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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Lavender Hill, Sabryn's Driveway The door of the car flies open, and Ashley emerges. Her face is red, she's gripping the phone so hard her knuckles are white. "Where the hell are you?" she demands, "And don't hand me any B.S. Brian." Bryan (stuttering) "I - I'm just out, that's all. What do you mean? What are you so angry about?" he struggles to keep the phone in the right spot using a cheek and a shoulder, "Babe, what's going on?" Ashley "You were with Sabryn again." Bryan "I was not." Ashley "A Bitch yes, but not a dumb Bitch" Bryan "Honey, don't be ridiculous" Ashley "You're treating me like I'm a dummy. I just saw you ride past me on Lavender Hill!!" she screamed into the phone, Bryan "You're mistaken." Ashley "Stop playing games, I'm not stupid, I can tell you're full of it and I'm sick of this entire situation." she looks up the lane to Sabryn's house, and notices Sabryn getting up and looking out the window. Ashley grits her teeth and growls, "Brian, I'm so tired of everything. I've done everything short of tie the yellow "do not cross" crime tape around you. Well, that Bitch just trespassed." she said, her voice now lower, more calm, yet at the same time furious, "And I'm going to take out the trash." Click. Bryan "Ashley!" He hollers, into the phone. Dial tone. He furiously tries to redial her number. "Hi this is Ashley, I'm not in right now because I'm probably out with Bryan! Anyway, leave one and I'll get back to you ASAP." He swore, and clapped his phone shut, before making a u-turn and speeding off in the other direction. Episode :30 Written by :ML Cooks, and Ian H. Coordinating Producer: MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Huntington Memorial Hospital Lauren is overjoyed with tears as she looks at Daniel. "It's OK. Relax" She says as she senses Daniel is very agitated. His heart rate increase, he tries to say something but all he can mumble is the sound of "MMM....." Lauren "Danny, baby, it's OK. I'm here. I'm not going no where. Your getting all worked up." She holds his hand to try and soothe him. Then Chris walks up behind her. "How is he?" Lauren, letting go of his hand and quickly wiping away her tears. "He's seems upset. He's trying to say something." Daniel looks at Chris, confused, not understanding why he is here. Chris lets him know by holding Lauren from behind. Daniel's heart rate increase once more as he breaks into a sweat. Lauren shrugs Chris off her and sits back down by Daniel's side. Ty burst into the room suddenly. "My boy." He walks up to Daniel and smiles. "I missed you Danny boy. I was worried about you." Lauren "I can't believe you are even here." Ty "Where else would I be Miss Mouth?" Lauren "You should be 6 feet under for what you did to Daniel." Ty "Here we go again. Lauren please. Let's not do this in front of Daniel." Lauren "Get the hell out!!" Ty(looking at Chris) "Chris, you better get your friend here." Lauren "Is that a threat?!" She pushes him toward the door "Get the hell out!!" She screams. Diego then burst into the room "What is going on in here? This is a hospital! Everyone leave now!!" Lauren "Ty was just leaving Dr." Diego "Lauren I said EVERYONE leave, please don't make me have to call security. You have disrupted my floor." Lauren "You sorry son of a Bitch" She spits at Ty as she walks past him and out the room followed by Chris. Ty looks at Daniel and tells him he will come by tomorrow, then he leaves the room too as Diego does some vitals on him. The Lady in Black is hiding around the corner, this time, she is wearing a nurse's uniform, and to conceal her identity, she has transformed her face to look like a white woman, with a blonde wig. Lauren "As usual you ruin everything." Ty "Give me a break Lauren. You're so boring. You sound like a broken record. A cry baby. I was trying to find out who shot him." Lauren "What don't you get!? No one shot him, he tried to commit suicide. Thanks to you." Ty "If that was the case, which it isn't, I would want to shoot myself too with all that annoying hollering you do. No wonder Daniel was on drugs." Chris "Now that's enough" Ty "And who are you supposed to be? You only work for me. That's it. Speaking of which, TC Hotel is back open for business so you need to go get your schedule" Lauren "It's OK Chris." (Looking at Ty) " You better stay away from Daniel." Ty "Or what?" Lauren just walks away. Chris and Ty have a stare down. Ty "Don't speak until I speak to you son." Ty cooly says as he walks off. Chris bites his tongue and meets up with Lauren. Mona sees Diego leaving Daniel's room. This is her cue. When no one is looking Mona slips into Daniel's hospital room. Sabryn's Mansion Ashley slapped wildly on the door with two open palms, her mind clouded with rage. "Open the this damn door..." Sabryn threw the door open and met the gaze of the furious Ashley. She shoved her way through. Ashley "Nice place you have here." she spat, her eyes reduced to slits, "Great place to screw my man without his girlfriend finding out." Sabryn "Bryan came back here asking for forgiveness, I don't want him. He's sloppy seconds, something I am sure you are used too. You have gone too far and it's payback time." Ashley "Is that right? I thought after I beat that ass the first time, you would get the message but I see I didn't beat you long or hard enough." Sabryn "Ashley..." Sabryn managed, "I - I really don't think you want to do anything rash." Ashley (mocking her) "I don't want to do anything RASH? like, oh, I don't know, what would be rash? Are you scared?" Sabryn "Making quick decisions you'd regret, and scared hell no." Ashley "I don't think I'd regret it if I punched your face in." she snarled, and threw a closed fist that connected with Sabryn's jaw. "Oh, it's OK. This must not be rash because I've been thinking about it for awhile, oh, and it actually feels kinda good." She doled out another punch, hitting Sabryn squarely in the nose. "I'm not regretting this yet." Sabryn lunged for Ashley's throat, digging her fingernails in. Ashley flailed at her face, and would have scratched Sabryn's eyes out, had she not jumped back. Ashley threw another punch and missed, which allowed Sabryn to offer one which connected right between the eyes. Ashley groaned in pain, and jumped towards Sabryn, bringing her down to the ground. She began whaling, with flailing fists, scratching, slapping, punching. Some of the blows fell in between a slap and a punch. Blood gushed from each woman's nose, and cuts on their faces. Each gave it almost as good as she got it, pulling hair, putting fingernails to good use. Sabryn got a good tuft of Ashley hair, and pulled her up. "What's the matter bitch? Tired already? Get up." She pulled her up and then looked for the first available place against which to slam a head. She brought Ashley's skull down on her glass coffee table. "This is what happens when" bang "a filthy skank" bang "Doesn't pay attention to the 'no vacancy' sign on a woman's man." BANG. "You really oughta pay closer attention, I told you" bang "that It's over between Bryan and me" bang, and on the last bang, the glass shatters, "Ashley!" Brian screamed from the doorway, he runs over to them "Sabryn, what the hell are you doing?" Sabryn "I - " she let the Ashley drop, and she realized Ashley is unconscious, "I'm just doing a bit of error correction." she looked up at him, fire in his eyes, Bryan looks upon Ashley's sliced up face, as she lays there unconscious, having lost round 2.
  2. Mona and Ty are enemies and allies, a very delicate situation that's for sure. Daniel at this point is the lose cannon. And you should already know that Natti isn't going to take being fired by Sabryn very lightly. You won't believe what she does. P.S. can you keep secret? When my story editor read the episodes for next week, they were SHOCKED!! So Please stay tuned, the best is yet to come
  3. For some reason your comments are being cut off, I have to hit edit to read it but I know what you are saying. My writers and I have have come to the same conclusions and are working on the men. Thanks Matt. I know this week 's episodes may have been slow, but next week is going to be good as hell, every episode. I promise!!
