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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. In the last few episodes, Rufus and Deiago have talked about Suga. You can expect the MIA criminal to resurface, but not in Pasadena...at first. "Suga will resurface in Salem, in other words, a first for SONOP and SONBC, Suga will cross over to Life In Salem and will be involvded in a BIG storyline over there. It's never been done before for the super couple Bo and Hope" says top scribe ML Cooks. Suga will spend a limited run in Salem and eventually make her way to Pasadena, and she may even bring somebody back with her sources close to the story said. Stay tuned for more news.... And Check out Suga on Life in Salem. The Secret Storm has begun
  2. Pasadena City Jail Rufus "Shut your damn mouth. You're giving me a headache." Pat "lord have Mercy where is my holy water when I need it." She then looks at Alexis "How could you kill your own flesh and blood? Then you lied about it? You're going straight to hell you she devil!" Alexis "Sister Patterson, I didn't know I rammed into Sabryn's car. It was a dark and stormy night." Pat "Save it for Oprah honey. I am glad my son won't be going out with you any more. You're a cold blooded killer and you would have to kill me first before I let you back in my son's life. It's a good thing I won't have to worry about that since you'll be in here for a long time." Alexis "I would not count on that. It was an accident and my lawyer is working on getting me out of here." Pat "That may be but you will not be with my son." Rufus "Don't you ever close the big mouth of yours? You're always harassing somebody." Pat "Don't talk to me you fruit basket. I am doing the Lord's work right now. How dare you speak to me like that?" Rufus "I can's believe you have kids. What man in the right man would start a family with a loud crow." Pat, looking up toward the ceiling "Lord give me strength not to beat the sweetness out of miss Jelly Bean here. Lord I want to do good by you, but the fagots keep testing me." Pat closes her eyes and then looks at Dre. "My third eye is telling me something." Rufus, laughing "You look like you got a third eye." Pat, looking at Rufus "I better not ever see you in the streets. Lord help me and you if I do." Looking back a t Dre "My third eyes is telling me your innocent. Some body is setting you up." Dre "Finally, some one knows what I am talking about. Tell that third eye thank you Sister Patterson." Pat "No, you thank the Lord. The Lord gave me my right eye to do his work. I speak the truth. That's all I know how to do. Dondre you're innocent, and I am going to help you find the person that did this to you." Kevin, Karim, and Abe all walk into the holding area and are stunned at what Pat just said. Kevin "Ma, what are you talking about? No one set Dondre up. He kidnapped Sharan." Dre "You better listen to your mom boy." Abe "You can shut the hell up." Pat "It's true Kevin. Dondre did not kidnap Sharan, my third eye never lies." Lisa and Kiko come walking to the holding are as well. "She's right. That third eye didn't lie this time. The charges against my client have been dropped." Kevin "No! NO! NO! You got it all wrong. I was there in the house when he took Sharan." Lisa "The D.A. has dropped the case due to lack of evidence buddy." Dre "I told you. But you would not listen. Why would I kidnap the woman I love?" Abe unlocks Dre's holding cell. Kiko and Dre hug. Kiko "It's good to have you out man." Kevin, has a look of madness on his face as he keeps having flashbacks of all the things Dondre has done to get with Sharan, The romantic breakfast at the beauty shop, making love to Sharan, she called out his name, and he remembers Ria telling him she caught Dre and Sharan kissing at Ashley's funeral. Kevin "Enjoy this freedom while you can. It's not going to last long." Dre "Says who?" Kevin "Watch you're back." Kevin says as he leaves the police station. Karim follows him. Abe unlocks his wife cell as well to release Rufus and Pat. Pat "It's about damn time. I can't wait till we get home. We are going to pray all night. I can't believe you arrested me." She slaps him. Dre "Thank you Sister Patterson for believing in me." Sister Pat then slaps Dondre. Dondre is stunned "Don't talk to me when I am angry boy." She rolls here eyes at everyone and leaves the police station. Dre looks at Abe "You better get your son in check. He gone fu(k around wit me and get hurt." Then Dre begins to walk out with Kiko following. Abe shakes his head in frustration. Rufus who is still there, gets bold and says "It looks like you need a hug?" Abe looks at Rufus and walks away. Rufus "I was just trying to help. Oh well I guess. Pasadena has so many fine men. I'll have to sample them all" She says with a smile, leaving the Police station as well. Episode: 79 Written by : ML Cooks and Matt P. Divine Design The Dressing Room Jodie and Jenn stare each other down DC "Aint no one making no deals here unless it's through me. I am the pimp here." Jodie "This isn't about you DC. It's about me and my life. You shouldn't have come here. I told you I am done with that life." DC "You owe me some money hoe.' Jenn "Yes hoe, give your pimp the money you owe." Jodie "So Jenn brought you here DC?" DC "yes she did." Jodie "You just don't stop do you Jenn? Are you that miserable that you have to try and ruin my life too? Why are you doing this to me? " Jenn "Because I just don't like you. Mike and Ty are so smitten by you but I'm not. I want you out of our lives." Jodie "So what do I have to do for you not to expose me?" Before Jenn can answer they hear "Oh hell to the nall" Ria says approaching the trio DC "There you go girl. I like how you left me high and dry yesterday at the airport." Jodie "What? Ria you went to Cleveland too?" Ria "DC you can shut the hell up you fat bastard." DC "You was calling me big daddy last night." Ria "What the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay away from me in Pasadena!" Jodie "And you two had sex." Jenn "Jealous she had sex with your pimp?" Jodie with tears in her eyes, messing up her eye liner, runs off to the bathroom. DC looks at Ria "What do you say we go somewhere in a quiet corner and get busy." Ria "In your dreams." She says walking away. DC "I'm get you again lil momma. Feisty thang." He says walking onto the show area. The Fashion show begins with some club music in the background playing and the lights flash of all colors on the runway. The first model walks out and struts to the music. Sabryn, standing next to Natalia "How hideous. So tacky. No class whatsoever ever." Natalia "Jealous ones still envy I see. If I wasn't pregnant. I would love to have a few rounds with you in the boxing ring you." Sabryn "It's a deal. After we have our babies , it's a date. I 've been waiting to show you who's really boss." Natalia "Bryan knows who's boss" She coolly says walking away. Sabryn "That's the second weird comment that dumb BITCH made. " she says wondering what is Natalia is talking about. As Sabryn walks back over to Bryan, The lady in red follows her. Dre and Kiko arrive at the Fashion show. Dre "I hope I can snatch me up a lady in here. It's been so long since I got my d!ck wet.' Kiko "That's all you think about is sex." Dre "I can do that." He says looking at some of the models. Then Ria walks out and seductively walks down the runway. Kiko "Isn't that your ex?" Dre "Something like that. Listen bro, you said you had something to tell me about momma." Kiko "Yes I do. This not the place to talk to you about her. After the show we'll talk" Dre "we better man. You been putting this off since I've been in jail." Next to arrive at the Fashion show are The Hutchins men, Karl and Ty. They make their way into the crowd and looks at the beautiful models walking down the runway. Ty looks around in the crowd and looks to see who he sees. Karl "So have you talked to Daniel?" Ty "No I have not. Lauren has been hovering around him." Karl "Well what the hell are you waiting for? We have to find Mona or she will ruin everything.' Ty "I know what I am doing. Damn, leave me the hell alone. Why don't you go on vacation or something? Don't you get bored hovering around your son. Go find a woman or something." Karl "How bout I have a go round with Jenn. She is mighty pretty." Ty "Karl, I wish you would leave Pasadena. You're in my way." Making their way into the fashion show next are Abe and his wife Sister Patterson Williams. Pat Look at those sluts showing all that skin." Abe "Their models. That's their job." Pat "Don't talk back to me simple bastard. Arresting me like you crazy. I am a church woman. Miss Jenkins was not to happy when she found out you arrested me." Abe "You deserved it." Pat "Don't argue with me. Don't make me pull out my holy water." Abe "If any one needs holy water I t's you." he says walking away. Pat pulls her holy water out and begins to chase Abe with it. Diego also arrives at the Fashion. He looks for Natalia. He spots her in the crowd and approaches her. Natalia "Hey Doctor. Thank you for coming to support me." Diego "In your dreams. I need to have a word with you." Natalia "Oh not now. I am running a fashion show.' Diego "I don't give a damn about that. Or should I tell Mark you paid Suga to stab Dahlia." Natalia "Dahlia is dead and gone. It won't even matter now. Besides, if you expose me now, I'll take you with me. You knew I paid Suga and yet you didn't do nothing. So your just as guilty as much as me." Diego "How would Mark feel about you paying Suga off? I think I'll tell him right now." Natalia "You can't he's not in town." Diego "Liar. He's right there." he says pointing at Mark walking over to them. "It's time Mark finds out what type of woman he got pregnant." DC mingles in the crowd. He bumps into Abe. Abe "Excuse me." Abe turns around and sees DC. Don, is that you?" DC "Little brother. It's good to see you again." They hug just as Ria and Sister Patterson walks up to them. Ria "Don't you ever leave you fat Bastard!" Abe "Victoria, how dare you talk to my brother like that?" Ria "Say what?" Abe "This is my younger brother, DC" Ria faints as Sister Patterson looks at DC with a very strange look in her eyes. "Oh my God NO! DC can't be here. Is this a sign my God is sending me. Is it time for the truth to come out?" She thinks in her mind. Jodie hears a knock on the bathroom door. She rushes to open it to find Jenn with a smug smile on her face. Jenn: May I come in? Jodie: You're not welcome. Get out! Jodie tries slamming the door in Jenn's face but Jenn lets herself in anyway. Jodie: Are you deaf? Jenn: Nope. Jodie: Why are you here? Jenn: I came by to warn you that by the end of the fashion show, your reputation will be just as tarnished as that whorish past of yours. Jodie: What are you talking about? Jenn: Ahh, Jodie, or should I say Jo Ho, Was that the name you used when you were a dirty slut exchanging your body fluids for money? Jodie: You bitch! Jenn: Well I'll be on my way. If you walk out on that runway, everyone will find out your a slut bucket. Ta ta dear. Jenn heads for the door but Jodie pulls her hair as Jenn's body falls to the ground. Jodie twists and turns her head until Jenn kicks her in the face with her high heel. Jodie flails back into the wall. Jenn springs up and is ready for action. Jenn lunges for Jodie and starts to strangle her. She then throws Jodie over her couch and onto her glass coffee table, breaking it. Jenn jumps over the couch to attack Jodie but Jodie sweep kicks her ankle to bring her down to her level. Both women roll around on the glass, pulling each other's hair and screaming. Jenn gets up to head for the door again but Jodie grabs onto her leg to trip her. Jodie looks around and sees a knife sitting on the kitchen table. Jenn notices it too but Jodie's quicker when she grabs it. Jodie places the knife in front of her throat as she tugged onto her hair. Jenn: What are you going to do kill me? Go ahead and do it. Mike will still find out how filthy you really are. Jodie: I learned some things while I was on the street. Here's a message for you, don't screw with me! Jodie opens the bathroom door and with all her might, throws Jenn out. Jenn trips to the ground as she watches the door slam in her face. All Jenn could do was laugh in victory.
