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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 3 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Dru’s falling off a cliff was insulting, degrading, offensive, and vindictive.

    Skye’s death by falling into a volcano and the year long aftermath remains the worst story on Y&R ever. 




    It WAS a bad story. But A great character. If I remember correctly...the show needed a schemer around that time and she was a great fit for that. 

  2. 2 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:


    And, wtf is this obsession with Christina Comes Home for Christmas? 😂😂😂

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! It's back!!


    I always felt that was a strictly RC writing thing...since it started on OLTL and carried over to GH when he wrote it...so it warms my heart to see that FV keeps having it pop up.



    2 hours ago, wingwalker said:

    I haven't watched GH in ages, but my twitter timeline blew up today about Aiden coming out. I decided to check it out. While short, very well done. I loved how Liz picked up on Aiden using neutral pronouns and went along, didn't assume he was talking about a girl, which made Aiden comfortable in revealing it was a guy that he has feelings for. Perfect. If GH was smart, they try to go after the Heartstopper crowd. Give Aiden a love interest, give it decent airtime and don't make it a toxic misery fest. 

    Awww this makes me so excited for when I get to these scenes. 

  3. 17 hours ago, Cat said:

    Karen is the MVP this season. I know I'm biased, but it's true. Even if she's not 'close" to as many people as alliance-collector Gizelle, she is an anchor for the audience. She also keeps it from getting too toxic. Ashley seems tickled by her, and I notice Nneka, when she isn't busy bad-mouthing Wendy, sticks close to Karen. Even though I suspect Production told Gizelle and Karen to kiss and make up two years ago, I do think Gizelle is another one who is constantly amused by Karen and understands now that she is needed for the show. The way she was slapping her butt on her birthday as she came over with 'gifts' snaffled from room service. 

    The divide in the group, however, is hurting the show. Gizelle, Robyn and Ashley want Candiace and Wendy GONE and it is so obvious they are icing them out. I notice on social media that everybody except Karen, Wen and Candygal went out for dinner yesterday. Even Mia and Nneka were invited! It must be reunion soon so Giz got them all together to compare notes and formulate a game plan?

    "I done nothing to y'all' sobbed Robyn in the car. This was Robyn's big moment to bring the audience on-side. I don't know how it went down with everyone else, but since I've watched the show, Robyn has been a typical bully's sidekick. She's gleefully gotten her kicks in on Ashley (S2), Monique, Karen, Wendy and Candiace once Gizelle decided they would be the target. She loves a gang-up. And now that she gor caught out with the Patreon and her exclusive deets of Juan's infidelity, some of the women are like 'It's your turn now.' Juan clearly resents her for putting it all on TV, but they also made the choice to play along with it for now.

    Nneka is so laser-focused on Wendy. You can tell she came on to bring her down, and that's why I can't warm to her at all. Even though I'm not a Wendy stan either. I just feel bad that she's targeted for another year.

    Gizelle... sigh. Is Production's Fave really so needed on this show anymore? Is it time for her to exit stage left? I go back and forth on this.

    Le Dame is doing the Lord's word this season and it shows. It reminds me of how she played oh so well in Season 5 with everyone pre-fight.  I would say she plays it so well that is why everyone stay so tickled by her. Like...what outrageous thing will she do need? lol. 


    God, what we don't need...another Coven. We have several on the HW shows as is. I choose to believe that they were really at a dinner and being petty since it's not unusual to see La Dame, Candiace, and Wendy out and about together, too. But yes, the divide is really hurting the show. 


    Wendy, Wendy, Wendy. I feel like La Dame, she has found a persona that works for her...that balances that 4 Degree-ness of her first season with third season sophistication and the over-the-top-ness of her second season. That said, looking at the midseason teaser, yeeeeah it doesn't seem like NeckNo is nothing but coming for Wendy while I'm sure Wendy is the one who womaned up to have that one on one seat down with her. 