  4. Lavender Hill, Sabryn's Mansion Just as Sabryn is about to call it a night, her door bell rings. She looks at her watch. 11:43p.m. She opens her door and sees Bryan. Sabryn "What are you doing here?" Bryan "I love you. Sabryn, I can't be with out you. I am miserable without you in my life. I made a mistake and I am sorry for that. I am not perfect. No one is. We all make mistakes." Sabryn "You're right, we all make mistakes Bryan. And honestly I still love you to. But you hurt me. You lied to me over and over again. And If I can prevent that pain I am going to. You can make your mistakes with Ashley. Not with me. Once a cheater than always a cheater. I don't trust you and with out trust you should already no we have nothing. Bryan, leave me alone. You have caused me enough grief and pain." Bryan "Sabryn please! I am begging you. Don't give up on us. Love is all we need, We can get through this." Sabryn "No Bryan. We can't do that. I will never forgive you for this. You broke my trust for you and you know that I hate liars. I told you from day one, don't hurt me. And you did just that. Now please move on. Get out of my life." Bryan "So that's just it then? It's over?" Sabryn "Since when did you become so dumb? Yes Bryan. It's over!" She slams the door in his face. She leans up against the door, with tears in her eyes as she still longs for Bryan. A hopeless and distraught Bryan heads to his club. You are reading S.T.E.A.M. Episode:29 Written By: ML Cooks Coordinating Producer: MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Ty's Mansion Mona "I love to help my fellow sisters out. Here is a love potion." Mona says as she hands Ashley a formula filled vial. Ashley "Love potion? This sounds like a sci-fi movie." Mona "But it's not. Every customer has been 100% satisfied. Now listen, in order for this potion to work, it has to be storming outside. I checked the forecast for you and we are getting strong thunderstorms tomorrow. It has to rain on you then you have to make love to the man. You have to be riding him and then sprinkle some of that love potion on his chest. He'll be yours forever." Ashley "Just like that?" Mona "I swear , my life by it." Ashley "It's worth a try. Thanks you Ty and-" She looks at the Lady in Black Mona "Your welcome." Ashley leaves with her love potion. Ty hands Mona 5 million dollars. Ty "Don't spend it all at one place." Ty's cell phone then rings. "Thank you very much doctor." He hangs up the phone "Diego says Daniel is awoke from his coma. I'm going there to see who shot him. I'll get up with you later." Ty and Mona both leave his mansion. As Mona drives away, she thinks, "Damn, Daniel can't be awakening all ready. The first thing he's going to do is yap his mouth to Ty that I shot him. I can't let that happen. I am so close from getting Sharan. I can't let Daniel stop me." Mona heads over to the hospital as well. Westwood Park, Mike's House Stepping out the shower and walking to his bedroom, he can smell the scent of Jennifer's perfume still lingering in the air. He sits on the bed and looks around the room and sees some of Jenn's thongs scattered amongst the room. He picks up his phone and tries to call her. It goes straight to voicemail. "Jenn, please come home. I love you. Please give me a chance to explain things. I never cheated on you." He pauses, wanting to say more but then just decides to hang up and get dressed. He looks in Jenn's drawer's, and see she has already grabbed most of her underclothes etc. "I guess Jenn is really done with me. In a matter of one day my life has lost all meaning. And it's all because of Ty." He gets on the phone again, frustrated and wanting to release some tension, he calls Jodie. Pulling in a Park parking lot on Lavender Hill, Ashley pulls out the vial and looks at the glowing blue formula in the vial. "This is crazy" She thinks to herself. She gets out her cell phone and calls her sister Alexis "Hey Lexis I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time" Alexis "Never. In fact I am glad you called. I have great news. I just got done signing a lease for a new store out there in Pasadena." Ashley "For Divine Design?" Alexis "Yes, I was thinking you would be willing to run it. You know take your mind of Bryan." Ashley "I don't know the first thing about running a fashion store. And besides, Bryan and I are back together." Alexis "Back together? But Ash, he cheated on you. You can do better that." Ashley "Lexis, I have never experienced love making like this before. It's so intense and so damn good." Alexis "Ash please. Get a grip. There are other dicks in the sea. I am sure Bryan is not the only mandingo in Pasadena." Ashley is sidetracked as she see Bryan's car riding past her in the park. Ashley "Uh,huh Lexis, listen it was good talking to you. I love you and I hope I see you soon since you got a store here in Pasadena." Alexis "I'll be there in a few weeks." Ashley (rushing) "Ok Bye now" She hangs up and thinks Sabryn lives on Lavender Hill. I know my man is not leaving from Sabryn's house. Ashley pulls out the park parking lot and heads up to Sabryn's Mansion as she pulls out her cell phone and calls Bryan. Huntington Memorial Hospital Lauren and Chris see Dr. Diego Serrano at the nurses Station and walk over to him Lauren "Can I please see Daniel?" Diego "Yes you can, he's very weak though ." Lauren "Is he talking?" Diego "He has not said anything, he was unresponsive's to all my questions, during my examination." Lauren immediately rushes in to see Daniel .She is over joyed with tears as her prayers have finally been answered. She walks over to him and holds his hands. Daniel looks at her and slightly smiles. Lauren "It's going to be ok. I am here for you. Your safe." She says as she caress his face. Chris looks on through the window of the door and wonders if Lauren and Daniel are on there way back to a reunion. Back in the room Daniel begins to try and say something "MMM....." Just as Daniel is trying to say something, Ty then followed by The Lady in Black arrive at the hospital. Ty's intent is on finding out who shot his right hand man refusing to believe he tried to commit suicide, and Mona, intent on keeping that information from Ty since she set it up as a suicide to hide the fact she shot Daniel.
  5. Ty's Limo pulls up to his hotel and an already awaiting Chief of Police, Abe Williams. Ty gets out his limo as Abe gets out his cruiser. Ty "Chief Williams, Good to see you and thanks for meeting me down here." Abe "Not a problem. Again I want to apologize for Mike's behavior the other day." Ty "Mike is a threat to Pasadena. I am sure you have seen his expose?" Abe "Sadly yes I have." Ty "Well I trust you will make the right and safe decision of letting Mike go from the force. Then him roughing me up behind bars shall be forgotten." Abe, pausing, "Well sir, we are here to open up TC Hotel. So here you are, you and your hotel are free to do as you please, in legal means." Ty "Of Course. I don't operate no other way." Ty extends his hand And Abe shakes it Abe "Good night Mr. Christopher." Abe gets in his cruiser and leaves. Ty smiles, looking at his beautiful 28 story hotel "TC Hotel is back open for business." You are now reading S.T.E.A.M. Episode: 28 Written by: ML Cooks Coordinating Producer: MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Midtown Pasadena, Mike's Pub Chris and Lauren are finishing up there burgers and fries. Lauren "I had a lovely time Chris. Thanks for keeping me company" Chris "Even though we walked in on Jodie and Mike?" Lauren "Well I hate to see Jenn go through this and I can't believe Mike cheated on her, but yes I did have a good time." Chris "The pleasure is all mine. I hope we can do this again soon" Lauren "Sure we can do that. I enjoy your company. Listen I really should go and find Jenn. I am sure she needs me right now." Her cell phone rings, she pulls it out her purse and answers,"Hello...., Oh my God, that's great. I'll be right there."She hangs up Chris "Is everything ok?" Lauren "Diego says that Daniel has awoke form his coma. I am going to see him." Chris "I'll drive you. You did have a few drinks. I would hate if something were to happen to you. Especially now that I am getting to know you" Lauren "Sure, let's go." They leave the Pub as Mike is sitting at his bar. Jodie grabs a stool next to him. Jodie "Mike I am so sorry for everything I didn't mean to kiss you I got carried away." Mike "It's not your fault Jodie. I should not of have all those beers. I should have controlled my self. I shouldn't have let it go that far." Jodie "Mike, you never know. This could be a blessing in disguise." Mike "What do you mean?" Jodie "Well if you have to doubt your love with Jenn, or if you have to question what you two have, then it's better that she moves on. It was obvious she was not trying to let you explain anything. Maybe this was her way of getting out the relationship with you." Mike "Jodie I really don't know. You may be right. I don't know where to go from here. All of Pasadena has seen us kiss thanks to Ashley. Everyone is going to think I'm a cheater and a liar" Jodie "That's not true Mike. I don't think that about you. But it did feel like we was on an episode of cheaters" Mike "If I didn't know better, I'd say Ty set this whole thing up." Jodie "That man in the limo" Mike "Yup. He is the reason why I am going through all this drama." "You're wrong about that" Mike and Jodie hear and turn around to see Abe Williams. Mike "Chief, what are you doing here?" Abe "Mike, I don't know what the hell is going on with you but you seem to be on a downward spiral. Your life is falling apart. One mistake after another. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to fire you from the force. I can't risk a lawsuit from Tyler Christopher, thanks to you roughing him up. Your carelessness is unacceptable. Good day Mike." Abe says and he walks out his Pub. Mike "Damn, It just keep getting worse." Jodie comforts him by holding him. Jodie "We need to get out this environment. I for one would like to shower, what you say if I get a hotel room, you come by and I can order a movie." Mike "I don't know Jodie. I'm not good company right now." Jodie "You shouldn't be alone. You need a friend, and I want to be that friend." She then looks into his pretty brown eyes and then kisses him passionately. She then stops "So, when I call you with details on what I hotel I'm staying at your going to come see me?" Mike "You convinced me. I'll close up here, go home and shower and wait for your call." Mike writes down his cell number and hands it to Jodie. Jodie smiles at him and leaves to find a Hotel room. Mike so confused, just cleans up his pub, wondering how did everything go so wrong for him. Lavender Hill, Ty's Mansion Ty and Ashley are sitting in his library. Ashley is scanning briefly through all the many books Ty has. Ashley "You're a big reader I see." Ty "Knowledge is power. Let's get to the business shall we?" Ashley "Yes. I love Bryan and I can't let Sabryn have him. You said you would help me accomplish that." Ty "Yes I did and again thanks you for taping that expose of Mike. I have come through for you. I have a friend, who is very smart and has a way with, how should I say it, Uhm she has a way with substances." Ashley "Excuse me?" Ty "I have a love potion for you." Ashley "A love potion?" Ty "My friend is a scientist more or less. She's going to come in at any minute, to give the love potion to you and explain how to use it." Ashley "This is crazy." Ty "My friend, is very discrete so don't be alarmed by her appearance." Ashley "Scientist?...More or less?..." Then The Lady in Black enters the room. Ashley has chills going through her spine as she looks upon this strange woman...... Ashley "Less......"
