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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 2-22


    Haha!!! Well-played!! I had just mentioned the absence of Ms. Wu in this mob boss killer storyline and look who turns up!!! Though awwwww at her hottie bodyguard being the monk in her organization.


    I meant to say it earlier, but I love Valentin and Nina as a scheme team. It's been a minute since a soap has had one outside of Tucker/Audra on Y&R off the top of my head. 


    Poor Tracy. Finally asking someone out only for her to be too late. That said...loving the Deception storyline.



  2. 5 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Porsha is already back so there's no way around her. Bravo needs to catch this play out in real time and not when its resolved. The humiliation is happening now. It'll be easier for her to skate by and not address too much if they wait

    EXACTLY!!! Part of what I regret about RHOP post-Season 5 reunion, was that Andy did not let Monique and La Dame finish Gizelle off right then and there or did not deal with the aftermath well. It allowed Gizelle to gather herself and spin that fake narrative again of Pastor Holy Whore and her STILL together after Monique's binder crossed her face with true tea.


    5 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Yeah definitely in disagreement about Miami. The cast is perfect as is. Id only upgrade Kiki and maybe Adrianna. Larsa is a good villian and we need someone to hate. 

    Same. I admit as I was playing catch-up with RHOM this season, I was worried there for a minute that it was about to be toxic a la Season 3 reuinion again with Ana's reappearance and Alexia/Marysol's latest attempt to ice Nicole out, but they did a nice pivot from mid-season. And even that gave us new dynamics among the group. But they kept giving new dynamics within the group...something not a lot of HW shows can do now without adding in new people. Why change it? They...are...GIVING. Even Ms. Villain Larsa. lol.


    2 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    And rightfully so!!!! The first chairs given to the only women really working this season!!!! 

    44 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Andy Cohen Denies Cocaine Use & Extensive Drinking Lawsuit From Leah McSweeney (deadline.com)

    Leah's statement:


    Kathy Griffin's old claims of him offering her coke on WWHL have also popped up again.



    There is too much out there on Andy if they want to go there.  So all I have to say is...




  3. 2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    With Sam possibly in play for Jason again, Dante is too good a character to just waste. While I would prefer JMB as Lulu, I could accept another recast. I liked Marci Miller on DAYS, so why not? Anyone but Emme.

    It is a huge waste for Genie Francis to not have her family on the show. It has always played to her strengths, and it’s also beyond time for them to at least try Lucky again. If JJ won’t come back, then find me a suitable actor in that age that is not a daytime recycle. Invest in the character.

    Some of the most impactful scenes of the last couple months besides Bobbie’s memorial were her dealings with the Spencer/Esme fallout, and Nikolas showing up at her penthouse. None of that had much weight without her. So if they have decided to move on from Nikolas and Spencer, she needs her other kids.

    I agree. I love me sum Dante. He's one of the few characters that humanizes Sonny and I love their repour. Add on Ava/Sonny as co-parents.

    OOoo...Marci Miller is a good choice. I liked her starting off on DAYS. And I know that she flatlined, left, KM came back and left, and Marci came back with some of the spark KM had as Abby. I don't know if she maintained through her on/off appearances before the character was killed, but I think she could do Lulu. 


    I definitely think it is looooong overdue for Lucky to come home. Like Brenda, he still has soooo many connections on canvas. I mean just off the top of my head, how would Lucky react to the new branch of the family tree with Cyrus and Martin? How would Lucky react to Liz...especially with Aidan coming out? If Nik recurs...what would Lucky think of his going-ons? Would a feud explode? What would he think if Sam/Jason got back together? Would he? I mean there is so much to do.

    2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    He has said in the past he was willing to return. After Tony left. The show has never pursued it. No idea if that still stands. Same with Vanessa Marcil- there have been meetings but never a real attempt to get her. It’s one of the reasons I am happy someone at ABC has started looking more closely at the show because we can’t keep limping along with what we are seeing. I am not one of those Fire Frank! viewers. I can’t wait to see what happens with some creative control taken away from him though.

    Yes, indeed. If a loose grip on the show leads to some happy returns ALL beloved characters and not just the ones FV can pick and choose, I am all for it. 

  4. 4 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Blaze is fine as a very limited supporting character.  I am glad Kristina gets a love interest, but of course it's one of the most fringe characters on the show.

