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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. I like the new style. What made you do it and can we expect more? Good dialog too
  2. Another solid episode Matt. I can definitely tell you wrote this one. I loved the Dylan Nate scene. I also like how slowly you are weaving Nate into the thick of things. Hogan Sheffer need to take tips from you about that. Two of my fav characters Nick and CC working together. Now this is gonna get real good. I am so mad at Dr. Harnlo. That's a malpractice lawsuit and she should loose her license and If I was Blake I would sue her and that hospital. I WAS MAD AS HELL when you revealed it was only a dream for Ava. I was on the edge of my seat reading that and couldn't believe I was reading because it did come out of no where But it was only a dream. So glad you got into the emotions for Jon/Alley/ Blake/ London Owen is missing, let's see where this goes. And I loved all Of Carrie's line. You got some really GREAT storyline going. And I am really liking Mika. She's another you weaving into the canvas slowly. I like Will/Mika so far. Again Matt good episode and good dialog.
  3. Greater Yonders Funeral Home Alexis walks up to Ashley's coffin and looks over her dead sisters body. The Funeral Director approaches her "Ms. Jones, Is everything Ok?" Alexis "No. I don't like her hair or make up. She's too pale." "I'll fix that right away ma'am" Alexis grabs a seat as guest begins to arrive, The first being Karim, Kevin, and Sharan. Alexis turns around and sees Karim walking towards her. She smiles and gets up. Alexis "Thanks for coming." Karim "I am glad I can be here for you. I am so sorry for your loss." He hugs Alexis just as Ria walks in to see. Ria frowns up. "Oh, Hell to the no!. I know he is not kissing that white Bitch! He moved on already. I lost to her. I don't even think so." She says as she begins to confront the two. Episode: 45 Written by ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHES The next guess to arrive are Bryan and Sabryn. They walk up to see Ashley's body. Bryan "I still can't believe this is happening. I can't believe she's really dead. Sabryn, her death is my fault." He says looking into her eyes, Sabryn "It was an accident. You could not control what you were doing. Hell I could not of even. A U-haul rammed into the back of my car. And it was storming like crazy. It was a series of miscounted events. No one is to blame, well maybe that u-haul driver. We need to find out who was driving the u-haul." Bryan "But if it wasn't for me having an affair with her, she would not have been put in a position to have been runned down." "So you must be Bryan and you're Sabryn." They both turn around and see Alexis. Sabryn "And you are?" "Alexis Jones" Bryan "You're Ashley's sister?" Alexis "Yes" Sabryn "Damn. The roaches keep showing up." Alexis, chuckling "My sister has told a lot about that nasty attitude of yours." Sabryn "Your point would be what?" Alexis "I'm not Ashley Bitch! This is a new ball game. There's a new sheriff in town." Sabryn "Good for you. Is that supposed to mean something to me?" Alexis "Things are going to be a bit different around here. I'm going to make you two pay for hurting my sister." Bryan "I didn't hurt her on purpose. It was an accident. I lost control of my car." Alexis "What? Are you saying you're the one that mowed my sister." Sabryn "No Bitch. He said it was an accident now if you'll excuse us." Sabryn grabs Bryan's hand and brushes right past Alexis. Alexis "I guess I have to show this city what I am about." She pulls out her cell phone and makes a call… Natalia arrives, and greets Ria, before she has a chance to confront Karim and Alexis. Ria "Girl we got a problem." Natalia "What is it?" Ria "Karim was all kissy at the mouth with the broad over there" Pointing to Alexis. Natalia "You can't be serious, The Mister, "I'll never date a white woman."" Ria "Tell me about it. He's already moved on. I can't believe this. It's like nobody wants me anymore. What the hell is goings on? I'm beautiful, I'm classy, sensual. What is it? I feel like I'm played out." Natalia " And aggressive." Ria looks at her and rolls her eyes at her smiling, Natalia smiles back at her." Look, Don't say that. Maybe you need a little break. It's not you that's played out, it's Karim and Dondre. You have been with Karim for what 5 years, Being aggressive aint so bad neither. They always closed mouths don't get fed." Ria "Girl, I know that's right" Natalia " We can go to the club tomorrow night to find you a new man." Ria "I don't want no new man. I want Karim and Dondre back." Natalia "You can't have your cake and ice cream too. Besides, move on. If it's good sex you are looking for, there are other men besides, Dre, or as you call him Mr. Mandingo. And if you want a more, educated, renaissance man there's plenty of them out there too." Ria "I'll think about it. ." Natalia "You so crazy. I'm going to get some money from Bryan I'll meet up with you soon." Ty's Limo pulls up and Santino lets Ty and Jenn out the limo. They walk inside the Funeral home and see Mike and Jodie paying their respects to Ashley. Ty "Looks like we got a new super couple." Jenn "It makes me want to barf all over Jodie's face. She makes me sick to my stomach." Ty "She's really a nice person. You should try and get to know her. Let's go over and say hi." Jenn is gives Ty a "WTF" look and distantly follows him. Dondre and Chris arrive at the Funeral. Dondre "I thought you said Lauren would be meet you here?" Chris "I did. She should have been here by now. I'm going to call her." Dondre "Ok, I'm going to say hi to Sharan." Chris "Wait man, you sure that's a good idea?" Dondre "Why wouldn't it be? " Chris " I am just saying, things have really been intense lately. Good luck" He says as he walks off and calls Lauren cell. Kevin and Sharan walk over to Karim and Alexis. Karim "Kev, Sharan, this is Alexis, Ashley's sister" Sharan "Alexis, I am so sorry for your loss and so sorry we have to meet under these circumstances. Our prayers and thoughts are with you." Alexis "Thank you. That means a lot to me." Kevin "If there is anything we can do, let us know." Alexis "Thank you. It was nice meeting all of you." Alexis hugs them both, and Kevin and Sharan go grab seats. Alexis turns to Karim "I see sexy does run in the family." Karim "What are you trying to say? My brother is sexier than me?" Alexis "No body is sexier than you " Ria walks up to them "Karim we need to talk" Karim "Ria, we have nothing to talk about." Ria "Who is this Bitch?" Alexis "Excuse me!?" Karim grabs Ria by her arms and escorts her outside. Coming out the men's room is Bryan. As he is about to go back into the seating area, Natalia intercepts him. Bryan "Can I help you with something?" Natalia "Yes you can. But I could help you more?" Bryan "What is that supposed to mean?" Natalia "Let's take a walk outside." Seeing what just happened, Sabryn wonders, what her baby's father, and Natalia could be talking about. When she is about to walk off and confront the two, Alexis blocks her. Alexis "You don't know me. I am warning you now, I am not Ashley. I am no push over by any means necessary." Sabryn "You're lame just like your sister. She's a nobody, well now she's a dead nobody. And Just like her, I am not worried about you and your empty threats. I'll take you out like I took her out" Alexis "Are you saying you killed my sister?" Sabryn "Stop the dramatics. I have other pressing matters to attain to and now that your sister is dead, I only have 98 problems left. Thank God for that!." Alexis socks Sabryn in the jaw. Sabryn "Bitch! Not you too?" Sabryn grabs Alexis and tries to push her down onto the floor so she can have easier access to her foe, by pinning her down to the ground, a lesson learned from the two go rounds with Ashley. Alexis, proves she is not having it, and ultimately with more strength, and with a big force of might, Alexis pushes Sabryn back, so hard is the push in fact that Sabryn falls in to Ashley's casket and the movement causes the lid to close, enclosing Sabryn and a dead Ashley together. Chris walks over to Dondre. "Did you get a hold of Lauren yet?" Chris "No I haven't and that's not like her.. So I am going to her house to make sure everything is ok?" Dondre "You gone be cool man?" Chris "I'm cool. Just make sure you don't make the Williams brothers angry." Dondre "Aint nobody worried about them." Chris smiles and leaves to check on Lauren Outside the funeral Home, Ria "Don't be grabbing me like that, well unless we having sex." Karim "You were making a scene like you always do." Ria "Is that why you moved on already? Because the white girl is not loud?" Karim "Don't even go there. " Ria "Don't go there, Mr. I'll never date a white woman" Karim "Well