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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. Well to be fair...it's a given that there would be a reveal so that is NOT at all a spoiler. ;)


    And anyone that knows me here knows that I loathe being spoiled. And even when I am spoiled, I stay vague. Thus, I ain't talking specifics. Heck, I don't know the specifics cuz...what was it I say about not wanting to be spoiled? ;);) 



  2. RHOP


    Now that I have something like a few minutes...lol.


    I hope everyone is well. There has been a lot going on good and bad, but I felt I needed a bit of a break. Which for me meant soaps and housewives. LOL!!!


    I'm not caught up on any shows (sorry, RHOM, but I love you. ;) ) but RHOP. And from what I can tell online, I appear to be in the minority because I've been liking it so far. Granted M2M has been hitting it out of the gate from Episode 1, but I don't mind RHOP being a little bit slower. Moreso because they did have some fallout to deal with. Thank you, Robyn Juan's Roommate.


    Perhaps that's why I like it. I wanted to see Robyn punished for her lying, deflecting, and all around ditziness over Juan. And the fact that the cast AND Production have taken every...and I do mean EVERY...opportunity to clown, drag, and laugh at her is just what she deserves. Moreso because she NEEDS the money so she will film. And apparently...so will Juan now that he's jobless...a fact that EVERYONE has picked up on and picked on him and rightfully so. 


    And then there's the fallout from Gizelle vs Candiace...and how it has divided the group. Similarly to what I said about RHOA (which I also need to finish), the group is now divided into two groups it seems. And while I love this past Sunday's episode because it was giving the Reasonably Shady episode, I know they cannot keep doing what they are doing by just ignoring each other or not showing up. So God bless La Dame for being the fence that everyone has to ride...hehe...and trying to get them together. Who knew La Dame could be such a mini producer a la Kyle/Gizelle/etc. But...not vicious. :)


    But that brings me to the nasty-ness of New Girl (who I don't like) vs Wendy. At first I liked it because it appeared to be going in the direction of a petty feud...a staple on good Housewives seasons. And the fact that Ashley was the one who started it? CLOCK IN, GIRL!!! That house ain't going to pay for itself. However, this past Sunday it appears like it's going to get nasty by throwing Wendy's mama into it...and cultural information that I'm not familiar with but am STILL sensitive to as a person...so seeing someone use it can be a slippery slope. And online already appears to be up in arms about it. But...I'll wait and see.


    As for the ladies....to me...


    LA DAME. If anyone has the memo, it's La Dame. I have laughed at her shading at the Roommate. I have hollered at her little side-plot with Messy Mia. But at the same time, she knows this group cannot stay divided. And the best way to get people together (and help herself from people saying she does not seem engaged) was to get busy. She's had group events. One on one scenes. Mini group scenes. She has been everywhere and been EVERYTHING.


    GIZELLE. Making her daughters her storyline? I love Gizelle's daughters so I don't mind. And it's something that gives us something REAL. Who can't relate to the kids growing up...and we have watched them grow up on this show...and head to college. It resonates. And I...and yes, I'm saying it...liked that she has not at all IMHO softballed on talking about Juan and Roommate. She actually appears to be being a friend and trying to get Roommate to open her eyes to who she's with. But...alas. And I will always live for Wendy giving her dust. 


    ROBYN. ROOMMATE. I never thought I would see the day that I feel a dislike for a Housewife even moreso than Teddi Terri Demarco, but here we are. Or maybe that is still too soon for me because I can still feel pity for her since we know the history, but this co-dependency is just smh. And she just seems so ditzy. Has Juan really gaslighted her this much? Well...not too much if she can go and sit with New Girl and start mess, but Heaven forbid someone aims mess back at her. As Ex Soap Opera Star would say...she needs to own it. 


    CANDIACE. Well, I always wanted Candiace focused on her career. And we are getting that. But she's been very light this year. So far. lol. Looks like she's back next week. 


