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Posts posted by OzFrog

  1. I’ve been watching the 1985 episodes available on Youtube, and currently am obsessed with the Marley/Vicky storyline. And can I say DAMN Ellen Wheeler is an acting genius! She plays both of them so well and so differently yet believably!

  2. Dunno whether this has been posted already, but been on a 1986 GL watching binge, and came across the Christmas episode. Can I just say that this for me is hands down THE BEST Christmas episode of any soap that I have ever watched.


    The highlight of this episode for me was the first official scene of Ross and Dinah as father and daughter. So fabulously awkward between Jerry VerDorn and Jennifer Gatti in this scene.


    On a related note, there is quite a bit of December 1986 missing from bandstandmike’s playlist on Youtube, and part of what’s missing are the scenes where Ross and Vanessa finally discover that Dinah is their daughter (November 1986 gets up to the part where the carnival folk sneak into Lillian’s house after they find out that Vanessa is Dinah’s mother, but then a huge chunk of that storyline is missing). How did it end up getting resolved?



  3. I posted this on the GL thread in the Cancelled Soaps section, but found it worth reposting on here as well. This was a brilliant scene on GL from 1984 where Alexandra takes control of Spaulding Enterprises from Alan. The way this was played out by both Chris Bernau and Beverlee McKinsey was beyond phenomenal...




  4. @DramatistDreamer I fully agree with everything you’ve said above. I’ve been engrossing myself on old GL clips as of late (particularly Roger/Holly stuff), and somehow came across that clip. And I was *mesmerised* by it all.


    I know it’s a GL thread, but the only other sibling relationship I can think that would even come close to this is Jack/Ashley on Y&R (the Lester/Davidson version). But the Spaulding siblings were on a completely different level altogether!

  5. On 6/15/2019 at 12:13 AM, KateW said:

    Today (June 14) marks 30 years since Christopher Bernau passed away. RIP.


    The other day I came across this clip on Youtube. It’s a 1984 clip with Chris Bernau and Beverley McKinsey, when Alex forced Alan to hand over control of Spaulding Enterprises to her. This was so delicious to watch!



  6. 18 hours ago, j swift said:

    I was going to add this scene as a classic example of a Leslie/Monica argument.


    However, what made me laugh was Leslie's dialogue about Heather coming to stay at her house for the holidays as a respite from the asylum, when she says, "I keep forgetting about her amnesia..." :D



    You would never guess from their interaction that Monica was once married to Jeff.  Which makes me wonder if Monica is younger than Leslie? She married Jeff while they were in med school together, and Jeff is Rick's younger half-brother. 


    It also leads to the perennial question of why anyone would choose RIck over Jeff, or even Alan?


    That was such an awesome clip to watch, on so many levels. Thank you for this!


    A few observations... firstly, was this Robin Mattson’s first air date as Heather Webber? It was weird seeing the tension from Richard Dean Anderson playing Jeff in that whole scene.


    Also, that was indeed classic Leslie and Monica right there. I loved how deftly Leslie handled her, particularly when Rick was mentioned.


    Was that Susan Pratt playing Annie?


    On a tangent, was there much played around the sibling dynamic between Rick and Jeff during this time? I’d be curious to find any scenes played between them, particularly played by RDA and Chris Robinson.

  7. On 17/04/2018 at 4:47 AM, YRfan23 said:

    Another surprise for you all! thanks again to the wonderful @ltm1997 here's another 1985 episode! :D (I sort of speculated the airdate based on some summaries I looked over, so it may not be correct)



    Holy frickin hell! I have been wanting to see that Brent/Ashley scene for YEARS!!! Now I just need to find the subsequent Ashley/Dina showdown... 

  8. 3 hours ago, YRBB said:


    That didn't happen until March 1986.


    Wow! That is one heck of lead time to set up that story. Thanks heaps for all your other answers btw. I would so love to see more of the Brent Davis and Ashley stuff if it exists, especially considering that it is still being used in today’s storylines!

  9. Thanks to pannoni4 for his awesome G+ collection of old Y&R episodes. A few observations and questions I had from watching all of this:


    * Intrigued to see that at the end of 1984, Lauren and Paul were already together and yet she was still trying to cause trouble for Traci. Also surprised to see the Shawn storyline kicking off already (I know the Lauren buried alive stuff was a big one for 1985).


    * Seeing as we were so close to 1985 by this point, were we still far off from Brad appearing on the scene? And did Traci move seamlessly from Danny to Brad?


    * How did the storyline with Tyrone/Amy/Jazz eventually wrap up?


    * As has been observed by other posters here, I also couldn’t help but notice all the foreshadowing that was going on with Victor/Nikki/Ashley/Jack in the 26 December episode. When did it really start to heat up between these four?


    * And also all the Brent Davis stuff!! Particularly when Jack told Ashley what he was told by Marc Mergeron about Dina’s affair with Brent. I couldn’t help but think as Ashley reacted to that “oh boy, wait until you find out what REALLY happened”. Speaking of which, when and how did Ashley actually find out that Brent was her real father?

  10. 8 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    The thing with Jack was that he was emotionally immature,for all his playboy ways.Patty was so genuinely enamored of him and so innocent that he couldnt help be drawn to her and wanted to be the man she thought he was. But then there was the cynicism that drew him to someone like Jill. Of course it all stemmed back to his mom deserting the family years before. It was a combination of Bill Bell's writing and Terry Lester playing it so well.


    That's actually something I've never thought of till now - Jack potentially having mommy issues from Dina's desertion in his childhood. And absolutely, Terry Lester would have played that angle so well.


    Has that facet of Jack's personality ever surfaced during Peter Bergman's run, particularly in his various romances?

