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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. RHOM


    And now for something different...heehee. I have finally made it to MEXICO CITY!!!! 


    I'm honestly going to say bored...WHERE??? I have made it up to the first Mexico City epsiode and I did not see Alexia vs Larsa coming at all!!! WOW. Meanwhile, I liked the 'slower' episode before the episode with Julia and Kiki in the fashion show. And I cannot stress this enough...whether it's a total chaos, a slow burn, or a 'boring' episode, the girls will ALWAYS give FASHION....and it was EVERYTHING.


    Just the feel. The vibe. The sense of sisterhood that we used to get from RHOP. It's just all there for me with the RHOM girls. They can get along. They can fight. They can totally take it to Hades and back. And then come together for one of their own. And I love them for it.


    It seem the main plot was Alexia and Marysol again making it about Nicole and still trying to hold a grudge for the Ana ambush. Even now that Adriana FINALLY copped to being behind it. You know what they say about those slips. They SHOW.


    As for the Mexico City trip, it was a good start for me. Fashions. Sights. Unexpected drama with Alexia and Larsa. I mean...that totally came from the left. And hotties. I would have wanted to touch him, too, Kiki.




    So far...


    ALEXIA. To quote the great Tiffany 'New York' Haddad, she is clipping down. Adriana is pot stirring with her. Nicole is always going to be better than her. Now Larsa is coming for her. Over what? Nonsense. Still...that was my kind of carrying on because I did not see that coming at all. And it shows what I love about this group. The dynamic is always shifting. Outside of that...it does appear at this point that the Todd subplot has vanished right with Ana. So things that made me go hmmm.


    LARSA. I've actally been enjoying her. And when I watched, I felt sad at her and Michaeal breaking up because watching their scenes has been adorable. And now that they are back on...allegedly...I guess I can keep going awwww. And then her going after Alexia with HW pettiness was shocking, but funny. However...not funny...was her going after Guerdy again so I'm glad Guerdy was having NONE of it.


    GUERDY. Speaking of Guerdy, I see I'm a too invested in her story. Because there was a scene between her and Russell in these episodes...that had real tension to them. They always seem to be on the same page even when they have different opinions. So it was sad to see any hint of a rift. But it was authentic. 


    JULIA. I loved everything about her and Kiki showing off their modeling. She really has come into her own this season. 


    LISA. Yeeeeah. The flower is off the bloom with me and Lisa. Just like Fabulous Ice on SLC, I have been starting to feel a way about Lisa. At first, I could understand her point of view about Lenny. And I loved the girls started to tough love her because she really did need it. But now? I kept watching scenes with her and going...why are you so focused on this when you have FOINE Jody right there??? And then she made the whole Alexia/Nicole/Ana/Adriana drama about her. Where is her self-awareness? Just smh.


    NICOLE. What do you mean my girl has to travel commerical??? WHAt??????? NO, MA'AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!! But I just love seeing her fashion this time around. Boss.


    Looking forward to the next few episodes. 



  2. 3 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    I can't fathom enduring more than 2 or 3 more episodes of RHOP @Taoboi that's how bad I think this season is. I now try and do chores during the episode so I don't have to pay attention to much of it. 

    Robyn is definitely production's puppet, so they let her off easy. Imagine if this had been any other franchise? If this was Beverly Hills or OC or OriginalNYC, Juan's behaviour would have been the entire season. 

    The fractures in this cast are too deep and too obvious to carry on. They need to clean house and rebuild around Karen and Ashley.

    I felt this season had a strong start, but like you, I feel it has slowly started to become a chore. For me, it just has become uneven. You get a bad episode, then a good one that goes back to RHOP's good ole days, then a decent one with moments, then bad again and then repeat. At least, that's how I've felt since it came back last month. 


    I've gone from can't wait to see it to...well...I am currently being a good friend for a friend's birthday weekend. I might have squeezed in time before to watch it. But...I'm not in any rush to. So I feel that. 


    I'm for sure and agree with you that those GEB are Production's Puppets. We only have to look at the slanted editing they did on Wendy recently when they were trying to make Wendy look bad for not being civil with Gizelle with flashbacks WITHOUT THE CONTEXT THAT GIZELLE IS THE REASON FOR NOT BEING CIVIL IN THE FLASHBACKS. Wendy, Girl. You are Dead Woman Walking I am afraid. That said...I do give Production some credit for allowing the first half of the season to be basically everybody (and I do mean EVERYBODY including GIZELLE) dog Juan's Roommate out. It's a shame they could not keep going.



    3 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Robyn is just not a compelling character. She makes herself look stupid just by existing

    It truly is the ditzy bitca in that cast. 


    When your BFF is trying to give you a lifeline TAKE IT. 



  3. 5 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    The scenes with Tessa and Abby were dreadful.

    We're supposed to care about Tessa taking over Society? I guess to Josh Griffith, this is a business story.

    I was wondering if that was what was going on in the scene I watched yesterday playing catch-up.