  3. I am at a loss for words. Stunned. But I know what you mean by "Me" time. Tim and Roman I liked SL and I wish you two luck and hope to see yens in the blog arena again.
  4. Checking out your blog. Very different from the show adn other blogs and that's a plus already. So I take it Carly ran over Hope? I love it. Not to familiar with some of these other characters. Gino, comes to mind. Nice episode, will def read again
  5. Divine Design Jodie and Ria walks into Natalia's office wearing their first show pieces. Natalia is overwhelmed looking at her friends wearing two of her designs. "I think I am going to cry." She says with a tear streaming down her face. Ria, walking over to hug her "Girl it's ok. I know this is the moment you have been waiting for all your life. I am so glad I am here to share it with you." Jodie "Me too Natalia. This dress is so beautiful." Natalia "Thank you so much." Ria "Have you talked to Alexis?" Natalia "No need too. I got everything under control. This fashion show is going to be a success without. her" Ria "You got that right girl. " Natalia "I'm going to go down stairs to the show room and give the media a few interviews before our big show. I 'll meet you two along with the other ladies in the dressing room." All three ladies leave the office. Pasadena City Jail Sister Patterson and Rufus are in the booking room. As an officer ask for all of Sister Pat's things she throws a fit. "This is a crime shame. My own damn husband arrested me for trying to knock some sense into that tranny over there." Rufus "You aint talking to me girlfriend. You put your hands on me. I didn't do nothing to you." Pat "Oh yes you did.. You assaulted my visions along with my third eye by being what you are. God didn't make you like that. He made you to be a man and you need to accept that. And you tried to steal some pork chops." Rufus "God love all his children." Pat "I'm sorry, he don't have no love for you. My God doesn't love chic's with d!cks." Rufus "And he doesn't love you either. How can such a Godly woman have a filthy mouth like yours?" Pat Because I speak the truth. That's all I know how to do." Officer "Ok ladies, it's time to go to your holding cell." Pat "Hold up. That's a man. Don't put that thing in a cell with me." Rufus "I'm a woman. More than woman than you. If anyone looks like a man it's you." Officer "That's enough.." pausing, looking at Rufus, then continuing "…ladies." Two officers escort Sister Pat and Rufus back to the holding area where they join Dre, and Alexis. Alexis and Dre are both shocked that Sister Patterson is about to join them in jail. Episode:78, Pimpin' ain't Easy! Written by: ML Cooks Westwood Park, Karim's House Kevin is helping Karim pack up his things. Karim "I can't wait to move the hell out of here. I don't want to be reminded of Ria." Kevin remains quiet and still continues to carry boxes out to a moving van. Kevin continues to think about the night he slept with his best friend Lauren. The Police Chief Abe Williams pulls up. Abe gets out his car and approaches his son. "What's going on son? Who's moving?" Kevin "Karim, he bought a mansion on Lavender Hill." Abe "That's nice.. Look I need to talk to you and your brother. Is he inside?" Kevin "Yea." Abe "Let's go inside then." And they do just that. Once inside, Karim walks out from the bedroom and hugs his father. Karim "It's good to see you pops." Abe "Same here. I got something to tell you boys." Karim "Was sup?" Abe "I arrested your mother." Kevin "You did what?" Karim "What in the hell the matter with you pops?" Abe "She assaulted some one." Karim "Assault!? Who?" Abe "Some lady named Rufus, or he could be man. It doesn't matter, Pat attacked him." Kevin "I can' believe she's in jail. I am going to see her." Karim "Me too." They both leave Westwood Park with out saying a word to Abe. Divine Design The dressing room. Jodie is sitting in a chair in front of a mirror, looking over her show piece outfit. Ria, standing next to her "You looking good girl." Jodie "Thank you." "I agree." They both hear and they turn around and see Mike with a dozen of red roses. Jodie smiles and hugs Mike. Ria "That's so sweet. It makes me miss love. I'll leave you two be." She walks away. Jodie "I'm glad you're here." Mike "Me too. You look amazing." Jodie "Thank you." Mike leans in to kiss her. "I love you Jodie. You mean so much to me." Jodie "I love you too. You mean the world to me." They kiss again Mike "Are you nervous?" Jodie "A little bit. Walking out there on that runway in front of all those people and camera's. It's a little overwhelming." Mike "Don't worry about nothing. You'll do great. Just find me in the crowd and I'll ease you through it." Jodie "Thank you.' Mike "Well I better get going and let you do what you do. I'll meet you after the show." He hugs her one last time before leaving. Meanwhile, Downstairs The Lobby of Divine Design Natalia is giving an interview to reporters and media as Sabryn, Bryan, and Gilbert walk up to hear what she has to say. Reporter "So are you know in charge of Divine Design Miss Cigluiti?" Natalia "Please, call me Natalia. And Yes I am in control. As you all know Alexis Jones, was arrested for killing her own sister." Reporter "Aren't you worried, that the woman who used to run DD, is a murderer? Won't this fiascal taint DD's reputation?' Natalia "Not at all. Alexis is no longer a part of Divine Design. We have broken all ties with Ms. Jones. We wish Ms. Jones all the best of luck in her future. Though I must say it doesn't look very promising. Enjoy the show everyone." She walks away from the media spotlight and over to Sabryn, Bryan and Gilbert. Natalia "Sabryn, what a lovely surprise." Sabryn "I wouldn't call it that. I just came by to get a good laugh at the trash you are about to showcase." Natalia "You're just jealous. You thought I couldn't do it huh? Well how do you like me now? I have my own fashion house and guess what, I'm beating you in market share and profits." Sabryn "You mean you inherited a company in that position. You didn't put Divine Design on top. Alexis did. Once the news of her killing her sister marinates on people's mind I am sure you won't be claiming victory. In fact, the last time I looked at the numbers, you were slipping. And with your designs, I'm not worried about you. You'll never be on my level." Natalia , remembering she had sex with her man Bryan at his club "If only you knew?" She says looking at Bryan and walking away. Sabryn "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Bryan "She just likes to rattle your chain. Let's go grab some seats." As Sabryn, Bryan, and Gilbert walk inside the show room, The Lady in Red is not to far from them, keeping a close eye on their movement. Jenn and DC arrives at Divine Design. DC "What the hell we doing here? They got food in here?" Jenn "Damn, didn't you just eat?" DC "You got a lil mouth on you lil bunny. I got a big appetite what can I say? Pimping aint easy." Jenn "I'll say. Jodie works here. She's modeling in today's fashion show." DC "Jodie, modeling? This I have got to see. She a high class hoe now. I can really get some serious money. " Jenn "I am sure. That's why you and Jodie need to talk. So you two can talk about prices." DC "That's what I am talking about bunny. It's time to get paid." He says as they board the elevator, heading up to the tenth floor, where the dressing rooms are. Pasadena City Jail Sister Pat and Rufus are put into a cell together, a cell that face Alexis's and Dondre's cell. Alexis "Sister Patterson? Is that you?" Pat "I don't talk to killers." Rufus "Yes, it's her. " Pat "No one asked you, you fruit basket." Rufus "Why do you have to be so childish?" Pat "Why can't you put a pair of jeans and some sneakers on?" Dre "Hold up. That's a tranny?" Rufus "No jack ass! I'm a woman." Pat "No she he aint. It don't know what it is. Come on pull it out." Rufus "Excuse me?" Pat "Take that dress off and prove to us that you are a woman. You're Adam's apple is bigger than my 2sons put together." Dre "Naw man. I aint trying see nothing like that." Rufus "I don't have to prove anything to you. Why don't you take that mask off? You look more like a man than I ever could." Alexis snickers. Pat looks at her "Is there something funny?" Alexis, holding her laughter "No Sister Patterson." Pat "I can't take this. ..Guard! Get me away from this freak!" She hollers out. Divine Design Dressing Room, Jodie is applying lip gloss to her lips, admiring her own beauty in the mirror. Smiling, that is until she sees some one she thought she would never have to see again. DC stands behind Jodie with a smile. Jodie is stunned, wondering how did he find her, what is he doing here? Jodie thought she left her past in Cleveland when she came to Pasadena. When Jodie turns around to question DC, Jenn emerges from behind DC with a victorious smile on her face, Jenn "Hey Jo Ho? I brought your pimp back from Cleveland. I wonder what will all those people say out there when your on the runway and they find out you're a slut." Jodie "You dirty Bitch. How low will you go?" DC "I hope as low as you girl. Look at you. You looking good. Give daddy some sugar." Jodie, steal starring at Jenn with hateful eyes "What do you want? Why are you doing this?" Jenn "I am taking you out. I am willing to keep this little dirty secret of yours. I won't expose you to the world as the highest grossing hor Cleveland has ever known. For price that is." Jodie, rolling her eyes "You are an evil Bitch! What's the price Jennifer? What do I need to do for you to not to expose me?" Jenn, grinning again "I thought you'd never ask?………"
  6. WOW So sad. I know she'll lose that baby. I really do feel bad for Jenny. It has been one thing after another. Good episode. Solid writing. Nate is even more of an [!@#$%^&*] no. Just when I might be liking him he gone hang up in Ava's face. Him of all people. A pimp, a player didn't want to hear an excuse. This storyline is so good now that Sky thinks Ava really want her. Ava, just keep it real. Stop now while you are ahean. But I know what skye did will come out. Crazy Bitch. Ava don't need none of these two losers. Loved jace and Will's scene. I love these two charaters playing against each other. They have great chemstiry. I love jace's character. And of course Will is on top of his game, minus that pic! I am glad Dylan is going to be ok Iguess And man LOVED ALLEY vs Marissa. These ladies really hate each other. You can really feel it and Jon is couahgt up. I feel where he coming from. Marissa is one peice of work. I am now Camp Alley. I have never liked Alley so much until the end of last season. She has slowly become one of my favs. I really feel bad for her at this point too. Suchh a great read and so many great storylines Matt. Keep up the great work pimp!! PS I like Rena and Will together. I really do Pray that baby is ok.
  7. It's about time. i can never get enough of novi. I dont know why u torture me like this. I also put I nice plug in of Novi in an ep again recently. You ought to check it out. I for get which ep it is but Look for Durand's comment and that will tell you. Welcome back!