    ASHLEY. Smh. Still lying. BUT she's back to stirring the pot. And it's not bugging me like it did pre-pregancy. But we will see.


    WENDY. Still the target? smh. I did get a hoot out of the fact that she timed her show premiere to that episode. So...using the platform like Candiace has been. I've been enjoying watching her so far. 


    MIA. We know I'm a Messy Mia fan. So I am happy to see her back. Just to see the fallout of her and G losing the company. And I know for sure she will give comic relief. 


    NEW GIRL. LINT. Okay, I take it back...I saw how she treated her husband and I thought of Dr. Simone at that S5(?) M2M reunion with her warning to the husband. 





  3. I admit when I saw this...I at first did say FINALLY!!! NOW don't even come back at another character. LOL!!!


    That said...as I play catch up, I don't know who has been writing...and I WILL be talking about it as a later date cuz I've been enjoying the beginnings, middles, and most importantly endings to a lot of the stories since the strike was on its way and now it seems the writers are learning to shift stories, but still keep them with B, M, and Es...but I was actually enjoying how Austin was written now. Though it's a shame with the resurgence of all those Qs in the house, they couldn't play with that a little bit more. 


    Oh, well. 


  4. Since I've been busy and not around and DID at least see his appearance at the end of last week's episode before Thanksgiving...



    I've always wondered if Cole would EVER come back into play. So I am intrigued to see what they do with him.

    But I've enjoyed all the returns for this anniversary year.



  5. 11-3


    'Bring it.' YOU BETTA LET SHEILA KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS, STEFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Just keep in mind, Steffy...it's SHEILA!!! Don't go anywhere alone. Or at least...stay on ready. ;) 


    That said...I liked the fashion show. Those montages they have been doing for Eric does show how much they had to cut back, but I thought it was something different with the Hope(?) voiceover. I even liked all the humor with Charlie/Esther and Countess/Esther. I thought the dresses were to die for. And did I peek a RJ/Luna/Zende/Paris thing going on? Cuz I'm not even sure they are in the same age range for it. And I still feel that if Zende is going to have a rivalry, it should be with Thomas. RJ/Luna already have enough drama for now from Li.


    I know that I wanted to shake both Eric and Ridge. Ridge especially. He was so insufferable before someone told him his dad was dying. No wonder Dollar Bill calls him the Dressmaker...he was being extra AF. lol. 


    I like that while they followed and built up to the fashion show, the writers found ways to have a lot going on. I also like they are starting into several stories still post-show. And LOVE that I was right about Steffy returning at the tail end.


    Trivia note...Finn was looking like a whole a$$ snack in Steffy return scenes. Just mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  6. First of all this Billy/Kyle rivalry is putting the YOUNG back in Young and the Restless.

    Second of all...I wanted to say this before but watching it play out so are we going to have Ashley be Tucker and Tucker be Ashley now that she's back in town. As in they switched roles in the storyline. Cuz it was Tucker coming after Ashley and Ashley making him prove himself and getting the upper hand on him along the way before falling for him. Cuz...meh. Though I love their chemistry.


    And now...11-2...


    ...and I LIKED it. But what stands out for me was really all the camera angles through out. Highlights was Christine and Phyllis in the park and how they were angled in such a different way than they usually are. And then the end when Phyllis asks Danny out for dinner, and the camera swoops in on Christine's entrance. And if looks could kill look on Phyllis. 


    And the flashbacks worked for me because I see big hair Cricket and giggle a bit since I was not around or old enough to watch. And every Phyllis vs Christine flashback was GOLD. I used to like their scenes like that. And it goes without saying the writing was better because they both went IN. 


    Now if they are going to get scenes like THAT, I would be down for the Phyllis/Danny/Christine triangle coming back...which is where it appears to be going...