    Yep. Don't care. I mean...why? 

  4. 4 hours ago, Khan said:

    Personally, I don't think any of Nikki's battles with the bottle have been interesting.  Nor does it make sense to me that Jack is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict himself.  (Sex addict?  Maybe.  Drug addict and alcoholic?  No).  If anyone on this show should be an alcoholic, it should be Jill.  I've always felt Jill should have ended up like Kay: a rich, old lush with a yen for hot, younger men.

    Oh Lord, lol.

    Since outside of the whole Deacon/Nikki mess and the time she was looking for Victor on the beach are the only thing that come to mind for me, I don't think there have been too many tales. Though there was the period where she was telling off people, too. I do like it gives MTS something to do.


    On one hand, I like seeing Jack and Nikki around each other. On the other hand, I do feel the same. Now that Jack is recovering as well, the concept is just dicey that he would be her sponser. Seems to me more of an attempt to have Nikki vs Diane at some point. The story was better when it was Lauren Nikki was running to...AND it would give underused Lauren something to do.


    Lol. Jill still got it!!! No question!!

    4 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    He looked beautiful today. Nice hairy body and pecs.😍

    DEFINITELY. I haven't drooled like this since his Todd Victor days on OLTL 

  5. 2 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    They should have come hard for her and Juan.


    59 minutes ago, Cat said:

    But the complete unwillingness of production to confront Robyn about her personal life and the Patreon scam. They are overtly protecting her because she is Production's puppet.

    I love you, too, but I would beg to differ on this to some extent.


    Why? I would say that right up until the X-break...and definitely until Messy Mia got them in that cooking class...Production has had a hold on Juan's Roommate and turned her every which way BUT loose for what she did last year. They shaded her and Juan every chance they got. And even better...they let the whole cast in on it. And I enjoyed EVERY...MINUTE...OF...IT. Poor girl finally had to break down on the curb.


    And perhaps that was when Production lessened going hard, because I felt they really were going on. Heck, I would say they even used Gizelle to do it though I also feel Gizelle was coming from a good place for once...the concern for her close friend. Gizelle knows how this show plays so she did.


    But once Mia did her question...I do feel that it has stopped. For now at least. But...the reunion has not filmed yet.


    I mean...outside of the obvious reason...I think we all knew from the moment the roommate signed on the dotted line, she was going to get dragged. Not unlike Porsha post S9 of RHOA. And now it looks like now that she signed on that dotted line for the forthcoming RHOA season, Porsha has to do it again. Perhaps. 

    3 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:
    10 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    And lest we forget @Cheap21 and @DaytimeFan that girl is also responsible for the first buzz of the season when RHOP was filming for getting into a fight with Sesame Street, Ashley's friend, and there was video. Though allegedly cameras were down when it happened because Sesame Street came for Candiace and Wendy causing a scene. 

    The real question is...is the show going to SHOW it?

    Oh man, I forgot about that. Yes, WHEN will this be mentioned? 

    I mean...I am starting to wonder as well. 


    I mean...I woke up this morning and see Andy is gearing up for the RHOP reunion which usually means (according to him) that there are at least 5/6 episodes left to the season. And next week is Episode 14...so this is a 18/19 episode season? 

  6. And lest we forget @Cheap21 and @DaytimeFan that girl is also responsible for the first buzz of the season when RHOP was filming for getting into a fight with Sesame Street, Ashley's friend, and there was video. Though allegedly cameras were down when it happened because Sesame Street came for Candiace and Wendy causing a scene. 


    The real question is...is the show going to SHOW it?



  7. On 2/17/2024 at 4:24 PM, DramatistDreamer said:

    Welp. I mean…they could just name it CWA and call it a day then. I don’t really see the big deal either, it’s not like it’s a law firm where a person has to undergo a process to become partner, more like an accounting firm like Price Waterhouse Cooper becoming PWC- one press release and it’s done, no biggie.

    That is too funny. I just watched 2/13 with Billy and Chelesa discussing the name. I ignore their scenes usually. But I like it as CWA more than ACW or even Abbott-Winters. 

  8. On 2/14/2024 at 12:27 PM, kalbir said:

    Marcus is free of worrying that he'll be cut out of the will.

    And just when we thought they were off...lol.


    On 2/14/2024 at 2:33 PM, Cat said:

    I'd be in favor of a former HW,or two joining Porsha and Kenya. I'm not sure Porsha can carry RHOA on her own, and Kenya's been phoning it in the last few seasons. And this production team's track record with new hires is very poor. As @Taoboi said, production is a big part of the problem.  Nothing funny, nothing organic, a lot of scripted contrivances (Drew and Ralph) and a lot of thirsty or flop hires. Remember Yovanna? Falyn chasing LaToya around her house? Surely Atlanta has more interesting potential HWs than them? But lazy production has largely gone with low-hanging fruit.