  6. In Sierra Madre, Mona's mountain resort Ty, trying to regain his notorious cool, and the situation "Look, there is no need to take it there." Mona "I agree." Ty "I don't take to kindly to threats" Mona "Your point?" Ty, laughing "Maybe we can come to an arrangement." Mona "Maybe is not in my vocabulary." Ty, taking a deep sigh, knowing he lost this battle, but at the same time, gaining from the battle, "I need something very important from you first" Mona "I am not surprised. You prove to me why I hate all men. What the hell is it Sly Ty?" Ty "MMM, Sly Ty, I like that..... I owe someone a favor. Can you come up with some sort of concoction for love." Mona "Oh, now you want to show interest in my technologies. When it serves you. I don't give a damn. Bitch, you better have my money!" Ty, bites his lip and grunts "You are testing me. A comment like that is usually followed by a pimp slap?" Mona "You're a funny man Sly Ty. I see you like to gamble. You must not know about me."She says, as she chuckles, not backing down from Ty. Ty "Gamble?" Mona "Yea, with your life." You are reading S.T.E.A.M. Episode:27 Written by: ML Cooks Coordinating Producer:MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Sabryn pulls up to Natalia's house in Westwood Park. She bangs on her door. Natalia opens it "What the hell's the matter with you banging on my door like you the police? Do you know what time it is?" Sabryn smiles and shakes her head. She opens Natalia's screen door and enters her house, pushing Natalia aside. Natalia looks at her like she is crazy. "Sabryn, you're out your mind. Not only are you a Bitch, but to be disrespectful, I mean come on, I never expected that from you. Miss high and mighty, Miss sadity... I didn't invite you in my house. Your attitude and ignorance is from the hours of 9 to 5. At the fashion outlet" Sabryn "Disrespect. Please." Sabryn pulls out a stick of and offers it to Natalia "You're breath is the first and utmost disrespect to all human kind." Natalia "If my breath is so bad, then get the hell out of my home." Sabryn, pulling out a protective , puts it on her face. "Trust me, I won't be here long. I want to know what this theft is all about at my downtown store. I saw on the news you were kissing Mark. What the hell is going on?" Natalia "It was a misunderstanding." Sabryn "Is that what you call it? My store is on the news because of some stupid non sense. My name gets bad publicity because you cant control your hormones." Natalia "Correction. It's my store, I am the manager and I own 49% of that building. Not only is it my more store, the reason why it's profits are unmatched is because my store carry my designs." Sabryn "Yea, but all that happened yesterday." Natalia "Yesterday?" Sabryn "You're fired. I don't employ sleazy tramps, nor do I want a knock off, or a slut representing S.G. Good luck getting a job in this industry, I've already black listed you." Sabryn takes her face mask off and throws in Natalia's face, as she begins walk out her house. Natalia, in shock " I can't believe this. You won't get away with this. I'll get you Sabryn." Natalia picks up a glass flower vase and throws it at Sabryn but the vase misses as Sabryn is already out the door and it shatters against the door frame. "She can't do this to me. I have to pay Suga. No job, no money....No Mark.... I'm going to get Sabryn for this!" Sierra Madre, Ty "Look, we need to be allies. Not enemies. Our plan is working. I will get my end together, and I will find out who shot Daniel myself. I know my boy didn't kill himself." Mona "I don't care about that. I want to talk about the only man I like, Mr Ben Frank." Ty "Meet me at my mansion in an hour, with a love potion. We have a new ally on our team. You'll meet her tonight. After that, you have your money, tonight." Mona "Good. I still hate you, but not as much, 5 million dollars does a lot ya know. Money talks and please remember that. Thanks for the great weed and I will see you in an hour." Ty gets up and leaves without saying a word. Mona closes her door, and goes into her living room, which has been transformed into a bootlegged chemistry lab and makes some sort of love concoction. Ty gets in his limo and the limo pulls off. Driver "How did it go?" Ty "I really don't know. I don't know if I can trust her. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed." Driver "Is she crazy?" Ty "Yes she is. But I can't blame her. She has been through a lot. She just wants revenge." Driver "Against who?" Ty "You don't need to know that. In due time though, everything will make sense and payoff. And to make it happen, Abe is next, take me to my Hotel." Ty pulls out his cell phone and calls the Police Chief Abe Williams. Back inside Mona's Mountain resort. As she is finishing up her love potion, she has a flash back in her mind, of creeping up to Daniel's car, stalking him, she notices he is crying heavily and drinking and is waving a gun, she then appears out of nowhere, reaches in his car very quickly, grabbing his hand, then placing it on the gun, with such speed, Daniel is unable to make sense of what is going on and she then shoots him, to make it look like a suicide. "I can't let Ty find out I shot Daniel. It could ruin everything. The only way to do that is to take Danny boy out. He's the only one at this point that can ruin it for me. So he has to die. And I'm going to enjoy doing it..... I love killing men" Meanwhile, Huntington Memorial Hospital Daniel still hooked up to machines, in a deep coma, that is until he opens his eyes...... {aMLCproduction}
  7. Mike's Pub Chris and Lauren, after watching Mike's tryst with Jodie being exposed to Pasadena, hesitating, grabs a seat anyway. Lauren "I really should see if Jenn's OK. I really don't know what to do. I can't believe this is happening." Chris "Me neither. I can't believe Mike of all people would do something like this. This is crazy. Pasadena is getting more stranger everyday." Lauren "Oh, you say that like you haven't been here that long.?" Chris "Well for like 3 years now. I attend The California Institute of Technology" Lauren "That's great. What are you studying?" Chris "Biochemistry" Lauren "That sounds more interesting then owning a restaurant." Chris laughing "You mean Mike?' Lauren "No myself. I own The Blue Note, at the bottom of Lavender Hill." Chris "Wow. That's like a 5 star attraction here. Why didn't we just go there?" Lauren "Free access to liquor. I need to watch my drinking. I've just been so depressed with everything that has happened. I mean the thought of Daniel being driven to want to end his life. I feel like I was a part of that. We had a big ass argument for all to see. I didn't have to do that. I feel so bad." Chris "Lauren, don't feel like that. If you asked Daniel to stop doing the things he doing, then what more are you supposed to do? He's a grown man and should know right from wrong. I don't mean to speak ill of the man but it's the truth. If he really loved you or even cared for you, then he would have stopped doing the drugs when you asked him too So don't beat yourself up over it." Lauren "Easier said then done. We have been through a lot together." Chris, looking into her eyes, and placing his hand on top of hers, "I am here for you Lauren. And I'm going to make it easy for you" He says as he smiles at her. Lauren returns the smile. Is something developing? You are now reading, S.T.E.A.M. Episode:26 Written by: ML Cooks Coordinating Producer: moniquebitches Ty's limo drives into Sierra Madre, parking in front of Mona's isolated mountain resort. Ty gets out and knocks. Mona lets him in. Ty "Damn it's dark and cold in here." He looks around the Grey and almost creepy like environment. He sees Mona has numerous skeletons heads with candles burning in them. In the living room, he can see what seems to be a chemistry lab, full of test tubes. Ty "That must be where you make all of your concoctions." Mona "I'm going to need you to put the brakes on your jokes and sarcasm. Nothing we are doing is funny. Did you bring my weed? Let's get to business. I don't have all night and I am ready to smoke" Ty "I see." He opens up his black brief case and lets Mona feast her eyes on her pound of light green fluffy weed. Mona pulls out her money and throws it on the table. She puts the weed in a bag of her own and rolls up a Mary stick. Ty "We really need to find out who shot Daniel?" Mona(Tensing up, knowing she shot Daniel) "What the hell are you talking about? That dummy tried to kill himself. All men are dummies. He did the world justice by trying to rid this planet of another dumb dick." Ty "Daniel did not try to kill himself. He doesn't have that in him. I refuse to believe it Somebody is setting it up as a suicide. I'm going to need you to help me find out who did this to him?" Mona(lighting her blunt) "I hope you don't blow my high with all this non sense. My mission does not include who shot Daniel. As far as I am concerned, His dumb ass shot himself. Your eyes were not deceiving you homie. You know what... You're a dummy too, just like Daniel. That's why I hate men, there all stupid ass dummies. There evil!" Ty "Evil? Woman