  7. On 11/7/2023 at 10:23 PM, DaytimeFan said:


    Admittedly, I have never understood the appeal of Lisa or how she garnered the nickname ‘Fabulous Ice’ on this board because all I see is a self centred, dumb, whiney woman with a penchant for junk food and overpriced diamonds. 

    Now why am I catching a stray? :D :D


    Seriously though...as the person here that coined said phrase, I do not mind re-explaining said name...though I agree with you that from Season 2 on (and I'm sure I said it often during Season 2 until now) why she got that phrase.

    From Episode 1, I dubbed her that because she was what EricFake on BH wishes she was...RICHHHH and most importantly ICY. I will at least give EricFake that does come across as inherently cold (c) PK, it was always clear that she really did care about what others thought of her. Lisa...at least back then...did not at all and played ice well. And anyone in charge of Sundance was going to have money. She really was not overacting during Season 1, though she was self absorbed.


    I would say the turning point was the Season 1 reunion and the slow cracks between her and Meredith in their friendship. Because in Season 2, she seem like a different beast...and IMHO not a good one. I pretty sure I used to pick on that all the time. Whiny. Waaaay overdramatic. etc. Everything you said she was about with Monica and definitely so far this season when she is activated...I am two episodes behind so I will verify later, but I do trust your judgment. :)


    Lisa has been so inconsistent in the last two seasons for me that I always point out when I talk about an episode when she's being 'Fabulous Ice.' So far, this season, even I have noticed that I call her more Lisa than I call her that. Because she...again, I am two episodes behind...has come across different again. Not quite Fabulous Ice, but not the overdramatic harpy she's been the last two seasons. It also helps that her story with her son humanizes her. But her with her kids have always done that over the last three seasons. But this mission thing is new. Fresh. So she's getting some depth. That said...this difference...makes the rivalry between her and Monica going on so good. It is something different to play off the seriousness of her son drama and also it is a fun petty feud, but I see both sides...well so far. And I do feel there's projection going on on BOTH sides on top of that.


    Now keep in mind, that is my opinion here. I am aware other people on social media have taken Lisa as all of these things and just stan. But just like with La Dame, I think we know the difference between me just loving and defending passionately a housewife I like and know I don't stan. And I do call out my favorites (*cough*LuAnn*cough*) when I think they do bad or is a bad look rather than follow blindly. So I definitely don't want to be attached to the real of the social media circus that call Lisa QUUWEEEN. 

    But I am simply explaining the origins of the nickname and why I feel she has grown (somewhat, but not completely) away from it.  

  8. On 11/6/2023 at 5:44 AM, YRBB said:

    SCANDAL Season 7. Took me a little while to get through the show, but it was a fun, messy, addictive ride.

    Oooooo heeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy!!! lol.


    Between you doing this...a woman on Twitter who is binging it for the very first time as well...and now this morning a clothes debate on Twitter between her and Gina Torres's character on SUITS...I'm living!!! :)


    I might just rewatch as well. lol.

  9. 8 hours ago, Cat said:


    That's not the only feud:

    OK, I'm ready for RHODubai to come back. 😍 Even though there are too many RH shows (and M2M) coming back at once and I can't keep up.

    Based off of Season 1 reunion, I expected Ayan and Sara to get into it. I'm sorry to say it now, but Sara is giving fake or doing the HW no-no...not being transparent. Most of this fight has already been posted (spoiler alert-it ends the episode where Sara did get some good shade in) and it just feels like Sara is lording her status over others. 


    That said...as long as it's a petty feud...cuz this is all over BEYONCE (and I love how RHOM that scene looks)...to offbalance the REAL feud between Lesa and everyone...so secret that EVERYONE is talking about it...I'm down.


    Have you seen the breathtaking confessionals yet? 

  10. 3 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:


    They need a return of LVP.


    12 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:


    Btw, I was rewatching season 1 of RHOBH and the one thing I noticed that was done back then was that there were episodes where the women weren't together.  They hung out with their own friends, their significant other, their kids, etc... unlike now where the women are together way too much.

