, as he tries to hoot, or even holler to keep Mona from injecting him with the deadly nerotoxins of the African Black Mamba. "Don't worry Danny boy." She pulls the syringe out of his iv and caps it. "I'm just joking with you. You know, a little joke-e-joke. Life is to short, laughter makes it longer. Did your mother ever tell you that?" She says as she sits down in a chair next to him. "Speak up, ....You give up OK. I injected you with a soothing dose of meth. You know what Meth is don't you, since you are the druggie." She leans her head towards his head "What was that? I do drugs too?" She pulls out her power drill and bashes Daniel in his knee. "I'm sorry, that was an instant reflex. When I hear anything dumb, especially from a man, I have these violent tendencies. Weed is not a drug. It grows from the earth. It's a natural plant. See Danny, school is not over yet, let's get your PhD in drug education. ^^^click to watch Now let's move on to the new drug that's going to jack yo' ass up. I can't wait to see what it's going to do to you. Let me give you an example" ^^^click to watch "Doesn't all that excites you. To tell you the truth, it makes me wet, but shh, keep it a secret. I'm so nasty Danny boy. I think meth mouth will make you look sexxy. You'll get all the ladies then," She chuckles, "But not Sharan. That's mine. I got big plans for you. See I have all these experimental drugs, and potions I want to try on you. You'll be the perfect guinea pig.I think I've found the cure to aids Danny Boy. It's amazing. Now our time here is done. Tell Lauren I said hi and o yea, if you tell anyone I shot you, you will be in attendance at Lauren's funeral. Now I better get going before someone tries to come in here." She gets up and unscrews the steel plates from the door. "Do you know how hard it was trying to look like a white woman. I mean what white woman you know got these big lips besides Lisa Rinna, and even then she had work done. Anyways, nice quality time with you. Enjoy that high Danny boy. I'll be bak to give you more. " Mona exits the hospital unnoticed. The dose of Meth is so strong in Daniel's body, he sits up on the side of the bed. Sharan pulls up to Dondre's house in Westwood Park and sees Ria's car parked in the driveway. She thinks to herself "What is Ria doing here at 9:30 in the morning?" She pulls out her cell phone and calls Karim and tells him of Ria's whereabouts. Sharan hangs up her phone and enters Dondre's house. She sees Ria reading something, standing next to Dondre. Sharan "Ria? I am surprised to find you here. What is going on?" Ria ( Thinking back to when Karim told her, Dondre has feelings for Sharan) "I'm surprised to find you here as well. Did you come to give Dre a little nookie this morning?" Sharan "I beg your pardon?" Ria "Karim told me all about your date you had with him at the shop." Sharan "It was no date. And why isn't Dondre moving? What is going on here?" Ria "I don't know, I was riding past to go to Natalia's house, and I noticed the front door was wide open and it was dark in here." Sharan "So you just come in here alone, that's a huge risk. And what are you reading?" Ria "Oh, nothing, Something I found." Sharan "Your going through Dondre's things?" She tries to wake Dre up. Ria "You nosey as hell. Why are you asking me all these questions like Dondre is your man?" Sharan "You silly. Dondre is a friend of mine, we work together, I came here to see why he wasn't returning my calls or why he wasn't at the shop yet" She continues to try and wake Dondre up, but he is still out cold thanks to Mona powerful sleep aid drug. Sharan "Something is really not right here." Sharan snatches the paper from Ria's hands, and reads it "I know about your affair" Ria "Don't ever snatch nothing from my hands again. I don't want to have to snatch you up." Sharan "It wasn't even yours to begin with, and why are you acting so defensive? You have something to hide Ria?" Ria (thinks to herself) "No this heifer didn't" Around the Corner in Westwood Park, Karim and Ria's House While Karim is putting clothes on, he pulls out his cell phone and calls his brother. Karim "Wassup Kev?" Kevin "Nothing, eating breakfast with ma and pops. What's going on? Sounds like something is wrong" Karim "Ria left last night at about 1:30 in the morning, talking bout to she going to Natalia's house. I wake up this morning and she is no where to be found and I get a call from Sharan telling me that Ria is at Dondre's house and it looks like someone broke in." Kevin "Alright, me and pops is going to meet you over there in a few minutes." Karim closes his phone and heads over to Dondre's house. Mona, rides through Westwood park and sees Sharan and Ria's car at Dondre and she then sees Karim's car pull in the drive way next. Mona "Uh-oh. Looks like some one is in trouble. This might be good." Mona puts her car in park down the street, out of eye sight, lights a blunt and waits for the drama to unfold. Suddenly a clap of thunder rings and rain soon follows as the winds increase. Karim walks inside the house and sees Ria and Sharan trying to wake up Dondre. Karim "Ria, what are you doing here?" Ria (stunned) "Karim, baby." She goes over to hug him but he stops her. "Answer my question, what are you doing here?" Ria "Well how did you know I was here?" Sharan (cutting) "I called him and told him. I didn't know what was going so I called your fiancée" Ria (in her head) "You dumb Bitch. I ought to slap you silly. I can't stand nosey ass people." "I was leaving Natalia's house when I rode past Dondre's house and noticed something was not right. The door and windows were wide open, I thought some one had broken in." Sharan "Then Ria found this note" She hands it to Karim Ria "Gee thanks Sharan. You are so helpful" (In Her Head) "I'm going to jack this Bitch up" Karim reads it. "I know about the affair" Karim then thinks back on TC's Hotel's opening night. Ria was gone for a long time and when Karim finally caught up to his fiancée, she was getting off the elevator with Dondre. Then he back to last night when He came home from work early and the bedroom smelled like sex and Ria was acting strange. Then he thinks back to when he told Ria that Dondre has feelings for Sharan and Ria' acted very out right and strange. Just as Kevin and Police Chief Abe pulls up Karim asks his fiancée.. "Ria, are you cheating on me with Dondre?" Abe, Kevin, Sharan and even Ria is stunned, as she is on the spot, all eyes are on her….