as you can see, I didn't mean it. You are in no position to question me. You cheated on me with Dondre. You broke my heart, and the less I see of you the faster my pain will go away. So do yourself a favor, stop embarrassing yourself and leave me the hell alone." He turns and walks away. Ria closes her eyes and shakes her head, as a tear rolls down her cheek" I have really messed up" She looks over and sees Dondre approaching Sharan, leading into the hallway of the bathrooms, She decides, to sneak in the lobby, and stand around the corner to see if anything is going to happen. Dondre "Sharan hold up" He says as she exit's the bathroom Sharan "Dre, I really need to get back to Kevin." Dondre "What's the rush?" Sharan, looking at his moist lips, thinks of when they were kissing at the shop. Not knowing why she continues to think of the kiss, she decides, to break the news of her engagement, to maybe to confirm to herself that she is truly in love with Kevin and to let Dondre know she is now off limits. Sharan "Dre, Last night, Kevin and I got engaged." Dondre "I am sorry to hear." Sharan "At least be happy for me. Is that too much to ask?" Dondre "Sharan, I want to be happy for you, but I know, you being with Kevin won't make you happy. I will make you truly happy. I just need a chance. That's all I am asking for." Also thinking of the last kiss he planted on her, he knew she was drawn in so he tries it again and begins to passionately kisses her, Ria looks around the corner when she doesn't hear them talking no more and sees Dre and Ria and kissing. She walks out from her hiding spot "Look at you two. Sharan, I really can't believe you. You is one fake Bitch. I've been waiting for this." She says as she cracks her knuckles, and pulls her into a pony tail. Sharan is panicked, having been caught by Ria, kissing Dondre……Ria has now turned the tables On Sharan
  4. for me anything from 92 to about 98-99 was must watch. And the beginning of The SSk storylines. I have heard Cruise of deception was very good. People say when the Brady's and Dimera's first came the show was good( Early to Mid 80's I think) People also say Bill Bell's Days was good too. Bill/Laura/Mickey
  5. I personally loved the Possession and yes it was very Gothic and campy. Even creepy at times so its a good thing you didn't watch. Good background music, crazy stuff happening. It was great entertainment for me
  6. I really LOVE the casting choice of Roma Maffia. Great Find.!! Also like Nic G. and AJ Lamas. I will have to see what Ms. Roma is going to be up too. She has a VERY interesting look to her. Like she's full of mystery and secrets and a hidden agenda
  7. Wow wasn't expecting that ending. When the episode read London's choice I though it meant Who would she choose? Blake or Jon. I was happy to see Ginny slap Nate. I can almost feel some fire between them. I also loved Will's entrance into the café how he was able to read the paper and then go into the café. Nice touch. In this episode esp now that she is back on campus, Doesn't Carrie think she is too big to be 10 years old? Good episode, a little bit slower but still good.
  8. S.T.E.A.M. has been away this week, due to a quick hitaus. Recently a lot of controversy has arose from a recent storyline twist, Jodie has HIV. A lot of readers were taken aback buy this serious issue that was not expected on a show like S.T.E.A.M. I understand every one's concern and really appreciate the feed back. I take great pleasure, in telling that this latest twist will be handled properly and with dignity. "I know what I am doing. There's a method to my madness" Head writer ML C. has been quoted as saying. So in that regard, S.T.E.A.M. will return to your screens Sunday with MAJOR changes. First... Fired is Jennifer Hammon!!! With the recent storyline twist, Jenn will be taking a new direction and another actress was needed to fit the brash delivery Jenn is going to be delivering. We thank Ms. Hammon for her time and talent and wish her well on future endeavors. IN... Alicia Silver Stone as Jennifer Hammom The role of Jenn has been recasted with this beautiful sultry actress. "She's more in line in what I was looking for originally when casting the role of Jenn" The Head writer says. "Jenn is going into a new direction which will be quiet interesting. She debuts Sunday in a special 2 part episode. Also Fired.... Dondre T. Whitfield Mr. Whitfield has been let go due to storyline purposes. Just Like Jenn's character. "Dre" will be taking a different direction, as his storyline really heats up. Again We thank Mr. Whitfield, for his talent and wish him the best. IN... R&B Star D' Angelo The role of Dondre has been recasted with this talented singer. "D provides more of the range I need for the character of Dre" ML was quoted as saying. D' Angelo debuts in the role of Dondre(Dre) in Sundays special two part episode. Behind the Scenes Shake ups!! Out.. Mr. Ian H. has left due to other obligations. "We were fortunate to have experienced his talent. The door will always remain open for his return." We wish him well on his new series he is working on. IN... SONOP's Top Man Matt Preston will be writing a few scenes here and there. "We are happy to have his talent with us." ML said And Finally!!! The Season Finale...is coming. It's going to get CRAZY in Pasadena. The Lady In Black FINALLY reveals her Face and all Hell breaks loose.....
  9. Wow That's great Congrats and good luck. You deserve it
  10. Wow, Owen needs to seriously get some counseling if he lives. I know how he feels exactly. Why oh why did Nan leave behind a confess all diary, IF she indeed left it. I thought she as alive but you played me . But I know she is. I really like the new angle that has become in Ginny's life. I am looking forward to this "set up" But Ginny should have known better from the jump last night what Nate was alla bout by how easily it was or them to have sex.But hey, every one needs a good roll in the hay I really like Ava and Skye, but for some reason, I felt more of a passion or a connection with Trella and Lenvy. I don't know how you want to take that, just letting you know how I feel. I am really intrigued with Mika, and her scene with Will was nice. Every time I hear his last name I think of those German Panzer Tanks of the WW2 era, LOL, She is definitely one that has my eye. I love Bryan. I loved how he stood up to Blake. He is so raw and has that Don't give a [!@#$%^&*] attitude like Will but Bryan takes it to a whole another level. He is one of your best newer characters. It's Like I never know what he's going to say or do and I love that about him. So glad, we got back to the London/Blake/Jon/Alley baby scenario. I was really wondering when this was going to be picked back up and wouldn't you know it, before careful what you wish for, Her water broke. I know this is about to get interesting now. Also I sensed that we may learn a new secret with Carrie's amnesia. Very interesting episode Matt
  11. Again wow, A smile is on my face as I read those final lines. Lord have Mercy could it be.? AGAIN Matt another crispy episode. So VERY well put together and the dialog was was Crispy too. You know me so let me begin I LOVED the Alexia/Owen/Tanisha scenes. So much was happening. I could feel everyone's point of view and feelings. I am anxiously waiting to see where O/T go from here. And GINNY NO!!. It's like I feel her, you know wanting to get it on with a hunk esp being rejected by T/ and O kinda but He is going to play her and I hate to see her get hurt. ( I care about her) LOL. BUT I got a feeling she is not to be messed with. I feel like she got this hidden inner rage or maybe I am just tripping. I love the character Of Nate BTW. You are setting the C/N/J triangle up nicely. I was already a big fan of Nick and so glad he is front and center. I cannot wait until Carlos comes back and sees what Nick has done. I LOVED HOW DYLAN WAS TALKING TO CARRIE AND THE THINGS SHE WAS SAYING BACK TO HIM. It's great and funny for me. And I am bit surprised at how, I don't know what I would call it, Elizabeth's aggressive tone so far. At least that's what I got from her esp when she said the comment about the money. I am SO GLAD Alley/and Jon had that love scene. That was long over do and did wonders for them as a couple. I really like them together. Again Matt I love PP and I was worried about how season 4 was going to play out( you know, all my favs were leaving) but I no longer worry. I see your direction and I love it. Though I still miss my Trella and Lenvy, and PP is still good if not better with these new characters. Your story lines are really good this season too. Keep the episodes coming. Hey something to throw at you, Ever think about a Elizabeth, and Blake's parent's in a triangle. Imgaine all the dynamics between all those stars.
