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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. Not sure if it’s already been mentioned here, but Corey Page (Richard Wilkins, Loving/The City) apparently starred in a streaming series late last year called The Third, which was about a a gay married couple who brought in a third guy to help “spice things up”. It seems ok from the snippets I’ve observed.

  2. 6 hours ago, dc11786 said:

    Later on, someone asked about Ned Bates. I don't think he made it into 1988. If anyone has some more definitive proof one way or another, I'd be happy to see it. When Lotty initially departs, Ned does stay on as a border at Kate's, however immediately after Lotty leaves Ned learns April was leaving. Perry is still in the credits for November 16, 1987 while Lotty, Curtis, Marty, and April are all gone. Then, Steve is shot during the November 1987 bank hold up and dies in early December 1987, which lines up with Johnson's December 1984 start date. Ned would only have Kate to interact with. Cece, who was also living in the boarding house, was written out in December 1987. I just cannot see him staying on with no one to even be a talk to for.



    This weekly synopsis has the last mention of Ned... https://classicsodloving.tumblr.com/post/76887132063/week-of-november-9-november-13-1987, which seems in line with what you have posted above.

  3. 13 hours ago, janea4old said:

    Sharon's Place
    "Girl"'s mom rolls out and complains that Sharon didn't put the iron where she could reach it, and she couldn't iron today.  Sharon rudely brushes her off, tells her she will do the ironing herself that evening (OK?), and BTW she's having a party at the apartment sometime soon  She says this will be a very important party for her.


    LOL YAAAS! This is how I remember Doris... the one who always called Sharon “GUUUUURL!”. I noticed Liz Foster did that with Jill as well.

  4. Thanks for posting the link @Soapsuds. Just watched that Locher Room instalment now, and OMG I was in stitches!


    • Scott Bryce and Hillary B Smith could still do a sibling relationship even today (hell they even LOOK like siblings).
    • Add can I just also say - Gregg Marx definitely has DILF qualities. His face (and his eyes especially) is just so easy to get lost in.

    I love how HBS keeps trying to get Gregg to “play with her” on various projects. So obvious that they still love each other so much.


    Oh! I also loved how they talked about one of my favourite ATWT scenes ever - when Craig’s crimes are finally exposed to Lyla and she went off on him. They even mentioned *the slap*.


    The scene in question start at 43:54



  5. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    One of the greatest scenes of the LM: Ava's monologue to Alex (timestamped below). I don't know if this is her last day or not; I hope not, as I feel the reasons for her to end the marriage entirely vs. leaving town are still too thin. I don't know how they'll transition from this to Alex and Jocelyn.



    That happens a little bit into The City’s run, as both characters don’t start on The City until a number of episodes in, and even then their first appearances are staggered to begin with.

  6. 1 hour ago, Forever8 said:

    I hope Randy Mantooth and friends include Lisa Peluso and I bet it will also have Lisa LoCicero. I know the two our still close in real life.


    I believe it will include Lisa Peluso. I was watching the first reunion live, and she actually commented from her real estate account in the Youtube chat at the time that she wanted to participate in another one of these.

  7. 2 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Thanks so much for posting these clips. Was Rod Arrants still on the show then? There are no cast credits here, but I think he left shortly after Maree Cheatham (who is seen here).


    According to this: https://soapoperadvdlist.webs.com/search-for-tomorrow, Rod Arrants left around May/June 1984. There is another episode online somewhere from around that time that has a really sweet Travis/TR scene, just before he gets called out (I think this is the lead up to TR’s kidnapping).

  8. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    I guess that "I don't really care do u" jacket was as much a message to her husband as to the dying kids. 


    Who was the last First Lady to be as utterly worthless and callous as she is anyway? How far back does it go? 


    Based on the limited amount of knowledge I have about US Presidents and First Ladies, I would dare say this is unprecedented, much like Trump’s presidency really.

  9. 11 hours ago, victoria foxton said:


    Thank you so so much. This just answered a LOT of plot questions for me.


    It didn’t even occur to me until I read those recaps that Bela was the final person that Wendy saw before she disappeared, as well as him being the creepy head guy during the circus stuff with Ryder/Danny/TR. I now know what you meant about him having a dark side (which obviously they toned down A LOT in the final months).


    It also disappoints me a bit that not more fuss was made about Wendy’s disappearance apart from the obvious loose ends - that seemed to fade away after a few weeks. Incidentally, another question... how did Stephanie die?

  10. 1 hour ago, victoria foxton said:

    Jo vs Ella was fun. I liked seeing Jo investigating her niece's murder. Putting all the pieces together. It was lightly hinted that Jo might had been going though PTSD.


    You definitely weren’t reading into it. There was an episode from Thanksgiving 1986 where Jo was struggling just after the whole Ella ordeal, and finally she just broke down completely just as Stu walked in. Was a very touching scene with the two of them.

  11. 7 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    The Matt/Malcolm McCleary  saga wasn't my cup of tea. But it wasn't bad. Aside from killing Suzi. I enjoyed Ann Flood as murderous Ella Hobbs. I also liked Kat. Not a fan of shady Judge Jeremiah Henderson or his grandson. SFT did feel gutted. I miss Travis, Stephanie , Wendy. And Sherry Mathis as Liza. The stuff with Bella and Sunni was weird.  SFT still had plenty of life left. All it needed was the right the HW. 


    I still cannot believe they killed off Suzy so close to the cancellation. Actually, how far ahead did NBC/P&G announce that SFT was being cancelled?


    I agree on the Bela/Sunni stuff, but it was kinda cute to watch at the same time. It took me ages to realise that was Lee Godart playing Bela though (❤️).


    Ella Hobbs was deranged AF. But I guess being so loyal to someone as evil as Judge Henderson (with so little in return) would drive anyone mad.


    I also agree it did feel bizarre without the likes of Stephanie, Wendy et al. 

  12. 8 hours ago, Paul Raven said:



    Janet is Liza's mother and Stu's daughter. She was Janet Bergman Gardner Walton Collins.


    Liza and Gary and Danny are her children by Dan Walton.



    Thank you so much for clarifying this. Incidentally I was just watching the final 30 episodes of SFT (the McLearys in Ireland storyline), and I actually loved how focused it was. It dragged out a bit, but it was wonderful storytelling on its own. Such a shame it couldn’t continue on.

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