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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 4 hours ago, Cheap21 said:


    Thank you!



    Speaking of the reboot news, I have a wild idea. RHOP's Mia should join it as a Friend Of. Hear me out


    Her new man lives in Atlanta. I cant see Mia going to RHOA full time bc she is co-parenting with Gordon in the DMV. But I can see her making visits to ATL and having her new relationship play out there. She can come play with the girls in a friend capacity. They could make their domestic trip to DC and Mia can host it for them. She's messy but fun messy, not dark like Marlo. She actually reminds me alot like Porsha so it could be interesting seeing them interact.

    Plus she also knows Peter and he's been going though a whole mess and she could be the plug to get him back on tv bc love or hate him, he was always entertaining. She knows more of his tea and I want to see what she is ready to let spill

    She's also bi and we know that many of the ATL girls are lesbians so she can turn the men and women out. She's unpredictable!

    Should Mia Join?


    Not Mariah with the back pat. lol. But you are welcome.


    You know what? I would be HERE and SAT for Messy Mia bring her brand of deluded messy fun down to the ATL. For all of that. I feel it would just write itself for all of those reasons.


    She has been working hard this season. And that would be an good reward for her service. 

  2. On 1/22/2024 at 4:13 PM, Cheap21 said:



    Now paging Dr. Tiffany. Dr. Nicole. Dr. Wendy. Annemarie, Jennifer, Nneka, Heather. MARIAH. What if they used this as the premise for an upcoming RHUGT season? Take women across the franchise that are connected to medicine either working in the field or married to someone that is? Here's my cast and reasoning

    1. Dr. Nicole, RHOM - She's a fan favorite and has existing drama with Annemarie
    2. Dr. Tiffany Moon, RHOD - Another fan favorite with Annemarie drama. She deserves another chance onscreen after RHOD was cancelled under her
    3. Dr. Wendy Osefo, RHOP - Its a stretch bc her PhD isnt in medicine BUT I'll allow it
    4. Nneka Ihim, RHOP - At first I didnt want her but she is actually married to medicine. I think it would be interesting to see her outside of the GEB's grip and if she and Wendy can actually connect under a different setting
    5. Jennifer Aydin, RHONJ - Also married to medicine. She's such a ditz and will be the comic relief
    6. Heather Dubrow, RHOC - Married to medicine. She uses her wealth and position as a source of power on the RHOC but I dont think that will fly with these women. Like Kyle, I think she will come across different alone and not in her city
    7. Annemarie Wiley CRNA, RHOBH - Cant stand her but every show needs a villian and someone we hate. She fits the bill and Im here for Nicole clearing her to her face
    8. Mariah Huq, M2M - She IS Married to Medicine. If Bravo can put Phaedra on M2M, then I dont see why they cant it Mariah on here especially since she came up with the concept. This would be a good way to pay homage to her

    I had to jump back and say LOVE this. Especially Mariah and Nicole. 

  3. On 2/1/2024 at 12:08 PM, ranger1rg said:

    fully agree that Audra is a great character. Still, I can't stand that Josh Griffith has her moving from one company to another...and then back to the former company and then to another.

    I swear her things with mentors lol.


    But I agree. I'm sure that Audra will be in the thick of it soon enough, but I'm over the company jumping.

  4. It's so funny to see that...especially since it seems there's Hulu sequel doc coming on her.


    4 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    I was rooting for Wendy, mainly because of the GEB's icing her, but she's icing herself right off this show the way she's behaving towards Nneka. Now she just looks foolish. 

    LOL at the continued interaction, or lack thereof, between Karen and Charrisse. I almost want this heifer back, if nothing else because she's not a huge part of group divide. 

    Very foolish. I was disappointed. 


    Same. I shade Cha Cha so La Dame does not have to. lol. 

  5. RHOP


    When I heard flop, I was dreading watching this past Sunday's episode. The episode before that was a bore even with the little moments. But you know what...I liked this one.


    I felt it was giving some old school RHOP even thought nothing much happened. I mean we got individual scenes. We got events. But perhaps what stood out more for me versus the last few episodes was that I felt that the majority (rather than one/two/half) of the cast came out to play. Or even played with the current divide. It was also telling AGAIN that without Gizelle, the group got along better. 


