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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. aMLCproduction


    Hell Naw. I love the twist. It will send shockwaves through salem for sure
  2. aMLCproduction


    o [!@#$%^&*], let the show down begin, Another good episode
  3. aMLCproduction


    Again I love the history you use. I remember reading about the 6th son business. It's getting exciting
  4. aMLCproduction


    I loved all the ode's to history. I also loved Sami's like to EJ about seeing soulja's b 4. I didn't watch the cliffhanger in the 80's(I'm a JER baby) I wish I did. Good episode
  5. Love that opening. Thats the best part of the song imo, the ending
  6. Downtown Pasadena TC Hotel, Ty's Office Jenn, looking at Ty with anger in her eyes "I thought I told you I want you to stay away from Jodie." Ty "Here we go again. Jenn I also told you that I run a business. I need help around here." Jenn "Well I can help you." Ty, getting up and walking over to her "I don't want my pretty lady working. I want to take care of you" He says as he holds her in his arms trying to ease the tension she's feeling.. She pushes him off Jenn "You told me you could make me happy. I asked you to leave Jodie alone and you just can't. I don't like that slut." Ty "Why? Because you saw her kissing all over Mike? Remember in my limo, we almost made love? You're just as guilty as Mike and Jodie are. I bet you never told him what you and I did right before you caught Jodie straddling over him. So frankly you have no reason not to like Jodie." Jenn "And now you are defending her and making excuses for her. Ty, this is not the life you promised me. You shoot me, you leave me alone at night, and you give me credit cards to get me out the way. And now it seems like you can't pry yourself from Jodie." Ty "What are you worried about? I love you. I think you're just jealous of Jodie. You have no reason to be. And please stop brining up the fact I shot you. It was an accident. Now if you will excuse me I have a business to run." He walks past her and out his office. Jenn shakes her head in disgust. "Being with Ty was supposed to make me happy." She wipes a tear rolling down her face. In the heat of her anger, she throws everything off of Ty's desk, leaving his office in disarray. After looking at the mess she has made, she decides to grab her purse and leave. Episode: 55, 2places,1person Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches Westwood Park, Mike's House Jodie pulls some fresh strawberry muffins from the oven. Mike walks in the front door. Mike "It sure smells good in here" Jodie "Fresh strawberry muffins." Mike "Good because I am hungry." He says as he walks into his kitchen, grabbing a seat at his breakfast nook. Jodie "So how did it go? Did you place the ad in the paper?" Mike "Yes I did. Hopefully I will get a lot of calls." Jodie "Private Investigator Mike Dietz." Mike "I like how that sounds. This could be a great opportunity. I could help solve crimes and not be bound by the police men's code of ethics." Jodie "It could be very fun and dangerous." Mike "I guess you could say that." Jodie "Speaking of, I stopped by to see Ty today." Mike, putting his muffin down, "Oh yea? And what did he have to say?" Jodie "Well he is going to give me a job at his Hotel." Mike "Jodie, I still have reservations about you working with him." Jodie "Don't worry about it Mike. I told you I dealt with his kind before. Ty is a light weight compared to the gangsters back in Cleveland. This will be a piece of cake. I'll get Ty to trust me and then penetrate into his dirty dealings." Mike "I love this aggressive side to you." Jodie "Do you?" She says smiling Mike, he smiles back "I sure do. I guess I can make Ty my first case. We can do this together." Jodie "I love the sound of it." She says finishing up her muffin. "I have to go meet with Alexis" Mike "You're going to model for her?" Jodie "I really don't know. I have to see what she's talking about. I don't want my past being splattered all over the tabloids. I could see the headlines now, Prostitute turned Model. I bet Jenn would have a field day with that one." Mike "Probably so" Jodie "I'll se you later" Mike "Be careful" He smiles at her as she leaves the house. He continues to eat his muffin. He gets a knock at the door. He opens it up and is surprised to see Jenn. Pasadena Court House The court has come back under control after Judy has thrown her gavel into the crowd but luckily it misses people and crashes into the wall. Lisa "That was uncalled for." Judy "I suggest watch how you talk to me Madame. We have a bail hearing to get through." Judy looks at the District Attorney Stacy Dash "State your case Ms. Dash." Stacey stands up "Your honor, what we have before the court today are a pair of cold hearted killers who don't know how to drive. Sabryn Genet and Ashley Jones have a known violent history towards one another. Ms Genet has even attack the deceased 's sister Alexis Jones." She says pointing in her direction. As if on cue, Alexis takes a tissue and dabs her eyes to make it seem like she's crying. "Your honor, Ms Genet has demonstrated that she has violent tendencies. So the state recommends that the defendants remain behind bars until the trial date. That's it your honor." Stacy takes her seat and comforts a distraught Alexis. Judge; looking at Lisa "Your turn Madame." Lisa, standing up "Ya honor. The only thing that is goings on here, is a series of adverse misfortune events." Judy arches an eyebrow, impressed with Lisa's upgrade with the English Language. Lisa continues " It was a dark and stormy night your honor" Upon saying that a few people in the court room including Stacy snicker.. Judy rolling her eyes "Don't tell me your going to tell me a bedtime story" Lisa "If you would relax, and pump your brakes you would find out that, it fact, it actually was a dark and stormy night. The defendants will testify to that." Judy "Proceed Madame" Lisa Uhm Hmm, but anyway.. Some of the worst storms ever passed over this city that night. Sabryn and Bryan have never broken the law before. Sabryn is a fashion designer, owning SG corporation, and Bryan is a pillar of our community ya honor. The night in question was an accident and therefore my clients should be free on bail. They pose no threat to the community. Not only that your honor, Ms Genet is 2 months pregnant. My client will not put her child at risk" Stacy "Objection your honor" Lisa, looking at Stacy, with a crazy look "No you didn't" Stacy rolls