    Awww I like Blaze. When that whole Linc storyline started...and dragged...I didn't mind her at all. She partly had a vixen vibe, but a good one with Chase and BLQ, but she also reminded me of Adrienne Leon's BLQ. And While I wanted that Linc storyline over with the quickness, I didn't want her to go because I thought she had potential.


    So I was happy with how they slowly started with her and Kristina. I think you know how often I wanted more stories for Kristina because she at this point is the only child of Sonny who has potential to drive some story at this point AND be interesting. And I felt right up until recently...hmmm since Chris and Dan been back now that I think about that...She and Kristina was a nice B plot. Then...they vanished. So long gone that I completely forgot that Blaze wasn't out. 


    But I think you know I love me some fringe characters. Speaking of...is Ms. Wu going to turn up dead in light of whoever is taking out mob bosses?

    1 hour ago, ranger1rg said:

    Does wardrobe hate Amanda Setton?



  5. On 2/24/2024 at 11:03 AM, titan1978 said:

    It is wild to me that we sat through several characters for his friends, and yet Adam Huss wasn’t given a real chance to keep Nikolas vital. Maybe it wouldn’t work- but the attempt should have been made.

    So speaking of Laura's kids, what are the odds you feel of them finding turning up in some form? Any wishlist on the actors/actresses?

  6. 3 hours ago, Darn said:

    Question, did anything at all come of this?


    Other than her managing to mend the rift between Devon, Nate, and Lily and some great Jill v Mamie scenes once they all found out she was the secret investor, I would say no. 


    It was someone nicely paced for a while there, but Mamie has upped and vanised over the last month or two, having very little scenes. I would say the momentum was lost right before the Claire stuff started outside of Jill wanting Billy to rejoin the business so not everyone is Team Mamie. And he's already slowly causing drama cuz he's being typical Billy and making it all about him and not the company. 


    They are just now looping back to the storyline this current week though. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I never found her to be bad per se, but she could not have been more disinterested in at least 95% of her material over the years and it showed onscreen.

    Im slowly learning the cast bit by bit but there are a [!@#$%^&*] ton of new characters on this show and every day I’m meeting someone new when watching. 

    Just an aside I have limited exposure to the current Spencer but every time I’ve seen him I’ve found the actor very committed. He’s believable as a Cassadine to me. Moreso than the guy playing Nikolas in these episodes I’m seeing. To be fair my Nikolas viewing has only been limited to Tyler Christopher so it may just be my bias, but I just don’t see or feel Nikolas with this actor.

    But sounds like you are off to a GOOD start. ;) 



    3 hours ago, j swift said:

    To me, the recent focus on Spinelli, a character who has outgrown his charm, feels like putting the pieces in place for Jason's return.  Everyone on the canvas is being reset to where they were when Jason was relevant.  Sonny is single, Spinelli is on his own, Drew and Sam are arguing.  It all feels very deliberate.  But the regression of characters is rarely popular.

    I couldn't agree more.


    From the uptake in Danny's appearances to the age old soap thing of mentioning a character's name when it's been a good minute since anyone NOT named Carly mentioned Jason to Dex being out as Sonny's Right Hand Man. Now that you mentioned it Drew v Sam becoming a more sharper thing...yep. Something's coming. And it's obvious. 



    3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I did actually like Ellie and Spinelli.  The actress who played Ellie was delightful.  I want to stab myself in the eyeball thinking about the times Spinelli ran around calling Brenda the "Divine One" and did yoga with her, but I do think Spinelli has matured and seems less ADHD and more focused.

    Oh, how I loved Ellie and Spinelli. She was such a match for him. 

  8. 6 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    Yeah, Ashley and ED's acting choices are...off. I'm beginning to wonder if it's some sort of split personality disorder, too.


    5 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    No doubt at all now that Ashley is loony and I like ED is clearly giving us exaggerated mannerisms to show us something is not right with Ashley. 

    I guess that shows how excellent an actress she is and how well we know Ashley to be able to feel that way. I can't make heads or tails of it, but it DEFINITELY has my attention. Just acting little'bread crumbs' all over the place. 

    6 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    Yeah, Ashley and ED's acting choices are...off. I'm beginning to wonder if it's some sort of split personality disorder, too.


