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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. 1 hour ago, RavenWhitney said:

    I just came across this very moving article by the wife of Denny Albee on the suicide of their son Hunter. So tragic.




    Oh god that poor boy. It almost hits close to home, as I am someone on the autism spectrum and have experienced similar struggles to him, although nowhere near the severity of what he did. There is still such a stigma within wider society around neurodiversity, even though big strides have been made over the last 10 years or so. We still have a long way to go though...

  2. 16 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I'd never seen this before. Such a moving, emotionally resonant Christmas episode, and so real, especially in showing Patty's continued mourning of her father and how she adores Stu (in her dream referring to him as father). And some fascinating, very early special effects as well.


    That Jo greets us at the end, comforting us after a "complicated" year, makes me more emotional than anything I've seen on soaps in a very long time. No Jo being shot in the head, Stu choking out Marge and calling her a whore, Patty being a budding murderer - just a simple, connection.


    Soaps, and the people who made them, understood more nearly 70 years ago than just about anything on TV today.  This is what soaps should be doing for us today. This simple connection. We need it more than ever, and they betrayed us. They broke our hearts. 




    Simplistic and yet so poignant. Yes, if there is anything that the world needs now, it is certainly hope.


    Forgive me for not knowing this (as I’m not from the US), but what was the significance of 1952 that Jo was talking about in her monologue at the end? Did something major happen that year?

  3. 8 hours ago, LondonScribe said:

    Going international once again.


    •Phil and Grant Mitchell- Eastenders

    •The Braxton Brothers/River Boys- Home and Away.

    •The Slater Sisters (even though Kat was actually Zoe’s mother)- Eastenders 

    •Ronnie and Roxy Mitchell- Eastenders


    I’m sure I missed a whole lot but it’s late here in London 🤣😴



    I’ll match your international here (hello fellow Londoner 👋)...


    Neighbours - the Robinsons (Paul/Julie/Scott/Lucy). Nowadays it’s just Paul and Lucy, but they still have a very strong and genuine relationship.


    Only a short clip, but OMG the cattiness from Dru towards Olivia here. It is such a dirty shame that Y&R wasted Victoria Rowell and Tonya Lee Williams so badly towards the mid-late 2000s. That was another incredibly complicated relationship.

    1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    I’ve always enjoyed the competitive relationships between a brother and a sister, so Alan/Tracy on GH, Jack/Ashley on Y&R, and Alan/Alexandra on GL.


    I also loved Olivia/Dru on Y&R and in spite of their scenery-devouring tendencies, can’t deny that Kim Zimmer and Laura Wright had a rare and believable sister connection as Reva and Cassie on GL.


    I forgot Josh and Billy on GL and Clint and Bo on OLTL. The ‘80s cowboys.


    Agreed. Also Reva and Roxie in the 80s (and Rusty too). The whole Shayne clan had a dynamic of their own well apart from the Lewises.

  5. Whenever people talk about soaps, a lot of the mentions are always about the romantic couples. But I’ve always had a fascination with family dynamics, particularly sibling ones, and I get a kick out of watching the simple interactions between them on various shows.


    Some of my favourite sibling relationships to watch:


    • Jack/Ashley - Y&R
    • Margo/Craig - ATWT
    • Hogan/Cagney/Quinn - SFT
    • Sami/Eric - DOOL
    • Frank/Harley - GL


    Are there some soap sibling relationships that have made an impact on you guys throughout the years?

  6. 4 hours ago, dc11786 said:

    Given how fluid the canvas was at the time, I think I would have had Cord aligned with a returned and recast Spence Langley. Spence, I believe, also had a small role in the Roger Lee plot. Wasn't he friendly with Cissie? I thought I read he pretended to be the baby's father, but I might be wrong.  


    Yep according to synopses he did pretend to be the baby’s father initially, I believe this was when Liza and Travis initially found out that Cissy was Roger Lee’s mother. This was because Cissy didn’t want anyone finding out that Lee was his father (she didn’t want to hurt Lee and Sunny).

  7. Jeff Meek is still looking pretty good nowadays. I’m probably in the minority here, but I actually liked the sibling chemistry that he had with Matt Ashford and David Forsyth on SFT. Each of them very different personalities and could hold their own in their individual stories, yet amazing together when it came to family stuff. Yes I know the McClearys pretty much dominated SFT for the last couple of years of its run, but I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if SFT had got a reprieve and stayed on the air.