  19. Sharan, grooving to "Get Down On It" by Kool and the Gang pulls up to her shop High Klass Hair. She realizes the shop has not been opened yet and a customer is waiting for her massage appointment. She looks at her watch and sees it's 9:30AM. "Now I know Dondre had a massage at 9." She pulls out her cell phone calling him, getting out the car to approach the customer. Sharan hangs up after it goes to voicemail. She then approaches the customer. "Hi, I apologize for Dondre not being here. I don't know where he is. If you come back tomorrow, the massage is on the house." Customer "I hope so. I could have been sleep for all of this." The customer walks off. Sharan thinks to herself "Dondre didn't show up at the meeting with Sabryn last night, nor did he return my calls, he's late for his appointment this morning. Something is not right. This is not like him." She tries to call him again, getting in her car and heads to his house on, Episode:32 Written by ML Cooks Creative Consult: MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Pulling up to Dondre's House already is Ria. She gets out her SUV, and can see the door is wide open. "What the hell is going on? Why is his door open like that" She grabs a big rock and walks inside the house. She sees Dondre, sleep in his recliner. "Dondre!" No response. She tries again, shaking him. "Dondre!" She sees an envelope laying on his lap and decides to open it. Inside she finds a note, it reads "I know about the affair" Ria begins to panic "Hell to the naw! Someone know about us, DRE wake yo ass up!" She shakes him violently. "He's dead." Down the Street and around two corners in Westwood Park, sits Karim and Ria's House. The alarm clock awakes Karim. He turns it off, and yawns. Still groggy, he reaches his arm to feel for what he expects to be Ria. He feels nothing and turns around and doesn't see her. "Ria, Baby?" He doesn't get a response. Getting out of bed, wearing his boxer briefs, searches the house. No Ria "Where the hell is my fiancee? I know she not still at Natalia's House." He pulls out his cell phone to call her. Huntington Memorial Hospital Diego immediately rushes Ashley into the ER to pull the pieces of glass embedded in the scratches and scrapes of her face at the same as a nurse wheels Sabryn's stretcher into an examine room. She comes too. "What happened? Why am I at the hospital?" Nurse "You were brought in by ambulance just a short while ago. Apparently you fainted. How do you feel now?" Sabryn "I guess I feel fine now, my knuckles are just sore." Nurse "Ok just relax for a little bit while I run these test" Outside in the waiting area, Chris approaches Bryan "Bryan, what is going on?" Bryan "Sabryn and Ashley tried to kill each other. It's crazy man. I thought I was watching WWE RAW." Chris "It was that bad huh?" Bryan "Yea man. Sabryn bashed Ash's head into hear glass dinette table" Chris "Damn! Ouch! Those girls aren't playing no games." Bryan "No , it's Ashley. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed." Chris "What do you mean, she's a dummy?" Bryan "She's crazy, deranged. She won't take no for an answer She's stalking me" Bryan "This sound like that movie "Thin Line Between Love and Hate" I hate to say it B, but I told you so. One night of passion can give you a lifetime of pain. Are you and Sabryn still together?" Bryan "Man I pray everyday for it. She wants nothing to do with me." Chris "Give her time, she might come around" Bryan "I doubt that. I need a miracle Chris" Meanwhile, back in Ashley's room Diego is done pulling the glass fragments from Ashley's face and is now stitching up the cuts then bandages her face up. "What the hell happened to you Miss Jones?" Ashley "That Bitch Sabryn doesn't know how to follow directions. She don't know how to leave my man alone." Diego "I see. So you must be the one who attacked her a few weeks ago? I guess you two are even now?" Ashley "Never. Sabryn is hard headed so I am sure this is not done. It's not done by a long shot. The next time You see Sabryn will be in the morgue" Diego "I beg your pardon? Please don't talk like that. Relax for a while, until I come back to give you something to relax." He exits her room and a nurse approaches him with Sabryn's files. He looks them over briefly, "Interesting" he says as he enters her room "SO you're back and I see you didn't leave them cheap bitches alone like I told you too. I don't like patients who don't follow doctors orders." He says as he smiles at her. He continues, "You really did a number on her." Sabryn "Look Diego, I am tired and sore, I would just like to go home and relax so can you please release me?" Diego "Under one condition" Sabryn "Condition?" Diego "You really have to take it easy now, because your with child"
