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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    I did like Wes on GL (although the push in the press about him being the new Michael Zaslow really annoyed me and made me sour on him initially) but the best thing he's ever done was when he took off his clothes in various '00s indie movies. 


    Mmmmm.... Latter Days... mmmm 😋

  2. 28 minutes ago, Darn said:

    I'm somewhere in 85, Jill has just been shot (and Brenda's acting is alL OVer THe plACe) and I can't remember, who shot her? I think it was Kay (she's the only viable suspect so far), how'd she get away with it?



    Her masseur Sven (?). He was angry that she refused him, apparently...


  3. 4 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    Working on getting more of my 80s stuff online.  Here's the first half of what I have from 1988. The quality isn't the greatest.


    These are amazing. Thanks so much for these. 1988 would have to be one of the best years for Y&R. So much unfolding in just those episodes you posted:

    • Nina giving birth to Phillip’s baby;
    • Cricket being chased by THREE men at once (Phillip, Danny and Scott);
    • Leanna’s Ruthless storyline starting to take shape, and her interactions with Steven, Victor and Jack;
    • The introduction of George Rawlins, with Paul being called upon for his services;
    • Nikki finding out she’s pregnant with Nicholas;
    • Paul digging into Brad’s past (at the request of Jack), and the subsequent reveal of Lisa (who would later kidnap him and lock him in a cage);
    • Jessica Blair’s introduction and courtship with John Abbott.

    There is a reason why Y&R well and truly claimed the #1 spot that year, and these episodes just demonstrate that. Looking forward to even more stuff from that year.

  4. Been watching some Cass/Frankie and Cass/Lila clips on Youtube, and it reminded me of a question I posed on the old RATSM newsgroup just before the show ended in 1999. I thought it would be a great opportunity to do it again:


    If Lila, Frankie, *and* Kathleen happened to be in Bay City all at once, and Cass had to choose only one of them, who would he choose and why?

  5. So I’ve been bingeing on any old City episodes that I could get my hands on on YouTube, including the final episode, and I have questions (putting in spoiler tags for people who might not know the storylines)...



    Sydney was murdered by Molly in the final episode?? Why would they choose such an ending for such a pivotal character of the show?


    Am I correct in gathering that Richard turned out to be Sydney and Nick’s son? What was the actual story behind that? And how was Zoe involved?


    Glad to see Tony and Ally got a happy ending, but one thing I picked up on - Danny was in love with Ally after all? Particularly after the very toxic relationship they shared post Casey’s death?


  6. 5 hours ago, Vee said:

    There were rumors about Carla being cast in '11. Not sure how legit they were.


    Still making my way through LM. As much as I love LLC, any time Lisa Peluso enters the scene her force of presence and chemistry with the delightful (and DILF) Randolph Mantooth dwarfs Lo Cicero's decent chemistry with him.


    Unpopular? opinion: I think Steffi and cute little Richard have real chemistry too.


    God I want to break my screen everytime I see Richard on it. Having watched the first few episode of Tha Cit-eeeeeh, I can understand sorta why he is the way he is, but damn I can only handle him in very minute doses.


    If you are ever curious, look up some of Corey Page’s work on Heartbreak High (the early 90s Australian drama that he was on before he scored his role on Tha Cit-eeeeeh). He’s actually really good in it.

  7. Spoiler

    So I finally got to the end of it all. Man was that a roller coaster and a half to endure...


    The final reveal scenes with Steffi and Gwyn were beyond incredible. Christine Tudor did that from the *gut* and I just about cried my eyes out feeling the pain that Gwyn was experiencing. How she never won any awards for that is mind-boggling. And Amelia Heinle was just exceptional in the way that she portrayed Steffi in those moments of support for Gwyn.


    And I never knew that there was that twist about Gwyn’s death - Steffi administering the syringe. I would have thought that Neil’s past with his assisting his wife’s suicide would have been played here, so I’m disappointed a bit that those two never got tied together.


    One of the shots I found so powerful in those aftermath scenes was the bathroom scene between Steffi, Tess and Ally as they try to come to terms with what just happened - there is a mirror shot of all three of them together that just stood out. Props to Laura Wright, Amelia Heinle and Catherine Hickland for just stepping up in those moments.


