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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. 1 hour ago, GLATWT88 said:

    Thanks, I'll search for the episode and will definitely watch later. This makes me wish they would dedicate each week to a storyline - showing major episodes and filling in the gaps with those intro videos from the cast. I know this probably wouldn't work and cause disagreement among fans as to what should air. Also, I think CBS and their soaps are playing it safe by not airing too many older episodes consecutively thinking it may drive some viewers away. 


    These two clips capture the moments that I described to you. Enjoy!




  2. 9 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:


    I always thought Ashley broke down in 1987 after the abortion. Why did she break down in 1985? Because she found out Brett Davis was her father? I've seen some scenes from that storyline, and while she was upset, she didn't seem unstable. And why were they in Corsica, was that a location shoot?


    Yeah from what I understand and have read in various Y&R histories, she flipped out after Brent Davis told her he was her father. I’m curious as to the exact timeline myself, as I had been keen to see if there had been any Ashley/Dina confrontation that resulted from the reveal.


    But that initial breakdown certainly did establish frailties in Ashley’s mental health, and was thus used again when she aborted Victor’s baby and completely went off the deep end subsequently.

  3. 9 minutes ago, will81 said:

    Honestly Thom had no chemistry with Lauralee but did have it with Tricia. I also think if Phillip had been kept he should have taken Ryan's place with Victoria. Having a Phillip/Victoria/Nina triangle would have been amazing. Especially the fireworks between Nikki/Jill/Victor/Kay. Phillip being a recovering alcoholic and Victoria wanting to save him, plus would have put a different spin on Nikki's alcoholism. 


    You could have still had Nina/David, just have Phillip divorce Nina, she grabs half his fortune and Phillip spend the Kimble years mostly drunk.


    I’m picturing Thom and Heather in my head together, and you’re right - that would have been 🔥🔥🔥.  Victor referring to him as “that damn punk” and both Jill and Kay getting right in his face because of it.


    Story almost writes itself.

  4. 1 hour ago, Forever8 said:

    I can see why Nina entered into this Phillip/Chance/Danny triangle. Because these three would've put me to asleep. 


    I assume you meant Chase rather than Chance. Even so, that would have been one hell of a triangle, especially considering Phillip’s sexual inclinations 2 decades later 😏


    (and yes I know you meant Cricket, and I completely agree with your sentiment about Nina’s addition to the quadrangle. Tricia Cast gave it a whole different dimension). 

  5. 10 minutes ago, GLATWT88 said:


    Wow, thanks for all those details. I was definitely entertained by the whole scene but I wasn't completely sure why it was happening or what was going on, but that makes a lot of sense. 


    There is a 1987 episode up on Youtube where Casey tells Nikki that her cancer had gone into remission, and Nikki races out to the ranch to tell Victor the good news - only to spot him from a distance with Ashley, who’s making peace with Victor regarding the abortion and her reasoning behind it.


    From that point forward, she decided to keep the truth from Victor so that she can hang on to him a bit longer. I believe Jack also had some influence in this.

  6. 43 minutes ago, Darn said:

    Jenny is so naive, poor thing. How long were they in the city for? Just that one summer?


    The scene with Angie's father and Jesse's uncle (about 24:20 in) is great, I wish it wasn't cut off.


    Darnell Williams and Kim Delaney had such amazing friend chemistry (of course we all know he could have chemistry with a brick wall). I wonder what would have happened if they hadn’t killed off Jenny.

  7. Another historical question for the more knowledgeable peeps in here...


    When did Jack and Nikki commence their initial 80s affair (while Nikki was married to Victor)? Was it before or after Victor started his affair with Ashley?

  8. 8 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Friends and distant cousins, lol.


    Someone posted a podcast about a year ago where she and Alec Baldwin both talked about their soap days. It was a fun listen.

    I think she's still in touch with John Wesley Shipp also, at least they seem to communicate on social media.  I've said this before...Locher should ask, the worst they can say is no.


    YES! Get JWS and Julianne Moore for one! Would be amazing for them to recount their days doing the Doug Cummings storyline. And if they can get Don Hastings and Kathryn Hays for that as well, that would be incredible.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Forever8 said:

    Found this video on Lauren-Marie Taylor's Facebook Page - Apparently it seems the Loving reunion is coming soon since it is discussed they're doing a trial run on Zoom. This video is also funny as well. 




    It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 25 years since the Loving Murders.  And LMT is still looking great!