  20. Sanaa Lathan graces S.T.E.A.M. with her presence, in the role of Sharan Johnson. That's right the role has been re-casted. Sharon Leal, role originator was not comfortable where the storyline is headed and has opted to leave the show. That's one of the reason's why we haven't seen Sharan on screen in awhile. We were waiting for Sanaa to be come available and the time is right." Says supervising producer Monique Bitches. Sanaa debuts as Sharan in tomorrow's night episode as Sharan's storyline picks back up Also, Matt Cedano has been offered a contract and he has accepted. Chris storyline will pick up in the coming weeks. Chris and Lauren has had a pretty vocal following and the decision was made to beef up his character. Jodie O' Keefe has also been upped to contract status as well. "We are pleased with her performance and the outcome of her storyline." Says top scribe ML Cooks' Look for Jodie to become more involved with Mike/Jenn/and Ty. We will also learn what she is running from" teases the scribe. Rumor has it the more cast changes are on the way, stay tuned for more
  21. aMLCproduction

    Casting News

    I am not a fan of Joy at all YUCK. I hope Lenvy, London and the rest are going to stay. I couldnt imagine such a huge cast shake up like that. I am glad you got a lesbo coming on. I love All My gays as Tori said it best
  22. Thanks for the comments. They truly are helpful. Certain things I didn't notice b 4 I do now thanks to you. Mike/Jodie, Chris/Lauren. I really wasn't sure about these pairs but I am glad you like. I don't know know much about the Cassidine/Stenbeck but I guess that comparison is a good thing. I know they are both very bad. I've always told you how similar our styles are. It's crazy. I love me Some GOT on PP I got CDL 's and you got GOT,..lol Stay tuned for tomorrow nights show, STEAM TAKES A MAJOR LEFT TURN....I'm gonna throw you for a loop
  23. Jodie walks into TC Hotel. Jodie grabs her id out of her purse as she approaches the front desk. Before the attendant can greet her, Ty intercepts "I'll handle this, you can take a break." The receptionist gladly obliges. Jodie "You're the man I saw in the limo at the pub." Ty "I am that man. And you are?" Jodie "Jodie Keefe." Ty "It's nice to meet you. I'm Tyler. Welcome to my hotel." Jodie "Wow you own this hotel. It's beautiful" She says as she looks at the indoor fountain. Ty "Do you need a room?" Jodie "Yes I do. I am new here to Pasadena. I just got here from Cleveland." Ty "Interesting. I know people in Cleveland. What side of the city did you reside?" Jodie "Oh you know here and there. I'm not there no more and that's the way I want to keep it." Ty "Sounds like you running from something." Jodie "No..no.. I just need a new beginning. That's all. A fresh start." Ty "I can understand that. Let me take you to your room." Jodie "But I' haven't paid yet or even know what kind of room I'm going to get." Ty (gazing into her eyes to draw her in) "Please, allow me, I'm giving you the presidential suite, on me, only if you have dinner with me?" He says with a smile. Is Ty up to something on? Episode: 31 Written by: ML Cooks Coordinating Producer: MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Lavender Hill, Sabryn's Mansion Bryan "I can't believe my eyes. It's like world war 3 happened in here" He kneels down and picks up Ashley and stares at her sliced up face and lays her on the couch. Sabryn "You better get that bloody reptile off my couch. I paid nine thousand dollars for that. And it was round 2" Bryan "Sabryn you are tripping. Do you see her face? " He pulls out his cell phone and calls for an ambulance. Sabryn " Yea I see her face, she don't look like a wild boar no more. She looks like an angry wild boar now. Let the Bitch die. It would serve her right. Barging into my office and home. This bitch is crazy and needs some help." Suddenly Sabryn faints. Bryan "Sabryn!" He immediately rushes over to her and hold her in his arms. "Sabryn,... Sabryn, wake up." He pulls out his cell phone " "Yea, make that two ambulances.." In the Parking Lot of Huntington Memorial Hospital Lauren "Chris, thanks for a good time. I really enjoyed myself." Chris "I did too. I hope we can do this again sometime soon." Lauren "Yea, I would like that. Thanks for being there for me. I am going through so much right now." Chris "Can I ask you a question? I mean I want to be straight forward with you if you don't mind?" Lauren "I admire honesty." Chris "Lauren, I am attracted to you. You're beautiful , charming and down to earth. I thought maybe you