    Oh, no. Everyone has dragged Juan's Roommate for weeks because of what you said. We all saw how she was with everyone else. I thought it was VERY telling that not only are her cast members taking pot shots or shading her, but Production was been consistently taking EVERY...and I do mean EVERY...opportunity to drag her AND Juan. That was littered all through La Dame's event that Juan actually went to. She probably had her signed because she has NO choice but to film which means they can funnily enough do her like Nene and everyone else did Porsha post Season 9 RHOA at every event. I personally appreciate that (and I know I'm in the minority) that Gizelle is actually trying to be a real friend to her and giving her tough love. Some people want to say that she was soft balling. NO...that's not what I've seen. Gizelle could have gone even lighter on her. She didn't. Even when the Roommate got angry at her, Gizelle actually kept going. We had the intervention. We had Gizelle actually sit her down and give out examples, trying to get Robyn's mind to turn on. And now...this trip since Gizelle has said it, and would not throw her under the bus in front of the group like a real friend, she stayed silent...letting La Dame say everything that she has been saying or won't say directly. I dislike Gizelle for many reasons, but in the Case of Ditzy Bitca...she actually has been a pretty good friend. I fully expected her to soft ball all through this season when I heard they were back. A pleasant surprise.


    However....like I said...Gizelle is letting her personal slights from Candiace and Wendy clown her judgment. And if she can't take any accountability for her role in why there is a divide...the show suffers. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Cat said:

    Miami midseason trailer!


    LOVED IT. I have a 3 Day Weekend (mostly) coming up and am looking forward to catching up. On Episode 4 with the basketball event. 


    That said YASSSSS the Ana tea is true. And apparently there's more to that Larsa vs Adriana clip, too that sounds like Larsa forgot that Adriana has hands...just ask Joanna. 😎


    A gang up on Larsa? Adriana and Julia having friend issues? Dr. Nicole actually meeting her dad's woman...a plot thread 2 SEASONS in the making? More of Mr. Gloria Estefan????





    4 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:


    By the way, @Cat thank you for taking the reigns last year... it's that time of year again we come up with our Soap Opera Digest-like Best & Worst picks of 2023 :) 


    Not caught up on all my Housewives, but I'm game!!!

  5. 19 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    This past Sunday was even more delightful for me than last week’s. They really invited Quad on the trip to tell her to go home 😂😂😂

    And the backlash has been quick and crazy. Carlos King and his interview with her. Carlos King vs Dr. Heavenly. That leaked video of Dr. Jackie and everyone online coming for her and Dr. Simone (with Buffie leading the charge).


    A mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  6. 2 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I have no opinion but most people seem to be quite taken with him. 

    It's probably from all the genre shows he's been on. I even had to go back online and was amazed at everything he's been in. Just good casting...cuz he can be romantic lead (hmmm him with Carly), a threat a la action hero like he was on V, cunningly dangerous like he was on The Magicians, and anything in between.

  7. 6 hours ago, Toups said:

    Just two episodes back and it looks like Chris and Dan are moving quick on things: ending Pikeman, and Esme is finally starting to remember her past.  I like both of these developments. 

    Thanks for the info about C and D being back.


    I knew it was coming, but I've enjoyed them being gone with stories having more structure. And endings or turns.



    Awwwww. I always wanted Blaze brought back. I hated that Linc storyline, but I thought she had potential and reminded me of old school BrookLynn with her style. So I have loved having her back. And I've loved the growing relationship with Kristina. But I've enjoyed having MORE Kristina. So you know I LOVED that kiss. Side note...they gave Kristina an apartment? 


    And Chase proposed? Swoons.


    I can't believe that the writers found an organic way to break up Anna and Valentin. I don't see them coming back from this. 


    I continue to like Charles Mesure.

  8. 12-15


    Well, I thought this was a decent week.


    CZ continues to chew the scenery as Jordan. Can we keep her? She's so fascinating to watch. 