  8. A new Day arrives in Pasadena. Rufus, who hasn't eaten in days, decides to go to the grocery store, to try and steal more t-bone steaks. He enters Save-A-Lot Grocery Stores. Right behind Rufus is Sister Patterson Williams, pushing a buggy. Pat realizes who is in front of her. She has a flashback of seeing Rufus at Sabryn and Bryan's trial. Sister Pat "I've been looking for you." Rufus turns around and sees Sister Patterson, "Can I help you?" Sister Pat "I am only going to say this the only way I know how. I only know how to speak the truth. Are you a man or a woman?" Rufus "Get out of my face you ugly crow." Rufus walks off. Sister Pat pulls her Holy Water and a Bible from her purse and goes after Rufus. Huntington Memorial Hospital Lauren walks into Daniel's hospital room. She sits down next to him and holds his hand. As he lays sleep she talks to him "I can't believe you are really here. I wish you could wake up. I have so much to ask you. Everything is so confusing. I thought Chris killed you, I thought you were dead. But you're not. How did this happen? I don't understand." Daniel slowly begins to open his eyes. When he sees Lauren, and he smiles. "Tell me this is not a dream." Lauren "It's no dream. You're here at Huntington Memorial hospital." Daniel lets out tears, as he finally realizes, he is free from Mona's death clutches." Episode: 77,Sis Pat Goes2JAIL!! Written by: ML Cooks Lavender Hill, Ty's Mansion. Ty and Jenn are in the bedroom Jenn "I can't believe you hit me." Ty "You asked for it. I told you not to go to Cleveland and you went anyway." Jenn "I'm not your child. You don't tell me what tot do." Ty "You're my woman. I won you away from Mike. You will do what the hell I tell you to do. My life is spinning out of control and I need you here with me." Jenn "What about what I want? You said you would make me happy but that was a lie. Were you just feeding me sweet nothings just to take me away from Mike to spite him?" Ty "It has nothing to do with Mike. If you would act right, I would treat you better." Jenn "Your treating like I'm your child. You don't even respect how I feel about anything." Ty "Because all you do is nag, nag, nag. I don't have time for that. I am trying to make money so we can live a good life." Jenn "All the money in the world doesn't mean nothing to me. I just want you to respect me, and love me. Not hit me." Ty "Jenn, put some ice on your jaw. It's looking bad.' he says walking out the bedroom. After Ty leaves, Karl walks in the bedroom Jenn "Can I help you Karl?" Karl "No, I just came to see your jaw. It's about time my son showed you who's boss." Jenn "Excuse me? So you approve of your son hitting women?" Karl "It's about respect. Know your place." Karl says walking out the room. Jenn, hollering after him "Damn you! Damn all of you." She looks in the mirror to see her jaw is some what swelled up. She thinks to herself "This is all your fault Jodie. It's time for you to be reunited with your pimp." Jenn leaves the bedroom as well. Ty enters Santino's bedroom. Santino "What's going on boss?" Ty "Don't you what's going on boss me. Why didn't you stop Jenn from going to Cleveland? Santino, has a flashback of kissing Jenn in the hotel room "I didn't know you didn't want her to go" He says lying. "You know if I had known you didn't want her going I would have stopped her." Ty "I don't need this sh!t right now. Daniel is alive and Mona is still missing. You need to get better Tino. ASAP. We are losing money out here." Santino "I'm trying boss. I am getting my strength back. My therapist is on her way." Ty doesn't say anything and walks out. After Ty walks out, his father Karl walks in. Karl "I'm glad you are recovering well.' Santino "Thank you Mr. Hutchins." Karl "So why don't you tell me what really happened between you and Jenn in Cleveland?" Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean Mona Island Mona and Sharan are lip locking. Sharan thinks to her self "I just have to get this madwoman to trust me. I have to lure her into a false sense of security. It's my only way of having any chance of escaping." Mona pulls back from Sharan's lips and looks into her eyes. Sharan "Did I do something wrong?" Mona "Not at all. Everything is perfect. You're so beautiful." Sharan "Thank you. Let's get to know one another some more." Mona "How do you want to do that?" Sharan "By talking." Mona's cell phone rings Mona "Hold on sexy lady." Mona answers, it's The Lady in Red LiR "I am tired of waiting for what I want. When are you coming back to Pasadena?" Mona "In a day or so. I have to take care of a few things here. Where is Daniel?" LiR "Ty found him. He's in the hospital." Mona "Good. I bet Ty is going bonkers. And Chris is dead right?" LiR "Yes he is." Mona "Good, and Alexis is still in jail?" LiR "Yes she is. It was not supposed to happen like that. Sabryn and Bryan still roam the streets." Mona "Listen, just give them a little scare till I get there. Get all the info you can on them. When I get there I will call." Mona hangs up Sharan "Are you going some where?" Mona "Why are you going to miss me?" Sharan "Actually I am." Mona "You know this sure is a sudden change of heart you are having. Minutes ago, you were just telling me that you would not love me and that you're not even a lesbian. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you are trying to set me up." Sharan "You're giving me no choice but to force me to love you. So if there is any change of heart, it's because you have left me no other option." Mona "You're right about that." Sharan "Let's talk." Mona "What do you want to talk about?" Sharan "You." Save-A-Lot Sister Pat continues to stalk Rufus around the fresh meat section. Rufus looks around to see if some one is watching him. He sees no one is looking at him, and Rufus puts a pack of pork chops in his purse. Then he heads towards the exit. Sister Pat, still following him "Not only is she a fruit basket, she's a thief." Then she hollers after him "Stop that man in that dress! He's a thief!" Store security and managers grab Rufus. One of the security guards pulls the pork chops out of her purse. Sister Pat, throwing Holy Water on Rufus "You better take that dress off and put some jeans on. What's the matter with you? Don't you love the Lord?" Rufus "You are one annoying hag you know that." Sister Pat slaps Rufus. Abe, arriving on the scene, "You can't put your hands on her." Sister Pat "She's a he. I mean He's a she. He she. Half and Half. Disgusting and sick. You ought to be a shamed of yourselfof his officer to escort Rufus to the squad car. He looks at his wife. "Why did you hit that woman?" Sister Pat "God told me too. I was doing the good work of the Lord. Don't question me." Abe "God is telling me to arrest you. You can't assault people like that." Pat "Arrest me! You can't do that! What if Miss Jenkins found out?" Abe "Damn Miss Jenkins!" Pat "No you didn't!" She walks up to him and slaps him. "Don't know one talk about Miss Jenkins." Abe then spins his wife around and slaps some cuffs on her. Pat "Abe you better quit tripping. I am a Godly woman. What will the church say about me? I am your wife! You can't arrest me!' Abe "Yes I can. I need a break from that loud mouth of yours." Another officer takes Sister Patterson to a squad car. Abe, looking at the store manager "Sorry about any inconvenience." Downtown Pasadena, Jenn and DC walks into an eatery. DC "I sure am hungry girl." Jenn "It seems you are always hungry." DC "So when can I see my best money maker?" Jenn "Trust me, your going to see Jodie. At the very right time." DC "Good, I think she owe me some money. That hoe went on a fu(king spree before she left Cleveland." Jenn "You mean she had sex with a bunch of men before she left?" DC "Damn straight. She owes me monies. I need all my monies' He says ordering his food. Jenn "So how long has Jodie tricked for you?" DC "For about 2good years. Jodie put me on the map. Without her, I wouldn't have nothing today." Jenn "So how did you meet Jodie?"' Jenn "Well I am from New Orleans. After hurricane Katrina hit, and wiped out New Orleans, I relocated to Cleveland., Having lost everything in the hurricane, my business, my house, my car, everything girl. Do you hear me?" Jenn "Loud and clear." DC "I lost everything. I met Jodie at a bar. We were both broke as hell so she let me pimp her." Jenn "Such a shame." DC "Naw it aint girl . We needed to make money. Speaking of, when can I see my hoe?" Jenn "As soon as we leave here. You can be reunited with your hor" Jenn smiles, but she can't smile to much from her jaw on swoll, thanks to Ty. Huntington Memorial Hospital Abe walks into Daniel's room. Once Lauren sees Mr. Williams, she thinks of having sex with his son Kevin. She immediately feels dirty and ashamed. Abe "Lauren, do you mind if I talk to Daniel for a minute?" Lauren "Not at all." She kisses Daniel on his for head and leaves. Abe walks over to Daniel and gets a good look at him "It's a miracle." Daniel "Yes it is." Abe "Who did this to you?" Daniel "Your crazy daughter Mona. She's behind all the madness in Pasadena and I swear to GOD when I see her, I'm going to kill her!"……..,now tune in for Life In Salem, A days of our Lives blog co written by me, things will never be the same!!!
