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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. 3 hours ago, allmc2008 said:

    Regarding the vault,


    A) Is the Ashley/Victor moment in the rain up? I think this was when he found out about the abortion.


    B ) Any Rose Deville episodes included yet?


    The rain confrontation comes in around December 1986, so would not have been uploaded in the clips yet (we’re still on mid-1985). Rose DeVille is also 1986-7 (at least for Nina’s involvement).

  2. Some questions I have about the Brent/Ashley storyline thus far:


    • One of the creepy truck drivers was about to attempt to attack Ashley in the motel while she was sleeping, but the subsequent clips seemed to skip over the outcome of that. What happened there?
    • It seems that Victor knows that Brent is Ashley’s father, but how would he have found that out? Was it Dina who told him?
    • If so, how did it come about that Dina told Victor in the first place?
  3. 1985’s getting good! Finally get to see the aftermath of Ashley learning the truth about her paternity. I’m impressed by the effort they went to with all the outdoor shots in the pouring rain. She played the distraught woman really well, and the way she is behaving would make sense considering what she has just learned.


    Also surprised at just how much involvement Kay had in that storyline, particularly the romantic involvement with Brent. What I’d love to know is - did there end up being any confrontation scene between Ashley and Dina once she had recovered from her amnesia?


    ETA: also interesting to see Nikki’s jealousy of Ashley start to come to the fore when Victor mentions Ashley’s invitation to the Torchlight Club. The quadrangle is kicking into gear...

  4. Actually, speaking of chemistry, is it just me, or were they testing something at one point between John Abbott and Lindsay Welles? Some of the glances they shared with each other in some scenes seemed to indicate as such.

  5. One thing I just noticed in the latest 1985 clips... it seems they played up the mystery as to the identity of which Abbott child Brent Davis fathered (the flashbacks seen always referred to “the child” rather than by name directly), and not actually revealing who the child was until later into the storyline. There is a snippet of a reveal where Brent tells Kay which child he fathered, but again it is unsure whether he referred to Ashley directly, or if it was insinuated.


    I wonder if any of the more knowledgeable historians could fill any blanks here.

  6. So 63a in the vault has pretty much all the Christmas 1984 episode where Kay drunkenly crashes the Abbott dinner party. That whole scene was played beautifully - it’s worth watching just for Brenda Dickson’s facial expressions alone. Even the looks exchanged between Jack, Jill, Dina and Liz just said so many words.


    One other thing I found amusing about that episode - that must be the only time I’ve ever seen Dina and Traci have any interaction whatsoever, and it felt so weird seeing that. I know they would share more scenes together in subsequent years, but it seems that any interaction Dina had with her children back then was limited to Jack and Ashley.


    ETA: Btw, 1985 clips have started. We’re now seeing the Brent Davis storyline ramp up, which I’m quite excited about. I’ve only ever seen the March 1985 episode where Brent confronts Ashley in the garage, but never any of the storyline either side, so this is exciting for me.

  7. Oh I dunno, that scene of Victor & Ashley at Gina’s from September-October 1984 had some great dynamic and chemistry to it, and certainly Ashley was intrigued by Victor. But at the time she still had her thing going with Marc Mergeron, so she wouldn’t see anything beyond that yet.


    From what I’ve read, they wouldn’t become closer until March-April 1985 after Ashley has her breakdown re Brent Davis (which btw I hope gets uploaded in the clips) and Victor brings her back to the ranch to recuperate, which of course sets off Nikki’s jealousy and her trajectory towards Jack. The build for V&A is there and is somewhat realistic, albeit quicker than V&N. Nevertheless it is one of the factors of Y&R getting to #1 several times during the mid-80s, so Bill Bell was doing something right.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Dr Neil Curtis said:

    So basically she is finish up her stint because she was still taping before production shutdown. 


    This is what I find so outrageous about DAYS’ advance production schedule. All too often you will have actors who will “leave” the show and make a big fanfare of saying “oh it’s been so wonderful, thank you for having me on”, while in the meantime the production is far in advance that they’ve probably taped new appearances 2-3 times by the time they’ve made their initial “farewell speech”.


    This is why I don’t pay too much heed to DAYS’ comings and goings anymore, due to the immense lag time.

