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Blog Entries posted by daysfan

  1. daysfan

    -The next day in Salem arrives. Marlena stands on the balcony of her penthouse, as she feels guilty for not going back to the hospital, but she says to herself she has no idea how to tell the Hortons the news. She hears behind her “Tell the Hortons what news, Doc?” and she turns around to see Faux Roman behind her!

    -John, Kim, Kayla, and Bo stay at the hospital overnight. Max suddenly runs into the waiting room and Bo asks Max where he has been and they have been waiting him for hours and hours. He apologizes and says he has been trying to find a friend, and Bo then says “Well why you were gallivanting around our mother fell into a coma.” Max looks on in shock, and begins to feel guilty. Kim says now is not the time, and they are all here now. Kim goes over to John, and says she is proud of him. She thanks him for being there, and then John slowly says he will always be there….for his family. Kim then says “Thank you so much……Roman.”

    *Days of Our Lives Opening*

    -Lexie finally returns to Stefano’s hideout, and Megan asks her where she’s been. Lexie says she has been taking care of some things, and Megan hisses she has nothing to take care of. She tells Lexie she is lucky she did not report her to their father. Lexie says to Megan that believe it or not she does have things to take care off, and then she walks off without another word.

    -Marlena begins to cry as she falls into Faux Roman’s arms, and he asks her what is wrong and what’s happened. She slowly gets up and says last night, Maggie asked her to check on Alice, so she went to the Horton House….and suddenly Marlena stops as tears pour out of her eyes, and then says she found Alice was dead! Faux Roman looks at Marlena in shock, and asks how. She says she had no idea except when Maggie talked to her before the Ball she was sick. Faux Roman says this is terrible, and Marlena says she doesn’t know how she can tell the Hortons this.

    -John says he called her Roman, and Kim says she thinks it’s time. She says he can call himself what he wants, but as of now, he is Roman to her. And he always will be. John once again does not say a word, and Kim simply smiles as she goes back to Caroline’s bedside…..

    -Lexie gets to her room inside Stefano’s hideout, and locks the door. She says quietly to herself as long as Megan and Stefano aren’t suspicious, then everything is going as it should. She then says her father’s downfall is imminent. And this time she will make sure it is his final downfall.

    -Faux Roman says she has to, and Marlena says she definitely knows. He tells her he will go down to the hospital with her, and she thanks him. She sobs as she gets ready to leave, and once they leave, she prepares for one of the hardest things in her life…..

    -Rex thinks back to when he met Willow, and their months together as a couple. He says she was special to him, almost as special as Mimi was. He sighs, having lost another woman . He hears a voice say “The relationship would never have worked anyway. She hated you right before she left.” and he looks beside him to see Cassie in a wheelchair. He asks what she’s doing here, and she says she surprisingly was alright and able to be released from the hospital again. Luckily she wasn’t hit too much, and then Rex finally gets up the courage to asks her what her problem is with any woman he gets into a relationship with.

    -Bo walks over to John and says “John, I-” but he interrupts with a smile on his face and says “No. Call me Roman. Roman Brady.” Bo stands stunned for a moment, while Kim says “Well then may I officially welcome you to the family, Roman.” John/Roman smiles at his family, finally truly accepting his identity…
  2. daysfan

    -Cassie asks what he means, and Rex tells her it’s like that every woman he gets romantically involved with she hates. She says that Willow was a hooker and Mimi pushed her out a window! Rex then asks “Did she really? For awhile, I was willing to believe you, but I have doubted it for a long time.” Cassie is shocked and offended, and says she’ll dare he accuse her of lying! Rex says he hates to do it but he has to consider that strong possibility. He says he wouldn’t be surprised if she threw herself out the window!

    -Greta walks into Steve’s room, where he lies unconscious. She just stares at him, and says “Soon. I promise, Father. Soon I WILL reveal my paternity to you, but right now is just not the time….”

    -Faux Roman and Marlena head to the hospital, and Faux Roman tries to re-assure Marlena it will all be alright. He says she will be able to do this, and she says she hopes she can…..

    *Days of Our Lives Opening*

    -Cassie gasps and then slaps Rex, she says she would never do that, no matter how much she wanted him and Mimi apart! Rex then asks “Then who did push you out the window? And don’t say Mimi because I know it is a lie.”

    -Greta continues to worry for Eric, and she tears up and says her life is just falling apart. She says it has been for years……

    -Hattie continues to search for information on Faux Roman’s true identity. She whispers to herself “Don’t worry Allan, I’ll find out who you are….and where your family is…..”

    -Cassie yells “FOR THE LAST TIME IT WAS MIMI!” and Rex snaps it was not, and for her to stop with the lies. She screams “ALL I HAVE BEEN DOING IS TRY TO HELP YOU, AND DO WHAT’S BEST FOR YOU! BUT NOW YOU DO THIS TO ME?!” and then leaves his room in tears……

    -Greta stares at Steve, and thinks about Eric. She finally determines it is time to turn her life around, and not let it fall apart again. She slowly walks out of Steve’s room, with her new goal set firmly in mind….

    -Faux Roman and Marlena arrive at the hospital, and as they slowly walk in, Faux Roman puts his hand on Marlena’s shoulder for support as she prepares to tell the Hortons Alice’s fate….
  3. daysfan

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Faux Roman shall from now on be called “Allan” and John shall be called “Roman”.

    -Cassie wheels back into her hospital room, and throws a vase of flowers across the room. She screams in anger, and yells “ALL I TRY TO DO IS HELP HIM, AND HE TURNS ON ME!” and then tears pour out of her eyes. She throws yet another object, and whispers “I lied for him, I did everything I could for him….I gave up my own life for him….” and then she clutches the end of her hospital bed, and slowly tries to stand….

    -Marlena and Allan bump into Roman at the hospital. Marlena then says “John, I am so gla-” but he interrupts her saying it’s Roman now, and she stares at him for a moment in shock. But then she says she has horrible news, and Roman asks what she means. She then tells him she found Alice Horton’s body!

    *Days of Our Lives Opening*

    -Jan awakens in the hospital, and mutters “What happened?” and looks down at her stomach, and slowly runs her hands over her stomach, and then she whispers “My baby is still alive…..”

    -Many people in the hospital are being released, including Anna, Hope, Maggie, Abby, Jeremy, Nick, Lucas, Vivian, and Kate. Forrest comes to the hospital to see Kate, and Kate says this is the first time she has seen him since the Ball, he could have visited at least once. Forrest replies he had more pressing matters to take care of, and Kate says that a very important matter is getting rid of his aunt. Unknown to them, Vivian listens from behind the wall….

    -Cassie nearly falls down, but slowly begins to walk, fueled by determination. She mutters “Forget the wheel chair…” and as she begins to walk more and more and finally completely regains the use of her legs, she says “Now, time to convince Rex Mimi was the one who pushed me….” and leaves the hospital room…..

    -Roman stares in shock, and does not say a word. He stares at Marlena for a moment, and whispers “Doc, no….” and as Marlena tears up yet again she whispers back “Oh Roman, it’s true……” Bo walks up behind Roman and asks “What’s true?”

    -Jan smiles, and whispers “I can’t wait for you to be born…the last thing I have of Shawn…..” and sighs. Jan, for a moment, feels a bit of regret about all the things she has done. After thinking for a moment, she looks at her stomach and says “After you are born, no more schemes for me….”

    -Forrest says that will happen soon enough, and Kate says it had better, before Vivian pulls something on them. Vivian smiles and says to herself “Oh don’t worry Kate, I will….” as Kate leaves the hospital.

    -Cassie walks through the halls of the hospital, and has to clutch the walls a few times especially if she walks too fast, she assures herself she can do this, her legs have been healing for months, and she is determined. A nurse sees Cassie and recognizes her as one of the patients, and says she shouldn’t be out of her room. Cassie snaps she does not care and storms out of the hospital…

    -Marlena looks at Bo and continues to cry, and Roman turns to him and slowly says “Doc….told…me….Alice….is…..dead” and Bo just stares, and asks “What? How?” Marlena says it looks to be just natural and Maggie told her Alice was sick before the Ball, and she still has to break it to the Hortons. Bo tells her no, and he will be the one to tell Hope about Alice….

    -Kate walks through the streets of Salem, and suddenly she is grabbed by the back of her collar of her coat and is pulled into an alley, and a knife is put to her throat. Behind her is revealed to be Helena Cassadine!

    -Allan asks Bo if he is sure he wants to do that , and Bo nods. He says she is his wife, and he needs to be the one to do it. A tear slowly runs down his cheek, and Roman says he’s doing the right thing. Marlena thanks him and says she will tell Maggie and the others. Bo just nods to the three again, and turns away as he heads to tell Hope...
  4. daysfan
    NOTE: For this episode only, it shall be Bo and Hope-centered and in a new style for this episode only.


    Bo, Marlena, Roman, and Allan all shakily head to Julie’s hospital room, where all the Hortons are. Maggie and Hope are about to tell Julie about Doug, but are interrupted as Bo slowly opens the door, walking in.

    He gives a simple nod to Maggie and the other Hortons, and Hope says to him “Hey, Brady.”

    “Hey, Fancy face…..” he says back and tries to forge a smile as she slips her fingers in between his, and Marlena, Roman, and Allan walk in

    Marlena gulps and thinks to herself Dear Lord, please give us all the strength to deliver this news….

    Bo continues in speaking, and says to Hope “Hope, uh, I need to speak with you privately……”

    “And I need to speak with the rest of you.” Marlena tells the others, and briefly glances back at Roman

    “Don’t worry, Doc…..” he whispers

    “Bo, I was ju-” Hope starts but Bo cuts her off

    “I know, but this….its……” Bo starts “Important.”

    “Well so is this.” Hope argues with confusion in her voice

    “Hope, just, please…..” Bo says and looks away for a moment, trying to hold back a tear

    Be strong, for her… Bo thinks to himself, trying to assure himself he can do this

    “Fine.” Hope says with a sigh and they both slowly walk out of the room, while Marlena sits down and begins to tear up as Roman puts his hands on her shoulders

    Bo and Hope walk into the hallway, and Hope grits her teeth. She briefly glances back to the hospital room, and then whispers to Bo “What are you thinking, Brady? I was just about to tell Julie about Daddy. Please don’t make this harder than it already is.”

    Hope begins to tear up, and Bo closes his eyes for several seconds. He opens them and keeps his hand clutched to her hand, and slowly pulls her into an empty hospital room. She silently wonders what is going on, and he sits her down on the bed, and stares straight into her eyes. She stares deep into his, and for a moment there is nothing but a deep staring between the two. “Bo, what happened?” she asks suddenly, in a complete monotone on the outside, but Bo knew there was worried ness in it

    He strokes her cheek slowly with the other hand that is free, and he tries not to choke up as he finally tells the truth “Hope……” he starts “Your aunt Maggie………asked Marlena to check on Alice last night……..and Marlena did, but…she found that....Alice passed away………”

    Bo looks away after the last word comes out of his mouth, as several tears run down his face. Hope continues to stare, no emotion anywhere. She is completely silent, and for several minutes silence is between the two. “No…..” she finally says, in a soft tone as tears run down her cheeks as well “Bo, no……”

    Bo finally looks back at her and takes her other hand and squeezes them tight, as he looks at her and tries to say something “It’s…..true….her body is here……it was through natural causes……”

    Hope merely looks at him, not sure what to think. She stares back into his eyes and knows it is true. “NO!” she screams “NO NO NO NO NO!”

    Bo pulls her into an embrace, and they both cry. “I’m so sorry, Fancy Face…..” Bo slowly says

    Hope does not say a thing as tears continue to pour. She slips her arms around Bo’s waste, and slowly says “I still have so many memories……….she was always so happy and such a pillar for our family….now she’s gone….”

    Hope silently recalls some of her times with Alice. She remembers twenty years ago, in 1987, when she and her cousins Jennifer and Melissa sang to Alice( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEVyADg8Qnk )

    She manages to smile at the memory, but it only brings more tears. “I remember singing to her…..I remember planning my….eighteenth birthday with her and Julie…..”

    Hope chuckles, and smirks as she slowly leans out of the hug with Bo. She continues to recall memories, such as planning her eighteenth birthday( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOsJ0WhlziI ).

    Bo sits beside her on the bed, and says as he finally begins to talk clearer “Just remember the good times, Fancy Face…”

    Hope next remembers all the Horton Christmases( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIpogPtrTMY ). She slowly rests her head on Bo’s shoulder, and says sadly “Oh, I can’t believe we’ll never have Christmases like-”

    “No.” Bo says to her firmly “We can, you know she would want us to.”

    “You’re right……” Hope says, partially trying to deny it, but she knows it is true

    Tears drop from her cheeks onto Bo’s shoulder, and she remembers arriving at Tom’s funeral when she thought she was Gina( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0H5-fwy_e4 ). “She was so strong there……she always has been…..she always helped me, she helped everyone around her…..”