    I also enjoyed the friendship dynamic between Ally and Steffi throughout the whole Murders storyline, but I’m aware it wasn’t always like that (especially during the whole Casey/Ally/Cooper storyline). When did they make their peace that led to their BFF relationship?


    One thing I hated as well - the aftermath of Ally telling Buck that she lied about Danny raping her. I know Buck told her to leave the bar, but did they eventually make up after that, even on The City? Or did that get swept under the carpet never to be mentioned again? Actually, I was getting a little tired of Buck’s sanctimony for a while there.


    Speaking of The City, how many sledgehammers did they go through to make the transition any more obvious? Every conversation was “The City”, “New York City”, “we’re off to the Cit-eh!”. I wanted to bang my head on the desk so hard every time.


    One more thing that grinded my gears quite a lot - seeing men pressuring women so much to make decisions or just “laying down the law” for lack of a better phrase. I know it was a different time, but it actually made me a bit uncomfortable watching some of those scenes, eg. Jacob pressuring Angie to “give in”, or “make a choice”, and also Tony’s attitude with Steffi a lot of the time (the guy doesn’t shut up). Even Alex was that way with Ava for a while there. Just a whole lot of men browbeating women, and it gave me the creeps a lot of the time.


    All in all though, I rather enjoyed it a lot. I reckon my next stop is to watch some of those Edge Of Night episodes that have been popping up recently...


  8. 2 hours ago, slick jones said:



    SEARCH FOR TOMORROW       Victoria Parker    1979

    TEXAS              Paige Marshall (Carrington) Wheeler  1980-82

    ANOTHER  WORLD     Paige Marshall   1980

    THE CATLINS   Vanessa Mahoney Crane Lockwood   1983

    ONE LIFE TO LIVE    Annabelle (interviewed Tina)   1984 or 1985

    GUIDING LIGHT      Calla Tyler Matthews       1985-87

    ANOTHER WORLD       Pippa Palmer      1990

    AS THE WORLD TURNS       Mary Hopkins Campbell   1993-94

    LOVING     Bonnie ___ Rescott Davis          1994

    ONE LIFE TO LIVE    Leigh Malone          2000

                                        Eve McBain     2006


    Larson bounced around.


    Wow she did get around. Thank you @slick jones

  9. I just watched the 1992 episode that was on the Facebook page. It took me a while to recognise the lady playing Bonnie Rescott (Ally’s mother), and then it clicked - she also played Calla Matthews (Lillian’s sister) on Guiding Light in the mid 80s. What other stuff has she done daytime wise?

  10. Spoiler

    So another bunch of episodes got uploaded overnight, but these ones are interesting. Apparently they are all replays of the episodes featuring each murder thus far, but with Lauren Marie Taylor essentially hosting them all, due to some “interruption to the regular programming”. Up to this point, Jeremy has just had the concrete mix poured on top of him, and Gwyneth has come face to face with Trisha.


    I’m assuming the “interruption” was the OJ trial or something similar?


  11. Thanks for the vid @will81. That was so weird seeing those scenes together. And one thing that surprised me - David Kimble! I didn’t realise Michael Corbett had started that early on Y&R (I thought that was more 1989). What was he doing for the first couple of years before Phillip died and then he swooped in on Nina?

  12. Spoiler

    So we’re now up to after Tyler and Danny have been rescued from the cave. Neil has been brought in for questioning about the photograph, and Alex has just allowed Jeremy to read the original copy of Gwen’s psych profile on the killer.


    We see Jeremy read through the report and wonder why there are so many corrections on it. He then realises something isn’t right and heads out, after which Gwen returns after talking with Neil and discovers that the report is missing.


    I’m guessing this is what will lead Jeremy to be the next victim?



    A whole heap of these clips only recently got uploaded in the last few days.


    This one contains Jess Walton’s first ever appearance as Jill Abbott (complete with “the role of Jill Abbott is now played by Jess Walton”).

  14. 31 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    I'm only up to episode 21. JJ's mourning his mom is heartbreaking.  Lorraine was a great character. Richard was so pushy and annoying. I forgot he liked Steffi. This murder mystery reminds me of the awesome mysteries Henry Slesar did on EON. It's all so suspenseful and well planned out.



