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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Wow. You three are doing a GREAT job. Such a powerful and emotional storyline. I am in awe right now. Ryan I would love for you to write a sexually charged scene for S.T.E.A.M. I loved what do did between Patrick and Robin. Ryan
  2. WOW who wrote that? That was S.T.E.A.M.y. Ima have to step up my game thats for sure. I am really glad I am reading all these blogs. I have learned so much from everyone. Wow. I am glued to this Baby thing so my thing is the condom broke then? And the baby wont have HIV then? Again That was a hot scene please tell me who wrote that?
  3. I'd say go for it Guys. I love Steve and I think it will be some much neede spice. I am sick of Bo and Hope. HOPE and STeve, go ahead and knock some boots
  4. I really like Robin and Patrick. But I am so confused, if Robin has HIV, Then wouldn't her baby and Pat have it to, I mean how did she get pregnant. I wanted to ask in the last episode I read but didn't want to look dumb. I love Anna. She is cold. Like a black widow, sexxin her mate then dismissing him. Good episode
  5. WOW. I LOVE the Victor/Stefano/Oprhues storyline. 3 titians in war. I love it. Though i don't know much about O, he was on in the 80's right? Also I find it hard to believe that Stefano waited so long,( all the bombs and what not) before striking back at his enemies. Even his daughter was killed, and he didn't act? Who was the daughter BTW? Also When I was reading the first few scenes of the Titian.s I said to myself this has a Dallas feel to it, and Sure nuff Victor was on the phone to the Texas Governor. Nice touch. I am also looking forward to see what this Liz Curtis is all about. I know she is from the 80's as well and hope you guys make it east for new reader like me to get to know her. I had to laugh my ass off at TROUT MOUTH!! Great episode and I guess it's official the censors have been relaxed.
  6. Always love a good cat fight. I can tell Elizabeth is not American what is she and you mentioned she was a love from years ago, is this true on the real Days or something you two did? I LOVE NICOLE AND I REALLY love this vendetta against the saint Brady's Can't wait to see where this one goes. Now me being new to the blog I have a few questions if yens don't mind? Who is Miranda and do we know Forrest's agenda? Is Abby in re hab? I also wonder who this mysterious person is stalking Lucas at the hospital Good episode guys
  7. Very interesting episode that's for sure. The dialog was much more aggressive as well as a lot of characters. I read the first scene and I have experienced a true and 1st wtf moment on PP. Damn, London not only died but we at the funeral in the 2nd scene. I was like damn, I didn't have time to digest that she may or may not live and BAM like a nuke bomb. I am still tripping over it. And I was even more shocked when Bryan had the nerve to show up. I love Bryan but as a reader, I thought he was a pure Bastard for showing and causing that scene. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED Jon's emotions, and dialog and inner struggle. And loved how Alley came up to hold him and what not. I loved Mika's aggressive sexual side she seems to had. The scene made Will look very weak, and I don't know if I like that. I have always known Will t be a bit more aggressive than what he was in this episode and come to think of it this season so far. But then again it could be because of Lenvy's death. I have no idea what Alexia and Tanisha were doing or the nurse, or what. I was shocked that Juliana cussed out Carrie. LOL Did Dylan and Juliana know each other b 4 she came to Cody and where was Vince when all this happened? Still a good episode. Moved EXTREMELY FAST. NATE"S RESULT have me on the edge of my seat. The scene was very well written.
  8. You know what the great thing is, I know nothing of GH but yet I am drawn and everything makes sense to me so kudos to you 3 for that VERY GOOD EPISODE!!! I LOVED the Naoh and Patrick scenes. Very well written. Who wrote thos scenes may I ask? The emotions within was so rich. The turkey club and fries made me hungry I alos loved the Robin and Brena scenes. Also like Luke and Lucky's scenes too. Great job. I learned a lot from what I read about GH.