    And even the feud between Wendy and NeckHo did not bother me. Well, it bothered me. But this time I felt it was moving where it needed to go because EVERYONE in the audience was now other it. Especially since we are past the halfway point of the season. I already said I felt this could have been resolved with a one-on-one sit-down. And it seems like that is coming in the next episode (which is NOT next week), but it already does not look like it is going to be good. I felt NeckHo stepped up and started to do the right thing, but now Wendy is being stubborn. And I literally 'ugh' at my television watching her taking two steps back. 


    Why couldn't they be the much more HW/petty feud like La Dame v Messy Mia? Lol. I loved the friendship recovery joke lived on. And then they had a go at each other...not once, but TWICE?? Mia ain't no match for La Dame Grande, but it was funny to watch. 


    And that does not even begin to touch the surface of some of the other things going on...the weed party with (mostly? cuz didn't Candiace run to her car with some) no weed. How dreadful (c) Dwight from RHOA. But such a HW staple to see everyone shading Wendy and Happy Eddie's party for that reason. And don't get me started on NeckHo's unpack party cuz...aren't you rich? Why have your new friends unpack YOUR stuff? That said...it was nice to see a little more of NeckHo's life which has been shown very sparsely. And then that talk between Gordon and Mia...with the foreshadowing from La Dame later on...was interesting. At least to me. 


    Which makes it all more disappointing that they are taking a break on an already troubled season when it appeared as of this episode there might be some momentum.


    LA DAME. An activated Grande Dame is a GREAT Grande Dame. And she was all over his. Fun shade. Interacting with folk. Ignoring Cha Cha. Feuding with Mia. She was fun.


    GIZELLE. Meh. :D :D :D I would be happy to note that it was good that she was at showing up at events with people she hates the cast, but look at her. She be sitting there being hateful and bitter. Where's SUMMER HOUSE BoyToy? Looks like she needs a piece. Cuz her comments about Chris was just...how can she hate on his looks when the WHOLE audience saw her age before our eyes when Monique cracked her face with the binder at the S5 reunion?


    ROBYN JUAN'S ROOMMATE. Well...at least she tried something. Even if it was silly and had to of course do with La Dame.


    ASHLEY. Well-fashioned Lint.


    CANDIACE. Surprisingly, nothing to say. I felt she basically sat back and watched everyone else be messy.


    MIA. MVP really. Give that personal tea with G. Go up (and fail) with La Dame. Give us some moment. She's been working all season and good for her.


    NECKHO. First time I really liked her. Or at least I started to warm up to her. And good on her for (finally) stepping forward to Wendy and tried to get a sit-down started with Wendy so they can put this feud behind them. But her just going to Wendy's event was a step in the right direction. And cuz it needs to be said again...NO to a party where she tried to get anyone other than herself to unpack her stuff.


    WENDY. I've been enjoying Wendy so far. Not the case this time. She was making all the wrong moves. A weed party with no weed. Doubling down on disliking NeckHo when NeckHo was attempting the olive branch. I am starting to feel some tension with her and Candiace. And even Production appears to be gunning for her. How do I know? Production is doing that thing that the old Production used to do with Porsha on RHOA when they did the edit to make Porsha look like the one in the right. This one was doing Wendy that way, but in the wrong. Erasing all the times Gizelle gave to Wendy to make it look like Wendy has been in the wrong when they gave EQUALLY. Uh oh. Tread lightly, Zen Wen. This might be your last season.


    Well...I look forward to the next new episode.


    31 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Another one already wow.

    IKR. I was like...now wait a minute!!!

  6. I could see them as anchors for newbies. We kinda got a taste of that with S13 with Drew and Latoya. 


    38 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Might we get Krista Allen on RHOA? Hmm


    I wouldn't be against it...but would they total reboot a la NY?



  7. 1 hour ago, Cat said:

    I don't see how Nene and Porsha coming back would block Kandi?

    Now, Phaedra coming back on the back of her turn on The Traitors... that's a whole other story.

    I just see it as them getting Team Beast back together...definitely feel Shady Phae Phae is on her way back after this past week's performance on THE TRAITORS US.

  8. SLC


    And now...to the Monica of it all.


    That was...A LOT. Monica started out so well in her first reunion performance in Part 1. And Mary carried Part 2. But she fumbled here for me in Part 3. It was clear that Lisa and HeaBitca got together and had a strategy going on to be so in sync. What irked me about it was they kept saying she was not apologizing when she was. They were similarly talking over her. And worse...not listening. It seem like people missed that in a willfully defiant way which made me think of S7 RHOA 50Cynt v Shady Phae Phae. DON'T say she did not apologize. DO say you don't want it. People mention gang-ups and how distasteful they are in the HW shows, but usually from the ones I've seen (RHOA s10 &12, RHOP s5) the person getting it deserves it. This one actually seem distasteful for once.