what planet are you in? Granted, you were held captive for along time, but this is 2007? Evil? For real Mona? Them trees must be hella good? Daniel is like a brother to me. I don't appreciate the disrespect. He did nothing to you. He is on our team. With out him money ain't coming in right." Mona "That has nothing to do with me. It sounds like you better get this situation together ASAP. I am making moves. Things are happening on my end... I got DNA from Dondre. I faked my death. What have you done?" Ty "I shut Mike down. He's no longer a threat." Mona "So now that Bastard Abe is the only one left." Ty "Yup." Mona "So when will he be taken care of?" Ty "Soon" Mona "Soon? That's all you can say? Look... I want Sharan. I am tired of not being with her." Ty "It's going to happen, I just need a little time to get my end together. I am losing money everyday that Daniel is in acoma." Mona "Well I need like 5 million dollars by the end of the closing day tomorrow." Ty "Excuse me?" Mona "Did I s-st-stu-stutter? So what time can I expect that?" Ty "You out your damn mind? Let me hit that blunt, you making me lose my cool." Mona "Uhm, did you put in on this? Tyler, I am not playing games. I want an answer. What time can I get my money?" Ty "I'm not giving you that kind of money. What do you need it for?" Mona "I need to iron out a few things before I finally take Sharan. I need to be sure everything is right for my lady. Money is the only way to ensure I get my baby. So I am not going to ask you again? What time damn it!?" Ty "You can expect all you want. You don't even have to ask no more. The answer is, and will be no!" Mona "I hold the key to everything! With out me, there is no you. Don't test me Ty. You better go put Jennifer on a street corner and sell that PU$$Y because one way or another, I will have all my monies by the end of the closing day tomorrow, or all hell will break loose in Pasadena. I promise you that. I am not Mike, Fu(k with me if you want too I dare you too!!"
  8. Wow Matt You blew me away. The episode flowed so beautifully. James is a cold hearted Bastard. I can't believe he left PP like that. James can't be that lousy in bed if three women where fighting over him. Loved the GOT triangle. I was not expecting O to choose T. Then when G got drunk and made a scenes, I was not xpecting that from her. You know I can really picture Eric Forrester B&B, John McCook, that's his name in the role of Ben. I am glad you gave a shot out to my great state. I would not want Dr. Hanlo as my doctor, I know she's hiding something. I love John/s comment to Carrie, Slut. I had to do a double take. Love the "B" in the W/L/T/B scenes. Again, yes I am going to say it again, I would love to see Trella and Lenvy hook up. I can feel deep raging passion between them. I loved how Will called B a bitch. It was a lot of bluntness in this episode, reminded me of STEAM And YES WHAT A GREAT CLIFFHANGER. Matt you have a knack for surprises, as I'm reading, I be like, I know where this is going, but then you do a 180 on me. It's been happening in the last few ep's. GREAT JOB!!! You are a GREAT WRITER. I can't wait to read the premiere.
  9. I wasn't big on Mike and Jenn either. Hence they broke up. I am really surprised you like Jodie and Mike for some reason. I'll have to keep that in mind. As you already know. I got some big and I might even add weird events concerning Ash/Sabryn/Bryan.
  10. Wow season finale. You should already know I can't wait, and I hope and pray we don't have to wait long for the next season. Peggy reminds me of Ashley some what on STEAM. I hope we have not heard that last of her, I was really starting to dig her. I also Like how James said that Peg don't blink her eyes, and called her mildly distorted. I could really imagine that based on Peg's pic. James must really got it going on with three woman at one time vying for him. It was great to really see London get in on some action. She hasn't been on that much I am really starting to not like Jenny. She seems so week and insecure. I mean granted yes, with a co star like CC but damn still. I also still feel that Jenny and Carlos is an island story line. I have yet to really seem them interact with other PP cast members. I also miss that smart ass Dr Query I think his name is. I really liked how CC approached Carlos with her naked outfit. I love aggressive females. I never realized till this episode how much Lenvy and Carrie do look alike. In fact so much so, while I was reading I had to scroll the cast to make sure that the same actress wasn't playing both roles. WOW. I know you are going some where with this one. Was it a coincidence? I can still really see Trella and Lenvy hooking up. Based on what they say about one another. LOL I think they have chemistry. I also loved the Blake/NAN flashbacks. It really cleared a lot for me who started reading I think it was episodes somewhere in the 60's( correct me If I am wrong) I also never knew that Blake tricked Nan to fall in love with him. I would have loved to see that. What a great twist. I am mad I missed that. I love Nan so much. She is always up to something. I really like Alley and John together. They click. Are they really leaving? And one more thing, I thought Blake sounded really childish when He told John and Alley if they didn't come to the gala, then don't ever call him again. I didn't expect that out of him. GREAT EPISODE
  11. Outside of Mike's Pub Ty rolls down the window of his limo, and motions for Ashley to join him. She gets in the limo. Ty "Thank you for rushing down here. And for your services, I already told you that I owe you so name your price." Ashley pauses and thinks carefully, "Well I don't really need any money. I do well for myself down at the tv station. And my sister own her own fashion house So I am well off...... So what I would really like is to have Bryan." Ty (intrigued) "Bryan?" Ashley "Yes sir. I love him but Sabryn is trying to steal him away from me. I can't let that happen." Ty "I see..... OK. Meet me at my mansion in 1 hour. I will have something for you." Ashley (wondering what he got up his sleeve) "Great. I'll see you in an hour." She gets out Ty's limo, ecstatic that she is about to get an ally in her campaign to acquire Bryan. You are now reading, S.T.E.A.M. Episode:25 Written by: ML Cooks and Ian H. Creative Consult:Monique Bitches Huntington Memorial Hospital Ty is outside of Daniel's room Ty takes another glance before placing his hand on the doorknob. He feels almost naked without a weapon. He wants to feel safe, but he shrugs it off and say that a hospital is probably the safest place in the world, but he's used to having protection and old habits die hard. He quietly presses against the door, and gains entry to Daniel's room. He cannot help but think that his closest friend looks like a cyborg. "We have what it takes to rebuild him, better than before." He said, in a booming, announcer voice. "Dan, you look like the six million dollar man." Normally, he'd have expected a smile. "Can you hear me in there?" he asks, "they say hearing's the last thing to go, you know… so, I'm gonna talk to you like you can hear me, and if not I'm talkin' to myself. I'm about crazy enough." He laughs at his own joke, and then sighs. "Look man, any time you want to snap out of it and come to, I'd really appreciate it. There's a lot going on right now. Mike is off our radar, I got him on tape stickin' it to some broad, but then there's still Abe Williams. Abe presents a problem, but I've got an idea that just might fix that.With you in this coma I don't know who I can trust , it's like an episode of twenty-four . You know, with Keifer Sutherland, everyone seems to be screwin' everyone over? I can't do this all by myself man. The only person that I can trust now is Mona.. Well, anyway I think we can trust Mona. She hasn't given us a reason not to, but I don't know yet. Still have to tread lightly." He waits, looking carefully for some sign of motion. Seeing nothing, he continues, "And I'm still working on Jennifer. I'll have her Danny Boy because I always get what I want. And, I want you to be all right so you better get on it, that's an order buddy. Seriously – I mean someone was a dumb fool to think I'd believe you tried to off yourself. First of all you're the most stubborn prick I know. You wouldn't be killing yourself, someone would have to snuff you right out, they tried but they didn't do a very good job. Besides, man if you wanted yourself dead, you'd be dead right now. You've never missed a shot. All I need is you to wake the hell up and we can keep going like nothing even happened. I'm waiting man – I – " he paused, running out of words to say. Overcome with emotion, he pushes the chair from the bed. He grips one of his friend's lifeless hands; "You ain't cold yet you crazy bastard, and you're everything I got. Would you mind waking the hell up?" He left, for fear that had he stayed, he would have began to weep for Ty is one never to loose his suave cool.. Downtown Pasadena, S.G. Fashion House. Sharan walks into Sabryn's office. Sabryn "Sharan, it's so good to see you." Sabryn greets her by hugging her. Sharan "It's good to see you too. How are you?" Sabryn "I'm fine, How are you? I read in the paper that apparently someone rammed Kevin's car door off. What was all that about?" Sharan "I have no idea. It was so chilling and crazy The car came out of no where. That was a very strange night. From the murder at TC Hotel.