her eyes at Lisa. Judy "Overruled." Stacy and Lisa sits back down Judy looks at Alexis and Bryan and Sabryn in the eyes one at a time with a mean face. She looks over her notes "I've already made my decision.. I have decided to let the defendants post bail." Sabryn and Bryan breathe a sigh of relief and hold each other. Lisa gives Stacy a smirky smile. Judy "This trial will resume 4 weeks from today. Court is now adjourned." Judy pounds her gavel that Bird has brought to her and pounds it and walks out her courtroom. Alexis gives Sabryn the evil eyes Alexis, to Stacy "I can't believe this. Those murders should have been locked up." Stacy "It's ok. This is only round one. I never lose a case so Bryan and Sabryn will be locked up for life when I am done with those two." When Alexis hears those magic words, , she has a devilishly grin on her face Lauren's House, Lauren, looking at Chris with blood on his hands "You killed Daniel." Chris "Lauren, no you got it wrong!" he says getting up. Lauren "Stay away from me" She says as she starts to panic. She grabs the phone and dials 911 "I have an emergency, some one has been stabbed," Upon saying that, Lauren breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably as the words exit her lips and the full emotional effect of the situation takes hold on her. She kneels down to the floor. Chris approaches her. Lauren "Stay away from me!!" She says getting up Chris "Lauren, I don't know what happened? I didn't stab Daniel" He says pleading with her. Police Cheif Abe Williams arrives with a CSI team. Abe looks at Daniel who lies on the floor cold dead, with a knife in the chest. Abe checks for a pulse. Abe "He's gone" Lauren breaks into a storm of tears again. AN officer comforts her. She looks at Chris "You killed him you bastard! He didn't deserve to die!" The officer takes Lauren outside Abe looks at Chris. Chris "Chief, I don't know how this happened." Abe "What the hell do mean you don't know? You got blood over your hands and clothes." Chris "It was the blackout. I couldn't see anything." Abe "Well you about to see my jail. You're under arrest." Abe says pulling out his cuffs. Chris "I didn't kill anyone!" Abe "Yea yea, DO you know how many times I've heard that story. You have the right to remain silent…" Abe says reading him his rights as he escorts Chris out of Lauren's House. Huntington Memorial Hospital Diego walks in Natalia's room Natalia "Please tell me my baby is ok?" Diego "The baby is fine." Natalia "Thank God" Diego "How did this happen? " Mark, walking into the room "That's what I would like to know too. What the hell were you doing in Dahlia's room?" Natalia "I was visiting her. I was making sure she was ok since I heard she awoke from her coma." Mark "Yeah, I'm sure. How did you two fly out the window?" Natalia "I was looking out the window, telling her how I hope we can be friends, and how I hope she could be the God Mother of our child." Mark "You just couldn't help yourself could you? You had to rub it in her face" Natalia "It was not like that. I really want Dahlia and I to be friends" Mark "Just spare me this fake saint act! How did you two end up in the garbage truck!? Natalia "Out of nowhere she sat up on the side of the bed. She said she knew that we had sex and that I'm carrying your child Mark. She already knew." Mark "Damn, thanks to Doctor Big Mouth, Dahlia must have over heard us talking about it." Diego "Don't blame me for you sins of passion. Natalia, we're going to keep you here over night for observation. I'm going to check with Abe to see if anyone has found Dahlia." Diego leaves the room. Mark "I really don't know what to say right now." Natalia "You could tell me you love me" Mark "Natalia get real. We will never be a family and I will never love you. If this child is mine than I will sue for sole paternal rights. You're an unfit mother already and you've only been pregnant for what, a few weeks. So all these plans and dreams of us being together, you can cancel all that. Hell would have to freeze over a few times before I ever be with you." Natalia "Anything is possible." Mark "The thought of you makes me ill." Mark leaves her room. Natalia "We will be a family Mark. I'm carrying your child." Her thoughts are interrupted when Alexis walks into her room. In the Hospital Parking lot, upon approaching his car, Mark sees the tires of his Ford Focus slashed and windows busted out. He thinks of the person who keeps calling and hanging up . "Damn, Can't people just leave me alone? Now I got this to worry about." He pulls out his cell phone to call a tow truck Back at The Hospital, Police Chief Abe Williams walks over to Diego Diego "Any news on Dahlia?" Abe "My men searched the entire landfill. We did not find her. We believe she was dropped in the trash compacter." Diego "Wow, that poor soul. So sad…… A trash compacter" Diego ponders off into space, thinking how he never got a chance to get to know Dahlia a little better. Abe "Was Daniel Cosgrove brought in?" Diego "Yes sir he was. Died of stab wound to the heart sometime last night." Abe "Something really strange is going on in this city." Just as he says that, he remembers Mona telling him to take a back seat while some events go down in Pasadena. Abe wonders if Mona is behind all the ring-a-marow that's been happening lately. Diego "Very strange indeed." Diego notices Abe is off into another world. "Are you ok chief?" Abe "Yes. I just need to grab a beer." Abe walks off. Diego thinks of Natalia "Looks like Natalia and I will have to make other arrangements now that Dahlia is dead." He says as he walks into his office. Meanwhile, In Sierra Madre Mona is in her mountain resort, cementing off her windows and the exits so no one can enter. Tired she lights a blunt. Smoking her Mary stick she has a Mary moment. She sees,. After coming out her moment, she makes sure all the doorways and windows are all cemented shut. She grabs her magic bag, and walks down to her dungeon. Mona walks over to Sharan, who is lying in a bed chained up. Mona caresses her face as she sleeps. Mona smiles. She kisses her brown beauty on the lips. Still smoking on her Mary stick, Mona walks over to the chains and handcuffs that hang from the ceiling. Mona ashes her drugs stick against the skin of a person who is chained up in the chains and cuffs. Mona "Welcome to hell Daniel!" Daniel screams as the red hot cherry of the blunt burns his skin. If Daniel was stabbed to death at Lauren's, then how is he chained up in Mona's Dungeon right now? And where is Dondre?