    “Shh, I know, Fancy Face, I know…” Bo says as he remembers how even Alice helped him at times

    Hope stares off, at the wall, as she remembers Alice’s life, times she was there for or heard about( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t92tU0rHNmQ ). She cries harder, and slowly whispers to Bo “Why did she have to go Bo? Why did she have to go?”

    Bo pulls her into a full embrace yet again, as Hope remembers Tom and Alice( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlxUCnQvG9c...ted&search= ) “Both of them are now gone………” she says slowly

    Bo is silent as he cradles Hope, and she lets out a loud scream of sadness as more tears come, faster than they ever have in her whole life……as she remembers her sweet grandmother…
  5. daysfan

    A day passes in Salem, as the whole Horton clan finds out about Alice’s death. All people in the Horton family are called back for the funeral the very next day, as they all assemble to honor a matriarch. Julie knows about Doug’s coma, and as the scene opens Shawn Douglas’s funeral is just ending, his body finally being released from the police….

    Hope sobs as Shawn’s coffin is slowly lowered into the ground outside St.Luke’s. “Goodbye, baby……” she says tearfully as Bo holds her “First Shawn, then my father, and Gran…….how can this be happening?”

    “It’ll all be alright, Fancy Face. I promise.” Bo says, trying to be strong for his wife, as he also watches his son’s coffin be dropped into the ground

    A single tear drops from his eye, but he continues to hold Hope firmly for comfort. Be strong for her….. he thinks to himself

    Belle cries and Marlena and Roman are by her side, while Jan watches but also is hysterical. Marlena holds Claire while Belle slowly whispers “Goodbye, Shawn……”

    As the funeral service ends, everyone slowly turns and heads back into the church for Alice’s funeral. All the Hortons sit down as well as most of the Bradys.

    The funeral begins, and Hope sits beside Bo, Julie, and Maggie in the front row. One by one, family members of Alice get called up. First is Tommy.

    “My mother was always a wonderful woman,” Tommy starts “She raised me and my siblings right, much better than any other parent back in that era did. Even though I had my bad spots in my life, my life was wonderful, because of her and my father. If my sister Addie was present, she would say the same. As would Mickey, and I am sure Marie and Bill feel the same. I know my daughter Sandy does.”

    Sandy smiles at her father and gives a simple nod. Next, Bill stands in front of everyone.

    “Through my life….I was very troubled. I became a doctor like my father and brother, but then I had battled my other brother Mickey for Laura.” Bill says and casts a simple glance at Laura “This probably hurt both my parents very much. I never considered really until now how it probably did. And then with my son Mike’s paternity……it must have been horrible for them. But I…..do know they still loved us all, and we both gave them wonderful grandchildren. Just….with how I was all those years ago….I shudder to think how it hurt them, and…..I never made up for it……”

    Laura suddenly stands and exclaims “Yes you did, Bill! It wasn’t even your fault or Mickey’s. You made up to your whole family, me, and your children what happened! Mark my words you did!”

    Laura walks up, and slowly takes Bill’s hand, and they both walk down and back to their seats in silence.

    Marie then slowly walks up to the front of the Church, and she is slightly nervous. She says a prayer, and then begins. “For many years in my life, whenever something bad happened, I took it out on my whole family, especially my parents. I always stopped speaking to them, even if what happened had nothing to do with them. I just hid in my room, and later on I just ran off and became a nun for years. I still spoke to them, but most of the time I was just inside that convent. I finally came out of that eventually…but for so many years, I always took EVERYTHING out on them and I know they hated it.” she says and turns to Alice’s coffin “Oh mother, I am so so so sorry….”

    Marie leans down and kisses her coffin before sitting back down.

    Maggie walks up, and takes a heavy breath before speaking. “I have had a whole day to think on this. When Marlena first told me, I was devastated, and horrified. I had just spoken to Alice days ago, and I even felt guilty for her death because I knew she was sick, or at least slightly sick. Mabye I could have done something…..but soon I decided that I couldn’t mope. I had to cherish the time I had with her, just as I do with Mickey. I lost him in December, but even then I knew I could not mope. None of us should. We must be strong. It is want Alice wants, what she did when Tom or any other family member died. That is why I love her so much. She is strong for us all, and always has been. Now we must be strong…..and…I must help you all with this. Now that Alice is gone, I feel she, and Mickey, would…want me to try to be the pillar of strength for the Hortons. And that is what I shall do.” she tells them all, and everyone in the church smiles at her

    Maggie slowly steps down with a small sniff, and sits down. Julie holds her hand tightly, as she prepares to stand up. “You can do it…” Maggie whispers

    Julie smiles lightly, and stands and walks up to the front of the church. “Grandma Alice….was always such a treat to see. She always was there to help me, no matter what. All my life I have tried to be like her and my mother. I tried to help raise Hope, but for a lot of my life I didn’t even know who my own child was. I felt like I shouldn’t have been a Horton, at one time, but I realized we all make mistakes. Grandma was a great example, but she had her flaws which made her special to me and the fact my mother and she had faults might have been something that pulled me through the hard times often. My husband, Doug, who has been with me through thick and thin….recently went into a coma, that is highly likely to be irreversible. And then we received the news Grandma died….but through all those horrible discoveries, I could feel her strength guiding me….I could feel her strength when I awoke in that hospital bed yesterday with my family surrounding me……her strength is with us all.” she says as she looks out at everyone in the church, and two tears stream from each of her eyes as she sits down beside Maggie again

    The funeral continues on, as more and more Hortons stand and speak about Alice, including Sarah, Melissa, Steve, Abby, Lucas, Mike, Jeremy, Jessica, and many others.

    Soon, Jennifer Rose stands up. “My Gran…she was always so sweet and caring. She always took me in and comforted me no matter what kind of attitude I had or what state I was in. She helped me so many times, with relationships, or just something minor. She was always there for me, and….I wish I had known that last Christmas would be the last time I would see her…..but also….watching her and my grandfather, was perhaps what prompted me to finally get back together with my husband, Jack…..because I saw they had true love, and it lasted whether they were married or not….” she says, and then steps down and sits down beside Jack and Abby while Jack holds Jack Jr.

    Bo stands up next, and says once he is in front of the whole church “Well, as many know….back when Hope and I began to fall in love some, especially her father, were not too accepting of it at first. However, Mrs.H seemed to always help me and Hope find each other whenever we had problems with our relationship, and she accepted me, and countless others. She had her friend Howie disguise as Hope at her wedding to Larry, she helped me majorly with the whole Gina disaster….” he says “So I was always glad to get to know her, and be a part of her family.”

    Marlena then stands next, and walks in front of everyone. She smiles at them all while Belle holds Claire and Roman sits beside her, and she says “Ever since I came to Salem Alice has always been a good friend of mine. Always so helpful, so very helpful and comforting. Even a bit funny at times. She and I had a strong freindship….and again she was so helpful, always assisting in somehow, in some way. And just a few years ago….” she then begins to stop slightly “I repayed her by sending the poor woman to an island….I have not been able to speak to her much recently, but I have tried to make that up…and have apologized to her so many times. I hated to be the one to have to tell the news to the Hortons, and when I found her…..I can’t even describe how I felt. So overcome with sadness….an old friend gone. But even though I may not be related to her, she is in my heart…and always will be…..”

    Marlena begins to cry as she steps down and sits next to Roman, and he puts his arm around her. Bo looks to Hope, as do Maggie and Julie. Bo gives a nod, and finally, she stands and slowly approaches the front of the Church.

    She walks up to the coffin, and slowly touches it. She sniffs several times, before turning to her family and friends. “When Bo told me about this….I didn’t want to believe it.” she starts, her tone neutral “My life so far this year has been terrible. I have my daughters, Pamela and Addie, and my husband. But I lost my son…and my father…and now my Gran. I loved them all so much, and always had this special bond with Gran. She and I were always close, and she always helped me so much, and I never really helped her. She figured out that Gina was really me years ago, she helped me in my wreck of a marriage to Larry Welch, and was there no matter what was going on in her life. I enjoyed every moment of my time with her, on Christmas, or just some regular day. Yesterday….I was an emotional wreck, but also remembered a lot of great times with Gran and there are so many more that I didn’t recall at that very moment. I have been crying all day, and even during this funeral. But I want….to stop. I want to be happy all this day, as Aunt Maggie brought up. I know Gran is in a better place…..with my grandfather, Tom. I know she was strong during his death, so I must be strong during hers. And again, she is with my grandfather. Something she always wanted….so I know…she…is happy….and like Julie, I can feel her presence….”

    Hope slowly turns, and looks down at the coffin again. “Gran, someday….I…..will join you….in Heaven….”

    One, single, last tear drops down onto the coffin, as Hope turns and sits down next to Bo.

    Alice’s coffin is then taken outside, and everyone follows. As she is about to be buried after everything is said, everyone drops roses on her coffin, as it like Shawn’s did goes into the ground, right next to where Tom is buried….

    Maggie, Julie, Hope, Bo, Marlena, Roman, Tommy, Bill, Marie, Melissa, Sarah, Jennifer, and everyone else watches as the coffin is finally settled deep into the ground, and the hole is filled….

    Bo wraps his arms around Hope for comfort as everyone watches, and she puts her hand back on his shoulder. They all watch, and as they all stand perfectly still, a last montage of Tom and Alice Horton is shown of them dancing to their memorable song( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b34glFqs5mM ) before the screen fades to black……
  6. daysfan

    -The next day, as many Hortons leave Salem, Maggie and Julie say goodbye to them all. Maggie says goodbye to her daughters, and Melissa says she will try to visit soon. After Melissa walks out the door of Maggie’s house, Sarah warns Maggie that Melissa is going through a hard time right now, and is very closed up. After Sarah leaves, Maggie wonders what is happening with Melissa.

    -Kate walks into the Salem Inn to see Helena. She flashes back to how Helena forced her into an alliance to bring down Sami. She walks into the room where Helena is, and Helena sits in a chair. She smirks at her and says “So you have arrived. Excellent…..now our plans can begin…..”

    -Hope visits Shawn’s, Zack’s, Tom’s, and Alice’s graves one last time. She slowly stares at them all, and as she walks by Shawn’s she leans down and continues to stare before standing again. Little does she know Gina, who is in a ski mask, is standing right behind her….

    *Days of Our Lives Opening*

    -Steve and Kayla walk onto the grounds of the Kiriakis mansion, ready to confront Victor on what they found in Llanview. Kayla tells Steve to be calm, and Steve says it’s going to be hard and he won’t gurantee a thing. She sighs as they walk up to the door.

    -Nicole goes to the hospital to check on Crystal, but gets a shock when she learns Crystal died late last night. Christopher is the one to tell her the news, and she is in disbelief. As she leaves the hospital she says that is another thing off her plate…..

    -Kate tells her if it gets Lucas out of Sami’s life, she will do anything Helena likes. Helena tells Kate she needs her to lure Sami to the docks, and once Sami is there, she can kill her and throw her body out into the ocean. Kate’s eyes widen and she asks if she is sure Sami needs to die, and Helena replies that she has examined Sami’s backstory, and she always lures the men she breaks up with right back into her web. She tells Kate it is time she be taken out permanently, and if Kate is going to work with her she will have to get use to more lethal methods, and Kate finally reluctantly agrees.

    -Hope can get a sense that someone is behind her, and she quickly turns around, and sees the masked Gina. “Hello, Hope. Visiting your dearly departed son?” Gina says, her voice disguised. “Who are you?” Hope asks as she slowly backs up “Oh, you don’t know? I am not surprised, you probably are not in the mood to be the brightest one. I killed your son.” Hope’s eyes widen, and she stares right into Gina’s eyes. “YOU! YOU KILLED MY SON! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!” and she tackles Gina to the ground…..

    -Steve knocks on the door, and eventually Victor opens it. “Steve, Kayla. It’s rare that you ever come here.” he says, simply, looking at them both “Oh forget all that diplomatic attitude. We both know you and your buddy Victor Lord faked my death.” Steve growls as he walks inside. Kayla tries to stop, Steve, but then Victor says “I have no idea what you are talking about.” and Steve then suddenly removes a GUN from his coat and Kayla yells “STEVE, NO!”

    -Hope and Gina get into an intense fight, and Gina whispers “Yes, you know it is me…..” and Hope then punches Gina in the face once she stands, and rips Gina’s ski mask off. She sees her face, and she says with gritted teeth “You are supposed to be dead…….” and Gina scoffs “Oh please, no one ever dies in Salem, dear Hope! Except of course for your sons and grandmoth-” she says but in a rage Hope grabs her by her throat, and hisses “Don’t you ever mention them like that. Why did you kill Shawn? You should have just come straight to me, you pricy princess.” and Gina responds “Oh there would be no fun in that,” and then she kicks Hope to the ground, and then quickly takes off. Hope stands and then takes out her cell phone and dials Bo’s number….