  9. Natalia unlocks her front door and enters her house. She sees Suga watching the end of the boot legged new Halloween movie. Suga turns it off. Ria comes out the bathroom, picking her freshly washed hair into a big afro puff for her club date with Natalia Ria "I didn't know you have company Natti girl." Natalia "I like your hair. It's different." Suga "I like it too mami" She says smiling at Ria Ria, blushing "Excuse me?" Natalia "Ria, can you give us a minute please. I need to handle this, I will get with you in a few." Ria, eyeballing Suga up and down, puts her hand out to shake Suga's hand "I'm Ria. Sorry for my home girl's rudeness. She knows that any friend of hers is a friend of mines." Suga "It's nice to know that." Ria smiles and goes back to the bathroom, to finish her hair, as Suga admires Ria's sumptuous rump. Natalia "Are you ok?' Suga "I will be feeling better once you hand me my chips." Natalia reaches into her purse and hands Suga's other half of a million dollars. Suga begins to briefly count it. Suga "It seems to be all here. I'll be in contact with you." Natalia "For what?" Suga "I'm not done with you yet. Or your sexxy friend." Suga has a deceitful smile on her face as she walks out the door. Natalia "You better leave Pasadena. That was the deal. You stab Dahlia, and I arrange your jail break and your leaving this city was part of the plan. You got 1 million dollars now be gone. Our partnership is over." Suga "I'll be the judge of that." Suga leaves. Natalia, over whelmed sits back on h her couch as Suga's last word's "I'll be the judge of that" Keep playing in her head repeatedly. Ria comes out from the bathroom. "Natti girl, are you ok? What's going on? Who was Suga?" Natalia "Ria, it's no one to wonder about. We won't be seeing her no time soon." Ria "Did you get your money from Bryan?" Natalia "I sure did. Now I am about to start up my own fashion house. I already got Dahlia out the way, I got her man Mark, now I need the company. It's time to go after Sabryn." Ria "Girl you know I am right there with you. Sharan is working with Sabryn on some big new line. It will be perfect. Enemies going after each other. Me and you against those dusted and disgusted Bitches. We gone have to super man those hoes." She says with a smile on her face as she thinks about catching Dondre and Sharan kissing one another at Ashley's funeral. "Yea girl, We gone make those Bitches Sharan and Sabryn pay for messing with us." Natti "I can drink to that." Ria "Girl me too. Let's go to the club and have a good time." Ria looks in Natti's living room mirror to make sure her puff hasn't moved and her and Natti leave her house to go clubbin. Episode:48 Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches Huntington Memorial Hospital Mark enters Dahlia's room only to find Diego eating his lunch on Dahlia' bedside table. Mark "What the hell are you doing in here?" Diego "What does it look like?" Mark "What kind of doctor are you? I didn't know you guys were aloud to have lunch breaks in patients room." Diego "It's better than cheating on her." Mark "Come again?" Diego "You heard me. I know about you and Natalia." Mark "You don't know what the hell you're talking about! I'm going to ask you once, leave now. You've been hanging around Dahlia too much lately. I think it's very unprofessional doctor. How would the board of directors feel about your unethical practices?" Diego "Are you threatening to go to the board on me? " Mark "Pretty much." Diego "You do that and rest assured your girlfriend will find out you slept with Natalia when she wakes up from her coma." Mark "You don't know what you're talking about." Diego "Not according to Natalia. Good day Mr. Mortimer." Diego walks out Dahlia's room. Mark shakes his head." Damn Natalia. Now Diego knows. How the hell do I fix all of this?" Mark's thoughts are interrupted when his cell phone rings. He pulls it out and answers. "Hello,...Hello!, Stop playing games Natalia.!" He throws his cell phone at the wall and it breaks on impact. Then the hospital room phone rings. He picks it up. "Hello!?" No answer and Marks slams the phone down. He kisses Dahlia on her forehead and leaves her room to go find Natalia to put a stop to this madness. TC Hotel, secret hallways behind Ty's office. Ty looks in horror as the bullet he fired from his gun hit's his beloved Jenn in the upper front right shoulder. Jenn collapses to the ground.. Chris, hearing the gunshot, begins to go in creep mode, watching his back around every twist and turn the hallways throw upon him. He tries to find his way to where he heard the gunshot. In one of the hotel rooms, Daniel looks in shock as he sees, or he thinks he sees, the supposed dead Ashley. Having been scared from the mean little leprechaun, now an alive Ashley and now a gunshot, Daniel, in a state of panic, feeling like superman, runs towards the window and dives right into and breaks through and lands on the ground with glass pieces falling all around him. Daniel stands up, gathers his bearings, and thanks God for a quick moment that he jumped out the window that was on the first floor. Daniel runs for his life, as his meth high slowly begins to wear down. Ty, a man who never loses his cool, a man always in control tries to think quick on what to do. He puts his gun away, and kneels down towards Jenn. He feels for a pulse on the unconscious Jenn. When he can feel she has a pulse, Ty picks up Jenn in his arms, and carries her into the same room that Daniel thought he saw Ashley. As Ty enters the room, there is no Ashley, Just Ty and gun shot wound victim Jenn. He lays her down on the sofa and tries not to panic. He pulls out his phone and calls his 2nd hand man Santino for help. Ty begins to pace the floor, while Jenn's life is hanging in the balance. Ty is thinking on how to save Jenn without him facing charges for shooting her and drawing attention once again to his hotel and drug operation. His thoughts are side tracked when Jenn slowly comes too. She opens her eyes and looks at Ty. He looks at her and walks over to her. She looks into his eyes, as she loses blood fast. "Why?" She says as she slips into unconisous again. Ty, now feeling guilty and not wanting to let the woman he fought so hard to get, finally makes a call for help just as Santino arrives. Chris still creeping in the back hallways is lead out to the lobby of the hotel. He looks around and doesn't see anyone. He leaves the Hotel to be with Lauren again, at