    Well tbf, they all on all shows STILL do. We just don't see all of it on screen. Like until recently, you could always count on Kyle to be hanging with Faye somewhere and posting a picture, Kandi and her mulitiple friends all over the world, etc. And lest's not forget Garcelle's scene with HER friend group two seasons back. 


    If anything ....unlike Jennifer Tilly who I love seeing and hate when Production cut out her scenes...most RL friends appear to not want to film. Emphasis on appear. 


    And then there's the groups where they ARE geniune friends on AND off screen, but that's another talk I believe. 

  11. RHOM


    That was a pretty great finale.


    But this whole season has been worth the wait for me. They get along. They fight. They get over it...usually. And through it all, they do act like a group of REAL friends. 


    And that cast trip...HELL TO THE NO on that gang-up on Adriana. Like Nicole, I could see both sides of that. Adriana never should have used Frankie as an example though she was not trying to be malicious with her saying it. Just her doing a foot in mouth. If anything, I thought the fact that Marysol was (and continued) to run with that to get Adriana booted was telling. Not to mention high-school-ish. On the other hand, Adriana's feelings are valid. Marysol/Alexia get together and act like mean girls, invalidating any closeness the other girls they get close to bring. And with Lisa busy with her Lenny drama, Adriana is odd woman out. And she was feeling lonely...moreso knowing that tea she dropped about her personal life aka ailmony. And they just ignore her cuz ADRIANA. As if they ALL are overdramatic in Las Cubas. Adriana did not help her case though with the toe drama. 


    So the finale was about the icing out of Adriana...proving how important she is btw...and about Lisa's drama. And ooooh at her MiL turning her back on her. Sad to see since it took years to get those two on the same page. And now Lisa lost an ally. And the fact her and Lenny were still fighting in the closing scene of the finale. smh.


    Which was another thing I loved about the finale. Most HW shows do catch up on all the storylines from the season. However, production can be dicey on story flow so viewers forget about some stories that get dropped midseason or ends quickly. I liked that I felt all the storylines brought up was something that carried throughout all (or the majority) of the season. It just felt...coherent...if it makes sense. Like an actual telenovela which has a beginning, middle, AND an end. 


    That said...Marysol is DEAD to me and I will drag her skinny butt like I do Teddi Terri cuz she was disgusting. And I kept getting the sense that Alexia would have already gotten over it if it was not for her.


    PS. Loved how up to the minute the closing notes were. Because I feel we were just finding out about Marcus Jordan, Martina and the cancer, the restraining order against Lisa dropped, etc. post filming. Props to the Production being on point. 


    Off to the reunion...






    I'm not going to lie. I'm getting so nervous. lol. 


    The premiere is tonight and I'm on Episode 14...and have a reunion to go. Yay!!! For me!!!


    I love my HW telenovela show!!!! And so much has been going on as I've been binging. The whole mess of Lisa's marriage falling apart and watching it unfold (and still unfolding given what I posted a few pages back) has been real AND chilling. On wow at him going to the press first with that girl. But him telling Lisa something else. And THEN he had the audacity to want to have Lisa go shopping for him. And then he took the trainer...and he's trying to take the house. And how the kids are being affected and Lenny DOESN'T CARE??? Ugh. I respect Lisa for putting it all out there. 


    Then there is the fall of Alexia. WOW!!! You all mentioned it and I've seen clips, but watching it has been eye opening. Her vs Juila about her comments. Her getting like a dog with a bone with Adriana's man...and then it turned out that he not only OWNED her...but that whole mess was because she did not go down her phone screen completely....GUUUURLLL!!! And then her rivalry with Nicole...oooooh the AmEx scene with little violin was EVERYTHING!!! That dinner scene was easily one of my favorite scenes of the season due to everyone confronting her basis on her attitude. And Alexia....COULD...NOT...DEAL. And just when you thought it was over...Alexia's life hits again with the appearance of the Cocaine Cowboy himself...HER EX-HUSBAND. I knew it was coming and STILL fell out. smh. I have made it to the start of the cast trip so I admit I liked that Adriana was finally able to talk to Alexia woman to woman to try to clear the air between them. And sadly it was ruined by Marysol...proving Adriana's point. 