    I find Richard starts to get more tolerable once he teams up with Tony. But I agree at first I wanted to throw my iPad across the room everytime he was on my screen.


  15. 10 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I've loved Lisa Lo Cicero since first watching in this era, when she had the bright red hair and I think she still has a lot of charm including with Randy Mantooth. But Peluso is very, very good, esp with Mantooth, so it's hard for even LLC to compete. I was not overly fond of what little I saw of her popular AW role (Lila), in which Michael Malone partly refurbished Luna Moody from OLTL. I'd forgotten they allegedly tried to woo her to GL to play Amanda Spaulding..


    There is a nice little “triangle” slow burning with these three throughout the whole murder mystery that I’m also enjoying to an extent. Incidentally I watched an episode of The City earlier today where Sydney (Morgan Fairchild) had been pushed down a lift shaft. By this point, Alex and Jocelyn looked like they were together,  and LLC by this point had quite a *unique* hairstyle which I personally thought didn’t really suit her. But that’s for another time...

  16. 4 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    dc will have more detail, but I think Danny saved Tyler when he was stuck somewhere. Ally then set Danny up on false rape charges, but changed her mind. 


    I feel like B&E wanted to pair Ally and Danny as a couple, as this was teased on both shows, and if The City had run longer there was a clear Tony/Ally/Carla/Danny quad in full swing, but they likely faced negative audience reaction. 


    If memory serves Danny was supposed to be a short term sleaze, but Ted King was so charismatic that the show decided to keep him around. 


    This is one of the main stories going on when I started watching Loving. Laura Wright had a real edge to her work that made what could have been a very generic long-suffering heroine role seem more real. It's the same she'd end up doing on GL for years, successfully, until she started to become a little too cold in her last years there. 

    Seeing these again reminds me of how I first got into Loving in the midst of the murder mystery story, after reading about it in my first soap magazines. Pretty much everything interested me, but more than anything I was hooked on Ava - Lisa Peluso was just fabulous and had so much screen presence. She was the type of character I was not getting on my old CBS soaps by this point. The soap magazines at the time panned Ava's writing and exit - they said she never would have been so weak or afraid - but I think Peluso plays it believably. 


    Laura Wright hasn’t aged a day in all the roles I’ve seen her (Ally on Loving, Cassie on GL, and Carly on GH). She does has that certain edge about her that just draws you in. And her chemistry with Ted King is off the charts (no wonder they kept him on as Danny). Did their characters on GH ever get together?


    I agree about Ava as well - I pick up on her being absolutely scared out of her brains, and it is totally believable and well-written. And even now in this storyline the neuroses are still there, if not even more amplified.




  17. So there have been so many more vids uploaded today (part 41 is being uploaded as we speak). This is the kind of binge watching I love.


    6 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Since we've all done pretty well not mentioning the identity of the killer for first time viewers' sake, I suggest we consider spoiler-tagging it for awhile.


    I will ask: Were there any interviews indicating when during taping the performer was told they were the culprit? I am watching them closely.


    I’m curious myself actually...



    I will say that no matter where we happen to be in the storyline, Christine Tudor is hitting this right out of the ball park with every single scene she is in. Did she ever win any Daytime Emmys for this?


  18. 4 hours ago, BoldRestless said:


    When Tricia started showing signs of the crazy, Victor offered her to live in his penthouse so he could keep an eye on her and keep Victoria safe. Tricia drugged Victor with sleeping pills and viagra, had sex with him, and then claimed he raped her.  He got out of jail in time for Victoria and Ryan's wedding, but it was too late, Tricia had put on a wedding dress, walked down the aisle, and shot Ryan.


    I was following Y&R quite heavily at the time, and I must have blanked that particular detail out. God that is insane 😆

  19. 4 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    I've been crushing on Curtis and Buck as well. Here's a clip from Chris's first run as Curtis. He appears 2 mins in.



    Oh wow, I had seen this clip before but it had never clicked that it was him. He looks like he hadn’t aged a bit between 1984 and 1995. Thanks heaps for reminding me of this! 👍

    1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    He was definitely sexy on Knots and enjoyed him on Loving, it’s a shame him as Ben Warren on GL just didn’t work out for at all.


    He played Ben Warren? When did this happen?

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