the same time calling Police Chief Abe Williams to let him know about the gun shot he heard. As the sun sets, And the darkness falls, Downtown Pasadena, at The Jump Off Natalia and Ria pay the 22 dollar cover charge and enters the club. Ria "Bryan know he wrong for charging 22 damn dollars just to dance and have a few drinks." Natalia "Don't be mad. It' s ladies night and the drinks are free." Ria "I guess I could look at it that way. Besides. I know he needs all the money he needs now that he is behind bars." Natalia "Yea that was shocking. I didn't know Sabryn and Bryan killed Ashley." Ria "Girl who you telling? Let's go grab some drinks. I'm ready to get tipsy." Natalia and Ria walks over to the bar. Ria orders a double shot of Tequila, and Natalia orders club soda. Ria frowns "Girl you trippin. We came to have a good time. Why are you not drinking?" Natalia "I'm just not feeling to well. I feel a bit queasy." Ria, rolling her eyes at her good friend "Whateva." Natalia turns around in her bar stool to scope out the men in the club. Ria does the same Natalia "So do you see any one you like?" Ria "Not yet, these men's in here look dusty. " Natalia "You so picky." Just as she says that Diego walks up to her. "We need to talk." Ria "And hello to you too doctor. It's a surprise to see you here. I always see you at the hospital. I didn't think you partied nor did I think you were a rude Bastard out side of work as well." Diego "Ria, hello how are you.? That's great and wonderful to see you. If you will excuse Natalia, her and I have some things to talk about." Natalia "Ria, it's ok. I do need to handle a few things with the Diego. I'll be right back." Ria "Uhm hmm. You better walk yo ass away talkin' to me like you crazy" She says as she mean mugs Diego. Pasadena City Jail Sabryn and Bryan are both being processed into the holding cells, for the murder of Ashley Jones. They both submit several finger print samples, both are humiliated as they are cavity searched, well more so Sabryn than Bryan In the process room, Bryan is told by the female guard to take off all his clothing including underware and or boxers. Bryan obeys and the guard has to do a double take at Bryan's 10 inch penis. Bryan smiles, knowing once again, he has awed another woman with his well hung and notorious manhood. The guard clears her throat, ending her quick fantasies of what it would be like to have his dick inside of her. She tells Bryan to spread his legs and bend over so she can cavity search his anal area. Sabryn though is humiliated, and embarrassed and feeling violated as the woman guard cavity searches her, telling her to lift her breast and also making her bend over. She is given an orange jumpsuit and is photographed as well as Bryan. They both sit in separate offices waiting to be placed into a holding cell. Sabryn has tears running down her eyes, and Bryan is just in shock having been arrested for what he knows was an accident . He thinks to himself, "Even from the grave Ashley is still causing me trouble. Sabryn is pregnant and we should be enjoying and celebrating our start as a new family." Sabryn and Bryan are both finally escorted to the cells respectively and both are told they will get to make a phone call in one hour. Sabryn, depressed, and being thankful she has the cell to herself right now. She doesn't want to end up like Dahlia who was stabbed in the very same cell she's in now. She sits on her thin cot and brings her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around them as she thinks of the situation she's in, pregnant in jail for something she did not do. The Jump Off In a distant corner, Diego and Natalia begin to have a heated conversation. Natalia "So what do I owe this pleasure? And I might add you do clean up nice outside the white coat you always wear at the hospital." Diego "This is not a friendly chat. I know what you did to Dahlia. You paid some one to stab her while she was in jail. You also slept with Mark." Natalia "Diego, you are mistaken and you don't know what you are talking about" She says as she try's to run away from the truth. He grabs her arm pulling her back. Diego "Stop playing games. I know the truth." Natalia "So what Diego! What are you going to do? Why haven't you gone to the police yet.?" Diego "Because I have something else in mind" Natalia "What you're going to do black mail me?" Diego "So you are admitting your crimes then?" Natalia "I don't have time for this." Diego "We can help each other get what we want." Natalia, arching an eyebrow at the good doctor "Is that so?" Just as Diego is about to answer, he gets a call" "Ok I'll be right there?" He hangs his phone up and looks at Natalia "I see I got your attention." Natalia "Yes I am intrigued" Diego "I have an emergency call, I will be in contact so we can talk about this." Natalia "I look forward to it" She says with a devious smile, that she might have a new alliance to help her get her man Mark Meanwhile at Huntington Memorial hospital On life support and in a coma, well that is until Dahlia finally opens her eyes……
  10. Slower episode but still good. I absolutely loved the Will and Mika scenes, and I like them as a couple. Same thing with Ava and Skye, I loved their conversation. I am really starting to like them and love how Ava’s was questioning her sexuality. Great dialog too in that scene’ I also loved the touching scene between Alexia, Nisha and London. I also liked when Alley slapped Blake and nice ode to there history. I learned a lot. Good scenes with Nate too, really looking forward to see his test results. And Nick now seems he might go crazy with his last statement “You better not be hiding nothing from Jenny” Also the Carrie/Dylan situation is getting very interesting
  11. Just wanted to say thank you all for your comments, truly inspiring. I am glad you guys enjoy the episode. We got a few episodes left till the season finale. I promise I am not going to hold nothing back. Learn FINALLY who Mona really is...
  12. Wow I didn't know the censors were now relaxed. Good episode. Very interesting. Loved the freeze frame split screen ending. Maggie is very aggressive WOW. I also like the fact that Lucas switched his name to Horton and this bring down the Almighty Horton plot has me very intrigued. Looking forward to see what happens next
  13. Wow, lots of drama. Very edge of your seat. Very good episode!!! I really like Lorenza and Sonny. I do believe Alcazar is innocent, or am I being naive?