    Outside of that, I love that so many individual stories to take in around all the mess. And I feel invested. Julia trying to find time to love with Martina and still do how her heart feels by dealing with her being an empty nester felt real. And I'm happy that she is trying adoption. Guerdy's foine husband talking to her about work/life balance, something that as a single black man post-spiritual breakup (don't ask), has been on my mind as of late. And I love watching trying to navigate that. Adriana is always going to be fun messy for me so her shade is fun to watch cuz 'we are 50 and old and our vision do be going' took me out at the dinner. #doublehomicide Then we have Larsa and Nicole (especially Dr. Nicole) showing off how rich they are. Nicole's dad drama still be popping up...though he was a hoot at her engagement party with Marysol.


    So fingers crossed I finished this cast trip.


    That said...


    ALEXIA. The fall from grace was real. Dr. Nicole clowned her every which way but loose. AND showed class by even apologizing for doing NOTHING. And her and Todd double-teaming Dr. Nicole and Anthony was such a bad look. Season 4 definitely went to her head and shows. And just when I want to write her off, I was reminded of her potential as the telenovela queen by the appearance of her ex-husband. Just ooooo...stuff staying happening to her. And you want to see what happens next. That said...I can see why Adriana would think that Alexia/Marysol are bad influences on each other...and that plays into the whole group history which I love.


    LARSA. Has stayed working for that mojoto. She pot stirred that whole drama with that rumor (and no receipts) that led to Nicole vs Alexia/Marysol at the lawyer party. 


    GUERDY. And THAT is what a relationship looks like. Honest communication. I loved every minute of it, too. And then watching Guerdy work on it while still being herself.


    JULIA. Speaking of awwww, I continue to like watching her relationship with Martina as well. And seeing her struggle with the empty nest and now adoption. And I loved that she went to Guerdy about the news. Real female friendship.


    LISA. Just wow. I still feel that she deluded herself into thinking she and Lenny would work it out so it is hitting harder. But she put her from the wringer. And the drama with her kids. Her son not knowing how to feel. And her daughter slapping her. Oooooo...real stuff. I was just as shocked as she was. And yes, my mom would have put me in the corner AND a spanking. 


    NICOLE. lol. So like last season. She started off so slow burn...and then WAS the drama. And this set of episodes...WOW. She took on all those OGS and WON!!! And the Black AmEx. The little violin. The checking of Larsa. They were pressssssssed. I think I love me some Dr. Nicole. But I've loved her since she arrived at the party on a boat. And she still brings drama through her family.


    MARYSOL. From making a good comeback, like her BFF, she really has gotten tired, too. 


    ADRIANA. Queen. And yes, she's extra, but she's always been extra. lol. I don't care. At least for all the extra-ness, there are moments where her human side comes out. I can't say that for some of the others.


    But...let's march on to the finale now...

    2 hours ago, kalbir said:

    Miami premiere tonight. I am only here for any Larsa/Marcus drama.

    Marcus Jordan Wants Dad Michael as His Best Man at Larsa Pippen Wedding (usmagazine.com)

    AFAIK an engagement hasn't been confirmed. If there is a marriage, get ready for Larsa Pippen Jordan. She's so going to be using both last names.

    Hehe. Welcome. :) 

  13. 46 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    Others may play into Whitney's game but you cant fool Mary

    Which is why I enjoy each and every moment that Little Girl...GETS...DRAGGED. ;)


    Sounds like another good episode. 


    Working on finishing my RHOM binge today and might watch it later.




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