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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. 19 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    There were some minor tweaks that go unnoticed by most people but having studied music, I can tell. I will say that the basic melody stayed the same. If you ask me the theme song actually got worse when they changed it some years later. I never understood why they just do a variation of this or the first theme song to make more contemporary.


    Technically, Y&R has had the same basic theme for decades, so having the same basic theme was not the problem, if you tweak it in the right ways to update it in a way that works.


    I was referring more to the opening graphic sequence, but it’s actually fascinating learning about the music theme too. Thanks for the info :D

  2. On 4/7/2021 at 6:19 PM, asafi said:



    a very rare Susan/tom scene from the 60's!!!




    Even in 1966 Denise Alexander was a bloody powerhouse. I’ve been watching GH 1977 Rick/Lesley on Youtube recently, and DA had a similar empowering energy to her as Lesley as she does here as Susan. Either way, so riveting to watch. 

  3. Speaking of Erica, here’s another episode I stumbled upon, from AMC’s 20th anniversary month in January 1990. Some gold in here - Chuck, Donna, Emily Ann, Phoebe, Billy Clyde, Travis, Jack, Erica, Natalie, Skye.


    I love how fresh the episode looked here... it still feels somewhat contemporary compared to today’s standards!



  4. Been watching this playlist most of the weekend. As it states, it’s lot of Erica, but also a whole heap of other storylines in there, especially Natalie’s initial machinations against Erica and Jeremy.


    What I found interesting is even back in December 1985, they were already mentioning Janet by name in scenes between Natalie and Alex Hunter, which indicates to me that they had a solid backstory set up to use for Natalie later down the line. But it was a real treat watching Natalie/Erica scenes - those two were quite matched on the rivalry stakes!



  5. 45 minutes ago, Dion said:

    And of course, Steven was actually Franco's big brother too lol - i don't know whether that has been acknowledged on the show since that storyline with Hayden's mother and Heather Webber.


    A very scary thought just came to my head, because I had forgotten that biological connection...


    I’ve heard on these boards (not sure if fully substantiated though) that Alexis is meant to be meeting someone very important in jail. What if that someone is Steven Webber - but now being played by Roger Howarth?

  6. 1 hour ago, KMan101 said:

    And recast Steven Lars. The man's been in jail too for like 8 years right? Or did he skip town? I can't recall.


    He went to jail. And I totally agree - Steven is probably the character that will have the most meaningful impact across the canvas, for several reasons:

    • Liz just lost her love in a tragic murder - she needs her family around her, and who better than her big brother?
    • Cam keeps moaning about how he doesn’t have a father figure in his life - next best thing, get Cam to bond with his Uncle Steve again!
    • Get Steve mixing it up in the hospital again - make him a challenger to Britt for COS.
    • And last but not least - an actual organic obstacle for Ned/Olivia - she never really resolved her feelings for Steven after he went to jail, and has trouble deciding which man she wants to be with. Combine that with Alexis finally getting sober and released from her jail sentence, and you have a new quad!
  7. 9 hours ago, DemetriKane said:

    I like Hunter on Amc. She was so pretty too, she looked completely different by the time she joined B&B


    She did go through DAYS first for a couple of years in between AMC and BB, and from clips I’ve seen of her on DAYS, you can definitely see the similarities between both her AMC and BB looks.

  8. So I’m currently in the Phase 3 trials for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine here in the UK. I’ve already had two shots (first in January, second two weeks ago), and apart from a nature immune reaction 48 hours after the first shot, everything’s been smooth sailing.


    The trial itself goes for two and a bit years, and my next check up is scheduled for September. I officially do not know if I have the vaccine or placebo, but judging from the reaction after the first shot, it’s safe to bet I have the real deal. The good thing about this trial is that due to the faster-than-expected rollout of the vaccines here in the UK, if I get called up for the NHS rollout vaccine, I can asked to be unblinded in the trial without any further consequences. So either way, it’s a win-win situation.

  9. There have always been those relationships on soaps where the parties cannot stand each other, yet go through phases where their friendship is just about unbreakable (perhaps because they know each other so well). For me, Kendall/Greenlee on AMC is the prime example of that.


    Who would be the ones that stand out most to you, across all of the soaps past and present?

  10. Been going down a Youtube rabbit hole of Erica/Kendall scenes lately... the way this relationship turned around and became one of the strongest mother/daughter relationships in all of daytime is why I could watch these kinds of scenes all day.



  11. My top at the moment... image.jpeg



    Also, Israel has released their long-awaited revamp - and it has changed the song dramatically:




    And as previously reported, Belarus are GONE! I’ll update the main post shortly :)


    Malta are now the clear betting favourites, ahead of Switzerland and France. A really interesting stat - if these three songs are indeed the final Top 3 in Rotterdam, it will be the first time since 1986 that: 1. all three songs have French song titles, and 2. two of the Top 3 are fully French language.

    8 hours ago, alphanguy74 said:




    Nice find! So a bit of historical context here - ABBA had competed in the previous year’s Melodifestivalen with Ring Ring, but had only come third. Now at the time, the regional juries were “experts” - musicians, actors, journalists, etc. When the juries knocked back Ring Ring, the public went into uproar as it was by far their favourite (but unfortunately had had no say in the vote at the time).


    So following that controversy, the jury system was revamped for Melodifestivalen 1974 - the regional juries were now a mixture of musicians and general public (the first time the public had had a say since 1962). And it was partly due to this revamp that Waterloo came out on top by a large margin.


    And the rest, they say, is history... 😉

  12. On 3/22/2021 at 3:50 AM, alphanguy74 said:

    It's been backlash from a bunch neanderthals, it thinly veiled homophobia and we all know this. I've been telling these people they need to turn back into Yugoslavia. 


    Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia might have something to say about that 😉


    In any case, Vasil has been cleared, and will continue to represent North Macedonia with the same song in Rotterdam.

  13. On 3/19/2021 at 3:30 PM, Cat said:


    WELL HELLO! 💅 :lol: In a weird way, and as OTT as that accent was, it worked for me. It worked within the confines of Y&R as one of the most glamorous, lush and old-school melodramatic soaps on air. It worked in terms of Jill pretending she was to the manor born when the audience knew full well she was not. It also worked when things went wrong for Jill and there was this comedic aspect to it. I personally loved how committed Brenda Dickson -- and by extension, Jill -- was to keeping the accent going, even in intimate scenes with family. It was like Jill had reinvented herself root and branch in order to 'make it' and there was no going back to Jill Foster.


    And Deven Green did a brilliant send-up imitation of that accent when she did the comedy dub-over of Brenda Dickson’s Welcome To My Home videos - it’s f***in hilarious.

  14. So it’s been a bit quiet on this thread since all (well almost all) songs were revealed. I’ve updated the first post with more of the official Eurovision videos, so feel free to check them out if you haven’t already.


    Betting odds on average have Switzerland and Malta almost tied for joint favourite, with the former having the slight edge. North Macedonia are currently “reviewing” their participation due to the backlash following the unfortunate depiction of a Bulgarian flag in the music video for their entry.


    And allegedly there is a new song in the works for Belarus, but we won’t know the outcome of that for a little while yet...


    Meanwhile, 60 days until Semi Final 1!

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