  7. aMLCproduction


    Good episode. I loved the flash backs. It helped me make sense of a lot of this rivalry between the two. I love how they were are still are playing each other
  8. aMLCproduction


    Loved the funeral Billie and Lucas gave touching speeches. I love how Viv was bold at the Funeral. That's my girl. I loved when Nicole slapped Greta. I was hoping she would do it again and again. Greta is selfish for not telling Steve what's the resoning? Good episode
  9. I really felt Kate was being sincere with her concern for Sami when she tried to comfort Lucas. Hopefully he will let her in. What I don't understand why did Lexie wait so long to start and try and save Stefano. And that sly Nicole. She seems to be at the right places at the right times. I love that about her I guess all writers have there own style. As for myself, I don't like to leave some things to the imagination. I like to go all the way there. But as they say, what ever flies your hair back Good episode and I do too look forward to the next one. PS I know I may have not have a lot of room to talk but this was a good length as well beings I do read multiple blogs. Your banners of late have also been very nice
  10. I liked the episode. Again it was easy to follow from your previous episodes. I really feel for Sonny and can understand why he feels the way he feels. i wonder what he means that he'll end it. Also I loved the Bobbie and friends scenes. Really really great. I also like how there were two storylines and it was flipping back and forth. Also had to laugh at Scotty's vein comment.
  11. The Black out continues in Pasadena and Mona continues her reign of terror. With the body bag full, Mona drags it out side to her car. She gets in her car and drives up to Sharan's and Kevin's house and again grabs her magic bag of tricks .She then speaks aloud, "My dear Sharan. The moment I have been waiting for. I'm here to get you my sweetness." Mona gets out her car but stops when she sees Dondre walking up the street. Not expecting him, Mona, one to think quickly already has a plan to take care of Dondre too. Mona creeps to the Sharan and Kevin's back bedroom window and the same chemicals Mona pumped in Lauren's and Daniel's house is the same secret Russian chemical she pumps into Kevin and Sharan's house Inside the House, Sharan "What happened to the lights?" Kevin "It must be a black out." Kevin tries to feel his way in the dark to find some candles." Dondre "Sharan, you in there?" He says approaching the front door. Kevin "Isn't this perfect? Your night in shining armor is here. Call out his name now!" Sharan "Kevin, it's not like that." Kevin "What the hell do you mean? In the middle of making love you call out another man's name!? How long have you been sleeping with him?" Sharan "I didn't sleep with Dre!" Dre opens the front door and enters, hearing Sharan and Kevin's argument getting more intense. Kevin grabs Sharan "Don't lie to me. He already slept with Victoria and you're sleeping with him too. You looked me in my face and told me you didn't have feelings for him!" Sharan "Kevin let go of me! You're hurting me!" Dondre, finally making his way back to the bedroom "Get your damn hands off her yo!" Kevin lets Sharan go and lunges for Dondre in the darkness. Kevin misses him and upon trying to swing again, Kevin, Dondre, and then Sharan passes out, breathing in the secret agent, Mona is pumping into the air. Mona then enters the house, and with her flashlight, makes her way to the bedroom. Mona sees Sharan and kneels down and kisses her on the lips. She then lifts her Queen into her arms and carries her into the car. Mona then runs back in the house, drops a letter next to Kevin, then she drags Dre's body outside and then puts him into her car. Mona closes her door, and puts the key in the ignition and drives off from Westwood Park. She lights up her blunt and exhales. As the smoke comes out her mouth, she smiles and turns her stereo and begins to bop her head to the ol skool klassic, Between the Sheets, by the Isleys Brothers. After months of waiting, plotting and planning; Mona has finally got what she wanted. .....Sharan. You have just read the first season of S.T.E.A.M. Hope it was as fun for you as it was for me writing this crazy ass story. I hope you will stay tuned for season 2, to find out what will happen when the lights come back on….. Marlin L. Cooks And now season 2 begins now S. E.A.S.O.N.2. Episode :54, The Lights Come Back On Written by ML Cooks with Monique Bitches The crazy night now gives way to a new day in Pasadena. The fires at the city power grid site have now been contained and power has been restored to most of the citizens and business. City Court House Sabryn and Bryan, wearing orange jumpers are escorted to there seats in front of the judge. Sabryn and Bryan turn around to see who has come to support them but they see no one but Gilbert and Alexis, sitting on the proscuter's side. Alexis smiles and waves at them. Sabryn rolls her eyes at her and turns back around. Their attorney Lisa Raye, finally arrive and seat down next to hem and the briefly go over details of there pleas. Bryan "Do we know how the judge is?" Lisa "Naw man. Not yet. Judge Cooks called off or something so some one else is gonna be filling in..' Sabryn "Here comes the bailiff now- wait a minute that looks like…" The bailiff with the name tag, Byrd speaks "All Rise!!" Everyone including spectators and tabloid mags all rise and give honor to the judge. Byrd "The Honorable Judge Sheinlein Presiding!" Sabryn and Bryan are floored knowing Judge Judy is tough as nails Lisa " Ahh hell to the naw They made this up for real." Abe walks into Huntington Memorial Hospital. Diego spots the police chief and approaches him Diego "Can you tell me what's going on? Where is Dahlia and Natalia?" Mark walks up to them as well "Abe, what is going on? There was an accident?" Abe "Yes. Somehow Natalia and Dahlia flew out the window and landed in a garbage truck." Mark "What?