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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Mona Island Mona begins walking away from Sharan, not wanting to let her see her more vulnerable side. Sharan follows her "Don't walk away from me. Talk to me please." Mona stops and turns around to look at her "For what? You're just trying to set me up. I'm not stupid." Sharan "Not at all. I am not trying to set you up. I am trying to help you." Mona "Why?" Sharan "Isn't this what you want? You want me to care for you. You want to me to love you. When I show some affection, you question it." Mona "Are you starting to care for me?" Sharan "I am." Mona "Then why don't you come with me?" Sharan "Where are w e going?" Mona, putting her hand out "We are going to my garden." Sharan "You have a garden here? So you have been here before?" Mona "It is called Mona Island. I have all kinds of surprises here." Sharan "I don't know about this. I have heard roars out there in the jungle." Mona "It's no danger involved. You have to trust me sweet lady. I would never hurt you." Sharan "Do we have to go? It is getting dark." Mona "I won't let nothing happen to my princess. Do you trust me?" Sharan, against her better judgment, but knowing this will please Mona "Fine." Mona grabs Sharan's hand and they into the jungle…. Steam Episode: 83,The Mary Garden! Written by ML Cooks Lavender Hill, Ty's Mansion Ria is ringing the doorbell. The maid opens the door "Get out my hoe." Ria says brushing right past her. "Jenny!, Jenny get that ass down here. We gots to talk." Maid "Who are you?" Ria "Ya momma" Jenn comes rushing down the stairs. Jenn "Ria, what is going on?" Ria "I want some answers Jenny? What is really going on between you and Jodie? She was about to get slapped at the fashion show talking to me crazy. I am not involved in any of this and you better tell her that." Jenn "Ria, please, it's not that serious." Ria "Girl you are tripping. Jenny, I have to work with her. I am not involved in any type of feud between the two of you. I got my 99 problems and that bitch aint one of them." Jenn, not wanting to argue "Ok Ria. I will tell Jo Ho." Ria "Uhm Hmm, where fine ass Santino at? I want us to go out." Jenn, feeling a bit jealous, remembering she kissed Santino back in Cleveland "He's not here. He's with Ty, as usual." Ria "A street boy. I like it. I'ma have to find that papi." Jenn "You really like him like that?" Ria "Yea girl. Why you got a problem with that?" "That's a good question" They both hear and turn around to see Karl with a grin on his face. Westwood Park Lauren and Daniel's Santino gets out the limo. Pulling out his gun, and rushes over to where Ty has fallen off the porch. Ty stands back up and wipes blood from his lip. Ty "What the hell is the matter with you?" Santino, arriving on the scene "Boss you ok?" Ty "Ask Daniel is he ok?" Santino aims his gun at Daniel as Lauren walks up from behind Daniel and pleads with Santino "Please don't do nothing stupid!" She says with tears rolling down her face. Ty "It's cool Tino. Put that away." Daniel, to Ty "It's because of you why I was on my death bed for months. Do you know what kind of crazy things the psycho Bitch Mona did to me? She was the one who shot me!! I didn't try to commit suicide. Then while I was in the hospital, it was her pumping meth into my iv." He then looks at Lauren. "It was Mona. She was doing this to me. Getting me hooked on meth." Lauren "Oh my God. That's who you were talking about when you said she's going to get us." Daniel "Yes." he then looks back Ty "Stay the hell away from me and Lauren. I don't want nothing more to do to you. I am my own man. You're nothing but scum. When you see Mona, you tell her I am going to kill her." Daniel walks back into the house, slamming the door in Tyler's face. Santino "You're going to let him talk to you like that boss?" Ty "He's just confused right now. It's Lauren filling his head up with bullsh!t. She's in the way. She's been a thorn for me for far to long. But I can deal with her later. We have to find Mona." he says walking back to his limo. Back inside the house Lauren hugs Daniel "I am so proud of you." Daniel "I am my own man now Lauren. And it's all because of you. I love you." He kisses her softly on the lips. They hold each other tighter and the kiss becomes more deep and passionate. They slowly walk back to the bedroom, unable to let each other go, as they make their way to the bedroom they begin to take each other's clothes off until they are down to their under garments. Daniel picks up Lauren in his arms and carries over to the bed. He lays her down and gets into the bed with Lauren. They continue to kiss. Lauren takes her panties off, giving Daniel the cue that's she's ready for his love. Daniel pulls his d!ick through the slot of his boxers and slowly slides inside of Lauren. Not having been in a wet warm love hole in what seems to be eternity to Daniel, he takes a few strokes and then releases himself inside of her. Mona Island Mona and Sharan are deep in the jungle and they come to s stop. Mona takes a deep breath. "MMM, funk so good" Sharan "Say what?" Mona "You smell that?" Sharan "No. What am I supposed to be smelling?" Mona "My Mary Garden." They take a few more steps and Mona and Sharan look at a weed patch, with weed stocks that reach 5 ft in height. Sharan "What are you going to do with that junk?' Mona "Junk, no baby, this is my aunt Mary. Please don't talk about her like that. Let's smoke drugs my Nubian princess.' Mona breaks off a piece of the plant, breaks it down, then rips of a piece of a leaf off from a tropical tree and rolls up her Aunt inside the leaf. Mona licks it shut. Sharan "So you grew all this marijuana?" Mona "Sure did. Doesn't it look beautiful? Mona says trying to light a fire by rubbing two sticks together. The friction finally shoots out sparks and at last Mona gets a fire started Mona "I got some fire for my fire" She says laughing, lighting up her homemade drug stick. Mona inhales and holds her breath as long as she can until she chokes. Sharan "How can you waste your brain cells like that?" Mona doesn't answer, drifting off into a place she hasn't been to in a long time, Mona has a Mary moment. In her moment she sees Sharan "Mona, I'm talking to you.' Mona "Sorry chocolate momma. Here hit this" She says holding the blunt towards her. Sharan "I don't smoke." Mona "Suit your self. This some good ass weed." She says coughing again. Sharan "I really wish you would not smoke that garbage around me." Mona "I will do almost anything for you. But I can't leave my aunt Mary alone. She's been so good to me when I needed her most. Always there when I need her. She's the one that got me through my pain Abe caused me." Sharan "I want you to replace your Aunt Mary. Replace her with me." Sharan says getting closer to Mona and putting her hand around her. Sharan wonders if she can use Mona's drugged state to her advantage Mona "You really care about me huh?" Sharan "I do. And I told you I want to help you get through this pain. You need to confront your father over what he did to you. He needs to pay." Mona "You're right. He did this to me. He turned me into this weed smoking monster.' Sharan "I'm going to be here every step of the way. I will be in your corner." Mona "Then it's time to go back to Pasadena." Sharan is relieved that maybe she might have some hope of escaping this lunatic. The Blue Note Kiko and Dondre are seated at the bar. As Dre sits down, Abe and Don leaves. Dre chuckles to himself, thinking that DC probably left on his