    -Steve orders Victor to admit his crime, and Victor snarls and calls for the guards. They quickly arrive and drag Steve and Kayla off the premsis, but Steve yells he will be back. Once the guards let them go, Kayla tries to say something to Steve but he says he needs some time alone and walks off. Kayla sighs as she also walks the other way, just letting be Steve be. Meanwhile as Steve walks into an alleyway and kicks down a trash can, suddenly he looks up to see Gina in front of him……
  7. daysfan

    -Kate slowly walks towards the door of Sami’s room at the Salem Inn. She closes her eyes, wondering if she should do it. She thinks she must, for Lucas. She slowly knocks on the door, and Sami answers and asks what she wants. Kate tells her she doesn’t have much time, but they need to talk. Sami asks about what, and Kate says she will find out later. Kate then says she has to meet some business associates now, but she needs Sami to meet her at the docks tonight.

    -Clint finally arrives in Salem, and he heads to the hospital. Once there, he sees Viki about to be released. Viki sees him and yells “CLINT!” and runs straight into his arms. Victor is walking in and sees them hugging…..

    -Steve sees Gina, and says automatically “Hope?” and then she says “Oh no Steve, it is I. Surely you remember me.” And suddenly Steve has flashes of memory to being in bed with a woman….

    *Days of Our Lives Opening*

    -Bo answers his cell phone and says “Brady.” and Hope yells through the phone “Bo! I need you! I know who Shawn’s killer is!” and Bo asks “Wait, you what?” and Hope frantically responds “Princess Gina, its her, she is somehow alive and outside the church, she admitted it but ran off!” and Bo is silent for a moment in confusion but finally asks “Fancy Face, are you….sure? Gina got sh-” but Hope interrupts and says “Bo, just believe me!” Bo can tell in her voice she means it, and he says “Fine, but don’t do anything drastic.” and then hangs up….

    -Sami says she doesn’t need to talk with her, but Kate says it is very important and they have no time now. Sami asks what she needs to talk to her about, and Kate responds irritated “I don’t have enough time to explain. Just meet me there.” and Sami finally reluctantly agrees, and shuts the door. As Kate slowly walks off, she whispers to herself as she stares into space “I just sent Sami Brady to her death….”

    -Victor sees Viki and Clint hug, and he says sternly “Nikki, what do you think you are doing?!” and suddenly Viki turns, and stares at Victor for a moment. She recognizes the face from a very long time ago, and finally says “Victor?! Victor Kiriakis?!” and Clint says in surprise “You know him?”

    -Steve ignores the flashback and thinking Gina is Hope asks her what she’s trying to pull, and Gina tells Steve she is not Hope. She walks forward and caresses his cheeks slowly “Remember, Steve…” she whispers, and he suddenly has a flash of him yelling out in pain at something. Gina then says that maybe this will help him remember, and she suddenly kisses him….

    -Hope thinks to herself she vowed to catch Shawn’s killer, and she will. She whispers to herself “Sorry, Bo….” and then leaves the church area, and heads out to find Gina. As she walks through the streets of Salem, she runs into Bo. Bo asks her if she’s going home or going to look for Gina, and she says he knows what she is doing. Bo tells Hope it is dangerous, they need to think about Pamela and Addie and Gina is dangerous. Hope says she has to do it, and they can do it together or not. She tells him she will not let her son’s killer get away. She wants to do one last thing for their firstborn, one last thing. She says he must understand, he would do the same if he was in her situation. Bo finally nods, and says fine. Both of them then run off, to find Gina….

    -Kate walks into the Brady Pub, and sits down at one of the tables. She says to herself “Soon, Sami Brady will be out of my life for good….” and she looks up, and sees Lucas at the other side of the Pub having breakfast. She looks away as tears begin to stream down her cheeks and she moves to a more isolated table, and says “What have I done?”

    -As Gina kisses Steve, suddenly memories come back that didn’t come back in Llanview. He suddenly remembers Bo stabbing him in the eye, and him being in bed with a woman. Suddenly he looks at Gina, and says “You……I thought you died, but it is you….” and Gina then says quietly “Yes Steve, it is I, your former lover, Britta…”
  8. daysfan

    -Viki looks at Clint and says “Yes…vaguely, from a long time ago……” and Victor then says “Viki? That must be you.” and Clint tells Viki with a glance at Victor “Come on, we are leaving.” and he slowly takes her hand and as they go, Victor and Viki look at each other. Clint and Viki exit the hospital, and Victor says “I won’t let you take her that easily, Clint. You won’t be able to survive against Victor Kiriakis….”

    -Kate eventually stands and leaves the Pub after Lucas does, and she says to herself as she walks out “There is nothing I can do now…..Helena would have me killed if I interfered in her plans. Goodbye, Sami…” though little does Kate know, Vivian watches from behind a bush….

    -Steve looks at Gina, and then says “Britta Englund? A woman Bo and I fought over, and the first woman I truly loved? Explain how you look like his wife.” and she says “Oh Steve, darling, I can’t do that. All I can say is I used an alias….Gina….” and she then tells him “I must have lost track of time…those police are going to be after me any minute.” but as she turns to leave, Steve grabs her hand and says “You aren’t going anywhere.”

    *Days of Our Lives Opening*

    -As Bo and Hope walk through town searching for Gina, Bo calls Abe and asks him if they have all the exits from Salem blocked off. He says as many as they can, and Bo thanks him. Abe tells him they are doing the best they can, and they’ll continue. After they get done on the phone Bo and Hope continue searching for Gina, while Abe’s phone rings at the police station and he answers it to hear the voice of….CELESTE!

    -As Viki and Clint leave the hospital, Clint tells her “We need to get back to Llanview, and out of this town. From what I hear it isn’t a good place to be….and that Victor didn’t give me a good feeling either.” and Viki then says “Somehow…I remember him…..I don’t know what the exact connection is….” and Clint warns her not to dwell on it, and to just get back to their family. Viki slowly nods…..

    -Vivian smirks behind the bush and says “Well, I suppose it’s time to see what is on my dear old friend Kate’s mind…..” and as Kate leaves, Vivian stands and walks off as well, with a large grin on her face…

    -Gina tells Steve there is no more time to speak to him, and he says that she can’t just tell him she is his dead ex-girlfreind and run off. He tries to pull her back, and she elbows him in the stomach and he yells out in pain, and she says “Sorry, Steve….but I was forced to do it….” but as he sees her walk off he runs and grabs her again and she then yells “LET GO OF ME!” and suddenly, Bo and Hope who are close by hear her….

    -Abe asks Celeste where she is and how she was able to call him, and she responds shakily “Abraham, I have managed to escape from my room inside Stefano’s hideout for a short time. I have called to warn you, there isn’t much time….” and he asks her where the hideout is and she says she is not quite sure but she knows it is not in Salem. She tells Abe he must stop Stefano soon, because he is not finished with his deeds yet, and then she says before hanging up “Abraham, you are the only one who can save Alexandra now….”

    -Viki asks Clint if he’s sure they should leave Salem, and at first Victor thought she was Nikki. Viki thinks they need to stay in Salem to at least investigate what Nikki was doing here and how she knows Victor. Clint says she’s right, and reluctantly agrees.

    -Hope says that sounded like Gina, and Bo says he’d know that voice anywhere. She says of course he would, its hers. Bo manages to smirk as they run into the alleyway, to see Steve and Gina in a struggle. Bo removes his gun and tells Gina to freeze. Gina yells “Not a chance!” and finally breaks free from Steve’s grip, but then Bo fires as Steve begins to chase after her. No one is hit, and Hope says “Let me handle this.” as she runs after Gina….

    -Abe thinks of Celeste’s last words, and then walks over to Allan’s desk. He tells him he needs him to get Roman and Marlena up here quickly, and when he can Bo and Hope as well. He then says it involves Stefano, and Allan tells Abe to not worry.

    -Steve and Hope chase after Gina, and Hope tries to grab her but Gina shoves her away in time and they run through another alleyway, and after going through several alleyways they lose her. Steve breaths heavily and says “No, she can’t get away….” and several tears pour down Hope’s cheeks in anger. Bo comes up behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders, but she says she doesn’t need his comfort and they WILL get Gina, no matter what it takes. Steve then says “You mean Britta.” and Bo says in confusion “What?” as they both look at Steve. Steve then tells them that before they came, she told them she was Britta Englund. Bo exclaims that can’t be true and Britta died over twenty years ago. Steve says that’s what he thought….but it was something about her that made previous memories of her come flowing back, and when she kissed him it made him remember everything involving her. Bo then looks at Hope and whispers “No, it can’t be…”
  9. daysfan

    -Steve says she didn’t explain much, and that’s why they were fighting. Hope explains to Steve who Gina Von Amberg is and what happened years ago when Hope and Stefano were locked up in a tower in France, and also how when she came to Salem many years ago she thought she was Gina. She says Gina is a rich Princess, she can’t be Britta. Steve then warns Bo and Hope “Anything is possible in Salem. Look at all the other strange things that have happened. I think it could actually be Britta. It seems she already faked her death six years ago, so why not twenty?”

    -Tony and Anna walk into the police station. Tony tells Abe they need his help, and Abe says that he’s very busy with something. Tony says it involves Stefano, and Abe looks at him and says “That’s what I am concerned about. What’s the problem?” and Tony takes out a picture of Helena, saying he found this in Stefano’s desk at the DiMera mansion the other night. Anna says it’s odd for Stefano to have a picture of a rich widow like her, especially one that has been heard to have mental problems. As Roman and Marlena walk in, Abe says they may have more problems on their hands than he thought.

    *Days of Our Lives Opening*

    -Bo admits Steve has a point, and Hope sighs, and she says to Bo that he needs to call Abe. Steve says he needs to get to Kayla, but he’s not finished trying to find out more about this Gina/Britta. He walks off, and at the police station Abe answers the phone and tells Bo and Hope they need to get back there immediately.

    -As Bo says they will and Abe hangs up, Marlena asks Abe what is going on. Abe looks at Roman, Marlena, Tony, and Anna and tells them that just earlier they received a call from Celeste, and Roman says he thought Stefano had her hidden somewhere. Abe answers that he does, but Celeste managed to get out of wherever she was locked in in time to call him, and she doesn’t know where she is, but she knows it’s not in Salem and she warned him of Stefano. Tony then tells Roman and Marlena of the picture of Helena he found inside Stefano’s desk at the DiMera mansion. Marlena gasps, thinking she has heard the name before…

    -As Bo and Hope head to the police station, Hope asks what Abe needs. Bo says he isn’t sure, and Hope says she hopes it’s quick because right now she just wants to get back to Pamela and Addie. Bo assures her they will see their daughter soon as they approach the police station.

    -Marlena says she could have sworn Stefano mentioned that name sometime before, during the years when she was being held captive by him on a Carribean island. She says she cannot remember much, and turns and asks Allan is he remembers anything from that time. Allan shakes his head, saying unfortunately he doesn’t. Suddenly a voice says from the door “I do.” and Hattie is seen standing in the doorway of the police station. Allan asks Hattie how she knows anything about Helena Cassadine, and she says she was working with the DiMeras for several years. Roman tells her then to enlighten them on what she knows. Hattie says she doesn’t know much, but she does know Helena and Stefano have been fierce rivals, and Stefano monitored her actions closely over the years. Bo and Hope walk in and Bo asks what’s going on, and Abe explains to them the whole situation. Hope gets concerned, and also brings up how she saw Megan Hathaway, who was thought to be dead, at Chez Rouge when Stefano showed up. Hattie continues on, saying even sometimes Stefano got notes from Helena saying she knew what he was doing and soon his time would be up. Roman then says that judging by this information, they aren’t about to see another Brady/DiMera feud, but instead Cassadines vs. DiMeras, with the rest of Salem caught in the middle.
  10. daysfan

    -As it nears 5:00 P.M. Sami gets ready to go to the docks. She says that Kate had better have something useful to talk to her about instead of some dumb thing about her and Lucas or some other ridiculous issue. Lucas comes in and asks Sami where she is going, and Sami answers she’s just going to talk to his mother, and he asks why. She replies that she wanted to speak to her for some reason, and Lucas tells her to be sure to tell him if she causes any trouble. Sami promises she will, and leaves.

    -Steve walks into Kayla’s apartment, and Kayla asks Steve what he’s been doing since he ran off from the Kiriakis Mansion. He says he needed to take some time for himself, but he found out something she needs to know. She asks what it is, and he says his old lover, Britta Englund, is alive.

    -Anna says even after over twenty years she’s not sure if she can take another kind of war or feud in Salem. Roman says they all have had enough of wars and feuds, but they can’t just sit back and let this happen, for each other and their families. Bo agrees, and Marlena says they must stop both Helena and Stefano before it is too late.

    *Life in Salem Opening(AKA Days of Our Lives Opening)*

    -Lucas stands alone for a moment in the Salem Inn, and thinks about his relationship with Sami, and wonders if he wants to get back together with her after all. He thinks to himself he isn’t sure if he can after all that has happened in the past, but remembered how she admitted to Austin what she did all those months ago. Meanwhile, Alexis watches him from the door.