  9. Friendly Skies Flight 1706 touches down at the airport in L.A.. Ria, DC, Jenn and Santino, still in a wheel chair, get off the plane. Jenn looks off in the distance sees Ty, waiting for her outside his limo. Jenn notices that Ty has a strange look on his face. He look's like he's possessed, which sends chills through Jenn's spine. Ria "I am so glad to be back in my home town. I can't mess with cold ass Cleveland." DC "You always running your mouth woman." Ria "Look man, what happened in Cleveland, leave that there. I don't know you, you don't know me. D!ck was good to me, but next lifetime" Ria puts on a huge pair of sunglasses and walks over to Jenn. "Girl look at yo man. He look so fine in that suite. He look mad as hell. Anyway girl, call me, I got some things to take care of." She says walking away. She walks past Ty, smiling and switching a little bit. "How you doin Ty?" Ty "Good Ria, talk to you later." Ria sucks her teeth "Whatever," She replies walking away. DC "Hey girl! You gone leave me like that!." He says hollering after her. Santino "Ty doesn't look to happy." DC "I don't give a damn about all of that. It's hot and I'm hungry. Is that what we riding in? Well then let's go." He says walking towards Ty and his limo. DC "Sh' mone now" Jenn, slowly walks towards Ty while wheeling Santino in the wheel chair. DC tries to open the limo but Ty stops him, stepping in front of him. DC and Ty square each other up. Jenn finally approaches the two, wondering what is about to happen and how is she going to explain the pimp, she brought back from Cleveland. Huntington Memorial Hospital Rufus walks over to the nurses station, where Dr. Kiko Whitfield is charting. "Excuse me, I am looking for a Dr. Serrano?" Kiko, Caught off guard as he realizes Rufus is a man wearing a dress. Kiko wonders what would a she-male want with Diego. "I'll page him" Rufus "Thank you." Rufus begins to admire Kiko's blue eyes, wanting to make small talk, "If you don't mind me asking, are those your natural eyes?" Kiko "Yes they are." Then Diego walks over. Diego "You paged me Kiko?" Kiko "This woman needs to see you." Diego looks at Rufus and can immediately tell that Rufus is a transgender suspect, he frowns "May I help you?" Rufus "Can we go to a more private place to talk?" Diego "What's this about?" Rufus "Natalia" Diego "Follow me to my office." Kiko is bewildered by Diego's and Rufus's conversation "Something is not right with Diego." Episode:76, Ike and Tina Written by: ML Cooks Divine Design Ria walks into Natalia's office "Girl look at you, looking all important." Natalia, smiling at her good friend "Hey Ria. Where have you been? I have been trying to call you." Ria "I was in Cleveland. Jenn had something to take care of." Natalia "Jenn? I didn't know you two hung out like that.' Ria "Yea girl. Let me tell you, I met this broke ass pimp in Cleveland." Natalia "A broke pimp?" Ria "I know right. But he knew what he was doing with his dick though. He show' know how to lick my pu$$y good." Natalia "You are crazy. I am glad you are back." Ria "So what's up with Alexis? She still in jail?" Natalia "She sure is. And I have a hunch she will be there for a long time." Ria "I hope so." Natalia "Me to." Ria "So she's letting you run the company?" Natalia "She sure is. She really didn't have a choice. I have a half million dollar investment in this company." Ria "So when's the fashion show?" Natalia "Tomorrow. I need you to get fitted for my show piece." Ria "I can't wait girl. I am so honored to be wearing one of your dresses." Natalia "Finally. My dream of being a major fashion designer are about to happen. I can't wait till the world sees what I have to offer." Ria "I know that's right. I'll go to wardrobe and try on the dress. I'll give you a call later." Natalia "Do that. We need to talk." Ria "Ok girl. Is something the matter?" Natalia "Maybe" Thinking of Rufus Pasadena Police Station Abe "So you know about Mona. What are you going to do with that info?" Mike "Chief I just want to know why? Why did you fake your daughter's death and molest her?" Abe, doesn't answer at first "……..It's very complicated." Mike "Then uncomplicated it. You were a man of integrity and respect. I looked up to you." Abe "What do you want me to say Mike? I have had to deal with this for 24 years. I am not proud of what I did. I regret it every single moment that passes by. I don't know how to fix it. I don't know where to go from here. Ty is black mailing me. Crimes have been committed and the wrong people have been accused tried and died " Mike "You mean Chris?" Abe "Yes. It's all because of me. I did this. I created this monster." Mike "So Mona is the one behind all the crazy that's been happening in Pasadena?" Abe "Pretty much. Mona and Ty have my hands tied. Right along with his father. I tried to resign but he wouldn't let me." Mike "Why couldn't you come tell me? Maybe I could have helped you." Abe "I couldn't really talk about what I did. I didn't want to admit or deal with it. I was hoping everything would dissipate or that Ty was playing a sick joke on me." Mike "So this Mona is actually your daughter then?" Abe "Yes, I dug up her grave and I found no body. When Mona and Ty confronted me about her identity, she did have a paternity results paper with her. So it's true, the daughter I tortured, and molested is alive. And she has an ax to grind." Mike "I would too if you did those things to me." Mike stands up becoming frustrated. "I still cant believe this. I am having a hard time digesting all this." Abe "I just want to apologize for firing you." Mike "Don't worry about it man. It all worked out for me. I am running my own business now. I'm a private investigator." Abe "I'm glad to hear it. But you still haven't told me what your going to do with what you know" Mike "I want to help Chief. I have a personal vendetta against Tyler and I want to bring him down. I think we can help each other do that." Abe "Even if we bring Ty down, the fact that Mona is still out there somewhere remains. There is no telling what she will do next." Mike "Then we have to find out. We have to find Mona." Back at Huntington Memorial Diego's office, Diego "So you said this was about Natalia Ms.." Rufus Oh please call me Rufus. And yes it is about her. I saw you two having a heated discussion at The Jump Off one night. In fact, I gathered you have something over her head." Diego "And what makes you think that?" Rufus "I know what I saw. I am in the same game you are. To take Natalia out. She has something that belongs to me.' Diego "Interesting. So if I do decide to help you, what's in it for me?" Rufus "I like how that sounds. I don't have nothing to offer. I live out out of my car, but I do got good mouth skills." Diego "You can keep that." Rufus "That's to bad. You don't know what your missing. I can rock your world." Diego "My world doesn't need rocked. So tell me what Natalia has that you want?" Rufus "That's personal, but if you show me some skin, I just may tell you." Diego "I'm going to say this one time, if I do decide to help you, you're going to have to stop the come on's. I'm not interested. What are you anyway?" Rufus "I'm a human, the same as you." Diego "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a man in a dress." Rufus "I'm a woman." Diego "Right" He writes down a name on a piece of paper and hands it to her Rufus "What's this?" Reading the paper Diego "Her name is Suga. She will help you get dirt on Natalia. You just have to find her." Rufus "Oh thank you. Finally a break through. If you ever need me to repay you, my mouth is waiting. Besides, every man has at least thought about being with another man once." Diego "Well not this one. You're going to pay me back, but not in the form you'd hope. Now get out of here and go get Natalia" Rufus "Will do" Outside Diego's office, was Kiko, having heard the entire odd conversation,he hides around a corner as Rufus makes his way out of Diego's office. Friendly Skies Airport DC "Hold on man, what's the problem here? Can't you see an old man sweating?" Ty, looking at Jenn "What the hell is going on and who is this?" Jenn "This is DC. He's uh, helping organize the fashion show at Divine Design. That's why Ria and I had to go to Cleveland." DC "Girl what. Ant no fruit loop here. I don't know nothing about no damn fashion." Ty, looking at DC's sandals, with socks "It shows." A lexis pulls up next to Ty's limo Ty "You two can ride in the lexis. Jenn and I have some talking to do." DC "That's what I'm talking about. A go getter. Come on here Santino, let's get in this AC. DC gets in the car as the driver of the Lexis helps Santino into the Lexis. Ty grabs Jenn's arm and pulls her into the limo. Jenn "Ty your hurting me." Ty "You deserve it. I can't believe you went behind my back and went to Cleveland after I told you not to. And you even took Santino. H's recovering from 2nd degree burns. What in the hell are you thinking?" Jenn "Ty I am sorry. I told you this trip was important to me." Ty "And you being here in Pasadena was important to me. I give you everything and all I ask is for is a little respect." Jenn "I can't believe you're this upset." Ty "Believe it." He punches her in the jaw. "I'm Ike and your Tina. Do I need to take my boot off and beat you with it?" Jenn wipes blood from her mouth, as she can't believe Ty just hit her. With the pain still stinging in her face, Jenn kicks Ty in his groin. Ty, barely able to speak, holding his family jewels "I'm going to get you for that bitch!" He jumps on top of her and begins to strangle her!……… And now check out Life in Salem, a blog I Co write, about Days of Our Lives, A Storm is brewing that will shake the very foundation of Salem. Click on the banner to view and tell us what you think...
  10. aMLCproduction

    Casting News

    Love the new casting choices. Really great. The newbies keep flowing in. I didn't know Rena will be part of a quad. That will be very interesting.
  11. Wow Matt such a great episode. Much better than the last I have a lot to say. I see two new faces but no anoouncement. When I first saw Dr. Vexen the first person that came to mind was Tanisha. Oh my god how hot they would be. Then when I saw Lily I mean Rena I thought Tanisha/Fine ass Dr. Vexen/Rena? Good twist on the paternity thing. I didn't think you were going to go there. But you did. Good twist. I loved the marissa and Alley scene. i could really see Lesli kay acting all that out in my head. And now she is going to make Alley look crazy. This is going to be real good. That's one of the break out storylines of season 5. Another one is Dylan. Man everytime I read about him my nuts hurt. Is it painful? I hope he goes through the surgery One balls or two, I still wouldn't want cancer. Does that or will that affect his sexual perfomance and after he loses his ball will that affect his sperm count or what not? i am not being grapahic I want to know. Good job with this one Matt. I don't know what is going on with this Anna Lee woman. I read about her last ep but didn't know what to make of it. But I guess I did like how she broke out of that room. She seems like she is kooky like Susan from Days? I don't know but I can already tell Ms. Lee is going to be trouble for Nan. And I wonder what new enemy Nan is going to go after next. I am so glad Bryan is not going to drop his fued with Hammerhead. Marli got her pic snapped and it will only be a mtter of time before whomever she don't want to find her does just that. Matt can you please get a different pic of Will. I have been wanting to ask you this since the first time I've read this great blog. And what a twist the cliffhanger was. Liked how the scenes went round and round or as I call them circle scenes, if you know what I mean. So damn good. I was on the edge of my seat. I thought for sure aVA was going to choose Nate and I was gone be mad but then she kissed skye. Shocked. Then her car exploded. GREAT TWIST MATT!! One thing I Must say I never know where you are going with your storylines. I don't think PP has ever been this good, and its now even trumping season 3. And you already know how I feel about season 3. PP is still fresh, even into season 5. I was worried because I felt towards the end of 4 PP lost it's way but's it's back, better than ever. Matt KEEP IT UP PIMP!!