(She thinks of the strange pink roses she received that, not wanting to bear any fruit to it,or to even thing that some how it was all connected since nothing else strange has happened she shrugs it off) Right after that happened, we hear a gunshot in the distance. To find out, Daniel tried to commit suicide." Sabryn "Wow I am so sorry to hear that. That is one night that should not have happened. So sad. And I thought my problems were bad." Sharan (intrigued) "Problems? Sabryn, it's been a while since we talked. Is everything OK? Is it Bryan?" Sabryn pauses, trying to keep her composure, holding back tears "Look, I don't want to talk about it." She turns away to wipe the free flowing tears, changes the subject. "I thought Dondre was supposed to be here to. Oh, and thank you for meeting me so late. We really need to launch this new clothing line Elegante'. I have a lot invested in this venture." Sharan "Don't do that Sabryn." Sabryn "Do what?" Sharan "Deflecting the real question. It's obvious something is tearing you up inside. Now you know we have always been good friends. You can tell me what's bothering you. Get it off your chest." Sabryn, getting irritated, rolling her eyes "Sharan, yes we are very good friends. I have never questioned that. I don't want to disrespect you in any way. I need you on this Elegante' line. I really want us to focus on that. So I would really appreciate if you would not bring up my personal life. Now I am not being rude. Talking about what is going on in my life on is not in my plan to move forward. I am dealing with everything my way. So the sooner you understand that, the faster this launch can be advantageous for all parties involved." Sharan, taken a back, nods her head "I can respect that. No offense taken. I was just lending an ear. It's still hear if you ever need it." She smiles Sabryn "Thanks Sharon I really appreciate it. When I talk about it, I want to be able to add to the story that I have overcome this obstacle and I have prospered" She says as she hugs Sharon, warming up the icy waters. Sharan "You're right, Dondre was supposed to meet us here. I called his cell and left him a message. I haven't heard back. That's not like him. Let me try again" She pulls out her phone and calls Dondre again wondering why he hasn't contacted her back yet. You are about to witness an amazing event, It's happens in West wood Park, From less than one hour ago, after exposing Mike's affair to all of Pasadena, reporter for WMLC tv station, Ashley creeps to the back of Bryan's house to do a surveillance check. She sees Bryan's car is in the garage and She also sees, Bryan's house is dark, which means A ) He's sleep, or B ) He's in there with Sabryn. "Either way it goes, someone is going to die tonight" Ashley says in her head as she looks in her purse to make sure her knife is still there after grabbing it this morning before leaving her house. Ashley gets closer to Bryan's window and can hear that he's snoring. Ashley pops her head in the window, she sees the coast is clear for her easy yet discreet entry, she climbs in the window, trying not to wake Bryan, with her knife in her hand. Once the task is successfully completed, she gathers her bearings, and creeps towards the bed, gently laying onto the bed and eventually laying next to Bryan. Facing him, she takes the knife and jabs it into his face, drawing blood. "AHHH!!!" Bryan wakes up and is startled, heart racing intensely. Having been in a deep sleep he gains sense of what is going on around him. He looks at a smiling Ashley. "Ashley!!" Ashley "Did I wake you lover?" Bryan "What the hell is your problem? You cut me!!" Ashley "So what!! You cheated on me, so what's the difference?" Bryan "Look Ashley, there is no need for this non sense. I told you I apologize, and didn't mean to play with your emotions." Ashley "And what am I supposed to? Just forget how I feel about you. Put aside how you make me feel when we make love. Go on as if nothing ever existed between us?" Bryan "I said we could be friends" He says as he gets up to put some boxers on, since he sleeps in the nude. Ashley out of anger, throws the knife at him and it pierces Bryan's skin, bouncing off his back. Bryan "You're crazy. You need to get your weapons and get the hell out of my house!" Ashley "I am crazy!!" She says getting up and walking towards him. " I am crazy for you. I love you.You're all I think about night and day." She says pleading with him. Bryan "Ashley, I already told you I love Sabryn." Ashley "Wrong answer!" She says as she gets up in his face. Bryan is now a bit nervous..... "Real talk Bryan, Once you hit this, you never quit this. You best believe that. I don't know what type of woman Sabryn is, but I'm not her, and we are going to do things differently. My way, and there is no highway. Well, I'll make an exception, highway to hell, because I'll kill you if you be with another woman. If I find out, you still laying down the pipe to Sabryn, I'll use this knife and cut that big d!ck of yours off and shove it down your throat. Than you can gag on it for once and see how I feel when you push my head on it to put it down my throat, you won't like it. I don't want you to cease all contact with Sabryn. Don't contact her in-person, by mail, a text message, a telegraph, a pigeon, or not even a smoke signal.You got the wrong Bitch if you think your going to play me Ryan, I mean Bryan." She kisses him on the cheek. "I'll be over in the morning. Nothing like some great sex to get the day started right. So have it ready, You know what,.... hell, don't even piss when you wake up, I love it when it's rock hard" Ashley hugs Bryan and than leaves his house. Bryan "What the hell have I gotten myself into? She's nuts. There's no telling what that psycho is going to do next"
  12. Mike's Pub Mike(With Jodie still sitting on his lap) "Yes, I am glad that you are here. I haven't felt this good in a long time." Jodie(looking into his deep brown eyes) "I can make you feel better?" Mike "Can you?" Jodie begins to kiss Mike. She slides her tongue in his mouth as the kiss gets even more deep and passionate. That is, until, Jennifer walks in, slamming the door, to announce her presence. Jodie and Mike both look at her in complete surprise, and to witness the drama that's about to go down is none other than Ty C. Hutchins himself, pulling up in his limo. You are now reading S.T.E.A.M. Episode:24 Written by: ML Cooks Creative Consult: Monique Bitches Inside of Tyler's Limo, Ty(talking to his driver) "Do you see what I see?" Driver "Yes I do." Ty "Jenn is mine. It's already written. Thanks Mike for making it too easy." Ty pulls out his cell phone and makes a call. "It would be advantageous if you could come to Midtown, Mike's Pub with your crew and get some hot action that's about to take place......Call me when it's done." Ty hangs up his phone Driver "What's about to happen boss? You really giving' it to this cop." Ty "I got to take him out. He's an obstacle. I am just going to nail the lid shut on his coffin. Just stay tuned and see how it unfolds."He says with a smirk on his face. On Lavender Hill,(Millionaires Row) Sabryn's Mansion Sabryn, fresh out the shower, wraps a thick shower robe around her, and she then grabs a towel and wraps up her hair in it, as she hurries to her front door . She opens it. Sabryn "Gilbert you won't believe what happened." Gilbert walks in the foyer admiring Sabryn's beautiful Medieval Paintings on her wall. Gilbert "You said something about some Bitches and Bastards." They both laugh as they walk into the living room. They sit in front of the extra large window, to take in a perfect view being on top of a hill over looking Pasadena. Gilbert "I saw in the news, you were injured or something. Are you OK?" Sabryn "To make a long story short- Bryan was cheating on me." Gilbert "Ooo..Damn. That sucks." Sabryn "It only gets better. Not only did he cheat, he has the nerve to cheat on me with some low class skank. And that ignorant Bitch, had the balls to show her hideous face in my office. " Gilbert "O,..No!" Sabryn "You guessed it. We got into a fight. She knocked me out.I'll give her that." Gilbert "Whatever.. You should have been fighting Bryan." Sabryn sheds a tear Gilbert "Are you going to be OK?" Sabryn "Yes. I am fine Gilly. This is the only the first battle. Ashley may have won by a slim margin, and I do mean VERY slim, but next time, I'm going to squash that wild roach." Gilbert "Sabryn, you make it sound like you are going to get in a boxing ring with her." Sabryn "No, no Gilly. I don't have to use my fist to get her. There are other ways. More sophisticated ways, since that is the kind of woman I am." Gilbert "I know your not going to let Bryan off the hook." Sabryn "Gilly please, watching him beg me to take him back will be a joy to watch." Gilbert "A