    I hollered at Abby's 'Ho' meter going off as Heather slowly moved in on Daniel. But I've been enjoying everything Lily/Daniel/Heather. There been some awkward breaks in there, but it still has been paced enough that a story is peeking out. Lily/Daniel slowly getting together. Hints of Daniel's past. Daniel's past showing up. And now...it's back in town...and setting roots. All legacy characters, too. So drama in 3...2...


    I agree with Tucker. Diane and Ashley on the same side? Woooow. It's funny watching Jack, Diane, and Ashley vs Tucker knowing there's so much in play. Most importantly Billy vs Kyle. Speaking of Kyle, I haven't found MM attractive since he lost the pandemic weight, but I suuuure didn't mind him laying around in his boxers most of this episode. Lol. I know I've missed some episodes so I am wondering if Kyle is playing his own game in this whole mess...outside of him and Diane trying to get Billy booted out of Jabot. 

    But speaking of Billy...if him back at Chancellor means MORE of Jill in town...I would be down for that. lol. 


    And THANK YOU to whoever did the camera angles on Christine looking through the glass at Giggly Heffa and Summer after her kiss with Danny. That was a classic. But I live for Christine vs Phyllis. Poor Danny. You are getting in the middle of a mess. 


    I love Summer/Chance. CF has really come into his own for me. And I could stare into his eyes all day. 



  9. 7 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    That’s the one. That was such a non starter.

    But...it HAD potential. But so did the characters of Noah and Allie so of course it was dropped.


    7 hours ago, Faulkner said:


    Noah was moping around wearing black for absolutely nothing. 

    lol. He was. When he should have been wearing...well...nothing. Kinda like what they have reduced Kyle to.

    5 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Connor Floyd at least seems fun IRL. Chance allows him to show none of that.

    Yeah, the scenes on 12-15 were adorable and CF definitely had some charm with Summer.

  10. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:
    4 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    They apparently lost a child together when they were a couple off canvas if I’m remembering correctly. It was when they wanted to humanize Audra a little bit after she first came on.

    Wow, I might have to go back and check those episodes. Watching Audra now, I would never have thought she would allow anything that could be a possible vulnerability.

    Are you all talking about Audra's backstory with Noah back when I was hoping for an Allie/Noah/Audra triangle since she's the one who broke his heart in London with him coming back depressed? 

  11. 12-14


    I can't believe how Ridge is making this Eric thing all about him. I was hoping for more from Donna for sure. That said...THANK YOU, THORNE for showing up at the hospital and checking his a$$. I've never been so happy since I was expecting him at the hospital (and not at the house) ageeeeessss ago.


    It goes without saying JG is acting her butt off.




  12. RHOP


    Meanwhile...the Austin trip continues. And it was a pretty good episode. It was great to see them in groups and different combos. And yet for all that fun, there was a dark cloud over everything that points to the problem again in this group.


    And that name...is Gizelle.


    And the same thing is...there was a moment where Gizelle DID have a little bit of fun. And she could have kept going. Her and La Dame on good terms is always going to be a ki ki. But again...she had to go left. And by left, she was starting to spend a NEW narrative. A darker narrative. Given the online debate on colorism with this cast, the last thing I feel Gizelle should have mentioned that she was getting death threats...something that Candiace herself had been dealing with years earlier...to deaf ears at the time. Given the ongoing debate, I just don't feel it is a good move. Also not a good move was the fact that she was talking to La Dame about this rather than sitting down with Candiace to discuss it woman to woman. It makes it again appear that Gizelle is being calculating and dare I say it...a Karen? It was just a bad look all around for me.


    Not a bad look...was the continuing saga of The Ditzy Bitca. Juan's Roommate finally had a breakdown from people coming from her and winding up on the curb. Meanwhile, Candiace actually felt sorry about how their friendship was. She even seem open to mending fences. So did the Roommate in fact. Until...GIZELLE. Just ugh. And then that last scene with her and Juan...I wish I could feel sorry for her, but she's in a hell of her own making. And even with her friends and 'friends' trying to open her eyes...she's just too blind to see. 