account. Dre orders a beer while Kiko orders Club Soda. Dre "Club Soda? For real?" Kiko "I don't drink." Dre "I'm gone ask you this man and just keep it real with me. I will love you the same. Are you a homo man?" Kiko "So because I don't drink I'm a homo?" Dre Jjust answer the question?" Kiko "No homo here. I just don't drink It's bad for you." Dre "Here we go, man don't start that self righteous sh!t." Kiko "Relax man. What you do to you body is on you. I've already learned your head is harder than a brick." Dre "Whatever you say man." He says drinking his beer." So can we please talkin about momma?" Kiko "Yes, I think it's time." Dre "So tell me what's good, is she still mad at me? " Kiko "Dre, she's in the hospital." Dre "Why?! What's the matter? " Kiko "She had a nervous breakdown." Dre "What you mean? She went crazy?" Kiko "Basically yes. She's in a mental hospital." Dre "Whoa, momma crazy like that?" Kiko "No, she just needed a little help." Dre "What made her lose her mind?" Kiko "She found out our father cheated on her." Dre "Damn, when did all this happen?" Kiko "After you came out here to Pasadena." Dre "I've been here for over 15 years now bro. You telling me our moms went into the crazy house over 15 years ago and you're just now telling me?" Kiko "I didn't think you would care." Dre "That's real fu(cked up man. Though we weren't speaking when I left out and came out here I still love her yo. That's my momma. I can't believe you would not tell me something like this till now." Dre finishes his beer and then walks out of the restaurant. Kiko calls out to his older brother, but Dre just walks out. Huntington Memorial Hospital Mike and Jodie walks into Diego's office. Jenn, following them wonders why would her ex boyfriend and her arch rival would be seeing a doctor. Diego "Please have a seat. How are you two doing?" Jodie "A little nervous." Diageo "Why so?" Jodie "I'm not to big on a lot of people knowing my status. It's very hard for me." Diego "I understand, but rest assured, what we say here is strictly confidential." Jodie "I know all that. But it's just one more person knowing I have HIV" Outside of Diego's office, is Jenn with her ear pressed to the door, having just heard Jodie has HIV, Jenn's jaw drops, she had no idea Jodie's secret was anything like this………
  2. The Titian Building The elevator that Jan and Lucas are stuck on starts back up as power is restored to the hi rise. Jan “Thank god” She says wiping sweat off of her face. Lucas holds the baby in his arms. The elevator door opens to the lobby and workers are stunned at he scene. Lucas places the newborn, which is wrapped in his shirt in Jan’s arms. Jan looks at her precious son. Tears of joy roll down her cheeks. Lucas, talking to the office staff “Someone, please call and ambulance!” Episode:237, Sami 1 vs. Sami 2 Written by ML Cooks and Tara Smith In the Women’s bathroom, Bo and Victor look on in total shock and disbelief as they watch Hope hitting the crack pipe. Victor “Hope Brady? What the devil are you doing!?” Hope drops the pipe and lighter and is stunned her husband, has caught her sinking to a new low. Hope “Bo,….I” Bo “Victor, please let us be and please keep this under wraps and make sure no one comes in here.” Victor “You can count on me Bo. If you need anything I’ll be right outside this door.” He says walking out. Hope tries to leave as well but Bo grabs her. She shrugs out of his hold. “Get you hands off me.! Your ashamed of me!” She says, fighting back tears Bo “Hope this has gone on long enough. You are smoking an illegal drug. What the hell is going on?” Hope looks at Bo, unable to brings words to her mouth as the drugs taker effect in her system. The Horton House In the Kitchen Jeremy and Mike are sitting at the table As the lights come back on Jeremy “Well so much for that q/t during the black out.” He say getting up, ready to make is departure. Mike, standing up “Son wait a damn minute! What is the rush? Where are you going? The roads are all bad. You can’t hide from me forever.” Jeremy turns around and looks at his father. “What do you want from me?” Mike “You. I want you to let me in your life. Let me be a father to you. I want t be able to have a few beers and watch football games or something.” Jeremy “So just because you’re ready to be a dad, I’m just supposed to change everything that I am doing just to satisfy your cheap thrill of playing dad of the year. I don’t want any part of it Mike. You should have never come back to Salem.” Mike “Please don’t talk to me like that.” Jeremy “I’ll do you one better. I won’t talk to you at all.” He says walking out of the room. Mike is left standing there, frusta rated that he can’t seem to cure this rift between him and his son. Dimera mansion The Basement Lexie turns around to look at her brother and sister in the face as she ask Elvis to restate his blackmailing offer. Elvis “If you want to get sole custody of your son, you’ll help us. Help us keep our father alive. And please don’t turn him over to the police..” Lexie “I don’t want no part of this. My last name maybe Dimera but I am not evil like the rest of them.” Renee “Please. What about in 2003, and baby Isaac. You were no Mother Therese that year were you?” Lexie “Yes I gave into weakness and did some things I am not proud of. But that’s over now. I’m not that same person.” Elvis “Lexie please, for our father’s sake, please help us and I can make sure you get sole custody of Theo. Isn’t that what you want? Quite frankly, your chances of keeping your son from Abe are next to nothing without my help.” Lexie, not wanting to give in, but knows her younger brother is right. The odds are stacked up against her, having just been cleared of murder charges. Living at the Dimera Mansion, Salem’s infamous evil family, she realizes she has no chance competing against the police commissioner in a battle over their son. She then speaks softly “Ok, I’ll help you. But only for my son.” Elvis and Renee both breath a sigh of relief. The Dimera Mansion, Marlena and Kristen emerge from the secret room holding each other. Vivian and Peter come out of a room together and are both caught off guard at this rare tender moment with the super arch rivals. Peter “Kris, what’s going on? He says, knowing his sister has been crying her eyes out. Kristen runs over and hugs her brother to feel safe again. Peter looks at Marlena “What’s going on here?” Before Marlena can answer Anna and Tony emerges from one of the rooms. Everyone looks at him. Tony immediately feels guilty that is alter ego rapped his ex wife and once step sister Kristen. Kristen feels angry and not wanting to hide the truth any longer, she blurts it out “He raped me! Tony Dimera rapped me!” Vivian and Peter are floored. Peter, getting very angry “Is this true Tony?” he says walking closer to him. Anna “It wasn’t Tony-” Tony, cutting her off “it’s ok Anna. It’s time to deal with it.” Peter “So it’s true? You raped my sister you sick bastard!” Before Tony can answer, Peter sucker punches Tony in the jaw, knocking Tony to the ground. Then Peter jumps on top of him and begins to strangle him, Peter is so mad he has flash backs of having Jungle Madness, and the crazy, evil super human chrematistics that came with it, he taps in to that madness and tries to strangle Tony to death. Valentine and Celeste enter the room and are stunned as well seeing a purple faced Tony Dimera. Salem Place Apartments Sami and Stan are still taunting each other Sami “Look, I don’t have time for this. Just get the hell out of here before I call my dad.’ Stan “Ahh boo hoo hoo. What are you going to tell them? The person you impersonated has come back to town to impersonate you.” Sami “What are you talking about?” Stan “Karma. What goes around comes around.” Stan chases Sami, She screams but he grabs her and tries to cover up her mouth. She bites his hand and he lets go. She tries to retrieve the phone but he grabs her hair and bashes her head into the wall rendering Sami unconscious. Stan “To bad Sami number one. You lose. It’s time to do to you, what you did to me.” He says dragging her body to her bedroom. Stan throws Sami onto her bed. He then pulls out some gray masking tape and restrains Sami’s body to the bed. Stan “I’m going to take over your life Sami dear.” As he grins from ear to ear. ”Meet Sami number 2” Back at Titian Bo “Fancy face why, why are you doing this?” Hope “Bo...I...I just need this, ok? I know that it isn't a good idea to smoke crack, but please trust me when I say this is the only option left for me! The only thing that can stop my drinking but help me get over everything. Shawn's death, Gran's death, my father...everything” Bo “What do you mean everything? It seems like your hiding something else. Every time I try and talk to you, you shut me out. You put these walls up between us. I'm your husband Hope, we have been through a lot together. I love you. And I want to be here for you. just let me in, let me be here for you. Let me be a friend, let me be your husband” Hope “Oh Bo, I love you too. I love you so much. But I've lost Zack, I've lost Shawn, I've lost Daddy, I've lost Gran, I never even knew my mother. What more can there be to this than that?!” Bo “You could have talked to me about all of that Hope. I don't understand why you have been drinking the way you have. They way you argue with me. You're so volatile these days, so defensive. Even our good friends can't even talk to you with out you getting upset. So there is more to this. There has got to be. I mean my God Hope, you're smoking crack! You've gone to a drunk, to a crack head” Hope “Well Bo, do you think I wanna be some smoker?! NO! But I just have to be one, it can make the pain go away...and if you are wondering why I get upset at everyone is because it seems like everyone hounds me! "Oh Hope, you are acting so different! What’s wrong?!" That is all I hear anymore, Bo! I can never be happy anymore without you, Megan Hathaway, my family, my friends, or Gina right behind me!” Bo “It's called love Hope. We all love and care for you. That's why we are worried about you! We all know something is very wrong. You have done a 180 on everyone. You have changed so much these last few months. It really happened after we got back from Italy. Right after Gina died, you haven't been the same since. Hope tell me what the hell is going on now! No more walls, no more anger, no more arguments, just get it on out. I'm not leaving this bathroom until you tell me what it is that has you acting like a mad woman! “ Hope “Damnit Bo, just shut up!!!!!!! PLEASE!!! You're making me re-live all those memories! I've wanted to forget them, but it seems like none of you will let me! That is why I am using the crack! To forget it all! I want to forget ever seeing that bitch Gina again!” Bo “Gina! What does she have to do with this? She's dead! I don't understand Hope. Did Gina do something to you? This is killing me Hope!" He says with a tears in his eyes." Look at me!" He says grabbing her and turning her around so she can face him." I love you Hope. What ever this is you are hiding, we can get through this. Let me help you. Let me ease your pain. I want to help you forget all of the bad memories. Just tell me what's going on please!" Tears pour down Hope's face and it is completely red "Bo, Gina caused all of this! She killed our first, and last, son by blowing him up! She ran on a rampage in Italy...how can you ask what she has to do with this?! She may be dead but her memory remains! I can't just forget about her! In all my dreams, she's there! Haunting me, taunting me...watching me! She will just never go away! I keep flashing back to the day she died...that is one day I will never forget!" she blurts Bo WHY!? Why can't you forget? Why is she taunting you?" Hope BECAUSE...I...KILLED HER, BO!!!!!!! I MURDERED GINA! HER LIFE SUPPORT MACHINE DIDN'T SHUT ITSELF OFF, I TURNED IT OFF!!!!! I KILLED GINA VON AMBERG!” And now check out
  3. Another good episode. The camp element is back. What the hell i Nan doing. She is boxing her self in. Man, this is going to be crazy. It remeind me of Beth from Pasions. Loved the dialog in that scene. Nana has really lost her mind. So does Blue Cryastal tape on Cody? And that damn marissa. She has got to go. I can feel the hatred between these two. Alley beat that ass. Nice lil love scene with Marli and Blake. Good dialog in this ep I can't belive the Rena/Alicia/Will/Jace quad. I really don't like Alicia. i just don't. I really don't like her now after she kissed Will. I could not belive Will was talking to Lenvy like that. And it also seems Will ha done a 180, last ep he wa really feeling Rena and now he don't. It would be nice to learn more about Jace and Alicia. I would like to know why Jace acts the way he does. I can tell he got a dark past. And Alicia we really don't know to much about her either. But such strong torylines matt.
  4. I was gone post a reply about Remy and Blake but it said it was closed. So I guess I will leave it here. You already know I love these two and i jut see them in a hot romance. Like secret lovers. having hot ass sex all over town. Like forbidden love. If I have any ideas I will send them you way.
  5. WOW!!!! Talk about shock. Let me close my mouth. Ok I am back Wow Matt GREAT episode. Suck a campy twist. Loved it. Nan has gone to a new level. Wow. But it all makes sense now. i am still tripping. And Poor Annie Lee. Wow there's just no turning back from this. And another Bitch is Marisa. I don't like her no more. It's wrong what she is doing to her brother. At firt it was ok, but's she''s sick and twisted. With a siser like that, who need enemies. I don't like Maria no more. She doing myh girl Alley wrong. Come on Alley get it together. I am glad she dumped Jon though. Maybe now Jon will see just how evil his sis is. Wow i am really torn over Jenny. I am on the fence on how she kept saying yes I wanted an abortion. But I do understand where she i coing from. Very racy dialog there Poor jenny. I never really cared for her much but now i am all for her. Shame on you nan. he took it to far. I hope this doen't play out like B&B's did via Brooke and Stephanie. Man Skye is freaking nuts. It's beacuse of her why I now want Ava with nate. OMG Did i just say that. Yuppers i did. Skye is like Yuck to me. And how she gone automaitcally asume Ava got a man in there. Boy when she finds out what Ava is doing I know she is going to flip. I could see Skye tying them up and setting them on fire or soemthing. Poor Ava, in a hot mess again. YOU KNOW I LOVE ANY Scene G and T are in. Loved it. And now T got ol Ag in on the act. I cant wait to see how that plays out. it would be nice to see T and That doctor get together. Damn Mahki would be a great karim. Damn. I really do like Rena and Will together. Alicia who? But Jace man he is another tory. I love his character and I really hope we can get into the root of his problems. I got my money on Jace in a match up between those to. I Laughed when Marli threw that dinner roll in Bryan's mouth so funny. Reminded of Today' ep of B&B when Stephanie's sister ate that tea bag Great ep maTT!!!