  12. Lavender Hill, Ty's Mansion, Karl walks into the front door. The maid greets him. Maid "How are you sir?" Karl "I'm fine, can you get me a drink?" Maid Yes sir.' Karl "Where's Jenn and Santino?" Maid "The misses took Santino and left." Karl "She's not here?" Maid "No sir. She left yesterday." Karl "That will be all." He says walking out onto the patio by the pool. He pulls out his cell phone and calls his son Karl "We have a situation here." Ty "What is it now?" Karl "Your woman took Santino and left." Ty "What do you mean she left?" Karl "She went on that little trip to Cleveland after all. What kind of man are you?Don't you Have control over your house and lady?. You're a loser." Karl hangs up Ty "How did I raise such an idiot?" Cleveland, Ohio The Sheraton Hotel DC is in the shower, as Ria walks out into the living room of the hotel room wearing lingerie. Jenn is sitting on the couch surfing the net reading the newest episodes of THE SONOP blogs at The Soap Opera Network, Jenn wonders where Novi has been, as Santino sits in a wheel chair watching TV. Jenn, looking at Ria's lingerie "Well look at you. Your going to sleep with DC?" Ria "I don't sex and tell. I'm just going to have a little fun. It's been a while for me and something about him turn's me on." Jenn "Good luck." Ria smiles at Jenn and closes the door to the bedroom. Santino turns the TV off and turns around looks at Jenn Jenn "You need something." Santino "I'm fine. I just wanted something pretty to look at." Jenn, smiling "That's sweet.Thank you For not giving me a hard time about coming on this trip. I know you are trying to recover from your burns and accident." Santino "You said it was important to you so I didn't want to hinder for what it was you needed to do. Did everything go well? Who is that man?" Jenn "If I told you, you would not believe me. I got what I came for. So let's leave it at that." Santino "I'm having some pain in my shoulders, do you think you can massage them for me." Jenn "That's the least I could do" She says getting up walking over to him. Meanwhile, inside the bedroom, DC steps out the bathroom wearing black satin boxers with a black satin shirt with black house shoes and black dress sock. Ria laughs at him DC "You looking good girl. Come over here and give daddy a kiss." Ria "Bring yo old ass over here to me." DC "You want to be feisty girl. That's cool.' He says walking over to her. He plants a kiss on her as he grabs her rump and begins to jiggle her cheeks. DC "You ready for this long boy pretty thang?" Ria "Are you ready for this nana daddy?" She says pushing him onto the bed. She steps up on the bed with her heels and grabs a remote and pushes play. The song "Let me Lick you up and Down" by silk comes on. Ria begins to dance seductively for DC DC "NAW girl." He grabs the remote and changes the station. The song Between the Sheets by The Isley Brother's come on. "Now that's music girl. Gone head and dance sexy to that." Ria "I don't want to dance to this old ass sh!t." DC gets up grabs Ria and throws her on her back. He begins to kiss her mouth. In between the kisses he says "What was that you was talking" He says, pressing his dick up against her panties. Ria, feeling his dick pressing up against her muff, getting extra moist "I said fu(k me daddy" DC "Yea girl I'm give it to you right tonight." Episode : 75, S is for Sex! Written by: ML Cooks Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, Mona Island, As Sharan jumps into the ocean and tries to make a mad dash for it, Mona pulls out a bow and arrow and aims at Sharan. Releasing the string, the arrow hit's Sharan shoulder and immediately Sharan becomes weak, and starts to sink below the surface. Mona jumps in to rescue her queen from drowning. Once Mona grabs Sharan, she swims back to shore. She drags Sharan onto the beach and lays her on the sand. Mona "You can't escape from me baby. I'm never going to let you go. You need to realize that." Sharan, coughing up water "You're a psycho!" Mona "But a well planned one." She leans in to try and kiss Sharan. She backs away Sharan "I'm not going to love you. I'm not a lesbian, so all this is pointless." Mona "But you got some good pu$$y though. I see why Kevin and Dondre were fighting over you." Sharan "They are not fighting over me." Mona "Keep telling yourself that. The night I took you, you and Kevin were having an argue ment about Dondre right?" Sharan "That's none of your damn business." Mona "I love you. Everything about you is my business. You belong to me now." Sharan "Why me? Why couldn't you love some one else. I am sure you can find some one that will love you back. Because that will never be me." Mona "I've worked to hard for too long to just give you up. " Sharan "You can say that again. Kidnapping me, blowing up that submarine. How did you do all that? You couldn't have done all this by yourself?" Mona "You're right. But we don't need to talk about that right now." Sharan, stares at Mona "How are we going to live on this island? We don't have food, toiletries" Mona "There's food here. There's all kind of wild animals here." Sharan "Wild animals?" Mona "Were going back to the stone age. We'll have to hunt, use leaves to wash up. It's nothing new to the human race." Sharan "SO you did all this for me huh?" Mona "Yes I did. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." To Mona's surprise, Sharan leans in and kisses Mona. Westwood Park Mark gets a knock on his door. He opens it to see Rufus. Mark "What are you doing here? I am not in the mood." Rufus "I am lover. " She says walking into his house. "I've missed you all day." Mark "We haven't seen each other in over five years, you're making a big deal out of today?" Rufus "I want it lover" She says walking up on Mark. She places her hand on Mark's crotch Mark "Get off me dude. I don't get down like that no more." Rufus "You know that's not true. You know you miss my head skills. You used to always tell me no one has ever sucked you off like I could. Don't you want to feel that again lover?" She says sill continuing to rub on Mark's dick, making it grow in size. Rufus slowly un buttons Mark's pants, as Mark has flash backs in his mind of old times with Rufus. In a motel, Rufus is on her knees deep throating Mark's cock. Mark remembers how great it used to feel to have all 8 inches of his dick down Rufus's throat Rufus "Let me taste it lover. Cum down my throat." She says pulling Mark's dick out. Rufus squats down and lick's Mark's love stick. Mark closes his eyes and immediately gets a rush through his body. Rufus licks the tip of his dick as Mark places his hand on the back of Rufus's head and slowly pushes his dick further and further down his gay lovers throat. Rufus begins to gag, which turns Mark on as he moves Rufus's head faster and faster. Mark "Yea girl, Make that mouth tighter…Ahh yea" He says in complete ecstasy. In a moment of pleasure, Mark forgets everything around him, being hypnotized with good dick licking session. Mark "I'm bout to cum" Rufus shoves Mark's dick all the way in her mouth so Mark's sperm can run down her throat. Mark begins to quiver. Mark "Damn that felt good." TC Hotel, On his cell phone, trying to call Jenn again, Ty gets her voice mail, once again "Jenn what the hell is going on? I cannot believe you went behind my back and went on your little trip after I told you not too. I can't wait till you get back here. I'm going to have to teach you a lesson you'll never forget." Ty hangs up his phone and sits at his desk. He exhales. Jodie walks into his office. Ty smiles and feels more relaxed upon seeing her Ty "Your are the person I wanted to see." Jodie "Is that so? Something the matter?" Ty "No, nothing I can't handle. Just seeing you sometimes puts me at ease." Jodie "I guess I am glad I can do that for you. It seems like you need a friend to talk to." Ty "I'm not the talking type. " Jodie, intrigued "Then what type of man are you?" Ty "A man that always get's what he wants." Ty gets up with a smirk, knowing that is the same line he used on Jennifer when he was trying to woo her from Mike. Jodie "What do you want?" Ty, up in her face, grabbing her shoulders and caressing them. He blows on her neck. "I want you." Jodie, looks into Ty's eyes "What about Jenn?" Ty "What about Mike?" Ty then kisses Jodie passionately. Back In Cleveland, The Sheraton, Jenn continues to massage Santino's shoulders. As they both listen to the moans and groans and bed squeaking thanks to Ria and DC, Jenn fantasies of confronting Jodie about being a prostitute. "Wait till I drop the news to Mike and Ty. Then she will be out of my life finally." Jenn's thoughts are interrupted by Santino speaking "That feels so good. You really know what you are doing." Jenn "I should be. I went to school for massotherapy." Santino "I never knew that." Jenn "There's a lot you don 't know about me." Santino "I would like to find out." Santino take's Jenn's right arm and pulls her in front of him. He stands up out of his wheel chair and catches Jenn off guard by kissing her. Back in Pasadena Downtown, The Police Station, Mike walks into Police Chief Abe Williams' office. Abe "Mike, man it's good to see you. What brings you down here?" Mike "Abe, I know everything." Abe "You know what?" Mike "I know you've been working with Ty, I know he's black mailing you and I know you molested and faked you own daughters death." Abe "You don't know nothing." Mike "I over heard you talking with Ty." Abe, realizing Mike has cornered him, reassures Mike what he heard was not misleading "So you know I molested my daughter. What are you going to do with that info?"
  13. Yes Matt it did move a bit slower, but like you said slower can be better, charater movement and like you said S.T.E.A.M. will pick up begining with the next episode
  14. Thanks for the comments guys. Yes matt it was a little slower. I know. It will pick up trust me. I just hope no one gets."The brother's confused, Kiko and Dre are bros and kev and karim are bros. As far as Sister Pat, I loved your guys's comments about her. I have a some huge surprises for her. Something her third eye did not see coming.
  15. Another great episode. Loved Aggaie's sceen the coffee shoppe. I was shocked she retired/ I wonder what Tanhish got up her sleave, It would also be great to see Ags at the shop more. I like Ava serving Ava Karma. i do remeber her hating him, was it last season? I don't like how skye is so damn bossy. She need some sex or her panties are to tight. Will was in his prime going toe to toe with Jace. I so love Jace and i am really looking forward into seeing where this goes. I wonder what's up with Marli and wonder what she's running from. I had to laugh at Jon'd rack comment. Although I was able to predict the who's the daddy story with Carlos and Jenny I ca't perdict who it's going to be. Nice cliffhanger btw