    5 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    No doubt at all now that Ashley is loony and I like ED is clearly giving us exaggerated mannerisms to show us something is not right with Ashley. 

    I guess that shows how excellent an actress she is and how well we know Ashley to be able to feel that way. I can't make heads or tails of it, but it DEFINITELY has my attention. Just acting little'bread crumbs' all over the place. 

  9. 46 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Lol!  Nothing tragic.  Just talk of her getting on weight loss pills.   It's a weird thing to bring up, but I don't think anyone is rooting against Kirsten.  I think everyone wants our soap stars to be healthy and happy and have good hair.😂

    Definitely good hair for sure. lol. 




    27 minutes ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    They were definitely popular and spinelli has been a fan favorite since the good old days late 00’s of GH. I get when people don’t like him because of his hyper personality but he is hilarious especially in scenes with Jason back then

    Yeah, I was still regularly viewing somewhat when he first appeared...that was around when Alexis was dealing with cancer if I'm not mistaken. I believe I stopped shortly after. I also believe I saw scenes of him with Georgie when she was alive and thought they were cute so it was a sharp pivot when I turned in later on and him and Maxie had already started. But I definitely was not around to get a feel for their popularity so thank you for confirming. 


    29 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Spixie has always been pretty popular

    Also thank you for confirming. That time is such a blur due to being on and off with the show. 


    13 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I actually don't find KM to be a bad actress.  She is just so bland.  Like pretty and kinda likeable but so boring.

    KM is at her best when she is being bad a la a vixen.  PC Liv. Sam during the Fan Wars That We Don't Name. Cuz she was THAT girl on PC

  10. On 2/21/2024 at 7:45 AM, asafi said:

    one of the most intense scenes.. jess nailed it here!!! 



    Oooooo YES!!!! That was HOT!!1


    And THIS is why we love Jill. 


    She took no prisoners. And neither does Victor.

    8 hours ago, asafi said:





    I've never seen this, and I LOVE it!!!! 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    So far in the random episodes I’ve watched, I haven’t had to deal with Spinelli one of my absolute least favorite characters I’ve ever had to endure on this show. If that’s how she gets written out, that’d be a shame.

    Oh it's been minimum, but it's also been gradual from what I can tell with Spinelli. 


    When he moved into Maxie's...my mind went hmmm. Because they both have been floating around as of late without love interests. So would the writers...?


    I didn't even put much stock in it when Cody kept bringing it up to Spin who doesn't even like Cody. But now seeing Maxie discuss it out loud to Sasha...I'm like...oooooh? 

    Granted I was not a regular viewer when her and Spinelli were a couple, but they were fairly popular, no? 

  12. 2-15


    Well I was wondering if the writers were setting up randomly one day Maxie and Spin to get back together. And now it really seems they slowly, but surely doing so. So I can't help, but wonder if they are FINALLY going to write Maxie out. If so, color me shocked on one hand. On the other hand, at least if they are, they are writing her out with one of her debateable (and alive) couplings. 


    Okay, I admit...I definitely was enjoying the mystery of if Dex was behind the shooting on Sonny. And it definitely had some tension to it. But that came to a full stop when I was taken out of the scene. Why? Sonny is just now finding out that Michael hired Dex. For some reason, I thought he had already found out. I had totally forgot they never planned that beat to the tale because doesn't everyone know at this point? And then Carly runs in being Carly...and this plot has died quickly. lol.


    Speaking of forgot, I forgot Blaze wasn't out. I've been enjoying her and Kristina coming together. Well, Kristina getting a story period. So I'm happy to watch them and knowing more is on the way for them story-wise. 


    Olivia Jerome...you don't say. The plot thickens. 

    2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I think at the end of the day 90% of this board cares about the actress, the character, and the person behind all of this.  I don't think anyone of us wants to wish KS ill will, ill health, or whatever, but do worry about her.  I wish KS well and hope it works out for her as she was always my favorite Belle.

    I don't know what's going on and kinda scared to find out, but given how the writing has been going for Maxie and the history surrounding the actress and the character, this is how I feel as well and also very true about this board. 

  13. 2-23


    OMG! You all were not kidding about that nothing-burger of a OCD story. Just ugh.