  6. Westwood Park Karim's house Karim turns around and looks at Ria "You slept with My Uncle Don? What!? When? How do you even know him. He's in New Orleans." Ria "I don't want to talk about it. I am ashamed of it. I was just being a woman about mine and telling you what the deal is before any one had a chance to get to you first. You know how people like to twist stories up." Karim "How do you know DC?" Ria "Look man, I really don't want to get into all that. You should know that I am a woman that never concedes to defeat. I made a terrible mistake. That's all I have to say about it." She turns around and begins to walk to her car. Karim runs up behind her and grabs her arm and turns her around so she can face him. Ria "You better keep your hands off me!" Karim "So you think you gone come here and tell me you slept with my uncle and that's it? I think I deserve more than that. We were together five years. We were engaged, don't you think you should respect me more than that?" Ria "What do you want me to say? I have done something I am not proud of. I got caught up. If I had known he was your uncle, I would have never slept with him. How do you think I feel knowing I slept with my ex fiancée's uncle? It's sick to even think about it. I know I have hurt you Karim, but trust me, that is something I was not trying to do again. " Karim "That really seems to be hard." Ria "I knew you would say some sh!t like that. That "I told you so" type of sh!t. I'm not on that Karim." She begins to walk away toward her car again. This time Ria wishes he stop her again, and spin her around and begin to kiss her passionately. But it doesn't happen. As Ria get's in her car, She sees Karim driving off in the moving van, leaving what they shared, all their good memories and bad, behind. Ria realizes it's a chapter that is closed forever. <embed width="430" height="389" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="<A href='http://s149.photobucket.com/flash/player.swf?file=http://vid149.photobucket.com/albums/s41/aMLCproduction/steamopening_0001.flv">http://s149.photobucket.com/flash/player.swf?file=http://vid149.photobucket.com/albums/s41/aMLCproduction/steamopening_0001.flv"></embed> Episode 82: Common Enemies! Written by: ML Cooks Greater Yonders Cemetery Daniel and Lauren hold each other as they look upon Chris Douglas's tombstone. "Christopher L Douglas 1981-2008 Brave Heart" Lauren is trembling with tears. Daniel holds her head against his chest. Daniel "Baby, I know it's hard for you to be here, but I feel we have to do this for Chris. He was an innocent man who died for nothing." Daniel has a tear stream down his face. "This is all Mona's fault. And Tyler added fuel top he fire. I swear Chris, You have not died in vain. I will seek vengeance for your death. Mona will pay for what she's done to everyone. I'm going to kill that Bitch!" Lauren "Daniel, please don't talk like that. To much has happened. Seeing you with that knife through your chest did something to me that I don't ever want to relive ever again. I just got you back and I don't want to lose you again." Daniel "I understand….Let's go home baby." They walk away from Chris's grave, walking past Ashley's grave, exiting the cemetery. Westwood Park Mike, who was laying in the bed is awoken by the sounds of come coughing. He looks over and doesn't see Jodie next to him. He sits up and hears what seems to be Jodie vomiting in the bathroom. He gets up and walks over to the bathroom and sees her sitting on the floor next to the toilet, vomiting her whole life up. He kneels down next to her ands caresses her. Jodie "Please, let me be. I don't want you to look at this nasty stuff." Mike "Would not dream of it. I am here for you Jodie. Now and forever." Jodie "Well forever won't be long for me." Mike "Don't talk like that. You don't know that. There could be a cure for HIV/AIDS tomorrow for all we know." Jodie "I doubt it" She replies back standing back up. She then brushes her teeth. Mike "When was the last time you saw a doctor?" Jodie "Not since I've been to Pasadena" Mike "That's been over six months ago. You need to get to a doctor." Jodie "No…. I am ok." Mike "Jodie please, do it for me." Jodie, smiling at him, "Just for you. I'll call around and find a doctor." He smiles back at her and hugs her. Mike "Besides, with Jennifer after you, I don't want you getting to stressed out. You have enough to worry about." Jodie "I love you so much Mike." Mike "I love you too" He says back to her as he hugs her. SG Fashion Headquarters. Downtown Pasadena Gilbert walks into Sabryn's office. Sabryn "Hey Gilly, How are you?" Gilbert "I am fine and you are about to be better." Sabryn "Why do you say that?" Gilbert "Take a look at these!" He says handing her some papers. Sabryn "What's all this?" Gilbert "Divine Design's stock is trading at an all time low thanks to yesterday's fashion show." Sabryn, smiling as she looks over the report "Indeed. I love it. Damn Natalia and that jail bird Alexis. I hope they continue to fall." Gilbert "Oh they will. Natalia has got nothing on you. I am sure SG will reclaim the top spot it once held." Sabryn "Indeed. I am going to go ahead and launch my Elegante' line." Gilbert "That was something you and Sharan were working on together. How will that play out with here not being here?" Sabryn "SG is in trouble. I have to do something to turn this sinking ship around. There is no telling where Sharan is or if she is ever coming back." Gilbert "That is true." Just as he says that, they hear a high school band marching towards her office. Sabryn "What in the hell is going on!?" They both run out of Sabryn's office to see what the commotion is and Sabryn is stunned to see Bryan, playing the drums, in front of the high school band. Sabryn sees a banner that reads "Will you marry me?" Sabryn is caught off guard as she is overjoyed that the love of her life has finally asked her hand in marriage. Bryan approaches her finally as the band stops playing. Sabryn "What is all this?" Bryan, getting down on one knee "What does it look like? I am asking you to marry me Sabryn. I want us to be a family to our child. I want us to be happy together, forever. Will you make me the happiest man alive and say yes, say that you will marry me?" Sabryn "Yes! Yes I will marry you." Bryan stands back up and hugs his new fiancée as the band and office workers cheer for the newly engaged couple. Meanwhile, in the parking lot of SG, The lady in red is lurking around. She sees Sabryn's car and walks over to it. LiR gets a bat and bashes all of Sabryn's windows to her car. "Take that bitch!" She then looks over and sees Bryan's car. LiR walks over to Bryan's car, pulls out a knife and flattens all of Bryan's tires. Then she walks away as if nothing has happened. Abe and his brother Don are seated at bar at The Blue Note. They both order a beer. Abe "It is so good to finally hear from my older brother. After Hurricane Katrina I feared for the worst. I didn't know where you were relocated too." DC "Cleveland. I lost everything." Abe "Where's Lynn?" DC, pausing before answering, sipping on his MGD "Abe, Lynn left me years ago." Abe "For a another man? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" DC "Because I failed again. I didn't want to tell you something like that." Abe "Then where are the boys?" DC "I haven't seen my son's since they were born." Abe "What is going on Don? Why haven't you told me none of this?" DC "Because it's something I don't want to talk about. It's my business." Abe "But I am your brother. You haven't seen your sons since they were new borns and you don't want to talk about it?" DC "Lynn left me. She found out I cheated on her." Abe "Wow. Cheated huh?" DC "That's what I said boy." Abe "I thought you were happy with your wife?" DC, having a flashback of kissing Sister Patterson "Sometimes things just happen. I got caught up and I paid for it. I don't know my sons, hell I wouldn't even know them if I saw them on the streets." Abe "Where is Lynn?" DC "I don't know boy. All these damn questions is making me hungry." Abe, laughing "You still have not changed.: DC "I have not heard from or seen Lynn since after my last son was born." Abe "We have to change that. I'm glad you're here in Pasadena." DC, unable to look at his brother, feeling guilty about what he did with his wife "I'm glad to be here to. I am tired of pimping. Pimping aint easy for me no more. I am ready to turn my life around." Abe "And I am going to help you do that." DC "I need a job." Abe "I can get you one at Ivory Inc. Kevin and Karim own there own fragrance company." DC "Word." DC just so happens to look over by the entrance and almost chokes on his beer when he sees Dondre, with his brother Kiko entering the upscale restaurant. DC remembers that Dondre caught him kissing Sister Patterson. DC begins to get nervous, wondering if Dondre will really keep his word and not say anything. Pasadena City Jail Rufus walks up to Alexis's jail cell. Alexis "May I help you?" Rufus "Everyone is so nice here in Pasadena, except for Sister Patterson." Alexis "You can say that again." Rufus "Any who, I think I can help you out more." Alexis "How so?" Rufus "Well I know being in jail, you are not able to keep up on the latest news and what not's." Alexis "What do you mean?" Rufus "Did you know that the fashion show was a bust thanks to Natalia's mismanagement." Alexis "I am not surprised. That damn armature." Rufus "Indeed. She also gloated over the fact that you were in jail and she also told reporters your not getting out." Alexis "I told that bitch she does not want me as an enemy." Rufus "Girl Hello" Alexis "Uhm, hello?" Rufus, laughing, "Never mind." Alexis "So why are you here telling me this?" Rufus "I am here to help you take out nasty Natti. She has something that belongs to me." Alexis "And what is that?" Rufus, thinking of the sex tape he has of Bryan and Natalia, the same Bryan that used to date Alexis's crazy sister Ashley, he decides to keep his cards close to his breast, "No need to worry about that. Let's just worry about how we are going to take Natalia out." Westwood Park Lauren and Daniel's House Lauren and Daniel are slow dancing to "What kind of Man Would I Be" by Mint Condition. They gaze into each other's eyes. Lauren "This feels so good. I love this new you. I can tell you've already changed so much." He leans in to kiss her just as the door bell rings." Hold that thought baby" He says pecking her on the lips and answering the door. He opens the door and sees Tyler Ty "I am so glad to see you out and about man." Daniel, out of no where punches Ty in the jaw as Ty, caught off guard by the ferocity of the blow to the jaw, loses his balance and falls off the porch.
  7. Outside of Divine Design Rufus and Bryan are talking, Rufus "I knew I would get your attention." Bryan "Your lying. You don't have that sex tape." Rufus pulls the DVD out of her purse to show him "Oh yes I do. I was blessed to see such a huge dick in action." Bryan "Stop talking to me like that you fruit cake. What the hell do you want from me?" Rufus "Money." Bryan "I don't have no money. Your good friend Natalia wiped me out already." Rufus "Then you have two options, I tell Sabryn you slept with h er arch rival, and isn't she pregnant? I wonder who the father is. Maybe it's you big daddy" Bryan "I am not the father of Natalia's child. So you can stop that right there. I am almost afraid to ask this next question, but what's my other choice?" Rufus "Put it in me big boy." She says caressing his face Bryan "You better keep your hands off me Miss Rainbow. Aint no way in hell I am putting anything in you. I am straight." Rufus "Yea yea, do you know how many times I've heard that? I guess I will have to tell your poor pregnant girlfriend all about your dirty little affair with Natalia." She says turning back around to walk back inside the building. Bryan, shaking his head in disgust knowing very well in order to keep his bliss with Sabryn, he's going to have to give in to one of Rufus's demands "Alright wait. Let's talk." Rufus turns a round with a big smile on her face. Episode: 81, Fake Boobs! Written by ML Cooks with Durand Saint Haliare Huntington Memorial Hospital Lauren walks into Daniel's room. He looks at her and smiles Daniel "I am so glad to see you." Lauren "Oh yea?" Daniel "Yes, Dr. Whitfield is releasing me today." Lauren "That's great news." Daniel "Yes it is. I get my freedom back. I get to eat actual food." Lauren "Mona must of really did a number on you." Daniel "Yes she did. But nothing is more worse than Chris dying for something he did not do." Lauren, standing up to look away from him as she thinks of her ex dead lover. Daniel "Lauren, are you ok?" Lauren then thinks of sleeping with her best friend Kevin a few weeks ago "I'm just going through so much. I thought you were dead, I thought Chris killed you, he dies and you turn up alive. It's madness." Daniel "That it is. But it's all over now. Lauren I love you. I thought of you every moment in that dungeon. Thinking of your pretty smile got me through my darkest hours." Lauren tears running down her face "I really don't know what to say Danny? I am so torn right now. I've been on an emotional roller coaster these last few months. From one extreme to the next. I can't handle nothing else." Daniel "What are you talking about? What's going on?" Lauren, wondering if she should break Daniel's heart by telling him she slept with Kevin "I am just overwhelmed that's all. I am just glad you are here." Daniel "Me too. I never thought I'd see the light of day again but I have learned so much about myself while I was chained up in that Bitch's dungeon. I took so much for granted, I've wasted so much of my life on non sense." Lauren "So what are you saying?" Daniel "I am turning over a new leaf. I am done with drugs. I am done running the streets, and most of all I am done with Tyler." Lauren "Seriously?" Daniel "Of course. Being involved with Ty has got me into a whole lot on unnecessariness. I am done with that life. That kind of life isn't for me. I want to be my own man. " Lauren "I am so happy to hear you say that. " Daniel "I'm just sorry it took almost dying to realize all of this." Lauren "Sometimes that's what it takes. I am just glad to have you back." She walks over to him and hugs him. He holds her back Daniel "You smell so good. It feels so good to hold you in my arms. I