  12. aMLCproduction

    Casting News

    Very interesting casting choices. Damn Bryan is going to leave too. Lord, And I bet all my money Nan is not dead
  13. Wow!. That was probably the best episode of PP I have ever read. Everything was on point. Where do I start. Natalia and CC I don't know where you are going with Nate and Ginny, but if he going to keep on playing, then I do believe Ginny deserves much better than him. LOVED THE CATFIGHT. It was inevitable and boy was it good. I thought for sure Will was going to punch Blake at the press conference(well I was hoping he would)Bryan is one dirty bastard. Again, I am really feeling Ava and Skye. I laughed at "I'm all wet" for some reason.LOL I REALLY enjoyed the JDAC scene. It was very well written. The soaps that Carlos mentioned are they real soaps? Again Matt this is the best episode I have read on Pointe Palace , and if we do awards scenes and if not the entire episode should be on the ballet for something.
  14. Westwood Park, Lauren's House Lauren is awaken by a loud knock at her door. Getting out of bed, she puts a robe on and answers her door. To her surprise, It's Daniel. He immediately engulfs her in a hug. Lauren "Daniel, what are you doing here? Your supposed to be in that hospital." Daniel "Please Lauren, don't send me back there. She's after me." Lauren "Who? What is going on?" Daniel "She's going to get us. We have to go into hiding Lauren. It's the only way we can escape her." Lauren "Damn it Daniel tell me who?" Daniel "I can't. She'll kill you." Daniel sits on the floor and begin to pick at his skin. "It feels like bug are biting my skin, do you see these bugs on me? Lauren get them off me. Please!" Lauren looks at Daniel in confusion, she begins to realize Daniel is high once again. "Don't tell me your high. It's meth again isn't it? Daniel "Lauren, let me borrow 40 dollars" Lauren "I'm sorry I can't do that. I'm going to call the police." She walks into her kitchen to get the phone. Daniel leaps up and grabs her. "No! I can't let you do that. Didn't you hear me? If I go back she's going to get me.I can't do it. I can't go back there" Lauren "Get your hands off me Daniel, you're hurting me." Daniel "Just let me get 50 dollars and I'll be on my way." Lauren "I said NO! Now get off of me!!" She tries to struggle out his grip, then he suddenly slaps her. Lauren is in shock and rubs her face" I can't believe you hit me. Get Out!" Daniel "Give me some money!" Lauren "Hell no!" She tries to push him toward the front door. He gets angry and pushes her back. Lauren "Daniel, just please leave now." Daniel "Not until I get some money now you're making me mad. Hand it over and quit being such a Bitch about it." Lauren tries to dial 911 He grabs the phone and bashes Lauren in the head with it. Lauren passes out. Daniel goes to her bedroom and grabs all the cash out of Lauren's wallet and leaves her house as if nothing has happened Episode: 44 Written by: ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Sierra Madre, Santino parks Ty's limo in front of Mona's Mountain Resort. Santino opens Ty's door, and Ty steps out with a briefcase. Ty "I want you to find out where Jodie is. I have plans for her." Santino "Yes boss. I'll be back in 30 minutes to pick you up." Ty enters Mona's house. Mona is sitting in her living room turned science lab. "It's been a while." Mona "Yea Yea. Did you bring my drugs?" Ty "Here we go again." He sets the briefcase on a lab table and he opens it. Mona picks up a bud of marijuana and looks at and smells it. Mona "Looks and smells like this is some fire." Ty "I only have the best. It's better than the last pound I gave you." Mona "I have to admit, that last pound was some kill." Mona lays 12 ben franks on the lab table and he collects it. Mona pulls out her wrap and rolls up a blunt. Ty "I don't know if you heard me the other day but I asked have you heard from Daniel?" Mona "Oh I heard you." Lighting up her mary stick "And I gave you an answer." Ty "I didn't hear it." Mona "Right I hung up on yo ass. That's your answer. I know nothing about Daniel. Stop asking me about him. I want to talk about Abe." Ty "I have already sent Abe his first letter. I know he's shitting in his pants right now." Mona "He need to be. I can't wait until that Bastard pays for what he has done to me. It's because of him why I hate you and all the rest on the men that walks this planet." Ty "You don't have to hate me. I did nothing to you. We are on the same team." Mona "Please" Coughing and choking "All men are dumb horny self serving arrogant pigs. You included. Now I am tired of this ring-a-maroe. Speed this thing up with Abe. I am ready to take Sharan. Hell you getting you some pu$$y, I want some too." Ty "I'm working on it. This plot is so delicate, I can't afford to rush and make a mistake. Please be patient a little while longer. You'll have Sharan delivered to you on a silver platter in a matter of weeks if not days. I want Abe to get his too believe me. He's got his men watching my every move. So the sooner I get him off the force, or at least occupy him enough that he'll forget all about me and his investigation into my goings on" Mona "This some good weed. Your services are no longer required. Leave now." Ty "You are cold. I'll be in touch." He leaves and get in his limo. Daniel who is in the back of Mona's resort seeing Ty leave, realizes this is his cue to knock on Mona's door. She opens and sees him picking his skin "Danny boy, what a lovely surprise. You should have called before you came by. I would have tidied up." Daniel "This is not a social call. I came to….you know." Mona "What you here for a drug session, come right on in. You've come to the right place. I got what you need. I just got done making a fresh batch for you." He enters as he begins to drool and pace the floor. Mona hands him some rocks of ice and be begins to break it down and smokes it, while Mona lights her mary stick back up. She smiles, as her plan to get Daniel hooked on meth has worked. Pasadena Police Station Sharan "I think someone is following me chief." Abe "OK calm down Sharan. What kind of car is it?" Sharan "It looks like the same one that rammed off Kevin's car door the night of TC's Hotel gala." Abe "Interesting. There sure has been some strange goings on here in Pasadena lately." Sharan "And there's one more thing that I didn't mention that night when you came by to take the report." Abe "What's that?" Sharan "I received a dozen of pink roses. They were not from Kevin." Abe "Sharan, I hate to ask but I'm a cop so I have too. What about Dondre, may he have sent the roses?" Sharan "Oh."