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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. 6 hours ago, GLATWT88 said:

    Here's what's been happening on your favorite soaps since the stay at home orders:


    Y&R: Newman Enterprises refused to shut down causing uproar from employees and residents. In fact, Crimson Lights has been so empty these days, because they're practicing social distancing protocols, one customer or family at a time. Ashley brings Victor a hazmat suit to keep him safe. Jabot launches a new line of disinfectant perfumes. 


    BB: The latest collections were put on hold, but to prevent having to let employees go, Forrestor Creations has its workers sewing masks from the fabrics. Quinn suggests they have a virtual fashion show with the masks causing a huge sensation. They have orders from around the world. Wyatt catches Sally and the nurse dragging Flo, but they convince him whe was exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 and when she received the results from the nurse passed out under stress. Flo wakes up but has amnesia. Meanwhile, Sally begins to panic saying that her condition is now more dire because she came into contact with Flo who was infected. Wyatt proposes to Sally and Wyatt decides they should get married right away as Sally's last wishes. They decide to have their wedding on Zoom with everyone on call even Flo who still has not regained her memory. As Carter officiates the wedding, something triggers Flo's memory and she starts to reveal the truth but the nurse who is hosting the Zoom call quickly intercepts and mutes Flo and then kicks her out of the meet.


    Days: As the residents become aware of the spreading virus, they retreat to Melaswem to keep safe. John and Marlena discover that Stefano was actually seeking revenge on the residents of Salem in a plot that goes wrong.


    GH: As mayor of Port Charles, Laura purchased masks for all residents from Forrestor Creations. Although, Cuomo's shutdown has eased the burden on General Hospital, they still see an influx of cases. The hospital is overwhelmed with patients causing several past residents to return and help the struggling hospital. Luke returns to inform Laura that the Cassadines are on the remote island of Melaswen and are attempting to hold the world ransom with the vaccine for the virus with DiMera. 


    Ooh I do like the BB-GH and DAYS-GH cross-pollination you’re attempting there. If only the networks would ever agree to it though... 😏


    This was an episode from mid-1984 that I just stumbled upon. Again lots of familiar faces (Matt Ashford, Marie Cheatham, David Forsyth, Michael Corbett, Lisa Peluso). Even some lovely scenes here with Rod Arrants and Jane Krakowski.


    The episodes I’ve seen previously of SFT all had Louise Shaffer as Stephanie, but seeing Marie Cheatham’s portrayal here endeared me a lot more to her as a character, and actually made Stephanie somewhat more human and calm rather than as the caricature overbearing mother that Shaffer seemed to bring out more. It’s a shame that they couldn’t keep Cheatham longer.

  3. I watched my very first Capitol episode today, and I was surprised to see people in there I was not expecting. I knew Constance Towers was in there, but I was surprised to see Tonja Walker and even more shocked to see a young Catherine Hickland playing a non-bitchy character for a change. And in the episode Soapsuds just posted above, is that Kimberlin Brown playing the girl who walks in with Jordy at the beginning??

  4. 9 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Biden likely has a lengthy short-list of candidates facing vetting. The media loves to get people riled up by creating a horse race narrative.


    I came on to say exactly the same thing. Just because one happens to have been reported doesn’t mean there are not others. People need to chill and see what unfolds.

  5. 35 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    After Suzy ended Warren's reign of terror. The couple married and didn't have much to do. Cagney became a cop. Suzy was killed in the fall of 1986 by Ella Hobbs.


    Sheesh that storyline seems way more intense than I thought it would be. So essentially Warren was gaslighting Suzy to the hilt, and had somehow roped Wendy into the plan as well. That is insane. Thanks for those... it was full on just watching those clips.

  6. I watched some Search For Tomorrow episodes from 1984 a few months back, and was curious about one of the storylines.


    Warren Carter had just escaped from jail where he had faked his death, and was now stalking Suzy while secretly taunting Jo, Martin, Cagney, etc with mysterious gifts. It had got to the point where Warren was hiding in an old house and was blackmailing someone to keep his secret.


    What ended up happening wth that storyline? I know by December 1985 (when Lisa Peluso left as Wendy), Cagney and Suzy were happily married, but what happened in between?

  7. 1 hour ago, YRfan23 said:

    There was also a scene where Katherine and Phyllis got into a verbal spat. I read an article about it since they mentioned the show rarely has different characters interact, how satisfying it was to see Katherine get a “potential” rival in Phyllis. I think there was a line where Katherine said “I never met anyone That could be as evil as Jill”......stretching that a bit as I wouldn’t classify Jill as “evil”. 


