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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 32 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    If you guys are not watching The Traitors on Peacock, you are truly missing out!!

    I'm not, but I saw that clip of Tamra (with side-eye assist from ShebySheBroke and Larsa) and hollered. Politicians have NOTHING on Housewives. And then Shady Phae Phae is there, too...a MESS. lol.

  2. Yeah, once I saw the synopsis for the next two episodes, I felt no desire to get to it last night and felt it could be watched later.


    I AM looking forward to La Dame's event. The thing that made me like her was her very first event with RAINN back in Season 2 I believe. For the first time, she did not put up a front and appeared sincere to me as she talked about her SA...something as I mentioned in the past I resonated with me. I feel this event will be no different.


    I also see online that they are nicely setting up for Jacqueline's return which I cannot wait to see. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Audra and Tucker had a dinner where she said he’s the most important and influential man in her life and that she’d always be loyal to him, then she turned on Kyle.

    Oh, I saw. But I could have swore that the last time they showed Audra, she was in bed with Kyle and he told her the truth and suggested a power play. So it was just jarring to me. But again, I know there was some episodes I missed on my player...like the one where the Abbotts dropped the Tucker/Audra/Musician dirt...and given the Claire story/Nikki story has gotten the dominant play as of late, I just figured that I missed something. 

  4. On 1/14/2024 at 11:26 AM, Jeff said:

    I've been thinking about that too.  Yet, we get "Poppy" (no offense to the actress) a character we know little about, have no investment in, and she is seemingly being paired with a lead male.

    That's the 411 on soaps, if you don't have a love interest, you are doomed to be on the backburner.  I think Allen and Diamont would of had chemistry, granted story-line wise it may not have been the best fit since Taylor shot Bill.  On the other hand, other characters have cheated, been forgiven, etc.  Unfortunately there is nobody on the show to pair Taylor with, with a limited small cast.  They also could have brought on a new love interest for Taylor, I mean gawd forbid the show think outside the box and introduce a new character??  I also think Taylor and the "hot waiter" would have been good.  (Although I think you prefer him with Brooke, they do have chemistry too).

    I agree with you about pairings on soaps.


    That said...Taylor still had options. Even now. Like for example...


    Finn's dad Jack. He was supposed to be trying to win Li back. And Li has great chemistry with Bill. But how about Taylor wanting a clean break from Ridge and tried for Jack once he's given up with Li. But Li actually having second thoughts since she sees Poppy with Bill and she wants to work on her marriage. And like you mentioned before Taylor and Bill have history that could be used...not to mention Bill having Li's back. What if Bill decides to try to get in-between Taylor and Jack for Li as only Bill can. Or worse...Bill THEN catches feelings for Taylor himself. Jack/Taylor/Bill/Li writes itself. 


    OR...Deacon/Taylor start hanging around each other again. And that sets Sheila off BIG TIME. Add in Li as a Sheila taunter and that writes itself, too. 

  5. 1-9


    I giggled at that Luna/Poppy montage. But one thing I like about B&B, you do see the characters at work like old school soaps and I can't hate on that. 


    I liked the RJ vs Zende fight. And look at Zende...setting Luna up like that. 


    I continue to like how this Emma loose end is being worked into the current dynamic with Thomas/Hope & Finn/Steffy. 


    And ooooo at this reveal of Zander of seeing the cameras and GPSing Thomas's movement. 

  6. 1-8


    Lord...the whiplash.


    I don't think the playback has been messing up again. But did they just introduced BG's character by random phone call? And then next thing I know Nikki meets him at Society? So far...I watched him acting and it made me think about all the times message boarders here mention CBS acting vs ABC acting. Cuz I felt BG was more...active?...than I'm used to on Y&R. But we will see how I feel as he keeps going?


    Meanwhile...when did Audra turn on Kyle?  I thought they were in cahoots still? Perhaps I missed a few lines as it's been in the background as I worked. 


    And while I was glad to see Ashley/Tucker, uh...are the writers rewriting their fight now? Cuz it seem like that was a real flashback when they first got back to town collectively. 

  7. RHOP


    While I thought SLC's reunion part 1 was solid, I thought this episode...outside of the girls at the club...just so meh. It was the first time I felt bored for most of the episode this season. Regardless of the majority opinion, I had been enjoying the season.


    However, the division of the group really started to show. There's only so long you can have a divide with no resolution and I think for me RHOP has finally started to hit its limit on that. All one has to do is look over at RHOA who can have divides in their group (think S4 with the Talls v the Smalls, S7 Team Pretty v the Beasts, S13 Aunties v Nieces) and STILL consistently gave a good show with so much going on. And yet RHOP...cannot. 


    Thank God for La Dame. Our beloved fence has really been doing the work. And it does help that this whole over-it trip at Austin was centered around her. It's her Triple 20 birthday and she's getting along with everybody. And she has been making it fun at least. And a drunk La Dame is a HILARIOUS La Dame.