Joy?,... I don't know,.... you know how deeply you love Bryan. You have told me numerous times on many days. " Sabryn (shedding more tears) "It just hurts. He cheated on me. Wasn't I good enough? What did I do wrong?" Gilbert holds Sabryn like a good friend should as she sobs, crying out all her pain. Chris and Lauren are stunned when they walk into Mike's Pub, and see Jodie straddling over Mike, and a camera crew recording the drama that is about to happen. To give all of Pasadena a ring side seat is Ashley Jones, who just so happens to be a reporter for the local tv station WMLC. Jennifer "What is this?" Jodie "You must be Jennifer." She says as she gets off of Mike Jennifer "You think? Who the hell is this Mike?" Mike "Jennifer, I am sorry" Jennifer "So all this time, while I was in this greasy ass pub, you been cheating on me?" Jennifer slaps Mike. Jodie "No! I am new to Pasa-" Jenn cuts her off, putting her hand in Jodie's face. Jenn "Don't speak to me. I don't want to hear nothing you have to say." Mike (rubbing his cheek) "She's new to Pasadena. Jodie just got here. I have not been cheating on you." Jenn "Then what the hell do you call it? It all makes sense now. You had me working in this pub so you can go out and get some action on the side. I told you over and over again, I miss you I need you. But instead you cheat on me" Mike "Jenn, I 'm sorry. I had too many beers. I know it's not an excuse, but I did not and have not cheated on you. I love you." Jenn "Love? What does love have to do with it? If you love me then why were you kissing Jodie? Don't you know when you've had too much to drink? You should have told me you didn't want to be with me." Jodie (interjecting) "Please let me explain." Jenn (looking at her with an attitude) "I thought I asked you not to speak to me." Jodie (taking her chances anyway) "But it's all my fault. I came onto Mike. I kissed him."Jenn slaps Jodie across the face. Jenn "I didn't see Mike stopping you." She looks back at Mike. "And you had your hands all over this tramp. You was holding her. Drunk my ass. You don't seem to drunken right now." Jenn looks at the table and sees bits of fries on Mike's plate and a half eaten burger on Jodie's plate. "It looks like you two had a lovely evening. I really hope it was worth it Mike." Mike "What do you mean?" Jenn " Isn't it obvious? It's over. You were so worried about me and Ty but in reality you were the one who was having an affair. They always did say the accuser is usually the guilty party. You kept picking arguments with me over Ty, while all along, you were leaving me lonely night after night to have a cheap thrill with your on the side hoe. I didn't know you cold be so cold. And you say you love me. I don't know what kind of love you're offering but you can keep it. Rot in hell you Bastard! You deserve everything you get." She says as she begins to walk out the Pub. Mike "Jenn please don't leave!... I was not cheating! ....Let's talk about this!"He says going after her. Jenn "Don't come near me! You're a pig!" She says as she leaves the Pub. Mike "Damn!...I don't believe this." Jodie "Mike, I am so sorry" Ashley (With her microphone in hand and as the camera now on her) "Well Pasadena there you have it. Is this what our hard earned taxes are paying for? A lying and cheating police officer?" Mike (Finally noticing that this whole episode has been taped) "Get the hell out of here!" He says as he puts his hand in the camera to block the view and he shoves Ashley and her camera man out his Pub. Lauren and Chris continue to watch in astonishment. Mike sits down and shakes his head from side to side. "I've lost everything. My life is ruined" Mike looks out the window and sees Ty's limo. "And it's all because of him." Tyler sits back and bask in his victory over Mike. Driver "Mike got played." Ty "I warned him not to mess with me. It works out. I got Mike out the way, now it's time to crush Police Chief Abe Williams. He's the only obstacle left....."
  13. A total of 12 Episodes aired in July (Name......July/compared to Last Month Mark.....12 Natalia..11/+8 Dahlia...11 Ty.......11/+5 Mike.....11/+3 Dondre..9/+6 Ria.......8/+5 Suga....7 Jennifer7+1 Karim...6/+3 Sabryn.5/-2 Mona...5/+1 Sharan.4/-1 Lauren..4/-3 Jodie.....3 Kevin.....3/-2 Bryan....3 Ashely...3 Chris......3 Gilbert....2 Abe.......2/-2 Daniel....2/-4 Diego.....2 Alexis.....1
  14. Let me try to limit my comments, so I have been told I leave long ones, lol. Another great episode. I love what I call them the circle scenes, how u went back and forth from John and Alley and Dylan and Carrie. Also the circle scenes between Alexia and Owen and nem, I love as usual The Nan scenes. I bet Lanoi and Ben must feel like Dummies working with these kids and having all these scandals. Is Bryan going to be fired next? Is Trella a lesbo? I could really see that for her and her trying to get with Lenvy. I also like this Brandon character. He's sexxy and I hope you do more with him. Man Carlos is in a tough spot, after Jenny asked him to quit the soap. What a great storyline. But damn don't she realize that Carlos is making mad money as an actor? Last but not least, Peggy and Ava had me on the edge of my seat. Wow, I can't belive it ended like that and I knew Peg had a thing for James. U said Peg had a lot coming up but it seems she may dead, you have thrown me for a loop. I can't wait to find out what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Mike's Pub Jodie is sitting on Mikes lap as they hold each other Mike "You smell so good. This feels so nice." Jodie "Yes it does. Your so warm." Mike "Thank you for listening to me Jodie. It means a lot to me." Jodie "I'm just glad I can be here for you. I'm glad you're the first person I met here, What a great way to start a new life in a new city." Mike "I'm glad you're here." Jodie "Are you?" The Descanso Gardens In Tyler's Limo, Jenn pushes Ty's out from her panties. Ty "Jenn what's the matter?" Jenn "Ty, I'm sorry. I can't do this." Ty "Do what? You don't want to be with me?" Jenn "I do, but I'm scared. I am still in love with Mike. I do love him. He's a good man and I don't want to hurt him." Ty "Jenn... Mike doesn't even treat you right. What else does he deserve?." Jenn "I mean true, Mike works a lot, we don't have a lot of time together. But he has really been good to me." Ty "Then why are you here with me?" Jenn is speechless. Ty calls his limo driver and tells him to drive back to Jennifer's car. You are now reading, S.T.E.A.M. Episode: 23 Written by: ML Cooks Consult:Monique Bitches The Jump Off Jenn walks inside, she spots Lauren and sits next to her. Jenn "Thanks for meeting me. I haven't talked to you since, ....(Trying to be sensitive).....well you know....." Lauren "Just say it Jenn, Since Daniel tried to kill himself." Jenn "Let me get a light long island Chris." Chris "Light?" Jenn "Not to much liquor, I need to keep my mind clear." Lauren "What's going on Jenn? I have been so wrapped up in what's been going to Daniel." Jenn(thinking of Lauren's ill words of Tyler from an earlier conversation, Jenn again decides not to tell her good friend about her latest romp with Ty) "Nothing much is going on with me. Just Mike being an ass. Typical Mike. Nothing to write home about." Lauren "It sounds like it's more than that." Jenn takes a sip of her drink "I don't know if I want to be with Mike." Lauren "I didn't know it was this bad." Jenn "People change and grow apart. Mike doesn't have time for me. He works 12 hours days at the station, well he did until he got suspended" Lauren "Suspended? What did he do?" Jenn "He roughed up Tyler" Lauren "Hell I don't blame him. That snake needs more than that. Its because of Ty that Daniel tried to commit suicide. One day that man will get what's coming to him. I'm going to make it my mission." Jenn takes in Laurens negativity of Ty. "I just need change Lauren. I am tired of that greasy pub. It's boring. Mike is boring. Work and sleep it's like clock work. My life revolves around him and for what? What do I get? I never see him. It's like were grasping at straws to keep this relationship going. I am just tired of competing with his police work and his burger joint." Lauren "I understand. Do what you need to do. You know I am here for you." Jenn hugs her good friend. Jenn "So how are you really?" Lauren "I'm fine I'm just moving forward. Praying for Daniel. Focusing on the opening of my restaurant." Jenn "Good, maybe you can put Mike out of business then, and he would have more time for me." She says as they laugh. Jenn whispers in Lauren's ear "The bar tender has eyes for you. He's sexxy." Lauren, whispering back "Yes he is. He already gave me his number. But I don't know, it's so soon-" Jenn cuts her off "Your not about to marry the man. Just enjoy yourself. Don't let what happened shut you down. Daniel doesn't deserve a woman like you. He took you for granted. You can do so much better. You did say you were moving forward right?" Lauren "Yes" Jenn "Then invite him over to the pub, get to know him. I am on my way there now." Jenn hugs Lauren and leaves the club. Lauren is blushing as she thinks about Jenn telling her