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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. 18 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    @victoria foxton @dc11786 @Elsa @SFK @Vee @DeliaIrisFan @Paul Raven @slick jones (sorry to anyone I didn't get) Not sure if these have already been around but someone has uploaded the first two episodes...and holy hell, the first episode has a lengthy introduction by Dorothy Lyman! I had never heard about that.




    Thanks @DRW50. These were fantastic to watch. I love how charismatic Dorothy Lyman is in that intro section.


    Re the episodes themselves, I’ve heard a lot about the Roger/Merrill affair in passing, but it was nice to see it in action. And also helped to solidify and clarify in my mind all the relationships between the families (eg. I had no idea Merrill was a Vochek). The exposition done in just these first two episodes was written magnificently and it’s a shame it never really gained ratings legs.

    2 hours ago, Jagger1966 said:

    I remember Soap Opera Digest doing a review of Loving a year or two into its run and in it they said it was unfortunate that the show chose to dismiss talent like Jennifer Ashe, Shannon Eubanks, Patricia Kalember and Ann Williams.  I felt the same way (although I did like Callan White in the roll of Ann).  All four of them were terrific in their roles.


    Why did they get dismissed? I was hooked into all of them as well just in those first two episodes.

  2. 29 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:

    Who cares what wacko stan say?  It's like they want the crazies to continue harassing the victim.  I hate wacko stsns!  

    Onto FAA.   I hope he cries himself to sleep tonight. Thiem was his usual good but FAA went away after the 1st set. 


    Umm if you were referring to the tweet I posted, that’s a satire website 😏

  3. The above posts are exactly why I have had issues in recent weeks with the way the UK has redefined reported COVID deaths. They will now only consider a COVID death reportable if it was within 28 days of a positive test. This has led to (IMO) an artificially low death count where we all know damn well that deaths from COVID can occur well after 28 days, especially in light of the above “long COVID” cases that are arising. This in turn is leading certain leading figures in the UK to declare that we are getting the pandemic in the UK under control, which couldn’t be any further from the truth - we experienced an almost 100% spike in one day over the weekend, and fears are that it is about to go higher.


    On top of that, the UK is running out of available tests - people are being directed to testing sites 10s or even 100s of miles away from where they live, due to a shortage. That is also a major cause for concern. I’m afraid every day that the UK is about to go through another lockdown, on top of the mess that is Brexit. The next 12 months are not looking very good, unfortunately.

  4. Speaking of parodies of Brenda Dickson, the first time I ever saw any footage of her was when Deven Green (of Mrs Betty Bowers fame) came out with the Welcome To My Home dub-over in the mid-2000s, and I was in awe (not to mention insane laughter) at how utterly bizarre it was. And then when I watched the original Welcome To My Home, I was just as weirded out.


    Anyhoo, here’s the Deven Green dub-over...



  5. 4 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    I will say that the Jill character changed completely with Jess Walton taking over.  Jess's Jill was convincing as a Jabot employee in charge of the Men's line, while Brenda's Jill looked like she was playing dress up (which made sense since she only was working there due to the divorce settlement with John).


    And rewatching the scenes of Bond's Jill... she was more subdued and almost too professional and level headed to play Jill.   Did Deborah Adair's Jill ever work at Jabot?  If so, did she come across more professional as Jill?


    I believe it was Deborah Adair’s Jill who was originally fired from Jabot by one of the Abbotts, if the 1981 synopses are anything to go by, so yes DA was working at Jabot. I haven’t see any footage, so I can’t attest to level of professionalism.


    5 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    Also loving Brock's unexpected return and his calming influence of Kay, Jill, and Ashley (too bad that didn't go anywhere), plus some beautiful 70s clips. That scene where he says Kay would've aborted him had that option been available was pretty shocking, I did not know that things had been so bad between them. Was Brock already reformed when he first debuted? Both Kay and Ashley seemed surprised he found the Lord, now I'm curious about his days as a bad boy. 


    With all the chatter about how detached Brenda Dickson seems in her scenes (and yes I notice it too), there is only one person whom I’ve noticed she doesn’t do this with and actually seems human around  - Beau Kayser. You visibly see her relax and just enjoy herself. Any 80s scene I’ve watched thus far between Jill and Brock shows Brenda Dickson to be almost a completely different person from when she shares scenes with any other Y&R actors, even Jeanne Cooper. I don’t know whether that’s just how she plays the Jill character or whether there was something deeper there.