    Depends on when this was though. Even into the 90s and early 2000s the enmity between Kay and Jill was still gigantic. So it wouldn’t be out of character for Kay to see Jill as “evil”, and nor would it be out of character for Jill to think the same of Kay.

  8. It’s funny hearing all this talk about social cues being ignored and that sort of thing back in the 90s. If that had been going on today, a smart writer would be bringing up neurodiversity as a social issue big time (and they kinda did it with Theo’s autism). It might have seemed completely far fetched back then when Asperger’s was only starting to emerge, but now that there is less of a social stigma around it nowadays (but nevertheless it still exists), neurodiversity is something that should be more explored.

  9. 41 minutes ago, Dr Neil Curtis said:

    Now they could have given us That Lillie Mae Barber and Drucilla Episode this week. 


    I remember watching that whole storyline as a teenager back in Australia, and my mum always used to make fun of it because of Mamie’s constant “but she’s MAH SISTAAAH” when Lillie was recovering from depression at Nate and Olivia’s. That has never left my mind to this day...

  10. 5 hours ago, Darn said:


    I liked that they dealt with the legality of Victor marrying someone immediately after a divorce, for some reason I never even considered that when hearing about this story.


    They did this with Victor and Leanna in 1988 when they got married right after his divorce from Nikki. As it turns out, the marriage was invalid because Victor hadn’t waited the required six months. You’d think he would learn 😏

  11. Sometimes I wonder back when Bobby Warner was reintroduced in the mid-late 90s, how would things have panned out if somehow Peter Bergman had come back as Cliff at that point (yes yes I know he was well and truly at Y&R by that stage, but one can dream)? That would have been an interesting dynamic to explore especially with Nina coming back for a little bit as well (and the soap geek in me reckons Peter Bergman and Brian Gaskill had enough physical resemblance at least to pull it off).

  12. According to the SoapCentral character bio, Liz Foster and Bruce Henderson are indeed listed as siblings.

    5 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    Claudette was WILD! I sure hope Erica confronts her in the following month, and if miracles are real, that confrontation exists somewhere on tape.


    One thing that piqued my curiosity - the mention of the Montgomery surname for Claudette. Was there any link to Travis and Jack years later?

  13. 4 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Victor's ancient jizz was the source of so many fights. Didn't Ashley and Diane have one in the Jabot lab too?


    This! It was a masterstroke getting, firstly, Alex Donnelly back as Diane in 1996/7, and then Eileen Davidson back as Ashley a couple of years later. The enmity between these two characters stretches all the way back to the early 80s when Ashley caught Jack and Diane together in bed on the day of Jack’s wedding to Patty, and having the original actresses in those roles cross paths again in the spermgate storyline was just too delicious (no pun intended).


    Notwithstanding the whole ickyness of that storyline in the first place, it did create (literally) a new generation of legacy characters in Abby and Kyle. Have they ever played up the potential conflict between these two that would arise as a result of how they were conceived?


    Are there any clips of AD’s Diane and ED’s Ashley together floating around on YT anywhere? It would be fascinating to watch from a historical perspective.

  14. 37 minutes ago, Forever8 said:

    According to the set of Loving Promos at 1:06. Apparently Gwyn debut in December of 84.



    Oooh look at how young some of those peeps were back then. And a small glimpse of Roya Megnot as Ava with whom I assume was Perry Stephens’ Jack during their “romance”?

  15. 3 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    Found this Clip. Don't know if this is 1983 or early 1984?



    Am I the only one who had to make sure they weren’t seeing Brenda Dickson doing belly dancing??


    Sharon Case at her best ❤️



  16. 4 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

     Did Nikki and Christine interact at all in 1989? 


    Not from the 1989 episodes I’ve seen. But there was a late 1989 episode where Jim/Nikki and Scott/Lauren had a “double date” at the ranch, which surprised me because I had never seen Nikki and Lauren together in ANY scene ever prior to this. This was just after Jack had returned (as Peter Bergman) and they were all talking about having a double wedding between Xmas and NY. 

    16 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Danny is a fine example of frontburner then forgotten.  He was on all the time for close to a decade.  Then just faded away.  At the time I was happy the show kept Phyllis even as they let Danny fade.


    Skip to 15:55 in this episode and you’ll see a young Danny interacting with Patty (Lillibet Stern), when he was still kinda seeing her (back when she was about to marry Jack who was cheating on her with Diane).



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