    That said...there was nothing much to this episode really except for Nate vs Tucker as they had a peeing contest over Audra, the Victor/Claire alliance, and more of the Ashley mystery.


    So I wonder if it's safe to say that Nate will save Audra in the end.


    There's nothing like seeing Victor in manipulating more. There's also nothing like seeing Victor with the younger generation. So I actually liked him and Claire bonding. It made me think of back when Abby was a kid and her with Victor. It's also nice to just see Victor with an adversary in Jordan played by someone who is not playing games.


    I continue to be intrigued by ED's acting choices. I cannot decide if I feel she was playing the scenes with Traci straight or not. It doesn't help that I cannot trust the writing though. Today's clue of her talking to a therapist friend in Paris. Is the friend real or just lazy writing to resolve this whole Tucker/Ashley mess so we can get into a Ashley/Tucker/Audra triangle?


    Time will tell. 


    I AM happy to see this week starting is full of the storylines (except for Heather/Daniel/Lily and Giggly Heffa vs the Bug) that I actually want to see...more Ashley vs Audra, more Mamie, and the Victor/Claire alliance. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Antoyne said:

    So glad you got to get caught up. I figured if anyone else was going to be pulled back in with me it was you 😂😂



    I am such a sucker for Eileen Davidson and anything Abbott so you would be right. 


    5 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:


    @Taoboiand @Antoyne I never finished up Thursday and Friday so I’m definitely going back to see this Ashley/Audra scene. Because the only bright spot in today’s show (2/26) was the ending scene. 

    Yeah outside of odds, ends, and MTS's acting, I would say the only good thing going on right now is Ashley/Tucker/Audra with some Nate on the side. 


    The scene we are talking about was near the end of the 2/20 episode and it was REALLY good between Ashley/Audra in another episode I want to say 2/16. 

  15. 2-20


    Well, I see my player is at it again. Lord, CBS, get your s*t together. Lord Baby Jesus!


    That said...thank you, @Antoyne for the tip. I was at least able to watch that brief Ashley/Audra scene. In fact, rewatching all of those scenes with Ashley/Tucker/Audra/Nate as I type. 'Little Girl' took me out. LOL!!! First SLC and now Y&R hehe. I said their first scene Ashley won. This one...hmmm a draw. Though Ashley wins in the end by Tucker lying to Audra. 


    And also like you...I don't want to like this story, but those Tucker v Ashley scenes in his hotel room were GOOD. Since I'm missing episodes, I missed that Ashley broke into Tucker's room. So THAT was jarring. BUT it was just the chemistry. The sparring between the two of them. Just ED's demeanor. It's Ashley's calm and collected, but she's playing so subtly off. It is piquing my curiosity as much as Tucker's. She IS saying all the right things, but the body language is OFF. But SUBTLY off. I don't feel I am articulating it well. Like the inflection when Ashley talks about their breakup...there's a subtext in that moment where she does not sound like Ashley at all...she sounds like someone ELSE. ED is putting out these clues. Meanwhile, Tucker hit it straight on with him bringing up how Ashley brought into his room...which as he kept bringing up in dialogue I went...now that I think of it...Ashley isn't the type to break into someone's room. Perhaps a lover she hasn't broke up with. So I admit that in spite of myself, I'm getting intrigued with where this is going. 


    If it DOES turn out to be a split personality, they are already setting Audra up for a fall. I've already mentioned how she has a throughline already of being 'Hot for Teacher' with so many men in her life outside of Kyle, so her scenes with Nate only reinforced that. And he's at least being a good friend. Because it's clear as day that the only weakness Tucker has...even through bad writing...has been his love for Devon/Dominic and his love for Ashley. And it seems the writers are already setting Tucker up to be Ashley's knight in shining armor by him continuing to not tell Audra about every time he runs into Ashley. Hopefully, she lands on her feet. And Ashley WAS kinda creepy at the end of that scene. 


    Well it was nice to see Seth and Nikki together. And the Jordan storyline lives on. 


    And while I enjoyed CH showing a little of the Sally Spectra I'm used to from B&B, I do feel I'm over her and Adam. I mean Nick knew to let her be her when it came to her business. But to be fair, I'm over the Nick/Sally/Adam triangle and have been since the baby drama. Which is a shame because at first it had potential even though I didn't like that, either. 


