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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. I do have to say this is the best episode I've read of this blog yet. It was so intense and I was on the edge of my seat during the Hope/Billie and nem scene. Such good drama. So many people involved. And that Nicole is one nasty Bitch. Wow it was one shock after another and then on top of all that, Great(I never liked her, hope she's leaving) and Frankie are dead falling from the celiling. This is getting good. Great [!@#$%^&*] job! Truly jaw dropping drama. And the greatest thing it was drama from the heart, not some big car chase or some big action scene, it was character driven drama that had me on the edge of my seat. Again great job I can't stop saying that. lol
  2. I was unable to come up with a title for this episode, my apologies.(Feel free to throw some out there though)....ML asadena City Jail Chris is put into his holding cell with Dondre. Dre "Damn what happened?" Chris "Judge Judy would not let me post bail." Dre "You said Judge Judy?" Chris "Yea, Judy,Judge Judy." Dre "Get the fu(k outta here man." Chris "I wish I could." They hear a man clearing his throat in the other direction. They look at the mysterious man. Chris "Can I help you." Dre "It's cool Chris. This is my brother, Kiko." Kiko "I came as soon as I could." Dre "Did you? Well It's good to see you man." Kiko "When's the bail hearing? I got my check book ready" Dre "Thas wassup. By the way, this my home boy Chris. " Kiko "Hello Chris?" Chris "What's going on?." A guard walks over to them and unlocks Dre's jail cell Kiko "Where's he going?" Guard "It's time for the bail hearing." Chris "Good luck man. Your gonna need it." He says to Dre as they are escorted into the courtroom. Episode: 63, Dre's Bail Hearing Written by ML C TC Hotel Jodie is sitting at the receptionist desk, finishing checking in a guest as Mike arrives with some bags. He walks over to her. Jenn, just coming out the corridor from Ty's office decides to sneak behind the corner and eavesdrop on what's about to happen Jodie smiles at Mike "Hey you." Mike "Hey back at you. How's work going?" Jodie "It's ok. What's in the bags?" Mike "This is a little lunch I brought over for us before we go to Sharan's vigil." Jodie "That was sweet." Jenn, around the corner "He never did anything like that for me. What does this slut got that I don't? It's time to take out the trash." Jenn pulls out her cell phone and begins to exit through the delivery exit of the Hotel. Jenn books a flight to Cleveland, Ohio, Jodie's hometown. "I know this Bitch is hiding something. I got to find out what it is." Back inside The Hotel Jodie "You are so thoughtful." Mike leans in and pecks her on the lips. Ty comes out his office and stops in his tracks upon seeing Jodie and Mike kiss. Ty pauses and thinks, how beautiful Jodie is. He wonders what it would be like to be with her. She seems more down to earth and less materialistic than Jenn. Ty gets on his way again and approaches them Ty "Hello Mike. Long time no see." Mike ignores him. Ty "That's how you feel Mike?" Mike, to Jodie "Why don't we get out of here." Jodie "Ok baby." She looks at Ty. "Are you going to Sharan's vigil?" Ty "I wouldn't miss this for anything in this world." He says coolly and walks off. Mike "He's up to something" Jodie "I get that same vibe too. " Mike "You haven't been able to find out any information on him yet?" Jodie "No I have not. But give me a little time. I'll get him to talk." After saying that, they leave the hotel to eat there lunch, and then head to Sharan's vigil. Downtown Pasadena, The S.G. Building Sabryn and Alexis square each other up in Sabryn's office Sabryn "You have some nerve showing your ugly face here." Alexis "Sorry you feel like that. I heard you were having problems here at SG and I was going to offer my help. Would you need a loan?" She says taking out her check book Sabryn "From the likes of you? Please don't insult my intelligence. Your behind all this. Calling the police on me and Bryan at your lame ass sister's funeral." Alexis "You better watch how you talk about Ashley. She is not hear to defend herself" Sabryn "Thank God for that. I didn't want to break a nail beating her ass again." Alexis "And it's that mindframe that will get you no where. And for the record I did call the police on you. Why? Because you mowed down my sister. You should be behind bars right now." Sabryn "Just get the hell out of my office. Your face is starting to scare me." Alexis "I'm not going anywhere." Sabryn "A typical Bitch just like your sister." Alexis "A bitch ..... I am a Bitch. The best Bitch out here. And I'll be that same Bitch shutting down your failing fashion house." Sabryn "You really do sound like your sister. Get the hell out before you end up like her." Alexis "You would like that wouldn't you? Too bad. I am here to stay and dedicated to your downfall. You will pay for killing my sister one way or another." Sabryn slaps Alexis across the face. Alexis rubs her cheek. "You just messed up." She pulls out her phone and calls the police on Sabryn. Alexis "You just lost your freedom you dumb Bitch." Sabryn "Well if I am going to jail I better really make it worth it." Forgetting about her baby, Sabryn charges after Alexis. They begin to tussle, falling to the floor and and begins to roll around on the floor, pulling, scratching, and slapping each other... As they knock tables and lamps off tables, Police Chief Abe Williams arrives on the scene. He pulls the two lion nesses apart. Abe "What the hell is going on here? Sabryn aren't you pregnant?" Alexis, Catching her breath "That Bitch attacked me. I want to press charges. She has no regard for life. She's freakin' pregnant. The Bitch has lost her mind" Abe looks at Sabryn in disappointment Abe "Sabryn I am sorry but I'm going to have to arrest you for assault." Sabryn stands there speechless. She puts her hands behind her as office workers gather around to see there boss being cuffed. Sabryn "This isn't over. I promise you that." Alexis "Now your threatening me? I'm going to have to add that to the list too." As Sabryn is escorted past Alexis, Alexis smirks at her and decides at add insult to injury "I'll write you. We can be pen pals." She says laughing Gilbert walks over to her. Gilbert "If I was a woman I would have beat your ass to." Alexis "Get out of my face faggy." And with that Alexis leaves her arch rival's fashion headquarters. Can I Get A Witness? West Coast Baptist Church This time Sister Patterson is not outside to greet all the guests for Sharan's vigil She is sitting in the back of the Church, by her lonesome. She gazes at the huge picture that sits in the front of the church of Sharan. Her husband Abe walks in "Are you ok?" Pat "Don't sneak up on me like that. You bout gave me a heart attack or an early stroke." Abe "Relax Pat. You always so pumped up about stuff." Pat, surprisingly doesn't say anything. Abe slowly walks over to her and grabs a seat next to her. Abe "What's on you mind? I can tell something is bothering you." Pat "It's just so hard to watch my children be hurt like this. First that freak Victoria cheats on Karim and then this madman Dondre kidnapped Sharan. I just don't understand it." Abe, again thinks if Mona is behind Sharan's kidnapping "We just got to stay strong. We'll find a lead soon." Pat "I visited Kelis's grave yesterday. I'm a little saddened by that at the moment." When Abe hears his daughter's name Kelis, he instantly thinks of Mona, and how he tied her up and molested her for ten years. "Let's not talk about that." He says putting his arm around her Pat "You never do want to talk about Kelis." She says pushing his arm from around her. "Get your filthy hands of me." Abe shakes his head just as their sons, Kevin, Karim,with Lauren and Alexis all arrive. Kevin "Ma I am surprised you're not greeting guest as usual. Are you ok?" Pat "I'm fine. All these funerals and vigils has just got me thinking of my little Kelis." Karim hugs his mother. Kevin does the same. Pat "I'm ok. Let me be. GO get a seat. The vigil will start soon." As Karim and Alexis sits down, she whispers to him "Who's Kelis?" Karim "My sister. She was still born." Alexis "I am so sorry to hear that." Karim "My mom has never been the same since." As Ria enters the church and walks past Sister Patterson, Pat gets up and stops her Pat "I can't believe you're even here." Ria "Why wouldn't I be here?" Pat "For starters you're nasty. Cheating on my son Karim. Where do you get the nerve? Cheating ,…(Looking up at a cross before saying anything to crazy) hussies don't have a place here." Ria "Well He takes me as I am, like my girl Mary J said." Pat "I don't know no Mary,But I know my Lord. You need to leave. You didn't even like Sharan." Ria "Look Pat!" Pat, putting her hand in Ria's face "No you look. You will not step into my house of worship and be disrespectful. Don't ever call me out my name. It's Sister Patterson or Mother Williams to you. Didn't you're mother ever teach you to respect your elders.Now I don't want to have to get ugly up in here tonight because I can" Ria shakes her head and as she walks away she says"Too late for that you ugly Bat!" Pat is stunned. The vigil begins and Sister Patterson looks at Sharan's picture and then into the crowd "Lord we pray, that where ever you have taken Sister Sharan, please return her to us. Lord we ask you as you go out and do what you do, please bear in mind to protect dear sweet Sister Sharan. Lord we ask you, to help Sharan find her way home to the ones she love. In Jesus name, Amen." Guests "Amen" Everyone lights a candle as Sister Patterson leads the church into song" This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine…….." Everyone looks at each other in confusion, and slowing begin to join in song though they all know it's a littine inappropriate. Meanwhile At The City Court House The usual suspects are in attendance, Judge Judy, Defense Attorney Lisa Ray and District Attorney Stacy Dash. After going round after round with Stacy and Judy, it's time for Dondre to enter his plea Dondre, standing "Not guilty your honor!" Stacy shakes her head. Judy "Get on with the arguments for the bail hearing. I don't have all day. I don't know what's happening here in Pasadena. I never saw so many criminals in my life. Is it in the water?" Stacy "Your honor, Dondre Whitfield has had many run ins with the law before, everything from petty theft, to possession of cocaine, assault and battery, and the list goes on." Judy "I see. A real gangster huh." She says looking Dre in the eyes Dre "That's a negative your honor." Judy "UH huh, Do you work sir?" Dre "Yea, I cut hair." Judy "You cut hair?!" Lisa "That's what he said ya honor. Can't you hear? Maybe all that hooting and hollering has blown one of them ear drums." Judy "You're so sad. Bail denied." Judy pounds her gavel and leaves the courtroom. Stacy smiles at Lisa, winning another victory over her. Lisa "You can keep your fake ass smiles. All that mean mugging really don't mean nothing." Lisa stands up and looks at Dre "This is only round one." Dre remains silent, as he is escorted back to his cell, being jailed for a crime he did not commit.
