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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. 🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪

    The first national selections have already commenced! Eesti Laul, Estonia’s selection show started last Saturday night. This time around, they have extended the contest format to include quarter-finals, the first of which was held last weekend. 

    10 songs will be shown in each quarter final, with 5 songs from each show progressing to the semi-finals which will be held in February next year, culminating with the grand final on February 12.



    The selection for the Czech entry will occur online between 7 and 15 December, with the performances being recorded live-to-tape and revealed on 6 December. The final result will be announced on 16 December - international jury vote will comprise 50%, with international fan vote 25% and Czech fan vote 25%.



    Festivali i Këngës 60, Albania’s selection, will occur across three consecutive nights between 27 and 29 December, inclusive. The 20 competing artists have already been announced, and can be found here: 




  2. On 11/4/2021 at 3:17 AM, Vee said:

    Dorian and Karen crackled - I think I've seen Karen talk about her before, but I've never seen them interact (or her or Carla with Clint!). I had a feeling Judith Light would be the one to take it to Robin fully on her level and I was right; she was a match.

    Which episode was the Dorian/Karen interaction on? On a related note, it was nice seeing Robin Strasser and Jackie Courtney in scenes together (the bitchiness oozes from Dorian in those scenes) - I can only imagine how that would have been back in their AW days…

  3. Loved the Spencer/Sonny scenes - NC and MB actually play well against each other. And I love how much Sonny is giving Spencer the tough love while also sympathising with him at the same time.

    And like @AlexElizabethI enjoyed just how much Trina stood up to Esme - I think Trina knows in her mind that Esme is not all quite there. And that last bit with Esme’s hand bleeding from her nails digging in so much - she’s slowly but surely unravelling…

    I also actually liked Ned/BL/Olivia/Robert - BL giving Ned some home truths, as does Robert to Olivia. Hoping that Olivia can start to meet Ned halfway re Leo.

  4. Not seen today’s episode yet (only up to yesterday), but a few things that kinda excite me:

    • So glad they found a way to get Alexis out of prison. I’m now looking forward to her interactions with Valentin again (to find out that he is her cousin, no less), and especially to her finding out that Victor is indeed alive and in Port Charles - would just be really cool to see Alexis in an actual Cassadine-focused storyline again.
    • Also, future Alexis/Olivia scenes will be fascinating. I wonder how Olivia will feel about Alexis being out so early.
    • Loved Jason and Drew brainstorming and figuring out the brainwashing triggers. SB and CM actually have good rapport as brothers.
    • It didn’t escape me during the Sonny/Nina scenes at Charlie’s that they purposely did not have Phyllis and Shawn cross paths - I still reckon there’s a connection between the two.

    Wonder what today’s episode will bring…

  5. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    All this talk of Brad, let's hope he does get out of prison... and that Lucas comes back! Now that we know Ms.  Wu's connection to Brad and the Wu family, are they saying that she's Jade, from the Asian Quarter storyline? If so, then too bad they couldn't get Tia Carrere back to play her.


    Now this is the kind of throwback story (Asian Quarter) where you’d have the vets who were there originally at the time: Anna, Robert, Frisco, Felicia, etc. And would be unreal if there were a way to tie in Sean Donely’s daughter.

  6. 7 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Oh my goodness, yes, I had forgotten about some of this stuff, with Rees-Mogg and lying to the Queen of England! This was a good review by O'Brien. Sometimes during previous U.K. elections, I have livestreamed LBC. Really interesting and concisely, passionately put.

    My question is, did Brexit really "get done" when British and French fisherfolk are still arguing about fishing rights? Has the lorry drivers shortage been resolved? If not, and the U.K. is still trying to lure drivers from the E.U. with less than desirable short-term agreements, wasn't Brexit supposed to short-circuit this from happening? What about all the loads of paperwork that an agreement was supposed to circumvent in transporting goods? It seems as if Brexit didn't quite get everything done.

    Sadly it’s in the current UK government’s best interest to keeping fighting the “Brexit war” even if the UK has already let the EU. This is only because the government has nothing else to show for itself and it needs to keep fighting this imaginary war amongst others to cover up just what a s***show leaving the EU actually means, and also to appease the right-wing of the Tory party who will never be satisfied no matter how much gets done, ie. they will keep demanding more more more more, ad infinitum.

  7. 4 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Are there people who still believe that Johnson can produce good results for the people? He seems to over-promise and under-deliver quite a lot.


    Sadly yes. His whole schtick was “Get Brexit Done”, which he managed to do, so that earned him a lot of votes in the north of England. And people tend to view him as “one of them”, although we know that’s far from the truth.

    However, now the UK government is signalling it wants to renege on the Northern Ireland Protocol that was signed by both them and the EU at the end of 2019, and that will have far reaching ramifications if that does happen.

    This is a brilliant clip from a guy called James O’Brien who is a radio show host - this monologue is searing and brutal…


  8. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Thanks for the summary, @OzFrog. From the article I read this morning, I gathered that it was an ethics violation but your summary clarified matters.

    The situation is not all that great here unfortunately… The PM continually shows traits of T***p every day.

  9. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    This scandal is something that I am unfamiliar with, despite the fact that I watch the BBC News world broadcast several days a week. 


    Oh this has been a s**tshow over here in the UK for the past few days. Basically one of the Tory MPs was called out by the Standards committee for “egregious paid advocacy” - basically getting paid by private companies by using his MP credentials - and was facing a 30-day suspension from Parliament.

    But instead of taking in on the chin and copping it, the whole Tory government passed a motion to not only amend the suspension but to throw out the whole Standards committee and process, to the point where Boris Johnson essentially forced his MPs to vote with the motion. It caused such a ruckus in the media and online that the government had to fully backtrack the following day.

    And the worst thing is, the MP who was implicated ended up resigning anyway as a result of the whole debacle!

    This article explains it well: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/04/the-guardian-view-on-the-paterson-case-enough-is-enough?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

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