  14. Thanks Ryan, I wish I had some more writers to help me with S.T.E.A.M. Two heads are better than one they say. It's very easy for me to get into this blog considering I know next to nothing about GH so good job Jenn Ry, and Tish. I am really looking forward to see what you guys do and and see yens talent and style's
  15. I am really liking this. I love the short episodes too, Thanks for that. If I know my Gh history at all, Micheal is Sonny and Carly's son right? Does Sonny know his son was beaten? I loved when Molly came in and told her mom that she was pretty. Very nice. How old is the teen age daughter and who are the father of her children? Lorenza nem reminds me of Ty and nem of S.T.E.A.M. Good episode looking forward to the next one How do you guys write this? Like One episode per writers, or various episodes for episodes?
  16. I don't watch GH, but this was very easy to get into. Interested to see where this goes, esp Micheal
  17. Very strong post. Love the interview. Wonder who you guys are talking about as far as arrogant writers. JER?
  18. i c you guys r using pics now, nice touch
  19. Wow, Another good one by Serena, I love how she sets up her scenes, and how the action keeps moving through out her scenes. She's very good with details. I don't know what to make of Mika. I am thrown for a loop on this one. You took it to the left. She's an assassin? Wow. I love it. Episode was a little bit slower Loved the scene with Alli and London. It was so nice for them to get all that out. And What a joy it was to c Jon in action against Blake, I knew it would not be long b 4 that drama jumped off., O yea, ask Serena how do you quietly slam a door.? LOL. I am finally beginning to let Ava an Sky in. The past 3 or 4 episodes have been good for them, They are no Trella and Lenvy, but they are working there way up, That std scene with Nate was quiet chilling. Good message for straight men, Speaking of since Nate has such an appetite for sex, maybe once or twice he crossed the fence to enter rainbow lane? I also loved the Juliana back story. I bet she's going to cause a storm in Cody. Good episode
  20. Sierra Madre, Mona opens her side door and begins to walk into her garage until she sees Daniel passed out in her backyard. She shakes her head at him, She goes back to her resort and turns on the hot water faucet and pulls out a pot from the cabinet, giving time for the water to heat up. She fills the pot with the steaming hot water, walks outside and throws it onto Daniel. He immediately wakes up screaming "What the hell!?" Mona "Get up you crusty bump. You're making my yard look ugly and your driving my property value down." Daniel "I'm sorry. Sheesh. " He begins to drool at the mouth and begins to do jumping jacks. Mona "You really have lost your mind." Daniel "I'm the world's strongest man. I have to exercise to keep up my strength" Mona "In your dreams homie. Enough with the jiber jabber. I got a surprise for you" Daniel "I hope I like it" Mona "I fixed you a meth sandwich. Let's go inside and have a drug session. I got to put a few thoughts in your ear." Daniel excited that he is about to get his high on, hops , skips, and jumps into her house. Episode : 47 Written by: ML C. Meanwhile, At Huntington Memorial Hospital As Diego is taking a set of vitals on Lauren, she comes too. She sees Chris and she smiles. Chris "I'm right here." He says as he caresses her face. Diego "How do you feel?" Lauren "OK I guess. My head hurt really bad. What happened?" Diego "You suffered a mild concussion." Chris "Lauren, how did this happen to you?" Before answering, she has a flashback to Daniel hitting her in the head with the phone. She doesn't know if she should say anything, fearing what will happen to Daniel next. But She realizes that Daniel has a problem and needs to be stopped. He needs help, so she tells the truth. "Daniel, he hit me with my phone." Chris "What do you mean he hit you. He's supposed to be here on the crazy ward." Lauren "He escaped. He was talking about this woman after us." Chris "That still doesn't give him the right to put his hands on you. He's gone too far." Diego "I agree. I'm going to call Chief Williams" Chris "I'm going to kill Daniel." Chris says as Diego leaves the room. Lauren "Chris, please don't do anything stupid. That's why I didn't want to tell you." Chris "Lauren, Daniel has to be stopped. He doesn't give a damn about anyone why should we show him any sympathy. He had his hands on you that night at The Blue Note. Why Lauren, Why did he hit you?" Lauren, breaking down in tears, not knowing what to make of Daniel's actions and deeply hurt that he hit her, "He wanted some money. I wouldn't give it to him. " Chris, shaking his head than burying his hands in his face, "Lauren, I cannot stand by and watch him do this to you. My father raised me to respect women, and no man for any reason should put his hands on a woman. That's called a Bitch in my book. These damn hospitals can't contain Daniel, and I'm not going to wait until he does something else to you. Lauren I'm not having it. I love you. I am not going to let anything happen to you." He engulfs her in a hug, shedding tears himself, feeling guilty, that he could not prevent this from happening. Chris "Lauren I am so sorry. I am so sorry for not being there." He says as he holds her even tighter. Lauren "Chris, it's OK. You didn't know this was going to happen. Daniel needs help and now that Diego has called Abe, they can arrest him and we can find out what the hell is going on. Something is just not right." Chris "Abe better find Daniel before I do. He's not going to get away with this." Chris gets up