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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. 5 hours ago, Vee said:

    I think the race will narrow. Severely? I doubt it. I still think we should remain vigilant though.


    Absolutely. The big poll lead doesn’t mean people should get complacent. Everybody over there still needs to GOTV, regardless of the poll margin.

  2. 9 hours ago, Soap-princess said:


    Agree. I like JT as a person,  but he still looks too old to play Billy. 

    Is Josh willing to write for any couple developed pre LML except Nikki/Victor? He seems to want to reset the show back to 2012 and write for the same annoying pairings that started the past decade.  


    I wonder what would happen if they tried bringing David Tom back again to play Billy. Yeah Amelia Heinle would chuck a fit, but maybe it is time for “Villy” to take a back seat. DT and CK could make an interesting combination...

  3. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    I think in this case it is more important as they have a huge chance of becoming VP, but I also feel there is a media narrative to try to drag Biden down (they are doing the same over debates). I do think it's getting close to time, but on the other hand, I'm glad they waited because with the pushback against both Kamala Harris and Susan Rice, Karen Bass may have been the choice a few weeks ago. If he had, then the announcement would have been completely overshadowed and ruined by the stories coming out about Cuba, communists, $cientology, etc. 


    Your thinking on the media narrative is exactly what I’m thinking. I’m seeing a lot of hot-headedness from usually calm folk on Twitter calling for Biden to make his pick yesterday. Whilst polls can be wrong, etc etc, the polling averages right now are trending to a big margin nationwide for Biden over Trump, so he’s doing something right thus far. Beside, quite frankly if the US re-elects Trump after the s**tshow of the last four years, I’m sorry to say but they deserve everything that’s coming to them.

  4. 3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    Just get it done, man. I know this pick may be more important than usual, but it's past time.



    Why though? Obama didn’t pick Biden as his VP until late August in 2008, so why does Biden have to do it any earlier?

  5. 4 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    She definitely making it her own. I don't dislike KM but she always played Sam as so sullen and moody, like she's constantly depressed or something. Lindsay seems to have infused a little more life into the character today. And as long as she doesn't say the word "fate", I'll be fine with her lol 


    And hopefully she doesn’t call Jason “Ethan” either 😜

  6. 27 minutes ago, SoapDope said:


    Eve showed up in Genoa City in 1980 claiming her son "Cole" was fathered by Victor. Julia and Victor's 10 year marriage was already crumbling bit by bit. When Victor took over Chancellor industries in Kay's absence, Derek Thruston was angry. He and Eve found out that Victor had a secret vasectomy to keep from fathering children with Julia. 


    Did they send the test results to her ? I can't remember.  In the long run, Victor told Julia a child would be an intrusion upon their lives and he wanted her to choose him over the baby. Julia worried herself sick over it, then Victor "Had a change of heart" and told her he wanted the baby. He sent her away for a few days to a spa to relax. While she was away, he had the bomb shelter built and lured Michael to the ranch. He locked him in the basement. He talked to Michael on closed circuit TV. Michael could also see what went on upstairs on the monitor, like Victor making love to Julia which angered him.


    Wowsers. And Derek Thurston was involved in this? So Julia fell pregnant but was unsure if the baby was Victor’s or Michael’s? And she had a subsequent miscarriage?

  7. So I gather most of you would have seen this little ditty flying around on Twitter by now. Now I don’t have much opinion on Jonathan Swan himself considering that he is as much an access journalist as Maggie Haberman. But he does seem to do a good job of pushing back on Trump here.


    As an aside, one thing I only learned this morning: he happens to be the son of one of the health experts on Australian public radio, Norman Swan, who has incidentally been one of the leading voices in the ongoing COVID debate back home in Australia, especially i Melbourne where there is currently a second wave occurring.




  8. Just been watching some more of the December 1982 clips. The dialogue writing always strikes me as a cut above the other soaps. Others have mentioned on here that the writing had that deep psychological basis to it, and it is so obvious in some of the scenes I’ve watched.


    The scene between Douglas and Victor when they are talking about Julia, for example - we get SO MUCH insight from just that one scene into how Victor is thinking and feeling, and what motivates him. The same with Douglas and Julia in her penthouse later on, talking about how Julia is feeling and her present relationship with Victor.