thought I'd never ever live to see this day again." Lauren "This is a new beginning for us Daniel." Daniel "Yes it is." He says getting up gathering his belongings and getting ready to head home Daniel "If you don't mind, there is one place I really want to go before we head home." Lauren "Any where." Daniel "I want to go to Chris's grave." Back at Divine Design In the men's bathroom Sister Patterson looks at Dondre, not knowing what to say after he caught her kissing her husband's brother. DC "Who are you?" "Dre" Pat "Dre, Lord have mercy, please it's not what it looks like." DC "Then what do you call it girl?" Pat slaps DC "Shut up talking to me." She walks over to Dre. "Dre you have to believe me, I am a good person. I still work for the Lord. This was just a misunderstanding. You cannot tell Abe. I am a Holy woman." Dre "Sister Patterson, as much as I would love to tell your husband, I'm not that type of person. You told me in jail that you believed in me. That really meant a lot to me." Sister Patterson "I told you my third eye never lies." Dre "I didn't see nothing, I don't know nothing." Sister Pat hugs him "Thank you Lord. If Miss Jenkins found out that this greasy monkey put his mouth on me, Lord I don't even want to go there." DC "I want to meet Miss Jenkins Damn it. After all these years you're still talking about a Miss Jenkins." Sister Patterson again slaps DC. DC "Looky here, you're going to stop with all that slapping. The only slapping I want you to do is the slapping you do while me make love." Pat "No one talk about Miss Jenkins. Get it together. I don't even understand why you are here." DC "You're the one in the men's bathroom." Sister Pat looking at Dre "Why are you still here? This isn't a show. " Dre "My bad sister Pat." he says leaving the bathroom Sister Pat than turns to DC "You better get your fat ass out of Pasadena. You have no business here. Don't you start no rness! Don "My family is here. My brother, my nephews. And I thought we could rekindle what we had. You sho' know how to make my toes curl up." Pat "Don't go there. Lord have Mercy. What happened back then was a mistake. Leave the past in the past. I am warning you now Don, don't cause no trouble for me and my family. I will get ugly if I have too. The Lord will just have to excuse me." She shakes her head at him and storms out. DC laughs and says "Yea, I'ma have me some of that." The Blue Note Jodie sits at a table on the patio that sits over a pond. As she is drinking a margarita she thinks back to her confrontation with Jenn. She then thinks of letting Natalia down by giving into Jenn's black mail, and walking out of the fashion show. Mike then comes up behind her. "Jo, what is going on? Are you ok?" Jodie "I'm so glad you are here." She says getting up and hugging him. Mike "Jodie what is going on, why did you run out the fashion show like that? Is it Jennifer?" Jodie "Why would you say that?" Mike "She was acting to thrilled about your walking out on the show." Jodie "I bet she was." She says walking away and over to towards the koi filled blue pond. She leans over the banister and watch the fish swim around. Mike walks up beside her and does the same. Mike "Tell me what's going on?" Jodie, tears falling from her eyes "That dirty Bitch went to Cleveland and found my old pimp DC." Mike "It makes sense now. But why would she do this?" Jodie "Because she's a spiteful Bitch." Mike "Jenn really has changed. I didn't know she could be this vial." Jodie "Or maybe you didn't know her at all." Santino pulls Ty's limo in front of Ty's mansion. Ty "I'm only going to ask you this one more time. Did you have something to do with Jodie walking out on the fashion show?" Jenn "No and why does it matter? It seems you care for her more than you do me. You hit me and try to strangle me. Not to mention you shot me. Maybe I should go to the police about all of this." Ty "You can use my phone." He says handing her his cell phone. Jenn "So you don't care if I call the police?" Ty "Not at all. In fact make that call inside the mansion. I'm going to see Jodie." Jenn "Why?" Ty "To find out if you are lying to me." Jenn "I am the one that lays in your bed every night. You shouldn't have to go ask that slut anything. When I say I didn't have nothing to do with what happened today then you need to believe me." Ty "It's too bad I don't." Jenn So that means you don't trust me?" Ty "Jenn get the hell of out of this limo. I got things to do." he says reaching over her and opening the limo door. Jenn "I am going with you then." Ty "Jenn you are really starting to piss me off. Now I have asked you nicely. Quite being a Bitch and do what I ask you to do!" He says pushing her out the limo. Jenn falls on her ass and Ty slams the door shut as Ty tells Santino to drive. Alls Tino could was feel bad for Jenn but obey his boss. Jenn standing up, hollering out "You son of a Bitch! You can' treat me like this!" She says stomping on the ground. "Damn you Jodie. This is all your fault. I am not done with you yet." She says walking into the mansion. Sister walks into the right restroom this time at Divine Design but sees Rufus washing her hands. Sister Pat: Hey sissy boy. Rufus is looking for something or someone, as she ignores Sister Pat. Sister Pat: yes you tranny, I am talking to you. Sister pat is pulling her holy water, and bible out from her purse. Rufus: Now, you and your third eye should really get a life." He says trying to walk past the crazy Sister but Sister Pat grabs her hands, pulling her toward the mirror, and throwing some holy water on her. Sister Pat: oh good Lord help me get the gay out- Rufus: Get your hands of me you old bat! She knocks the holy water bottle from Sister Pat's hand , and it breaks into pieces as it hits the ground, and Sister pat reaches to the floor after the bottle of holy water, and splashes it back to her face. Rufus starts laughing, and looking down on Sister Pat on the floor. Rufus: I bet your third, didn't see that coming…" He says laughing Rufus: Witch! As Rufus starts walking away, Sister Pat looks up, and shakes her head. Sister Pat: Oh Lord you know I tried so hard - but this piece of tramp just - She gets up from the ground and goes after Rufus, and grabs her by the hair, pulling Rufus's wig off. Rufus: Ouch! Sister Pat: Look at that Sister Pat is waving the wig around. Sister Pat: This the Devil's work - Rufus: how dare you! Rufus slaps Sister Pat across the face. Sister: That's it! Slapping Rufus across the face, twice harder. Sister Pat: If you are looking for sympathy for your pathetic little life, I suggest you keep looking, because you ain't going to find any here... Faggot. Rufus: Finally, the bitch has arrived. Sister Pat raises her bible, and making her way toward Rufus as she speak. Sister Pat: Oh That Bitch is going to shut your mouth once and for all. Throwing the wig at Rufus's face. Rufus grabs Sister Pat by the hair and pulls it back, and Sister Pat rips Rufus's blouse open, and one of Rufus's fake breast falls to the floor. Rufus grabs the breast and starts beating Sister Pat in the face with it. Rufus is still pulling on Sister's Pat hair, and just as they break apart, Sister Pat's wig falls on the ground.