    -Sami arrives at the docks, and doesn’t see Kate. All she sees is a woman with a blanket over her like a cloak, and it conceals her face. Sami scowls and then walks over to the woman and describes Kate to her and asks her if she has seen her. The woman says in a low voice “I have, but not here, my dear.” and Sami raises an eyebrow and suddenly the woman takes off the blanket to reveal HELENA! Helena has a knife in her hand and Sami flashes back to when Helena demanded she stay away from EJ at the Salem Inn. Helena says with a smirk “What a pleasure to see you again, my dear…”

    -Kayla stares at Steve and says “No, Britta Englund? You mean…the one who caused Bo to stab you all those years ago? But she’s dead….” and Steve shakes his head, telling her it turns out Britta is alive, and looks like Hope. Kayla asks him what he means, and he says she looks completely like Hope, and apparently is also called Gina. Kayla says in shock “You mean Princess Gina?! Britta and…Gina are the same person? No, Steve…” and Steve says he knows it’s true, and for him to just trust her. Kayla closes her eyes and says they don’t need anymore drama in their life….

    -Tony tells everyone to lead it to him, and he’ll lurk around the DiMera Mansion or any other compound. Anna says she’ll go with him, and maybe they can also find something on his missing child. Hope suddenly remembers the island where Caroline and Victor were held captive for a short time, and says something could be there. Bo says while he, Hope, Tony, and Anna try to figure out information on Helena and Stefano’s connection so they can stop this war before it begins, the rest of them need to keep Salem safe. Abe says he and Allan will do that, and Marlena says she won’t just sit around, she is going after Stefano. She looks at Roman and asks him if he’s with her now, and he slowly sighs and says “Yes, I am. Now, there’s no choice. He has to be stopped….” and Marlena thanks him.

    -Lucas can feel someone watching him, and turns to the door. He sees Alexis and asks what she wants, and she says sarcastically she was just checking up on her favorite neighbor. He says he doesn’t need checking up on and she can go back to whatever she was doing, but she says not quite.

    -Sami yells “What do you want with me you freak?!” and suddenly Helena grabs her arm and whispers “I want you to die….” and Sami screams “I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOU! WHO ARE YOU?!” and she hisses in Sami’s ear “Helena Cassadine….” and Sami says she’s heard of her, and Helena Cassadine is a lunatic and now she gets why. Sami asks what she ever did to her, and Helena then hisses “You tried to take my son away from me….” and Sami says “EJ?! EJ IS YOUR SON?!” and Helena snarls “Oh of course you little twit.” and Sami attacks Helena in defense, but Helena kicks Sami off of her and then pulls Sami’s hair back and Sami screams out in pain, and Helena slashes Sami on her arm but it only grazes her arm though there is a slight cut. Sami tries to fight back but to no avail, and Helena in anger pushes her into the river...

    -Steve tells Kayla he will handle this, and Kayla says no, she will help him. She says she can’t just sit around like a housewife, she is going to help him stop Victor and Britta. He smiles and they embrace in a hug, and Steve says he knows they can get through this.

    -Abe says it sounds like a good enough plan, but for everyone to be careful and don’t do anything drastic. Anna remarks that can’t be avoided, and Tony laughs. They all leave the police station, ready to go up against the Cassadines and DiMeras.

    -Lucas tells her he doesn’t want to talk to some low life like her, and she rolls her eyes and says fine, but he hasn’t seen the last of her. After she leaves Lucas wonders what is with that woman.

    -Helena chuckles as she stares out at the river and sees no sight of Sami. She says people of these towns need to learn anyone who goes up against Helena Cassadine will lose, something Stefano will soon learn. She laughs evilly as she walks away, but suddenly after she leaves the docks, Sami grabs onto the ladder, breathing heavily. As she climbs back up on the docks and catches her breath, she says angrily “Fine. If it’s a war Helena wants, it’s a war she’ll get.” and walks off…
  11. daysfan
    Starting Today, on Life in Salem...

    A new era begins...

    With the first episode written by new LIS Co-Executive Producer/Head Writer Jay hits the airwaves!

    Tune in and see what unravels underneath him today on LIS!!!!!

    Episode #154

    -Clint and Viki are sitting at the Pub when Victor walks in. Viki spots him at the door and Clint ask what she’s looking at and directs him toward Victor. Clint rolls his eyes

    -Sami goes to see Marlena to let her know about the situation with Helena. Marlena is furious at what Sami tells her. Marlena is going on about this commenting that “I am your mother, Sami, and I will always protect my child”. Sami remarks, “that’s the thing mom, Helena was only protecting hers, in her own way I guess.” Marlena looks puzzled. “EJ is Helena’s son”, Sami tells her. Marlena looks shocked!

    -The screen sub-titles “Port Charles, New York”, and we see a young man talking on the phone. He hangs up the phone and says, “Salem, here I come”

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Victor comes over to the table and says “Viki, I am so glad to see you again, how are you feeling?” “She’s fine!” snaps Clint. “Viki and I were just talking about going back to Llanview.” Viki looks as Clint as to say “no we haven’t!” Viki begins to speak and Clint tells her not to talk, to let him do all the talking. “ I don’t know you, and I don’t know what you think you had with my ex- wife, but whatever it was, it’s best you leave it in the past”

    -Marlena says “I knew it!” Marlena reminds Sami about when Stefano held her captive. Marlena begins to explain to Sami some of what she remembers.

    “Stefano was talking about this woman, Helena.” Marlena says, and suddenly slowly remembers something Stefano said years ago
    She flashes back to her captivity on the island and she remembers Stefano having a breakdown. Stefano was throwing glasses and screaming, holding a picture of Helena “ my two Lena’s, Marlena and Helena… Where the hell is Helena?? I don’t know, but Marlena, my other lovely Lena is here with me and she is going nowhere. She is all I have left, I won‘t lose her as I have lost Helena….”. Marlena tells Sami about the flashback and Sami says “I wonder what this woman did to Stefano”

    -The same man in black that we saw on the phone boards a plane.

    -EJ is walking when he is grabbed. One of Stefano’s men takes him to Stefano’s lair where The Count himself is waiting for him. He tells EJ that they have to talk.

    -Viki apologizes to Victor for Clint’s words. Victor says it is alright. He tells Viki that he wishes he could remember something about their past. Clint, not feeling the situation remarks “oh lord”, and Victor says “Lord, I remember…..Dorian Lord” Viki almost faints.

    -Marlena says they have to find Stefano NOW. As she sits and thinks for a moment suddenly she says she knows where he might be! She and Sami are off to Stefano’s lair. Marlena tells Sami that they will let her in and not to worry, no one will harm them because of who she is.

    -Helena arrives at Stefano’s lair. She knocks out a guard and enters the room when Stefano and EJ are talking and say’s “Hello, my men…” Both DiMera’s stare at her in shock.

    -Marlena and Sami walk in on the awkward moment between the “family”. Marlena exclaims when seeing Helena “You!” to Helena. Helena looks at Sami and screams “YOU!” to Sami. Suddenly a voice is heard saying “Me!” coming from a familiar man‘s voice, and the screen pans to him, who turns out to be Nikolas Cassadine…
  12. daysfan
    Written by: Daysfan


    -Helena gasps and says “Nikolas, what are you doing here?! You should be in Port Charles!” and Nikolas says “Tracy came to me and warned me about you. She thinks your insane, so I came to take you back to that mental hospital.” and EJ growls “Not a chance.” and Sami says “What the hell is going on?!” and Marlena says she believes that is Nikolas Cassadine, Helena’s grandson through her son Stavros with Mikkos Cassadine. Stefano watches as the drama unravels, and slowly reaches under his desk and presses a hidden button…

    -Viki asks Victor what Dorian Lord has to do with any of this, and she is the last thing she wants to think about. Victor says he’s not quite sure, that name…he just recognizes it. Clint tells Viki to come on and they should leave, and Viki asks Clint what is wrong and that he has been acting odd ever since he got to the hospital earlier

    -Tony and Anna approach the DiMera Mansion, and Anna says here they go. Tony says they are bound to find some information on something in that huge place, and Anna tells him then they should just go in now. He agrees and they enter….

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Belle walks into the Java Café and sees Rex sitting down at one of the tables in silence, staring at the wall. She walks over to the table and asks him what’s wrong, and he sighs as he looks up at her and tells her it’s woman problems. He says he ends up hurting every woman he tries to get into a relationship with somehow, and he continues by saying Mimi was sentenced to 25 years in prison over something she didn’t even do and Willow left after a huge fight between them. Belle tells Rex that Mimi kept keeping secrets from all of them over and over, and even if she didn’t push Cassie what happened was bound to happen. She then tells him that Willow was a low life hooker off the streets and you tried to make your relationship with her work. Rex sighs and looks away.

    -Jan sits in the Java Café watching Belle and Rex, but suddenly Cassie walks in and sits down at Jan’s table. Jan asks Cassie what she wants, and Cassie says even though she doesn’t really have much respect for her after she sent her hurtling out a window they have a problem. She then tells Jan Rex knows Mimi didn’t push her.

    -Two guards come in and tell everyone to stay where they are and don’t move, while Stefano slowly stands and says that while this meeting was very eventful, he has a war to take care of. Suddenly Megan and Lexie walk in with guns pointed at Marlena, Sami, Helena, Nikolas, and EJ. Marlena looks at Lexie and says “No, Lexie you don-” but Lexie tells Marlena to shut up. Lexie thinks to herself soon Stefano will fall but not yet. Suddenly one of the guards is knocked unconscious and Celeste walks in! Celeste tells Alexandra to stop, but Lexie tells her mother she has to do this! EJ tells Helena to quickly escape, but Nikolas says she won’t be going anywhere except a mental home. Stefano yells “ENOUGH!” and suddenly takes out a controller and presses another button, and suddenly the whole building shakes. Marlena slowly says “Oh no….” and then looks at Sami and Celeste and yells “COME ON, WE’RE IN DANGER!”

    -Clint tells Viki he is fine, they just need to leave. Kayla watches the conversation curiously, and walks over and briefly says for them not to trust Victor, and she glares at Victor before walking off. As Viki stands she wonders what Kayla was talking about and who she was. She reluctantly goes with Clint, and after she is gone Victor slams his fist down on the table in anger.

    -Anna looks around the foyer of the mansion and says she forgot how much this place creeped her out, and Tony says it is a very odd place. Anna looks around in the living room, and asks where they should start. Tony begins to say something, but suddenly they hear voices…

    -Belle puts her hand on his shoulder and sits down, and tells him she knows how he feels. She says right after Shawn and her found out they were cousins he died, and she feels partially responsible. She says she was in a loveless marriage to Philip for nearly two years and it caused him to go insane over the Claire drama. She says both of them were so tortured possibly because of her. But she says she can’t blame herself forever and neither can him.

    -Jan tells Cassie she was the one who lied about who pushed her so it is not her problem. Cassie reminds Jan she could expose her at any moment and take care of Mimi another way. Jan growls and asks if Cassie has a plan, and Cassie shakes her head but says together they can make one. Jan reminds Cassie they have time, and it took Rex nearly a year to figure out Mimi aborted her baby. Cassie warns Jan to not be so relaxed about this.

    -Suddenly the building shakes again, and Marlena and Celeste quickly begin to run before the guard can catch them and Sami yells for EJ to come on. Helena looks at Sami angrily and takes out a gun and tries to shoot at her but Marlena pulls Sami out of the way in time, and Nikolas tries to grab Helena but EJ punches him in the face. Megan asks Stefano what they should do and he orders them to just get out in time. Megan and Lexie obey in confusion and take a secret exit out, and Stefano pulls out a gun and then shoots several times at Helena but she dodges them. She says “Until next time, Stefano.” and darts out of the room and Stefano yells in anger. He whispers to himself Helena hasn’t seen the worst yet, and turns and walks out the secret exit while the rest of them run for the main exit as the building continues to shake…

    -Tony says it’s coming from somewhere upstairs, and both of them quickly run up the stairs, and lean into one of the doors to hear the voice of Bart(Steve Blackwood) talking to another one of Stefano’s henchman. Anna asks Tony if they should burst in, and he says yes and Bart is easy to handle. Tony suddenly breaks the door down, to Bart’s shock! He says with a smirk “Well hello, Bart.”

    -Nikolas races after Helena, as Marlena, Celeste, and Sami make it out the door in time. Shelves and drawers begin to fall everywhere, and Nikolas takes a side exit to try to intercept Helena. Helena and EJ run after the door, however, as Helena runs out the door suddenly Stefano’s lair EXPLODES! Marlena, Sami, Nikolas, and Celeste stare on in shock as EJ and Helena go flying into the air…
  13. daysfan
    Written by: Daysfan


    -Marlena quickly calls the paramedics and gives them their location and informs them of the explosion, while EJ and Helena land on the ground and hit the wall of a building. Sami rushes to EJ’s side while Celeste looks around for where Stefano went but sees no sign of him or Megan and Lexie. Sami yells to Marlena EJ is still alive, and Marlena rushes over and checks Helena’s pulse. She says both are alive.