    Yeah, I STILL have finished last season yet and I felt the editing was getting leaning toward Marlo, Sanya, and ShebySheBroke as the heroines that everyone was mentioning online. And I lay that on Production. Just let the women be themselves...fake and all. 


    See? Falyn and the golf club was organically funny. Now the editing...since it was said that fight was edited down due to a slur LaToya made and why she lost her potential peach...on the hand...


    They really need to get some gains.

    4 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Porsha is caught up in some MESS! Simon's a scammer and has been deported multiple times. I bet their money is funny and where there is smoke, there's fire. The Guobadias are in for a major downfall.




    Looks like we have her storyline for the upcoming season and this comes days after she signs the dotted line so there's no backing out


    Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 1.37.15 PM.png

    Falynn being shady. Apparently she going live tonight to discuss some things


    Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 3.02.04 PM.png

    "Young Scammer" LOL

    But I thought this was already revealed when this all with Falyn, him, and Porsha came out...which made it even crazier since Jen Shah was being arrested the same week, too?


    But smart on Production being sure she signed first. 


    That said...SHADE11.jpg

    On 2/14/2024 at 9:37 AM, Gray Bunny said:

    I was busy with that too :::fans self::: 



    Just MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm

  9. 2-14


    I got busy with work and the player has been acting up again and I come on playing catchup and the first thing I hear about is MAGIC MINTS?????


    Is this how your regulars felt about Brooke, Thomas, and the magic berries because I'm like 




    Now that said...I do find the dialogue kinda pointed with Zende/Luna. So I would say they learned from the last time they attempted any story having to do with consent. But we will see. 

  10. 2-13


    Well, I knew that Ashley and Audra would cross eventually and how she would feel at Tucker being back with her. And for me, that was WORTH the wait at least. While I don't love this story with Ashley maybe losing her mind...again...I LOVE Eileen Davidson and watching her and she's given great moments like the scene of her vs her family. I rarely see Ashley and Tracy go at it so that was something. But...Ashley leaving the club, but turning around with her question about if Audra was sleeping with Tucker and Kyle at the same time and her catty 'classy.' Ooooo BURN. The inflections was Ashley but the stare and body language was soooo DAYS Kristen. So thank you for that Y&R.


    Yeeah, @soapfan770 this has been pretty boring to me. I've been enjoying the performances. And I do like some of who they are focused on. But it's been more annoying than not. Like Summer/Chance are off screen. I didn't mind a break from Claire, but she has kinda vanished. And now Billy is going to try to undermine Devon. I would rather it was Nate, but it just feels very 'square peg in a circle' storyline to me. Even Nikki's story has annoyed me though I love that it is at least SOMETHING and also gives MTS something to do. But it did have me wondering...what the most interesting 'Nikki Falls Off the Wagon' story has been in the history of the show. Outside of how it started. 


    Phyllis/Danny/Christine has finally become a mixed bag to me. On one hand, I love seeing MS and LB mix it up. It just takes me back to when I was young and the psycho was obsessed with 'the Bug.' And Danny/Christine...just good times. So I don't mind it. But at this point...it's giving me memories of OLTL when they would take the older vets and put them in triangles and then have them act like they are in their 20s or worse teenagers. There is a way to do this triangle and keep it classy (c)Ashley Abbott. hehe. In fact, I would say it had a good start with Danny/Phyllis reconnecting around X-mas over the fact they were older, somewhat wiser and could talk about the past and even joke around it. So alas. 

    It has just felt so...scattershoted.

  11. 1 hour ago, Cheap21 said:

    Its confirmed that Porsha Williams will NOT be rejoining RHOA







    Porsha Goubadia however will 😅. I have to admit, this was actually cute


    Hehe. She cute for that at least.


    39 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Thank God. It's funny how long it took me to warm up to this woman (not until Season 10), but boy is she missed!



    That said...I'm happy she's back to, but 1)they need to get rid of Production and replace it and 2) if they are keeping Production...let's not mask Porsha like they turned out doing last time after the hardwon victory of getting me to love Porsha. Let her show EVERYTHING. 

    On 2/12/2024 at 9:27 AM, Cat said:

    Watching the news dawn slowly over RH twitter was even more entertaining than the news itself! That, plus Larsa is trying to front like it was her call.

    Real Housewives fans are literally the Hercule Poirots/Miss Marples/Horatio Caines of Twitter piecing all the 'facts' together.

    I was busy with Usher's concert so I haven't had the time to do the dive, but I'm looking forward to it. It was the Father/Son picture that sealed it for me. I giggled.


    And yes, we HW fans be some of the best detectives for sure. 

  12. 16 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    @Taoboi I dont know if you've seen this yet but this is the scene that should have earned Kiki a mojito this season



    You are reading my mind cuz this (and GH) are the next things on my binging catch-up cycle. I sooo miss my girls. I suspect I'm going to be Team Kiki when I see the whole episode because that alone is triggering me because I totally understand where Kiki is coming from. 

    And speaking of those reunion looks (yasss, Guerdy!!!), more details...



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