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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 3 hours ago, Cat said:

    Don't get me wrong, I don't want another round either. I'm honestly tired of the toxicity and would love for once to see Kenya develop a friendship.

    I also feel that Carlos King should produce RHOA. He loved the city and the show. He knows all these women inside and out. The current production team is creatively bankrupt.

    Falyn is all over my socials these days. I wonder if that means she wants to join RHOA.

    Talk about a plot twist. I believe most of us did want Falynn around when the Porsha/Simon news broke, but would she pop in...could she? Would someone *cough*Sheree*cough* be messy enough to do that? The plot thickens.


    Well, Kenya and Kandi were not always besties so I admit I liked seeing them develop a friendship. I think it's safe to say Kenya is capable of building a friendship. As I recall, the only reason her and Porsha fell out last two times was 1) Porsha throwing her under the bus to immediately go back to being Nene's little Sis while throwing not nice shade in Confessional with no heads up to Kenya and 2) Production's manipulative editing and Lauren helping to grow a misunderstanding between them that went left quickly. And they just never recovered. 

  2. Seems like the latest rumor for cast is...










    Sheree as a FOH.


    But yeah I can see Kenya being there for Porsha and thus getting their friendship 'power duo' status back. And I could see Sheree being the mess.


    Speaking of mess...from Apollo's wife who is friends with her...


  3. On 2/22/2024 at 9:47 AM, Cheap21 said:

    Reunion looks! Theme is floral


    My ranking goes:

    Heavenly, Phaedra, Alicia, Jackie, Toya, Tea, Quad, Simone


    I really, really loved their theme. And I felt they did a great job with it. I might not like them all but I like they seem cohesive. 


    That said...I know everyone else online since to hate it, but I love Toya's look. Shady Phae Phae (and the drama it led to online with Ayan from DUBAI) is good. And don't hate me...but Simone. And from the trailer, Phae and Alicia's have trains to die for.


    Speaking of...REUNION TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  4. RHOM


    Oh, thank God, it's a 3-part reunion!!!! LOL!!! I finished the season and I can tell the withdrawal is going to be PAINFUL.


    I more or less watched the last two episodes together. And I just loved like the telenovela RHOM is, that Production came back around and started to tie everything up as they headed for the finale. Nicole and her relationship with her father and his new woman. Julia and her pot stirring which she had on display (as well as her many animals) finally zeroed in on Larsa and her man...and it was mess!!! And lest the audience forgot...Larsa and Guerdy had been feuding on and off all season. And that definitely came to a head in the finale. 


    And the Finale...was what finales should be. There was so much going on. And there were so many good moments of sisterhood. I was loving Nicole and Guerdy dancing into Adriana's party and drooling over a dressed up Russell. I was loving the Kiki/Guerdy moments. Even if she was misguided, Lisa trying (and failing) to be a friend to Larsa. We got a cameo from Ana again. We got real life stories with Julia, Adriana, Marysol somewhat, Alexia, Lisa, and especially...Guerdy. A show finale so excellent...even the FOHs got Notes at the end of the episode.


    Speaking of Guerdy...our main arc for the season came to the end with a HAPPY ending. And oh how I cried over that Note coda at the end. I was so happy for her and her family. And the scene with her cutting her hair with Russell. You know what...can we find me a husband like Russell. He's been such a great rock for her. And when he defended her from Larsa...*swoons* But yes, given the underlying feelings about long hair vs short hair in the black community....yeah I felt those Guerdy scenes. And the wig snatch that gagged Larsa for a moment...I do agree it did remind me of the NY Aviva leg scene. Cuz it was just as chaotic afterwards and I was so glad Nicole and Kiki stepped in to explain why Guerdy needed some space because the girls were not getting it AT ALL. Just so dense....smh.


    ALEXIA. I admit that I was disappointed. It felt like there should have been more going on with how the trailer talked about her and Todd having money problems. But that story...along with Todd...appeared to just up and vanished into thin air. What was going on? I WAS happy to see Frankie get an Uber by himself. And what is this online about her having a bruise on her face...I missed it. And her and Julia emerging as a friend duo...I can only imagine Marysol AND Adriana having something to say about that next season.