know, we could get to know one another, see where this goes, you said in the pub, that you were ready to move on and put the past behind you but after seeing you with Daniel today, it's quite obvious you still love him. I mean I just want to know where I stand. " Lauren, she pauses "Yes. I do have a special place in my heart for Danny. We have been through the thickest of thick and the thinnest of thins together. I do care for him. Seeing him like this, I mean just the thought of him trying to commit suicide, it freaks me out. I can't imagine what he was thinking or what was he going through that was so painful that he would want to take his own life. I'm not trying to lead you on in any way. I just got carried away when I looked at his helpless body. He had his many faults, but he doesn't what's happening to him. So I am going to be there for him. Before we were lovers we were friends. So if that's too much for you I understand and that right there was me being honest with you." Chris, smiling "I'm not an insecure man. I can understand friendship. I just don't want to be lead on." Lauren "I would love to go out again, let's say tomorrow evening, we can go to my restaurant." Chris "That would be great." Lauren's cell phone rings. "Hello....Ok Jenn I'm on my way." She hangs up her phone "Jenn's at my house, She needs me." Chris " I am sure she does" He hugs Lauren. Lauren "This feels nice. It's been a long time since I have been held like this." Chris looks into her eyes and smiles. Chris "Call me." Lauren "I will" She gets in her car and heads to her house. Chris smiles as the pretty lady drives off. He is side tracked when he spots, Bryan pulling up behind an ambulance. He runs over to him. Meanwhile inside the hospital, Mona enters Daniel's room undetected. She puts her black duffel bag down, opens it up and pulls out a steel plate that measures about 5inches by 5 inches. She takes a power drill from her bag and nails the door shut. The sound of the drill awakes Daniel and he panics. Mona turns around and waves at him as she puts the drill back in her bag. She walks over toward him. "Remember me Danny boy. I shot ya." She laughs. "That was so much fun." Daniel tries to speak, sweating profusely, but the only thing that comes out is sounds. "MMM" Mona "What's that Danny boy? You wonder what I am doing here? That's a good question." She pulls up a chair and sits beside him. "You were supposed to die you idiot. But that didn't happen. Being the dumb ass d!ick you are, like all men, you're here, taking up space for no reason. It's a shame really. I thought you were going to stay in that coma for the rest of your sorry ass life. But that didn't happen. In fact, I even hear you are trying to speak. Is that true Danny Boy?" Daniel moves his head from side to side, telling her no. Mona grabs her power drill and bashes Daniel in the head with it. "Your lying. First you double cross me and now you are lying to me. You're a pain in my ass and I have to take care of you. I'll give you two options on how I want to dispose of you. See I am having a hard time deciding what I want to inject you with." Daniel shakes his head profusely, protesting what is about to happen. "Maybe you can help me out. Now I thought about injecting you with multiple doses of Meth. You know what Meth is don't you Danny boy? Since you are a druggie. You know, Crystal ice, crank, tina.? Or should I inject you with the venom of the African Black Mamba. Let's have a moment of education Danny Boy" She pulls out a book and begins to read from it "Black mambas usually bite their prey once or twice and then allow it go off to die before attempting to eat. They may however, bite and hold when eating birds. Their venom is very potent and is mainly based on Neurotoxin s that are absorbed quickly by the prey. The venom will cause a blockade at the neuromuscular junction which blocks every signal from the brain passing through the nervous system to the muscles which causes systemic paralysis. The prey will die from suffocation due to paralysis of the muscles of respiration. This sounds like so much fun to watch. You don't mind if I watch you die do you Danny Boy?" Daniel tries to use any ounce of strength he can conjure up to try and stop this madness but it fails, he is too weak and is now at Mona's mercy "One, two, Mona's coming for you" She pulls out a syringe. "Three, four, you better lock you door" Mona looks at the door and then at Daniel "I already did that..Five , six, ..well I don't have a rhyme for six so I guess it's time to die" Mona injects the venom in Daniel's i.v.......... {aMLCproduction}
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