and leaves her room as she calls out to him but to no avail, he is already gone. Lauren wonders where Daniel is and prays that Chris doesn't find him before Abe does. Mona's Mountain Resort. Mona is leaned back in her recliner, laxxed, exhaling on her Mary stick. Feeling good she has a moment with Mary and sees, she comes out the moment and looks at Daniel, sitting on the couch, leaned over the glass coffee table, smoking up the meth she has cooked up for him. Mona smiles, as he picks his skin, imagining bugs are biting him and decides to mess with Daniel's head in his delusional state of mind. "You OK Danny Boy?" Daniel "These roaches keep biting me. Damn, there everywhere. Don't you keep a clean house?" He says as he stands up and begins to slap at his arms and face trying to kill the "roaches" "You know, you should really invest in an exterminator. Hell give me some bleach and I'll just throw it everywhere." Mona, trying to contain her laughter from being amused with Daniel's drug induced hallucinations. "Wait." She gets up out her recliner "Don't move" Daniel "What?," Looking at her with fear building up within him "what is it?" Mona "There is a huge roach right on the side of your face" She says as she gets closer to him." Daniel "Please get it. It' burning my skin" Mona "Don't move, I'm bout to get it" Mona snatches her 22 inch flat screen monitor from her tower and slaps Daniel across the face with it. Mona unable to contain her laughter anymore, lets it out as Daniel falls back on the sofa, rubbing his reddened cheek. "Damn, is it dead." Mona "Yea man." Trying to get herself back together. Daniel "You didn't have to hit me so fast." Mona explodes into laughter once more. Downtown Pasadena TC Hotel Santino walks into Ty's office without Knocking. Having been on the phone, tells his caller he will call them back, looking at Santino with a serious face "You know to knock before you walk into my office. What the hell is your problem." Santino "Boss, I know all that. But this is important." Ty "Am I about to die?" Santino "Daniel has escaped from the psych. ward." Ty "Missing? What the fu-" He pauses, bites his lip and turns around to look out the window to view his outside fountain to try and make sense of this unexpected news. Ty "Something is not right Tino. If Daniel left the hospital, you would think the first place or person he would call would be me. We're like brothers.You don't know where he is at?" He says looking back at his no2 man. Santino "No one knows where he is now, But I can tell you that he was at Lauren's and he hit her with a phone." Ty "A phone? That doesn't sound right. This doesn't add up." He turns around to look at the fountain again to collect his thoughts. Ty remains silent. Santino "Boss, what do you want me to do?" Ty, remaining silent, thinking of all the times Mona acted strangely every time he mentioned Daniel's name. Mona would always shrug him off or change the subject and never would want to talk about him. Then Ty thinks about his theory that Daniel did not really try to commit suicide the night of his Hotel Party and that in fact someone may have set it up to look like a suicide. Ty has finally put two and two together. Santino "Boss, you're never this quiet, your quick, Come on your sly Ty. I know you got a plan" Ty "I always do. Keep tabs on Mona. Something is not right and I am going to get to the bottom of this. I'm going to look for D myself." "Don't count on that happening" Ty and Santino turn around and sees Jennifer. Santino looks at Ty then looks at Jenn and leaves, to get on his mission to keep tabs on The Lady in Black. Ty "Baby, I've missed you." He says as he greets her, kissing her on the lips, well he tries to anyway until she pulls her lips away, turning her face to the left so he kisses her cheek instead. Ty "Is something wrong?" Jenn "Uhm, yea. I can't believe you wanted to give Jodie a job." Ty "Jenn, please, that is not up for discussion. I have something to take care of." He gives her a credit card as he heads out." There, go buy yourself something pretty. I'll get with you later." Jenn "Ty you better not walk out of here" He blows her a kiss and leaves his office. Jenn is frustrated and confused. As she swaps at Ty's desk knocking off pen's folders and paper work"Life with Ty isn't so great after all." She hears coming from behind her. She turns around and sees Chris. She rolls her eyes at him. Not wanting to admit he was actually right, she tries to hide it with an attitude. "Chris, do yourself a favor and stay out of my life." Chris "Jenn, that's not why I am here. I could care less about what's going with you. I just know that your man in shining armor of yours is messing with Lauren. Where is he? I know he is hiding Daniel somewhere?" Jenn "What the hell are you talking about now? I can see why you and Lauren click so much. You both mastered the art of babbling on and blowing out steam." Chris "Steam huh, I thought you and Lauren were good friends. What happened to that?" Jenn "I guess that went out the window when she stop wanting me to be happy. Being with Ty makes me happy. Any friend, for that matter, a so called good friend could respect that." Chris "I see Ty has really hypnotized you. What happened to you? What has He done to you?" Jenn "Suck my ass Chris." She says hastily says as she flicks him off, leaving the office. Chris chuckles, knowing he hit a nerve deep within Jenn. But he doesn't let that stop him from his mission, finding Daniel. He begins to look around in Ty's office. Sierra Madre, Mona "Your face OK?" Daniel "It's hurts like you just hit me witch a computer screen." Mona "Maybe I was to fast for