  9. 27 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    Not too much Abbot stuff here but good to get an HQ quality of Jill falling off the ladder. You can see how she did it on purpose but was kind of in a daze so it was left open to interpretation. 


    Jill’s falling off the ladder was well done. There was purpose behind it, certainly, but she was definitely freaked out by something - almost like she thought the child was demonic, judging from how she reacted in her vision prior to climbing the ladder.

  10. 8 hours ago, trainman said:

    So now it looks like we're getting into scenes of the Newman - Abbott worlds colliding for the first time.  In 1984 clip 060b, Nikki (substitute Nikki due to illness) is starting to get into it with Jack.  As I recall, Victor and Jack scenes came not long after that, and the rest is history.


    Victor & Jack scenes at Gina’s are in 61a. And it’s a fascinating exchange between the two.

  11. 2 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Had Terry Lester stayed on...do you guys think the Nikki/Jack wedding in 1990 would have happened?


    It may have, but as part of some completely different storyline. My reasoning is that Terry Lester’s departure in September 1989 was very sudden, so I imagine there was a lot of planned storyline and scripts that had to be hastily rewritten to account for Jack’s departure. When Peter Bergman arrived two months later, Jack’s eventual marriage to Nikki was written as part of Jack’s ultimate plan of revenge against Victor, which he had concocted whilst he was away travelling. For that reason, I don’t think it was the initial intention to have TL’s Jack marry Nikki.


    YMMV though.

  12. 2 hours ago, trainman said:

    So now it looks like we're getting into scenes of the Newman - Abbott worlds colliding for the first time.  In 1984 clip 060b, Nikki (substitute Nikki due to illness) is starting to get into it with Jack.  As I recall, Victor and Jack scenes came not long after that, and the rest is history.


    Robin Eisenman is actually doing a decent job here as substitute Nikki. Granted I can’t help but wonder what MTS would have been like in those scenes, but we obviously know that she and Terry Lester had amazing chemistry later on down the line.

  13. 9 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    The seeds are being planted for the eternal quadrangle and eternal feud. Do we dare hope that we get to see Victor and Jack's first meeting?


    Marc Mergeron is way too Dynasty. I think he stays on until 1988 or so.



    That’s what we said about Dina when she made her initial entrance (way too Dynasty). And if our benefactor is highlighting the Victor/Nikki/Ashley clips in this storyline up till now, then I would suspect we will see just about *everything*, including Victor and Jack.

  14. The 1984 clips in the vault just keep getting better and better. 59b in particular is unbelievable:

    • Victor & Nikki starting their plan against Jabot and Mergeron.
    • Victor & Ashley officially meeting and having dinner for the first time (part of Victor’s aforementioned plan)
    • Nikki chatting it up with Marc Mergeron.
    • Jack marrying Lindsay for the negatives (although we all know where they actually ended up)
    • Brent Davis showing up on Kay’s doorstep.
    • Kay about to tell Dina about Brent.

    And it looks like all of this happened within 1-2 consecutive episodes between August and October 1984. I’m in awe of Bill Bell for knowing what he was doing here in terms of setting up the longer-term story.

  15. 1 hour ago, Dion said:

    I don't know about Skip's intentions but Derek Stuart was also interested in her; which led into the date rape storyline.


    I’m sure Skip was still with Carole at that stage. Yeah I think Derek was the fourth one.

    7 hours ago, Lust4Life76 said:

    So I am trying to think who Cricket all else had...was it Phillip, Chase, Danny and Skip? In one episode they did have Cricket during a modeling session strike a pose to the song "Thank Heaven For Little Girls", from GIGI. It was so 'daddy' inspired, lol...so I do see your point as to why Terry Lester felt the way he did, who by the way was tremendous as Jack Abbot. And I have to say for as many key actors/memorable parts "Y&R" had to recast...Jill, David, Jack, Ashley...the recasts were each bulls eyes. Oh my God, Nina...the drama over getting her to sign a prenup between Jill and Kay was more compelling than any big special effect stunt story say "General Hospital's" blowing up the metro court. 


    I didn’t think David was a recast - Michael Corbett played him the whole time, even when he did have his “killer” plastic surgery later on.

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