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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 17 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    lol...she's on her Simon Gioudabia and just secured her spot for next season

    I saw a picture and fell out!!!





    5 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    I dont think she will. This is so messy and the type of storyline they wish they got out of Porsha. Imagine if Gordon continues to film?


    Mia also is back cool with Jacqueline so I can see the producers bring her back to buff up Mia's story and presense on the show

    We should be seeing Jacqueline this season as well per midseason trailer. I'm excited cuz I loved Battle of the Receipts last reunion. 


    8 hours ago, Cat said:


    I'm almost afraid to ask... what did I miss? This?


    There's even a picture of the front of the man as well. I bet Gordon is pissed. 



  2. RHOM


    And we know I'M watching. Happy joy for me in spite of work and Bravo trying to sabotage it like they are RHOA/RHOP's Production team. If anything I'm shocked we haven't heard from @Chris B who loves RHOM as well. 


    And I've done with Episode 7...the first part of the cast trip and...


    God, I stay loving this show. So I can't see why no one has been watching live...unless they are busy like me. lol. One of the best things I love about RHOM has been its telenovela vibe. There was so many people. And there's so much going on. And in true HW form, there are events going on that are interesting. But their individual stories are also good. I was not bored at all about Julia and the opera singing. And seeing it all come together...and the cleverness of the fact that all the time Martina was doing cancer and thinking Julia was ignoring her when Julia was just planning a surprise for her because she knew her love would beat it...that was adorable. And then the event itself...the women and their fashion was GIVING. 


    Another thing the women give? DRAMA. Collectively AND individually. I couldn't believe it, but Julia vs Marysol has legs. And given what's coming...could this Adriana takedown season slowly be turning into a Marysol takedown season? Cuz Julia started with her at the start of the season...and now she's coming for her at the dinner the first night of Palm Beach. And she's not alone. Adriana. Alexia...of all people? Then there's Larsa vs Guerdy. Larsa has been dragged and rightfully so and deserves every bit of shade that Guerdy has thrown at her. And that does not even begin to touch on the beginning of Lisa vs Kiki.


    That does bring me back to what I said above...they ALL have stories and they are not boring. We continue to get fallout from Lisa and Lenny cuz...you used the car he put a TRACKING DEVICE ON??? REALLY, GIRL?? lol. There's definitely something brewing with Alexia like there always is. I mentioned Julia and the opera singing. And of course, there's Guerdy and her dealing with cancer.


    So...how are things standing as I'm two episodes away from catching up...


    ALEXIA. Now, Alexia, hunni, what is THIS??? I was right there with Guerdy when she asked what was up with Alexia throwing Marysol under the bus. I guess she's really going in on that apology tour she's been on. Still I was in shock. 


    LARSA. Just...NO. For any good moment she had...like showing off and supporting her man, she does something stupid. She tried to turn Guerdy's cancer into a 'all about her' thing...and even worse...tried the 'is it real?' game. That was foul. Guerdy read her a$$ and I was here for every moment. Though 'couldn't find a GPS if it hit on your a$$' did take me all the way out. And Production was there every moment for the rollback. That was chef's kiss. 


    GUERDY. I felt she has handled the Larsa mess so well so far. I was definitely beside myself so far with her going to the basketball event or anything and everyone around her already KNEW she had cancer. The definition of awkward. In any case, she gave Larsa all the clues she needed and then she properly read her. I also like how much strength she has been showing in light of her cancer diagnosis. She is still going to events. She has a new perspective that she's been showing off, too. 


    JULIA. Speaking of new perspective...WOW. Like I've been saying...GET YOUR RHOA S7 50CYNT ON, GIRL!!! lol. I didn't even realize how important Julia has been until this first dinner party at Palm Beach. I haven't noticed that Marysol vs Julia has been on simmer since the first couple of episodes. Why? Because she had so much going on BESIDES that. Dealing with Martina. Setting up her opera surprise for Martina. The fact there are now cracks in her friendship with Adriana because of her being befriended by Alexia. Not to mention being a good friend to Guerdy as well. So different from her first season. Some called her boring. I found her refreshing. But she has been a dog without a bone on Marysol...and I'm loving it. It's giving 'that friend who does not forgive the guy that hurt your best friend even when your friend does' and I'm here for it. Moreso because they seem evenly matched. I hollered when Marysol knew who Julia's source was. 