    LARSA. Her relationship suuuuure got interesting in these last few episodes. Once Michael said he wanted kids while she did not, I went 'uh oh.' Is that why they went on break broke up? And of course, the very idea that Michael Jordan might show up could be fuuuuuun. That said...she was nothing, but a dense a$$ bitca for STILL mentioning Guerdy. While Guerdy was overreacting or not...and some people think she was...after coming to an understanding, Larsa should not have mentioned her again...not even in jest. 


    JULIA. Pot stirring here. Pot stirring there. One cannot say that Julia wasn't busy this season. Thankfully she knows how to be a good friend. And give great fashion.


    GUERDY. A queen. I'm so happy she shared her story and had such great friends around her to have her back while she went through. Not to mention an awesome husband. I enjoyed her gathering of Larsa and dissing Lisa. 


    LISA. Lisa is JAMACIAN!!!!!!!!?????????? Huh? What? It's been said she mentioned it a loooong time ago on old RHOM, but that was news to me. And just seeing her family...woooow. I was shocked and had questions. I am also side-eyeing her for allowing Lenny to build a house for her. You know...a house that will probably be in Lenny's name. Is that wise, Lisa? She was doing all kind of stupid things in the finale whether the intentions came from a good place or not. Oh, well, at least Jody was looking good.


    NICOLE. Awww at her bonding with the father's new woman. And she looked so boss waiting for them to arrive at the restaurant, drink, shades, ocean in the background and all!!! I love they included the baby reveal video in her EndNotes. I loved it. 


    MARYSOL. Oh, I loved her EndNotes. Hehe. Scotland.


    ADRIANA. I like the new song. I know she's older but having Mr. Gloria Estefan producing music for her, I do hope she continues to keep going. If EricFake can have a comeback and the Countess can start a career as a Cabaret singer, perhaps Adriana too can have a career. 


    KIKI. She so came into her own this season. And I would like to see her daughters and more of her family life. 


    But such a great season. 


    On 2/22/2024 at 12:18 PM, NothinButAttitude said:

    Russell is my everything. That man is too fine! The strong and silent type. Yaaass!

    Just my type. :)


    On 2/22/2024 at 2:52 PM, NothinButAttitude said:

    She is sooooo OVER. 



    3 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    They are salivating that she is getting a divorce bc this is an instant storyline and not one they have to manufacture



    2 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    This is exactly what I think. They were just given a storyline gift wrapped,




  5. RHOM


    Now THIS is a cast trip!!!! OMG! lol. That gondola ride is going to go down in HW history for the shear and utter chaos of it all. From Kiki vs Lisa, them stopping to say hey to the passing boat, and then them back to fighting. The juice box. The island of dolls. Guerdy's incoming collapse while a band played and Lisa took selfies. The gang-up on Lisa from Kiki, Larsa, and Alexia. It was a hot mess and I LIVE for all of it!!!


    And the crunch scene. When I was in fine dining last year, one of my customers gave me an object she said was a piece from that church. I currently always have it by me on my laptop so it was just nice to see it. To learn the history behind that from Alexia. And just so many personal stories from the ladies coming to bear there. I'm a spiritual person, but not a religious person (that would be my twin), so I felt Julia's thoughts on that. And I thought it was very strong of her to go given her issues with church. And the fact that Larsa was there for Guerdy after they just fought last night as Guerdy was feeling her morality. I was tearing up. That scene really resonated with me. It was such a spotlight to how the HW shows should be...these women be fighting all the time and yet in the important moments they have each other's back. They are a sisterhood. They even have light, fun shade at each other at Adriana's concert. They are how friendships should be. No wonder I love them so much. Well...not my Doctor Nicole flying commerical though lmao. 


    Well they were all good except for one.