  3. OMG . Shocking ending in deed. I didn't think it was going down like this. Poor Hope and Steve. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Great job. Wow I am still tripping. The whole town has now saw Steve banging Hope's guts out. Damn. Pure classic soap and it's the way a big secret like that should be exposed. Again great job guys
  4. aMLCproduction


    Thanks D. Kristen and Mar already had a catfight at the hospital. I think in 199 or something. Tara correct me. We got big plans for Kristen and Marlena and Also Tony"Vince" so stay tuned for that one I am glad u said it was short. I am trying to keep like Tara Keeps it shorter. So don't exepct to see no S.T.E.A.M. letgh episodes. (And not only that I am toying around with paragrapgh for mat more for this series) So that's why they are a little shorter. And To me shorter is bettter. I myself hate reading super long episodes(Like I have room to talk)
  5. Thanks for reading D. It's been such a joy to work with Tara and it's also intersting to explore my range as a writer, writing more traditional story lines. Me and Tara got some bomb ass [!@#$%^&*] coming up so please stay tuned
  6. I have missed SON so much. As of Right now I can get into the blogs so a new episode will be posted tomorrow. Stay tuned
  7. Pasadena City Jail Dondre "So when is your bail hearing?" Chris "In a little bit actually." Dondre "Good luck man." Chris "You too. IT seems we both are being set up." Dondre "Yea. it has to be. There is no other way. I didn't kidnap Sharan, I don't have a reason too." A guard opens the jail cell and escorts Chris to the courtroom. Ria walks up to Dondre's cell Dondre "I'm surprised to see you here." Ria "Why?" Dondre "The last time I saw you, I was kissing Sharan." Ria "Well,... I've spoke my peace about that." Dondre "What u mean?" Ria "I told Kevin." Dondre "At this point I don't even care. I got more serious problems to deal with." Ria "So I hear. And for the record, I believe in you Dre." Dre "I'm glad somebody do." Ria "I know this is something you would not do. But what I don't understand, who would kidnap her and frame you for it?" Dre "That's what we need to figure out." Ria "We?" Dre "Yea we. I need your help?" Ria " But just a few weeks ago I was swamp thing remember? The night Karim found out we were sleeping together. You kicked me to the curb. And now you want me to help you?" Dre "Don't be on that" Ria "Maybe….Besides…The only we I am interested in, is the we we in your pants. I know it's lonely. Let's have a congical visit." Dre "Is that all you think about?" Ria "No, but I'm horny papi." She says grabbing his sac through the jail bars. Ria "You help me, I help you" She says planting a kiss on him. He returns it. Episode: 62,Sister Pat's 3rd Eye Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches Can I Get A Witness? West Coast Baptist Church Sister Patterson Williams, is once again standing outside the church she's called home since her birth. She awaits guest for Daniel's funeral. The first to arrive are her two sons Karim and Kevin, and Kevin's good friend Lauren. Karim and Kevin both hug and kiss Pat. Pat looks at them Pat "Karim, why didn't you wear the red tie like I told you? You so hard headed boy. You got that from your father. You didn't get it from me." Kevin "Ma please don't start." Pat "Start? Start what? Boy don't talk to me like you crazy. Miss Jenkins could be around any corner." Kevin "Who is Miss Jenkins?" Pat "I don't want to have to embarrass you in front of your little friend here. Get your ass in church and tell Daniel how much you love and miss him. Got me cussing in front of God's house. Don't you know no good boy?" Pat pulls out a cigarette out and lights it up to calm her nerves. Lauren who was feeling blue is now thinking Kevin's mom is out of her mind and tries to enter the church. Pat stands in front her. Pat "No.. no sister Lauren, I got a few words you need to hear." Pasadena City Court Room Chris sits down with his attorney, Lisa Ray. Chris "So what do you think are my chances are of me posting bail?" Lisa "I don't even know man. Ever hear of some judge they call Judy or something?" Chris "Judy, as in Judge Judy? The daytime court TV show judge." Lisa "Uh huh,. I guess that be the one." Chris "She's the judge? This is mad?" Lisa "Well let's hope Judy aint mad today. Home girl was trippin' yesterday." Stacy, the DA enters the court room and Lisa and Stacy have a stare down. Bird "All rise!" The courtroom rises as Judge Judy enters the courtroom. Judy sits down in her seat and smiles at Stacy and then looks mean at Lisa. Lisa rolls her eyes at the Judge. Judy "This is case number 061 on the calendar. The state vs. Chris Douglas. Is the defendant present?" Lisa "Who do you think this is sitting next to me? Santa?" Judy "Watch your tone Madame. You don't want to mess with me. I can cause you a lot of trouble. Chris, get your ass up. Your lawyer is really pissing me off and If I were you, and if you want a fair shot in this trial, take my advice and fire this hot tempered lawyer of yours." Lisa "Unprofessional. You may talk all that smack for them TV cameras, But this is real life. So you can quit your amateur theatrics and save them for Oprah because I don't have time. Now let's get this trial moving shall we?" Judy 'By all means. Chris Douglas, you have been charged with first degree murder of Daniel Cosgrove. How do you plea?" Can I Get A Witness? Lauren "With all do respect sister Patterson, you're scaring me" Pat "I don't know why. If I were you I would be scared of the demented crack head that's laying in that coffin inside. I just wanted to say I am sorry for your loss sister Lauren. If you need anyone to talk too, the Lord and I are here to guide you through this hard time." Lauren "Thank you sister" Pat "And that means stop being a drunk.." Lauren "Say what?" Pat "Oh you think I don't know? My third eye and God tells me everything. You better ask somebody." Pat pulls out a card for alcoholics anonymous. "Now you call the number soon as this funeral is over so you can quit drinking." Lauren is speechless as she walks into the church. Next to arrive for the funeral are Ty and Jenn. Jenn and TY try to ignore the crazy sister, remembering the last encounter they had with Pat by speeding up and walking past her but sister Patterson jumps in front of them Pat "I know yens weren't trying to sneak inside without saying hi. God don't like ugly." Ty "Sister Patterson, it's so good to see you again." Pat "Are you crazy. It's not good to see you." Ty "I'm sorry…." Pat "I don't want to see you like this. At another funeral." Ty "Oh, ok. I understand." Pat "What did you think I Was talking about?" Ty "Never mind sister Patterson." Pat "You're quiet Jenn." Jenn Hey Sister. Just being here got me bummed out." Pat "No no,..it's more than that. You're up to something. My third eye never lies." Jenn "Sister Patterson please. I think all these funeral has got you delusional." Pat "I don't think so. I know the truth. I told you my third eye never lies. You're plotting against Jodie." Jenn is stunned that Sister Patterson knew that. Ty frowns at Jenn Pat, laughing "Don't let the devil win Jenn. Just walk into the house of the Lord. He will set you straight." Ty and Jenn slowly walk inside the church just as Mike and Jodie arrive. Mike "Sister Patterson. It's good to see you again." He says hugging her Pat "Yes it is nice to see me. And it's nice to see two good people. There's a lot of evil out there. But I don't get that vibe from you. My third eye tells me you two are ok" Jodie "Well I guess that's good thing." Pat "Amen" She says hugging Jodie. "Now Jodie Listen, There are evil forces out there working against you. You got to stay strong, and don't let the devil win. Just pray and the Good Lord will shield you. You got to be a tough soldier for the Lord, on the battlefield of evilness" Jodie, frowning "Uhm ok Sister. Thanks for the warning." Mike and Jodie walk inside the church. Sister Patterson follows them. She walks up to the podium in front of the church. Lauren has tears rolling down her face as Kevin holds her. Pat "Lord have mercy. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Rose are red, and Violets are Blue. Brother Daniel was a crack head, but like all God's childrens I love him too. Amen" Karim, Kevin, looking at each other in shock, not believing there crazy mother has just called Daniel a crack head in front of all these mourners "Amen" Pat "I SAID AMEN!! I can't hear ya." Church Guest "Amen" Pat "Halleluiah. God is Good. God has a plan for everybody. Brother Daniel, Lord rest drugged soul, is in a better place. Though we knew brother Daniel was a drug addict, he was still a good person. He tried to do the right things. But those cracks took over him." Karim, whispering in Kevin's ear "She is crazy. " Kevin "Your just now realizing that" Pat "Glory to God. Daniel, we miss you. We love you, and we shall meet again. Aint no holla back" Pall bearers, close the casket and put Daniel's casket into the Hearst. The church slowly fizzles out as Daniel (his clone) is put 6 feet underground. Kevin and Karim are comforting Lauren at every step of the way. Ty walks up to Lauren Ty "Lauren, I know we did not see eye to eye on a lot of issues but I want you to know, I am so sorry for Daniel. I never wanted this to happen. I loved Daniel like a brother." Ty, in a state of sadness and sorrow sheds a tear. Ty is surprised at himself never a man to wear his heart on his sleeve. As Lauren watches Ty's rare display of raw emotion, she now realizes that his words are sincere and she throws her arms around him. Ty does the same. Jenn is stunned and mad. Jodie walks up from behind her Jodie "You must not please Ty. He's always hugged up on other women." Jenn, turning around "You would be the kind to turn this around. Daniel is dead. They both loved him so yes they have a right to comfort each other" Reassuring herself that's all it is Jodie "Yea, keep telling yourself that." Jenn "You know Jodie, you are really pissing me off. Back the hell up before I make you sorry." Jodie "Ahh Jenn, are you mad? Did I hit a nerve?" Jenn "You think this is cute. I'll have the last laugh you slutty Bitch. I hate you." And with that Jenn walks away. Mike walks up to Jodie Mike "Is everything ok?" Jodie "Could not be better." They leave the funeral as Jodie wonders if Jenn is the evil that sister Patterson was talking about. Sister Patterson walks through Greater Yonders Cemetery. She walks over to a grave that reads Kelis Williams. Pat drops a rose next to the tombstone. "My poor little baby. Mama never got a chance to get to know you. But I know God is taking care of you my sweet angel. I'm so sorry for everything." She says wiping a tear from her eye. Back in the City courtroom Chris "Not Guilty your honor." The courtroom remains silent, having learned Judy is dangerous with a gavel Judy "That plea seems to be popular plea around here. Now lets move onto the bail hearing. Stacy state your case." Stacy "Your honor, the state recommends that the charged party be unable to post bail. He committed a heinous crime and the peoples of Pasadena are terrified." Lisa "Girl stop. Chris is a pillar of this community. He works two jobs and attends the California Institute of Technology. He's not a menace to society and has no prior record. He should be able to post bail" From the back of the court room Bryan enters. Chris smiles at the fact that his good friend came to show some support. Judy "I've made my decision. The defendant, Chris Douglas, bail denied." Stacy smiles at Lisa Chris "No damn it. I didn't do it." Guards rush over to escort Chris back to his cell for a crime he did not commit.
  8. So many people are so mad at Nicole. I love how she is inter mixed with so many people. I had to laugh when Carrie said that Israel was the safest place for them right ow.. With all those terrorist in the Middle East and Iran want to wipe it off the face of the earth, I wouldn't['t be so sure. Now what is this truth Hope is talking about? I also noticed that in this blog that you guys obviously don't have censors. And other, not moderating or admin team does. It is a little hard imagining some of these folks cussing. LOL I don't know. Maybe because I am not used to it. Now I could not believe Abe and Roman. Was that fight serious or what? I can't believe it went down like that. Another thing that crossed my mind is how in this day of terrorism how were all those guns able to make it into the airport. Lord I would have to call the FAA or something, but then again this is Salem were talking about and the police don't always have the greatest track record. In any case it was STILL a GOOD episode.
  9. aMLCproduction


    this truly was a great episode. Loved Mar and Viv
  10. The Blue Note Ria enters the front doorway Pierre greets her “Evening Madame?” Ria “Hey, I have a reservation for Winters.” Pierre “Ah yes, your other two parties have not arrived yet.” Ria “Thanks” She replies back as Pierre escorts her to the patio dining room. She sees Kevin looking out over the deck. She walks over to him Ria “I just want to say that I heard about Sharan and I am sorry for what happened.” Kevin “Are you really?” Ria “Yes I am. Is that hard to believe?” Kevin “I don’t know what to believe these days.’ Ria “If there is anything I can do please let me know.” Kevin “There is actually. Tell me why your ex part time lover kidnap Sharan.” Ria “Dre? He kidnapped Sharan?” Kevin “Uh, yea. You said you heard what happened.” Ria “I did but I didn’t know Dre kidnapped her.” Kevin “Well he did.” Ria “No, no, no. He wouldn’t do something like that. That’s not like him.” Kevin “You would be the one to defend him.” Ria “It’s not about that Kev. I just know Dre and he would not kidnap Sharan. That doesn’t make sense.” Ria has a flashback of catching Dre and Ria kissing at Ashley’s funeral and Kevin has is own flashback of Sharan calling out Dre’s name while making love to her. Ria “Kevin, I have something to you.” She says aloud as she thinks” Yup, I’m going to do what this Bitch did to me. Exposing my affair with Dre. Nosey ass Bitch.” Kevin “I am listening.” Ria “I don’t want to make things more complicated but I feel you need to know what Sharan did.” Kevin, looking at her “What do you mean what she did?” Ria “I caught Dre and Sharan kissing at Ashley’s funeral.” Those words are like a knife through Kevin’s heart. He stares out into the pond and doesn’t say anything. Ria “Kev, I am really sorry you had to find out like this.” Kev “I bet.” Ria “For what it’s worth, I really don’t believe Dre kidnapped Sharan.” Kevin “Ria, just leave me alone.” Ria smiles and leaves The Blue Note and heads to the City Jail to see Dondre. Episode : 61, 3some Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches Lavender Hill, Ty’s Mansion Jenn continues screaming as she looks upon a burned body in a wheel chair. Ty, who just pulled up in his limo runs over to Jenn Ty “What the hell is the matter?” He says as he approaches his front door. He sees a charred body in a wheel chair “What the hell?” A maid grabs Jenn and escort her to the living room. Ty pulls out his cell phone and calls Dr. Diego Serrano. Down the street, the lady wearing red high heels, who delivered the body to Ty’s door step pulls out her cell phone and makes a call. Sierra Madre Mona’s Underground Bunker Mona who is relentlessly digging a tunnel through the mountain side stops and puts her shovel down upon hearing her cell phone ring. Mona “Holla at me” Miss Red High Heels “Package has been signed, sealed and delivered.” Mona “Excellent. I know Ty is going to sh!t bricks when he finds out who the charred body is. Good work, stay out the way and I will be in contact for the next move.” <Mona hangs up her cell phone and says “Checkmate” With a smile on her face Meanwhile Diego, with his medical bag has arrived at Ty’s mansion. Diego “You are full of surprises. What the hell is this?” The doctor says looking at the charred body Ty “I don’t know doc. I came home and Jenn was screaming her heart out .” Diego begins to take vital signs as Ty rolls the body in the house. Diego “Well do you know who did this?” Ty “Maybe” Thinking of Mona. Sabryn pulls up to the workers entrance of her Fashion House, S.G. Avoiding the media blitz that’s camped outside her building, she gets off the elevator on floor 25. Gilbert greets as she rushes into her office. Gilbert closes the door behind him. Gilbert “Is everything ok?” Sabryn “No. Alexis is trying to destroy me.” Gilbert “I know all that. But you was like a cheetah coming in here” Sabryn “Oh, I just didn’t want to face anyone yet. So tell me, how’s S.G. doing?” Gilbert “It’s getting worse. Our stock value has dipped 50%, we’ve lost another 10 percent of the market share and we have now sunk to 5th place in the fashion industry. and Alexis’s Divine Design is now number 4 and she hasn’t even launched her West Coast office yet. The tabloids and news papers are having a field day with every twist and turn your soap opera like life takes.” Sabryn “I can’t believe this is happening to me. I don’t even know where to start to save face. This is a disaster and Alexis is exploiting this to the fullest degree.” Gilbert “25% of stores in the country have pulled our clothing lines off the racks and word keeps coming in the more stores will be taking our clothes off the rack. S.G. is now officially in the black. Point blank, S.G. is broke.” Sabryn “It’s happening so fast. It’s time to make cuts. We can start by closing our Pasadena store around the corner.” Gilbert “Are you sure? It’s number 1 in the country for SG” Sabryn “We can open up a little boutique downstairs here. Bring those customers here, closer to me. My customers need to meet me so I can show them I’m not a bad person.” Gilbert “Well if you’re sure. I’ll draw up the papers then.” Sabryn “I’m sure. We need money and we have to consolidate. Sell the store.” Alexis walks in “What a nice office you have.” Gilbert “I’ll call security.” Sabryn “No need Gilly. I’ve been waiting for this Bitch.” Gilbert “Oh God not again. Sabryn you’re pregnant!” Sabryn “Gilly, please leave us alone.” Alexis “Yea, Gilly do that.” Gilbert leaves the room as Sabryn and Alexis square each other up The Jump Off Natalia walks in and sees Bryan wiping down shot glasses. She walks over to him Natalia “Welcome to freedom” Bryan “What are you doing here? The bar isn’t open.” Natalia “That’s ok. I can’t drink no way.” Bryan “And why is that?” Natalia “I am pregnant.” Bryan drops the shot glass that’s currently in, or was in his hand as he flashes back in his mind, to having sex with a woman on one of the pool tables in his club, then Natalia telling him that it was her he slept with. Bryan “You can’t be serious.” Natalia “I am. Oh, don’t worry. It’s not yours.” Bryan “There is a God.” Natalia “What does that mean?” Bryan “A child with you? Sabryn will kill us both.” Natalia “Maybe you but not me. “ Bryan “Look I don’t want no problems. You took all my money so you have no business here. Forget about that night, lose that DVD you got of us, forget my name. Just stay the hell away from me and Sabryn. We are going to be a family and I will not let no one mess that up.” Natalia “A family? Sabryn’s pregnant?” Bryan “Just leave.” Natalia “Congratulations. I’m so happy for the two of you.” Bryan “That’s scary.” Natalia “Well I just came by to see how you were doing but if you’re going to be rude about it, I’ll be on my way.” Bryan “Yes, do that.” Natalia, squinting her eyes at him “I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you.” She says as she leaves, leaving Bryan to wonder what she meant about her last statement. Bryan “I swear I am not going to let Natalia ruin things for my family. And there‘s no way she can blackmail me again because I can turn the tables on her, with Mark.” Westwood Park, Mark’s House Rufus walks up to Mark and plants a kiss on him. Mark pushes Rufus away then sucker punches him Mark “What’s the matter with you man?” Rufus “What’s the matter with you?” Mark “Listen, I’m not that same person anymore. You need to get out of here.” Rufus “Your not the same person? Yea I saw you with Natalia. She’s pregnant too. With your child. Sorry about Dahlia. Well then not really because with her dead, that’ will be one less person I will have to take care of.” Mark “What do you mean take care of? ” Rufus “You know what it means. I’m here to get my man back.” Rufus walks up to him again and kisses him. Mark again pushes Rufus off him and walks away. Rufus “What’s the matter?” Mark “I told you, I’m not bisexual no more. I am into women only.” Rufus “How convient. You only want to be with whomever got your meal ticket huh. That’s how it was between us huh? That’s the reason why you left me. The well dried up” Mark “It was not like that.” Rufus “Shut the hell up. You can’t play with people’s emotions like that. As soon as you found out, I was cut out from my parent’s money, bam, you disappeared. You was only with me for the money.” Mark “You got it all wrong. I found God.” Rufus slaps Mark across the face. “You better find me. I don’t want to have to make heads roll in this city. You already know I am nothing to be played with. “ As Mark’s secret little gay lover says that, Natalia begins banging on the door. As Natalia bangs on the door, she wonder’s who tooter booter, is in Mark’s driveway. Rufus peaks in the peep hole. “Isn’t this lovely? We can tell her our good news. Maybe, we can even have a three some.” Mark shakes his head, his bisexual secret is about to come to light.
  11. aMLCproduction


    I really enjoyed this episode. Esp the Viv and Foresst scenes
  12. Glad to see you guys deciding to change the pace some what from action/ adventure. I'll be reading more often so I can't wait to see where it goes. I was shocked by some of thoes questions, lol I I do feel you where u said you have to set things up. But I like what I read last week.
  13. It did PR and thank u so much. I do Like Vic and Mags together. I am still tripping that Lucas raped some one
  14. Sierra Madre Ty pulls up in front of Mona's mountain side resort. He is shocked to see the resort, in what seems to be covered in a cement. Ty pulls out his cell phone and tries to dials Mona's number." You have reached a number that is no longer in service." Ty hears the operator say. "What the hell is going on. Where is Mona? Santino and Daniel are dead. This is not part of the plan. Damn you Mona." Ty speeds off from the resort and unto the highway. Tailing Ty the whole time is his enemy, Private Investigator Mike Dietz watching sly Ty's every move. Episode: 60, Sluts of Pasadena! Written by: ML Cooks with Monique Bitches Mona's underground Bunker Having been bashed in the knee cap with a metal shovel, Daniel is unconscious from the agonizing pain, still chained up in a standing position. It looks like a scene from the famous "Saw" movies. Mona is sitting at a table smoking a blunt. Sharan coughs Mona "What's the matter? Funk so good?" Sharan "I don't like the smell of that mess. It stinks. And I have asthma." Mona "Aww, my bad baby. I'll put this out after I hit a few more times." Sharan "Wow, thanks for being considerate. I didn't think you knew how." Mona "What makes you say that?" Sharan "I mean, you did kidnap Daniel and I, you just probably busted Daniel's knee caps, and you got him chained up. " Mona "You need not worry about Daniel. And as far as kidnapping you baby girl I had too. There was no other way." Sharan "What do you mean no other way?" Mona "No other way for us to be together." Sharan "You did all of this, to be with me?" Mona "Sure did. I love you." She says walking towards her. Sharan "So your going to make me love you?" Mona "You're pretty and smart. I like that in a woman." Sharan "You are tripping. I don't even swing that way. " Mona "It's not about swinging. It's about love. I'm going to turn you out girl" She says putting her hand on Sharan's love muff. Sharan, trying to move herself around to remove Mona's hand from her private palace "Please STOP! I don't like this." Mona, removing her hand from her muff, she then smells her hand "Uhm sweet pu$$y. Girl I can't wait to make love to you." Sharan "That will never happen. Your insane." Mona "They say love makes you do crazy things. One day soon Sharan, you will love me, and like I already told you the sooner you accept that, the better off you will be. No one is coming for you. No one will ever find us. This is our new life together. So you better start adapting." Mona walks away and continues to dig her tunnel through the mountain side . Sharan has tears falling from her eyes, fearing what may happen to her next. Pasadena City Jail Ty approaches Chris's holding cell. Chris "I already know what you are going to say and No I did not kill Daniel?" Ty "I'm hearing differently. I understand that you were the one that had Daniel's blood all over your hands." Chris "That doesn't mean anything. It was a strange night. You know what, I don't even know why I am having this conversation with you. You're a nobody to me. I don't have to prove or explain myself to you. Point blank, I didn't kill your boy and if you don't want to believe that I don't know what to tell you." Ty, wonders if Chris really is telling the truth "You don't know who you talking to son? You are lucky these bars separate us right now." Chris "Ty, you may scare Lauren or even Mike but not me. Get the hell out of my face." Ty "You will regret this. No one talks to me like that. Disrespectful Bastard. You better hope a jury finds you guilty of murder in the first. It's no telling what will happen to you if you were set free." Chris "Are you threatening me?" Ty "Enjoy you're stay. I know people in the right places." Ty cooly says and walks out the City Jail. Chris laying back down on his cot "Damn, how do I try to prove my innocence if I don't even know what happened the night the lights went out." TC Hotel Jenn is sitting in Ty's office at his desk. She types in the name Jodie Keefe into the computer. Thinking aloud "I got to find some dirt on you Jodie. I don't understand why Mike and Ty are so infatuated with you. We all have dark secrets and soon I am going to find yours." As Jenn researches on the computer, Jodie walks in "Ty some one wants---" Upon seeing Jenn Jodie stops in her tracks. "Where's Tyler?" Jenn "Why? You want to screw him too?" Jodie "Not this again. You know, you must be really bored to come up with all these stories. Get a life Jenn and for that matter grow up." Jenn "My My My, Look at the slut growing balls." Jodie "Aint no balls here Bitch Just answer the damn question Where the hell is Ty?" Jenn "Don't talk to me like that. I have the ability to have Ty fire you." Jodie "Yea Yea Jenn. Keep telling yourself that." Jenn "What is it with you? Your like a cancer, you're unwanted and you keep spreading." Jodie "Mike wants me. I think Ty does too. I know that makes you jealous on the inside. Your insecure Jenn just face it." Jenn picks up a flower vase and throws it in Jodie's direction. It misses and shatters into the wall. Jodie "Poor Jenn." Jodie says with a smile and leaves Ty's office. Jenn "I hate you Bitch!" She says hollering after her" God I hate her." Jenn sits back down in front of the computer "Got it, Cleveland, Ohio. I think it's time to visit Jodie's hometown." Jenn says with a smirk on her face. Just then Ty walks in. Jenn hurries up and exits out of her search. TY looks at the shattered vase. Ty "What the hell happened in here and what are you doing on my computer." Jenn, closing out her search page before Ty can walk over and see what she is up to "Nothing baby. I was just looking up some places for us to go. I think we need a vacation." Ty "Your out of your mind." Jenn "What?" Ty "Jodie told me about the little temper tantrum you just threw." Jenn "Oh did she? And?" Ty "Jenn I am dealing with a lot right now. Santino and Daniel are dead. " Jenn Santino's dead?" Ty "Yes, now I don't need you acting childish around here. " Jenn "So now I am acting childish? I don't know how many more ways I can express to you that