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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. See? That was something else I liked about this week. All of the history mentions not connected to Wagger (is that what we are calling NuJagger? cuz I don't mind because I don't feel like calling him Jagger...lol)...which I have liked, too...because it does feel like it's been a while that outside of a special episode...we as viewers don't get a lot of history nods. Warmed my heart to hear that Sly reference, Nathan who I did like during the time I was viewing, and of course Mac. And yes, I agree about Lulu which makes me excited because Rocco just finally popping up and aged AND talking to Laura...things that make you go hmmm with a new writing team in house. 


    I thought the dialogue and actions of showing the differences between Danny and Rocco was indeed very well done. I am hoping since the writers went out of their way to do that, they do have plans for this new generation and there will indeed be some fleshing out. 



  2. 3-5


    Well, you can't say that was off-camera. lol. Seth, we hardly knew ya. Meanwhile, Jordan continues to be camp.


    So far...I'm enjoying this week. Good to see Amanda again. And I was excited to see Devon and Nate play that tension that I love between the two of them. Since I love me some Nina, you know I've loved those Nina/Chance. I still miss Chance as a cop. And I definitely don't want to see him corrupted by business like Nate was. That said...I found those Nina/Chance scenes so hard to follow because...I'm sorry...CF has such beautiful eyes and I like scruff so I just be sitting here and admiring him how beautiful he was. lol. 


    I also love that the writers heard me when I said we did this whole Chance storyline when Nate ALSO tried to start a music festival. lol. I so giggled when Devon said that in dialogue. 


    At this point with this Chris/Danny/Phyllis story, it just feels like Danny is trying to have his cake and eat it, too. If he wants to be with the Giggly Heffa, he should go ahead and do it. I get it. He doesn't want to ruin anything with Chris when they are so close again, but that does not seem to be where his head is.


    And where is Ashley? lol. Okay, I already know the answer to that. lol. 

  3. 5 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    People can believe or disbelief in foresight as they like, I really couldn’t care less. I wonder how many other people mentioned Vail Bloom returning to Y&R? For years, there were folks who had sworn she had burned her bridges and wouldn’t be back. I was not one of those people.

    Speak on it! 


    PS. Will let you know when she pops up again. ;) 

    5 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I’ve been saying for years that soaps are more viable than people think. I don’t think this news is that shocking if you really think about it. The biggest issue was that nobody seemed to be willing to look at soaps and care to do anything with them, but with minimal promo these soaps are getting similar ratings to what airs in prime time and they’re all higher rated than all of these celebrated cable shows. 

    But perhaps that's the thing. Soaps have definitely proven they can go on and on. And the world completely still loves them all over. What if the production actually put promotions into it though? Ratings might still decline due to how we as people view shows now (streaming, tv systems, live), but if it is good...people will come and be grabbed hold. 

  4. 3-8


    Well...that. lol.


    In any case, I find myself leaning toward liking Jason's return so far. And I knew I was surprisingly invested when Carly first laid eyes on him. And my reaction was to gasp. I wasn't expected it yet. lol. But it's just the fact that almost every day has been a cliffhanger this week so far. It's making me think of Diane's return on Y&R in which you could feel and see the ripple effects of them coming back because she can still touch on EVERYONE. Same with Jason. And I almost teared up right along with Carly cuz I forgot...Jason wasn't there when Bobbie passed. Just such a bittersweet scene. I hated Anna interrupting. I think my favorite scenes so far have been the Carly/Jason ones and also Ava revealing the truth to Sonny.

    Speaking of Ava/Sonny, I was wondering if they were going to go there. Over the last few years, they really have been great co-parents. And then with her in the penthouse...I admit I was hmmmm. But I shook it off. But wow. All I can say is...I'm not against it, and I don't mind. I found it weird when I came back to regularly watching that Ava and Nina were friends. Moreso cuz Nina was played by MS when I left. That will be messy.


    I'm not even their biggest fans and even I went 'awwww' to Spin and Maxie kissing. Them against John was a riot to me. And they do seem to be coming into their relationship from a more mature place.