    OMG. If last season was Alexia getting a big head, this year is Lisa's turn. I felt for her all through this season. And I guess I should have seen the warning signs when everyone tough loved her. But I thought it was telling that Larsa (of all people, I know) bringing up to Lisa that she was being harder on Kiki than any of the other girls. I got WHAT she was saying. Sadly, the micro-aggressions were there. And you could see it on Kiki's face during the gondola ride. But her feeling no empathy for Kiki...even after Kiki explained why she was triggered...oh, she lost me. And she was losing me when she continued to not let the mouse go with the juice box. I was getting as heated as Kiki was getting because Kiki WAS trying to move past it. It was LISA who kept bringing it up. And then Lisa tried to ruin the whole fun Gay Pride party vibe (and my girls looked DROP...DEAD...GORGEOUS!!!) by making it about HER, when it really was Adriana's moment. At least the other girls knew where she was coming from due to their experiences having to sign their divorce papers, but her lack of self-awareness was disgusting. And then...the childhood trauma...I felt slapped right along with Kiki. So...thanks JULIA. The one thing she pot stirred and I did not like it. lol.


    Oops. That was longer than I intended. lmao. But it's funny how this season went from a slow (but great) burn to Must Watch TV in the home stretch. I have one more episode before tonight's finale. I'm working on formatting today so I hope to squeeze it before tonight. We'll see. It's been...a day. 




    ALEXIA. I hollered so hard at her on the gondola ride. I knew she would get her lickback for Lisa gathering her back when they went at it at that party when Guerdy got up and revealed she had to do another surgery. Iol. I loved her being the eyes and ears to the history in Mexico City and how it tied into Frankie. 


    LARSA. She really and truly was the voice of reason. Who would have thought it? She was trying to let Lisa know how she was coming across. She was trying to warn everyone that Julia was pot-stirring. She was there for Guerdy, regardless of the fight they just had the night before. She was really trying to keep the peace. Even with Adriana...not easy for sure. 


    GUERDY. Oh, how my heart went out for her. I was so excited that she got to turn up. And then...the gondola ride. Lord...you could see it all over her face how cancer has made her see her life differently. And she was OVER the petty arguing these girls usually have. And then her collapse...just WOW. It said a lot that they DID...NOT...GET...IT. And it also said a lot that once they did, they jumped into action. And I love that Doctor Nicole has been there with her knowledge...being a friend AND a doctor. And then the phone call to Russell...awww...why can't I find a love like that? And I was enjoying her and Kiki's vibe before the Pride party went left. 


    JULIA. Love her completely during the church scene. Laughed at her for spelling Adriana (her BFF)'s name wrong. And then I wanted to shake her for stirring the pot between Lisa and Kiki. That said...like Larsa...what a difference a few years make. She's so connected to the action now.


    LISA. HM. HEATED. She was just so gross with her entitlement. To see her fumble all the goodwill of the audience. To lie...only to have Production do the rollback. She's lucky all Kiki did was walk off when she threw her fit. It even sounds like Jody is starting to get over her. It is a shame because the emotions she had over having to sign the divorce papers WAS real. And while Adriana is right, and no one should dictate how she should feel...that is no excuse to be a sucky friend to your friends and have them get the wrath or you try to ruin an event. her gang-up on the gondola ride, shocking for me as it was, was DESERVED. What followed...especially her fixating on a juice box when Guerdy needed an ambulance...made her image worse. Girl...DUST.


    NICOLE. Not commercial!!!!!!!!! I just fell out. LOL. That said...all I need from my Doctor Nicole is to look fabulous and be herself. And that she's been through all of these episodes so far. There for Guerdy. Trying along with Larsa to deescalate the drama between Lisa and Kiki. Dressing fabulous and turning up a bit. 


    ADRIANA. I have never not liked Adriana more than when she has her dark hair. So you know I'm living for her this trip. 


    MARYSOL. I admit...I was right there with her and Julia kissing given how they have basically feuded all season.


    And off to this last episode before the finale...happy to be catch-up FINALLY. 





    56 minutes ago, Cat said:

    Or she's gaslighting. 

    Honestly, I felt like it was a good reunion trailer with Kyle getting called out.

    I agree.


    I don't think I want to go back and watch this season...though I might if you say it's a good season and not a transitional season ;) ...but that reunion trailer looks good enough that I might tune in. lol.

  6. 1 hour ago, Cat said:

    BH reunion trailer. Dorit doesn't take the hoodie thing off her head for the entire reunion!