    LISA. Smh. I just...a mess!!! I did not expect all this mess about her talking about Lenny too much. And while I liked Kiki's tough love on it, I was bothered that Lisa did not see it that way...then her scene at the scene smelling...resonated. As someone who has been coming out of a situation now...funnily enough it really started NYE LAST YEAR...I can see how hard it is to get over someone. At least she has someone. But she needs to SEE that. In time. Until then, I'm here for the petty feud.


    NICOLE. Loved her in the car with Adriana and Kiki when they were dancing/singing to FI-YA. That was soooo relatable. But so was the whole car ride to Palm Beach. lol.


    MARYSOL. Are we getting a takedown season? Color me shocked cuz I thought it was supposed to be an Adriana takedown season? hehe.



  3. Oh, lord...they messing with John's past again??


    Happy to see that I'm getting more Bill/Li scenes. But I see they are going to be diving into that subplot with her sister and Bill as well.


    On 12/28/2023 at 10:37 AM, soapfan770 said:

    Tate and Holly are  now SOARSed teenagers going to jail…?

    I thought the same thing.

  4. 1 minute ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    No problem, agree to disagree. From a writing perspective, it was missing beats (where was the reversal? Who played the part of the red herring in the piece? Where were the rising complications?) 

    I was thinking of what @Khanmentioned about the way WJB layered his characters and stories. Claire seemed like a very basic archer and Jordan (despite the yeoman’s work put in by CZP to make Jordan entertaining) seems like a caricature of JG’s recent villains. Although, at this point, I half expect there to be some odd sort of jailbreak where Jordan goes, on the run. The performances were good but the story itself felt predictable and fell very flat. JMO though and I tend to be a tough critic.

    I keep wanting to say they had all that at the 'cabin' well house when they did the Claire is Eve reveal. If anything they could have stretched Nikki as hostage out LONGER to give it more stakes. Or they getting all the Newmans there one...by...ONE. But I can agree to disagree. :)


    I thought about saying this in my previous post, but this works here. William Bell was definitely so great at how he layered his stories...as well as paced them. I felt JG (or the strike writers) did decent with this one...and I feel the same for the strike writers work over at GH. Moreso but I digress...because this had a beginning, a middle, and (as of 12-26) an end of sorts.


    But one can't help but wonder if we will ever have layed pacing like William Bell had ever again? Because yes, Bell would have you feeling sorry for ALL the characters if not understanding what makes them tick. Watching CZ vamp it up, I was just happy to see someone standing up to Victor and coming across as a threat. But yeah, she was one dimensional.

  5. 12-15


    First of all, MOOOOOOOOOOONIIIIIIIIIIICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see LC back on screen.


    Speaking of keepers, can we keep Lois? Her and Olivia decking up the Q mansion with Leo was adorable. Annnnd here comes Tracy!!! Back at last. And already setting up a storyline for her I see.


    Okay, I'm getting used to seeing Adam. Though I would rather have him in Joss/Dex's orbit and nowhere near Sprina outside of friends. But perhaps it's because it's nice to see a teen/college set with the stories that go with it again. 


    As much as I love seeing 'Beast' weave his web, I have noticed that we have not seen Ms. Wu in a minute. With Ned scheming on Nina, too it's good to see scheming and villains popping up to spin tales.


    10 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I would establish Brenda and her son outside of the Sonny universe for awhile and then have Sonny making moves to better himself and win Brenda.  It's a bit difficult without Jax/Jason around, but I assume they could find a good ex-soap hunk to be her love interest for awhile.

    All THIS.

    But...curious...do you see ANYONE on the current canvas that could work. outside of Drew...though that could be fun cuz...CARLY. And of course, I want BRENDA if they went there. 