( a little embarrassed)" I didn't know you knew about that." Abe "Kevin told me." Sharan "Well no Chief, he said he did not send them." Abe "Where are the roses now?" Sharan "I am about to throw them away." Abe "Don't. I 'll have an officer follow you home and he'll grab the flowers. I want to see if we can get any prints." Sharan "Thanks Chief Williams." Abe "I want you to call me if anything else strange happen." Sharan "Will do." She turns around and leaves his office. Abe sits back at his desk and begins to think "Something is not right. What if that note and these incidents with Sharan is connected." Huntington Memorial Hospital Alexis wipes tears from her face as she looks at her dead sister in the morgue. "Don't worry Ashley. I will avenge your death. I'm going to find out who did this to you and make them pay." She wipes her tears away and leaves the morgue. Sabryn walks into the The JumpOff and is shocked to see Bryan sleep on a pool table with his pants half way down. She walks over to him and pushes him to wake him up. He jumps up "Ashley?" Sabryn "No she's dead. You reek of liquor. Why are your pants down?" Bryan, looking down to see he's exposed, honestly doesn't know why his pants are down. Sabryn "Bryan what is going on?" Bryan "I was so drunk. I must of beat my meat and passed out on the pool table. Do you have any aspirin my head is killing me." Sabryn pauses, not knowing what to make of the scene. "I guess let's get you cleaned up." She walks out the club. Bryan still confused and wondering himself why his pants were down, takes his hand and rubs his dick and then he smells his hand. "Smells like pu$$y. Ahh Damn, what did I do?" Bryan thinks of his security system and goes into to his office to see if the security footage will reveal this mystery. He plays back the time frame he was there and realizes there's a huge 5 minute gap. He takes the CD out the TV and looks at it. "This isn't the Last CD I put in here. Please don't tell me I had sex with a woman and she took the DVD. This can't be happening. Just when Sabryn and I are getting back together." He slowly walks out the club, wondering who he had sex with. Back in Westwood Park, Natalia's House Natalia gets a knock on her door. She is shocked to see its Suga when she opens her door. She instantly gets nervous, knowing she doesn't have her money. Suga "You got my money?" Natalia, playing it off, stalling for time, and buttering Suga up, "Suga, what a pleasant surprise. You should have called first, I would made enough popcorn for the both us. Please come in." Suga enters the house. Suga "Cut the bull. I need my money so I can leave the country. The police are swirling everywhere." Natalia "I'm about to go get your money right now. Here, eat this popcorn and watch this new Halloween I got on bootleg. I'll be back in a jiffy." Suga "I don't want no games. You will end up like your good friend Dahlia if you b.s. wit me. I'll put that knife right through your heart." Natalia "Suga, no need to be gory,save that for the movie, give me 30 minutes and I will be back with half a million for you in small bills ." Natalia grabs her keys and gets in her car. "Get ready to find out who you had sex with Bryan." She chuckles as she drives off.
  15. Yes it was slow, we have had some intense episodes, so we need a little time to set new things up and get ready for this season cliffhanger. Thanks for your honesty. But this episode wasn't as slow as the episodes in the 20's was it?
  16. A new, bright and sunny day begins in the city of Pasadena The Williams House Kevin and Sharan walks in through the foyer as Abe comes out from the kitchen wiping his hands in a towel. Kevin "Good morning pops. Where's mom?" Abe "Good morning son, Sharan." He says looking at her Sharan "Good morning Chief Williams." Abe "Your mother had choir rehearsal this morning." Kevin "What else is new? Is Karim coming for breakfast?" Abe "I talked to him earlier this morning, he said he would be here." Just as he says that, the youngest Williams walks in. Abe "Son." He embraces him Abe "How you feeling?" Karim "I'm cool pops." Abe "Good lets sit down and eat this breakfast, I gotta be to work soon." They all sit down at the dining room table and help themselves to French toast, fresh fruit, sausage links, and o.j. Karim "Where's ma at?" Kevin "Where she's always at if she's not here." At the same time, the Williams men say "Choir practice." Kevin "Well everyone, Sharan and I got some great news." Karim "I could use some good news right about now." Kevin "Sharan and I got engaged last night." Abe "Son that's wonderful. Congratulations." Sharan "Thank you. I'm floating on cloud nine. I can't wait until I become Mrs. Kevin Williams" Karim "Great." Thinking of Ria, he becomes quiet and disinterested. Abe does the same thing, thinking who sent him the cryptic message last night he received in his mailbox. Kevin "Pops, you ok? Seem like something is on your mind." Abe "I'm good soon. Listen I got to take care of something so I'm going to head out." He takes his napkin and wipes his mouth. Abe "Karim, if you need someone to talk to, I'm just a phone call away." He hugs Karim before leaving. Sharan "I need to get going into the shop too. I got to do a perm at 9." Kevin "OK baby." He kisses his new fiancée. Sharan "Karim, Again I'm so sorry for everything that has happened with Ria" Karim "It's not your fault. Don't even worry about it. I'm not." Sharan smiles at him and leaves the Williams house. Kevin looks at his younger brother and can tell something is on his mind. "What's on your mind bruh?" Karim "Trying not to let it be Ria. But I did something I swore I would never do?" Kevin "What's that?" Karim "I had sex with a white woman last night." Sharan pulls off from the Williams house and following her is Mona Mona "I got you all to myself to pretty baby." Episode: 43 Written by : ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Westwood Park, Mike's House Mike steps out of his room to walk in on Jodie in the kitchen taking her medication. She quickly turns her back to Mike as if to hide what she is doing. Mike "Jodie, what's the matter?" Jodie "Nothing, I was just-" Mike "It seem like you didn't want me to see you take your medication or something." Jodie doesn't answer. "Jodie, if you can tell me you have HIV then surely you can take medication in front of me. I told you I don't judge you and I care for you. I want you to be yourself. Be Jodie Keefe." He smiles at. Jodie "It's been a long time since I heard someone say they care about me." She walks up to him and hugs him, then suddenly she pulls back. "I'm sorry, I should have asked.." Mike "Don't be ridiculous. You don't get HIV through hugging." Jodie "It's not that. Sometimes people act differently towards or feel a certain way about you if they know. Some people don't even want to touch you." Mike "I am not all those people." He grabs her and gives her a bear hug. They are interrupted by a knock on the door. Mike "I'll get that, why don't you see what I got in the fridge for breakfast." Jodie walks into the kitchen as Mike opens his door "What the hell are you doing here Jenn?" Jenn "Good morning to you too. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed as unusual?" Mike "No. It's just a surprise to see you here. And I can't say it is a pleasant one" Jenn "Well I came by to see if you were doing ok after last night?" Mike "Excuse me?" Jenn "You know, when you saw Jodie trying to make moves on Ty. I was just making sure you were alright after you found out she's a loose woman." Mike "I could say the same thing about you." Jenn, shocked "I beg your pardon?" Mike "No need to beg Jenn. I mean we have been broken up what ….a few weeks and you're already with someone else. You have no room to talk. And besides. Jodie was not rubbing up on Ty." She laughs "And what makes you say that." Jodie walks up behind Mike so Jenn can see her. "The only thing I found Mike was some cheese and bread. So how about grilled cheese sandwiches.? Oh hey Jenn." She says finally acknowledging she's even there. Jenn feeling like a complete idiot sucks her teeth after she closes her jaw, rolls her eyes at the two and just walks away in embarrassment and gets in her car and drives. Mark and Dahlia's house, Mark spits out his mouthwash when he hears the phone ring. "Hello" He hears nothing. "Hello!?" After another moment of silence he slams the phone down. "Probably Natalia playing games." He says. He grabs his keys and heads to the hospital. Pasadena Police Station Abe is sitting in his office looking at the ominous letter he received in his mailbox last night with no postage stamp and no return address. He reads the note again. "Secrets have a way of coming out. The skeletons in your closet will be revealed." Abe calls in one of his officers to his office. He hangs up the phone. The officer enters his office "Yes Chief?" Abe "I want you to take this to the lab and dust for fingerprints. I need it ASAP." He says as gets up and hands the officer the letter and envelope. Officer "I'm on it Chief." The officer leaves. Abe sits back down at his desk and begins to sort papers on his desk, wondering what the note means. His thoughts are interrupted when Sharan comes barging in. Abe "Sharan, what is it, are you ok?" Sharan "I don't know, I think someone is following me." Huntington Memorial Hospital Mark walks in Dahlia's room sees Diego, sitting in a chair next to her. "What is going on here?" Diego, getting up quickly. "Uh,..