Chris has eyes for her. She turns around and looks at Chris "I really don't want to be alone right now, so would you like to go Mike's Pub to grab a burger or something? I need to put some food on these Cosmo's" Chris "That sounds nice. I get off in 20 minutes, I'll go home shower and change and meet you there let's say in 45 minutes. " Lauren "Great I'll see you in 45 minutes then." She leaves the bar. Mike's Pub Ashley is sitting at a table by herself eating some fries, watching the patrons walk by her window view seat. Her cell phone rings. "Hello" "I was calling to see how my big sis is doing? Are you still having problems with that Bryan?" Ashley "Alexis, it's good to hear your voice. I took care of the problem. Well one of them anyway." Alexis "What do you mean? I don't like the sound of where this is about to go?" Ashley "Sorry sis, but this Bitch Sabryn had it coming to her. Treating me like a second class citizen. I was played just like she was. Yet she takes her anger out on me. So I had to teach her a lesson about talking to me crazy and treating me like I'm low class." Alexis "What did you do?" Ashley "I knocked her ass out." Alexis "You are doing to much sis. It's not that serious." Ashley "For me it is. I'm not done yet. I'm going to kill Bryan. He lied to me. Played me like a fool. No man does that to me. And the part that hurts the most he tried to brush me off like I never existed. He was so non chalant about it all. Giving me some bull about being friends." Alexis "I think you need to come here to New York. You need to get away from all that drama." Ashley "You're right. Just as soon as I take care of Bryan. I'll be there." Alexis "Please don't do nothing stupid. Promise me" Ashley "I'll be there soon sis. Love ya bye." She hangs up. And smiles."Bryan is going to pay"
  16. I am glad u like the ep. I was a little nervous when I wrote it. But Like I said, I wanted to slow it down a tad and flesh things out. It's all leading up to a showdown if you will. I think of STEAM as a show that would air at midnight. That's why I try to air episodes around this time. STEAM Will be known for it's sexual frankness. I have a storyline in the works based on sex. It's quite daring and unique and it's has been freshly created for the fans two favorite lady's. It's very innovative and and aggressive. So look out for that one.
  17. What a great episode. Very entertaining. It was good from start to finish Matt. The dialog was great and the scenes really flowed nicley. You know what is scary though, maybe not in a bad way, we have very similar writing styles, I could identify so many layers between STEAM and PP. It's creepy but great. When Frank was telling Alexia she hadn't washed in two days the first thing i thought of was EWW that must mean her muff is not fresh, lol I loved there scenes though. Very creepy. I am really taking a liking to Peggy as much as she is a bitch. I loved the court scenes and was shocked at the verdict. Great action with Peggy. A true classic. I also had to chuckle when Frank said, "Bust a Cap in that ass" Good one!! I am very intrigued with this Guy character . I love the name and I loved his comment Bro's before Hoes. lol Will we be seeing more of him? You know, as much as I told you i like the Blue Crystal storyline, but by the time I got to it and I even felt like this in the last episode, it feels isolated from the rest of PP. You ever though of doing a spin off, a special or something just featuring Blue Crystal? Anyway, I also loved CC's razor sharp dialog with Jenny. And I am really feeling Trella on how she feels Will needs to pay and I don't like how the fact that Lenvy is still so passive about it and expects Trella to let it go. yea right. I wouldn't Again Matt PP is getting VERY GOOD I am completely addicted.
  18. Lauren walks into Bryan's nite club, "The Jump Off." She gets a seat at the bar. Tonight is Smooth Soul Nite and the song "Ex Factor" by Lauryn Hill is played by the DJ. Lauren, looks at the bottles that stare at her, deciding what she is going to have as she listens to the deep words of the song. The bartender approaches her Chris "I am sorry for what happened to Daniel" Lauren "Thank you. Can I get a Cosmo please?" Chris "Yup." Lauren "So you work here as well? I remember seeing you at TC Hotel at the Gala." Chris hands her the drink "I work here and there, well for now I just work here. TC Hotel is closed. SO it's a good thing I had a second job to fall back on." Lauren chuckles, drinking her Cosmo. Chris "How is Daniel doing if you don't mind me asking?" Lauren "I really don't know. He's laying in that hospital, helpless. The doctors don't know if he will ever awake from his coma. He doesn't deserve any of this." She finishes her Cosmo, feeling sadness coming, and not wanting to feel that, she tells Chris to get her another one. Chris "It seems Daniel was dealing with a lot of issues. I know he was very distraught after I saw the Police Chief question him about the murder." Lauren "Yes he was. Trying to fight Ty's influence, dealing with demons from his past, his drug addiction. He's had a very hard life. And Tyler does not help. Getting him hooked on drugs. Drugs does something to Daniel. He becomes a different person." Chris "Wait..what are you saying? Does he put his hands on you?" You are now reading, S.T.E.A.M. Episode:22 Written by: ML Cooks Creative Consult:Monique Bitches Mike's Pub Jodie caresses Mike's hand. Jodie "It seems your life is falling apart. You certainly don't deserve for any one to play with your emotions. That's what Jenn is doing to you. If she loved you she would not have walked out on you. She would not have kept that secret from you, going to see Ty. Do you know where she is right now?" Mike "No. I sure do not know. I don't know if she's with Tyler... again, or if she even loves me anymore." Before Mike can choke up, he downs more beer. Jodie "It's OK Mike. I am here for you." She sits next to him and puts her arm around him. Jodie "I bet you could use a hug" She hugs him. He returns it as well. Mike "You smell so sweet." Jodie "Thank you." She caresses his back, making Mike more laxxed among all the beer he has drunk. The Descanso Gardens Tyler motions for Jenn to get in his limo. Ty "I need to talk to my driver I will be right back" He closes the door and walks to his driver. Ty "Did you sell everything?" Driver "Yes sir." Ty "Where's my money?" Driver "Right here." Ty "Me and my lady bout spend Q.T. Drive us to my mansion, drop the Ben franks off and bring us back here." Driver "Yes sir." Ty gets in the limo to accompany Jenn. He pours them a drink. Jenn "Where are we going?" Ty "My driver is hungry, he's going to get a bite." Jenn "So you take a limo everywhere you go?" Ty "I like to live luxuriously. I need a lady to share that with." They sip their drink as he sits closer to her and draws her into a kiss. He begins to rub on her thighs, caressing them, working his hand closer toward Jenn's panties. Jenn moans as he massages his finger inside her panties and slides one of his fingers inside of Jenn Ty "MMM, you so wet. I turn you on don't I?" Before she can answer, Ty begins to massage her clitoris. Jenn lets out a loud moan. Ty takes one of Jenn's hands and puts it on his crotch Ty "You feel that.... You do that to me....Touch it." Jenn unzips his pants and pulls out the "long boy" Jenn feels all of Ty's manhood. Ty "Why don't we take these panties off?...." Jenn "Stop Ty, I can't do this. I'm sorry." The Jump Off Lauren takes another sip of her Cosmo. "No Daniel has never hit me. He has a lot of issues but domestic violence is not one of them." Chris "I am glad to hear it. Very glad. You have a pretty face and I would hate to hear that he hit you. No woman deserves that." Lauren "Your right about that.... You seem to be a descent guy. I bet the lady in your life is happy to be with you. Working two jobs. You don't find that a lot these days." Chris "No lady in my life. I am still in search of Miss Right. Maybe I might have found her." Lauren smiles "Did you?" Chris "Maybe." He smiles back at her. "I am glad I made you smile. I haven't seen you smile in a while" Lauren "It's been a while." Chris " I know you are dealing with a lot and if you ever need some one to talk to I am only a phone call away." He writes down his number and gives to her. Lauren "Thank you Chris." Huntington Memorial Hospital Dr .Diego Serrano walks into Sabryn's room. Diego "How do you feel?" Sabryn "I have a slight headache but I am fine." Diego "How did this happen to you?" Sabryn "A cheap Bitch named Ashley." Diego "Well you suffered a mild concussion. Take it easy and leave them cheap bitches alone." He chuckles and she does as well. He hands her the release papers. Sabryn "Thank you doctor." "Please, call me Diego." He smiles and walks out the room. Sabryn pulls out her cell phone and calls her assistant Gilbert. "Meet me on Lavender Hill in 20 mins. We have a Bitch and a Bastard to Destroy"She looks out her room and see a flood of reporters waiting to find out what happened to the fashion mogul. "This is so embarrassing. Wait till I get my hands on little Miss Blue Light Special."