    -Bart looks at Tony with fear and trembles “T-T-T-T-Tonnny….” and Anna snorts. Bart asks Tony what he’s doing there, and Tony says it is the DiMera mansion and he is a DiMera, and Anna is his guest. Bart nervously says no, he’s Enrico’s son and not welcome. He looks to the other henchman and says they need to get out of here, but Anna suddenly pulls out a gun and says none of them are going anywhere. Bart’s eyes widen in shock and Anna with a grin says always come to Stefano DiMera’s home prepared. As she points it at the other henchman, Tony grabs Bart and orders him to tell him where they can find any information on Stefano.

    -Kate walks to the docks where Helena and Sami were hours before, and looks around. She slowly says she guesses Sami is gone, and slowly sits down on a bench and stares out at the river. Suddenly a voice asks what she is doing here, and she looks up to see Forrest!

    -Julie slowly walks into Doug’s hospital room, alone. She looks at his comatose body, and slowly sits down at his bedside. She shakes as she slips her fingers in between his…..

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -The paramedics arrive at the scene of the explosion and quickly put EJ and Helena onto stretchers, they say EJ is minorly injured but they have to work quick on Helena or she might not make it. Stefano watches from a distance and whispers “Let her die.”

    -Bart says he has no idea what Tony is talking about and that they know everything about Stefano already, and Tony says he wants to know about the connection between Helena Cassadine and Stefano. Bart’s eyes widen, and Tony immediately says he knows something. Tony tells him to just spit it out now, and Bart lies that he doesn’t know a thing but Tony tells him it is no use and he knows it. Bart finally breaks and says they can find information in Aremid!

    -Kate says she just needs to be alone, and she’s done something horrible tonight. Forrest tells Kate she’s done horrible things before from what he knows, and they have been plotting against Vivian and that never affected her. Kate says that was different than what she just did and she actually has a heart even for people she hates and Forrest remarks she never did before, and Kate slaps Forrest in anger.

    -Julie looks down at her husband, and quietly apologizes for not visiting until now. She says she has been so emotionally wrapped up in her grandmother dying and all that has happened. She then says Hope emotionally came back after Bo talked to her the other day about the news regarding Alice, and Hope could barely break it to her. She flashes back to that moment and then says she is here now and she will wait everyday until he wakes up.

    -The paramedics quickly rush Helena and EJ to the hospital back in Salem, and Marlena, Sami, Celeste, and Nikolas follow quickly. Once they all get there and stand out in the waiting room, Nikolas apologizes to the three for what Helena has caused recently, and he will be taking her back to a mental hospital to get proper help once she gets released from the hospital.

    -Tony says in shock “Aremid?” and Anna says that she’s heard that so many people from Salem were already there in 1995, and Andre was there. Bart says yes that is true but there is more there than they know. Tony and Anna look at each other for a moment and Tony finally looks back at Bart and says fine, he’ll believe him this time. Slowly Anna puts her gun down and she and Tony both slowly leave, and after they leave Bart tells the other henchman they have to warn Stefano fast.

    -Kate says she always did and he has no right to judge because he barely knows her, and Forrest says he knows quite a bit about her and her schemes over the years. He says however she is a valuable asset and the only person who can help him take care of his manipulative aunt, and she says she doesn’t want to focus on that right now. Forrest tells Kate to come back to the Alamain mansion with him, and they can discuss Alamain there to get her mind off of whatever is troubling her. Kate sighs and agrees, and they leave the docks together.

    -Christopher and the doctor that worked on Caroline quickly work to stabilize Helena, and finally after some time they come out of her hospital room saying she’s stable and only has minor burns, and should recover soon. Nikolas says good, and Sami asks if EJ is still alright. Christopher tells her he is fine, both were not majorly effected it is just with Helena’s age and the power of the blast it was harder to stabilize her. In Helena’s room, unknown to any of them, her eyes suddenly open!

    -Julie stands and as she slowly begins to cry she tells him she would stay with him forever if she could. She promises to visit him every day, and she says he will wake up, no matter what any doctor in the world says. She says their love has gotten through so much, and she will not let it fail now and she knows he won’t either. She leans down and kisses him, before turning around to leave, and as she stands in the doorway she looks at Doug one last time before slowly shutting it…
  14. daysfan
    Written by: Jay


    - A little later, Nikolas shows up at the hospital again. He sees Sami who greets him and asks him if he’s there to see his Grandmother. Nikolas replies, “Actually I’m not”

    -Helena is in her room looking around. She sees the guard assigned to her room reading a magazine. She stares at the guard, at his gun, at his nightstick and she quietly says to herself “It shall go down!”

    -Steve and Kayla are at the pub. Viki and Clint come in. Arguing Viki tells Clint, “I HAD D.I.D” and Kayla listens. She tells Steve about DID and he says “I couldn’t imagine having someone look just like me and I didn’t know it.”

    -EJ is in his room staring at the wall when the door opens and Nikolas comes in. “Hello cousin”, he says.

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -EJ looks at Nikolas and says “Who the hell are you in the first place?” “Your Cousin”, Nik says. I’m Nikolas Cassadine. I know Helena is your mother.” “Don’t you dare speak about my mother! she’s dead”. EJ says angrily assuming Helena died In the explosion “ No she isn’t.” comments Nikolas.

    -Viki and Clint are sitting in the pub. “What they looking at?” says Clint, looking over at Steve and Kayla. “Nonsense, Clint. What has gotten into you? You were very rude to Victor Kiriakis earlier, twice in fact.” Viki tells him “Look, Viki, I don’t want to be reminded of Nikki Smith, or Tommy, or Jean Randolph for that matter. I’d rather just go back to Llanview. Let your past stay in the past, Victor Kiriaskis and all!”

    -Helena starts to scream. The guard says “ohh no lady, your not tricking me, your not going for my stick or my gun.” She says” I am in pain….please help. Me” He takes off his gun and stick to prevent Helena from ambushing him and he bends over to help her and Helena gets his pressure point and knocks him out. She says “now, to get into these clothes.

    -Sami goes in to the lobby. She calls Marlena, and updates her on the situation. Marlena tells her that she is coming to the hospital. Kate comes in to the hospital. “Sami, WHAT THE HELL?!” Kate screams when she sees Sami, thinking she died at the docks. “A whole lot happened, Kate. Sit down and I’ll tell you.” Sami says with a fake smile, playing it cool for now

    -Nik tells EJ that he found Helena’s journal about her plans to go to Salem, and in which she reveals that she has a son. “My father saw this woman and didn’t tell me that she was my mother…I had to find out for myself. I have vague memories of her but nothing else until I met her.” EJ explains, gritting his teeth in anger

    “I’m sorry about that, but we have business to handle. Your father had made my Grandmother’s life a living hell. I never knew about that until now.” Nikolas tells him

    EJ says after thinking for a moment “Wait one damn minute, your grandmother, my mother, must have been the problem if father never told her she was my mother…” The two exchange looks.

    -The guard comes out of Helena’s room and heads toward the elevator. “Is everything ok in there?” The doctor asks. The guard tips his hat and leaves. When in the elevator it is revealed to be HELENA! Helena takes off her hat with a small maniacal chuckle, and says “Stefano, I’m coming."
  15. daysfan
    Written by: Daysfan


    -Celeste meets with Abe, and Abe hugs her in happiness seeing she is alright. Celeste explains what happens and Abe says he’s heard. Celeste asks how Theodore is, and Abe says he’s been fine for the most part just wondering where everyone in his life is and they all vanished. Celeste frowns and says sadly Alexandra still seems to be loyal to Stefano.

    -Nikolas snorts saying he thought EJ was loyal to Helena this whole time, and EJ snaps that he is he is just pondering things in his mind. Nikolas says no matter how much he hates Helena, he can’t let Stefano do whatever he is planning to do. EJ says he plans to take the DiMera throne from Stefano, and Nikolas asks if he’s sure. EJ growls to Nikolas to get out now, and Nikolas says fine but he hasn’t seen the last of him.

    -Sami explains to Kate what happened, and Kate tries to come up with an excuse but Sami leans in and whispers “I know you set me up to die.” and Marlena walks in and sees Kate, and remembering what Sami told her she says angrily “YOU!”

    -Stefano, Megan, and Lexie are all on a DiMera private jet to Italy. Megan asks Stefano why they keep retreating, and Stefano responds they aren’t, and major things will be happening in Italy…

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Anna and Tony find Roman and tell him what they got out of Bart at the DiMera mansion. Roman asks if they’re sure Bart is not lying, and Anna says he was terrified he definitely did tell the truth. Roman tells Anna he’ll trust her judgment but if they go to Aremid they need to be careful. Tony tells Roman not worry and they will be fine.

    -Abe sighs and tells Celeste even if they get Lexie back she will still be facing some tough times. He says she will be facing the charges of Tek’s murder, breaking out of jail, and working with Stefano, a criminal. Celeste sadly says “I know, Abraham.” and Abe says he’s sorry, and he doesn’t want to do it either.

    -EJ sits in his hospital room and thinks back to what Nikolas and him discussed, and how Helena ordered him to stay away from Sami. He considers siding with Stefano but then says “No, I must side with my mother…” and decides it’s time to leave this hospital.

    -Kate looks to Marlena but before she can say anything Marlena tells Kate she knows she purposely lured Sami down to the docks to be killed. Kate says she has no idea what she is talking about but Marlena tells her to just stop with the stupid lies. Marlena tells her she never got to properly confront her on all the things she has done to her daughter over the years, but now it is time. Kate tells Marlena she is so sorry and they were friends once and they can be that again but Marlena snaps no they can’t. She calls Kate a manipulative bitch and says she’ll never harm any of her children ever again. Kate angrily growls to Marlena “Fine. Have it your way, Marlena…” and stomps off angrily.

    -Lexie asks Stefano what he means, and Stefano says they won’t just be hiding in Italy. He says slowly many people of Salem will be attracted there, notably Helena. And then he says he will take care of her, and he will truly be back on top, and Helena is a fool if she thinks she can defeat him…and in Italy, he shall defeat her…

    -Tony and Anna board a plane to Aremid, and Tony asks Anna if she’s ready. Anna says she’s always ready and she kisses him on the cheek, and he smiles. Slowly the plane flies off and heads to Aremid, Tony and Anna ready for what secrets they find…or are they?
  16. daysfan
    Written by: Jay


    -Lexie asks Stefano what the real deal is with Helena. She tells him that it’s not like him to be running from a lady. Stefano shuns her and dismisses the accusations that he is running from a woman. claiming that she will get hers once in Italy. He then says that “Italy is where it is meant to happen, and it shall go down there...”

    -Abe is walking about when he comes across Marlena after she leaves the hospital. They greet each other. She tells him that she just got done with Kate and they both turn their noses up at mention of her name. Abe tells her that he heard what has been happening with Helena. Marlena reveals that Helena Cassadine is Ej’s mother to Abe.

    -Kate, recovering from her lashing from Marlena runs into Roman. She complains about Sami and Marlena and Roman defends his daughter and his wife. Kate tells Roman that Marlena is just upset at her because “some crazy lady beat Sami up.” Roman says “What?!”, and wants to know where he can find Helena Cassadine.

    -EJ has left the hospital. He is walking and he drops his bag with all of his valuables. When he looks up, Nikolas is there and he says “Told ya”.

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -EJ looks up, and says “What the hell do you want?” Nikolas says “I told you this wasn’t the end of it.” EJ tells Nikolas that he wants nothing to do with him. Nikolas tells him, “You would if only you knew what your father did to my grandmother” EJ looks at him.

    -Kate tells Roman that Helena is a force to be reckoned with and that he had better just let Stefano handle her. Roman says “No, tell me where she is, Kate!” “I don’t know Roman. All I know is that she is in Salem Hospital” Kate finally tells him “I’m going”, Roman remarks.

    -Marlena tells Abe that Helena is in Salem to get revenge on Stefano, and Sami was just caught in the crossfire. Abe tells Marlena that he is sorry. He asks if there is any way he could question Helena and get a lowdown on her before she starts any trouble. Marlena tells him that she is in Salem Hospital. He says that he will go over.

    -EJ ask Nikolas what he means. Nik tells him he will just have to wait and see, and Nikolas walks away.

    -Abe and Roman meet up and they both figure out that the other is going to the Hospital. They both walk in to the hospital to find mass turmoil. Abe flashes his badge and asks what’s going on. A Doctor informs him that Helena Casssadine has escaped!!

    -Helena in new clothes is boarding a plane. “I know you my Stefano. I know how you think. Italy, here I come.”
  17. daysfan

    -Marlena faints when she sees Samantha Evans, her twin sister and then Samantha tries to wake her up.