(trying to think of a quick answer) "I work here. What's your excuse?" Mark "I love Dahlia." Diego "Actions speak louder than words." Mark "What is that supposed to mean?" Diego, brushing Mark and leave him wondering "Good Day Mr. Mortimer" He says as he walks out the room. Mark "Something is seriously going on." He sits in the chair next to Dahlia and holds her hand and kisses it. The phone in Dahlia's room rings. Mark answers. "Hello?" Mark hears silence again. "Hello!?" Again silence." Look you better quit playing these childish games on the phone Natalia. I know it's you! " He says as he slams the phone down. Westwood Park, Natalia's house Ria is in the living room flat ironing her hair while watching 106&Park on BET until Natalia comes in her front door. Ria "Girl where you been? You must of got you some last night. From Mark?" Natalia "Not exactly.." Ria "Girl no, there's someone else?" Natalia "Let me show you." She pulls a DVD out her purse and puts it in her DVD player. Ria "What's this?" Natalia "You're about to see who I had sex with last night" Ria "Oh wee" Frowning Natalia "What's the matter?" Ria "I don't how I should say this so I'm going to come right out and say it. Natti, you my girl, but I don't want to see your tits and ass. I just don't get down like that. And I don't want to see no pink booty or no white "Cock" " Natalia "I can understand not wanting to see my beautiful body, but Ria' I'm white." Ria "Girl no you aint. You just Natti, my home girl from way back when." Natalia "So you don't like white people?" Ria "I never said that. I am not a racist. White men just aint my thing that's all." Natalia "I can understand that, but girl it's a big white cock. Bigger than Marks." Ria "Girl what? Is that how they making them these days. I might have to reconsider my position. Just tell me who it was girl." Natalia "Bryan." Ria "I know that's right. And you taped it too?" Natalia "I sure did. It's going to come in handy. Ha Ha Sabryn, I slept with your man" She says as a devilish grin appears on her face.
  17. Very good Episode Redd. I really do like the Paring of Greg and Lynette. I am also looking forward to this upcoming custody battle. I love your casting choices. Such a strong African American cast. Can't wait to see what Yevette is up to now..
  18. The best episode so far this season. I love the Carrie twist. "Buddy" CC is such the the diva. Love her plot, while at the same time Nick is brainwashing Jenny. That Quad is getting VERY INTERESTING. Nate seems to have a hidden agenda, a maverick renegade I loved Alexia fantasy about her mom. I love the intro to Mika,the eclipse, she sounds like she's going to be very interesting and that s a lot coming from me because I have already expressed my dislike of her. This is the PP I know and Love, Great Job Matt O yea I almost 4 got, I love the GOT triangle because in this episode I could really feel there is something there between Ginny and Owen.
  19. Ria pulls up to her old house, in Westwood Park. She doesn't see her things out on the curb like Karim said they would be so this gives her a little hope. She sees Karim's car parked in the driveway and gets out her car and knocks on the door, not knowing how Karim is going to react to her, given how he, basically said he is done with her. Karim opens, doesn't say anything. Ria "I don't see my things on the curb." Karim "I haven't had a chance to start packing. But I was just taping up some boxes. You can help." Ria, entering the house "Karim, please don't do this. I love you." Karim "If you love me then how can you cheat on me?" Ria "Baby I am sorry. It was a huge mistake. It just happened." Karim " And is that 5 letter word supposed to erase the pain in my heart? How long has it been going on Ria?" Ria, not wanting to hurt Karim no further but still decides to be truthful. "About 6 months." Karim shakes his head, and chuckles. "So for six months, I was being made a fool of. Why? Why string me along?" Ria "I wasn't stringing you along. Karim I do love you. With all my heart. Dondre was, just..just.." Karim "What Ria? He was what?" Ria "It was just sex." Karim "Sex,.huh, so what are you saying, I don't satisfy you?" Ria "I didn't say that. I love to make love with you baby." Karim "Then I don't understand. What does Dondre do for you that I don't?" Ria "It's just the thought of having sex with a rough neck, he's thuggish. He's raunchy. It's like you make love to me and he beats it up." Karim "So you cheated on me because I didn't beat it up? Ria. You should have opened up the lines of communications. I was under the impression, you don't like it rough." Ria "Baby I am sorry." Karim " Don't "Baby" me. You probably called Dondre the same thing. It's too late for all that. You had that man up in our house, in our bed. The house that I'm paying the mortgage on. I can't believe you would do that to me. I give you everything you ask for and more. You don't have to work, hell you don't have to do anything. I take good care of you and it wasn't enough for you." Ria "Please Karim, I appreciate all that. I'm telling you I do. I love you. Nothing has changed." Karim "Yes the hell it has. I feel like an ass. A complete jackass. You played the hell out of me now I want you gone Ria. Get the hell on. Pack your bags Miss lady, go be with Dondre. Let him beat it up all night long baby girl. " Ria, pleading with him, turning the water works on "Please Karim, don't do this. I need you." She says grabbing his shirt. He pushes her off him and goes to the bedroom and start throwing her things outside, with tears in his eyes as well. Ria "Please Karim, I'm sorry. I love you" Karim is not having it and throws the rest of her things out on the front lawn. Karim "Now get out!" Ria sinks to the floor in an uproar of tears. Ria "Please don't do this Karim. Give us another chance. ..I'm not leaving you." Karim "That's what you think. Next time use your heart and not your eyes" Karim grabs Ria by her arms and drags her out his house, as she kicks and screams knocking over vases and knocking tables and chairs over on her way out. He drops her in his yard Karim "Stay the hell away from me!" He goes back in the house and slams the door in her face. Ria is still in tears, embarrassed, with some of the neighbors looking out their windows and come outside to see what's the yelling about, slowly gather her things and puts them in her car. She realizes the neighbors are watching her. "What the hell yall looking out! Show's over, go to bed." (I'm going to get Sharan for this) She thinks to herself Episode: 42 Written by: ML Cooks with MON!QUEB1TCHES Kevin and Sharan's House Kevin pushes play on his stereo system and The song "Between the Sheets" by Ronald Isley comes on. He takes his silk black boxers off and slides into the hot tub with Sharan. Sharan lays against Kevin's chest as he wraps his arms around her. They both are chillaxed by the candles and soft music. Kevin takes a sip of his champagne. "I love you." Sharan "I love you too. I had a wonderful time today." Kevin "I did too." Sharan "This feels so good. After a hard day's work, I get to enjoy some time with my man at the Norman Brown concert, then to end