    As an aside, I was not aware just *how much* Douglas was used as a supporting player back then. I was shocked to see a scene between him and Alison Bancroft - I had no idea these two would have even crossed paths, and yet their scene just made sense when I watched it. Y&R was really starting to fire up as a 1-hour show by this point.

  9. Just watched the first of the 1983 clips. Victor and Julia ❤️!! And would it be too crude of me to say that I would just scoop Kevin in my arms and have my way with him? He is just so puppy-dog adorable! And he and Nikki are dynamite 🧨 

  10. 1 minute ago, Soaplovers said:

    It's odd seeing Jill and Andy being romantic..but I could buy it with DA playing Jill.  BD and JW's Jill wouldn't have ever considered dating Andy.


    What led Jill and Andy to date?    Did it have to do with Phillip?  They seem a nice couple..but no long term potential..imho


    I could buy pre-1980 BD Jill dating Andy, if only with a lot more sighing and eye rolling at the lack of extravagance.

  11. 10 hours ago, cassadine1991 said:

    Do you think they can do a redemption/rehabilitation storyline with Patty??


    I posted a comment earlier saying that a redemption storyline could possibly be written if they perhaps brought back Michael Damian as Danny, and wrote a story about Patty going back to where it first began for her. It would rope in Traci straight away due to the history between the three, not to mention the ties that Danny has to Phyllis, Chris, Lauren, Michael and Paul. Lots and lots of pre-existing backstory that can easily be used, if the writing was executed properly.

  12. 1 hour ago, kalbir said:

    Aww, it warms my heart that TB and BM became friends IRL and have stayed friends all these years. It says alot about both of them as people.


    No wonder BM was Y&R's first acting Emmy winner. BM is a treasure and Traci really should be cemented as the heart of the Abbott family.



    It’s funny because the past couple of days I have been thinking about what I would do if I were in the writer’s box seat, so to speak, and mapping out Y&R’s future direction. In fact, Traci would feature quite a lot as a major supporting character, if not front burner. Basically it would go as follows...


    “One day Paul & Christine get a knock on the door at their place. They open it to a surprisingly lucid and happy Patty, who had finally been getting treatment for her long standing mental issues, and wants to have another chance at starting afresh. But Patty had a shocking surprise for both Paul & Chris - a new husband. Even more shocking is the identity of Patty’s new man...


    Danny Romalotti.


    It seems that while Patty was being treated for her issues, Danny happened to be on a break from one of his tours. Obviously he had not been so much in the loop with what had been happening in Genoa City over the last number of years, and his mind wandered to his high school sweetheart. At the same time, Patty flashed back to the support that Danny had given her all the way back during her ill-fated romance with Jack Abbott. She also relived in her mind the drama and heartache she had caused with Traci’s miscarriage, and felt that she had to truly make peace with Danny. So she made contact with him and they met once again for the first time in decades.


    Danny and Patty were both very lonely and nostalgic for happier, younger times. So after a brief courtship, they became married. However, Danny was not fully aware of what had happened with Patty when she had returned to Genoa City in the late 2000s, and Patty wasn’t exactly willing to divulge that information.


    Paul and Chris both tried to talk to Danny about Patty, but Danny wouldn’t have any of it. He insisted that he was happy with Patty and wanted to really make it work this time. Patty was overjoyed to hear this, as it meant a genuine new beginning for her.


    Danny and Patty both decided to stay in Genoa City permanently to be closer to their loved ones, and moved into their own apartment. Word eventually reached Jack Abbott that Patty was back in town (again), and married to Danny as well.


    So one day Jack paid Danny a visit. Danny was surprised to see Jack, especially as they had not had any contact with each other for a couple of decades. And Danny didn’t exactly feel sentimental either when it came to Jack Abbott, particularly considering what he had cause Patty many years earlier.”



    I could literally go on and on spawning story from this. Danny has numerous historical organic ties to characters currently on canvas - Christine, Paul, Lauren, Michael, Traci, Jack, Phyllis. I’m not saying that it should become the Danny show, but his return (if written correctly) would be potential dynamite, particularly in combination with a Patty return. And you wouldn’t even have to create too much backstory, because most of it is already there. You could even have the Patty and Danny relationship develop on screen if necessary.


    But again, this is just me with my crayons trying to map out a decent story.