….. You're joking right?" Diego "He's telling the truth. I was the one who looked out the shattered window and saw the two ladies lying in the garbage truck." Mark "Natalia? How does she play any part in this?" Abe "That's a very good question?" Abe gets a call on his cell." Ok, bring them in" Mark "Who was that? Was it about Dahlia?" Abe "It was the manager at the Stink So Good Waste management site. They have retrieved one body." Mark "Well is it Dahlia?" Abe "We don't know yet. The ambulance is driving whom ever it is over right now." Diego "I'll get my team ready then." He walks off. Mark "Please let it be Dahlia!" Abe "Listen, I'll check back in with you in a bit. I got a lot on my plate with this black out." Abe walks off and Mark prays that it was Dahlia who was rescued from the landfill. His thoughts are interrupted when his cell phone rings. "Hello?" Voice "Did you think you could do what you did to me and get away with it?" Mark, recognizing the voice "This is some bull [!@#$%^&*]. You have been the one calling and hanging up" Voice "That's right Marky Mark. I found you. And I'm here for the big payback." TC Hotel Jodie walks into Tyler's office. Ty who was trying to get a hold of Santino hangs up and smiles at her. "It's nice to see you Jodie" He gets up and greet her by kissing her, on the cheek. "You look stunning as always." Jodie, blushing "I don't know how your girlfriend would feel if she heard you flirting with me." Ty "Don't worry about Jenn. So tell me, what do I owe this pleasure?" Jodie "Well I was thinking about what you said to me the other night at The Blue Note" Ty "You mean the job offer?" Jodie "Yes. I do need to make some money and make ends meet." Ty "I see, well how does your boyfriend feel about this?" Jodie "Mike? He's not my man." Ty "I can't tell. He sure had you on lock that night. Acting like your personal security guard." Jodie "Nothing of the such. He was just being over protective. That's all. Mike and I are very good friends. He was just looking out for me" Ty "What's he protecting you from?" Jodie "Come on Ty, we all know Mike doesn't like you. He thinks you 're a drug dealer and that you are involved in mafia dealings. He blames you for taking Jenn away from him. He just doesn't like you, I 'm sure you already know this" Ty "And what about you? What do you think about me?" Jodie "I'm in your office asking for a job aren't I?" Ty "Yes, but that doesn't mean nothing to me. This could be a set up. Mike might have sent you to try and be a mole here at my hotel." Jodie "Don't be ridiculous. I just need a job. Are you going to give me one or not?" Ty looks into her eyes and is drawn in. "How could I possibly so no to such a beautiful face." Jodie "Thank you so much. When can I start?" Ty "I'll have my secretary get with you." Jodie gets up and walks behind Ty's desk and hugs him Jodie "Thank you, this mean so much to me." She lets go of him, grabs her purse and walks out the office. Upon closing the door, She sees Jenn. Jenn "Who the hell do you think you are? I heard everything you said? Mike isn't enough for you?" Jodie "You have no idea what you're talking about. You better get used to seeing me around here. I'll be all up in Ty's face. Have a good day Jenn." Jodie smiles at Jenn and walks out. Jenn "First Ty shoots me and now he's trying to have an affair with Jodie? I can't believe I left Mike for this." Jenn decides to confront Ty and walks into his office. Back at the Hospital. Paramedics arrive and brings in the body from the ambulance. Mark and Diego rush over to see who it is. It's Natalia. Diego, disappointed ruses Natalia in the ER to examine her. Mark "This can't be happening." He approaches a paramedic "Please tell me you are going back to get the other survivor?" Paramedic "I'm sorry. No one was able to find the other victim. Recovery workers searched the entire landfill and found only one woman. It's believed the other woman was dropped into the garbage compacter." Mark "No.!" The paramedic walks away. Mark begins to shake his head at the thought Dahlia is dead. "My sweet Dahlia. Damn. How could this have happened?" Mark sits down in a chair. He stares at the wall imagining Dahlia being crushed in the trash compacter. Pasadena City Court Room Sabryn and Bryan are over there shock over daytime's TV Judge Judy. Judy "You all may be seated." The courtroom obeys. Judy looks over the case file Judy "Are Bryan Dattilo and Sabryn Genet present?" Lisa, standing up "Uhm hmm, yea ya honor, they here." Judy, chuckling "I can already tell this trial is going to be comical for me" Judge Judy says rolling her eyes at Lisa's ghetto tone. "Where did you get your law degree Madame?" Lisa, knowing Judy is being an ass "Harvard, number 1 in my class, Thanks Now can we get on with this trial, I am not here to politic