it right here, in your arms." Kevin "Yes, it does feel good. Baby I want to talk to you about something." Sharan "What's on your mind?" Kevin "It's about us. We have been together for a long time and I could not be any more happier or more blessed to have you in my life. Everything you say and everything you do gets me lost in you days at a time" Sharan "I feel the same way." Kevin "What do you think if we took this relationship to the next level?" She gets up and looks into Kevin's eyes. Sharan "What do you mean?" Kevin reaches behind him, and pulls a black velvet boxthat he hid. Sharan's face lights up. Sharan "Oh, my God Kevin!" Tears of joy begin to run down her face. He opens up the velvet box to reveal a stunning . "I have never loved anyone so much in my life. You light up everyday of my life. You have been there for me when no one else has. Without you I would not be here this very moment so Baby, would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Kevin Williams?" Sharan "Of course." He slides the ring on her finger and they embrace each other. Sharan has thoughts of Dondre kissing going through her head. The Blue Note Mike "Say what?" Jodie, wiping tears from her eyes "I have HIV" She whispers to him." Mike is taken aback, words can't come to his lips. Jodie "Please don't think less of me because I have this death sentence. I'm still a good person" Mike "Jodie, I am very sorry to hear that. I don't think of any less of you. So please get that those kind of thoughts out of your head" Mike quickly flashes back in his mind to his Pub, the night Jenn walked in on him and Jodie embracing each other. Mike "If you hadn't told me tonight, would you have ever told me?" Jodie "Yes I would have. Mike I told you I care for you. I know you're probably thinking of the time we were comforting each other at your pub." Mike "I am." Jodie "I would have told you Mike. Especially if we got closer." Mike "I really wish you would have told me the first night I met you." Jodie "Why, would things be different? You wouldn't have nothing to do with me?" Mike "I didn't say that. I don't know what difference it would have made. I wish you were more open from the start." Jodie "Mike, I'm not going to tell everyone I first meet. What am I supposed to say, Hey, how You doing, where you been? oh, guess what, I have HIV. It's not that simple. Do you know how hard it was to admit to myself that this is a reality let alone make commercials for everyone." Mike "I can understand that. Jodie, I care for you too. It does not change how I feel about you." Jodie "How exactly do you feel about me Mike?" Mike "I think we are two lost souls who need each other right now." He grabs her and holds her tight. Jodie, lets out a big sigh, relieved that she has told somebody about her status and they have not turned their back on her. Mike "You don't need to get mixed up with Ty, Jodie, you can stay with me until you get on your feet." Jodie "Mike, thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me." They walk out The Blue Note and head to his house. At The Williams House Abe puts his house coat on and his slippers and goes outside to get the mail before he cooks a surprise breakfast for his family. He sees a strange letter with his name on it and no return address on it nor a stamp. He looks around him to see if he sees anything suspicious. He opens the letter and reads it. "Secrets have a way of coming out. The skeletons in your closet will be revealed." The Jump Off Bryan climaxes inside of Natalia. She gets up off him and the pool table and puts herself back together. She goes into Bryan's office. Bryan still being drunk passes out on the pool table with his pants still halfway down leaving him exposed. In Bryan's office, Natalia takes the cd out the TV and puts another one in. "This will come in handy" She says as she walks out the club with a tape of her raunchy sexual escapade with her enemies man on DVD.
  20. Im glad you all liked it. I was very nervous about the Jodie twist. Yes S.T.E.A.M. is a bit over the top but rest assure, the HIV storyline will be told RIGHT. Thanks Matt and Tishy for your input and Thanks Mike and Ryan
  21. aMLCproduction


    Yes the Victoria Banner is HOT. It does her wonders. All great banners Dee. esp the last two.
  22. I just love John. I was cracking up over the uterus comment. Thanks for a good laugh. I really like Bryan. He was talking to someone on the phone as if he's working with someone. I bet it's Nan So Jenny has amnesia? And Nick couldn't resist. Nate seems to be a playa. I can't wait till he and Blake finally meet up. So is Claudia and Chordelia the same person? Love the sex scene , it was hot. Good episode
  23. WARNING:STRONG SEXUAL CONTENT TC Hotel, Room 401 With Alexis laying on the bed, her ass is just slightly off the bed, with Karim standing on the floor, making it easier for Karim to slide deep inside of her. With his feet on the floor it enables for him bend down on top of her pinning her down on the bed, with her legs on his shoulders, and her hands on his waist, Karim climaxes from the pound session he just gave to Alexis. Taking all his frustrations out on Alexis's poor innocent love muff, he let's out some moans and some commands, "MMM, damn girl, wait.. Don't move, don't move …ahh, ……yea." He looks into her eyes. "You feel that?" He says as he applies pressure to his dick, making it bigger and squirting all his nuts inside of her, Karim leans down and kisses Alexis. There kiss is interrupted with her cell phone. Karim begins to lick on her nipples as grabs the phone, not being to far from her, it was already on the bed. "Hello, ….ahh" She puts her hand over the receiver to cover up her love sounds. " What!" Alexis sits up and gets serious. "No this can't be happening." She hangs up the phone. Karim "What's going on?" Alexis "My sister is dead." Episode:41 Written by ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHE$ Kevin and Sharan are slow dancing at Brookside Park, enjoying the last few songs by Norman Brown, at the Old Pasadena Jazz fest. Sharan "I had a lovely time baby." Kevin "I did too." He kisses her on the lips. As he does that, Sharan has a flashback of kissing Dondre. She suddenly pulls back. Kevin "What's the matter?" Sharan "Nothing, I just got a chill." Kevin, taking his jacket off and wrapping it around Sharan's arms. "Why don't we go home, sit in some bubble bath, light some candles, put on some Al B. Sure, open a bottle of champagne and make love by the fire place." Sharan kisses her man, looking forward to spending a romantic evening with Kevin. Sharan "I can't wait. Let's go." Kevin and Sharan get back into the limo. The lady in black ashes her blunt she was smoking in her car. She turns the key to the ignition and follows Kevin and Sharan's limo. Dondre, lining his face up in his bathroom, puts his trimmers down when he hears someone knock on his door. He opens it "Ria, What are you doing here?" Ria "What do you mean what I am doing here? I'm not aloud to be here?" She says as she barges in, inviting herself in. Dondre "I don't feel like seeing you." Ria "Why is that? You never said that when I was giving you this good pu$$y. Dondre "I told you I didn't want no drama. And What did you do? Get us caught. All you had to do was keep yo big mouth shut. You talk to damn much." Ria "What I did. No..no This is all Sharan's fault. That nosy Bitch. And what's this I hear about you setting up romantic breakfast's for her? Why didn't you ever do that for me?' Dondre "You had a man for that. You knew what this was Ria. Sex. Karim can make love to you, I'ma beat up. This aint love, this is nothing but meaningless sex." Ria "Well I'm am ready to have it." She opens up her trench coat she's wearing, to reveal, her beautiful