    I....actually liked it. And I haven't tapped in for the season at all outside of clips. So I have knowledge of what's going on. I felt it touched on all the things that would be an issue at the reunion from said clips. :) 

  7. On 2/7/2024 at 8:27 PM, DramatistDreamer said:

    When Griffith fired the breakdown writers, was that a purely financial decision? Listening to posts about episodes from the past few days makes me believe that Y&R viewers may be living with that decision to fire the breakdown writing staff. It can’t all be about nickels and dimes all the time.

    I admit that I'm wondering this myself. Cuz during the strike...the writing funnily enough was more...if not cohesive then actually well paced. Since the end of the strike, there's just such a scattershot feel to everything. Stories having a pace, then dropped, or even vanished. Then they pop up again. Or stories that were interesting and going somewhere happening off-screen...to have a random cameo in an episode weeks later.


    Heck there was a time there where everyone NOT NAMED Newman had a story. And then the Newmans got a story along with them, but it didn't overshadow the other stories at all. 


    I do wonder what happened.  

  8. 38 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    yikes...brings back memories of Billy's 'personalities' where he would chew gum so we would know the difference.

    Another of Josh's deep dives into mental health issues.

    I heard about that. I wasn't regularly viewing then.


    I really don't want to see it though I am sure Eileen will totally knock it out of the park. Just the hint in the scene I watched. Don't get me wrong it WAS subtle enough, but ED did enough the audience was sure to notice. Yet at the same time, it still feels like to me Jack SHOULD have noticed. But perhaps that is just a testimony to how excellent Eileen is that there was so many ways to take that scene. For me at least. 

  9. 2-12


    Well...where do I begin?


    SPRINA. I thought it was a nice build-up to the confrontation. Sprina in Paris. Sprina making love. Spencer in those boxers. And then...here comes Esme. I loved that Trina got a lick in. And then I was disappointed that the next episode was not an immediate follow-up. But I have been enjoying the aftermath so far. And Cam came back. Awwww. And I like the spotlight has been on Trina and her survivor guilt. At least she has Ava. Speaking of side note...I've been enjoying Sonny/Ava as co-parents. I never thought they would EVER get along as they have.


    JAGGER...I MEAN JOHN...RETURN. Such a mixed bag. I will give them this much. That had nice build up, too. That it ties into Curtis's shooting has been nice and has become bigger. And his semi-gradual intro with Leo was cute. But then they started to shove him down people's throats. And after such a build to his first seeing Sonny I felt was ruined by MB so looking off camera for the majority of the meeting and having Sonny so checked out. And don't get me started on the recasting.


    DEX. Well at least they remembered that Brick did a background check on him. But...Dex? DEX??? They really setting him up to be after Sonny all along? Wow. I find him too...just no. Implausible.


    MARTIN/LUCY/SCOTT. That was soooo much mess. But that was good mess. But I guess it's because I love me sum Lucy. And her mixing it up with Tracy over Deception has been fun to watch so I liked Tracy got some payback. And Lucy has always been her own worst enemy and this was so true here. Will she get Martin back? Go back to Scott? Time will tell.


    NINA V CARLY. I'm always here for them mixing it up. The only false notes have been Carly wanting to whine. I be like...how can you whine when you taunted her knowing how that would go down. Have some seats. The other false note is just all the stuff with Jake. Heck, I feel like they are going to hate sex before any kinda of vengeance between him. Not much of a threat to me. Especially given Nina's history. Oh and loved the Carly/BLQ team-up. 


    LOIS. Still love.



  10. 2-16


    OMG!!! I think you guys are right!!! How ED played this last scene between Ashley and Jack. The looks. The body language. The very inflection in her voice. I'm surprised Jack didn't catch it tbh. But yeeeeah, split personality of some sort. 


    Team Devon/Nate over Billy. I loved they saw right through what Billy was doing. Because Jill hasn't had a problem before now. So it's just about Billy's own me-me-me issues.


    Yes, I'm happy to see Jordan. But I love some Colleen. And so far, so crafty. 



    2 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    The Ashley/Audra brief scene was delicious as well.

    Same. I love the scene I saw where Ashley threw her...hmm ho-ness in her face. And look forward to more. 

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