  16. Westwood Park, Karim's House Having just made himself some toast and eggs, Karim puts his plate on the kitchen table upon hearing a knock at the door. He opens it and sees his brother Kevin Karim "You look a mess bro. We got a big meeting with all our chemist for our upcoming new product." Kevin walking into his house "I can't go. In fact that's why I'm here." Karim "I was about to eat. Feel free to help yourself." Kevin "I don't want no food, I want to talk." He sits at the kitchen table with his younger brother. Karim "Alright man, tell me what's on your mind" Kevin "I am stepping down from Ivory Inc. I want you to assume day to day operations." Karim "What brought this on?" Kevin "My life is a mess. I can't think straight let alone run a fortune 500." Karim "I don't think that's such a good idea. What are you going to do in your down time?" Kevin "I don't know. Search for Sharan and search for my soul" Karim "There's something else to this. I can sense it. What's good Kev?" Kevin, after a long pause "Lauren and I slept together last night." Karim is stunned. Episode: 74,Easy Come, Easy Go Written by : ML Cooks Ty arrives at Huntington Memorial Hospital. After wheeling Daniel in, he asks for Dr. Diego Serrano. Diego walks over to the nurses station and is stunned to see a Daniel. Diego "Your just full of surprises." Kiko, right by Diego's side wonders what his mentor means by his comment. Karl "No time for coffee clatch. Check this man out now." Diego "Right, no need to talk to me in that tone." Kiko rolls Daniel's wheel chair into the ER as Diego follows. Ty is pacing the ER, trying to keep his thoughts together. Karl "Sit down boy. Your driving me insane with all that pacing." Ty "I wish You would stop riding my ass. That's all you have done since you got home from prison. You couldn't even to tell me thank you for getting you out." Karl "Thank you? You can't be serious. Look at how long it took you." Ty "At least your out." Karl "I am your father. I gave you everything you had. This life, this name. You are rich and have many people on your payroll. That didn't happen over night." Ty "It certainly didn't happen all the nights you were in jail. Leaving me to fend for myself." Karl "Just spare me. Life happens. You had my people protecting you. You were never in no danger." Ty "All that doesn't mean nothing to me. All I wanted was you, my father." He says getting louder, He pulls back, knowing, he is a man that never loses his cool but that seems to be hard lately. First he thought Daniel was dead and now it seems he's not. Back at Westwood Park. Lauren lays past out on her sofa with the empty bottle of Gin laying next to her. She hears her doorbell and jumps up. She screams out in pain as her head begins to throb. The continuous chimes from the door bell get's Lauren aggravated. "I'll be there damn it!" She hollers out, slowly getting up and making her way to the door way. She can't see who it is as she opens the door due to the bright early morning sun shining in her face like a nuclear bomb going off "Lauren, are you ok?" Lauren, recognizing the voice "Bryan, is that you?" Bryan "Yes, Sabryn and I are here." Lauren "I can't take this sun. Please come in." Sabryn and Bryan enter the house. They both notice the gallon of gin bottle that lays on the floor empty. Bryan "I see you took the news pretty hard." Lauren "What news?" Sabryn "Chris was put to death last night" Bryan "We came over to make sure you were ok. You have been through a lot." Lauren instantly has a flashback of having sex with Kevin last night "Yes I have. I am glad he is gone. He's a murderer." Bryan "Lauren do you honestly believe that?" Lauren "The court believed it." Bryan "I'm not going to argue with you. I know in my gut Chris was innocent." Lauren "Good because I'm not in the mood to argue." Sabryn "Lauren please. Bryan is trying to show some compassion. No need to be rude." Lauren "Didn't you run over Ashley? Shouldn't you be in jail?" Sabryn "I'm going to ignore that one." She looks at Bryan. "Hurry this up." As Sabryn says that, Lauren's phone rings. She picks it up and answers it. "Why are you calling me?......" Then Lauren faints. Bryan catches her. Sabryn picks up the phone and hears Ty's voice Sabryn "Tyler? It's Sabryn. What's going on?" Ty "Daniel is alive. I found him last night." Sabryn, to Bryan "Your right. Chris was innocent. Tyler found Daniel last night." Bryan "What!!?? It's too late!! Chris is already dead. No!! NO!! God No!!! This can't be happening." The Williams House In the kitchen, Sister Pat is sipping on some coffee as she reads the front page of the newspaper. She reads about Chris's death. "Poor man. It's too bad he could not have been saved in time. He should have gotten a new lawyer or something. I knew my third eye was right about him. Lord have Mercy, What kind of world do we live in." Sister Pat puts her coffee down and walks over to the living room and looks out the window . She looks at the house where she dropped the picnic basket of food off last night." I hope Miss Jenkins like what I made her. She can be so damn picky." Then Abe walks into the room. Abe "Good morning" Pat "It's not for me. I've waited all night to hear about what you have to tell me about Kelis. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't even pray." Abe, getting the guts, to finally fess up to what he did to their daughter sits down on the couch. Just before he speaks, his cell phone rings. "Williams here.......I'll be right there." Pat rolling her eyes "Just like always." Abe "This is big. Ty found Daniel last night." Pat "Lord have mercy. Wait till Miss Jenkins hear about this." Abe "Who in the hell is this Miss Jenkins you have been talking about? No one has never seen her." Pat walks up to Abe and slaps him "Don't know one, talk about Miss Jenkins." She slaps him again. Abe "I really don't know why we still are married." Abe grabs his keys and leaves. Pat "Simple Bastard. I don't know why neither. Always acting a damn fool." Pat grabs her keys and her Holy water and leaves the house as well. Pasadena City Jail Kiko walks over to his brother's cell Kiko "How you feel man?" Dre "Have you ever been in jail before?" Kiko "Can't say that I have." Dre "Right. Pretty boy like you wouldn't last a day behind bars anyway." Kiko "I wish you would stop saying stuff like that. Look I came by to tell you about your friend Chris." Dre "I already know. My homeboy is no more. It's fu(ked up man. Some one set him up. Just like their setting me up. Hell it could be the same person." Kiko "You could be right. About that, have you talked to your lawyer?" Dre "Yea G. She real fine." Kiko "Come one man, You got to stay focused. Stop thinking about some random pu$$y all the time. Sounds like that's how you got caught up in this mess anyway." Dre "Sounds like to me you need some pu$$y. You're always so uptight, so serious man. Chillax." Kiko "Right. What did Lisa say?" Dre "That the D.A. does not have a solid case against me. She's trying to get all the kidnapping charges dropped." Kiko "That's what I like to hear." Dre "So man, you haven't told me about ma since you been here. How is she?" Kiko, pausing, Dre "Kiko, what's the matter man?" Kiko "Look Dre, there is something you need to know...." Downtown Pasadena, Divine Design Jodie walks into Alexis's office but is surprised to see Natalia instead. Natalia "Hey Jodie, you looked surprised to see me here." Jodie "I don't know why I am. After all, Alexis is in jail for killing her sister." Natalia "Right and she was the main one talking about our secrets not coming out. And she had the biggest one of all. How do you kill your own sister is beyond me." Jodie "So I take it you are in control now?" Natalia "Yes that's right. I have a half million dollar investment in Alexis. And a scandal that threatens to take this company out. I can't believe her. She got us all sucked into her web. I feel like a fool." Jodie "She said it was an accident." Natalia "That sounds good doesn't it?" Jodie "You got a point." Natalia "The show must go on. I got people in media relations trying to handle the news about Hurricane Alexis. Hopefully we can save face with the fashion show. I am counting on you Jodie, you and Ria. You two will be wearing the show pieces so nothing can mess this up." Jodie "I don't see nothing messing up for me." Natalia "Great. If only I can find Ria. I need you to go to wardrobe and try on some of my designs." Jodie "Wow, fresh designs. I'm honored." Natalia "Thank You." Jodie leaves and Natalia picks up the phone and calls Ria's cell phone again. "Where in the hell are you girl?" Huntington Memorial Hospital Lauren rushes into the ER, along with Sabryn and Bryan. She sees Ty and runs over to him Lauren "Ty what is going on? Where is Daniel?" Ty "Diego and Kiko are in there with him right now." Lauren is in a state of shock and paranoia "How? I don't understand. I have to see him." Lauren walks over towards the operating door and looks in to see Kiko and Diego, hovering around Daniel. "Oh My God" She shays turning around. "If Daniel is alive then Chris really was innocent. Oh My God, NO!" Lauren hollers out as she realizes Chris is dead. "NO, God NO!" She hollers out sinking to the floor. Ty rushes over to her, comforting Lauren in her time of desperation and despair. "Chris is Gone, He's dead!" Ty doesn't say anything, knowing he had a slight chance of saving Chris's life but didn't step up and do so. The tears drip from Lauren's face as they do off of Bryan's as he realizes his good friend died for nothing as well. Sabryn holds him……….
  17. Good episode. You're one liners are so hilarious. PP has becoming comical. I love it. Oh so now Becky wants to abide by her code of ethics, give me a break. But I loved Dylan's reveal. My balls starting hurting when I read that scene. I really felt his pain. I really feel bad for him. This is something I've never expected and look forward to learning about his. Great choice in a social issue storyline and I think all men on here need to read this. I see you re casted Nate. I was shocked. I am willing to give this new Nate a chance. But I must say that scene where he took his clothes off, I really pictured the other guy doing that. And boy if this was on real tv, what a way for a recast to come onto the show. First scene, get naked, LOL. Why did you recast? I loved Alley's and Marissa scene. I was like hell naw Rissa giving it to my girl Alley but she had that come back, exposed her boobs. Loved it. "Money Makers" LOL!!!! I was so glad Nan turned the tables on that damn Blake. I ALSO LIKE WHAT I SEE IN BLAKE AND MARLI They look REALLY good together. I hope they go some where. I really love Jace's character. I have a good Friend who acts just like him. To drinking to always a arguing with his baby momma. In fact he called me and said he was going to kill her. I hope Jace is longterm. I have to say Jace looks way better than Will. I am so loving this Skye and Will pair up and her dialog to Will was so funny. I am finally liking her!!
  18. Tried posting a comment yesterday but I guess SON was down. A GREAT EPISODE MAYY. Loved it from start to finish. It's also great to see the storylines and characters intermixing a lot more. And PP seems to have slowed down there for enriching you're plots. Keep it up. I loved Skye in this episodes but She couldn't be on my team. The way she blasted out ol girls biasness like that. But it was a great twist. I also love how Will and Skye is about to pair up and scheme and I loved how Nate and Ava caught them. I am glad Ava slapped Nate with that rude ass Dyke remark. Makes me not even like even more. But I did love his comment about Butch Bully. I was on the floor laughing. Loved Marissa in this ep again and I hope she is planning nothing ill toward John I love the Alley/Marissa rivalry. CC who? And at last Nana vs Blake. I really love their rivalry and am so glad to Will in on that scene. Everyone was in top form but yet again Blake comes out on top. Can't wait to see what happens next Love the dialog, it's so much sassier. this is shaping up to be your best season yet.( and season 3 was good as hell) Great job Matt, don't let the fire burn out. O yea I am really wanting to know what's up with Dylan and I knew That's Where Jenny and Carlos was going. Who's the daddy. Good twist though.
  19. Wow thanks for the kind words. The decision to kill Chris off was a very hard one. But it will not be in vain. I know Lauren is acting up right now, her journey is just begining. The battle between Jenn and Jodie will take center stage when S.T.E.A.M. returns from a brief hitaus. THe fall out of Chris's death and Daniel's return will have profound effects on many people in Pasadena. DC has a shocking connection to Pasadena other than Jodie, keep you eye on that one. Matt Your comments had me dying man. And no Killing Chris off was not my response for you killing off Trella, lol. I am glad Abe finally is growing on you somewhat. Get ready when S.T.E.A.M. returns for the second half of season 2. I'm just getting warmed up.
  20. Thanks Guys, really appreciate the feed back. You know Matt I was going to put Blake in but I didn't know how you would feel about that, and yadda yadda yah. But I think it's an avenue we should explore.