  19. 1. I think his name was Ben 2. Is it Beth. I am really stumped on her name but she is very beautiful I think her character name is Beth. 3.I know who the woman is but can't think of her this young lady's name. I know she is sexxy as hell. So I guess it don't count..lol
  20. It was a very nice opening, can u pm with the program you used. Did you use actual people? Also some very nice pics of characters. Like John, Will, and Ava. I don't care for the cast shot of them. Ava is beautiful and so is my girl Nan. Is PP already on Hiatus, Was 73 pt2 the finale? I am eagerly anticipating a new ep.
  21. LOL Mona is no where near the age to be Natti's momma. In the next few episodes we are going to learn more about Mona, the big question is who is she and why is she doing what she doing?
  22. Mark unloads his 9, inside of Natalia. Both sweating heavily, holding each other as they both climax together, caught up in the 'feel good' of the moment, AS The lights go off inside the Pasadena City Jail.Suga pulls out a knife and stabs Dahlia 3 times in the stomach. Dahlia screams out and clutches her stomach, collapsing to the ground. Suga cell door unlocks and she breaks out of jail with the help of "Natalia's Friend", the crooked guard. You are now reading....... S.T.E.A.M. Episode:21 Written by: ML Cooks Coordinating Producer: Monique Bitches {aMLCproudction} In WestWood Park, Mark regaining his composure as Natalia is still enjoying Mark's 9 and still continues to ride him in slow motion, making sure she drains the pipe dry inside of her. Mark "Get off me!" He gives her a hard shove, gets up and puts 'himself' back in his pants. Natalia "Damn! You don't have to be rude. That was the best sex I have ever have. You just have to ruin it don't you." Mark "Because it's over. It was a deal. More like black mail. I slept with you. You got what you wanted." Natalia(Interjecting) "And it was good All nine inches." Mark "Now its time for you to come through on your end. We got to get Dahlia out of jail TONIGHT!" Natalia(Putting clothes) "Sorry Mark. I changed my mind I am not dropping the charges against Dahlia." Midtown Pasadena, Mike's Pub Mike brings the burgers and fries from the kitchen. Mike also brings a pitcher of to an awaiting Jodie. Jodie "Sure does smell so good. Burgers, fries and beer at 4 in the morning. Got to love that." Mike(starting to gulping beer down between bites.) "Wow, I didn't know it was so late, or I mean early. Time has really slipped from me." Jodie( as she bites in her burger) "The food is great." Mike "Thanks" Jodie notices Mike drinking heavily. "You really are a beer drinker huh?" Mike "I am really trying to drink my troubles away right now. I know it's not the best way to handle it but I just need to relax my mind for a while." Jodie "It' can't be that bad." Mike "You tell me, let's see, I got suspended from the police force thanks to that snake Tyler. He's now chasing my girlfriend. Hell she walked out on me so I don't even know if we are together or not. And Ty is now talking about shutting down my Pub. This man is ruining my life." Jodie "Wow. I can't believe any woman would walk out on you. You are so attractive. I mean, there is something about your eyes that draws me in." Mike "Thanks. It's been a long time since I heard something like that. Jenn hardly acknowledges my existence these days." Jodie "She's crazy not to. You seem like a nice guy. Seems like you got your head on straight. Trying to do the right thing. Maybe Jenn really doesn't love you. How long have you been with her?" Mike "Two years." Jodie "Maybe it's time to move on. When one door closes another one always open. " She puts her hand on top of his on the table flirting with Mike. Meanwhile, Ty is kissing Jennifer at The Descanso Gardens as the moon and stars give way to the sun. Yes folks, a new day has finally arrived in Pasadena. Jenn "Wow, I can't believe I have been up all night." Ty "For good reason though right?" Jenn( releasing herself from Ty's hold, thinking of Mike) "Ty, I don't know. God, what am I doing? I really love Mike. I don't want to hurt him. But my mind can't stop thinking of you." Ty "Your mind knows what it is doing. It's trying to tell you something. I am the right one for you. I can make you happy. I can fulfill all your deepest desires" Jenn "Ahh, this is so crazy. It's like I am torn. Ty you turn me on. You give me excitement. I felt like I was in another world when we kissed. Being in your arms, I felt warm and secure." Ty "That's how you should always feel. I can make it happen Jenn. You don't need a loser like Mike." Jenn "But I love him." He grabs her and draws her into another passionate kiss. Kissing on her neck drives a sexual stimulate in her body Jenn "Yes, I want you" she says being overcome by passion. Westwood Park, Natalia's House Mark "Excuse me? Run that by me again" Natalia walks up on Mark and puts her arms around him. "I said no I will not drop the charges against your precious Dahlia." Mark, pushing Natalia off of him "What?!We made a deal! We were to have sex in exchange for you dropping the charges against Dahlia. Don't play games Natalia!" Natalia "No deals. I'm sorry. I see it like this. If I drop the theft charges against her, you will go running to her. I can't have that. That would hurt me. I want you Mark. I want to be with you." Mark "I don't care if your hurt or not. You just can't decide you want to be with me. I have some say so in it. It takes two to be in a relationship and I don't want one with you. I love Dahlia and you will have to accept that. That will never change. You have lost your mind. You are straight tripping. What planet are you on? I love Dahlia, she is the woman I want to be with. What don't you get. Tell me you are joking. This has to be a joke." Natalia "No it's not. This is real. I want to be with you. You are them man I dream about. Sexxy, masculine and you give good love." Mark "Shut the hell up Natalia! Stop the damn games and take your ass to the police station and free Dahlia NOW or I'll drag you down there myself!" Natalia "Mark I told you I can't do that. I won't do it. I can't help you be with her knowing that I want you." In a rage from being played, Mark grab Natalia's throat, lifts her off the ground and choke slams her into the wall. Natalia passes on the floor as Mark storms out. Pasadena City Jail The lights come back inside, and The crooked guard see Dahlia's body on the floor with a puddle of blood surrounding her. He calls for EMT's on his walkie talkie. The guard checks for a pulse on Dahlia, there is none. The guard sees Dahlia is no longer breathing, he begins CPR carefully not to make her stabs wounds any worse to save Dahlia's life....
  23. In, Friday's episode we met Jodie who is being played by Another World Alumni Jodie O' Keefe. She is said to be a woman with a shadowy past. She finds herself amoungst the turmoil of Ty/Jenn/Mike. The role is recurring and on going. She has been called the Ultimate Bitch, Natalia, sinks to a new low to snag Mark for herself. This is a week of Romance and New Begining's Romance you say? What.. On S.T.E.A.M.?" That's right. We get romantic this week,..... S.T.E.A.M. style of Course.!! We see Lauren and Chris go out on a date. Is she really ready to move forward with her life? Jenn and Ty move closer, but how close, is it closer than close? Mike and Jodie get close as well. Romance and New Beginings is an umbrella plot, and a mini story arc leading up to some very intense drama. The status quo of Pasadena is about to have a shake up...... Stay tuned....
  24. Yes Mona did all of of that in the previous 19 episodes. She is no joke trust me and in coming weeks u will see that.She is FULL OF SURPRISE AND SECRETS
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