    -Bonnie tells Jan that no matter if she doesn’t go jail that Shawn and Mimi will be together forever and there isn’t a thing she can do to break them up and then Jan says that she will regret that she said that and then she grabs Bonnie by the hair and a cat fight ensues.

    -Lexie screams when she sees that she shot Tek and then she quickly shuts the door to her office and then she checks to see if Tek is alive or not.

    -When Sami wakes up she asks Austin what Nicole is doing back and Austin says that she has come back to work with them again and then Sami asks Nicole if she can speak with her privately.

    -As Jennifer and Frankie go down to get Jack’s medicine as the mysterious woman sneaks into Jack’s room while he is asleep.
    -Marlena comes to and is shocked to see Samantha and says that she can’t be alive and that the Salem Strangler killed her.

    - At the Spears mansion Lilly is preparing for her dinner with Max and then when she walks into the living room she has a flashback of her mother calling her worthless when she was five and saying that she was glad that Lilly was going to boarding school.

    -As Jan and Bonnie fight Bonne tells Jan that she might just go into another coma if she keeps messing with Mimi and then Jan says “I don’t think so but you might” and then she kicks Bonnie so Bonnie goes through the door to the Brady Pub just as someone is walking out and then Shawn, Rex, Cassie, Mimi and Caroline looks to see Bonnie just getting up off of the floor and then Shawn sees Jan standing right outside!

    -Sami pulls Nicole out into the hallway of her apartment and she whispers to Nicole that she was not supposed to be here and then she tells Nicole that she got her that nice fine job in New York would leave Salem and then she asks Nicole why she came back and then Nicole answers that she got bored there and that she couldn’t let Sami or Carrie get their hands on Austin.

    -Lexie screams when she doesn’t get a pulse and then she says to herself “I killed Tek.” and then she says that she knows just who to call to help and then she says “I can’t believe I am doing this”.

    -At Sami’s apartment she comes in after talking with Nicole and she hears her cell phone ringing and when she answers it she hears Lexie’s voice saying “Sami get down to the hospital right now or your future with Austin will be over” and then she hangs up so Sami wonders what that was all about so she quickly runs out of the apartment and gets in her car and drives off towards the hospital.

    -Shawn sees Jan and then he yells “JAN?!” and then he runs outside and grabs her by the arm and asks what she is doing here and that she is supposed to be in a coma and then Jan tells him that she is back and then Shawn tells her that he knows about the cage and Victor so he is calling the police right now and then Jan says no and that she has changed and the cage wasn’t her fault.

    -Samantha says that she is alive and well and she says she can explain how.

    -The mysterious woman pulls a needle out of her pocket and says “Do not worry Jack” and then she injects it into him.

    -Lilly sees a picture of her mother so she breaks it and then she says “I am glad Jan killed you” and then she leaves the Spears Mansion.
  18. daysfan
    Written by: Daysfan


    -Christopher comes over and Roman asks how the hell she escaped, and asked if she had a guard by her door. Christopher replied yes she did but they found him stripped of most of his clothes and apparently she had pushed on his pressure point which is how she escaped. Abe says he is going to send out search teams for her immediately.

    -Greta sits in the Salem Inn as she flashes back to being outside Chez Rouge over Steve’s unconscious body. She remembers saying he was her father, and she slowly says to herself she has to tell him and Kayla someday. As she stands and slowly walks around she says “I can’t keep this thing a secret forever.” and suddenly NICOLE is revealed to be listening from the door. She smirks and says to herself “Now what would that secret be, Greta?”

    -Tony and Anna arrive in the small town of Aremid, and as they walk through town Anna comments the place is very desolate. Tony tells her he has heard the same thing, even from when most of Salem was here in 1995. Tony and Anna slowly walk up to a fairly large sized house, and Tony says this is it. This was the house that is owned by the DiMeras and was the one that Andre killed himself in twelve years ago.

    -Julie walks into Hope’s house to see Hope sitting with Pamela and Addie. She smiles at Julie as she puts the babies down and greets her and asks how she is. Julie says she is pretty much fine, but she just visited Doug at the hospital.

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Roman tells Abe he’s realized they can’t just sit back anymore, and they have to find Stefano and Helena. Abe says they just need to find where they are, and Roman says obviously Stefano wouldn’t be anywhere near Salem so they need to find out what DiMera private jets were used lately! Abe agrees and they leave, while Christopher watches as they go and thinks he recognizes the name Stefano…

    -Greta says to herself she should go find out what is currently occurring in Steve and Kayla’s life, and she grabs her purse and heads towards the door. Nicole hears her coming and hides behind a wall as Greta walks out and leaves the Salem Inn, and Nicole vows to find out Greta’s secret, and decides to follow her!

    -Tony and Anna enter the house, and Anna asks where they should search first. Tony automatically says “The study.” and Anna asks “Why so sudden with your answer?” and Tony is silent for a moment and says he’s unsure, but they should search there anyway. Anna nods as they head up to the study.

    -Hope slowly asks how he is, and Julie says sadly he’s the same. Julie asks Hope how she is, and Hope says she’s as good as she can be. She says her and Bo were supposed to investigate something about the DiMeras but she’s not ready. She is still grieving Alice and after the discovery Gina killed Shawn she just can barely do anything, and she doesn’t even have her father or sons. Julie sniffs and pulls Hope into a hug as Maggie walks in.

    -Greta walks up to the entrance to the Pub and watches as Steve and Kayla are talking inside. She watches and says “Not now…” and turns around to leave, and then says to herself “From what I know they have enough problems with Victor Kiriakis as it is. Now is not the right time to reveal Steve is my father…” and as she walks on the screen pans to reveal Nicole listening in on what Greta said! Nicole’s eyes widen and she says “Steve is Greta’s FATHER?!” and as she slowly walks forward she smirks and says “I can use this to my advantage…”

    -Tony and Anna walk into the study at the house in Aremid, and begin to look around, searching for anything they can find. Anna says there has to be something in here and Tony agrees, and suddenly as Tony looks at the couch and examines the study closely he has a small flashback of a gun going off!

    -Maggie smiles at Julie and Hope, and as Hope wipes away a few tears that came out of her eyes she greets Maggie. Maggie walks over and hugs Hope, and Julie says they are just still trying to get over what happened to Alice and what happened to Doug. Maggie nods and says she understands and it took her some time to get over Mickey’s death. She then says but they are Hortons, and they are strong. She tells Julie and Hope they will get through this, it is what Alice and Doug would want. Julie agrees, and after a few seconds Hope nods, and all three embrace each other.

    -Abe and Roman try to look for information back at the police station on if any DiMera private jets have been known leaving anywhere recently, and finally after some time Roman discovers a DiMera jet was only a few hours ago leaving for Italy! Roman tells Abe of what he has discovered, and Abe says then that concludes it. Stefano is in Italy, and then Roman says they have to go there to stop him.
  19. daysfan
    Written by: Jay


    -Stefano, Lexie and Megan arrive in Italy. “Ah, It is good to be home” Stefano says. Lexie wants to know what they are doing there. “You will find out soon enough my dear”, Stefano remarks.

    -Roman and Abe are at the station. Roman is making a case related call while Abe is calling Celeste to watch Theo while he is gone. While Abe is on the phone, Celeste warns him, “Abraham, you and Roman mustn’t go looking for Stefano; you will find trouble before you reach him.” Abe thanks Celeste for the concern but lets her know that it is his job to stop her. Roman gets of the phone; Abe gives him the nod, and the two head out.

    -Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie are walking when they see Nikolas. “He’s hot!” Stephanie says. Kayla tells her that he is Nikolas Cassadine, grandson of the woman who has come to wreck everything Salem and Stefano DiMera.

    *LIS opening*

    -Roman and Abe are on their way out when they hear something funny outside. Abe tells Roman about what Celeste told him and the two brush it off. When getting into the car, Roman and Abe are both knocked out with clubs. The camera rises to EJ and Nikolas each standing on opposite sides of the car and the two stare each other down.

    Celeste and Theo are reading a book. Celeste feels something. She hugs Theo and says, “Theodore, I hope your daddy is ok.”

    -Stephanie tells her mom “So?”, and Steve tells her that Nikolas’s Uncle Stefan Cassadine was a bad guy. He then explains the history of Stavros, Mikkos, and the whole Casssadine Empire. Stephanie says “So he’s rich and hot?” “And dangerous,” Steve says. “I wouldn’t want to have anything to do with those Cassadines!”

    -Helena is on her airplane on the phone. She tells the person that she is on the phone with that everything is going as planned. She then says she is hot on Stefano’s tail and he cannot get away from her. She smiles deviously.

    -Stefano and the gals arrive at a huge palace. He then says “Here it is my girls, where it all took place”

    -Helena getting out of a car arrives at the palace and simply says “ShowTime!"
  20. daysfan
    Written by: Daysfan


    -As Stefano , Lexie, and Megan all walk around in the foyer of the palace, and Lexie says this is bigger than any other mansion or compound she has seen that belongs to Stefano. Stefano says yes, and this was the main DiMera home. Stefano glances around and asks for his daughters to leave him alone for a few moments, and both say they will and walk out of the room. Stefano slowly sits down in a chair, and Stefano flashes back to a woman(Annette Bening) and a man(Andy Garcia) making love on the couch…

    -Helena stares at the DiMera palace for a moment, and she suddenly flashes back to the same woman and man Stefano flashed back to, and she remembers the woman yelling at the man:

    “ One day you will pay for this. Pay dearly! No one uses Helena Cassadine this way. For now, you can continue on with your life in prosperity and always rising from the ashes. But I am a vindictive woman, and I will be back when you least expect it. However for now I curse you, Stefano DiMera, and your damn family. When I return for my revenge, you won’t rise from the ashes. The Phoenix will lie on the ground cold and dead!” she shouts as they stand in the doorway of the palace, and she turns and marches out

    Helena whispers to herself that now is not a time to focus on the past, and focus on the present, and that is defeating Stefano. She chuckles evilly as she walks off.

    -EJ looks at Nikolas and smirks, and says looks like the good Cassadine may actually have the same goal as him. Nikolas says he doesn’t want Helena to go free, but he does want to try to handle this himself and he can’t let anyone get in the way. Nikolas tells EJ that includes him. EJ laughs and says Nikolas is not a match for him. Nikolas then comments they’ll see about that, and they’ll also see who goes down. Suddenly a voice says both of them will go down, and they turn to see Bo standing there!

    -Tony has brushed off the flashback in Aremid and both Anna and him continue to search the study. Anna says they have searched almost everywhere and found nothing. Tony says they haven’t checked the locked drawers in the main desk yet, and Anna asks if he can get them open and Tony says with a smirk of course he can. However as he tries to get one of them open, suddenly he has another flashback to a gunshot going off and yelling…

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Lexie, after going to a private room, quickly takes out her cell phone and dials a number. She then a few seconds later says “Hello. Yeah, it’s as we thought, he came to the main DiMera palace in Italy. It’s huge, just hurry but be subtle. We can’t have this blow up in our face now. He seems to be not suspecting anything from you at this point, and believes I am loyal. Just be careful.” she warns and then says goodbye, and hangs up. She whispers to herself her father will get what is coming to him.

    -Stefano sighs and takes out a gun, and as he stares at it he says “Helena, my dear, you were foolish to think the Phoenix could perish. You were wrong. I have hurt so many people in Salem and imprinted things in their lives that will last permanently, but it is nothing compared to what will happen to you…”

    -Bo asks them what the hell they think they are doing knocking out two people, who are even police officers. EJ remarks they are taking care of business, and Bo tells them he knows who they both are: the Cassadine boys. Bo tells them to step aside while he makes sure Roman and Abe are alright, and not to go anywhere, and after they awake he’ll see if they have to be taken down to the station or not. However as EJ slowly steps out of Bo’s way, he takes off running! Bo takes out his gun and yells at EJ to freeze, but EJ pulls out his OWN gun and begins to shoot at Bo! Bo takes cover at the front of the car, and Nikolas takes this chance to dart off! Bo yells “Damn it!” as both run off.

    -Tony stares off into space for a few minutes, and Anna notices something is wrong and asks if he’s alright. He answers after several seconds he is fine but Anna says maybe he should sit down. He agrees and she asks what happened. Tony answers he keeps having odd flashbacks ever since they got into this room…of a gunshot going off. Anna asks what it could possibly mean, and Tony says he has no idea and he believes this is the first time he was ever here.

    -Megan comes back into the foyer, and Stefano greets her. She asks Stefano why they are being so slow in everything, and he assures her it is all part of the plan. He says he can’t put anything more into motion until everyone arrives in Italy, but that will be very soon. He says Roman should already know he is here, and Helena of course does. He tells her all in due time things will unfold.