  6. 5 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I would still say the interest is there in Brenda.  I am not sure about the interest in Sonny/Brenda these days.  I would probably tie her to Sonny at first then follow a similar playbook to KMc/Robin's return and hire someone else for Brenda's love interest and move her away from Sonny and into the Deception fold.   I can't quite picture Brenda with anyone on canvas although Drew would probably be the most likely person.

    Because we know Brenda is so connected that it will ALWAYS work. ;) 


    I wouldn't mind seeing her AWAY for Sonny for a minute myself. It's not the show is ending so they can do the Y&R Victor/Nikki approach of having years apart from each other with their own love interests, own stories, and the briefest of interactions a la teases. 



  7. 3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Taking time to lay the groundwork for a story is not a budget buster. Much of the groundwork for the story should have been laid before we even saw Jordan. It was done at top speed and all we are left are caricatures. I don’t get the feeling of any genuine love between Jordan and Claire from how this story was told. Claire comes off as a tool to be used at will by Jordan, for kicks, is what it looks like. It makes me question what Jordan is actually doing this for, because the writing gives me nothing in terms of any real connection between Jordan and her sister Eve Howard. The one thing, and I mean the only thing that I find interesting is whether Cole will stick around and if this whole thing was a means to bring he and Victoria back together. We all know that Victoria stays having a new relationship.

    I guess we’ll always have our memories of the classic Y&R storylines @Khan.

    And I still think CZP’s skills could have been better served as a recast Margo Linley on B&B. I am not sure where the character of Eric Forrester is these days, I don’t watch the show anymore and I have only somewhat read the rumors, but in any case, a brief visit by Margo could have been good.

    You know I love you, but I have to disagree with the setup on the Claire/Jordan storyline. It all started with Nikki mentioning needing an assistant. The viewers got to see the interview with Claire (and here we were discussing how HK was bland and I was in the minority because I said she looked like she gave crazy eyes and looked what happened. lol). She got hired and was kept in the background as other stories happened like Tucker/Ashley, Tales of the Giggly Heffa, my lovely triangle of Heather/Daniel/Lily, etc. where characters gave her tea on how characters were connected. Claire crossed with a few characters...mostly Newmans if not all Newmans. We also saw she appeared good at her job. I felt like that happened over a few weeks, but it did happen slow and gradually. Speaking of gradual


    THEN they added mystery. Claire's having a stare at a picture of Victoria. The newspaper clippings. And of course, Claire taking Nikki hostage. And then...enter Jordan.


    Now the Jordan stuff to me felt rushed. But I assume they had CZ for a limited time. I would love to keep her, but I felt like it was overdue that the Newmans had some drama time. And it's been a minute...outside of the start of Sally/Nick and I do love that this story was firmly started and still continues to Nikki... since I was interested in anything Newman versus the Abbotts who are still spinning storyline gold for me as well as the Winters with Mamie back. And I felt it was tense for the most part and action-filled. And I still loved the coda of Jordan in the walls with the music and camera word. I love the gothic of it.


    That said...Jordan on the loose and the aftermath has been a little zig-zagging for me. Perhaps they did the 'Claire is Eve by DNA' part too soon. And like you, I do want to know if Cole is sticking around because potential. 


    But I felt this story has been quite well paced and not in a done in three weeks (which is JG's MO) kinda of way. Beats have been played IMHO. Heck, I'm currently watching 12-26 and they keep reminding in writing that Jordan and Eve had fallen out...something they touched on at the climax at the house, but I have noted how they keep reminding the audience. 

    23 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I just saw the Nikki/Jordan scene and was left feeling underwhelmed, as it all seemed beyond lazy and formulaic. Janice Ferri Esser has watched too way many bad hostage movies and cribbed a lot of that cliché dialogue. The expository scenes at the ranch with the Newmans were kinda mind-numbing.

    Nikki’s “drunk acting” was a bit overdone. I really wanted to see the Clash of the Titans, but Nikki bobbing and weaving and slurring ruined that opportunity. And Nikki not grabbing the gun when she knocked Jordan out… my God.

    Watching now and I am mostly feeling the same way. 