  11. 5 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    So the FBI is releasing a trove of documents related to Trump's racial discrimination practices in the 70s. Didn't we all read about this during the campaign? Trump's voters didn't care that he is a racist, how does this help now?


    The only way it helps is, it helps distract the focus away from the building evidence against the Trump administration and it's treasonous activities.


    There's also a theory going around that this is a red herring from the FBI to distract the Trump camp and lull them into a false sense of security, before the real stuff comes out.

  12. 47 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    Just curious, reply - if you're a member of Pantsuit Nation on Facebook?  I am...long before the election.  I'm D.C.  If you're a member/were invited, just say yes, no, not alot of details. 



  13. 3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    That report of his conversation with Turnbull is nutty.  Obviously, we should honor the agreement, but I wonder why Australia doesn't want these refugees? Not saying it's even relevant my curiosity is just peeked.


    Oh don't get me started. It is a long convoluted tale, but essentially the Australian Government does not want any refugees who attempt to come by boat to land on Australian soil. So every time this happens, the refugees are sent to offshore processing centres, and are told that they can either go back to where they came from (seriously), or otherwise be onforwarded to another country that would be willing to take them. IMO, it is f***ing inhumane, but unfortunately with the conservative government we have right now, there is no chance of this being overturned in the near future.

  14. 9 hours ago, kalbir said:

    Not sure if any other non-Americans are posting here, but do recent events make you not want to travel to the US?


    I'm based in Melbourne, Australia, and I was fortunate enough to have visited the US for the first time in August last year when I went to Seattle to see a couple of friends up there. Even then, immigration going through LAX was akin to being interrogated for first degree murder.


    And I'm glad it was Seattle I got to experience for my first US visit, as it is honestly one of the most socially progressive cities in the USA from what I have read. With Trump's election, I can firmly say that I will not be going back to the USA anytime soon, particularly while he is President.



  15. 10 minutes ago, marceline said:

    If Hillary's getting involved I suspect there's another shoe about to drop.




    Regardless of who's getting involved where, it's worth it just to see Trump, Conway et al have complete meltdowns online as has already started to happen.


    This is election soap opera at its finest.

  16. So thus far, they've raised the $2.5mil needed to file the recount requests in all 3 states. They now have a new goal of $4.5mil, which is aimed to cover attorney's fees. They also noted that they would require additional funds on top of this to cover costs of the statewide recount observers throughout the 3 states.


    9 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Is Jill for real? And she reached her target to?! 

    I don't care for Jill's politics at all but the outcome of all of this is gonna be messy! I am here for it all! KellyAnne and them better grab that phone & cut the Internet b/c Cheeto man is gonna go bananas. 


    If something scandalous is revealed out of all of this and HRC is determined the true winner, Hillz better offer Jill a real cushy position in her cabinet. She'd owe her ass BIG TIME.


    Oh hell no! It would be popcorn galore to see The Orange One go completely apes**t.

  17. In case this hasn't been noted yet...




    At time of writing, already $2.4mil of the $2.5mil required had been raised. First deadline is day after Thanksgiving (for WI). MI deadline is Monday 28th, PA deadline is Wednesday 30th. 


    Things could get very interesting indeed...


    UPDATE: Target of $2.5mil now reached, so all recounts are funded and ready to be filed! Here we go...

  18. 7 minutes ago, AdelaideCate007 said:


    Good. I have a friend whose boyfriend is obsessed with that guy. He was always posting his articles and stuff all over the place and it was always vile and rubbish.


    The white nationalists of Australia were out again today in their new quest to Make Australia Great Again. Apparently they're really hoping for concentration camps to come back (for all the Muslims/Jews/Gays/Blacks of course) and think Australia and America should bomb the Middle East out of existence. 


    I've switched off all news media on FB (Guardian, Age, SMH, you name it). The gloating would be totally unbearable. I'm thankful I live in a progressive city like Melbourne when this crap would not be tolerated whatsoever.

  19. It has been a struggle in the last few days to see a lot of negativity and condescension popping up all around social media. One of the examples I've seen came from not a Trump supporter, but a Bernie one...


    As some background, she thinks that, firstly, Bernie was robbed of the DNC nomination (this can be debated until the cows come home, rightly or wrongly). She also buys into the whole Hillary-is-a-criminal meme stuff, but hates Trump with a passion.


    When news started coming up about the protests around the US against Trump's election, she totally lost it and said that she couldn't understand why people were so upset about Hillary not getting elected (Bernie would have won, etc etc). And she went to say that those who were hit the hardest by the election result (some to the point where they actually felt ill and couldn't go to work/school the next day) needed to "GROW A F***ING PAIR AND SUCK IT UP!!". And this was coming from a woman who has Native American heritage.


    The complete lack of empathy on her part just horrified me to the bone and I actually had to say to her "maybe just back off a little bit, these people have been hit really hard and they need to grieve. At least allow them that space to do that". But that fell on deaf ears.


    I'm thankful for places like Pantsuit Nation which has been bringing people together with their stories of inspiration and hope (but also as a safe space for people to vent and let their feelings show at a time where we need to support each other together).

  20. Seeing the above posts, I'm feeling in a bit of a conspiracy theory mood myself, so let's expand on that a little....


    Suppose the plan was to infiltrate the voting systems to "rig" them to make it a close contest but still have Hillary winning, thus lending credence to Trump and co's narrative. But what if the plan went a little skewif and overinflated Trump's vote so that he won the states that he wasn't meant to (ie. MI, WI and PA)? That would be why Trump seems somewhat shell shocked right now and unsure of what to do - because the plan wasn't meant for him to win in the first place.


    I know it's all fantasy and stuff, but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction...

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