    In case I didn't mention it...outside of Bebe's Maxie's kids...I have been really enjoying seeing the next generation of PC kids. I know it has been talked about often here about how there are soo many kids running around and we rarely see them. Then they pop up, and it's like 'who's kid is that?' But over the last year, they have been popping up regularly and even had little arcs as well. So that said...I do have to ask...is this the first time they have had an aged Rocco though? I liked his scene with Laura. I also liked how they contrast his personality vs Danny's personality. And I'm always here for Jake cuz duh. lol. 


    Could it be happening? Is Alexis about to go back to being a lawyer?





    10 hours ago, detroitpiston said:

    Wow the Jason and Carly scenes were so good today. I don’t need the two to be romantic but that is a friendship that should always be prominent and they did not disappoint. Great acting from SB and LW especially when Carly had to tell Jason Bobbie was dead.

    Just watched. Same. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I have to ask you guys that have been watching for a while now in the years I wasn’t watching, how do you feel about Laura’s two brothers? They both feel so random and out of place to me. Did Laura really benefit from two random adult siblings?

    Haven’t gotten to Jason’s return yet as I’ve been watching the Spencer/Esme go overboard episodes.

    It WAS random. lol. But I grew to look Martin...especially when he got with Lucy. And his relationship with Laura has been good as well. Cyrus...love the actor, NOT the character. And ever since his first comeuppance, the writers don't see to know what to do with him. Scratch that...the strike writers seem to know what to do with him. 


    Those were good episodes re: Spencer/Esme. Though I would say watch all of last week from 2/26 because those were pretty good character development scenes, nice setup that did flow and have a sense of going somewhere in terms of plot. Of course, it is also setting up Jason's return. And who doesn't like Ms. Wu? ;) 



  6. 2 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    I doubt they'll get a Sunday 8 PM slot ever. Miami isn't that strong yet. I mean I think they could handle the slot, but the figures aren't there. Plus, Bravo does not promote this show like they do the other shows. Why? I don't know. That is something I am trying to figure out myself. It just doesn't make sense. Miami has consistently given Bravo the strongest content for 3 seasons in a row. 

    My bad. I blame it on working late and then staying up for rugby, but by timeslot, I meant the time of year when RHOA used to come out in November/December...not Sunday Sunday. :)


    It would be nice, but I wouldn't trust Bravo to promote properly either. 

    2 hours ago, Cat said:


    I Won Gif


    Thank you for letting the 'cat' out of the bag. I'd like to think that excellence has been rewarded for once... However, I hope they keep the cast completely unchanged and do not alter Miami's format in any way. Reunion is laying the the foundations for S7's interpersonal dramas beautifully. And it is clear that Andy was enjoying every second of doing this 3-part reunion (granted, I haven't watched Part 3 yet).

    I haven't watched yet either, but it sounds like RHOM did a reunion first. Speaking of laying foundation ;) . If so...I'm going to be soooo excited once I watch.

  7. 3-6


    I guess I see what you all are talking about in terms of pace. Stuff definitely is happening. I think it's well paced...just look at this cliffhanger of Ava telling Sonny as Spin tells Maxie. And that's just the start. Perhaps we are all used to the writers on these shows these days just taking their time with a return or a story. It's not tooo fast, but definitely not slow. So...just right?


    But the amount of personal scenes have definitely increased. Laura and Cyrus having a moment. Heather trying to escape, using her brains again rather than being cray cray. Olivia and Sam talking about Dante's childhood and where the relationship (convenient now that Jason is back). John throwing Sonny's past in his face...thank God those confrontation scenes are getting better. I really, really love the scene with BLQ and Tracy where Tracy talked about how she misses Lila to this day. So resonating. 


    Is it me or was Alexis and the gossip columnist guy sparking a bit?


    And I liked the sprinkle of humor the writers was doing with Ava abruptly leaving scenes without saying what was up. Usually the humor is not at all subtle, so I missed that.


    So far, I think all the episodes this week have ended on good notes/cliffhanger. Could tomorrow be more of the same? It's been a minute since there was a Cliffhanger Friday methinks.





    14 hours ago, John said:

    A Sly Eckert Mention

    Character Driven moments 

    Laura/Rocco ( That actor is good)



    Chase/Brook Lynn

    Jordan/Portia (Nathan West mention)


    Maxie/John Jagger talking Mac

    This was definite a PM & EK script

    That's something that I have been noticing more. History is actually being touched on AND mentioned. 