    Did I mention this episode was fun? LOL!!! Ashley with the Chicken Bingo. La Dame and her allergies to chicken and how she reacted oh so La Dame. Mia with some one-liners. Wendy and the singer. La Dame not being able to swim during kayoing...she even had a FUN moment with Gizelle and Roommate Robyn. See? It is possible for this group to get along...if they wanted to. But there was only one person who kept trying to keep the drama going...GIZELLE. 


    Either she needs to stop...or a clever takedown season needs to take place. 


    LA DAME. La Dame continue to prove that she's game for anything to keep this group together. Cuz her, Ashley, and the chicken bingo. lol. I mentioned that kayoying with her, Gizelle, and Robyn. And we know she's good with Candiace and Wendy. Even with Mia. We haven't seen much with NeckHo yet, but we know it's coming.


    GIZELLE. I can't with her. She's really the main person keeping things nasty and I don't like it. This episode just highlighted for me because she CAN be fun when she lets herself be. But she's so hellbent on getting rid of Candiace and Wendy...ugh. I would think someone so clearly smart would be able to see that her best shot at a good show would be showing resolution or compromise...especially since she's NOT the injured party. She clearly took that read Candiace gave her personally. She best be careful or she'll get another bomb dropped on her a la Monique S5 reunion.


    ASHLEY. Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. She started this season stirring the pot. And now...she's planning chicken bingo and doing Tik-Tok videos? Yeeeeah, I am going to need a little more. Thankfully, that appears to be on the way by foreshadowing the Michael Darby court case hanging over Candiace's head that is also over Ashley and her dynamic with Candiace.


    MIA. LORD...she was doing every and any thing to be in a scene even when it had nothing to do with her. Cuz her and Roommate are not that close for her to be running outside to see if she was okay. lol. But...at least she's willing to be around anybody though I guess.


    WENDY. It's funny how Wendy never messes a moment to take a pot shot at Mia...very much like how La Dame does the same with that Roommate...lol. That said...it was good to see the NeckHo feud in the background and Wendy just having fun with the girls. Speaking of...


    NECKHO. GIRL, SHUT UP. Speaking on the dynamic without knowing the history.


    CANDIACE. It was sad seeing how she feels about a friendship with Robyn Roommate. But...she at least seems willing to mend the fence. I don't feel she's worth it, but it is what it is. And the conflict with Ashley is there...just bubbling beneath the surface. Not to mention another Gizelle attack. They really do keep her relevant when she's really not doing anything, but being around. And I loved her shoutout to the 'Kurn wig' during the group birthday confessional to La Dame.


    ROOMMATE. I don't even have the words that I haven't said already but this point. I'm as tired as Juan at the end of the episode I guess. 


    It was a good episode, but I can't believe it's on break. lol. 

  13. SLC


    While it appears tonight is going to be a good one, I found last week's episode to be meh.


    I'm all for shifting alliances, but the episode just moved haphazardly. The episode before was so much crazy fun. And there was signs of that...like Lisa saying her hall pass would be Ibris Elba. I hollered cuz #taste. I felt like they were actually trying to have a fun time...in spite of the Monica family mess.


    I admit that I now side-eye Monica a little bit now that Daytime Fan drop that little tea about the family. I really thought her thirsty mama did do something. Something to make one go hmmm. And also why give Lisa that tea on Angie K? Otherwise I still like her.


    I can't say the same for Heather. Not even five minutes into the episode and she was going behind Little Girl's back. Then she wanted to be all funny about sex when she was all about BBC in the first two seasons. Her daughter's sex life I completely understand. But her? And the ONLY single woman there. The lack of self-awareness (not the mention her failed attempt to make a moment like Little Girl did on her last episode with STFU) was glaring. 


    And the mystery of Angie K's tea. I don't know who would send it. That said...the fact that the ladies tried to use it for a gang up on Meredith. And Meredith...was unbothered. That was hilarious. But...was that what she was deleting off her phone. Again...things that make you go hmmm.


    A false note on the trip. But again...tonight's episode looks like fun.



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