about my credits." She says with a smug Judy, nodding her head " Cute Madame. This is My court and I call the shots in here! You got it! Bryan, to Sabryn "We are getting off to a bad start." Lisa, referring to Judy "My bad sheriff." Judy "Very interesting, Great now we can get this show on the road. Will the defendants please rise?" Sabryn and Bryan along with Lisa stand up Judy "Mr. Dattilo, you are charged with vehicular homicide and failure to maintain control of your vehicle. How do you plea?" Bryan "Not guilty your honor" The courtroom begins to go abuzz at the plea Judy, pounding her gavel "Alright that's enough!. Don't act like yens never heard a not guilty plea. This trial will not be turned into a charade. So everybody relax now!' Judy then looks at Sabryn "You Madame are charged with vehicular homicide and also failure to control your vehicle. What was this, you forgot how to drive? I don't get it. How do you plea?" Sabryn "Not Guilty your honor!" The court goes a blaze again with chatter as the paparazzi snap photos of Sabryn and Bryan for the latest edition of the tabloids. Judy continues to pound her gavel trying to maintain order in her courtroom. When Judy realizes no one is calming down, she throws her gavel into the crowd. Downtown Pasadena, Ivory Inc. Karim, who is sitting in the conference room filled with business executives continue to look at the time tick away on his Rolex . Karim "I apologize everyone. I am sure my brother has a good explanation for being late' Some business men are not impressed and they write notes and sip on coffee. Finally, unable to hold the business men of any longer he cancels the meeting. Karim gets up and leaves the conference room and pulls out his cell phone to call Kevin again. It goes straight to voice mail "I had to cancel this damn meeting. You knew what time it was. I am tired of you always running here late. It's starting to affect business and this has to stop." He says angrily and hangs up the phone. Westwood Park Meanwhile, the sounds of morning birds, awake Kevin in his bedroom. He slowly comes too. He stands up and looks around. He calls out for Sharan. He doesn't hear anything. He looks down by his feet and sees a letter. He picks it up and reads it. "Dear Sharan, I can't keep doing this much longer. Day in and day out I have to watch you be with that punk Kevin. I am sick of hiding these feelings for you. If I can't be with you then no one can. Please forgive for what I am about to, Love Dre" Kevin searches the house franticly and calls out for his fiancée. He gets no answer and sees no sign of Sharan "He took Sharan. I remember him being here last night." Kevin calls his father, the police Chief. Around two corners, Lauren begins to come to, at her house in her bedroom. She looks around and begins screaming. Chris is awoken from all the screams. He realizes his hands are covered in blood. Chris looks over at Daniel and is shocked to see him with a knife wound through the chest and his eyes are open. Lauren checks for a pulse. "There's no pulse. Daniel is dead. You Killed Daniel!……"
  12. Matt I felt you wrote this for me, lol. I got a feeling there is going to be another mass exodous again. Matt I enjoyed this season. It had it's highs and lows. Cant wait to see what u have in store for season 5. I would have really enjoyed the Alley and Baby LJ twist in the fire.
  13. So this was the finale. Wow I am glad London isnt really alive. Wonder who's imperosnating him. I liked what Christina did to Alexia. Mika is gone. I bet CC killed Quarr.
  14. OMG !! NICE JOB REDD> THIS has beena long time coming. This was one of your most faster paced episodes. I was not expecting the ending. Loved all the business aspect of this episode. I see it's a woman's world on that board. It's was also nice to finally see Yvette doing something to make good on some of her threats. But now Anna knows the truth. I can't wait to see what happens next. VERY GOOD EPISODE REDD!!!
  15. I am really on the fence with this London and Owen thing. I don't know Matt. It was so odd because at how long we had to wait to hear anything about Owen and then it's like we moved at mock 2 to find out about London. Maybe there is a reasoning for this I don't know.And both explanations came in the same episode. I'm just thrown for a loop right now Again I love CC vs Jenny. I always look forward to her scenes and her dialog.
  16. WTF So now London is alive? Hmm, I'll have to wait and see what happens. Slower episode but it was still good. Lots of scenes and tons of dialog. I love this new spicy side of Skye and I thought it was revealed that Nate didn't have an STD I guess he does now. Wow I was going to write something along these lines for Jodie,(we r in tune as always) but now I'll have to take a different course. I am really liking this storyline though. I am also diggin Alley and her feelings regarding LJ. Maybe you are leaning towards a triangle or maybe a quad. Now that London is supposedly alive anything is fair game. Love the soap opera fall back in CC's scenes and I love her dialog too. And so glad to see Will's aggressive coming back out and it took Trella to do it. LOL.
  17. aMLCproduction


    Why didn't Stefano and Tony seach Helena b 4 they put her on the plane. Loved the back story though
  18. aMLCproduction


    Loved how Stefano and Tony snuck up on Helena. I wonder what they are going to do now?
