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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. Those were some lovely episodes of SFT. Thanks for linking these!


    Honestly the contrast between Maree Cheatham’s and Louise Shaffer’s portrayals of Stephanie are so stark. Cheatham plays Stephanie with such cunning yet still seeming human at the same time. From what I’ve seen of Shaffer’s Stephanie, she was just always way over the top with her portrayal, to the point where I sometimes cringe.


    Always a pleasure to see young Lisa Peluso here. It would be amazing if there were any SFT episodes with her from 1977-82 that would emerge, so we could see just how much she progressed as she evolved into adulthood.


    Lastly, who is this actress playing Suzy here? And how long was she on for?

  2. 10 hours ago, BillBauer said:


    I'm the owner of the channel but I'm probably going to make it private. I wanted to share my collection but I'm getting so many warnings of it being shut down (from people who are watching it) that I will probably just make it private again. A few of the videos had copyright claims, mainly due to music, but it said that it was either blocked in certain regions or I couldn't monetize it. That's fine. I wasn't going to monetize the copyrighted material. It didn't say I couldn't make the video public. But now I'm getting so many comments from people saying they don't expect the channel to be up for long that I'm getting nervous. I don't want to lose my channel. 


    I am so sorry, I did not mean to make that worse for you!



    I posted this in the DAYS classic thread the other day, but thought would do it here as well, if only for you guys to watch the first scene of this - a recently-turned-16yo Tracey Bregman in her first soap role as Donna Craig on DAYS. The talent shown here is amazing and goes to show she could certainly handle what would come her way 4 years later when she got her signature role on Y&R as Lauren. The contrast between the two characters couldn’t be more stark.

  4. 4 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    It seems like this time around they tailored the writing to make it seem like Traci had more animosity towards Dina then Ashley the last time around. This is based off of the other November 1991 I’ve seen around this time. I guess they figured BE was too soft to go against MA?? 


    That was something else that was bothering me the other day. Did Dina and Traci have much interaction back on Dina’s original run in the 80s? From the episodes I’ve seen from the 80s, Dina has interactions only with John, Jack and Ashley. It’s almost as though the Dina/Traci relationship was non-existent back then.


    Funnily enough I recall a synopsis update from 1996 that I read years ago about the reactions of the Abbott kids when John and Dina announced their plans to remarry:


    ”Jack smiled, Traci didn’t, and Ashley stormed out.”


    Such a beautiful summation of Dina’s relationship with her kids.



    First scene in this features a 16-year-old Tracey Bregman (pre-Y&R) playing Donna Craig. So weird to see her so young, and yet also marvellous to realise how far she has come with her soap career. She plays such a different character here compared to what would later come along with the role of Lauren Fenmore.

  6. 12 hours ago, Broderick said:


    If you're ever in his archives at UCLA, ask for Box 347.   That's the one where it's apt to be, if by chance they have it.  There should be really good stuff in that particular box.  


    LOL that sounds like the start of a soap opera storyline... “the mystery of Box 347”

  7. *sigh* AMC should still be on air. It certainly held its own with the others in the Top 5 (which incidentally are still on air today).


    Actually on a related note, was it also the 90s where B&B well and truly snatched #2 from DAYS?

  8. 29 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Your welcome!  Are you sure it's not from 95 or 96? Are you referring to Marlena being possessed?


    The climax of the whole storyline came during summer 1997 (Susan Banks, the secret room, etc). So one would expect DAYS ratings to have peaked during this period if they sustained everyone from Aremid, Paris, etc.

  9. 9 hours ago, dc11786 said:



    Trucker and Buck quickly fell into a brotherly relationship. I don't think the original deception angle was ever really explored too deeply. Buck was quickly shifted into Gwyn's hired stud who got drunk one night and ended up the front steps of the Forbes home. Trucker and Buck were similar type of characters, but Buck was more insecure in terms of the class issues. He was constantly trying to make money in order to prove himself. When Buck isn't working at the Rodeo Bar, he was typically employed by Trucker at the bike shop, though he also had a stint as a pilot for AE. The relationship could have been more complicated and it definitely didn't seem like they hadn't grown up together. I wouldn't say it was a deep relationship, but more functional in terms of progressing the story. 


    Thanks heaps for this. It’s just weird that with all of the 1993-1995 episodes uploaded thus far, none have featured them together, and I’m interested to see what the chemistry was like between Robert Tyler and Phillip Brown.

  10. 35 minutes ago, Vizion said:

    B&B likely wouldn't be where it is (or even on the air) without the timeslot and the Sheila crossover, lets be honest. 


    I loved the idea of Generations but I agree that Sussman ain't it. One of the genre's most boring writers 


    I mentioned this on the 90s Ratings thread in the Cancelled Soaps group. Even as early as 1990 (three years into its run), B&B was hitting Top 5 in overall households, sometimes getting as high as #3 in 1991. And this was way before Sheila even crossed over from Y&R (incidentally 1990 was when that storyline was just starting on Y&R).

  11. 2 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    I could buy 1957. But not 1967. That has to be a mistake. 


    That would be weird as she would have been only 27 in 1984 when she debuted on Loving. And also Chris Marcantel was born in 1958 according to Wikipedia, which would have meant “mother” and “son” were almost the same age 🤪

  12. If one has a look at the remaining four soaps on air, the youngest one is B&B, which was created in 1987. Otherwise the other three have come from the 60s and 70s.


    What is it about other 80s/90s soaps like Capitol, Santa Barbara, Loving, Generations (along with Sunset Beach and Passions) that caused them to sputter out so relatively young? All soaps with such amazing potential and seemingly relevant to their times, and yet they die out after a few years while the stalwarts like Y&R, GH and DOOL have managed to outlast them and live on to this day?

  13. I find it really fascinating that B&B was hitting Top 5 for overall households as early as 1990 (and this was all pre-Sheila as that was still unfolding on Y&R). That time would have been Caroline’s death, Brooke and Eric’s wedding, and a few others that I’ve probably missed.


    That’s an amazing achievement for CBS and Bill Bell.

  14. 11 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    An oldie I stumbled on: from GL in 1966, Bert Bauer confronting Maggie Scott, who’d had an affair with Bill Bauer. Like this is real grown-ass women talk and no pyrotechnics:



    Am I the only one who felt a little uneasy watching that first ad with the bombing imagery, considering the Vietnam War was at its peak at the time?

  15. On 5/24/2020 at 12:03 AM, GLATWT88 said:

    Also, I read on the early pages that by the end of its run SFT felt old fashioned compared to the other soaps on the air. How did it feel old fashion? 


    I was watching some 1984-5 episodes recently, and the music cues in those episodes were very clearly old-school (60s/70s). You compare that to something like Y&R or GH at that time, and it was obvious they were very current and even way ahead of their game.

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