you. But Listen Danny boy, I know how you can feel better." Daniel "You read my mind, it's time for another drug session." Mona "Not quite, you see, you know your good boy Ty, don't you?" Daniel "Yes I sure do" Mona "Yes. Danny boy he called me this a.m. and told me to inform you he has a nice package for you." Daniel "I bet it's some more "Tina" Mona "You already know playboy. He said to be There by 12." She looks at her watch. "it's 11 now, you can make it to downtown if you leave and start walking now." Daniel "well can't you give me a ride?" Mona "That will be a negative. Now get the hell out of here before I tie you up with my black mambas." Daniel remembering the time in the hospital when Mona was about to inject him with the venom of the black mamba, decides not to test Mona. As he is about to leave he decides he is superman and not afraid of Mona today. He looks at her "Can I see what your face looks like? Why do you always wear the veil? Why do you keep your face hidden?" Mona reaches in her bra and pulls out a very small gun and begins to fire in Daniel's direction. Daniel runs out her mountain side dodging bullets, headed back into Pasadena. Once Daniel is out of sight, Santino rides by Mona's resort, just having missed seeing Daniel leave. Westwood Park, Mike's House Jodie is in the kitchen putting away the dishes she just washed when Mike walks in the front door. She smiles at him. Mike, for some reason he thinks Jodie's really beautiful today and he tells her. Jodie "Thanks's, that's sweet. I wish I felt beautiful on the inside." Mike, taking a seat on the sofa, looks at Jodie "What makes you say that? Is something wrong?" Jodie "I'm very nauseated today." Mike "I can go get you some ginger ale or something." Jodie "No thanks. I'm OK. I already got some. This is normal for me so don't be alarmed. All this medication I'm on really drains my body. So many side effects." Mike "Well, then have seat, let's watch a movie or something" Jodie "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something." Mike "What's on your mind?" Jodie, sitting next to him on the sofa. "I was thinking about what Ty said last night." Mike "What about it? You mean the job offer?" Jodie "Yes and-" Mike, cutting her off "Jodie, you can't be serious. You actually gave it some thought?" Jodie "Listen, let me explain. I was thinking, what if I did go work for Ty, then maybe I could get close to him and see what is he really doing. Maybe I can find out something." Mike "I don't know Jodie. I don't like the sound of this." Jodie "Mike , please, it's the least I could do for you. You have been so kind and understanding I will be forever grateful. For the first time in a long time, I feel like someone actually cares about me Mike. And that feels good." She says as she wipes away a tear that rolls down her cheek. He scoots closer to her, and holds her. Mike "Jodie, I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. You don't ever have to worry about that. I accept you for who you are." He kisses her on her forehead. Jodie "That's why I need to do this. For you Mike. I owe you this. You deserve it. Jenn and Ty have done you so wrong. It's not right. You are a good person, and you don't deserve anything they did to you. I have seen Ty's type before. Mike, I used to work the streets of Cleveland, pimps, hoes, drug dealers, I have seen them all. He's up to something. I can feel it. I can work for him, get him to trust me and find out what he's really doing." Mike, looking into her eyes, "Jodie, I really don't know. Ty is dangerous." Jodie "Mike, I'm a strong woman, I have been stabbed, shot, robbed, Ty does not scare me. Besides, this is Pasadena, not Cleveland. Ty is just a rich boy, wearing a suit, blowing out hot air." Mike "Your very strong minded. Jodie, if this is something you really want to do, then let me know if there is anything I can do to help." just as Jodie is about to respond, she holds her stomach and frowns up. Mike "Jodie, are you OK?" Jodie, gets and hurries into the bathroom to vomit. Mike hears, Jodie's moans, and weird cries as she vomits into the toilet. He hates to see her like this, and wonders if there is anything he can do since this so new to him, He is left there to sit and try to take his mind off of Jodie's liquid pain by turning on the tv. Back at TC Hotel, Daniel enters the back entrance, remembering that only Ty's workers know about it. He slips into the Hotel discreetly, and begins to go to the room Mona told him his "package will be in. Daniel stops suddenly, when he sees a little leprechaun standing down the hall from him. The little chan' laughs at Daniel and runs towards him. Ty, forgetting his gun, and securing his safe pulls back up to his hotel, as Chris, continues to search the Hotel, opening up doors, in the hallways behind Ty's office. He hears some one running, Daniel, in his drug induced state of mind, makes a b-line for the nest room he sees and enters the room, and locks it, Ty enters his office, and sees his desk has been ransacked, He pulls his gun out from under his black leather couch and enters the hallways behind his office. Daniel, catching his breath, running from the leprechaun, imagined by the meth that is running through his veins, slowly turns around to look in the room he is in. He sees, a body, on a Gurney with iv's and ventilators hooked up to the person. Daniel slowly walks over to get this person identity and he sees Ty, hearing foot steps behind him, on impulse, knowing no one is supposed to be in the halls but him turns around and shoots the person walking up behind him. Ty, looks in horror as he realizes he has shot Jennifer!!.....
