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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 3 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Yeah, the only one driving the show the past week or and into this week is Audra,  who of course never fails not to be interesting to watch. 

    I adore Diane but I would have rather watched her resurrect her career as the renowned architect, with Sally as a sidekick as they struggle to get off than ground than her as co-CEO of Jabot. But that would have been too much drama for Josh Griffith to write. 

    I’m glad Cole has stuck around and while Peck and Heinle have history on another soap (AMC) I’m glad the history and chemistry appears to have at least transcended to present day Y&R

    I totally agree. re: Audra. It's been fascinating seeing all these layers coming off of her. Like she seems to genuinely respect Nikki, but is having flashback to her father and his drinking. She genuinely seems to be hot for teacher a la Tucker, but she is NO ONE's doormat when it comes to him now which I felt she was at first. And you can STILL see she has feelings for him, but she ain't stupid and sees he still loves Ashley. Meanwhile, all that is on her face and body language and yet it's hidden as well. And her vixen scene with Nate just reminds me of how she was when she met him in her first scenes, but her and Nate had turned into more mentor/confidante in the last year. So...ANOTHER case of Hot for Teacher. And all that going on and you can still see her screws turning in her head, giving an old school schemer.


    I'm happy to see Diane a little bit more, but I'm curious to see where it goes.


    I'm also curious to see where things go with Cole as well. I've wanted him back for years if only to break up the Victoria/Billy marry-go-round. But I don't know where he can go off the top of my head. 

  2. So thanks to the lovely storm we had out here on the west coast (with some tomorrow), I finally got to sit down to watch Bobbie's funeral episodes. 


    My eyes, without question, stayed watered throughout. I even passed a few things because I would start to loss my composure. 


    When news broke JZ had passed, I knew I was going to be a mess. I remembered Bobbie all the way back to when I was a little kid. And my mother really loved her soaps then. So when I was ever out of store, I always asked how her 'redhead' was doing. Long before I became an on-again/off-again soap viewer. And while I did not liked what Guza (or JFP) did to the character, it was nice since the 50th anniversary, that writers kept finding things for Bobbie to do. And I almost wished that I've been watching regularly when she mixed it up with Nelle. In any case, yeah, I knew this was going to hurt. 


    I gasped as soon as Ryan Crane came into frame. He did such a great job. And he looked so haunted. And goodness knows that town needs Lucas around. And there was a line reading that he gave at the funeral when Carly came in after running into Liz that resonated with me so deeply that I went to crying.


    I loved Laura's speech. I Loved Scott's and his reaction. I always liked him and Bobbie together because I felt she always saw him in a way that even Laura did not see sometimes. I wished Lucky was there as a pallbearer as well as Nik, but I had to suspend my belief a bit. 


    And then the mini-adventure. I admit that I did not like it. At first. It felt out of place...only for the purpose to reveal itself as it went along. True that was something within Bobbie's character and she would do something like that. And the idea of Carly/Felicia together was inspired.


    Also inspired was the set-up for the twist/reveal. The way Maxie kept getting a vibe from the reporter that she couldn't explain. I thought...was Bobbie writing a memoir? Then I thought did Bobbie have a whole other family no one knew about cuz redhead? I even thought the reporter was a stand-in for Bobbie. A spirit. Little did I know, that was BJ...all grown up. So...family for Bobbie...Yes.


    I was not around for the original story...but have finally seen clips over the last few years. And even an on-again/off-again GH viewer knew the tale of BJ and Maxie's heart. It's on a lot of saddest (but well-written) GH stories list. A touchstone. Because it did shape Bobbie's life. Even Carly and Felicia's talk about when Carly came to town was a touchstone that shaped Bobbie's life. Which reminds me...there was a scene where LW had a look and an inflection in her voice that echoed SJB's Carly that really stood out for me. I just can't recall the scene at the moment, but LW did beautiful throughout the last few weeks. 


    I thought it was clever the writers (on their way out) found the original BJ, brought the character back in spirit, and then a domino effect of Felicia, Maxie, and Lucas realizing who she was all at the same time. And KW's inflection on that phone call totally called back to that scene when she said BJ's heart. 


    I also loved all the interview she got from other characters with flashback.


    I definitely have loved over the last few years how Kelly's has appeared more because I have so many memories growing up of it and I love it is still in the Spencer family. So I am glad in a way it's going to be around a little while longer.


    So...good job. IMHO.



  3. 1-26


    I think outside of the Heather/Daniel/Lily of it all and anything involving Audra, I was bored with this week. And Devon and Abby already picked up on something between Heather and Daniel? Is this going to be one of those things where Lily finds out off-screen? I half expected her to walk in on them in bed to be honest.


    Definitely OVER Tucker, Ashley, and the gaslighting. I love seeing Tracy back for it, but that's all I got. Move it along.


    So Nikki's sponsor DID fall off the wagon. Haha. And now Jack is entering that story. Hopefully with Lauren still around for a bit since she says she feels guilty for being in the know. And I always live for Nikki vs Diane. 



  4. 1-25


    Well...I was here for Li vs Poppy. It was nice to see some fire out of Poppy...something I usually see only with Li while Poppy comes across as more meek even though she's a wildflower. Their scenes were giving me memories of old school Y&R and Olivia/Dru. So I didn't mind that at all. 


    It was funny to see the comedy of errors with RJ/Luna/Bill/Poppy and the beachhouse. it was something different with a nice cameo from Deacon/Sheila. I guess my question is...so was that Wyatt's exit scene? Because that was decent given how they just have characters just up and vanish...only to get a line months later after they have already left. 