  19. As we barrel towards the season finale of S.T.E.A.M., cast changes will be inevitable. S.T.E.A.M. is doing something very different. The finale, pt 1 will air as episode 53 and 54. In episode 54, will be the final shocking scene of season 1 and Season 2 will premier in the very same episode. So in that regard, many characters are leaving. It's time to rid of weaker story lines and characters as I broadened the story base. Though I can't tell you who's leaving just yet,( don't want to spoil anything, I can tell you who's coming Sister Patterson(and her infamous third eye), the mother of super reality star New York, has been casted as the Williams family Patriarch. Pasadena's first family is now complete. As we go into chapter 2wo of Mona's mystery, it's time to reveal how Abe went about faking his daughter's death and why he molested her. We need Sister Patterson to do that. Sister Patterson Williams. "I am delighted and blessed ML Cooks has created this role for me. It's exciting being apart of this huge storyline" Sister Patterson was quoted as saying. "Look to see more of the Williams family this season" ML Cooks previews. "There's more to the story." Also coming is Daytime's Favorite Judge, Judy Judy. This hot tempered judge will guest star as many crimes are committed and those criminals will have to come to trial and face their judgment via Judge Judy. First up Sabryn and Bryan."It's going to be crazy in that courtroom" Promises the head writer. Along with the trials we need lawyers and so Pasadena's District Attorney will be played by Stacey Dash. "I'm so excited to have an actress so stunningly seductive." ML C was quoted as saying." If everything goes alright, Stacy may play a bigger role on the series." Stacy plays herself, and she has a suprise connection to someone already in Pasadena. So watch out for that one!. There is one more celebrity casting shocker but it has to remain a secret for now for storyline purposes. "It's going to be BIG! It will definitely trump these latest guest stars that's for sure." Stay tuned.....
  20. wow what a good episode. so much is going on. So glad to see Not only that Hope and Steve did the deed but Nicole saw them. Yes I love it. I love Nicole. I wonder what is she goings to do now. Also loved the scene with Billie and her new family. That musta been one hell of a slap for Kate to fall to the ground. Damn who hasn't Kate slept with. Again very good episode, Moved very fast and it was much shorter (Though, like I have any room to talk huh?)
  21. Westwood Park Chris and Lauren walk inside her house. Lauren quickly has a flash back of Daniel bashing her in the head with the telephone. Chris notices she is distant. "Are you ok?" Lauren "Yes. Just trying to put bad memories out my head." Chris "You mean Daniel don't you?" Lauren "Yes." Chris "You have nothing to worry about. I'm going to protect you. You don't have to live in fear no more." Lauren, smiling "That means a lot to me Chris. I am so glad to have you in my life." She hugs him and then kisses him. Chris "Besides, it's time to make new memories. I promise you they will be all good." Lauren "I'll hold you to that." Walking in to her living room and looking at her DVD collection, "So what are you in the mood to watch? I got comedies, horror, romance, sci fi." Chris "It really doesn't matter. Whatever you want to watch baby." As Lauren picks out a movie, Chris's cell phone rings. "Hello,..What! Jail!, Ashley?!" Lauren frowns up wondering who Chris is talking to. "Ok, I'll be there shortly." He hangs up. Lauren "Is everything ok?" Chris "No. Bryan and Sabryn have been arrested for the murder of Ashley Jones." Lauren "What!? I thought it was an accident." Chris "Me too. I really hate to leave you, but he really needs me." Lauren "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." Chris "I don't feel right leaving you here." Lauren "Contrary to popular belief, I'm a grown woman and I can take care of my self." Chris "That's what I love about you." He kisses her on the lips. "I'll be back shortly. I won't be long." She smiles at him as he leaves her house. As Chris pulls off, Daniel comes out of the darkness of night, and looks inside Lauren's house. He has a flashback in his mind of being with Mona just an hour ago," Sierra Madre, Mona’s Mountain Side Resort Mona walks down to her basement, which she has transformed into a dungeon. Mona walks by and rattles some chains and handcuffs that are hooked to the ceiling. Behind the chains, rest a very large sci-fi like glass casing, which seems to be filled with mist and fog. As the mist and fog blows around in the casing, we can see shadows of a body. Mona smiles. She pulls out a body bag from her magic bag of tricks, unlocks the glass casing, and throws the mysterious body into the body bag. Mona zips up the bag and then drags it up stairs. Out of breath, she sits on her couch and takes a breather, but it is interrupted with a bang on the door. Mona grabs her gun that’s laying on the coffee table and looks through the peep hole. Mona rolls her eyes, and grabs her black veil and puts it back on. The lady in black opens the door. "What the hell do you want? I don’t accept unannounced visitors! And when was the last time you brushed your teeth man? This meth is really doing you in." Daniel "I need more. The leprechaun stole all my Tina’s" Mona "Leprechaun?" She laughs." That’s a good one. Look since the little mean troll stole your candy, I left you a nice ounce of that good ol Tina that you so much desire at Lauren’s house. I figure this will be a good way for you two to patch things up. A little meth, have a little sex, than smoke more meth, and so on and so forth." Daniel "That sounds like a great idea. I can’t wait to see my Lauren. It’s been such a long time since we made love. You’re a good friend Miss lady in Black." Daniel tries