  21. GREAT EPISODE!! Serena did an excellent job. Tell her I said that. She's a keeper Matt. Where do I begin... I am even more hot that London and Blake will just let this thing go with Dr. Harnlo.. Loved the baby naming scene. Very nice. I see my girl mentioned that Classic by miss Jackson. Nice touch. I loved the D/C scenes. I was happy they were able to finally connect on a level where they could talk. And what a twist, Dylan asking Vince for help with Carrie. Pasta eater>LOL!! I LOVED how those girls turned the tables on Nate. LOVED IT. I also like Ava's and Skye's scenes. VERY GOOD EPISODE. I'd say one of the best along with the last episode
  22. Very Good Episode Redd. Probably the best I have read of Novi this far. It was full of emotion and drama. I loved the drama that's building up within Lynnette over her kiss with her friend(Greg?) I loved the electricity between Cassandra and Yvette. The dialog was great too. I can't wait to see what Nette' is going to do to try and trump Cassandra. Also loved the court scenes and GREAT CASTING CHOICES, Mathis, Devane, Good job Redd, Keep em coming
  23. The Funeral, part 2 Episode: 46 Written By: ML Cooks with Monique Bitches and Matt Preston Chris pulls into Lauren's driveway. Looking at how the front door is open, he can already sense something is wrong. He gets out his car and walks inside her house. "Lauren" He says calling out to her. He looks into the kitchen and sees Lauren laying up against the wall with blood dripping from her forehead, He kneels down and engulfs her in his arms. "Lauren, Baby, wake up" He says rubbing her back trying to get her to wake up. He pulls out his cell phone and calls 911. After telling them the situation and the directions to the house, he hangs up the phone and tries to get Lauren to wake up. He shakes her a little. "Lauren, please wake up. I'm sorry I'm here for you. " When he gets no response, he picks her up in his arms and carries her out her house and places her in his car, taking Lauren to the E.R. himself. Greater Yonders Funeral Home The funeral director, along with Kevin and Karim and some other guests, opens up Ashley's casket, to retrieve Sabryn. Alexis "No need to open that. Let that Bitch Die." Kevin and the Director help Sabryn out of the casket. Sabryn "This is not over Bitch." She spits out as she walks past her. The Director fixes up Ashley again Karim looks at Alexis "Wow what just happened?" Alexis "Justice being served." Karim "Remind me to never piss you off." Alexis "Ahh, baby don't feel like that. I would never hurt you." She smiles at him and does the same at to her. Meanwhile, In the hall leading up to the bathroom Dondre, letting Sharan go "Ria, Don't know nothing stupid." Ria "I'm going to tell you now Dre, stay out of this or you might get your ass whooped too. This Bitch has the nerve to be all up in my business but yet, here she is, being a sneaky hoochy mama. I'm bout to superman this hoe" Sharan "Ria, that's not what this is. Dre, kissed me, I didn't kiss him." Dondre "Ria she's right, It's my bad. Sharan didn't do nothing." Ria "Yea yea… It's never Sharan's fault. Sharan is so perfect, Sharan is this Sharan is that. Give me a break. It's time to knock Sharan out. Forget what LL Cool J says, Ria said knock Sharan's ass out." Ria goes after Sharan, but Dondre grabs her, escorting her outside. Ria, Trying to get out of Dondre's grip "Get your damn hands off me,. I'm going to beat this hoe's ass. I'm going to wipe that fake ass Bitch down." She hollers punching Dondre in the back. Ria "I'm going to get you Sharan. Kevin!! Kevin!!!" Dondre already has Ria outside. Kevin runs towards the commotion and sees Sharan Kevin "Sharan what is going on?" Sharan, feeling guilty for letting Dondre kiss her and Ria caught them can't bear to look at him and she runs into the bathroom Kevin wonders what just happened Outside, in the Flower Garden of the Funeral Home Bryan and Natalia are talking. Bryan "So what is this all about. How can you help me?" Natalia "I know how big your dick is" She says with a smile on her face. Bryan shakes his head and closes his eyes, finally getting his answers as to what happened last night. "It was you?" Natalia "Yes it was. And it was so damn good. I don't see how Sabryn handles all that Dick you got as small as she is." Bryan "Shut the hell up. How? Why did this happen?" Natalia "We were at your club together. You were upset about Ashley and I was upset by good friend Dahlia almost on her death bed. We were drinking heavily, and the next thing I knew we had a passionate kiss, and it let to some great sex on the pool table." Bryan "So why are telling me this? Where does this help part come in at?" Natalia "It's not hard to figure out Bryan. I'll keep quiet about our hot escapade if you give me a few dollars?" Bryan "This is extortion!" Natalia "More like happiness. If I tell Sabryn, we had sex, hell she might have a stroke. And we hate each other too. It would be over for sure between you two. I did hear you two just got back together." Bryan, knowing she is right and not wanting to risk messing things up with Sabryn, gives in "How many dollars are you talking about?" Natalia "Five hundred thousands dollars." Bryan "You are out of your mind. I don't have that kind of money" Natalia "SO what are you saying Sabryn isn't worth it?" Bryan "I am saying I am not going to