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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. 57 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Liking that the Julian death aftermath (and the missing Sonny mystery) is how soaps should be. Playing the beats and having people find out gradually. Slowly but surely everyone has been finding out that should find. I think right now...Lucas is the only one left. I think Olivia found out from Tracy. 


    Close. Olivia was at the Q mansion with Ned and Tracy when she got the call to say that Julian was dead. And Alexis only found out when she saw the notification on her phone (because Sam had found out only after she walked out on Alexis at the police station). That whole reveal sequence was really well done, I fully agree.

  2. On 12/26/2020 at 5:57 PM, Chris 2 said:

    Ilene is such a talented actress. They could have rehabbed Delia even more after Randall’s stint, with Dee and her schemes serving as comic relief, and making her less desperate. Instead, they had storylines like the one where Delia frames little John for stealing money from Jill’s purse. Ugh. They could have made her into someone who had issues, but whom the audience could root for. Give her some victories. Maybe all the attention Maeve gave to her could have started to pay off. Something uplifting.


    OMG that’s what happened in that episode? What was the backstory behind that? Why was she stealing money in the first place??

  3. This is what I’d like to see happen with the rape storyline:


    • Kayla has a nagging feeling that something still isn’t right about Tripp’s involvement in the whole situation, even though she saw the DNA results herself and had convinced herself that Tripp did rape Allie. So she does some further investigating about the nature of the DNA test that was run and the kind of results it brings about.
    • She realises from her research that the DNA results did not actually tell the full story - she brings in Steve and tells him her discovery: Tripp is NOT baby Henry’s father, however Tripp has a brother out there somewhere who is.
    • This sets Steve and Kayla, along with Lucas and Sami, on a mission to London to retrace Allie and Tripp’s steps on the night of the rape...

    Fill in the rest of the story yourselves!

  4. On 11/29/2020 at 10:57 PM, victoria foxton said:



    Still a spinout for me seeing Alec Baldwin and Kim Zimmer together in a daytime soap storyline!



    On 12/1/2020 at 4:50 PM, SoapDope said:

    I never knew Kathy Bates was on The Doctors. She appears at the 6:24 mark




    I’m obviously relatively new to the Doctors because this is the first time I’ve ever seen Kathleen Turner in action as Nola. In the short scenes she had in that episode, I can tell she had the same energy about her as Kim Zimmer did when she took over the role, which I imagine would have made the transition appear rather seamless (but any long time viewers are more than happy to correct me on that).

  5. 1 hour ago, BoldRestless said:


    I thought the writing about how Julia was such a strong woman was so heavy handed that it  felt like Meg Bennet wrote the dialogue herself.  She probably wasn't allowed to do that, but I do wonder if the other writers were writing with Meg in mind, not Julia. 


    I believe it has been stated previously (most likely by Meg Bennett herself) that she was not allowed to write for her own character, much in the same way that Randy Holland was forbidden from writing for his character Rick Daros while he was on the show.

  6. 8 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I only follow GH by reading this thread. Why was Julian finally killed off? I imagine Sonny and Jason did it like they always do. I don’t think I can ever get back into the show if there’s never a change with those two old mobsters still being the town heroes.


    So from what I’ve seen in clips on Youtube, Sonny and Jason finally tracked down Julian in Secaucus. Julian subsequently got injured after being shot by one of Cyrus’s men during an ambush and escaped.


    Sonny got to Julian alone on a decrepit footbridge not far from the bus station. Sonny gave Julian the option to come back to Port Charles and help nail Cyrus once and for all. However, Julian had lost a lot of blood from being shot and had nothing left to lose. So he did a fake-out of being unconscious, and then took one last desperate lunge at Sonny to stay alive. Unfortunately, Sonny’s gun went off in the struggle and shot Julian (AGAIN!).


    Julian then finally collapsed dead on the bridge, at which point Jason appeared. Then the bridge collapsed into the river taking down both Sonny and Julian. At this stage, Julian’s body has been found (he is finally DEAD dead), but not Sonny.

  7. 14 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Yeah, I was just online and saw that a friend just travelled up the coast. And I..sigh. Though coast is better than an airport. I...can't.


    And good to see Australia showing the humanity that apparently is missing...elsewhere. 


    New Zealand, not Australia. Two different countries that happen to be right near each other. Australia sadly hasn’t shown anywhere near the level of leadership that New Zealand has in this crisis.

  8. I just watched those Laura/Cyrus/Martin scenes. I do not blame Laura one bit for the WTAF facial expressions she had the whole time, especially when Cyrus and Martin were arguing.


    And I can honestly say that I could see where Martin was coming from with his animosity towards Cyrus. And most surprisingly, I could actually see some insight into Cyrus’s underlying motivations.


    That whole scene dialogue was amazing, and it didn’t require Laura to do much except acting as the audience proxy going WTAF the whole time. This is why GH is my fav out of the 4 soaps at the moment.

  9. Hey again all, I’ve been trying to look on Youtube recently (with no success) for any scenes that Leann Hunley and Christie Clark shared as Anna and Carrie, as from what I understand that was the first time we had ever seen the two characters interact with each other since Carrie was a child.


    What was the fan reaction like at the time? And have they had much interaction on screen since then?

  10. 13 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Yeah, Melody played Nikki as a ditzy girl that was gullible. Sweet, manipulative, and her own worst enemy.  Even in the 1982 episodes, you still saw that Nikki...but by the late 80s..that had completely gone away.


    You never see true character evolutions anymore like that.

    Oh man, watching those old 1982-3 episodes during the middle of the year, I was fascinated by how different Nikki was back then. And you’re right, as the years evolved and she became more dependant on Victor for her happiness, you could see how that side of her personality just gradually vanished.

  11. Being not in the US, I can only catch random clips of episodes as they come out. But having seen some of the clips from recent episodes during the past two weeks, I have no idea why GH is not hammering B&B out of the #2 spot on the ratings at the moment, as it is firing on all cylinders.


    I just watched the Ava/Nikolas scenes from yesterday on my phone, and I was shocked that she actually told him the full truth about Julian’s role in the bombing. I was yelling at my phone saying “you both need to tell Laura NOW!”.

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