to hug her but Mona backs away Mona "You must be out your damn mind. It smells like you washed up in a sewer. Stank ass Bastard!" Mona pulls out 10 dollars from her magic bag and hands it to Daniel Daniel "What’s this for?" Mona "Go through a car wash or something. I’m sure Lauren don’t want to smell that funk. Now get the hell out of here!" She pushes him out her door way and slams her door. She looks out her window and waits till Daniel is out of eyesight. Coming out the flash back, and thisty for the meth, He goes around back to see her bedroom window open and he decides to climb through. Episode: 52, In the Heat Of Passion Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches. Downtown Pasadena, The Blue Note Alexis and Karim, along with his brother Kevin and Sharan are finishing eating up their steak and shrimp. Sharan "That was delicious." Kevin "Yes it was." He says leaning closer to her and nibbling on her ear. He whispers" I'm ready for dessert." Then he gently blows on her ear, knowing this turns his woman on. She looks at him and smiles. She whispers back "I don't want to be rude to your brother or Alexis. After all we did invite them to dine with us." Kevin "Karim won't mind. He'll be ok. Baby, I'm ready to slide my tongue in you." Sharan "I like the sound of that." She then has a quick flash of Dondre kissing her at Ashley's funeral. She snaps out her flashback and wonders why she keeps thinking of Dre and his kisses. She looks at Alexis and Karim to get her thoughts off of another man. "Thank you for dining with us. We had a wonderful time. I`m so glad you make Karim happy. He deserves it. Kevin "Yes he does." Just then, Mike and Jodie walk into The Blue Note. Pierre escorts Mike and Jodie to their seats, as they pass up Kevin, Sharan, Karim, and Alexis. They stop and say hi. Kevin "Mike, it's good to see you man. I thought you went into hiding or something." Mike "No such luck. I was just taking some time for myself to sort out what Ty and Jenn did to me." Sharan "Well that's in the past now. I see you have moved on to better and more beautiful things." Jodie, smiles at the compliment "Thank you. I'm Jodie. It's nice to meet all of you." Mike "Oh, I'm sorry. This is Kevin, his brother Karim, and Sharan, and Alexis." Alexis "Nice to meet you Jodie. I'm new here in Pasadena ." Jodie "Yea, I've only been here for about a month now." Alexis "Please don't mind me starring at you. Your beauty, is so intriguing." Jodie, frowning up. "I've never heard that before." Alexis "It's a good thing trust me." Alexis reaches in her purse and hands Jodie her business card. "I'm a fashion designer, and I would love for you to model for my company." Jodie "Wow, I'm flattered." Alexis "Let's say we meet tomorrow morning to talk." Jodie "Sounds great to me. Nice meeting all of you." Kevin "Same here. Mike, call me some time. We can go have a beer or something." Mike "It has been a long time since we've hung out. We need to change that. Well you all have a good evening." Karim "You too." Mike and Jodie are seated at their table. Alexis "Well I had a lovely evening. I hope we can do this again sometime soon." Kevin "So you're going to stay here in Pasadena for awhile then?" Alexis, looking at Karim with a smile then looking back at Sharan and Kevin, "I am yes." Karim "I'm glad to hear to hear that." Sharan "Well Alexis it was good talking with you." Alexis "Same here. And if you ever get tired of working with Sabryn, I have my own Fashion House setting up shop here in Pasadena." Sharan "I'll keep That in mind, but Karim, Kevin and I are now legally bound to work with Sabryn." Alexis "I understand. Business is business." Kevin "Alright bro. I'll see you at the office in the morning." Karim "Bet." Kevin "Nice to see you again Alexis" He says as he and Sharan stand up. They leave the fancy restaurant, as Alexis and Karim kiss passionately before getting up and leaving them selves. In Kevin's car, the old school jam, "Cutie Pie" by One Way comes on. Kevin turns it up, then he holds Sharan's hand. Sharan, on the other hand, stares out the window, again thinking of Dondre, thinking how he played this very same song the morning, he claimed someone broke into her hair shop which turned out to be a cover for a romantic breakfast for her. Sharan forces herself to stop thinking of Dre, and asks herself" Why can't I get Dre out my head." Huntington Memorial Hospital Natalia, trying to wrestle the IV pole out of Dahlia's firm grip, yanks so hard, she loses her balance, falls back into the window, and crashes through it, taking Dahlia with her, who also had a firm grip on the pole after beating Natalia with it. They are in mid air, headed, to point zero, falling 500 feet per second, just moments away from smacking the busy street below. Just as they are about to meet there maker, a garbage truck rolls by, and Natalia and Dahlia crashes onto the garbage truck, landing in the piles of waste, and smelly debris. Both women pass out from the horrifying stench. Hearing the loud commotion from the hallway, Dr. Diego Serrano, runs into the room. He doesn't see Dahlia and sees the window broken. He runs over to the window and sees the garbage truck carrying Natalia and Dahlia going down the street. "This can't be happening. Can this city get any crazier?" He calls police cheif Abe Williams. Back at The Blue Note Jodie, looking over her menu " What time is it?" Mike "It's about 11:59 pm." Jodie "Don't tell me I missed Novi? I waited all day to find out if Yvette stops Cassandra. Or to see if Lynette will finally be with Greg." Mike "I took the liberty of programming it on my DVR. And no, none of those things happen. Cassandra is still tormenting Vette, and Greg and Lynn are not any closer to being together." Jodie "That is so sweet of you. Your are so caring." Mike "I knew you needed your rest. You haven't