I don't like Jodie and I don't want her working so closely with you." Ty "Just get the hell out of my face. You really get on my nerves you know that. Leave Jodie alone!" Jenn "I can't believe you." She says rolling her eyes at Ty and walking out his office. Jenn walks past Jodie at the receptionist desk. Jodie smiles at her. Jenn "You can smile all you want. But this is not over you Bitch!" Jodie "Tootles" Jenn storms off. Upon her leaving, Ty comes out his office and ask Jodie to come in his office so her can talk to her. Jodie wonders if this will be a break through in penetrating Ty's dirty dealings. The Blue Note Kevin walks in and over to the bar. He orders a Heineken. He looks over to his left and sees his good friend Lauren, starring off into space. Kevin "Lauren, I didn't even see you there. I'm sorry for what happened to Daniel." Lauren looks at him "Thank you Kevin. I heard about Sharan being kidnapped. Any leads with that?" Kevin "Dre kidnapped her but he's not telling us where she is. He keeps saying he has nothing to do with the kidnapping." Lauren "This is so surreal. The people we love has been taken away from us. It's funny because Chris insists he didn't stab Daniel to death." Kevin "Strange indeed." Drinking on his beer as Lauren sips on her gin and juice. "It's been a long time since we've seen one another." Lauren "Yes it has. Too long. Your face is just what I need." She says hugging him as Jenn walks in. Jenn sees Lauren hugged up on Kevin. "What is it with these sluts in Pasadena?" Jenn has a flashback of Ty comforting Lauren at Dahlia's funeral. Jenn walks over to Lauren "Can we talk Lauren?" Lauren "I guess Jenn." Kevin "You two go ahead, Lauren, I'll be on the deck when you are done." Kevin grabs his beer and heads to the deck that sits over a bright blue illuminated pond. Jenn "Why are you so cold with me these days?" Lauren "Is this what you want to talk to me about? I really don't have time for this." She says as she begins to get up an leave. Jenn grabs her. Jenn "I'm not done!" Lauren, shrugging Jenn's hand off her "You better get your damn hands off me." Jenn "Well you do the same with Ty." Lauren "Excuse me?" Jenn "I saw you all up in Ty's arms at your crack head boyfriend's funeral. Your such a hypocrite and a phony. One minute you tell me you hate Ty and that you don't want me to be with him but in the next minute your up in arm with him. Where do you get off?" Lauren throws her drink in Jenn's face "I just lost someone very close to me and all you can worry about is yourself. I am so glad we are not friends no more. Get the hell out of my restaurant before I throw you out myself." She says as she walks away. Jenn wipes the wine off her face as patrons stare at her "I don't believe this!" Jenn grabs her soiled purse and heads to Ty's Mansion on Lavender hill. Back at TC Hotel Jodie sits in a chair in front of Ty's desk. Ty "I just wanted to apologize on Jenn's behalf for treating you the way she's been treating you." Jodie "You don't have to apologize for her actions. Jenn does not phase me." Ty "I'm glad to hear it." Jodie "It looks like you have a lot on your mind. With Daniel being dead I know you are going through a lot of emotional distress." Ty "You have no idea. I can't believe this is happening." Jodie "Well I am here for you. If you ever need someone to talk to, I am always here for you." TY "Thank you, that's means so much to me." His office phone rings "Thank you chief and good work." Jodie "Was that about Daniel's murder?" Ty "Not at all. My father is coming home" He says with a smile on his face. Mona's Underground Bunker Looking at her cell phone, Mona sees she has 7 missed calls from Ty "That dumb fool. I know he going bonkers wondering where I am at and what happened to Santino. It's time to play with his head even more." Mona dials some numbers on her cell phone. A woman answers on the other end Mona "Is everything ok?" Woman "Yes it is. I'm outside Ty's mansion right now." Mona "Good, Make the delivery and call me when it's done" Mona hangs up Lavender Hill, The woman on the phone, who is wearing red high heels, gets out her van she's in and wheels a body in a wheel chair up to Ty's front door. The woman rings the door bell and hurries off to escape being discovered. Jenn having just stepped out the shower, wraps a towel around her and opens the door. She is horrified and screams out at the top of her lungs as she looks at a charred body in a wheel chair. Who is it? And who is the woman wearing red high heels?
  15. Very good episode it was very smooth. I got a couple question if you guys don't mind? Who is Alison? And why does Nicole want to hurt Carrie? Nicole is all over the place being bad. I love it. Did Lucas actually rape that poor girl. My jaw dropped when I read that. I also love how Sami and Lucas will be having a custody battle. I miss these two going at it. Another surprise for me was Vic, and Maggie, Did I miss that? But I love it. Wow First Steve and Hope and now these two. I was also praying Vic would not have a heart attack having numerous love sessions with Mags. Damn is he on Viagra. Great scenes though. Loved it. So nice and tender. Great episode guys, I see I'm going to have to read much more often
  16. aMLCproduction


    I see the storylines are slowly moving away from the war. Another good episode. I see some seeds are being planted. So much is oing on. SO much to deal with.
  17. Downtown Pasadena, Natalia with Ria pulls up to the address Alexis gave her. They both get out of the car and look at the tall skyscraper that stands before them. Alexis walks around the corner and greets them. Alexis "Hello." Stopping dead in her tracks, surprised to see Ria. "What is she doing here?" Natalia "Hello, this is my good friend Victoria. I know you two may have had some words in the past, but she is here in good faith. We come in a package." Alexis "Is that so? You know I really don't like surprises." Ria "And I don't like yo-." Natalia puts a hand over Ria's mouth Alexis "I don't think this is going to work." Ria, pushing Natalia's hand away. "Don't worry Natti girl. I got this." She then looks at Alexis "I was going to say,...that I didn't like how we first met. It was unwomanly of me and for that I apologize." Alexis, impressed, arches an eyebrow "I hope this isn't some sort of trick" Ria "Naw girl. I am over Karim. You can have him." She then thinks, "Sloppy Seconds Bitch" Alexis "Then I guess we can bury the hatchet. By the way, I like your look." Ria "I have been told that thanks." Natalia "I was hoping you would say that. I was thinking maybe Ria could be one of our models." Alexis "I like the sound of that. I got a girl coming over any minute who's going to be one of our models too. In fact here she is now." She says seeing Jodie pull up in her Saturn wagon. Jodie gets out the car and walks over to her soon to be employer Alexis. Alexis "Everyone this is Jodie. Jodie meet my west coast partner Natalia and one of our newest models Ria." Jodie "It's nice to meet you too. I believe I read about you in the paper Something about you were trapped in the Stink So Good Landfill site." She says looking at Natalia Natalia "What can I say? I draw attention to myself." Alexis "And that's something were going to have to change. We can't afford negative publicity at this point. Especially since we are going through an expansion period. So please everyone, before you sign on the dotted lines, make sure you can maintain your lifestyles so there is no problems. We are in it to win it. " Natalia "Well I can say that there won't be any problems on my behalf. I got too much riding on this." As she says that, she has a flashback of sleeping with Bryan, Alexis's dead sisters ex boyfriend. Jodie "I don't have anything to hide" Trying to reassure herself that no one will find out about her HIV status. Ria "Well aint no skeletons in my closet. What you see is what you get." Ria has a remembrance of the conversation she had with Lisa at The Jump Off regarding "AlphaPhiFuckem" Upon hearing everyone's oath of truthfulness, Alexis has her own remembrance of hitting a car the night of the rain storm in the u haul she was driving. The same night her sister was runned down. Alexis shakes the thoughts of the possibility that she is responsible for her own sisters death "Great. The realtor is waiting inside, let's go in and check out our new office building." Everyone walks inside except for Natalia. She stays back and looks up at the skyscraper she's about to enter into. As she eyeballs the entire 69 story structure, she thinks "Finally, my dreams are coming true" Episode:59 Sweet Cheeks Written By: ML Cooks, with Monique Bitches Sierra Madre. Mona's underground Bunker Mona with a shovel in her hand is digging what seems to be a tunnel into the wall. Sharan, is still tied up to the bed as Daniel is still chained up in a standing position. Daniel "please, I am begging you. Please let me go. I didn't hear nothing, see nothing nor Do I know nothing. Just please let me go." Mona stops digging, and wipes sweat that is rolling down her face "No can do. If I let you go, then what kind of fun will I have. I won't be able to get my thrills." Daniel "Haven't you tortured me enough? You shot me, got me hooked on Meth, played with my mind." Mona "Enough? Don't think so. I am just getting started." She takes her shovel and bashes Daniel's