  13. 3 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Beth Maitland is immediately BRINGING IT in these ‘82 clips. My heart aches for Traci and I am instantly invested in her journey. What a talent.


    Yes! I said this in a reply a couple of days back. Traci in 1982 was just WOW. It’s a shame the later clips didn’t capture more of the story, but OMG how completely withdrawn was she. Like you, I just felt so sorry for her.

  14. 12 hours ago, SoapDope said:

    A re-post of the Brooks sisters reunion in 1984.




    That was neat to watch! One question though - was that Trish Stewart playing Chris in that clip? And it’s weird seeing 1984 Pamela Peters, as I had only seen her during some 1973 and 1975 episodes on here.


    And I’m disappointed that they never broached the subject of Lance in that discussion, considering that’s the reason that Lorie left town in the first place.

  15. 3 hours ago, carolineg said:


    I think it was more about Carrie/Sami than Austin in general.  Anyone with moderate chemistry with CC and AS could have played Austin.  He had a variety of hobbies and jobs, but did he really have much of a personality?  It is a clear case of all the characters around him (Carrie, Sami, Kate, Lucas, etc.) doing the heavy lifting while Austin was...there.  Being dumb.  I really never got a sense of Austin's personality with either PM or AP in the role.  Hell, I am not even sure if Austin is older or younger than Billie lol.  And while Carrie/Austin were super popular they haven't really stood the test of time.  By the time they got married the writing was already geared toward Carrie/Mike.  Another bland leading man under Roark Critchlow.


    Billie is the elder Reed sibling.

  16. So having just watched Lorie’s last 1982 scenes - that was a PHENOMENAL exit. The letter writing/reading scene was pure perfection. I just sat there wishing I could write as good as her. And Bill Bell managed to bring out every single ounce of inner emotional conflict from both her and Victor. I know some people bag out 1982 as a naff year for Y&R, but scenes like that just reinforce why BB was an absolute master at his craft. Even that very last scene with Lucas where she should have felt over the moon but wasn’t - why don’t we get stuff like that nowadays? This is the kind of thing that got me hooked in the first place.


    So once again to whomever has been uploading the 1982 stuff - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 🙏 ❤️

  17. I just watched the 1982 clips in the vault and OMG we have been spoiled!


    1982 Traci was so shy and withdrawn, especially with the longer hair and the way she was dressed. The change she would undergo just in the next few years is crazy. So cute seeing her and Angela bond (Liz Kiefer was actually damn good in this). That would have been a friendship I’d have loved to see grow throughout the years. I also love that they were already telegraphing the Traci and Danny stuff that would arise a year or so later.


    I just wish we had clips of the actual wedding of Jack and Patti, including Ashley catching him in bed with Diane. That would have made my year! 1982 Ashley was YOUNG!! And again, the stuff she would be involved in only a few years later.


    The scenes with Nikki and Caroline are hilarious. Who knew Nikki was such a bitch even back in 1982? Kevin is an absolute doll (and Christopher Holder was quite easy on the eye too). The Victor and Lorie storyline was awesome too - when was the ill-fated wedding where she left him the goodbye note?


    And the Kay/Earl/Alison stuff - OMG Kay was so frickin catty with Alison, but I loved every moment.


    THANK YOU to whoever uploaded those - they put a massive smile on my face! 😁❤️

  18. 16 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    How was Terry Lester's chemistry with Brenda Epperson as Ashley, I assume there was a little cross over between them before he left right?


    Yes, between December 1988 (Brenda’s arrival) and September 1989 (Terry’s departure). And their chemistry was quite strong. She held her own against Terry just as well as Eileen did.

  19. 1 hour ago, FrenchFan said:

    After Kevin admitted to Victor how bad things were between him and Nikki, Victor asked Nikki why she was trying to wreck her marriage. Nikki confessed it was because she loved Victor. All he had to do was say the word and she would come back in a minute. Victor urged Nikki to forget about her feelings for him by going to bed with Kevin until she had got Victor out of her system. Unable to accept that, Nikki asked Victor to hold her one last time. Although he hesitated at first, Victor gave in and kissed Nikki tenderly. After he was gone, Nikki whispered to herself with desperate confidence: "You still love me, Victor. I'll get you back someday. And next time, I'll never let you go."


    😳 that’s just creepy AF.

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