  6. 15 hours ago, Broderick said:


    Peter Bergman has said in an interview that Eileen Davidson comes into her scenes "fully prepared".  She knows exactly "when she's planning to raise her voice, when she's planning to cut you off, when she's planning to interrupt you, when she's planning to sigh at you with exasperation.  And that enables her to get under your skin more than anyone else you're working with".  (I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist of it.)  And I believe that preparation -- and unpredictability -- is exactly what dragged Brenda Dickson back into her scenes with Eileen.  (Plus Brenda Dickson was probably afraid that if she turned her back to Eileen and stared into the camera pouting, posing, and smirking, Eileen would stand behind her and mock her, making the Jill character look especially foolish and inconsequential.)  


    And this is why I have always loved PB & ED’s Jack and Ashley (you can probably tell that by my profile pic). Their scenes together are always dynamite. When she arrived in 1982, ED was a little green, but then by 1984, she was ON. It’s a shame TPTB can’t bring her back for some solid story.

  7. 14 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    That episode was a pure gem. SFT is one of the shows that I keep hoping more episodes will pop up. 


    Wasn't Roger Lee really Sissy child with Travis' cousin though? 


    Also, whatever happened with Garth/Kathy down the line? 


    This is an absolute goldmine. SOD recaps of SFT from 1975 up till the show finished. These should help you!



  8. Started watching daytime soaps in Australia as a teenager in the 90s, and my first memories are as follows:


    Y&R: Ryan & Victoria had just illegally eloped.

    DOOL: A teenaged Sami first arrived in Salem.

    B&B: A young CJ was bullying Rick.

    AMC: Janet Green had just got exposed at her attempted wedding to Trevor. Gloria was poisoning Adam.

    GH: Brenda helped expose Jax and Tracy in their bid to take over ELQ.

    GL: Phillip and Harley were pretending to be a couple to trick some criminal (I can’t remember the details).

    OLTL: Joey and Dorian were still a couple. Tina had thought she had slept with her “brother” David Vickers.

    AW: Nick and Sofia were a couple.


    I don’t really watch them anymore (as there’s nowhere I can), but I use this group mainly to catch up and keep abreast with latest developments, etc.


  9. I just checked out the SOD recaps from 1981. Andy and Danny are both mentioned for the first time in the update dated September 15, but the updates are typically 2-3 weeks behind, so they both debuted around late August to early September 1981.


    Broderick is right that Andy’s debut was him bartending at the Bayou in the midst of the Nikki/Edward storyline, while Danny is someone that Patty meets at the cafe, around the same time that Patty also meets Jack.

  10. 2 hours ago, Broderick said:


    Victor is searching Ashley's room for clues to her whereabouts while she's missing.  Brenda Dickson is watching from the doorway.  Braeden is very business-like.  Miss Dickson primarily just swivels her hips, rolls her eyes, displays her bosom, bats her eyelashes, and pouts.   



  11. 1 hour ago, Soaplovers said:

    I had no idea Brock came back in 1985..it does seem like he was tested with Ashley, Gina and Jill..but nothing came of that.


    He did come back again during the Marge doppelganger story..his return provided the push to resolving it.  He was tested with Nina some in 1989..but than he was gone again.


    Jill and Nikki did seem not to interact much till 1999...but both were aware of one another before that.  Jack and Nikkik had one scene in 1992 where they were going to fix up John with one of Nikki's friends...but jack finds out about john and Jill..and he tells Nikki.  She rolls her eyes and said 'not that again ' lol.  




    On a slight tangent to Jill and Nikki, one of the 1985 clips has a rare scene with Victor and Jill interacting extensively at the Abbott mansion after Ashley went missing. It was really intriguing watching Eric Braeden and Brenda Dickson together in the same scene - one of the only times I think that ever happened on Y&R.

  12. 4 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I do think this is nonsense - there may be some voters who are reluctant to talk about supporting Trump, but I don't believe most of them would be reluctant talking to a pollster. However, it makes me wary of what they are planning. You have this narrative being pushed constantly by the press and finance. You have Trump and the party saying you can't trust voting. You have Ron Johnson saying "citizen soldiers" need to be out on the streets. 


    The more time passes the more I am starting to think they may try to just declare the elections invalid - with heavy support from the media - and insist that "shy Trump voters" and the people out there in trucks and boats for him prove he won. And if there are protests, then the military and the police - and "citizen soldiers" will be ready and waiting. 


    If so I just hope that some of the countries we've spurned over the years will try to help us out, if they even think we're worth bothering with at this point. 


    I saw that tweet, but only because Nate Silver himself has come out with guns blazing to say just how inaccurate it is.

  13. Obviously the state polls will be the ones to watch, especially with some saying that Trump and Biden are neck and neck in places like MI and WI. But like some others on here, I believe that as long as Biden can maintain the wide national margin that he has right now, I think we will start to see some states widen their margins somewhat. Only time will tell though, we can hope.

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