knee cap with it. Daniel screams out in pain. Sharan "Why are you doing this?" Mona "It's ok my pretty. You don't have to worry about nothing." Sharan "Like hell I do. You're a mad woman. Some one is going to find us." Mona "Don't ever count on that happening. I've went through too much to get you here with me. We are going to be a couple for the rest of our lives so you better get used to it." Mona walks over and tries to kiss Sharan on the lips. Instead of pulling away this time, Sharan goes into the kiss with Mona , as Mona presses her lips against Sharan's, Sharan bites down on Mona's bottom lip. Mona jerks away and holds her lips as blood drips from it. Mona "Why would you do that to me.?" Mona slaps Sharan across the face "I see you like it rough mami. I like aggressive females." Sharan "Why are you doing all this?" Mona "In the name of love and revenge." Sharan "Revenge? What do you mean. I didn't do anything to you." Mona "No but your fiancée did." Sharan "What did he do?" Mona "Your asking me too many questions." Mona picks up her shovel and continues to dig her tunnel through the mountainside Pasadena Police Station Kevin storms into the holding areas and sees Dondre laying on his cot. " Get up Bitch!" Kevin says pointing a gun at him. Dondre slowly gets up with his hands up "A gun, in the police station? For real?" Abe comes barging in along with his other subordinate officers "Son, put the gun down. Don't do this." Dre "You hear your pops talking to you son? Put the gun down." Kevin looks directly into Dondre's eyes, he keeps having flashbacks of Sharan's calling out Dondre's name last night while making love. "You just don't know when to quit. First my brother's fiancée then mine? " Dre "Look man I did not kidnap Sharan. I don't know what happened to her." Abe "Son put the gun down. You're only going to make things worse." Kevin doesn't flinch. He now has images of shooting Dondre and how great it would feel to get rid of him Then Sister Patterson Williams walks in. Officers tries to hold the sister back but she pushes the officers off her "Get you dirty hands off me fool. I don't know where they've been." She says to one of the officers. Pat walks over to her son and grabs the gun out of his hand. Abe looks on in shock Pat "Boy what is the matter with you. I didn't raise no killer." She slaps him. "What if Miss Jenkins finds out about this. Boy you know the Lord don't like ugly." Abe grabs the gun from Pat's hand. Kevin still has a murderous look in his eyes as he has a stare down with Kevin Pat "Boy you better look at me when I am talking to you." She slaps him again. Kevin finally breaks away from Dondre and looks at his mother. Pat "What's the matter with you. You hard of hearing. I don't want to have to jack you up. You going to make me cuss. You know the good Lord won't like that. " Kevin, without saying anything just walks out the city Jail. Dondre "He just can't do that and walk away. He pulled a gun on me." Abe "Shut the hell up. You kidnapped Sharan. You wanna tell us where she is? It will make things much easier for you and the tax payers." Dondre "I didn't kidnap Sharan. I don't know where's she at. That's the truth." Abe "Well it looks like you'll be in here a very long time." Abe walks away Dondre "This aint right man. I didn't kidnap Sharan! Let me out of here! Ty walks into the Police station. He sees Abe and walks over to him interrupting his conversation with an officer "We need to talk." Abe "Well if you have a seat right over there, I'll be with you in a few." Ty "Not good enough." Abe looks at Ty with a frowned face "Come into my office." The officer wonders why the chief is letting Ty command him like that. Abe closes the door behind him Abe "Don't talk to me like that in front of my employees." Ty "Don't be petty. There are other things going on. I hope Chris is in jail?" Abe "Yes he is." Ty "Good, make sure he stays behind bars for life for killing Daniel. In fact I want you to make sure he gets the death penalty." Abe "I can't do that. That's for a court to decide." Ty "Not no more. You will make it happen or I'll just have to expose the skeleton's in your closet." Abe "Your bluffing, and if you do tell the world what I did, I'd take you with me. Check mate." Ty is a little caught of guard with Abe's bold words. Ty "I'm telling you know chief. I am nothing to be played with. You will make Chris get the death penalty or I will take you and your whole family out." Abe "Where is Mona?" Ty "That's a good question." Abe "A lot of crimes happened last night. Is she behind all of this?" Ty "I have not been in contact with her. Which brings me to Santino. I haven't heard from him either." Abe That's because we found his car at the bottom of the Sierra Madre mountains. He seems he drove over the cliff and his car exploded upon crashing," Ty "What?!" He says yelling. He stops takes a deep breath and regains his cool." I don't even believe this. First Daniel and now Tino." Abe "So you know nothing about Sharan being kidnapped either?" Ty "Listen, I can't talk to you about this. When shall I expect my father to be released from his jail term." Abe "It's not that easy you know." Ty "You're a smart man. I am sure you figure something out." Abe "You can't do this. People are going to start asking questions." Ty "Doesn't matter to me. Make it happen. You got two days to bail him out, if you don't, I'll make a live news announcement on WMLC telling the world you are a child molester." Abe "Carl will be out before then. Don't worry." Ty "Good, I knew you would see things my way." Ty gets up and leaves, as he walks out the City Jail, he wonders why he hasn't heard from Mona, and what happened to Tino. TY decides to go visit Mona at her mountain side resort. Westwood Park, Marks' House Mark is going through his closets and packing up Dahlia's things. He comes a cross a photograph of them together. Mark smiles as he flashes back to the very day the photograph was taken "I don't know what I am going to do with out you. I let you down in so many ways." His thoughts are interrupted with a bang on the door. Mark sets the picture down and goes to answer the door. It's Rufus. Mark "What the hell are you doing here? I thought I told you at Dahlia's funeral to leave town." Rufus "Is that any way to greet me." Rufus lets herself in. Mark "Some one could have saw you." Rufus "Your point?" Mark "Listen, what happened was long ago. I am a changed man." Rufus "I bet you are. But that doesn't really matter to me. I am here for the big payback. You know what you did was wrong." Mark "Let's not live in the past. Let by gone be by gones. I have nothing for you." Rufus "I'm not going anywhere. I am not going to leave you like you left me. High and dry in my darkest hours. I am just here to return the favor sweet cheeks. Now give me a kiss" Rufus walks over to Mark and Kisses him on the lips!
  18. this is my first time seeing the PC Chronicles but what a cool idea. Love the casting choices
  19. Can I Get A Witness West Coast Baptist Church Sister Patterson, with funeral programs in her hand, stands at the front door of the church, waiting to greet mourners, for Dahlia's body less funeral The first guest to arrive is Sister Patterson's very own, Karim Williams and his new girlfriend Alexis. As they approach, Karim gives Alexis a quick pep talk Karim "Listen, my mom is crazy." Alexis "I'm sure she's a nice woman." Karim, as they get closer "Good morning ma." Sister Patterson hugs her son while eyeballing Alexis. "Good morning baby. Is your brother coming?" Karim "No, he's with pops. Trying to find leads on Sharan. Ma, this is Alexis." Alexis puts her hands out to shake Sister Patterson, coughing "I don't shake. Too many germs going around." Karim rolls his eyes and Alexis is stunned. Pat "So you said this is your friend? It looks like you two are more than that. Don't lie to me Karim. The Lord is sending me signal that you're lying. What if Miss Jenkins found out you were lying to me." Karim "Ma yes, Alexis and I are dating." Pat "Lord Have Mercy. What happened to Victoria?" Karim "Ma not now please." He says grabbing Alexis and trying to walk past his mother. She jumps in front of them and looks at Alexis. "I'm watching you. There is something about you that is evil. I can feel in my bones. I got my eye on you snowflake." Alexis "Excuse me?" Karim "Ma, don't!" He says this time walking past his mother with Alexis. Pat, hollering at them "You forgot your program. I didn't make these for my health. Don't you walk away from me Karim. I don't want to have to jack you up in the Lord's House. Lord what if Miss Jenkins found out about this," She shakes her head in disgust and walks back outside to her post. "I can tell this funeral is going to be crazy." Episode: 58, Dahlia's Funeral Written by ML C with Monique Bitches Next guest to arrive are Natalia and Ria. They walk up to Sister Patterson Pat "I can't believe a slut like you would show your face here in God's house. Thou shall not be the hor of Pasadena." She says hugging her." Ria "Hello Sister Patterson. It's good to see you again. It feels like I haven't seen you in a month of Sundays." Pat "Yes it does. And I'm glad. You hurt my son. God shall strike you down for that" She looks at Natalia "Oh here you go" Handing Nat a program. Natalia "It's good to see you again Sister Patterson." As they are about to walk into the