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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 56 minutes ago, Errol said:

    Either way, the way it was announced and what I know about the way it was announced, I would doubt it doesn't get a full series pickup. Especially with all parties involved. As noted by another poster, P&G isn't getting back into the soap game, especially with such an acclaimed writer as Michele Val Jean, to produce [!@#$%^&*]. So, I'm going on a limb and say this gets ordered.



    So cautiously optimistic with a side of 'baby, we back!' 

  2. 5 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    When Guerdy called her a soldier and a mascot, I screamed! 



    Oh, I was tickled pink when 'Mascot' flew out. Guerdy was taking NO prisoners. 


    Made me look forward to seeing Part 2 later today.


    4 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    I'm digging Keiana after this past week. If they're looking to retool the Potomac cast, she could potentially be brought back? 

    I'm playing catch-up and she already has the group dynamic figured out. She seems fun.


    And I will take her and Jacqueline back as FOH with open arms. 

    4 hours ago, Cat said:

    That Marcus in the dressing room.

    Don't you meant Michaela?







    SEASON 14 TRAILER is up...MAY 5TH!!!



  3. 7 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    I think it's got a better shot at succeeding if it's on after YR than after BOLD(which can barely hold onto a good portion of YR's audience as it is)

    I just hope it's not in some random time slot. I remember when I was a teen, Generations was on at 11 am where I lived, so odd lol 

    Yeah, I remember GENERATIONS being on at some weird time as well.


    I feel the same. Fingers crossed if it gets made, that's exactly where it's going.

    5 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    That's what prime time used to do with new shows, premiere them after a high rated well established show 

    They still do. 


    Or after big events. 


    Usher's Concert Super Bowl and that new Justin Hartley show anyone?

  4. 3-1


    I don't know how I feel about that. 


    While I'm used to news getting out gradually, I just felt everyone finding out about Sheila horribly rushed. I wouldn't mind them even quip more about how 'are we sure she's dead this time' cuz SHEILA. lol. 


    And then the story heel turn of Finn...I get it, but I don't get it. Or perhaps the writers just aren't digging deep enough. Yet. But then again, having Ridge there making it about him probably did not help. And NO to Hope/Finn. Though...should Thomas be worried.


    Poor Deacon.

    20 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Andrew Shue was adorable as Billy. I can't believe what's her name cheated on him. Crazy! I'd have him in bed all day!😂😍


  5. 17 minutes ago, wingwalker said:

    Hopefully this isn't the case, but what if it's replacing B&B? Y&R got a 4 year renewal and B&B only got a 1 year extension. 

    I admit as I play catch-up. This has crossed my mind as well.


    First PM is back at GM. And we speculated over MVJ. Y&R gets its renewal for four years...which was surprising. And then MVJ left B&B...the place where great writers go to retire. And we speculated over her to GM. And now THIS...while B&B only got a one year renewal.


    Things to make you go hmmm.



  6. 3-4


    Well, it definitely already feels like a shift to me.  I felt like things were still moving fast, but scenes now seem to be able to breath. I noticed it last week, but it seems like more of the same. Characters talking about their feelings and lives and it builds into some kind of plot, who knew? lol.


    Thank God Ms. Wu didn't get shot. I did like the set-up. Side notes: Loved that red coat Ava had on. But we know I have been enjoying Sonny/Ava as co-parents.


    Speaking of...I actually enjoyed that Sonny vs John scene at the gym. It gave me so much more what I expected when Sonny and John met at Sonny's office. And that yell by John reminded me of FARSCAPE S4 Chiana. Bitter. Angry. It came off well and everyone was on their game.


    Oh, how I enjoy Kristina in a story. 


    I don't know what to think about Jason. I was thinking a con at first. Then he seem to act like he has no memory. But how he acted with Dante. So con...? 



  7. 10 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I do wonder if some people have gotten amnesia over the last four years. I don't trust polls but any time I see them with people insisting their lives were so much better when he was President, I get wary. This seems to happen any time a Democrat has to clean up the mess of his predecessor.

    I wonder that as well. re: amnesia. Because that's all I've seen so far. Thankfully, it also seem from what I've seen online that common sense is winning out. For now of course. 

  8. 2 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    Coming on Thursday at 8 PM instead of tonight at 9 PM. Instead they are showing Erika's lame spinoff about her stiff dancing and doing karaoke in Vegas. 😑

    But Kiki and Guerdy are delivering already at the start. I loved Guerdy taking Lisa and Lardsa to task.


    She absolutely destroyed both of them. LOVED it. I was Marysol; Marysol was me. 


    2 hours ago, Cat said:


    And when do we get to see this festival of excess thirst? Because I'll tune back in to watch.

    I demand to see the following:

    -A lame duck GNA 'launch.' With no fashions. How dreadful! 

    -Jacqueline unexpectedly exposing another Mia secret.

    -Ashley hyping up her buddy (you know the one) and setting that crazy train in motion.

    -My beloved Karen Huger immediately ducking behind Security.

    THAT is the question. Techically cameras were done when this happened. It does make me wonder if this is why Keiana has not been around much since she beat that muppet up. But with the season almost over and Jacqueline showing up FINALLY and see her in the video, I would like to think SOON.  If they show it at all or use it at all.


    I believe La Dame and Gizelle had already left when this happened. But don't quote me on that. :) 

  9. 5 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    She's in the next episode! I hate that they added her back so late in the season bc she should hae been there from the start. RHOP has never been good with friends

    Oh, I saw the preview!!!! I cheered!!! Battle of the Receipts lives rent free in my head. The potential is still. 

    5 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    She's in the next episode! I hate that they added her back so late in the season bc she should hae been there from the start. RHOP has never been good with friends

    Oh, I saw the preview!!!! I cheered!!! Battle of the Receipts lives rent free in my head. The potential is still. 

  10. 22 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Ah! Is that what you were talking about earlier?


    Cuz I can see the complex nature of posting it here vs a new thread.



  11. On 3/3/2024 at 2:30 PM, NothinButAttitude said:


    I am glad this show is getting the love it deserves. I just hate that Bravo is treating the show like a red-headed stepchild. 

    I was LIVID.


    They didn't even change the 'next time on RHOM.'


    They want them to fail when they are the best show right now.


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