been feeling well all day." Jodie has a look of concern as she looks into Mike's eyes Mike "What's the matter?" Jodie "This is so hard for me Mike." Mike "What is?" Jodie "My life. This HIV. Knowing I can't ever bear children, won't ever have a family, no one to ever love me." Mike "Why do you feel like that? Because of your HIV?" Jodie "Yes. I get so depressed at times. I feel so all alone in this world. I have no family, hardly no friends." Mike "Oh, and I don't count?' Jodie "Of course you do. But that's just the thing. These feelings I am having...." She says looking away, getting nervous Mike "What kind of feelings? Talk to me." He reassures her by placing his hand on her cheek and making her look at him. Jodie "Ever since the first day I came into your pub, I knew there was something about you. Something special. You're a true gentleman. You're good natured, so determined and you didn't pass judgement on me when told you my status. You accepted me into your life and I am so grateful." Mike "Ok, I am confused. What's wrong with feeling grateful?" Jodie, pauses, as a tear rolls down her cheek. "Mike, the more and more I spend time with you, the more I fall deeper in love with you. Mike I love you." Mike is surprised by Jodie's loveable confession. The garbage truck carrying Dahlia and Natalia, pulls into the "Stink So Good" Waste Management Site(Landfill). The truck driver, is directed to his dump site and the workers on the ground gives the driver the cue to lift his trailer and dump his trash onto the piles of other waste. Just like the trash, Dahlia and Natalia slide out the truck and into the piles of dirty diapers, fecal materials and rotten food. The trash keeps pouring out the back of the truck, burying a passed out Natalia and Dahlia in the trash. Pasadena City Jail Chris walks over to Bryan. Bryan sitting on his cot gets up to greet him. Bryan "Thanks for coming man." Chris "No problem. I can't believe you are being charged for murder." He turns around and sees Gilbert talking to Sabryn in the cell across from Bryan. "And Sabryn too. " Bryan "I know. But it was all an accident. I think Alexis had something to do with Abe arresting us." Chris "Ashley's sister?" Bryan "Yup. She's here to carry on this vendetta against me and Sabryn." Chris "Like they say, one night of passion can lead to lifetime full of pain." Bryan "Tell me about it." Chris "So when are you being arraigned?" Bryan "In the morning. Our lawyers will be here later on." Chris "Don't sweat it man, the judge and or jury will see you two are innocent." Bryan They have too. I got a baby on the way." Chris "A baby? Sabryn's pregnant?" Bryan "Yes she is. I could not be happier. We are starting over. We want to be a family to this child." Chris "That's what's up man. I know you have wanted Sabryn back since she dumped you months ago." Bryan "Yup, I got my woman back and to make things even better, we are going to be a family. I just have to prove our innocence. But until then, I need you to man the club Chris. You are the only one I trust to take care of business while I am in here." Chris "You know you can count on me." Bryan "I want you to raise the cover charge and add a dollar to all the drinks. I need all the money I can." He says as he remembers, giving Natalia, 1 million dollars to keep quiet about the sexual rendezvous on the pool table in his club. Westwood Park, Kevin and Sharan's bedroom Sharan, is in pure sexual heaven, as Kevin, with his head between her legs, has her legs wrapped around his head as he licks on her clitoris. He sucks on it then blows on it in a smooth rhythm. Sharan, closes her eyes as her body quivers as Kevin intensifies his tongue action on her clitoris. As she flinches and jerks her body, he takes his hands and cups her breast. Sharan lets out a loud moan. "Lick it baby. Don't stop" She says breathing heavily. Kevin "You like that?" He says as he slides his tongue inside her love canal. Sharan "Yes baby." she says moaning even louder. Sharan's loud moans turns Kevin on and he decides to up the ante and pleasure his fiancee even more by sliding his finger in her canal while still licking on her clitoris. Sharan's body quivers even more intensely. Kevin, proud that he is giving his woman the ultimate eat out session wants to hear his name. Kevin "What's my name?" Sharan "Kevin" She barley gets out in between her moans. Kevin fingers Sharan a bit faster. Sharan clinches her eyes shut even harder. Kevin "Who's pu$$y is this?" Sharan, without even thinking about it says "It's yours Dondre".....
  22. House of Madness!!LOL Very good episode. I loved the Lulu/Serena/Lucy stuff. I loved Luke and Tracy too I know enough about GH to piece together what was going on and who was who but I have no idea who Barb Jean is
  23. Love the castings of Estelle and Anna BP sure did have it coming to him. Now this mystery is over and I wonder what is going to happen from here. Didn't really know what was going on with Teddy and Yvette. But we'll see where it goes. Can't wait for the next episode
  24. Come on LOL Now not only do we not know where in the hell is Owen but here goes Alexia. Alexia was so dumb going about Ivory the way she did. I was so mad at her. Poor Ags was screaming so loud I was hoping she wouldn't have a stroke. Poor woman Already and after a few times Ava saw Nate she is having 2nd doubts about her and Skye. I mean I don't like the two as a couple but wow.LOL Good foreshadowing last season with the Carrie /Lenvy scenes that aired. I always wondered what was the point of that or was it dropped.I see its part of your style. Again even through Navelle I loved CC. And I don't know what to make of the way Alley feels. I guess we'll see how this plays out. Finally I am all caught up and its time for the other blogs. SONOP is on FIRE!!!!
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