    -Bo manages to wake Roman and Abe up and inform them of what happened. Roman tells them it’s obvious they will be heading to Italy too, so they need to get there fast. Abe agrees, and tells Bo they could use his assistance. Bo says he needs to talk it over with Hope first ,especially with the state she is in about Alice, and they still have to find Gina. Roman then says he needs to tell Marlena about all this, he just hasn’t had a chance. Bo says he will talk to them later, and they agree. Bo heads to his house to talk to Hope while Abe and Roman drive off…

    -EJ arrives at the airport and boards a private jet he had arranged on the way there, and it flies off to Italy! He says on the plane that he knows his nephew Nikolas will head there as well, but he’ll deal with him soon enough, but for now he must handle his father and mother. Meanwhile, Nikolas also arrives at the airport and boards a plane to Italy, and it takes off!

    -Anna puts her hand on Tony’s shoulder and asks him if it could be anything more. He shakes his head, very unsure. As he stares at the wall in front of him, he begins having the flashbacks again over and over. Anna can tell something is wrong again and says “Tony?” and then repeats herself, but he stays silent as the flashback continues to replay. Finally, he has the full flashback!!!!(CLICK HERE FOR TONY’S FLASHBACK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PiACBAXSl4 )
  21. daysfan
    Written by: Daysfan


    -As morning rises in Salem, Jan walks out of the elevator at Belle’s loft. She walks up to the door, and without bothering to knock walks right in. Belle looks at her in surprise and growls to Jan that she better get out or she will call the police and she was lucky she left her off the hook last time. Jan says she’s not here to fight with her, she says she’s here because she knows who killed Shawn.

    -Bo walks into his house, and sees Hope there after Julie and Maggie left several hours ago. Hope greets Bo with a kiss and she asks what took him so long to get home, and he says they have a problem. She asks what kind of problem, and he says EJ, the son of Helena, and Nikolas, the grandson of Helena, attacked Abe and Roman. Hope gasps and asks if they are alright, he says yes but they are going to Italy to find Stefano and they might need his help. Hope sighs, and says she’s not sure if she wants him leaping off on an adventure so soon after losing Alice, and he says he knows and he doesn’t have to go. Hope sighs, and thinks for a moment. She finally says she’s going with him.

    -Roman and Abe are at the airport, and Abe tells Roman Nikolas and EJ are probably already out of Salem, but he knows where they are going to go. Roman says obviously Italy and Abe agrees. Roman calls Marlena, who is at the penthouse with Sami, and tells her there has a last minute change of plans and explains to her the whole situation. Marlena tells him she’s going too, and Roman says she needs to stay in Salem for safety. Marlena tells Roman not a chance, and he can’t change her mind. Roman then tells her he won’t let her get hurt, and Marlena assures him she won’t. Marlena then says she’ll see him at the airport and hangs up before he can get a word in.

    -Tony says “No, it can’t be…this is impossible….” and Anna asks again if he’s alright, and Tony says he remembered him shooting himself in Aremid! Anna immediately says “No, that can’t be true. You’d never shoot yourself. I know you…” and she says Andre was the one who shot himself in Aremid! Tony says now he’s not so sure, and Anna then sputters that Stefano could have implanted him with some kind of chip that made him think he shot himself, but Tony shakes his head slowly. He says “Anna, I truly think I shot myself…”

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -At the Kiriakis mansion, the doorbell is rang and Victor answers it to see Viki. He tells her to come in and she does, and then tells him she has news: She and Clint are going back to Llanview.

    -Belle gasps and she anxiously asks who, and yells “WHO KILLED SHAWN?!” and Jan then replies “Princess Gina Von Amberg, I saw it in the news. I’m surprised you didn’t.” and she walks up to Belle’s face and snarls that she hates her, but they may have to work together to stop Shawn’s killer, and Jan continues to say she would do anything for Shawn, even team up with her. Belle tells Jan she thinks she is psychotic, but she will do it.

    -Bo says she can’t and shouldn’t go, Stefano is dangerous and their daughters need her. He also says she’s still getting over Alice’s death, and Hope in silence briefly looks at a picture of Alice on the mantle, and says softly as she looks back to Bo “It’s what Gran would want me to do. We’ve faced Stefano so many times before, and Julie and Aunt Maggie can watch the girls. Abe and Roman need your help, but you need mine.” and Bo finally admits she‘s right, but they just have to be very careful when they get to Italy.

    -Marlena looks to Sami and informs her of what has happened, and Sami tells Marlena she’s going to Italy. Marlena sighs and says now she is in the position Roman was. Sami tells Marlena Helena tried to kill her, she’s going. Marlena tells Sami fine, and both head off.

    -Anna asks Tony how would he know and he just had some strange flashback, and Tony says because that flashback tells it all to him. He says he wonders if it perhaps wasn’t Andre in Aremid and it was him. Anna yells “NO! You didn’t frame Roman for your murder, you wouldn’t do that! YOU WOULDN’T, I KNOW YOU TONY!” and Tony takes her hand and tells her he’s just confused at this point, he is not sure what to think…but he gets the feeling he may have done it. Anna snaps to Tony they can’t be sure at all and she doesn’t understand why he is suddenly thinking like this.

    -Victor asks Viki in shock “What?!” and she says it’s true. She says at first she wanted to stay in Salem to figure this all out, but after talking with Clint she knows she needs to go back to Llanview to see her family for familiar scenery. She says they have been without her for so long, and she thinks now is not the time to be in Salem. He tries to tell her Clint is just polluting her mind but she says no, and then says she will probably return to Salem someday, but now is not the time. She then says “Goodbye, Victor.” and walks out the door, and after it is shut Victor slams his fist down in anger and says that he’s lost Viki again, but this time all of Salem will pay for it.

    -Belle warns Jan to not pull any tricks, and Jan says not this time. Belle then says “So it’s settled.” and Jan nods. Jan turns and tells Belle she’ll be in touch, and after she walks out the door and into the elevator, she begins to laugh evilly and says Belle is such a fool. She says she may be joining up with her for now to stop Gina, but she has plans in store for Belle. Meanwhile back in her loft, Belle sits down and says she just teamed up with Jan Spears, which could be an advantage or her death.

    -Bo, Hope, Marlena, and Sami all arrive at the airport and greet each other. Sami briefly glances at Roman but looks away, still not ready to accept him. Abe says it looks like they have a few extra people, but Hope says they can handle this. Abe warns them that this will be dangerous and every one of them, even himself, must be careful. They all agree, and board a plane to Italy! Gina, who was watching in the background, says she guesses this means she must go to Italy as well.

    -Tony tells her he may have only just remembered the memory but he has to. Anna tells him it’s impossible, and Tony tells her they can’t rule out the possibility. Anna trembles “N-N-no…it has to be Andre…” and tears begin to stream from her eyes, as she breaks down and slowly says again “You wouldn’t do that.…you wouldn’t frame another man for your murder…” Tony looks at her and slowly puts his arms around her as Anna slowly looks back at him and asks in-between the tears…

    Anna: Why?! Why would you do that and not even remember?! WHY, TONY?!
    Tony: Anna….I can’t know that….not yet….
    Anna: Then maybe you didn’t do it. Mabye it’s Stefano whos making you think like this. Mabye you were under his control. Mabye-

    She then just stops in her sentence and continues to cry harder as Tony cradles her, and the screen fades to black…
  22. daysfan
    Written by: Jay


    -Jan is at her apartment thinking about the episode she and Belle just had. She starts to laugh to herself, about what she will do to Belle after they work together. “Maybe I’ll dip her in acid, or maybe I’ll pull all of her pretty blonde hair out until she cries”. She goes over many psycho scenarios, and smiles.

    -Belle is sitting at the loft looking at Shawn’s picture. She says to it “Shawn, I may be making a big mistake teaming with Jan, but it is worth it.” She puts his picture down and hears a knock. It’s Will.

    -Victor looks at an old photo of him and Viki. He thinks about what a shame it is that he couldn’t rekindle their flame. Angrily he throws down the photo and gets on the phone.

    -Bo, Hope, Marlena, Sami, Abe, are all now at the airport in Italy. Abe asks Marlena if she knows where Stefano’s mansion or new lair may be. She says yes, he has a Palace and she remembers seeing it in pictures many years ago. All leave as Roman says “I hope we aren’t too late.”

    *LIS opening*

    -Nikolas arrives at the entrance to Stefano‘s palace, as does EJ and the two exchange words. “Nikolas, I know you are trying to “protect“ your grandmother which means taking her back to that mental institution you and your little friends in Port Charles put her in, but she is my mother and you should just back off, and let me work out the problems between my mother and father.” EJ snaps to Nikolas, but Nikolas angrily shoots back. “You have not known Helena for your whole life! I know how she works. I’m not claiming to know Stefano, but I sure as hell know Grandmother better, and if anyone needs to get back, it’s you! If you don‘t let me get her back to where she belongs, which is a mental hospital where she can receive proper help, she‘s going to slaughter your whole DiMera family.”

    -Will greets Belle and tells her that he’s worried about Sami. He tells her that she’s taken off to Italy and it has something to do with Stefano Dimera. Belle is taken aback having known from Marlena what happened to Sami at Helena’s expense. “Mom won’t tell me anything”, Will Says. Bellw explains all to him. “This sucks that my own mother couldn’t tell me this!” Will says a bit angrily, he thanks her and heads to the door, but Belle then asks him who all is going to Italy, and he tells her who all is. He leaves and Belle realizes that if Bo and Hope are in Italy, Gina could be there too! She heads off to find Jan and inform her of this.

    -Victor is on the phone with an unknown businessman. “Clint Buchanan, acting CEO of Buchanan Enterprises has wronged me. I want you to everything in your power to make sure his business goes to hell! ” he shouts coldly, he then hangs up “ And now it’s Salem’s turn to pay!” he exclaims.

    -Stefano is in the foyer with Lexie and Megan. They hear screams! Helena bursta in the room with a gun and says with a chuckle “Hello dear lover, ready to die?”

    -Marlena, Sami, Bo, Hope, Roman, and Abe run in to Nik and EJ and Abe tells them after what they pulled back in Salem they are not interfering in any of this, but they hear commotion inside. They all run inside and follow the voices.

    -Lexie tells Helena to calm down, and Helena says this is a war and her goal is to kill Stefano! She points the gun at Stefano but then Stefano has a heart attack, or so he wants Helena to believe. Lexie tends to him and Helena screams “ Now now, keep in mind that if there is one more move, someone will get shot!!”

    -Bo, Hope, Marlena, Roman, Abe, Nikolas, Sami, and EJ bust in the room, shocking Helena and the gun goes off!!!! Someone is shot. But who?
  23. daysfan
    Written by: Daysfan


    -Belle walks into the Spears Mansion and sees Jan. Jan turns to her and says she’s come so soon, and Belle immediately tells her she thinks Gina could be in Italy! Jan asks her what the hell she is talking about, and Belle explains the whole situation. Jan then says they need to leave for Italy NOW.

    -Allan finds Max at the Brady Pub, and tells him they have a lead on Erin’s location. Max asks where, and Allan reveals they think she might be in ITALY! Max asks Roman if he’s kidding and that’s where half of Salem is right now, and Allan says he is not, which makes him wonder if the kidnapping has a DiMera connection. Max says he’ll find out, because he’s going to Italy! Allan tells him he’s going too.

    -Anna tries to pull herself together back in Aremid, and tells Tony they just need to leave Aremid and go back to Salem, and Tony says they both know they really shouldn’t and they need to investigate more and see if there is any more he can remember. Anna says no they don’t need to, and there was no useful information here anyway. Tony stands and takes her hand with a sigh, and says fine, they can go back to Salem. Anna thanks him and says she’ll call Allan and tell him and the others they are coming back.

    -Sami lets out a scream when the gun goes off, and Roman immediately pulls Marlena out of the way and shields her while Bo does the same to Hope. EJ says “Well well well look who you shot, mother.” and Helena scowls when she sees she shot NIKOLAS!

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Helena looks at Lexie and tells her to tend to her grandson, now! She points the gun at her while Abe, Roman, and Bo all take out their guns and point them at Helena and tell her she better not make another move. Lexie sighs as she gets down to tend to Nikolas and her eyes briefly lock with Abe‘s, and Helena then points the gun at Sami! She says “Well officers, you can capture me and let this innocent woman die, or you can drop your guns and give them to me, which will it be?” and Bo looks at Roman, and Sami looks at her father with fear in her eyes. He nods to Abe, and Abe tells Helena fine, they’ll do it. They drop the guns and kick them away, and Stefano who is still lying on the ground slowly tries to inch a way, but Helena throws one of the guns to EJ and tells him to keep his father at bay!

    -As Allan and Max talk, Allan’s phone rings and he answers it, and Anna is on the other line. Anna tells him she and Tony are coming back to Salem but purposely leaves out Tony’s flashback, and she asks what is going on in Salem. Allan informs her of the situation and tells her he is about to head to Italy as well! Anna says “Italy?!” and suddenly when Tony overhears, he shakily gets up and is feeling odd. As he stumbles around he whispers “What is happening to me?” and suddenly, he looks at Anna as she hangs up, and tells her they need to go to Italy!