  8. D bro, I love your comments. It's like the icing on my cake man. Thank u for the love. It's really apprciated.
  9. Divine Design, as DC catches Ria, Abe and Sister Pat wonders why she fainted. Ria comes too. She gets up realizing she’s in DC’s arms. Ria “Get your damn hands of me!” DC “You know my kin folk girl? Why didn’t you tell me in Cleveland?” Sister Pat “Cleveland? You two know each other?” DC “Yea, you could say that.” DC says pinching her booty. Ria slaps him. Sister Pat “Loosey goosey. First my son, and now his uncle. Have you no class? You make women like me look bad. I know you smelled like a slut.” Ria “You know Patty, I’m not gone be to many more of your sluts.” She says taking out her earrings. Pat “Oh no honey. You want to do battle. I done told you chile’ I am a soldier for the Lord. Thou will not be a slut. I got my holy water and I got my bible in my purse.” Abe, grabbing hold of his wife Ria “Yea you betta get that crazy ass crow. I will beat the hell out of her.” DC “Damn, ladies what is goings on? There is no love lost here.” Pat “Shut up you fat sloppy bastard.” Abe “Don man please tell me you did not sleep with Ria?” DC “Yea I did.” Abe “Ria is my son’s ex fiancée.” DC “How was I supposed to know? She came looking for me.” Ria “It can’t be going down like this.” Ria walks away. Abe “It’s good to see you Don.’ He says hugging him again. I haven’t heard from you since you told me you were relocating to Cleveland after hurricane Katrina?” Pat, oddly shakes her head, looking at DC “Lord, what are you trying to tell me? Is it time? What is Miss Jenkins going to say about this?” Episode : 80, Sister Pat’s Secrets Written by: ML Cooks As Jenn walks back into the showroom, Natalia takes center stage. She has a microphone in her hand and speaks to the crowd. “And now everyone, the moment you all been waiting for. Jodie Keefe, wearing tonight’s show piece. Everyone put your hands together. DC, hollering out “Go head Hoe!” Everyone looks at DC, slowly clapping wondering what he is talking about. Jenn smiles as the music plays and Jodie has yet to step out. On the stage, Natalia looks at her stage hands and asks what’s going on? They reply they don’t know. Natalia then begins to desperately search for Jodie. The crowd waits and waits for the show piece and Jodie walk to out onto the runway. Natalia enters the women’s rest room but doesn’t see her. She then gets a text message.” I’m so sorry. I can’t go through with it.” Natalia throws her phone at the wall, as her moment of glory is stolen her from by Jodie and Jenn. “No..No..No…” She says with tears running down her eyes. Mona Island Mona “So you want to talk about me baby?” Sharan “Yes. If I am going to love you, I have to know who I am loving. You told me in your dungeon that Abe is your father and he is the reason you are doing all of this. What did he do?” Mona, looks away, as memories flood her mind of being molested night after night by her father “Abe, every night, rapped and molested me.” Sharan “Couldn’t you stop him?” Mona “No, he had me chained up, to a bed and had his way with me anytime he wanted.” Sharan “I can’t believe the police chief would do something like this.” Mona “Believe me me did.” Sharan “But why? Why would Abe do this to you?” Mona, shedding a tear “He told me it’s my fault why he molested me. He blames me for something.” Sharan “But he never told you?” Mona “No. That’s all he would say, this is your fault. You brought this on your self.” Sharan “That’s just wrong. So how did you escape from that at horror?” Mona “I wasn’t supposed to. My father tried to kill me.” Sharan “I can’t believe this.” Mona “He poured gasoline all over my body, then set my body on fire then he buried me alive.” She says with tears running down her cheeks. Sharan, feeling her pain and despite all the evil things she has done, genuinely cares for Mona and holds her Sharan “It’s ok. Let it out. No one should have to go through something like that.” Mona “For 15 years, my father had his way with me.” Sharan “Why didn’t any one come looking for you? What about Kevin, Karim and Sister Patterson?” Mona “Abe took me away from them. He never gave me a chance to meet my mother or to live a life like other normal people live. He took everything away from me. My respect, my dignity. I don’t even now who I am.” Sharan “Mona, you have to put an end to all this. You can stop this. Abe ruined your life and you need to make him pay.” Mona “Oh, you mean going back to Pasadena and confronting him?” Sharan “Yes! You can meet your mother. Wouldn’t that make you happy? After all these years, you can be reunited with Sister Patterson?” Mona gets up off the beach and walks in the shallow water as she thinks what it would be like to finally end her reign of terror. She wonders what it would be like to be reunited with her mother and brothers. Westwood Park, Karim’s House Ria pulls up and wonders why a moving van is in her old driveway. She gets out the car and walks to Karim’s front door. Karim almost walks right into her coming from around the corner. Ria “You better watch your self!” Karim “It’s good to see you to Victoria.” Ria “Ohh, you know I hate to be called that. Only the government can call me that.” He chuckles, realizing Ria well never change from being her loud self. He brushes past her with a moving box. “You moving somewhere?” Ria says following him. Karim “Why, are you going to help me move these boxes?” Ria “No. I’m a model now. I don’t work hard.” Karim “You’re a model? Since when and for who?” Ria “If you wasn’t up the white girls ass, you’d know something.” Karim “I am not obligated to know anything about you. We’re not engaged no more. Have you forgotten?” Ria “No. I will never forget that. Karim I still love you. I am in love with you. I haven’t stopped.” Karim “You have a real funny way of showing it.” Ria “Look who’s talking, your sleeping with that white Bitch!” Karim “She’s in jail! And stop calling her that.” Ria “Whatever Karim. I want to know where you moving too.” Karim “Lavender Hill Miss Nosey.” Ria “You got that right….Lavender Hill huh. Must be nice. Why are you moving up on the hill?” Karim “I need a new start. Too many bad memories here. “ Ria, hurt a little, but deciders not to let Karim know, believing she’ll never have a chance to be with him again, decides to get on with her mission. As Karim walks back into the house, Ria says, “I slept with your uncle DC.” Back at Divine Design, Natalia walks back into the showroom and onto the runway, with a microphone. “Thank you all for coming, that will conclude Divine Design’s first West Coast Fashion Show. You all can purchase my latest designs, across retail stores nation wide.” Natalia walks off the stage and out into the crowd. Mike walks towards her. Mike “Nat, what’s going on? Where is Jodie?” Natalia “I was hoping you could help me out on that one. I got some text saying she can’t go through with the show.” Mike “A text?” Jenn, walking over “It’s such a shame Jodie played you Natalia.” Ty, walking up behind her “You seem a little bit to happy about that. And If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you had something to do this.” Natalia “Excuse me. Jenn? What the h ell is going on?” Jenn is speechless. Mike “I don’t have time to wait. I’m going to find Jodie. Jennifer you better not be behind any of this.” Jenn “Bye Mike.” Natalia “He’s right Jenny. If I find out you are the cause of this fashion show being cut short due to any antics you might have pulled, It will be me and you and It won’t be pretty. I’m no Jodie. And don’t let my being