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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. On 1/26/2022 at 3:29 AM, Vee said:

    I thought Maurice and Sarah were a supercouple, period. Granted I was a teenager at the time lol. I think they were the last GH supercouple, in that iteration, and could've run a long time. The skill of Guza and his daily team managed to make Maurice and Tamara crackle for a bit of time too, but the show was already in the process of becoming utter trash in part due not just to Pratt and Frons but Guza's own dark obsessions and ego as well, and neither Guza's writing for them nor Maurice ever recovered from Tamara having incendiary chemistry with Ted King. They had to turn Alcazar into Stevie Wonder to try to emasculate him after that. That was the end of the couple for me. But no, nothing compared to the original.

    Speaking of which, this apparently happened on this day 18 years ago…


  2. Quite an update here! Firstly, we have a LOGO and SLOGAN! The Sound Of Beauty, inspired by the phenomenon of cymatics…


    More info around the theme art is here:



    Also, the allocation draw for the semi-finals was completed today in Turin, and here’s how it panned out below. To note, this is NOT the finalised running order - that will be determined by the producers once all songs and staging plans are submitted to the EBU.





    S***’s getting real, folks!

  3. I’m also currently self-isolating after a positive test on Tuesday morning (had had mild symptoms since Saturday night). I’m feeling 99% better with no symptoms, bar a feeling of heat coming off my body (but temperature is normal). Still a positive lateral flow this morning, but I’m not overly fussed about that.

    Thankfully also triple vaxxed here (double Janssen +  Pfizer booster).

  4. On 1/18/2022 at 9:04 PM, AbcNbc247 said:

    Chase and Brook Lynn were once again, the best part of an episode. I actually felt bad for her when she was overhearing Chase. And making her so stubborn at the end was the right thing to do. 

    Watched the follow up scenes from yesterday - writers made the right call in putting these two together. Josh Swickard and Amanda Setton play it so naturally.

  5. The draw for the semi-final allocations for Eurovision 2022 will be taking place on 25 January at 12:00 CET. Countries apart from the Big 5 (who automatically gain entry to the Grand Final) will be randomly allocated to one of the two semi-finals, as well as which half of that semi-final. 

    Each of the 36 semi-finalists has been designated to certain pots to minimise as much as possible the risk of “block voting”, as you can see below. There will also be a separate draw to determine in which semi-final each Big 5 country will be allowed to vote in. 


  6. I actually like the way they played that Britt/Nina scene yesterday. It’s a family connection that hasn’t been explored anywhere near enough on this show, and it was quite cool how Britt was full on trying to convince (manipulate?) Nina to reach out to Sonny. 

    Considering who their mothers are (sisters who hated each other’s guts), this is a dynamic I’m keen to see explored a lot more.

  7. On 1/13/2022 at 12:53 AM, carolineg said:

    Hmmm...I mean that actually makes sense.  Lexie, Kristen, and Peter all started as good people, so it could be kicking in now.  I would still think EJ should not want that for Johnny, but it is what it is.  Johnny isn't really trying to hide the fact his personality entirely changed in a week though.

    Not meaning to deviate too much away from the current stuff, but I was under the impression that Peter had always been evil even from the time he was brought on back in 1993 (wasn’t he originally brought to town by Stefano to get rid of John who was coming between Kristen and “Tony”). 

  8. I actually liked the Sprina/Ava scenes today. What struck me in particular was when Spencer and Ava were talking about Trina - Spencer actually dropped his guard around Ava and was quite honest about how he had let Trina down.

    Spencer and Ava may hate each other’s guts, but it was really nice to see them actually connect over Trina. I think it has been mentioned somewhere upthread, but it does seem like, in a way, that Ava is lowkey rooting for Sprina to happen (and indeed seems to be setting things up that way).

  9. I did happen to watch JESC this time around, and actually thought it was a really well-produced show, with lots of diverse songs. I’m keen for France to win the main contest again soon, just so I can see if France Television can do as good a job with the production as they did with JESC.

  10. 16 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Britain's health minister quit over disagreements with Boris Johnson. In a pandemic. That can't be good.


    No no no… it’s Lord Frost the Brexit Minister that’s quit, not Sajid Javid the Health Minister.

  11. 3 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    I read that article you posted. I admit I am not well informed on British politics but I am not clear on the point the article was trying to make about the Lib Dems.  It's clear that Labour, The Lib Dems, and the Greens must form a coalition but is there a real question as to if the Lib dems would unite with the Greens and Labour to oust the Tories? And I am not clear on the challenges the Lib Dems face in terms of broader election wins that the article seemed to insinuate.

    There seems to be more of a move recently towards an “informal” progressive coalition to counter the Tories, especially now that the Tories have started to fall quite heavily in the opinion polls due to the recent scandals. We’ll see what eventuates.

    In terms of Lib Dem electability, it all goes back to when they were in coalition government with the Tories back in 2010-2015 (Nick Clegg who now works at Facebook was Lib Dem leader, as well as Deputy Prime Minister behind David Cameron). The Lib Dems had to make a whole bunch of sacrifices as part of the coalition agreement, which backfired on them badly and resulted in them almost getting wiped out in the 2015 election.

    Since then, it’s been a very very slow climb to try and shrug off that baggage, but in saying that, they’ve won two seats from the Tories in by-elections within the last 12 months. The next 12 months are going to be rather interesting…

  12. 6 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Dead lol.  At least they acknowledged Frisco was a deadbeat dad.  And, you know, I'd distance myself from Maxie as well if I were him lol.  I am always slightly irritated when the show pretends Robert/Anna weren't deadbeats.  ICONS.  I know, but they really left Robin hanging.

    Robin and Anna reunited on All My Children back in 2001 when Anna was starting to get her memory back, so that angle was already covered. It was more Robert that they were portraying as the deadbeat dad when he returned to GH in 2006 - and boy Robin made him suffer for ages because of it. Even Anna was p***ed at Robert for a while, but as we know, they all smoothed things over with each other in the end.

  13. 15 minutes ago, John said:


    I hope that KW means the Maxie/Louise/Peter storyline… that particular story has sorely needed Felicia as a source of support for her daughter Maxie for ages and ages. Although I wouldn’t terribly mind if it was the Ryan storyline as well (it would be interesting to see if she has any interactions with Esme)

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