    Sounds great.



  8. 7 hours ago, Chris B said:

    Now with The Gates, I can’t say I feel bad if something does happen to B&B. Brad hasn’t been trying and hasn’t allowed that show to evolve. You cannot convince me that anybody is putting in any effort this year. You know CBS must be fuming looking at the show and not having any input in it. My question is: does Brad even care? I just can’t get a handle on him. He seems to have no ambition outside of B&B and he has no passion in the show either but for whatever reason wants to be the HW. 

    Yeah so much potential last year, but this year...I am tempted to take a break because nothing is going on now. 

  9. 3-1


    And to think...the week started off so well with the writers focusing on Ashley/Tucker/Audra. Ashley has lost her ever-loving mind, but dare it if it did not keep my interest. It could just be that she stayed dragged Audra who is coming across so needy. lol.


    Then Thursday came around and the tone was jarring as all get out. Nikki catching on to Jordan with Seth was good. And Claire continuing to both with Victoria and Cole. Otherwise I was just like...why? 


    And Billy, Chelesa, Adam, and the plot device de jour is a HECK NO. I'm about ready to be sure to use my FF finger from here on out. 

  10. 3 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    What's character driven about Anna freaking Devane being a Sonny prop? 

    Well, they have grown closer over the last few years. Especially when Anna was not attached to the force or WSB.


    However, did Anna and Sonny have the official 'I'm back as Commissioner so this is a warning' scene?



  11. RHOM


    Now THAT was just chaos CHAOS.


    I liked Part 2. Not as much as Part 1, but it was great. It really continued to outshine the other HW shows. Because there was some catfights. There was surprise cuz...Lisa vs Julia...I was shocked. But also resolution...which Julia and Lisa did. But they usually all do it on this show. Some other shows should take note.


    Larsa got a taste of the wrath of Guerdy and she held her own. Thanks to clips, we know it's about to get worse. And that was not just limited to Larsa cuz Lapdog Lisa got it, too. I cannot believe she was sitting here trying to make Guerdy's cancer all about Larsa. Lisa is coming across all kinds of wrong this reunion. 


    So is Alexia though. She wasn't as bad as Part 1. But that might be because Nicole had her number and was calling it out every chance she got. And that tea about her and Marysol hanging out post-filming of Ana's appearance. Ooooo Alexia did not like that at all. I guess Larsa isn't the only one who's fake. 


    ALEXIA. I'll give her this much. She didn't back down. Which is why I loved every moment that Nicole gathered her together. From Nicole going in on her obsession to Nicole dropping the Marysol tea, it was great. I guess the only thing Alexia has going for her was the fact she at least had Guerdy's back, too.


    LARSA. When your actual best friend isn't even speaking up for you, you know you are in the wrong. And Larsa just sat there and kept doubling down. She (and Lisa) deserved her wrath.


    GUERDY. I stay loving her montage. I also loved her starting to unleash her wrath on Larsa. 


    JULIA. I'm still shocked as heck. I had completely missed that part of the conversation at the Mother Day event. But still her and Lisa getting into it over it. Just WOW. I loved however, that with no group, no major cameras, they were able to get over the misunderstanding by explaining their sides of things. RHOP could never...


    LISA. Just smh. She is just peeing the goodwill of the audience away, ain't she? And I know that I mentioned how much I did not like that while everyone else was concerned for Guerdy during her collapse, that Lisa did not appear to. At least, she explained herself, so she came off a little bit better However, Lisa really has grown so self-absorbed and Guerdy was in her right to call her out. 


    NICOLE. Gather her, Nicole!!!!! GATHER...HER. LOL!!! So yeah, I enjoyed her checking Alexia every chance she got. And I really loved that her and her father had come soooo far since her intro in Season 4. Sad that things did not end well with her and her father's woman.




    KIKI. I thought her reactions and especially her silence when people attacked Larsa spoke volume. 


    ADRIANA. 'Yeah, Frida' took me out. That said...smh. Just being waaaay too silly and I love me sum Adriana. 