  16. 2-23

    Ooooooo THAT'S why you all were talking about the whiplash from the speed of this Sheila stuff!!! Well, hopefully, Deacon talked her off the ledge today. NO that is NOT an invite for spoilers. ;) I'll watch/read it in my own way AND time. 


    That said...I hope @Soapsuds saw his man pop up looking all fine.


    As for the week that was...well, it's nice to see a change of pace because the RJ/Luna/Zende triangle was shockingly already starting to be taking up too much time. Looking forward to Poppy in the mix and I stay giggling every time I hear the phrase 'magic mints.' Though I hope Zende isn't about to pull a Thomas and go off the deep end for Luna. I like her, but too much, too soon for that.


    And then I thought that the start of the next round of Steffy v Sheila had a good start. We had Steffy and Finn talking, going back over Steffy's stance for when she came back. I love the callback to Sheila saving Kelly. And the set-up with the picture was great. And the brief catfight...I LOVED. Hated Finn and Deacon broke it up though I loved they slowly figured out where the girls were at. Though tbf, Steffy started it with the punch. What would have been a nice twist is if Sheila had had Steffy arrested. Then Finn had to compromise to get his wife out. And oooh how Steffy wouldn't have loved that. And then Steffy had to watch a connection grow between Finn and Sheila due to the compromise. Perhaps getting her scheming. Heck, Liam could even be in the mix...which I would dislike, but the potential is there.


    INSTEAD...Sheila already went off the dead-end. Yeeeeeah no. 





  17. @alwaysAMC Dubai is in June. 


    As for EricFake's spinoff, since it's clear it was always planned that way, they should have promoted it as such. It just seems like ANOTHER slap in the face to RHOM fans who had been dealing with the redheaded stepchild-ism since before the current season started. And then putting it up again THE TRAITORS of all shows? Yeah, as much as I love seeing it in real time this time...and will enjoy seeing both reunion parts, RHOM was better off on Peacock where they treated like the queens they are. 


    3 hours ago, Cat said:

    This is heart-breaking. Live ratings have been doing Dallas-level numbers, so I'm hoping that most Miami viewers are streaming on Peacock and Bravo is counting those +5 day numbers. But shuffling Part 2 of the reunion to the next night (which, correct me if I'm wrong, is a Friday??) says to me that Bravo wants to burn these episodes off fast. 😪 And I hate that for my girls and what has become my favorite franchise. As you know, I am a viewer since S1, and I hoped that their S4 renaissance would lay the foundation for many future seasons. I'm still hoping it will -- if they move it back to Peacock and actually promote it.

    Otherwise, it is done on Bravo, and it really does not deserve that at all. I mean, who didn't shed a tear when Russell shaved Guerdy's head in preparation for chemo? Who didn't burn with anger at Larsa for being such a mean gaslighting b!tch to Guerdy? Who didn't love everybody dancing awkwardly to Adriana's latest dance sensation? LOL.

    An incredibly rapid fall from grace. Almost as rapid as their engagement/divorce from Falyn timeline.

    I honestly don't see how the RHOA will be able to hold their tongue or not ask Porsha questions about this. This ain't RHOBH.

    I wonder how Bravo feels about Netflix's Buying Beverly Hills trailers featuring the Umansky breakup and their entire family (see DRW's post just above yours)? I mean, RHOBH would have loved to have had that inner-family-circle content this season.

    I agree. It does feel like they are burning off episodes...which should be reserved for more low-tier shows. They did that to BELOW DECK SAILING YACHT which also had a great dramatically messy season this past year which could have and should have been milked. 


    I sooo heard 'This ain't RHOBH' in Nene's voice. 

  18. RHOM


    As much as I will take RHOM where I can get it...they are dropping Reunion Part 1 on their usual night and Part 2 the following night and NOT ADVERTISING IT???


    The disrespect!!!

    1 hour ago, Cheap21 said:

    That was years ago and I like that Shamea and Kenya have been able to get over that roadblock to the point that Shamea returned to film with her last season. If she is in fact a peach holder, it will feel natural as she's developed her own relationship with Kenya outside of the show

    That's good to hear. But since Shamea was always Porsha's Ride-or-Die, I will still be worked about any tension. Though it would at least be organic. 

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