    Meanwhile, Eric's recovery is slowly in the background. But not forgotten which I like.


    Lots going on. If they only keep it going. 


  5. On 1/27/2024 at 2:36 PM, DRW50 said:

    Thanks for the articles you posted, which I never read until now. I can't believe they might have done a Dom/Patrick tryst in a season 3. That's just what I would have enjoyed (I would have made them endgame in the movie as well).

    Given how the creators were all about being real...and all the hints throughout the show and it being a scene in the movie...I felt like Dom/Patrick was a good tease. MB and JG definitely had good chemistry. 


    IKR!! Good and messy (but real) drama. It might be up there with Joey/Pacey on DAWSON CREEK in that it really could have upset the fanbases who were already evenly divided between Pat/Richie and Pat/Kevin.

  6. 17 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    The Oral History of 'Looking', HBO's Short-Lived, Groundbreaking Gay Series | GQ

    This is such a lovely photo; it makes me a little emotional looking at it:



    Thank you for this. I was literally just reading it and thought if anyone had posted it here. 


    I cannot believe it's been 10 years and seeing where everyone is at. And how people are now re-discovering the show over the last year. 


    Season 2 is also currently being binged. hehe.

  7. @Gray Bunny I believe next upped will be NJ. To my knowledge...ALONE.


    ETA: Since I've been very blink and miss with appearances this week due to schedule...it seems online that the Monica story is FAR from over. Ho--I mean Heather's victory lap all over various media not helping. Like THIS:



    Meanwhile...Dorit appears to be getting major backlash for her child bride comment from this week's episode, too?


  8. SLC


    And ahead of tonight's reunion and the wine I'll be having with it...I figured I should give my thoughts on last week's part.


    Because what I found interesting about it and I didn't want the point to be lost...was Mary's talk to Little Girl. I've seen brief parts of the Gracelle/Dorit sit-down/controversy on BH online so I could not help, but think of it when Mary was articulating herself to Little Girl about race and why Mary said what she said. I also thought it was VERY telling that for all the dragging that Mary does on Heather and Little Girl, that BOTH of them had her back when she said that Mormonism has its roots in racism...something Lisa was denying, but as people whom very lives were raised on Mormonism Bad Weather's words actually have more weight. Just...telling. People want to say that Mary is this and Mary is that. She IS. But the thing about Mary is that she simply treat people the way she does off of her own interactions with people, not just want people say about them. Thankfully, Mary actually does seem to be a good judge of character at least within this group. 


    That said...Part 2 was basically the Mary Hour so you know I was here for it. Her talk with Little Girl (with Andy potstirring just a little bit cuz we all know Mary be dragging Little Girl every chance she gets), her vs Heather (and all Monica's reaction shots), and her vs More and More Irrelevant Lisa...who kept jumping into everyone's conversations to just be noticed. And of course, we got the ole Mary comedy with her on ready with Angie K...only to find out that she kinda likes Angie K. lol.


    Outside of that, the only interesting thing was Monica. And that unseen footage of her falling down the stairs. I was LOL! She held her own, but it is starting to look like bullying to me which I did not like. I definitely feel the love for me is gone with Lisa. And I feel Heather is going to be my new Teddi Teri Demarco because I really cannot stand her and it showed for me. All those little under breath catty remarks she kept making. I lived for Mary dressing her down. 


    I also giggled at Meredith potstirring just a little bit with the lawyer advice to Monica about Angie K's stairs. 




  9. 1-9


    Well...I've finally arrived at Bobbie Week. And I'm not sure that I'm ready for it yet at all.


    I have loved that the news was spread gradually. You know just like in a town...or a soap. And I've been loving all the Lucas mentions. I know I will gasp when he shows up. So many of the vets have been blowing me away as they have found out. And the flashbacks have me in my feels. I think my favorite scene to date has been Carly (let me say now LW has been knocking it out of the park since the phone call...giving me echos of my own paternal loss as well as The Body episode of BUFFY) and Liz at Kelly's. We don't get nearly enough scenes of those frenemies anymore and even I forgot for a sec that Liz used to always work at Kelly's so she WOULD know little things like that. 


    I also like that the storyline ball has really been rolling since the post-Xmas episodes. Almost like now that the writers knew of JZ's passing, they wanted to give it its proper due while softening the blow by having other things going on. Or in my case, storylines having a turn (Esme getting her memory back, the attempt to out Cody's secret by Felicia, Nik's return, Nina exposed by Lois...who clearly had the best comeback this past year) or just climax (Nina snitching on Carly, Alexis/Gregory kiss, Good-bye to 'the Beast'). And I've found it all well done.


  10. 1-12


    Is it wrong that I've disappointed at how I was excited for a second in the cleverness of roping Lauren into Nikki's drinking...only to be reminded the next episode Nikki has New Guy Oscar. Lol. I was already spending storyline possibilities in my head. smh. I should have known better.


    Overall, I thought this was a pretty decent week. I agree with who said it a page or so back about how Nate still is connected to Victoria somewhat (...but where have the Winters gone?). Not an easy feat given that Cole is back in town. Which speaking of Cole...I loved he had a scene with Ashley. Because refresh my memory...wasn't Cole leaving just as ED reclaimed her role of Ashley from SS? 


    Speaking of Ashley, why are they wrecking her for Tucker? At least they are getting into the possibility of reconciliation between her and Tucker. At least they are talking...well arguing. But this 'is Ashley losing her mind or is Tucker gaslighting?' arc is making me feel this is just...foul.


    Sadly, I'm not feeling Sally/Adam anymore. And poor Nick. 


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