    MARYSOL. Well...I guess Ana was right. And so was Lea. Lol. How fake of Marysol to be soooo upset (and I was shocked Mama Elsa passed on Mother's Day) and then she went out after with the host of the event. Wow.


    Good part. Can't wait for Part 3.



  12. 8 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    But it’s clearly more thought out and they are showing so many emotional beats that should be played.

    Which tells me when I try to watch later on when I attempt a workout...miss a day, miss a lot. And it's been a minute since I had that feeling. :)



    5 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Then maybe we could also see Brad! He's been MIA since Brett died. Pretty long time to mourn her. 

    Is that how long?


    Wasn't there a rumor running around that he was going to pop up soon?

  13. 4 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Most posters probably either weren’t members back then or members don’t really remember this but does anyone remember several years ago when I posted that article about P&G/PGP wanting to dive into producing dramas colloquially known as “Choose Your Own Adventure” programming to sell their products? I stated the that it sounded so much like the basis of their entry into production of serial daytime drama.  Right then and there, that told me that they were receptive to producing entertainment again, dramas in particular. I knew than that if any entity was going to produce a daytime soap at that point, it would be the company that literally still sells soap.

    Also, a few years ago, I posted a YouTube clip in the ATWT thread from P&G basically Bragg about their association with the first televised daytime serials. Initially I found it galling that after dumping AW, GL and ATWT, they had the gall to produce and post this mini documentary but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that they must have been mulling something over. People can say what they want but someone there must have remembered that at one time these serials were highly successful in moving their products and they brought a measure of prestige when they began to win awards.
    The timing did surprise me, even when you think it’s going to happen, you’re never sure when. But the fact that it was them to decide to produce the first daytime television soap in how many years, doesn’t surprise me. Nor does the association with the NAACP. Someone at P&G is looking at the demos and sees where the highest potential viewership is.

    I remember those vaguely. Hmmm to think they might have considering it all along.



  14. 2 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Thanks to Grey’s Anatomy and Robin being a doctor, during the 2000’s we had a robust hospital again. Hopeful for them to build that back up. Nothing against Portia. And I know this is a budget and scheduling limitation. But someone like TJ could not possibly be near their guarantee. 

    Oh, I remember that era well. I guess in a way...are we overdue a new set of interns?


    I doubt TJ is near his guarantee yet. He had a pretty good run there for a minute where he was being everyone's doctor and still had a story going on. Alas...

  15. 2 hours ago, titan1978 said:


    I also hope we rebuild the hospital staff. Just Portia and a bunch of day players does not work. We need a sense of familiarity there. Isn’t Willow a nurse, or did she not finish school? 

    I mean, who is there now? Liz, Portia, Finn, Willow, TJ, Terry, Amy, and I always forget that one nurse's name with the great voice. Felix once in a blue moon.


    I would love to see Lucas back. That's for sure. 

  16. 2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    I appreciate they are playing the beats out. It’s almost like a soap again. It’s still accelerated, but it’s there.

    And the strange cutting and editing isn’t happening yet. There are times, especially in the last couple of years, where it often felt like you missed something because it got cut or they just decided to blow past the details to keep the plot moving.

    Music to my ears. re: the beats. But good to know that you noticed the pace shift, too. 



  17. 1 hour ago, BoldRestless said:

    It's wild that last time a soap was launched there was no social media or YouTube. I'm not sure there was Wikipedia and IMDB. 

    Yeah, this could be kinda of crazy fun now that times have changed enough that perhaps a soap launch...with good backing...can have both.

    23 minutes ago, Errol said:

    I'm mostly joking, but at least we we might get NAACP Image Awards nominations again for the daytime soap actors, if not the soaps themselves. No way NAACP passes up up the chance of nominating a show it's involved in. Just saying.

    And you said it well. The fact that some form of news is spreading as is. If played right, there is such a great chance of exposure. And exposure can definitely get notice. Not to mention eyeprints.

  18. 20 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Paramount Plus is likely being merged with Peacock, so yeah that's probably not even remotely what would happen

    Oh lord. Don't even put that in the Universe. PP is currently merged into my system now and I cannot say I dislike having it. Peacock not so much.


    I do hope that since we appear to be on the same page in terms of timeslots or how the shows should be placed...that CBS see it the same way as the rest of us. 

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