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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. Speaking of vaccines, on Tuesday I actually became part of the Phase 3 trials here in the UK for the Janssen vaccine. Officially I don’t know whether I received the vaccine or a placebo, but judging from the way my body reacted within 24 hours of the jab, I suspect I got the real deal. The whole study is meant to last up to 2 years and 3 months.

  2. On 1/8/2021 at 4:02 PM, Khan said:


    I watched it, too -- not live, but later -- and you're right: as soon as Dana Bash started in with the "new tone" business, John King pretty much said, "Girl, bye."


    I was today years old when I learned that these two were *married* at one point! 😳

  3. 14 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    This whole entire vaccine rollout has been an unmitigated disaster.

    Now, we have the very real aspect of the most vulnerable and in need of vaccination having to wait behind scores of rich and well-heeled people who cut in front of the line. More of America's vast inequality on display. Other than Brazil, who got the Chinese-made vaccine that's only half effective, I don't think another country has handled this pandemic more poorly than the U.S.


    Oh I’d say the UK has come pretty close. Our government here has been reactive the whole time, and usually does not take the appropriate emergency measures until it’s too late. Add the Brexit chaos on top of that, and you can visualise the complete s**tshow we’re in right now.

  4. 1 hour ago, Taoboi said:



    I so would love for her to return...but giving out some tea would be just as good.


    I’ve said this before on these forums... but definitely bring Alex Donnelly’s Diane back (I’m sure they can retcon her death somehow). She has chemistry and history with both Jack and Victor, bitchy rivalries with both Nikki and Phyllis, and it would more importantly give Kyle an actual meaty storyline!

  5. 34 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Personally for myself on Y&R I can’t imagine either ED’s or BED’s Ashley ever hooking up with Cole and be in a triangle with Victoria. That would be beneath both Ashley’s but of course it happened under SS’ Ashley.



    Funnily enough, Eileen Davidson resumed playing Ashley at the tail end of that triangle. In fact, there used to be a juicy scene from 2000 floating around on YouTube where ED’s Ashley confronts Heather Tom’s Victoria at the GCAC, culminating in an almighty slap from the former.

  6. Hey all. I recall a few years ago there was a scene after AJ’s shooting, and Sonny had a scene with the Three Carlys in the chapel (SB, TB, LW). Is my mind playing tricks, or was there *another* scene where they did the same thing, only this time they had all four Carlys (including JB)?

  7. 1 hour ago, full hearts said:


    They have been doing a few callbacks to era like Jason referencing Sonny's breakdown & Carly staying with him. 


    It’s undeniable the chemistry between Maurice Benard and Sarah Brown. Those scenes post-Juan’s beating and his subsequent breakdown were just phenomenal. Whoever had the idea of putting them together in the first place hit paydirt.  And again I will just say how impressed I was by how slowly the story was paced at the time. You could actually see each brick in their resistance coming down one by one with each part of the story.

  8. Over the last couple of days, I’ve been watching the original Sonny & Carly (Sarah Brown) storyline. From what I’ve been seeing, they paced that story really slowly but also realistically. As well, it showed exactly how toxic both characters were, and how that led from them hating each other, through the infamous hate-sex, to them eventually learning about and understanding each other, and eventually falling in love.


    I know they are a not-so-much liked couple nowadays, but back then it was really riveting to watch. And when I saw the scene of LW’s Carly the other night when Jason brought her Sonny’s medal, to me it reminded me a bit of SJB’s Carly in the way she reacted (“he’s arrogant, he’s selfish, and I don’t know how I allowed myself to fall in love with him”). 

  9. 39 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    Reporter Aaron Rupar of Vox has tirelessly been tweeting all the Trump rallies for months. He has endured through all this crap just to bring everyone the news.


    I sure hope he gets a decent well-deserved vacation at some point.


    Unfortunately the racist assholes will continue to have rallies about whatever ... It's sad how much of the population supports that horridness.  I don't even know what to say about that.  We need to be aware of it, but we don't need to give it energy. So I don't know how much the news media should cover these rallies in the future, and in what way.


    He and Daniel Dale are both frickin heroes for having to endure that crap day in and day out. They both deserve Presidential Medals of Freedom, to be fair!

  10. 39 years ago today, Demi Moore debuted as Jackie Templeton. Incidentally her first scene was with Genie Francis!


    And I can see now why they cast Kim Delaney as today’s Jackie. She could definitely pass for an older believable version!



  11. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    That's great news @Taoboi
    ! Please continue to be vigilant in taking care of yourself.


    Thanks to everyone who has been sending me kind condolences. I've actually been talking about it with mutual friends and acquaintances, so I am no longer keeping feelings inside, which has provided a bit of release.



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