  21. Pasadena City Jail Natalia walks over to Alexis's jail cell. Natalia, referring to Alexis's orange jail get up "I think orange looks nice on you." Alexis "Don't be cute. Like I already told you. I won't be in here for long mark my words." Natalia "It's going to take a miracle for you to get out of this." Alexis "Don't worry about all that. Just take notes." Natalia "Don't need too. Enough of the crap what's your answer? Hand over control of Divine Design, refund my monies, or talk to my lawyers. Now what is it going to be?" Alexis "You really are a Bitch." Natalia "I already knew that." Alexis "You can oversee the development of the fashion show. I won't be in here for long, and when I get out, I won't forget this." Natalia "Well just don't forget, I have an investment in D&D. I'll assume day to day operations. I can't wait until Sabryn finds out." Alexis "Yea, Yea, you won't be enjoying that title for long. Divine Design is my company at the end of the day. Don't you ever forget that." Natalia "Yea, ok Lexie. See you next lifetime. You'll be in here the rest of your life for killing your sister. You really are sick." Alexis "Wait until I get out of here. You will be sorry." Natalia "In your dreams. Tootles." Natalia says with a smile, walking away. Episode: 73,Jenn hits the JackPot!! Written by: ML Cooks Across the street from The Williams House, is Sister Patterson, leaving a darkened house, she looks to see if there are any cars or anyone watching her. Once she sees the coast is clear, Sister Pat makes a dash for her house. She enters the front door, out of breath. "I hope Miss Jenkins liked what I cooked. She can be picky." As Abe, on the outskirts of Pasadena, in a vacant field, is digging into the earth until his shovel hit's something hard. Abe digs around it. Once the casket looking box is cleared of dirt, he prays it opens. Finally after a few tugs at it, the casket opens. The casket is empty. "This is where I buried Kelis. So that must mean she really is alive, living as Mona. Oh my damn. Everything I did to her is going to come out." Abe closes the casket back up and fills the whole he dug back up with dirt. As he puts the dirt back, he wonders, where is Mona, and what else has she done. He also wonders why Mona and Ty are working together."I have to put a stop to this madness. " He says as he walks brushes himself off and walks over to his car and drives off. Meanwhile At Mona's bombed underground bunker slash mountain resort, Ty lays on the rubble, having fainted from seeing Daniel in the rubble. Karl walks over and slaps his son's face "Get up you woman. What kind of son did I raise?" When Ty doesn't respond, Karl then punches his son in the face. Ty wakes up and rubs his jaw, sitting up "What the hell is the matter with you?" Karl "Get up you fool. Get it together. I can see why your life is falling apart around you. That's all going to change now. Daddy is home." Ty "Right, whatever. Just help me carry Daniel to the car." Ty and Karl carry Daniel's weakened and tortured body into Ty's car and drives off to the hospital. Just Chris, takes his last breath of life. Chris, having been lethally injected is no more. The state of California, with Mona's underhanded treachery, has killed an innocent man. Doctor "Time of death is 11:53 pm." Chris's body is covered and taken to the morgue at the hospital. Westwood Park, Lauren's House On Lauren's couch, both Lauren and Kevin have climaxed together. As he lays on top of her, and right after he release's inside her, the guilty moment begins to take affect. There breathing slows as they both realized what happened. Kevin slowly slides out of his best friend and put's his boxers on. Lauren, looks panicked, as she grabs her clothes Lauren "I can't believe this happened." Kevin doesn't respond. Lauren "This wasn't supposed to happen Kevin. You love Sharan." As Lauren says that, he has a flashback, of the last night he saw Sharan, they was arguing because she called out Dondre's name in the middle of making love. He finally responds "Lauren, I really don't even know about that no more." Lauren "What? What do you mean?" Kevin "I am so sorry this happened. I guess we got caught up in the emotional moment. We both have suffered mass loses. You especially. We were drinking." Lauren "Kevin, we've been friends since high school. We've gotten drunk before. But this? This is a whole new level. I don't know if I can look at you the same." Kevin "Lauren,..." She cuts him off "We had sex. Kevin's I am just .. I don't know" She says looking away from him. Kevin doesn't know what to say or do at this point. He know he made a mistake sleeping with Lauren. "Look Lauren, I don't have the answer right now. I hope this doesn't mess up our friendship. I'm sorry this happened." Kevin grabs his coat and leaves. Lauren releases tears from her eyes as her life continues to spiral out of control. She goes walks into her kitchen and pulls out a bottle of her favorite liquor, Gin. "Gin will make you Sin they say" Lauren says to herself as she opens the bottle and begins to drink straight from the bottle. She drunks until she can forget that her life is a mess. Cleveland, Ohio Off of Cedar Ave, An older man with a top hat, a gold tooth, black church shoes and black slacks and silk shirt walks over toward Jenn's car. "He's going to rape us" Ria "You working my nerves girl with this scary act you pulling." The man opens Jenn's door and gets in the back seat. Jenn and Ria both look at each other. Man "Drive" Jenn "What" Man "I said drive bunny." Ria "Hold on patna, you don't hope in this car and shout out orders. You leave that to me" She says as she looks at the man up and down. Ria "You sexxy for an older man" Ria nods at Jenn to drive Man "They call me DC. How old you think I am young thang?" Ria "I'd say mid forties" DC "You close." Jenn "So where am I driving too." DC "I'm hungry, pull into this Wendy's" Ria and Jodie look at each other on confusion Ria "Look man, we want to know about Jodie." DC "Yes, Good old Jodie. She was my best white girl." Ria "What you talking?" DC "When Jodie worked that track, she brought me so much money." Ria "All hell naw." Jenn "The race track?" Ria "Naw girl. Jodie was a hooker." DC "Yea lil bunny, I could make some money off you too." Looking in Jenn's's direction Ria "Naw pimp. We don't get down like that." DC "So why are you looking for Jodie?" Jenn "Uhm," Before Jenn can answer, they pull up to the intercom "Welcome to Wendy's go ahead with your order" DC "Yea, tell em you want four five piece nuggets with ranch and barbeque sauce." Jenn gives the order and pulls up to the window DC "Where is Jodie anyway. We have unfinished business." Jenn "Interesting. I can take you to her. I know where she is" Ria "Where's your money for the food?" DC "You got me." Ria rolls her eyes at the sexxy pimp and opens her purse. DC "Yea, I'ma need to see my favorite trick. When can I see her?" Ria "We leave on plane out to LAX in the morning"{ DC "Jodie in L.A.?" Jenn "Pasadena" DC "That's nice. I can get my shirts and my white hat. This cold weather aint getting it." Ria "I know that's right" DC, leaning up and caressing her back "Do you pretty thang." Jenn hands DC his bag of nuggets. DC "Well if I am going to stay in Pasadena, I'm need a place to stay. Starting with tonight." Ria "You said you a pimp? Shouldn't you have wad's of money. Or pimpin You said easy in Cleveland." Jenn "I guess Jodie really was a good money maker. It's ok Ria. He can stay at the hotel with us." DC "Now you talking lil bunny." Ria, rolling her eyes "I just hope your feet don't stink being in your tight ass dress shoes all day." DC laughs "I like you young thang. Feisty. Just like I like em" Ria "Uhm Hmm" The Williams House Abe walks into the front door. Sister Patterson is sitting in a chair in her living room reading her bible by the fireplace. Pat closes her bible and looks at her watch. "Don't you know what time it is? You got off work hours ago. And why are you coming into this damn house so damn dirty. Lord what if Miss Jenkins saw you. Now you got me cussing." Abe "I'm not in the mood." Pat, getting up and walking over to him "Don't talk to me like that. We share two kids bastard!" Abe "I had a rough day at work. I don't want to be bothered." Pat "That's too bad. I waited up for you." Abe "Since when do you that?" Pat "Excuse me?" Abe "You haven't waited up for me since the last time we made love and that was 20 years ago." Pat "Don't give me that. I waited up so we can pray." Abe "Here we go. Yea, you need to pray. A marriage is about love, respect and sexual satisfaction. You give me none of those." Pat "Well it's not peaches and cream living with you either. You know why I can't give myself to you. SO don't take me there." Abe "Yes, Pat, let's go there. I have needs and wants to. What am I supposed to do?" Pat "You got two hands, a DVD player, and a computer. Put all that to use. Lord have Mercy, where is my Holy Water. You tripping tonight." Abe "No Pat, let's talk about it. Since our-" Pat "Abe, please don't go there." Abe "We have never come to terms since we lost our daughter." Pat instantly sheds tears Pat "Lord, Have Mercy, Abe, please don't bring my baby girl up. That precious soul." Abe "That's just it. I have something to tell you about Kelis"..........
  22. Huntington Memorial Hospital Sabryn wearing a hospital gown lays on the bed waiting for the doctor. Bryan takes a seat next to her. Bryan "You look nervous." Sabryn "I am. I just hope everything is OK with the baby." Bryan "Don't worry. Everything is going to be OK. The storm has passed for us." Sabryn "You're right about that." Dr. Diego Serrano with intern Kiko Whitfield enter the room Diego "Hello, sorry I am late. This is Dr. Whitfield. He's on an internship. With any luck, hell join the staff here." Kiko "Thank you that means a lot." Bryan, shaking Kiko's hand "It's nice to meet you." Kiko "Same here." Diego "This is a special moment for these two Kiko." Diego says as he sits down and turns on the sonogram machine. Kiko gets some lube ready. Kiko "Why do you say that?" Sabryn "Let's just say a few red-headed Bitches tried to take this moment from me. But they didn't win. Thanks to Diego's prescription of leave them Bitches alone." Everyone laughs. Kiko "This city continues to intrigue me." Bryan "I'm quite sure you haven't seen nothing yet." Diego "OK are you ready?" Bryan, holding Sabryn "Yes we are." Diego applies the cursor on Sabryn's belly and Sabryn and Bryan feast their eyes on there little bundle of joy. "Looks like everything is OK. Normal heartbeat. Everything seems to be developing nicely.Appears to be the right size at 20 weeks " Sabryn has tears in her eyes. Bryan does too. "I'm going to be a father. I can't believe it." Diego "Do you want to know what the sex of the baby is?" Episode: 72, Lethal Injection Written by ML Cooks Westwood Park, Lauren's House Lauren who can barely walk, is helped by Kevin. He walks her to the sofa. Kevin "Do you still feel sick?" Lauren "Yes, feels like I am going to puke." Kevin "I'll make you some coffee and get a cold rag." While Kevin does all that, Lauren relaxes on the couch, trying to think of not vomiting. Kevin walks over to her and sits on the sofa next to her. He applies the cold rag to the back of her neck. Lauren flinches Kevin "Don't move. " Lauren "It's cold" Kevin "It's supposed to be. An old college buddy showed me this trick. I used to come back to my dorm room at Pointe Palace, drunk as a skunk, my roommate told me to put a cold rag on the back of my neck and it will make you feel better. Is it working?" Lauren "I really do think so." Kevin "Told you." Kevin gets up to pour Lauren some coffee Pasadena City Jail Karim walks over to Alexis's jail cell. "What happened?" Alexis, tears in her eyes "I was the one who killed my sister. I was driving the u-haul truck that ran into Sabryn's car that rammed into Bryan's car therefore running over Ashley." Karim "This is crazy. "He looks at her in shock. "And all this time you knew you killed your sister?" Alexis "No. It was dark and stormy that night. I couldn't't see nothing. I thought I hit a curb or something." Karim "You thought!....Did it ever occur to you to get out of the truck to see if it was a small child or something." Alexis "NO!..OK... I was scared. I didn't know where I was going, Lightning was everywhere. I didn't want to get electrocuted!! " Karim "I really don't know what to say right now. I don't even know what to think of you right now." Alexis "So what are you saying? You're not going to stand by me?" Karim "I don't know what I'm saying. I don't even know what to feel right now. I just don't understand after all this time, you couldn't't put two and two together. I don't understand why you didn't come forward with the fact you might have hit something that night any sooner. I don't know weather to believe you or not. I told you I have trust issues. You know Ria has cheated on me and it's hard for me to trust. And here I am again, I don't know if I can trust you Alexis." Karim turns and walks away Alexis, calling out to him "Please Karim, don't leave me. I need you......I love you!" Karim stops and turns back around to look at her, he wants to look into her eyes as she confesses for the first time she loves him. Karim wonders if she is serious, or is just another act. "Prove it then" And then he walks out. Alexis wipes tears from her eyes. The midnight hour is close at had, Chris, in shackles and cuffs is escorted into the lethal injection room by guards. Chris's's heart pounds against his chest as sweat rolls down his face. His life of 25 years flashes before his eyes, all the good memories and the bad, of life, life in which he will have no longer. Chris is seated into a chair and is strapped into place. Chris continues to pray for a some kind of a last minute miracle. Meanwhile, back at Lauren's House, Kevin sits the coffee on Lauren's table. As she leans forward, keeping the cool rag on the back of her neck, Kevin begins to massage her shoulders "How do you feel?" He asks her Lauren "Really good. That cold rag trick rally helped me out." She replies, getting comfortable, leaning up against him. She stretches out and lays her head on his lap. With out even thinking of it, Kevin caress her arm as Lauren caresses his knee. As she rubs his knee, it sends chills through Kevin's body, and blood rushes to his dick making it grow in size. Lauren, laying on his lap, feel Kevin's dick getting harder and harder , poking her in the side of her face, she sits up and looks him in the eyes. After all the years they have been friends, they never looked so good to one another than right now. They begin kiss passionately. Abe pulls up to a wooded area on the outskirts of Pasadena. He gets a shovel and gets out of his car and with his flash light, makes his way deep into the wooded area. He comes across a spot that looks familiar to him. A symbol on a tree lets him know he has found the place he was looking for. Abe set's his flashlight down on the ground so he can see what he is about to do to the earth, takes his shovel and begins to dig into the earth. At The Williams House, Sister Patterson is wrapping up some foil over some dishes of food. She looks at her watch and the time says 11:52 pm. "Miss Jenkins is going to kill me for being so late with her food." Sister Pat turns the light out in her kitchen, and walks into the darkened living room. She looks out the window to see if she sees anyone outside. The coast is clear, and Sister Patterson, discretely walks across the street with the food she's wrapped in foil, but it's the manner in how Sister Pat is doing this, so secretive. Sister Pat enters a house across the street, several houses down from her own home.. She turn's on the light inside the house and closes the door behind her.... In the Heat of Passion. With the Kissing getting more intense, Lauren and Kevin begin ripping their clothes off as fast as they can. Both haven't had sexual stimulation in weeks, both give into Passion. Kevin lays Lauren on the couch and he slides inside of her and she lets out a moan. Feeling good inside of Lauren, Kevin increase his workout, by speeding up the movement in her and he puts some force to it. They both enjoy there stress relieving, sex session, being now, lovers and friends.... Meanwhile, In Sierra Madre, Karl and Ty both stand back up after be thrown to the ground from the force of the explosion. Karl "Now what do you suggest? How in the hell are you going to find anything in all that rubble?" Ty "With your help. Now let's go" They walk over to what was once Mona's infamous Mountain Resort. Karl and Ty now sort through the steaming debris. Ty hears someone coughing. Ty "Did you hear that?" Karl "Sounds like a man coughing" Ty and Karl move debris and rubble even faster to locate this person. Ty "Keep making sounds so we can find you." Then Ty ,moves the million dollar piece of debris, when he moves it he sees Daniel's face. So shocked is Ty that the American Gangster gets' weak in the knees and faints like a woman. Karl "Get up you sissy. I didn't raise no punk Bitches." As Chris is strapped into place, in the lethal injection room, Chris is slowly realizing that hope and time are running out for him. This is, do or die and it looks like it's die for Chris. Officer "Are you ready?" Chris "Do I have a choice?" Officer "Burn in hell smart ass" The officer start's the procedure and the lethal toxin's are injected into Chris's veins, slowly paralyzing him. Chris's eyes shut for the very last time. His last sights are of police officers standing all around him waiting of him to die. Chris never thought he would die like this, And with that, Chris expresses his last thought he has. Chris's heart monitor tells the story of a dead heart. Chris is dead, for a crime he did not commit………..