    Outside of that, I continue to love the dragging of Robyn. And while I actually started to feel pity *cough*finally*cough*, I still stand by she has it coming. And will continue to do so. I also liked that finally there was some movement in that department by Candiace and Robyn confronting each other. Silly roommate...knowing she was no match for Candiace's mouth. And sadly for her, Candiace spoke nothing, but facts. The Roommate's hell is of her own making, and that's not Candiace's fault nor her problem. And social media cannot be used as an excuse when the Roommate has a whole podcast and started all of this with a Pateron account. They all take shots at each other on social media. As an Ex Soap Opera Star would say...just own it. 


    But...it was a step toward resolution. They were talking to each other and not through others. And thank you, Wendy, for the assist for Candiace when Ashley tried to be messy in that talk, and sidelined her so Candiace and Robyn can talk. However, it's probably best if they talk alone and not in group settings. And even if they do and find resolution, there is still the matter of Gizelle. So...actually...that could be an interesting dynamic if Candiace and Robyn get back on the same page. 


    And then...the club, the club, the club. The drag names were hilarious. The walk-off was good except for NeckHo being a hater. And the episode ended on a good note. Hopefully onward and upward, but we'll see.


    LA DAME. She was a hoot throughout. And I'm still inner hollering at her reaction to NeckHo's painting of hers. Nothing else to say cuz she was fabulous.


    GIZELLE. I can't with her. Her body language during the Candiace vs Robyn fight spoke volumes. She will probably blow out her neck if they manage to resolve their current issues.


    ASHLEY. Lord...BUT she WAS working for that check but getting Candiace vs Robyn popping. So I loved that Wendy sidelined her and shaded her. I hollered at 'Go on, Cactus. Go 'head, Girl' when her, Mia, and Gizelle went to see if Robyn was okay after she walked off.


    WENDY. The person who looked the BEST in that suit that has made its way around to all the HW shows. One thing I continue to like is that Candiace and her have each other's back in these moments. I also loved that she's not letting that mess with NeckHo kill her vibe. Per the midseason trailer, it seems at this point, NeckHo is the only one keeping that feud going anyway. 




    CANDIACE. She gathered Robyn all the way together. And I didn't find anything she said was wrong. And her fighting with Ashley is always to be expected so all I could do was shrug. But again...the side-assist from Wendy. *chef's kiss*


    MIA. I say this all the time and it's still true. Love her or hate her, Mia always gives a cast member their due whether she gets along with them at that moment or not. 


    NECKHO. Lint.


    Earlier today, the synopses for the next two episodes was released. And outside of seeing the children of La Dame and Gizelle interact with each other...oh and the clip of Mia being messy with Juan/Robyn cuz the drag...it seems like we are in for a slum. And I was planning social time out anyway cuz mini-holiday work-wise. Does not seem like I'll be missing much tonight. 

    On 1/11/2024 at 9:58 AM, Cheap21 said:

    Did you see that she said Dr. Nicole was clout chasing off of her bc Nicole chimed in about Annemarie questioning Sutton as uncomfortable and belittling (which it was)

    Dr. Nicole is busy having her second child and being fabulously rich and needs NO clout. 


    Annamarie need to be focused on her own man before she comes for anyone. 

  8. 59 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Not the best news to wake up to. Bill and Susan were so close to their 50th anniversary.

    I actually have tears in my eyes right now as I type this. He really was one of those national treasures that you thought was gonna live forever. 

    Days won’t be the same without him.

    + 1

  9. 59 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Not the best news to wake up to. Bill and Susan were so close to their 50th anniversary.

    I actually have tears in my eyes right now as I type this. He really was one of those national treasures that you thought was gonna live forever. 

    Days won’t be the same without him.

    + 1

  10. Shocked.


    I gasped. My mind immediately went to Susan.


    He's been around forever growing up. In terms of days, I can't help, but think of him singing...after years of hearing him mentioned before ever seeing him on DAYS...loring Hope out of Princess Gina. One of my favorite DAYS scene and I was sold on Bill as a character and their clear connection to each other


  11. 37 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I really like @Paul Raven's idea of introducing a long-lost, shady half-brother for Sharon.  Someone who could stir up serious trouble and get this show moving again.

    But I'd also love to explore what really happened to Sharon's dad.  Who knows?  Maybe Sharon killed him accidentally when she was a teenager (before she and Doris moved to GC) and has blocked it out all these years.

    I admit when I typed that the first thing that I came to mind was Sharon's father...something fans have been asking about for decades now. But I feel I've given up the ghost on that. Unless Sharon becoming a businesshead leads to that...which would be inspired.


    I love that idea of a shady half-brother for Sharon, too. We haven't had a male (non-psycho) schemer...outside of Tucker now...since Kyle came back as a bit of schemer. But of course, I think half-brother and shady and think younger.


    19 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Or maybe he abandoned her. It could actually help repair the relationship with Victor who had his own abandonment issues growing up.


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