    However, i felt better when Nikki said she was faking being THAT amount of drunk. I was like 'well, go Nikki' cuz her bobbling was bugging me. 


    I also wanted Nikki to grab the gun. Cuz...really? I mean...Nikki has tangoed with Diane Jenkins in office for pete's sake. I expected a little more out of her. 

  8. On 12/28/2023 at 8:58 AM, MichaelGL said:


    Wasn't it discussed in another thread how he was paraded from CBS soap to CBS soap, and here he pops up again, a decade later 🤣

    Well that has been the Universe over this month and today (well now) is 12/31/23 alias 123123. ;) 

    On 12/29/2023 at 7:09 AM, Errol said:

    Based on what you linked/shared, it's clear that Stephanie Sloane is now in charge of that section and it is getting more attention from the magazine's editors as they are asking fans to email [email protected] if they have a question for their favorite soap star. Good for her.

    Among other changes at TV Guide, Jim Halterman (West Coast Bureau Chief) was recently let go. Among his many contributions to the magazine, he was the one who primarily covered soap content within the magazine prior to Michael Maloney's written content and now Stephanie's column/section. Prior to the shuttering of SOD last month, Halterman would have a snippet here or there in every other issue about the soaps and would sometimes have a longer story published on TV Insider (online counterpart to the magazine) along with a Zoom with the actor.

    Next year will be an interesting one. That I can already tell.

    More definitely intriguing. 

    On 12/29/2023 at 2:48 PM, Paul Raven said:


    Will have to wait and see him onscreen to 'judge'.



    On 12/29/2023 at 2:58 PM, Soapsuds said:

    I'm currently with a beard



    On 12/29/2023 at 3:10 PM, soapfan770 said:

    Unfortunately not all of us can maintain the perpetual frat boy look Josh Morrow has had for the last 30 years lol. (Which is quite a feat for JM)




  9. 20 minutes ago, Cat said:

    @Taoboi Dr Jackie released a second apology.

    I think it's time to move on now and stop bashing this woman's medical practice and, I believe, her genuine vocation in life.

    Hahahaha. I saw.


    Same. Going forward should be interesting. 

  10. On 12/10/2023 at 8:42 AM, Cat said:

    I am so pleased you are watching Miami in real time! It really is a joy to watch a cast which is made up of unique personalities but which works as a group, too. I think the secret ingredient is that each cast member has one BFF on which they can depend, even when they are fighting with someone else. So it is with Alexia and Marysol, Adriana and Julia, Lisa and Larsa, Nicole and Guerdy. And Kiki is the little sis everyone dotes on. Most of these are longtime real-life friendships that we have seen evolve. One of the nicest things, for me, as a fan of Julia's, is seeing her finally integrated in the group, forging friendships of her own with Alexia, Guerdy, Nicole, etc. I never thought I would see the day with Larsa and Julia kiki-ing in the car over her operatic performance for Martina! Martina is someone else who seems to have been embraced by the group, no matter where individuals may stand with Julia. The only thing I worry about is Alexia's attempt at befriending Julia. I'd like to think it's because she appreciates Julia for her kindness, and Alexia is of course on her apology tour after last season's missteps. But a part of me thinks that Alexia and Marysol want to pull Julia away from Adriana and leave Adriana isolated and off the show. Which would be a crying shame because IMO Adriana is as much an OG of this group as Alexia. Queen Adriana needs to stay!

    Another part of the Alexia apology tour: her and Todd kissing up to Nicole and Moneybags Anthony. Todd seems desperate for his attention! 

    Nicole is a Queen. End of. I love her smarts, her common sense, her personal story, her JOB, and the luxury she navigates with ease. I also love the considered and expert support she gives Guerdy.

    Guerdy this season is on fire and passionate, and driven by a cause -- beating cancer. Just as Lisa's divorce was at the heart of last season, so Guerdy's health journey is the heart of this one. I think its kind of beautiful that this cast, for all its wealth and ostentation, pettiness and drama, rich husbands and good-time golddiggers, understands what is truly important in life.