mocha toned body. "Beat it up Dre." Dondre, smiling a bit, getting aroused. "Can't do that. You blew it." Ria "What do you mean Dre? You don't want nothing more to do with me now?" Dondre "I think it would be best." Ria "Best for who? Miss nosy posy. Do, you love Sharan?" Dondre, hesitating before answering. Ria "Answer me! Do you love Sharan?" Dondre "I think you should leave." He hands her back her trench coat. Ria "You can't give me an answer. Is that how little you think of me?" Dondre " Yes I love Sharan." Ria " Aint this bout a Bitch! What does she got that I don't? What's so special about her." Dondre "It's not even about that. Are you forgetting that up until last night you were engaged to Karim. So now that he broke things off, don't try to stake a claim in me. Don't make me your man because you lonely. You knew what you were getting into when we started this whole thing. I don't want you like that. You know this. So please, stop making this hard on yourself and-" Ria slaps him. "I will not let you be with Sharan. If I can't be happy, neither will you two be. I promise you that." She wipes tears from her eyes, gathering herself together, she leaves her once part time lover's house. Brookside Park Lauren and Chris face Ty and Jenn Jenn "Hey Lauren. It's good to see you here with Chris." Lauren "I wish I could say the same for you." Ty "Lauren please don't start. No one is in the mood to hear your lies." Jenn, trying to cool things down. "I came by The Blue Note but Pierre told me Daniel came to the restaurant or something" Ty "What? I didn't know he was up and moving around." Lauren "Ohh please. Don't act like you care." Jenn "Please Lauren, can you just be happy for me?" Lauren "Sorry Jenn, I cannot. Ty is evil, a drug dealer and scum. I can't be happy for you knowing that you can do better." Jenn "Why don't you let me decide that? There is no proof Ty sells drugs." Lauren "One day Jenn, you will see Ty for what he really is. I hope it's not to late." Ty "Lauren get a life. Is Chris not interesting to you? All you do is talk about me and accuse me of everything that's going wrong. From Daniel on drugs, to the Iraq war to Global warming. You have no proof, and if you don't stop, I'm going to have to take further action against you." Chris "Ty, you need to leave her alone." Ty "Look at this. The big strong boyfriend coming to the lady's defense. The sex must have been good huh? Daniel always told me how good Lauren was at moving her hips." Jenn is appalled at her man just said to her best friend. Lauren "Burn in hell. You too Jenn for letting Ty talk to me this way. I thought we were better than that." She says as her and Chris walk off. Jenn turns to Ty. Ty "What's the matter?" Ty "You didn't have to be so mean to Lauren. That was down right disrespectful." Ty "Give me a break Jenn. Everytime I see Lauren it's the same [!@#$%^&*], just a different toilet. I can't take it no more. Put yourself in my shoes. You would not like to be harassed on a daily basis by some one who has no life….Listen I got some things to take care of, I'm going to have Santino drop you off by the mansion." Jenn "Should I wait up for you?" Ty "No, I'll be home late." Jenn "Well what are you going to be doing?" Ty "Jenn relax. What's with the questions? Don't you trust me?" Jenn "Never said I didn't." Ty "Great, don't forget I have a 5 star hotel to run.." He kisses her as she gets in the limo. Jenn looks at Ty in disappointment, having to spend tonight by herself, the very same thing she left Mike for. She wonders is Ty really telling her the truth about not selling drugs. She also wonders what is he going to be doing and with whom. Once Jenn has pulled off, Ty pulls out his cell phone and calls Mona. "You'll be delighted to know, I am going to take care of Abe." Mona, in her car still following Kevin and Sharan's limo. "It's about damn time. I can't take to many more days with out Sharan. So the sooner you get him out the way, the sooner I can take Sharan and the sooner Abe will pay for what he's done." Ty "Daniel has been out the hospital. Have you seen him?" Upon hearing Ty's question, she just hangs up on him. The Jump Off. Drinking heavily, on double shots of , images of running over Ashley keep playing over and over in his mind. In between his drinks, his cell phone rings. As he answers it, Natalia enters the club and scopes the place out. With it being almost 3:30 in the morning, the club is just closing. As the last few partygoers leave, she locks the club doors. She looks up at the walls looking for security cameras. Upon seeing several, a smile appears on her face and she searches for Bryan's office to see where all camera recordings come from. Meanwhile, on the phone Bryan, barely able to hand the phone still to his ear "I'm at my club I had to grab a few drinks. I can't stop thinking about Ashley's death and the accident" Sabryn "Are you ok?" Bryan "I am trying to be. Sabryn, I'm drunk." Sabryn "I'm going to call you a cab. It looks like I won't be done until 7 or 8." Bryan "Sabryn, I love you with all my heart" (So drunk Bryan, he begins to cry, emotions running high)" I never meant to hurt you. You have to know that. I promise I won't ever hurt you again." Sabryn "Bryan, it's going to be ok. I'll be at my mansion as soon as I leave here. The cab will take you." They hang up. Bryan takes another big gulp of 151. Feeling woozy, and the room spinning, he lays his head down on the bar. He suddenly feels his shoulders being massaged. Bryan "That feels so good." Natalia then takes her nails and slightly press up against Bryan's back, moving them up and down his back, stimulating him. Still feeling woozy and dizzy, and now horny, he gathers all the strength he can muster and turns around to see where the soft touches are coming from. Bryan can tell it's a woman but because he is so drunk and the room is spinning, the sight of the woman is blurry. Natalia immediate kisses him at the same time, unzipping his pants and pulling his dick out. As Natalia feels his dick with her hand, she is amazed by how big it feels and stops kissing him to look at it. " Wow, I never imagined," She pulls out a measuring tape from her purse, and quickly measures his penis. "10 glorious inches. I can't see how Sabryn can handle you. But tonight, I'm about to show how I can handle you." Natalia pushes Bryan onto a pool table, pants down, dick standing straight up, she pulls her panties down, leaving her heels on. She gets on top off the pool table, and slowly slides Bryan's dick inside of her. She lets out a deep sigh. Bryan tries to grab her hips and get her to move to his groove but Natalia pins him down, disabling his movement. She slides up and down his shaft slowly so her walls can adjust to the massive dick. As her walls relaxes, she smiles, looking into a mirror. Proud, that she is having some good sex, sex that is with Sabryn's man, therefore extracting revenge on her enemy. Natalia has done it again!
  24. I really like Agatha. I think this is the first time she had this many lines. I see you got Nick/Carlos/Jenny triangle in the works. I'm all for it. I love Dr. Quarr and Carlos, I wonder what Nick is going to do. I see Bryan is going to be the male version of Nan. I am really starting to get into him. I see Nan is no where to be found. I pray she is not dead. I was really intrigued with the Ava/Skye scene. Based on our conversations I think I know where you are going with this one. Thumbs up . It was so nice to see Ava smile. I could really feel her smiling. I think Ava is one of my fav female characters next to Nan I am also glad John and Alley are back. I see Owen has lost some hearing, interesting, can't wait to see where you take that one. The cliffhanger was a classic Pointe Palace moment.