let you black mail me. Hell next time it might be a million dollars. I'm sorry, but that type of party won't be happening." Natalia "I'm sorry Sabryn has to find out ,.Then again I'm not sorry. I don't like her so I don't have nothing to lose is she finds out" She says as she pulls out the DVD. Bryan "You can't be serious, You took the DVD from my security system." Natalia "Ding, Ding, You win the grand prize. So what will it be Bryan? Do I show Sabryn this porn of me riding that dick royally, or are you going to run me my money?" Ty and Jenn approach Mike and Jodie Ty "Hello you two. You look lovely together." Mike "State your objective then get out of our faces." Ty "No need to be hostile Mike. I come in peace" Mike "You are a real pain in my ass." Jenn "Mike relax. Ty is trying to reach out to you." Mike "Jenn, don't talk to me." Jodie smirks at Jenn and Jenn rolls her eyes at Jodie. Ty "Well I'm not here to cause a ruckus, so I'll get to the point. Jodie, From our dinner the other night, you told me you needed a job, and I have one for you." Jenn "I don't think so." Ty looks at Jenn confused Mike "I don't think so either. We want nothing from you." Jenn, looking at Ty "Why are you looking at me like that? I don't want you working with this slut. You know how I feel about her. Why would you even ask her?" Jodie is smiling even more at Jenn, knowing how much she gets under her skin. Ty "If you'll excuse us" Mike "No excuse needed. Just don't come back." Ty and Jenn walks off Mike wanting to stick it to Jenn a bit for hurting him "Life isn't so great after all is it Jenn?" Jenn turns around looks at Mike and shakes her head at him and rolling her eyes. Finally the funeral actually begins Bryan and Sabryn stand outside of the church but before opening the door, Sabryn pulls Bryan back. Bryan: What is it? What's wrong? Sabryn: I can't do this. I can't go in there. Bryan: We have to. As much as I hate to say it, we have to show some sort of remorse. Bryan and Sabryn sit way in the back. The rows were filled with almost all of the Pasadena residents who knew Ashley. Jodie sat next to Mike who wasn't too far from Dondre and Sharan. Karim sat by himself and looked across the way at Kevin, giving him the coldest eyes that he could give. The aisles were split with good versus evil. On the other end Ty put his arms all over Jenn trying to make Mike and Jodie jealous, knowing that they weren't happy to see him. Natalia and Ria sat next to each other. Ria tries getting Karim's attention but he wasn't having it. Alexis gets up from the edge of the aisle and makes her way to the podium. Alexis: Thank you so much for coming. I know that I'm new to the town but to see all the support for me and my family, it's very touching. Alexis looks at the large photo of Ashley behind her. Alexis: I'd like to think that my sister was troubled but at the same time…she was a person who followed her heart. Nobody could ever tell her the word no. (snickering) Believe me, I tried. It's just hard to lose someone. Just to have someone be there one moment and the next, they're not. Life can be so cruel- (fighting back tears) I'm trying so hard to be strong here… (crying) I'm going to miss you so much sis. Sabryn stands up to exit. Bryan forcefully grabs her arm to have her sit back down. Sabryn: (hollering) NO! Bryan get off me, I'm leaving! Sabryn turns around to see the church patrons looking at her. Natalia was shaking her head back and forth. Sabryn: I was just leaving. Alexis: (acknowledging her) You have tons of gull to come here. Alexis steps down from the podium and begins to walk towards her. Alexis: I had many phone conversations with my sister. She told me how much you two hated each other. How you used fight over your little sex toy which you've using since day one. Bryan: What happened was an accident. We all know that. Sabryn: I'm not going to stand here and be berated! Your sister- Alexis: Go on. Say it. I dare you! Sabryn: Your sister deserved everything she got. Alexis lunges for Sabryn until being pulled back by Kevin. Bryan pulls Sabryn back trying to calm her down. Alexis: (screaming) GET OUT! GET OUT OF HERE NOW! MURDERERS! YOU KILLED MY SISTER! BOTH OF YOU! Just as she says that Police Chief Abe Williams and two of his officers walk in. Kevin "Pops, What's going on?" Abe "I am here to arrest Sabryn Genet and Bryan Dattilo for the murder Of Ashley Jones." Sabryn "No wait, you can't. I'm pregnant" Bryan looks at Sabryn in pure shock. Bryan "You're what?" Sabryn "That's the news I had to tell you. I'm having your child." Bryan holds her, not only did he get Sabryn back but she is having his baby. Alexis "Break it up. Abe do your job and arrest these cold hearted murders." Abe places Sabryn in cuffs and one of his other officers places Bryan in cuffs to. Sabryn "I didn't kill her. It was an accident!" Abe "You have the right to remain silent, anything you and or do can be used against you in a court of law " He says as he escorts Sabryn and Bryan to his cruiser The funeral guests looks on in shock. Alexis smiles at her victory over Sabryn and Bryan.
  24. I see and I can really understand wanting to flesh out those emotinal scenes. Good choice. and Good episode
  25. Wow, I was really looking forward to read more about Lady Roma. I hope the blog wont be away along.
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