    Watching Larsa trying to not fumble the bag with Marcus Jordan is lowkey mesmerising. I, of course, am rooting for Team Michael Jordan's Lawyers.

    Still so much to come! Like you, I wish this was on Peacock, and counting a worldwide audience leisurely streaming the show. I am bummed that it's on Bravo and the live ratings are not great. What with Miami, BH, SLC, Potomac and M2M to watch, we have an excess of top-tier reality soaps and I have zero time to absorb all the episodes in real time. Who programmed this?? What are they going to do in March when we have, like, only Jersey and nothing else to watch?!

    Omg yes. Just more proof that when you have a show around a group of friends and they are authentic AND holding each other accountable, you CAN have a great show without too much manufacturing...something RHOP used to be great at. That saddens me for RHOP...but not for RHOM which I'm on Episode 6 and watching as I type this. 


    I never thought about it that way re: friend combo. Now I can't unsee it. Another plus. I also love Julia being more integrated into the group. But I also have thought that Alexia befriending Julia could be a way to isolate Adriana. Moreso given all the drama  with Marysol. And playing catch-up and seeing a slight rift growing Adriana/Julia does not relax my worry, either. 


    Adriana has been everything so far for me. She definitely is like a wiser version of her own side. 


    Yeah, I watched the scene with Alexia/Todd, Nicole/Anthony and the cooking class and I couldn't help but wonder the same thing. Knowing that Adriana has been stirring the pot and the trailers showing that Alexia is about to have money problems...I side-eyed it. Could Todd be getting buddy buddy and Alexia trying to get on Doctor Nicole's good side because they knew what was coming so best to have rich friends/allies?


    Hahaha!!! YES, I LOVE me some Doctor Nicole right now. Like I said, I could watch her be rich all day. And her dress at the F#ck Cancer party was EVERYTHING along with Guerdy's dress. But all the girls gave. lol. And that reminds me that I loved that Nicole and Guerdy being so close that she's a wealth of knowledge. One of my favorite scenes was also Guerdy going to Martina for advice on what to expect. The level of research she did was just so...refreshing and real.


    I just saw Guerdy destroy Larsa at the F#ck Cancer party and YES. She has been so much fire and passionate. And Production with the rollback on top of that. YES. Her GPS shade was awesome! And Russell has been all kinds of FOINE throughout. 


    And while I am angry at Larsa, I too do find her and Marcus fascinating to watch. lol. They do seem made for each other. And I'm sure Michael Jordan IS watching. 


    Yes, seeing the ratings go down is irking me. And then Bravo pushing them back in the schedule to spotlight ALL STARS LEGACY...which had only been out a day so quite a few people had already seen it...was a telling move. I would miss it since I don't have it, but I would say back to Peacock if Bravo is going to prove Alexia right by treating one of their best shows like a redheaded stepchild. Because it's been very bingeable today.


    HAHAHA!!! I feel you on the viewing schedule. I haven't even watched this past season of OC or nuNY, Married2Med I've been mostly watching clips though I did sit down to last week's episode right up until Quad left, I haven't started BH though you all have me very intrigued and I admit to being on the fence at the very idea (as you all know) of a Kyle takedown season. Heck, I hadn't even started the last season of NJ...but that's due to me being back on the last last season and that left my tv system, but ALL of the bravo shows appear to be back probably due to all these streaming/tv mergers.


    And I'm now 2 epsiodes behind on RHOM. yay! Fingers crossed I get to see it live next week.


    On 12/10/2023 at 12:25 PM, kalbir said:

    Hahaha, yes. That is the only reason I'm watching.

    So am I.

    I hope you are enjoying. ;)



  11. On 12/10/2023 at 8:42 AM, Cat said:

    What a refreshing season of SLC.

    First of all, if I were Heather and Little Girl, I'd be mighty worried because Angie and Monica are giving A LOT. They are putting everything out there, the good, the bad, the ugly, they are not obfuscating to the audience (think: Heather, black eye) or stirring the pot with the other women because they have nothing actually to offer themselves. I can't see Bravo giving up on Bad Mormon because Heather is pretty much the OG, so Little Girl.... is going to have to rustle something up beyond 'mawiage twoubles.'