  25. Huntington Memorial Hospital Diego, looking at Natalia "I heard everything. You paid someone to stab Dahlia, and you slept with Mark. I knew something was not right with him." Natalia "You have no idea on what your talking about. You must of heard wrong. Clean you ears out." Natalia swiftly walks away and around a corner and breathes a sigh of relief. Diego "I know what I heard." He goes to his office Ria walks up to Natalia and hands her some coffee. "Are you ok? It look like you seen a ghost." Natalia "I'm good. Just need to catch my breath." She sips on her coffee. Thinking of Suga and the money.., that is until Bryan walks by her. Ria watches Natalia stare down Bryan "Uh-oh, I know that look." Natalia "What look?" Ria "That's the same look you had in your eyes when you saw Mark at the shop. Girl what are you up to now? Natalia " I told you we needed a plan to get those Bitches back who done us wrong. Now I know how I am going to get Sabryn back and get some money at the same time." *Thinking to herself* "And I can pay Suga her money" "Sabryn does have one up on me. It's time to even the score. Bryan does own that club downtown. I know it's doing real good. It's time I make an investment. And I can get my revenge on Sabryn for firing me." Ria "That's my girl." Natalia "You always told me, use what I got to get what I want." Ria "What about Mark?" Natalia "I love Mark, I want to have his child, so we can be together forever. Bryan is just strictly business. A side show. No one can change how I feel about Mark. I'll call you later and let you know how it went." Ria "Ok, I'm going to try and meet up with Karim and try to talk some sense into that knuckle head" They wish each other good luck as they part ways, with Natalia stalking Bryan. Episode: 40 Written by:ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHE$ In Dahlia's room Mark is sitting next to her holding her hand against his face, "I'm praying for you Dahlia. I am so sorry I let you down. This shouldn't even be happening to you right now. If I could trade places with you I would in a heart beat. I can't lose you mamasita. I miss you. I miss holding you. Smelling your hair. Looking into your eyes. I miss your scent, your soft touch. Please Dahlia, you got to pull through this and open your eyes. I promise you better days are ahead" Mark is interrupted by Diego, who clears his throat. Mark "Yes doctor?" Diego "Visiting hours are over. You must leave now." Mark "You don't have to be so rude about it." Diego "You got a lot of nerve." Mark "Excuse me?" Diego "Please Mr. Mortimer, just be on your way. Thank you in advance for your cooperation." Mark gets up, kisses Dahlia on the forehead. He exchanges looks with Diego before walking out. Diego looks out the door window to ensure Mark has left. He closes the blind so no one can see inside Dahlia's room. He looks at Dahlia and walks over to her. He admires her beauty. Looking at her resting so peacefully, he caresses her face. "People have done you wrong. Your man cheated on you, and Natalia tried to have you killed. " He pauses, thinking of the ill fated events that Dahlia has had to endure lately. "You don't have to worry about them no more. I'm going to protect you." Westwood Park, Lauren's House Lauren and Chris step out of the shower. They hold each other and kiss. Lauren "I haven't felt this good in a long time." Chris "There's a lot more where that came from. I'm Doctor feel good " He holds her as he grabs a hand full of her rump and shakes it, then smacks it. They kiss again. "Get dressed. I got a surprise for you." Lauren "I love surprises. Can I get a clue?" Chris "Sure, I hope you like Jazz." Lauren "Were going to see Norman Brown at the Old Pasadena Jazz fest aren't we?" Chris "That's why I am so attracted to you. Your smart, and beautiful." They kiss yet again as they get dressed for the concert. Back at the hospital. Daniel looks nervously at Mona, who again is dressed up like a white nurse. Mona motions for him to sit down. He does and she joins him Daniel "How in the hell did you get in here?" Mona "I'm resourceful. I'm full of surprises. I'm like a box of chocolate, you never what you're going to get when I'm involved. I thought you knew that, then again, look at who I am talking too. The dumbest of them all." Daniel "Look, I won't tell anyone you tried to kill me. Just please leave Me and Lauren alone." Mona "I can't do that Danny boy. This is so much fun for me. It makes me wet, knowing I am making you suffer. And besides you're a loose cannon and I have to keep you under my control. I can't let you mess things up for me. I'm so close to getting Sharan, I can taste her. And how sweet she is going to taste." Daniel "You are out of you're mind. You'll never get away with it. You need to be in this psyc ward. Not me" Mona "I shot you and got away with it. I faked my death and got away with it. You must not know about me" Mona suddenly stabs him with another high does of meth. Daniel "You bitch" Mona "What!" Mona forgetting where she's at, calms herself, as to not give her disguise up. "Danny Boy, you just said the wrong thing to me." The meth begins to kick into Daniel's system. "Soon Danny boy, you will be a memory to this world. Mark my words. You're a dead man." Mona leaves on that last chilling note. Daniel feels as if bugs are crawling on his skin and he begins to pick at his skin while thinking of an escape from the psycward. He sees a janitor leaving the locked facility and makes a dash out for the door. He succeeds and makes it out into the parking lot. High off meth again, Daniel sets out in Pasadena. Ty's limo pulls up to Brookside Park. Santino opens that door and Ty and Jenn steps out. Ty whispers to Santino, "Find Mona, and go over on Colorado Blvd and get my money from M.J." Santino nods and drives off. Jenn "I can't wait to see Norman Brown play." Ty "I can't wait to get you home again so I can lay it on you." Jenn "You so nasty. But I love it." They kiss. She turns around and is about to head over to the seating area until she spots someone she really doesn't want to see. "I don't believe this" Jenn turns around and sees Lauren, with Chris. Ty "Oh here we go. I'm going to have to hear another one of Lauren's preacher services. The Jump Off Mike "A prostitute?" Jodie has tears in her eyes. "Yes. That's why I left Cleveland. I wanted to start a new. Get away from all of that. I want a new life. I want to turn over a new leaf." Mike "I can't tell. You're still letting men buy you. The for sale sign is written all over you. How much would you have charged Ty Jodie? How much are your kisses, how much are blowjobs, and how much for your pus-" Jodie, cutting him off "Please don't say that. I was not going to sleep with him." Mike "I don't know that. Your actions tell me a different story. I don't know if I can trust you. Do you handout coupons too? Buy one head job, get the other one free? I don't even know what to say right now. You are full of surprises" Jodie "Please don't say that. You don't understand." Mike "Understand what? Make me understand Jodie. What else are you hiding?" Jodie "Mike, please, don't do this. I am asking you to trust me." Mike " Trust? That's a good one Jodie. I don't know if I can do that Jodie. I told you how Jenn left me. I don't want to be hurt again and it seems that's how this is going to turn out." Jodie "Mike, I care for you. Deeply. It was just dinner. That's all. What can I do to get you to believe me?' Mike "Tell me what you are running from? What are you hiding? Why should I believe you wasn't going to sleep with Ty?" Jodie has tears rolling down her face. She whispers " Because I have HIV"………
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