  10. 15 hours ago, j swift said:

    NBC soaps felt more experimental.  There were a lot of "firsts" on NBC soaps.  The first 60 minute soap.  The first soap written by staff who didn't have prior soap experience.  The first genre bending soaps.  Perhaps because NBC usually struggled to maintain ratings, they were more willing to try new things or take elements that had been tried on other networks and heighten them in order to attract new viewers (SFT's flood, AW's special single topic episodes, male heroes with perms).    


    I initially read that as “gender bending”, which kinda still makes sense considering the stuff Passions was doing in its later years... 😏

  11. 18 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    But this topic, one that is discussed heavily, highlights what went wrong with this drama. These shows started to veer from their identities and all of them became too much alike. What made these shows so popular was that while they might of have similarities, each show offered you different things.


    I wish we had like buttons on this forum because I would “like” the heck out of this comment. I completely agree that nowadays the remaining 4 soaps have kinda blended into one another with nothing really setting them apart. I started watching daytime soaps in the 90s, and even back then there was a stark difference between all the soaps we had at the time (Y&R, B&B, DOOL and GH). 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    These things aren’t hard and fast, as soaps evolve with new visions over the years. Speaking as somewhat who started as a soap viewer after the ‘80s. Generally, I’ve always seen CBS as somewhat conservative Midwestern family ensemble dramas with darker, moodier lighting. (B&B doesn’t tick those boxes as a Los Angeles-set fashion soap, but still fit in seamlessly into its lineup as a Bell show. It was still essentially conservative and family-centered.)


    With its Agnes Nixon influence, ABC always felt slightly more East Coast and urban and liberal, brighter visually, somewhat grittier in content but also lighter in tone. Bouncy and youthful and trendier. Plus you had GH centered around a hospital as well as criminal elements.


    As @soapfan770 stated, NBC did feel a bit escapist and fantastical, with a sunny West Coast flair (with Santa Barbara and Sunset Beach, but in a weird way even DAYS and Passions, both set east of the Mississippi). Far less rooted in a recognizable reality than the CBS and NBC brands. As a P&G soap, AW felt like the odd man out in that lineup and really lost its way when it tried to fit in.


    I find it fascinating also that Bell and Nixon also seemed to have their “trademark” qualities, as you’ve described above. I agree that Bill Bell was very deep and psychological with his stories, and that is certainly apparent even in the daily breakdowns.


    Having been watching 1989 Y&R recently for instance, that year alone had *so much* focus on family and the relationships within and between the family units on the canvas. Very much character driven as opposed to plot driven.

  13. Over the years that I have watched and followed US daytime soaps in Australia and participated in discussions, I have always observed people talking about soaps on certain networks and associating qualities with them, eg. ABC soaps typically have these qualities, CBS soaps have these, etc. But I’ve never quite managed to get a grasp on it myself.


    So for the US folk on here, what qualities do you associate with an ABC soap, and likewise for CBS and NBC? What sets them apart from each other? And most certainly the question could be extended to actors where it has been commented, for example, that they are more suited to an ABC soap over a CBS one.

  14. 1 hour ago, will81 said:

    Pretty sure she never knew. I do believe Steven was about to tell her and Victor just before he got shot though


    I have always wondered if Leanna was supposed to be the one who shot Steven. She was much psychotic when she first came on and Steven and Leanna's other doctor were extremely concerned when they first found her in Genoa City. Maybe that was the plan initially and Barbara worked out so well Bell changed course.


    I always thought it would have been great if Leanna had turned on Victor during their brief marriage and made his life hell, but again, I guess Bell was trying to shift Leanna from psycho to more eccentric.


    One of those secrets that went to the grave, so to speak - just like John Abbott never finding out that Brent Davis was Ashley’s father.


    Speaking of which, I know the episode with Brent revealing himself to Ashley is online. Did Ashley explicitly confront Dina about it after she was told?

  15. 5 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    IIRC when Steven was shot and killed by some random guy in Nov '88, Leanna snuck into his office and stole his file of her, and that's what kept her secret.


    Ooooh wow. That episode is not online it seems. Would be interesting to watch that.

  16. Question for the more knowledgeable folks here...


    Did Ashley ever find out that Leanna was originally one of Steven Lassiter’s patients (and in fact the reason Leanna came to town in the first place)?

  17. 6 hours ago, Michele Soap Writer said:

    in this episode they said that Ashley is pregnant with Victor's baby...but that's not Abby, right? Cause I think I remember Abby being born several years earlier. Another pairing I never liked: Victor and Ashley


    Abby was the result of 2000-spermgate.

    52 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    So sad that it seems they air an episode mostly with the old Brooks crowd, but only one Lorie scene! I will take anything though so I’m not complaining. What I wouldn’t give to see a really meaty episode with Lorie, Leslie, Vanessa, etc. 