pregnant fool you. I will still take you out.” Ty “Nat, just calm down. I’ll handle this.” Ty grabs Jenn’s arm and drags her outside to his limo. Reporters rush into Natalia’s face and try to drill her on Jodie’s whereabouts. Alls Natalia could to do was trying to salvage what was left of her dreams gone down the toilet. Outside of Divine Design, Mark is smoking a cigarette. Rufus walks out of the lobby doors. Mark “Don’t do nothing stupid.” Rufus “It’s a free country, I’m just smoking a cigarette. Besides, who cares what people say. I love you.” Mark “Stop saying sh!t like that. People will hear you. I have a child on the way. I have a family now.” Rufus “Oh so now you want to play house? You wasn’t saying that last night when you had your dick down my throat.” Mark shakes his head and flicks his cigarette and walks away. Rufus laughs. Back inside, Bryan “Are you ready to leave? I think this show is over.” Sabryn, looking at Natalia sweating bullets trying to save face with the media “Yes I am, go ahead and grab the car. I need to talk to some one.” Bryan kisses her on the lips and leaves to bring the car up as Sabryn walks over toward Natalia. Bryan walks out the lobby and Rufus begins to follow him. Bryan sensing some one is following him turns around and sees Rufus. “Can I help you?” He says realizing this woman is extra manly Rufus “You sure can help me, but we will get to that later. Right now it’s about me helping you.” Bryan “I’m sorry, you must got me confused with some one else.’ He replies back, wanting to have nothing to do with what this transsexual want. Rufus “I know you and Natalia had sex and I got the tape to prove it Mr. 9 inches.” Bryan turns back around to look at a grinning Rufus. “I thought that would get your attention.” DC walks into the men’s bathroom. Right after him walks in Sister Patterson. DC “What the hell you doing in here?” Pat slaps him “You don’t talk to a Godly woman like that.” DC “You still haven’t changed have ya girl? I know why you came in here after me.” DC scoops Sister Patterson up in his arms and kisses her. Walking out from one of the stalls is Dre. Dre looks at Sister Patterson and DC kissing. Sister Pat pulls back realizing Dre caught her kissing her husband’s brother.
  10. Well u should aready know am following the remy/Blake story. I hope they dont break up or anything. I wonder what all these secrets are about and who is this stalker On a side note I watched GL the other day and love all there outside shots and there new oepning. I will slowly get drawn into the other stories and once I do I ususally have a lot to say., hell read the comments I leave for Matt on Pointe Palace. N E I am looking forward to getting into this blog
  11. I must say I think it' s neet ur doing an old skool soap like Somerset. I know next to nothing about it, only it's a bout 5 or 7 year spin off from AW. What relations does your version have with the origianl Somerset and/or/if AW. I am dying to do a edge of night one but cant find no one to write it with me
  12. Bet/ I was hoping u wouldnt think I was being an ass or something, but i do like the idea of the half way through thing. I may try that my self.
  13. No Offense to Matt, but I think it's a strange choice. couldn't it have been Life in Salem, a fellow SONBC blog., lol but whatever flys your hair back
  14. Then i am your guy, I am very creative and If come along n e thing i will certainely throw it ur way, I am so glad to hear about Remy/Blake!! I so love them already. Oh and you can call me ML
  15. Now i see why my comments aren't posting, you have to approve them. But thanks so much for the update. It clears things up
  16. WOW!! I decided to check out your blog( though I am not a fan of GL) and i so glad i did. The one story that really stood out was Remy and Blake. I love them. They look so good together. Wow I can't belive they had sex.( I know a little something about GL to know some of these people in this blog) Good twist. I will most defientaly stay tuned to that story. I also like how the blog looks with the columns and the content blocks. Very nice and reader freindly. Also it's good to see lot's of dialog. I am not a big fan of paragraph form writing but a lot of the newer blogs( or as I call them, the next gerneration blogs beacsue it seems a lot of the older ones are non exisant now) is switiching to sthis style. It makes a for a better story. ok I am done taking up your time with my jibberish. Great Ep!!
  17. Thanks D. Hope is really going through alot. Her life has been turned upside down, insdie out and all the way around. She doesn't know if' she's coimg or going. How far will she go? The Secret Storm is awesome and it's really going to be good. So many things take place, Tara and I have been planning this for 3 months now and let me tell you, the scenes are amazing. Hope every one like swhat we did. Lis is taking a new direction and we all hope you enjoy the ride
  18. Wow matt my bad. It was nice , very sensul I have experienced some monets like that myself.lol so I know excatly how Nate felt when she was driving him crazy with the blowing. I was glad her breath was at least fresh. I dont know, mabe Nate neede Ava to settle him down. It could be she is really the one for him. It would be cool if james sprang back up I loved it, sorri I forgot to metioned it. And to this day the end of your sentences always gets cut off which pisses me off. And Yes jenny is going through some [!@#$%^&*] right now. I really am on the edge of my seat kuz i honestly dont know if your going to let her keep it or not. I really lovr jace and Alicia and I really hope you really dig into each character and there relationship. I love that Will is bad again, But I like jace even better. I am team Jace and Alicia so far.
  19. testing..everytime I post a comment I cant see it
  20. wow i am really confused, who is who hope or gina gina or hope, i dont even know but other stories are starting to take my intrerest like carly and Alex and Scotty. Who is Alex and what happend to the two? Good episode
  21. No prob with Gina, It's Greta I dont like. Is she on here? I would have rather not nown Gina was leaving. But I'll still be reading
  22. So carly ran over Hope but now Hope is missng and Gina wants to keep it that way? Nice twist. This was a good follow up tot he last episode i read. Really interested in the Hope storyline may I ask why does everyone say "Ya"?
  23. May i ask why does everyone say ya? Nice follow from the last ep i read. So Now Hope is missing and Gina wants to keep it that way? Nice twist!
  24. nice recast i am a big fan of hers
  25. This was a slower episdoe but we all got them. I really hope that baby is ok. I really like Anna lee. I loved her sceen with Bryan but was kinda of upset that she broke things off with Bryan. I love them as a couple. Blake is so nosey. He is just not a favorite of mines no more. I used to like him when Laney was around. I don't know why I dont care for him I am glad Dylan is ok. I guess his nuts dont hurt that bad if he ready to get it on. I loved the scen with Jon I thought they were(the men) were going to stat kissing which would prolly make Jon flip it, lol but I wonder what Alley is going to say when she walks in. damn that Mariss. loved her dumb dumb comment. I really miss Owen LOVED WILL AND HACE"S scene. I love Alicia and Jace's relationship. I really hope we see more of them and their problems. I perfer Jace and Alicia together. I dont know why I like thse two so much but I do. from day one.
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