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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. How old is Diana if you don’t mind my asking? I know first hand how it can feel to be manipulated by other people in the way Diana seems to have been in this case, and I’m very sorry about the predicament she’s found herself in (if she even realises she is in a predicament), as well as how you and your hubby have become involved.


    Could it be that maybe you both need to set up some boundaries at this point regarding her behaviour towards you? If she is supposedly a mature independent woman, then any decisions she makes will ultimately need to made on her own. It’s hard though when there’s brainwashing involved.


    Have you also done any more research or investigation into Carlo himself? I know you mentioned a couple of 2018 arrests, but curious if anything more has surfaced.


    I really hope that something happens sooner rather than later to push this along. I was reading it and thinking “this is miles more intriguing than anything the 4 soaps could put together combined”.

  2. Just been watching the latest 1984 clips in the vault (56a). So much Victor and Cora stuff that is just beautiful to watch. This is one of those rare times where you do see a completely different side of Victor, and Eric Braeden plays it so well. You also get to see Cora hold Victoria for the first time, and that is simply heart melting.


    Also there is a little bit of Paul and Patty, and I will say right now - Andrea Evans has fully grown on me in that role. It’s a shame they couldn’t have brought her back initially when Patty returned in 2009 (but obviously wouldn’t have made sense with all the backstory that was involved in her return).

  3. 4 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:


    In the vault is a may 1984 episode where Patty had to tell Danny that Jack canceled the check that Lauren bragged about.  I wonder if what you wrote explains that episode more clearly


    And that must be why Danny and Lauren went to Kay for funding. I love it when these pieces of info just surface up that join the dots together.

  4. Oh wow, thanks FrenchFan. I didn’t realise he was so heavily involved in the mix of things. It’s a shame we never hear about him, nor do we hear about Julia’s daughter Jaime. Might give Ashley something to focus on of he came back for whatever reason.

  5. Quick question - what is the status of Sharon’s current relationship with Nikki and Victor? I know that Nikki has been helping support Sharon through the cancer battle, but as I can’t watch the episodes themselves, I haven’t kept track of Victor’s side of things. Has his hatred of Sharon persisted after his attempted gaslighting of her using Mariah a few years back?

  6. Another history question on the back of the vintage clips popping up recently. What was the deal with Eric Garrison? I know he was in a bit of a triangle with Ashley and Marc Mergeron, but there wasn’t much other information available about his character, apart from something involving fathering a child with Julia (?!). Can anyone shed any light on the character history here?

  7. 3 hours ago, trainman said:


    Also Casey Reed, Brock comes home (loved that scene), and Eve Howard.


    Yes! AND 51a just got uploaded, and it is a gold mine. Derek & Kay, Lorie & Leslie, Lorie & Nikki, all the Brooks sisters...


    But the highlight for me is a damn good scene with Brock and Jill at the Abbott mansion. And this was Jill being refreshingly honest with Brock, in a different way to how she is with Jack. I wish we had seen more of this Jill from Brenda Dickson in her later years instead of the Alexis-clone we had to put up with.

  8. Most recent 1984 clip (50b) is now up in the vault, and it’s still lead-up to the V&N wedding. It contains a really beautiful and well-written scene between Victor and Lorie, as well as some lovely Lorie and Julia scenes.

  9. 10 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    It was definitely bullying. Here's a recap of that scene from 5/30/13. I saw it when it aired... very touching.




    Traci arrived outside Phyllis' penthouse, and she ran into Lauren. Lauren said that she'd been thinking about how she'd bullied Traci in their younger days. Traci called it ancient history, but Lauren pointed out that they'd never cleared it up. Lauren confessed that she'd treated Traci horribly, but she had seen the other side of bullying, and she didn't know if the hurt ever went away. Traci initially said that she had no residual side effects, but then she recalled that she'd recently been at a restaurant, thinking about ordering dessert, and out of nowhere, Lauren's cruel words had flooded into her head.

    Lauren hated the things she'd said, but Traci asserted that she was no longer the insecure girl who'd turned to pills, and she'd moved on. Lauren mused that she'd never forgotten, and Traci agreed, but she was glad the subject of bullying was getting attention. Lauren apologized, but she knew that it couldn't make up for the pain she'd caused. Traci said that they couldn't change the past, but it was never too late to become a better person. The women hugged, and Lauren received a text message from Fen, asking her to meet him at Crimson Lights.


    Thanks so much for that recap. I do wonder if that scene is somewhere up on Youtube. Would be nice to watch.

  10. 1 hour ago, Soaplovers said:

    Watching the 1989 episodes on that playlist.  I had no idea Leanna Love and Nina knew one another... and it was nice to see Lauren and Traci during a cold war time..where they were cordial yet disliked one another.


    Lauren and Jack would have been an interesting pairing moreso than Scott/Lauren..given that Traci hated Lau4en..plus Paul would have issues.  I wonder if Terry Lester quiting deep sixes those plans?


    I’ve said this before, but bloody hell Lauren’s hatred for Traci ran *deep*. And all seemingly because Lauren was jealous of her. I wish they had delved into that a bit more instead of just having Lauren constantly being a bitch all the time. There were occasions where it almost amounted to bullying of Traci.


    But I will say that to Traci’s credit she eventually grew up from that shy reserved teenager into someone confident with her own life and her own identity away from the main Abbott drama. And it’s fitting that she is back on the show as the glue that is keeping the Abbotts together in the absence of John.


    By the way, I read somewhere that Lauren and Traci did finally bury the hatchet about a decade ago or something, but haven’t found any scenes on Youtube that would indicate that. Could someone confirm for me either way?

  11. 14 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Terry Lester's Jack was madly in lust with everyone.


    In that vault, there are some full episodes of 1982 that show the Jack and Patty story...including one where she was determined to get pregnant cause she had nothing else in her life.  The desperation was clearly evident even when her father tried talking sense to her.  Seeing these 1982 and 1983 scenes..I can buy Patty going crazy in the 2000s.  Both LS and AE play that in their versions of Patty...it's subtle and underlying.


    I wish the Patty and Traci confrontation resulting in Traci losing the baby surfaces...so I can see how AE plays the scenes because she latched onto Danny quickly after the divorce from Jack.


    As we speak, our mysterious benefactor has started to upload 1984 clips. They’re up to February-May at the moment. If they continue as they are now, I believe we will eventually see those scenes surface (the confrontation happened in November 1984).

  12. 6 hours ago, Vizion said:


    Thank you. 


    What was happening at that time? Jack was really in love with Nikki? 


    From what I recall, Jack had just been fired from Jabot for his role in John and Jill’s ongoing divorce (the hookup he and Jill had a couple of years earlier). I think Jill was shot around this time if not a little later.


    And also, Nikki and Jack had been having an on-off again affair due to Nikki’s insecurities with Victor and Ashley.

  13. 3 hours ago, Dion said:


    It's funny how at the end even the kids want to know who the father of Nikki's baby (Victoria) is


    "Kevin's a skunk!"

    "Kevin gets all the girls!"

    "Sure got Nikki!"


    Isn’t that how we all get into soaps though? 😏😜

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