church. Pat suddenly jumps in front of them. Pat "Wait! Do you feel that?" Natalia and Ria both look at each other in confusion Natalia "Feel what?" Pat "There's an evil presence here. I can hear, feel and smell it." Ria "You can smell evil?" Pat "I am doing the good work of the Lord so yes I have those capabilities." She looks at Natalia "You're the devil!" Natalia "I beg your pardon." Patterson "Get away from me devil." She says pulling out her Holy Water. Natalia and Ria rush inside before Sister Patterson can throw the Holy Water on her. Next is Mark to arrive. He slowly approaches Sister Patterson Pat "Good morning baby." Mark "Good morning Sister." Pat "I'm so sorry for your loss. God has a reason for everything." She says as she hugs him Mark "Thank you Mother Williams." Pat, letting go of Mark "Wait!!.. Hold up.. Something isn't right. My third eye is being activated" Mark, frowning up "Are you ok Sister Patterson?" Pat "There is something about you that isn't right." Mark "What do you mean?" Pat "Your hiding something. I want you to tell me what it is now?" Mark, thinking of the harassing phone calls and his sliced car tires "Sister, no disrespect, but I'm not hiding anything." He says trying to walk past her Pat "Where do you think your going? This is God's House and you just lied on his front porch. Lord Have Mercy. You need to go in there, get on your knees and repent. I got all three eyes on you." She hands him a program and pushes him inside, Mark's mysterious phone caller, the one with the loud Chevette pulls into the church parking lot. As the Chevette backfires one last time before cutting off, the mysterious person gets out the car, wearing pink pumps, pink stockings and a pink weave. This lady takes a back entrance to the church. Inside she sees Mark. "Yes indeed. I'm here for the big payback." The woman sees a woman approach Mark Natalia "I'm glad you could make it." She says hugging Mark "I know this is hard for you but I want you to know that I am here for you every step of the way." Mark "Get your hands of me. It's because of you why Dahlia is dead." From afar Mysterious person, still watching Mark and Natalia "Who is that hugging all over Mark." The lady studies Natalia more. "She looks big around the belly. Is she pregnant? I have to find out what the deal is with her." Next to arrive are Mike and Jodie, Hand in Hand. They greet Sister Patterson Pat, hugging Mike first "It's good to see you two again. After I saw this lady here straddling over you on TV at your Pub, I thought, now that is a crime shame. One of Pasadena's finest got caught with his pants down." Mike "Sister, it wasn't even like that." Pat "Don't say no more. We are in the house of the good Lord. Don't lie." She hugs Jodie then she stares at her Jodie "Is something wrong sister?" Pat, tears rolling down her face, hugs Jodie again "Poor girl, I know what you're going through. I feel your pain. Just keep you're head up." Jodie looks at Pat in confusion "What pain?" Pat "I knows everything honey. God tells me everything. I know what you're going through." Jodie wonders if sister Patterson is referring to her HIV status. Sensing a weirdness in the air Mike breaks the silence Mike "Sister Patterson, it's good seeing you again.' They walk into the church. Next up are Ty and Jenn. Pat "Well Hello and welcome to God's House. I'm so sorry we have to meet like this." Jenn "I am too, how are you sister Patterson" Pat "Blessed" She says as she hugs her. Ty "You look lovely as always Ms. Patterson." Pat "That's sister Patterson to you son, and yes I do don't I? The good Lord told me to wear this today." She says handing them the funeral program. She looks at Ty Ty "Are you ok Sister Patterson?" Pat "I don't know. There is something about you. " Ty "As in?" Pat "My third eye tells me you are a snake. I can feel it in my bones." Ty "Maybe you should get some glasses Ms. Patterson." Pat "Oh no you didn't. I hope I don't have to cuss in my God's House." Jenn grabs Ty and they walk inside and sister Patterson follows. Ria approaches Karim, who is sitting with Alexis Ria "I'm sorry to interrupt but Karim can I talk to you?" Alexis, arching an eye brow at Ria "GO ahead baby. I'm not worried." She says kissing him on the lips, rubbing the fact that Karim is her man now. Karim gets up and they head to the back of the church Mark, sitting in the front row gets company as Natalia sits next to him. "What the hell are you doing here?" Natalia "Why are you so mean to me? I'm here to be here for my baby's father." Mark "You shouldn't have wasted your time." Natalia "Is this how your going to be acting when our bundle of joy is born?" Mark "I already told you I'll be suing you for full parental rights. You are an unfit and unstable mother and no child of mines will be raised by a lying Bitch like you." Natalia slaps Mark across the face. Natalia "I was good enough to sleep with but not to raise a child?" Mark "You blackmailed me into having sex for you. Now get the hell away from me. I'm going to Abe and filing a restraining order on you." From afar. Mark's mysterious caller is watching all this take place "She's pregnant. She's trying to trap him to be with her. I'm not having it. " The mysterious person disappears. Finally the Funeral begins and Sister Patterson Williams takes her place at the front of the church. "Amen" Guest "Amen Pat, even louder "I said AMEN!!" Guest, getting louder and looking at the sister like she crazy "Amen" Pat, turning the page of a book "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today for the nuptials-" Someone clears there throat in the crowd. Pat "Lord Have Mercy. I'm reading the wedding speech. Lord forgive me" She says adjusting her glasses "The Lord works in mysterious ways. But he has a plan. Though we didn't know sister Dahlia all that well, her spirit lives in the minds and hearts of the people who came her to show there respects. Sister Dahlia was a good woman, never in trouble with the law. Oh now wait a minute. I did read about her being arrested for stealing clothes. She should have went to the salvation army if she was poor. Sister Dahlia could have come over to my house and I would have been glad to offer some of my pretty Sunday dresses. But any case. Sister Dahlia, we will never forget you, and may you rest in peace." In the crowd, Ty gets a phone call and not to be rude, tells Jenn he'll be back Pat "We thank everyone for coming and may God bless." She steps down to mingle and console the guests. Mark continues to stare at Dahlia's picture. Remembering all the good times they've shared together over the years, he sheds a tear. Mike and Jodie are now outside the church As they walk out, she stops and looks at him Jodie "Listen Mike, I really have to get something off my chest about what I said to you the other night at The Blue Note." What the couple doesn't know is Jenn is sneaking in on there conversation. Mike "Please Jodie it's ok" Jodie "I don't feel it is." Mike "Let me prove it to you." Mike leans in and kisses Jodie passionately. Jenn is fuming mad. "Damn that Bitch. What is it with her that Mike and Ty can't get enough off. I've had it. It's time to take Jodie out. It's time to dig some dirt on that slut." Karim "Ria what is it?" Ria "I just wanted to tell you Karim, that I am so sorry for hurting you. I was selfish and wrong." Karim "Is this a plea to get back with me? If so you can save it." Ria "No no nothing like that. I'm ready to move on and I just wanted to let you know that I have moved on. I wish you well with Alexis. I have no bad feelings toward her. My loss is her gain. And in fact, if she didn't tell you, were going to be working together." Karim doesn't know what to say at Ria's new mature outlook on this situation Ria "Well, have a good day Karim" She walks away. Karim watches as she walks off. That is until Alexis comes up behind him. "Is everything ok?" Karim "I guess so." A late comer to the funeral, Diego on a mission to find Natalia does just that. He grabs her and pulls her aside. Natalia "Get your hands off me. What is it with people wanting to hurt me while I am with child?" Diego "You can stop the act. I'm not Mark!" Natalia "Well what the hell do you want? I have a man to love." Diego "Our deal." Natalia "What deal. Dahlia is dead. " Diego "Right. So we need to make some adjustments in our deal. I was supposed to have Dahlia for me keeping quiet about how you paid Suga to stab Dahlia." Natalia "So what do you want damn it?" Diego, with a smile on his face "I thought you'd never ask" Having heard the whole conversation is Mark's mysterious caller As Ty is about to make call he sees Lauren approaching him with a half bottle of Gin. He walks over to her Ty "Lauren. I'd never thought I'd see you like this" Lauren, tears rolling down her face "He's gone. Chris Killed him" Ty "Who?" Lauren "Daniel!" Breaking into tears. Putting aside there differences for once and still in a state of shock Ty embraces Lauren and Lauren without hesitation wraps her arms around Ty. Jenn is off in the distance and is star struck at her best friends affectionate hug with her so called enemy. Upon approaching his car, Mark can see some one is in his car on the passenger side. He runs up to see who it is and he comes face to face with the person who has been calling him and harassing him. Mark "Rufus!" Rufus "That's me. And I'm here for the big payback."