  8. 4 minutes ago, I Am A Swede said:

    Interesting read.



    I had no idea that Japan has used the same tactic, more or less, that we have used here in Sweden. No complete lockdown, only recommendations, yet only around 1000 deaths.


    I’ve wanted to ask you actually... what have you thought of Stefan Löfven’s leadership throughout this pandemic? Stockholm is one of my favourite cities in the whole world, and I have considered maybe shifting there in about 6 months, depending on what further unfolds with the pandemic. 

    2 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    I was dismayed to hear about what was happening in Melbourne. I visited Australia's east and south coasts in 2018 and was so impressed with the kindness and enthusiasm of the Australian people. Terrible to hear about Melbourne's numbers but hopeful at the swift response. 


    I am dismayed at the route England is taking. 


    It’s a shame, because so many people have been affected by this lockdown that they’ve had enough and are looking for any excuse to go out and socialise, even if the death and case rate is still relatively high. And the government led by BoJo and his cronies have been vague in terms of their communication and justification for easing restrictions, to the point where I believe that if the rates spike up again (as has happened already up in Leicester), they are simply going to blame the public for “not following the rules”.

  9. 8 hours ago, MichaelGL said:

    What’s the overall opinion of Jeanne Glyn and Caroline Franz tenure on Search with Ellen Barrett at the helm? Recent uploads of the Cagney/Suzi/Warren/Wendy quad with Justine mixed in has me glued to my screen. 


    Personally that whole storyline was what got me hooked on watching SFT episodes on youtube. I’ve heard that P&G played silly buggers with CBS and NBC over SFT, and the affiliates had issues as well with timeslots. I’m not a betting man personally but I would wager theoretically that if it had been in a better timeslot during that storyline, ratings would have gone up massively.

  10. 6 hours ago, victoria foxton said:




    Melbourne is where I lived for 12 years before I moved over to Europe a couple of years ago, and it is extremely heartbreaking to see what is happening down there. Most other cities in Oz have got their infection rates under control (and Melbourne was the same until this recent outbreak). So I really hope they clamp down on this and get it sorted out sooner rather than later.


    On a related note, England reopened its pubs, cafes, restaurants and hairdressers today, despite the fact that the UK as a whole still has a rolling average daily death rate of 100, and new case rate of 600. As perspective, the UK locked down in March with a death rate of 50.


    You can see why I might be a little apprehensive...

  11. 15 hours ago, Ken R said:

    Courtney Simon is also part of the conversation—she wrote briefly under Taggart—but doesn't say a lot about Loving.



    Sorry to bring it off topic for a moment, but I didn’t even realise until the other night reading old SFT synopses that Peter Simon was Scott Phillips to Courtney’s Kathy. It sounds like they had amazing chemistry and were a big factor in SFT’s popularity in the 70s.

    15 hours ago, antmunoz said:

    THE LOVING MURDERS have unfortunately vanished from YouTube. 


    Yeah sadly the Bob TV channel got totally deleted 😢, which is a shame because he had some absolute gems up there, of which the Loving Murders was one. And like Vee, it was pure escapism for me in the first few weeks of lockdown here in London. So extremely grateful I got to watch them all.

  12. So the other night I stumbled across a Tumblr full of SOD synopses for SFT, dating back to at least the 70s. And I promptly fell down a massive rabbit hole reading them all. If any of you are interested, they’re here: https://classicsodsft.tumblr.com/


    From this, I have a few questions:


    • I know Suzi was Eunice’s daughter, and John Wyatt was her main father figure. But was he actually her biological father?
    • Was Suzi born onscreen?
    • How long was Lewis Arlt on SFT for as David?
    • I know John James played Tom Bergman in the late 70s, but did he reprise the role when Tom returned in the early 80s?

    Cheers in advance!

  13. 14 hours ago, juppiter said:

    Currently I’m in the summer. I’d totally forgotten Maureen McCormick was in this as Gwen’s mother. All I can see is Marcia, Marcia, Marcia, unfortunately. The episode I ended with tonight had Charity picking mushrooms to poison Miguel, lollll. 


    You just inspired me to watch a clip of Passions with Mo McCormick in it (I have only ever seen Andrea Evans as Rebecca). It certainly brings back the whole trope about casting mothers of characters who look old enough to be the character’s siblings.

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