    -EJ slowly picks up the gun, and contemplates what to do and who to side with. He keeps looking at Helena and Stefano, and Stefano tells EJ to not do it to his own father. Helena then hisses to EJ he knows what his father did to her, and they have been planning this for months, now it is all full circle! EJ looks at Stefano and then finally points the gun at him. Stefano then growls in anger “You would do this to your own father?! Who raised you up! You truly are her son!” and suddenly he grabs his own gun and points it back at Helena in anger, and says now she has taken his own son away from him! Helena tells Stefano it would not be wise to shoot, because then EJ would kill him. Helena looks at the rest and says that Sami will live if they let her and her son go, and let them take Stefano with them!

    -Jan and Belle head to the airport, and Jan tells Belle she already has a Spears jet arranged. Belle says good, it will get them to Italy faster. Both vow to avenge Shawn’s death, but little do they know Philip is following them!

    -Abe says no, and they need to take both of them to jail for their crimes, and they won’t let her just take him and run off. Helena says she would finally kill him, and it would be revenge for everyone in this room. She looks at Abe and says he turned his wife against him, she looks at Bo and Hope and says he’s kidnapped Hope before and sent some princess to impersonate her, and then she looks at Roman and Marlena and smirks, and she says he has done the most to them, especially Roman. She then whispers “He destroyed your face, took your wife so many times, now he can finally be gone…you can be satisfied…” and as anger wells up, Stefano remarks “Roman plays by the rules too much…he knows he can never beat me, no matter if I kill his children or put his mother in a coma…” and Roman then yells “SHUT UP, YOU OLD MAN!” and launches himself at Stefano!

    -Allan tells Max they should head out now, and a voice says they aren’t going without them. Allan turns to see Billie, Lucas, and Hattie! Allan asks them how they know about this, and Billie says it’s what they heard. Billie says she wants to help, and it’s better than just sitting around Salem. Hattie says “Oh Mr. Allan, I would do anything for you. So I am going to help you bring down those nasty DiMeras.” and Lucas says he needs to find Sami! Allan says the more help they can get the better, and the group heads off!

    -Abe yells “ROMAN DON’T!” but Roman shoves Stefano up against the wall and begins to strangle him, and Roman yells “YOU’LL NEVER HURT MY FAMILY AGAIN YOU BASTARD!” and Stefano’s gun slips out of his hands, EJ shoots several times but misses as Roman and Stefano keep moving, and Abe darts towards Roman and Stefano while Bo rushes to EJ and grabs his hands to keep him at bay, and Helena who is slightly distracted by the situation looks at the chaos and Hope takes that chance to catch her by surprise and grab her and they enter a struggle, and Sami and Marlena run towards each other. Megan panics and grabs a knife to stab Roman with, but Marlena and Sami see it and both knock her over. Stefano punches Roman in the gut which causes Roman to stumble back in pain, and Stefano tries to get the gun but Abe manages to grab him in time. Hope and Helena continue to struggle, and Helena slowly grabs a knife out of her pocket with her right hand, and as the gun begins to slip out of her hand just in time Helena slashes Hope across her side!

    -Tony says that they need to go for Italy, for assistance, and maybe they can get Helena and Stefano so this can end. Anna says they really should go back to Salem and they probably have enough people in Italy already. Tony then says they must go to Italy, and nearly pulls Anna out, and Anna says “Fine fine, but what the hell is with you lately?” and Tony says nothing is as they leave the house, and head back to the airport. Back in the study in the empty house, a picture of Helena and Stefano standing together is seen on the ground…

    -Hope yells back in pain and falls back, and Bo sees she is hurt and runs to her side and manages to catch her, and he holds her as she slowly breaths in and out. EJ then points the gun at Stefano again while Helena points her gun at Marlena and Sami. She looks at all of them and says they had best stay where they are, or else.

    -Steve and Kayla at the Pub sees the group leave, and Steve says to Kayla since everyone is going to Italy he wonders if Britta/Gina is there as well, since she probably only killed Shawn to hurt Bo and Hope, she might strike one of them there. Kayla asks if he really thinks she would do that, and Steve says he knows how she thinks. He says maybe they need to follow everyone else and go to Italy! Kayla says with a laugh “You’re kidding right?” and Steve says no, he wants to be there to see Gina/Britta one last time…because he feels her time may be up in Italy. He says he needs to speak to her, and Kayla can either stay in Salem or go. Kayla says fine, she’ll go.

    -Many Salemites arrive at the airport, and all board planes to Italy! Allan, Max, Billie, Lucas, and Hattie board a public plane and it takes off…but suddenly Alexis is revealed to be watching Lucas from another seat! Meanwhile Jan and Belle leave…but Philip stows away on the jet! Philip whispers to himself he’ll get Belle back in Italy, and this time for good. The screen then flashes to a Basic Black jet and Kate is seen boarding it! Kate thinks to herself that she may not want to go to Italy, but after Helena’s strange message she probably should. All the planes leave!

    -The foyer in the palace is silent for a moment, and Roman tells Helena she can’t keep them hostage forever. Helena snaps until she can kill Stefano, she will! She says she has been preparing for this day for years, and she won’t let Stefano escape this time. Stefano tells Helena what she is doing is very stupid and ridiculous, and so many people have tried to defeat him for years, she will be no different! Lexie interrupts and says she needs to get Nikolas to a hospital or something, because he could die if they don’t get him somewhere with the proper equipment in time!
  24. daysfan
    Written by: Daysfan


    -Steve and Kayla see Kim and Stephanie come into the Pub, and Kayla says they should tell them they’re leaving. Steve nods in agreement and they walk over to them and get them to sit down, and then Kayla explains the situation. Steve says they should be back soon, and looks at Stephanie and says they need to her to take care of her aunt, especially with her legs. Stephanie promises she will, and Kim tells Kayla and Steve to just be careful, because since there is a lot of DiMera activity in Italy, it’s probably very dangerous there.

    -Forrest is at the Alamain Mansion while Vivian is out, and Nicholas is just getting some coffee after waking up. Forrest sees him walking into the living room, and he then asks his nephew what he knows about his great aunt Vivian. Nicholas answers not much, but goes to explain what happened back when he came to town as a child and when she was scheming for Victor years later when he came back, and then she won the lottery and left, but she returned before him last year. Forrest thinks to himself the last part could be interesting…

    -Helena looks to Stefano and asks where one of his secret clinics are, and Stefano says he has no idea what she is talking about and even if he did he wouldn’t reveal anything especially not to save her pathetic grandson. Helena snaps she knows he has one somewhere in this large palace in the case of an emergency, and there is not a chance he does not. Lexie begs her father to just tell them where it could be, and he gives in and says fine, and tells them it is in the East Wing of the palace and continues on to say it is not very large, but it’s efficient. Helena then motions for Abe and Bo to help get Nikolas, and Bo holds Hope and says he’s not leaving his wife, and Helena says then his niece and sister-in-law will die. Hope tells Bo it wasn’t too deep, and she’ll be fine. He sits her down, and Abe and Bo help get Nikolas up and then they along with Lexie go off to find the clinic-type area. Helena looks to the rest and says “Now, where were we?”

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Steve and Kayla both say they understand, but they’ve been through so many adventures before this should be one of the more simple ones. Kim smiles, and wishes them good luck. Steve and Kayla say goodbye to their daughter before leaving the Pub. Greta sits at another table and she says in shock “My mother’s alive?!?!” and rushes outside and sees a stack of newspapers, and picks it up. A few minutes later she drops it in shock and says “I have to get to Italy!” and rushes off.

    -Abe and Bo find the small clinic and Lexie begins to work on Nikolas. Bo asks Abe how they are going to get out of this, and Abe says he’s going to try to use his cell phone to get in touch with Allan back in Salem. Lexie listens in on their conversation while she is working on Nikolas, and she suddenly says “Abe, don’t.”

    -Roman tells Helena she needs to see some damn sense, and Helena again says they will all be here until she can kill Stefano. Stefano interrupts and says Roman wants to kill him himself, and he won’t let anyone else do it.

    -Steve and Kayla arrive at the airport, and Kayla says she wonders if they really should go. She continues onto say she doesn’t want something huge happening in Italy, and Steve says that they caused chaos in Llanview back in January and they didn’t have nearly as much back up as they would have in Italy but they made it out alright. Kayla says that he does have a point, she just hopes Victor doesn’t pull something while they are gone. Steve says he’s already thought about that, and he doubts he will right now. Kayla finally agrees, and they like the others board the next plane to Italy!

    -Lexie continues to work on Nikolas and Abe looks at her, and Abe asks in a monotone “Why would you say that? You are one of Stefano’s allies and an escaped prisoner you have no right t-” and Lexie sadly says he is right, and she did become one of Stefano’s allies and she did escape from prison after being arrested for killing Tek, but she has this under control! She says after what she has planned to do is done, he can take her back to Salem and put her in jail.

    -While Nicholas sits down, Forrest walks off saying that he is going to find out what Vivian did last year before he came to Salem…and he knows it will bring her down…Ivan listens in from another room and his eyes widen in shock and he runs off to find Vivian!

    -Marlena snaps “Well he has a good reason, Stefano! You have done so much to him, me, and others!” and Roman looks at Stefano and tells him no matter how much he wants to squeeze the life out of him in the most painful way possible, he would never stoop to his level, because he is not as pathetic as Stefano. He tells Stefano no matter how he does it, he will always beat him. Helena growls enough of the honorable police officer speech, it is time to end this useless situation!

    -Inside a dark room, a figure is standing at a table with two men at the other sides of the table, and the figure looks up at both of them. “There’s something going on in DiMera’s palace, I think Helena’s made another move at him. We haven’t heard anymore from Lexie, I think something has happened. Be prepared to storm the DiMera palace…” the voice says as the screen fades to black…
  25. daysfan
    Written by: Daysfan


    -Ivan finds Vivian at Alamain, and informs her Forrest is trying to discover what she did as the Mysterious Woman! Vivian tells Ivan there is no need to worry, and she will deal with her nephew and Kate once and for all.

    -Many Salemites arrive in Italy, and Steve and Kayla meet up with Allan, Hattie, Max, Lucas, and Billie and inform them of why they are here. Greta gets off a plane as well, and watches the rest from a distance, but suddenly NICOLE is seen watching Greta! Nicole says it’s time for Greta’s secret to be revealed, and Gina watches them all. Gina gasps when she sees Greta!

    -Lexie then says after a moment of silence that she has the bullet removed and Nikolas should be fine. She turns to Abe, and Abe tells Bo to go tell Helena her grandson is alive and should be fine. Bo nods and leaves, and Abe looks into Lexie’s eyes and says he’s will always love her, but he can’t ignore the law, and even if he could, he can’t be with her and he hopes she knows that.

    -Helena tells EJ to do the honors, and finally kill his father! EJ gulps and looks at Stefano, wondering if he should really kill him…

    *Life in Salem Opening*

    -Tony and Anna’s plane touches down in Italy, and they meet up with the rest. As they talk about what to do and such, Tony suddenly says the palace is where Stefano should be. Allan asks if he’s sure, and Tony nods. They all agree and head off, with Greta, Nicole, and Gina all following. Meanwhile Max decides to search for Erin.

    -Kate, after getting to Italy, slowly walks through the streets. She remembers how Helena’s message told her she could most likely find her at the DiMera palace. She flashes back as to how when she was Stefano’s lover, they once went to the DiMera palace. She sighs as she continues to walk.

    -Stefano stares at EJ coldly and says “Fine. Shoot me. Shoot the man who saved you from your mother and raised you.” and EJ keeps looking back and forth between Helena and Stefano, and finally says “No. I can’t do it.” and Stefano begins to cackle, but EJ then shouts “I think both of you are PATHETIC!”

    -Lexie tells Abe she accepted that a long time ago, she accepted it when he found Tek and her together in June of 2006. Abe tells her he doesn’t think she did, and Lexie continues to deny it. Abe then says she hoped they would get back together like they and everyone else in Salem always do. Lexie finally says “Fine, I did! That’s why I never put much thought into anything even when you found Tek and I together…I-I got cocky and arrogant! But then Tek came on to me later on and I had that gun for defense…it accidentally went off and that’s what caused everything!” and she breaks down, and Abe takes her hand as she stares up at him. He tells her she will always have a special place in his heart, and they share a child together. He says he can’t stop loving her, but he can’t get into another relationship with her. He then whispers “Goodbye, Lexie…I will always love you in my own way…remember that.” and they lean in to kiss one last time, before Abe turns and walks off. Lexie tearfully watches, and takes out her cell phone shakingly. She dials a number and then says into the phone “You need to hurry, there…isn’t much time…” and after a moment she hangs up, and sits down. She then whispers “I’ll prove myself to you, Abe…you may be done with me, but I’ll show you I will always help you, and never turn on you again…"
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