  20. The Williams House Abe, looking distraught, from all the drama he's dealing with, walks in his front door. He hangs his coat and hat on the coat hanger and enters the kitchen where the smells of fried chicken and greens entices him. He sees his wife and the mother of his 2 and a half kids, the Williams Matriarch, Sister Patterson. Sister Patterson, looking at Abe with a mean face "It's nice to know you care about me. You didn't call or nothing during the black out. Lord have mercy. What if Miss Jenkins found out?" Abe " A lot of stuff happened during the black out. It's been non stop crazy." Sister Patterson "Yea, Yea, tell me anything huh? You make sick." She turns away from him and takes the hot water corn bread that is done baking in the oven as Abe takes a seat at the dining room table. Sister Patterson "Why haven't I heard from my sons yet? They even haven't checked up on me. I was here all by myself in this big ass house in the dark. I didn't know if it was the end of the world or not. I can see where Kevin and Karim get's there selfishiness from." Abe "Sharan was kidnapped last night." Sister Patterson "Say what? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Instead of telling me what's going on you want to argue with me. I don't know why we get married. Tyler Perry should have asked me that damn question instead of making that movie. Lord, wait till Miss Jenkins finds out. Where is my son?!" Abe "I would have told you if you would have given me a chance" Sister Patterson "Those should have been the first words out your mouth you dummy. Go get my son! Lord help me." She says looking up toward the ceiling. Just then Kevin walks into the house. Sister Patterson drops her towel she was drying her hands off with and walks into her foyer to see if it's Kevin. It is. Pat embraces her son in a hug as Abe watches. He wonders if Mona, his supposed dead daughter is behind the kidnapping of Sharan. Episode: 57, Meet Sister Patterson Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches Huntington Memorial Hospital Alexis walks into Natalia's room Natalia "Well well well, welcome. I've been waiting to meet you" Alexis "Do I know you? You kept looking at me at The Jump Off the other night." Natalia "You don't know me yet. But you're about to. I'm Natalia Ciglutie" Alexis "Alexis Jones" Natalia "Yes, Ashley's sister. You two do look alike." Alexis "That's what people say. Now tell me why I should know you" Natalia "We have a common enemy. Sabryn Genet." Alexis "You hate the Bitch too?" Natalia "With a Passion. She fired me from one of her stores, won't give me any credit for helping her fashion become no.1 in the nation. She's disrespectful, rude and devious. She's second class, bottom of the line Bitch" Alexis "Correction, S.G. has slipped to no.4" Natalia "That's great news. The high and mighty does fall. Serves her just right. And I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't belive Sabryn an Bryan ran her down" Alexis, upon hearing Natalia say that, Alexis has a flashback, of being the u-hual driver that rammed into Sabryn's and Bryan's car, causing the cars to run over Ashley, She comes out her remeberance "And she's going to fall even further. So tell me how you helped Sabryn become number 1?" Natalia "Well I design stuff here and there. I have submitted some of my designs to Sabryn. She said I could sell them in the store I ran for her but that was it. I might add that the store I managed for her was her highest grossing store in the country. Hence that store was the only one to sell my designs" Alexis "Very interesting. I am opening a new west coast office based on my New York based Divine Design." Natalia "What a convenience. I have money to invest." Alexis "I like the sound of that. Money talks. What are you working with?" Natalia "Half a million dollars." Alexis "Very good. I am scouting some sites for my office later on today. I believe I have my first model as well. Her name is Jodie and I'm meeting up with her later." Natalia "I'm leaving the hospital today. Maybe we can get together and look at some of my designs?" Alexis "I would like that. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership." Natalia "A partnership dedicated to the destruction of Sabryn Genet, and her fashion house." Alexis, smiling "This will be great." Alexis pulls out her card and hands it to Natalia "Call me when you are free." Natalia "Will do." Alexis leaves "Look out Sabryn. I'm coming to get you." Natalia gathers up her things and prepares to leave the hospital The Blue Note Lauren is sitting at the bar, drinking white wine. As she finishes her glass she orders another as thoughts of Daniel's open eyed dead body keep flashing through her head. Upon getting her drink, she drinks the entire glassful in one swallow. "Is this seat taken?" Lauren hears, and she turns around to see Jennifer. "I assume this is a public place." She replies coldly, ordering another glass of wine. Jenn "Look Lauren, I know I am probably the last person you want to see right now." Lauren "True. SO why are you here? " Jenn "I am here because I care. I want to be here for you. I heard what happened to Daniel. I am so sorry for your loss." Lauren wipes a tear free falling down her cheek. Lauren "If you were really sorry Jenn, then you would have told Ty to leave Daniel alone." Jenn "How does Ty have anything to do with this. Didn't Chris stab Daniel?" Lauren, trying to tune out her once close friend, again empties her glass. Jenn "I'm sorry. Lauren, I miss talking to you. I miss hanging out with you. Even though we are not on cool terms, I still care about you. Through all these misunderstandings You are my friend at the end of the day. A good friend. Your dealing with a lot and I want to help." Lauren, after ordering another drink, looks at Jenn. She stares into Jenn's eyes and remembers what it felt like having a good friend in Jenn. Getting more teary eyed, Lauren wraps her arms around Jenn and she let's it out. Jenn holds her friend back. "It's ok, Let it out." She stands Lauren up and escorts her to her private office. Inside the office Lauren seats down her leather couch Lauren "I just can't believe this is happening. It all happened so fast. I don't remember anything. The lights went out and when they came back on, there Daniel was, with a knife buried in his chest. Chris had blood all over his hands." Jenn "I can't believe Chris would do something like that. I didn't know he had it in me. He always seem so quiet." Lauren "He said he was going to kill him Jenn. I didn't think He actually would." Jenn has a flashback of Ty shooting her in the shoulder in the secret hallyways of his Hotel. "Believe it or not, I know how you feel Lauren. I am so sorry for letting Ty disrespect you a few weeks ago. I don't know what I was thinking. I know what I am saying to you means nothing right now, considering everything that your going through. But I just want you to know, I love you like a sister, and I want to patch things up between us. I don't want you going through this rough time by yourself. After all the wine you drank tonight, You need some one to help you. Drinking is not the answer to this." Lauren, woozy from the wine, and feeling more aggressive "Oh please. Don't feed me this holier than thou non sense. Don't let Daniel's death now bring you to your senses. If you couldn't see that Ty was being a rude Bastard to me when it happened, I don't want a death to bring it out now. After all the years of friendship, you let that Bastard ruin a good friendship. I don't want your pity or sympathy. Give it to yourself. You'll need it if you continue this relationship with that snake. You'll regret it one day. Now get the hell out, before I spit my drink out all over you again." Jenn "May be I already have" She says softly, getting up and leaving Lauren's office. Westwood Park, Natalia's House Ria walks through the front door reading the headlines of the newspaper. Natalia comes out the bathroom, trying to hook her hoop earring in her ear. Natalia "Can you get this for me." Ria "Girl you didn't tell me nothing about you and Dahlia." She says fastening Natalia's earring Natalia "It was something let me tell you." Ria "Yea girl do tell." Natalia "Dahlia awoke from her coma. She attacked me." Ria "Girl no she didn't" Natalia "Yes she did. After I told her I was with child, she went crazy. So in defending myself, we flew out the hospital window." Ria "Hell to the naw. You flew out the window?" Natalia "Yes we did." Ria "And ended up at Stink so Good. That is so crazy. You stay in drama girl. So tell me,.... did you beat Dahlia's ass?" Pausing and thinking, as she looks toward the ceiling "Lord Rest her soul" Natalia, smiling "You are so crazy." Ria "Yea, I've heard that a few times." Natalia "Well I guess you could say it was a tie. I am pregnant so I really didn't want to do to much and hurt this baby." Ria "I know that's right. You and Mark are going to be a family. I know you could not be happier." She hugs her best friend Natalia "Your right. I hate to say it, but Dahlia is no longer an obstacle." Ria "It is what it is. Accidents happen.....Next" Natalia "You silly. Listen, I got an appointment with Alexis and a realtor to look at a building for her company. You want to come with me?" Ria "Ashley's sister, Alexis Jones? As in Karim and Alexis?" Natalia "Yea, I guess so." Ria "You made that one up. I know you really tripping now. You know I don't like that skank" Natalia "Girl come on. This is business. I want you by my side. We can be rich." Ria "I am beautiful huh? I could be a model" She says patting her head and posing. Natalia "You already know you are." Ria "I don't know Natti. The idea of working with that Bitch makes me ill. I can't stand to see Karim and her together. She'll probably be flaunting him all in my face and that would force me to beat her ass and then his too. I don't play that. " Natalia "Ria, relax. I thought you have moved on from Karim.? Ria "Maybe, but I still don't want to see him with that white bi-" Stopping herself.. "That ugly Bitch." Natalia, smiling "You are better than that. Don't let Alexis stop you from becoming rich and famous. Besides, you will be a good counter weight against Alexis if anything ever goes wrong." Ria "That would give me an excuse to beat that hoe's ass huh?" Natalia "You is so crazy." Ria "Well girl let's go." They both grab there purses and leaves Westwood Park. Back at The Williams House Pat escorts Kevin into the dining room as Karim arrives at the house. Pat "Son I am so sorry. Lord have mercy." Kevin "Ma I don't understand how this happened." He looks at his father "Pops, please tell me you know something." Abe "No Kev, I'm sorry. " Pat "I'm not surprised. I still can't believe you are chief of police. Dumb ass Bastard" Karim, entering the room "Ma don't start." Pat "Lord forgive me. Abe just brings the devil out in me." Karim "How did this happen? Where is Dondre?" Kevin, having a flashback of Sharan calling out Dondre's name last night while they were making love "I don't know. Sharan and I were arguing next thing I know the lights went out, I heard Dondre coming into the house and after that I don't know what happened." Karim What do you mean you don't know?" Kevin "I must have fallen a sleep some how. I woke up and didn't see Sharan and I found a letter from Dondre that was to Sharan." Pat "What is on Dondre's mind? What kind of mad man kidnaps some one. Lord I can't let Miss Jenkins find out what's goings on. Dondre is sick and he needs to be stopped. Abe go get my Holy Water. We about to go to war" Karim "Ma, who is Miss Jenkins?" Pat looks at her youngest son. She stands up and walks over to him "Boy, don't talk about Miss Jenkins like that." She slaps him across the face. "Don't know one talk about Miss Jenkins honey." Abe shakes his head at his crazy wife. Just then his phone rings. "Hello?....Ok, I got you, I'll be down in a few." Abe hangs up his phone "They have found Dondre. He was in Seattle." Karim "Seattle?" Kevin "What about Sharan?" Abe "Sorry son, Sharan still has not turned up." Kevin "Damn.... Damn!. I'm going to kill Dondre." Kevin gets up, snatches his father's gun from his gun holster and leaves the house, and heads toward the police station ready to put a bullet into his enemy Dondre. Pat "Lord, the devil has taken over my son. Wait till Miss Jenkins finds out." Abe flees from the house trying to stop his son. Karim looks at his mother and wonders who in the hell is this Miss Jenkins? Pat grabs her Holy Water and goes after son, hoping she can make it on time from letting Kevin shoot Dondre.....
  21. Another good episode. I wonder what Anna is going to do now. I see things are heating up between Lynette and Jim and Greg. Can't wait for the next episode
  22. aMLCproduction


    Wow both are shot and they fell over a cliff. I am so loving it. SO much action going on.
  23. aMLCproduction


    Die EJ die. Another good episode. Poor Anna. And nice cliffhanger
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