    One of the best storylines from around that time IMO is Lorie’s revenge on Victor during 1982 for taking away Prentiss Industries from Lance. To this date, the only woman who beat Victor at his own game.

  18. On 6/19/2019 at 2:55 AM, YRfan23 said:




    I have been lost in this whole 1989 playlist for the last day and a bit, and I am riveted by a lot of the storylines unfolding here. I’m currently up to July 1989 where Christine has just been raped. It’s compelling stuff, and I only wish the soaps today could be as good as 1989 Y&R was (the soap was just firing on all cylinders here).

  19. Can I also just say what an absolute treasure Barbara Crampton is in all these old episodes? I’ve been watching a few of the 1988-9 Ruthless storyline episodes, and the range of acting that she pulls off is just phenomenal. She also has incredible chemistry with Eric Braeden. I wish they had kept her on a bit longer throughout both her runs on Y&R.

  20. 3 hours ago, AMCer said:

    The premiere episode of Y&R has been uploaded. I don't know if I would call it all that entertaining but it is certainly intriguing and moody. Bill Bell might've agreed as he wrote out all these characters in the space of a decade. (Brad Elliot only lasted 5 years). Among his early characters he only hit the jackpot with Jill and Kay.


    It's certainly a treat, though, to see the first episode, as few of them exist online except maybe B&B. I'd never seen it.


    Deidre Hall also closes the episode.




    I loved this, especially how that one episode set the WHOLE PREMISE for the series - the two families of the Brooks and Fosters, their names, their backgrounds. We got to see two plots start straight away (Brad’s escape to Genoa City, and Snapper’s relationship with Chris). I also loved seeing Deidre Hall in something pre-DOOL.


    This is why Bill Bell was a master at his craft. I hope we discover more episodes from this era.


    3 episodes back to back around John Abbott’s wedding to Jessica Blair, including where they tell the family at the wedding lunch about Jessica’s battle with AIDS (or rather HIV as it would be more commonly known today). The thing that impressed me the most about these episodes was the big focus on family - Jessica’s relationship with Cricket, the Abbotts all interacting with each other.


    There is a scene where the Abbotts are all together in the mansion, and you get to see first-hand just how well all of them blended as a unit. Jerry Douglas, Terry Lester, Eileen Davidson, Beth Maitland - there was something so good about seeing them all happy together.


    And one thing I’m surprised they included, but really glad they did - Jill’s reaction to the new of the marriage. Her monologue to John was spot on. And it really established Jess Walton in the history of John and Jill.


    Definitely worth a watch if you haven’t seen it yet.

  21. 11 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    May 3, 1989 is now on the archive site! :) 



    This was brilliant! Thank you so much! A few observations I had with this episode, some which I will put in spoiler tags for those who don’t want to know what happens:


    • This was the first time I had ever seen Terry Lester and Brenda Epperson together in an episode - my previous exposure to Y&R had only been seeing Peter Bergman with Brenda, and then Peter with Eileen, and then of course through the wonders of Youtube, Terry and Eileen (let’s not mention Shari). I found the chemistry to be somewhat believable and I could imagine it would have been tough for Brenda to step into Eileen’s shoes almost straight away.
    • Terry was wearing glasses A LOT in some of his later years on Y&R. Was he having any health issues at this point?
    • Also on Terry, all I could picture with his glasses and goatee was the striking resemblance to Colonel Sanders and expected him to spring out an ad for KFC at any moment.
    • So this was just after George Rawlins had been murdered. How did he die and was it Cassandra who killed him?
    • I enjoyed the little interaction between Lauren and Mary, especially considering the animosity they usually had for each other. I also enjoyed Lauren sleuthing a bit to find out more info.
    • The buildup to the end-of-episode reveal was *perfect*. I would love to see that scene with Nikki and Ashley teaming up to warn Victor about Leanna. And I loved how Victor just dropped that bomb at the last possible moment.

    I’m also guessing that this is what ultimately motivated Victor to steal Jabot from the Abbotts, as revenge against Jack for his role in Ruthless?


  22. 5 minutes ago, koos said:


    Wow. That's insane. I don't know if I even want to look up a current pic of him, as I have no idea what he looks like past the late '90s. I didn't even know Ryan was killed off until just a few years ago.


    Scott Reeves was on General Hospital for a couple of years in the early 2010s, and he wasn’t that bad looking for being late 40s at the time.

  23. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    I did like Wes on GL (although the push in the press about him being the new Michael Zaslow really annoyed me and made me sour on him initially) but the best thing he's ever done was when he took off his clothes in various '00s indie movies. 


    Mmmmm.... Latter Days... mmmm 😋

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