    Secondly, I think I enjoy Angie almost as much as Monica. So far. Monica is a star, though. She's a chess player and manipulative, but also real and vulnerable, and I love that we see all the contours of her personality. The scenes getting her kids off to school while she had bed hair and wore pajamas rang so true!

    You know SLC is growing on me when I am entertained by the usually-overrated Lisa Barlow! Yeah, she can stay. For now.

    Now that I have time. Hehe. I'm glad you like the season so far. It definitely is a nice recovery from last season. I feel Production played this season whether and answered the question well of if there is a show without Jen Shah. The answer...YES.


    Hmmm...just when I wanted to count out Bad Weather. While I can take them or leave them, I guess...I can say they haven't given much before the last half of the season. But they are giving now. Little Girl's friend's passing got a little bit of authenticity out of her for the first time since Season 1. And Heather's jealousy of anyone around Lisa continues to add some fire to her cuz she hasn't done a thing this season before the forthcoming (at least going by online) feud with Monica. And the best thing about Season 3 was the breakup of Bad Weather...a case of the unpopular kids becoming popular...only to stab each other in the back for the Queen Bee's attention. At this point, they need to truly go after each other and drop all the skeltons they have on each other. Cuz they will never be the pot stirring duo they were the first two seasons again since they are envious of each other. 


    Given some of Monica's online doings and what pops out during the finale, I think I'm not as into Monica as I was at the start of the season. And that saddens me because she's had a great rookie season up until now for me. And I agree re: Monica chess player. Because she has made all the right moves. Being transparent. Having a personality. Being her own individual while yet being able to function within the group. Feuds. One liners in confessional AND to a housewife's face. And I agree...we have seen all sides of her so far. She has not missed a step with me UNTIL last week with the Meredith/Angie K tea mystery. But I haven't watched this week's yet. 

  12. On 12/20/2023 at 7:29 AM, dragonflies said:



    Thank you. I'm such a sucker for writer interviews.


    That said...I have such mixed feelings about them coming back. 


    I've been playing catchup and I've been loving the writer strike episodes. It had more flow to me. And I felt there were stories going on. And some dead weight (*cough*Austin*cough*). And stories either ended...with progress and ascending action at that (Gladys gaslighting Sasha, Drew in jail, Eddie Maine, surprisingly Emse/Spencer clashing)...or they progressed with turns (who's stalking Anna, Eddie Maine which has turned into Ned's back/Tick tock Nina, Sprina PERIOD, Joss/Adam, Cyrus's endgame, Ava/Austin, Lois's return...and I don't want her to go). 


    Which let me get this off my chest now...if the reason Sprina has finally progressed more quickly has been because of the strike writing, then yes, I do dread Dan and Chris back. Because Sprina finally coming together and dealing with things as a couple has been everything to me. And it seems like Trina FINALLY got through to Spencer about Ace cuz that was such an unrealistic way to cause drama for them when there were other ways to cause drama...which the strike writers seem to get. Dan and Chris...hmmm...not so much. And it sounds like they are going to use Ace again for drama. So ugh.


    When Dan and Chris are good and allowed to build to a climax...they are good. But when strings appear to be pulled in their writing or stalling occurs, they can be either torturous or shockingly slow now. So I don't want to go back to that. 


    Well...fingers crossed.

  13. 1 hour ago, Cat said:

    saw that. Dr Jackie has been up on a pedestal and some of that was starting to crack when Buffie was on the show. I'm thinking she will come back from this, though, but her image her been dented, no doubt about it.

    I would have thought so...and then Dr. Jackie released that Buffie-like apology statement and well....

  14. Lord give me strength. I'm going to fall to pieces.


    As a kid, I can't begin to tell you how many times when I was home on break, I would ask my mother about how her redhead was doing. I never seen one so Bobbie always stood out to me. heck, I didn't know my mother's nickname when she was a kid was Red cuz my mother had red hair when she was young. Perhaps that was why Bobbie was her favorite GH character (Laura being her second fave) so I became attached as well.


    *takes a breath*



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