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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. It’s funny reading all these old synopses of soaps and seeing all these characters you’ve never heard of and how they interacted with the main cast. Particularly funny (and also mind-blowing for me) was the Natalie Bannon character on As The World Turns and reading about her machinations with Tom - and then finding out completely by accident that she was played by none other than Judith Chapman (her first soap role in fact).


    Have you guys ever had those WTF moments similar to this where you find out that such and such a well-known soap actor played a particular old role?

  2. 10 hours ago, Faulkner said:



    I watched this last night just before I went to sleep. Honestly, his words were what I needed to hear during this tough time. I’ve been having massive emotional struggles myself, and his talking about “being kind to yourself” and “perfecting the mask of being in public”... just some of the stuff that resonated with me. Bravo to this man for being so open and honest about his journey. I do hope he finds more peace as time goes on - I still think there was lots of dodgy business over his election loss to DeSantis, but all we can do for now is find a way through this current time.

  3. 4 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    I have been in self-quarantine since early yesterday morning. As I've mentioned before, I work as a caregiver and one of my clients was hospitalized - and tested positive for Coronavirus. I can't even get a test until Tuesday and who knows how long it will take until the results come back. The good thing is that I will be paid even though I can't work right now. 


    I have had a bit of a cough and sore throat since Friday night, so I admit being nervous. I always wear a mask in public, whether I am on the job or not. Still, I know the risks as a health care worker. Social distancing is next to impossible in my line of work. You can follow all the precautions and still get sick. 


    At least I can enjoy my new 40" flatscreen TV while I'm in limbo. I'll keep you all posted.


    Please please please look after yourself, and I hope it’s not the you-know-what. We’re all behind you ❤️

  4. On 7/13/2020 at 4:46 AM, BetterForgotten said:

    I didn't realize that Morgan Fairchild and Courtney Simon still regularly touched base with one another on Twitter. It's sweet.


    I'm assuming the Meg Morgan is referring to in the first tweet is Meg Bennet? 







    Awww that is the cutest! For someone my age (40), it’s weird visualising Peter Simon and Morgan Fairchild as a relatively short-term on-screen couple. 

  5. On 7/11/2020 at 4:06 AM, namkcuR said:

    Kendall(Alicia Minshew) and Bianca(Eden Reigel), AMC


    I always loved their relationship.  A lot of soap sibling relationships are complex, with both parties hurting each other and what not, but some are just really solid, loving relationships, and this is one of those.


    I just think it's an interesting dynamic between them.  One of Kendall's core characteristics is that she doesn't trust easily, and thus doesn't let people 'in' easily, whereas Bianca was one of the most open-hearted characters on the show.  Kendall had to fight her way into being accepted by Erica, whereas Bianca was the golden child.


    Given these dynamics, the relationship easily could've been written differently, with Kendall resenting Bianca and so forth.  But instead, even in the 90s when SMG was Kendall and Bianca was still a little kid and Kendall was battling Erica, she still protected Bianca from Richard.


    By the time Minshew and Riegel were in the roles, they slowly but surely developed a super close relationship.  Kendall may not let people 'in' easily, but she let Bianca in in a big way.  She loved Bianca more than just about anyone other than her kids; like, she probably would've taken a bullet for Bianca, and vice versa.  Bianca softened Kendall up a little, and Kendall toughened Bianca up a little.  They were good for each other.  Once Pratt became the HW the last few years, he did some unnecessary damage to the relationship, but they made up in the end, so all's well that ends well.


    I think Bianca's nickname "Binx" was Kendall's doing, too.


    Those clips were just stunning. I’ve watched them before, but seriously I could spend the whole day watching Kendall and Bianca as sisters.

  6. 7 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Waiting for all those "cancel culture" people to pitch a fit and demand his job back. They will too...and all those trashbag fauxgressives who love Tucker and claim he is a populist hero will be upset too since they are all more than fine with racism to get what they want.


    There are “progressives” who think Tucker Carlson is a hero?


    benedict cumberbatch wtf GIF

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