  23. This episode had such a strong start. Loved the showdown between Nan and Blake. The dialog was so crisp and dramatic. Wassup my blunt smokers? I loved the black lip comment? How you know about that Matt? Not surprised if Jenny will be come preggers? Very surprised with Sky flirting with Ginny, I liked it. And poor Nate, never catches a break. It seems his tool has been in a lot of garages. I don't know If I could tolerate them two together. I have a soft spot in my heart for Ava. I don't want her with Nate. Loved how Bryan was right there to snap those photos. Can't believe Blake lost his cool like that. But I feel him but come Blake, your the pres you should have Nan is going to get you for choking the spit out of her. I'd like to see Nan get down and dirty with Bitch on her level. Like CC or something. Loved the episode Matt. Everything is flowing nicely and it seems to have slowed down some what ( or is it just me) and I like that too. Your dialog has become much more hip and sassy AND I can't forget my girl Marissa. I love her. Thanks for the good read.
  24. Pasadena City Court House Lauren, Chris, Bryan, and Sabryn are stunned as Chris is picked up off the floor, passing out after hearing he has been sentenced to die for a crime he did not commit, by officers and carried back to his cell. Sabryn "I can't believe he is going to die tonight." Bryan "There has to be another way. I thought you were on death row for some weeks if not months. What is the rush to kill an innocent man tonight? Judge Judy gave him no time for an appeal or hope for new eveidence. Judge Judy really is a Bitch!" Sabryn "Probably the severity of the crime." Bryan " Probably because of his lawyer, Lisa. I don't get it. She did a good job for us, with the charges against us regarding Ashley's death. Just so sad. Chris was a good man. I still believe he was innocent." Sabryn "The eveidence is pretty overwhelming. We need to get going to see Dr. Whitfield for my check up. I don't want to be late. I have been through many battles" Bryan smiles at her and kisses her as they leave the courtroom. Kevin "Are you ok?" Lauren "I'm just glad that Bastard finally got what he deserved. It's about time. I don't know how I could have loved him. From heart ache and pain with Daniel to jumping into a relationship with Chris to only find out he's a cold blooded killer" Kevin, holding her "It's ok. We just got to take it one day at a time. My mother always told me everything happens for a reason.... I'm here for you, don't ever forget that. Let's go grab a drink. I am sure we both need one." Lauren "Sounds good." They leave the courtroom as well. Ria and Jenn, with Santino in a wheel chair walk into Hopkins National airport in Cleveland, Ohio. Ria "Damn it's cold here. I am glad I brought my cute scarf and chapstick. Aint no telling what these lips going to do." Jenn, laughing "Yes it is cold. I couldn't live here." Ria "Did you get us a nice hotel room?" Jenn "Sure did. Nothing but the best, espically with Ty's money. Were staying at The Sheraton." Ria "Good, I need some hot cocoa or something." Jenn "Ok, let's get settled in, get Santino together and then we'll go explore the city." She says as they head toward the hotel. Jenn "Soon Jodie will be a distant memory from Pasadena, especially where Mike and Ty are concerned." Episode : 71,Let Freedom Ring Written by: ML Cooks Westwood Park, Mike's House Mike, watching ESPN, turns the tv off when Jodie walks into the front door. Mike, getting up of the sofa "I'm so glad you're back." Jodie "Why is something the matter?" Mike "It's Police Chief Williams." Jodie "Abe?" Mike "I was following Ty and his father Karl and they met up with the Chief and I over heard Ty saying something about Abe's daughter and that Abe, faked his daughter's death and tortured and molested her for 15 years." Jodie "Om my gosh. That is sick. Just horrible. I would have never guessed anything like that about Chief Williams." Mike "It's makes a lot of sense though. Ty is blackmailing Abe with this information and that's why Ty has been able to do what he pleases all this time." Jodie "That does make sense." Mike "And you haven't been able to find out anything yet from working with him at his Hotel?" Jodie "Not yet. But In a little time, he will trust me. I can tell he is attracted to me. I can use that to lure him in. And it will get under Jenn's skin. She is such a pest. I don't know how you ever got involved with such a self centered Bitch" Mike "Jodie please be careful. Ty is dangerous. I don't know what I'd do if something happen to you." Jodie, feeling warm on the inside after hearing that Mike really does care for her "I already told you, Ty doesn't scare me. He's just a man in a suit with a lot of money. He's nothing compared to the gangster's back in Cleveland. So what are you going to do now about Abe?" Mike "I really don't know. I can't imagine Abe doing something like this. He was a man I looked up to, respected. He was a man of integrity and that's all blown out the box. He's a fake." Jodie "My question is, if Abe's daughter is alive still, where is she now?" Mike "That's a good question." Downtown Pasadena, Police Station Ty wand Karl walks into Abe's office. Abe sitting at his desk, signing his resignation. Ty "I'm waiting." Abe "For what?" Ty " For you to tell the world you're a child molester. I've already called the news crew to get the latest scoop." Abe, imagining what it is going to happen to him once his secret is exposed, backs down, "Alright, I give in." Karl "Sissy. Always have been." Abe "Why are you even here?" Ty "Enough." Abe "So where do we go from here. I got two innocent people in jail and one is scheduled to die tonight." Ty "I'll be in touch Williams." Ty leaves and Karl follows. Abe tears up his resignation and sits back down at his desk. He thinks to himself, "This is getting out of control. This madness has to stop." Abe grabs his car keys and leaves the police station. Some where in the Pacific Ocean, The USS MONA submerges from the water, Mona drives the sub as far inland on an island as she can. The sub comes to a sudden halt as it get's stuck on the sandy beach. The jerking of the sub awakens Sharan. Mona opens the door to the sub and steps out. She looks around and smiles at her tropical paradise that sounds her. Sharan comes out of the sud and looks at her new home. Sharan "Where are we?" Mona "I like to call it Mona Island. This is our new home baby." Sharan "You can't be serious. It looks deserted." Mona "Correct my queen." Sharan "How are we going to survive? " Mona "Don't worry about all of that. I got everything taken care of." Sharan "Someone will find us. You can't keep me here for ever" Mona "That's where you're wrong, now if you will step away from the love boat please." Sharan "For what?" Mona, grabbing Sharan and running away from the sub pushes a button, "For this" Suddenly The USS MONA explodes. The force from the explosion throws Mona and Sharan into the ground. They stand back up as the fire burns up the diesel fuel. Sharan looks on in sadness, realizing more and more, that she may be stuck with this brainsick freak forever. Sharan "Why didn't you bring Daniel?" Mona "I left him in my dungeon to die." Sharan "You really are demented. " Sharan then makes a dash for the ocean. She jumps in and makes a and swims for her life Cleveland, Ohio Jenn and Ria, driving in a rental car, makes a right onto E.105 off of Euclid Ave. Ria, looking at The Cleveland Clinic "I don't understand why they would put a good hospital like this next to the hood." Jenn "Is that where we are at?" Getting nervous upon seeing thugs and gangster on walking on the side walk. Ria "Yea girl. You not scared are ya?" Jenn "A little bit" Ria "Girl Please. Now are you sure this is the neighborhood that Jodie used to hang out in?" Jenn "She had an address on Cedar Ave." Ria "We just passed Cedar. Pull over and let me ask one of these hoodlums about Jodie." Jenn pulls to the side of the street as Ria rolls down her window. "Come here shorty" She says to a particular thug, tall, dark skinned, wearing a pink hat and a pink Tee. Ria "What's your name shorty" "Soulja boy mama. What you doin' in this part of town?" He says looking up inside the car at Jenn Ria, pulling out a picture of Jodie "I'm looking for this chica" Showing him the picture Soulja Boy "Fo' what?" Ria "We have some unfinished business" Soulja Boy "Wait here" He walks away. Ria "We bout to hit the jack pot." Jenn "What if he is going to get a gun?" Sierra Madre Inside Mona's Dungeon, Daniel who hasn't eaten in weeks, has lost so much weight, his wrist and hands are able to slip through the chains the held him in a standing position. Daniel so weak just collapses to the ground. When his face hits the concrete, he awakens. As Ty and Karl, who are about 200 ft. away from Mona's resort holds a trigger in his hand. Karl "I'm an old man for Christ's sake. I can't be out here in this heat slaving away placing bombs like a terrorist" Ty "Just shut the hell up!" Karl "I won't have you talking to me like this. I am your father. You will respect me. Now what is bombing this cement block supposed to do?" Ty " It's obvious Mona is trying to hide something. Why else would she cover her resort with cement. With any luck I hope I find some answers and Mona. When I see her, she's dead on sight." Ty presses the trigger and Mona's Mountain resort explodes with Daniel trapped inside..........
  25. Thanks guys for the comments. They are VERY interesting. As far as the different feel, I really don't know, I am just glad yens like it. I am trying to really develop the characters more and tighten my stories.
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