    Still Team Monica. Why? Outside of the FBI story...which from someone's comment online MIGHT be true...and the contradiction I missed about Monica's interview and even that MIGHT be true since Monica had more than one interview...Monica has been nothing, but truthful. And more importantly, she OWNED it. I felt she showed remorse. I think the only thing honestly she did lie about is being part of Reality Von Tease. And again...she was one of six (?)...one of whom is HeaBitca's hairdresser. Meanwhile, even the flop burn book reveals that what HeaBitca was accusing Monica of was comments that JEN said. Or someone else. Not Monica. She just reposted it. 


    And that was another thing. HeaBitca was over there on Couch Right saying these little catty remarks and accusations along with Lisa. With NO receipts. Everything Monica said in Part 3 in response came with a receipt. The fact that they had to discredit her by aiming at her kids was disgusting. They knew this and used it as a trigger. And that was so clear so no I ain't Team Leather Weather. And don't even get me started with the hypocrisy of HeaBitca's overdramatically Karen, not to mention rehearsed monologue. I loved Andy getting her with her and the black eye lying and how it could hurt Production and compared it to Monica's actions because they were the same. I even can give credit where it's due cuz Heather pivoted back to Monica which was what led to Monica's downfall in Andy's eyes because Andy hates Production being made to blame whether it's true or not (RHOA/RHOP fans know what's up though).


    I knew for sure it was curtains for Monica when Meredith turned on her. I was saddened. But I knew. Game over.


    And then for HeaBitca to be on that reunion and how she was so scared for herself...after showing her slip with the reveal that Jen sent a cease-and-desist to Monica back in 2021 which of course means SHE KNEW about Monica more than likely (allegedly)...to then go on WWHL after and ADMIT she came after Monica for sending Jen off to jail, the one who frauded elderly people and was caught by the FBI...and then to see her AND Production online on some kind of apology tour...I mean...clearly everyone knew who Monica was. So it was a matter of just exposing it out.


    Which honestly is sad. Season 4 was the best season of SLC since Season 2. And if Monica was right and she came in to show that fan (something HeaBitca confessed to being herself pre-Season 1) can come into a HW show and make it watchable...1) mission accomplished and 2) this is just a case of Heather again being jealous of someone doing it BETTER than she could ever be. Monica was good tv with gifs, actions, one liners, a clear storyline, HW feuds, and fashion. She GAVE. There's nothing that was not connected to her so Season 5 has its work cut out for it. Cuz the aftermath would have been messy, but also AUTHENTIC. And it's a first for Housewives so it would have been nice to see how that group navigated. 


    And what really gets me. That all of this attempt to run Monica off the show when she WAS the show. The fact that Andy said to HeaBitca's face that Monica was 'on break.' I hollered. Now there has been some backpedaling a la the apology tour. Meanwhile, Monica has been traveling all over as the latest Bravocelebrity. So...what's REALLY going on? 


    And I do wonder if HeaBtica is going to get off scot-free, or if Production will pull a Juan's Roommate on her come next season and air her out like Juan's Roommate is dealing with currently on RHOP. Because it seems clear online that HeaBitca's family does not deal with her. And there's some skeletons in that closet. 


    But sticking to the reunion...


    LISA. RIP. For real. How the mighty has fallen. I was already over her during Part 2 with Mary and the religion stuff. But watching her come for Monica's kids? No, ma'am. Her passive aggressive jabs at Monica were transparent. And her self-absorption is no longer cute. Well, it was fun while it lasted.


    MEREDITH. Awwww. That was my reaction to her turning on Monica. I felt she has been fair throughout and joking.


    LITTLE GIRL. Pretty mute really.


    ANGIE K. I admit that I liked her explaining herself and her business.


    MONICA. She was doing soooo well. But Part 3. There were so many times Andy gave her a lifeline so she could save herself. But alas. You could tell when she gave up, too. 


    HEATHER HEABITCA. Hades has frozen over because I liked Little Girl more than her. She was so fake to me. So phony. And that rehearsed monologue with the fake cry voice. I would never hate on people who have abusive relationships or been in them, but toxic ones...one where someone held something for a year and a half. Even Andy coming for her required her to produce some tears and use the words 'i'm sorry' because she was not at all showing remorse for the black eye lie 5 pages of monologue in. So immediately I found her suspect. But HeaBitca has been suspect throughout the whole reunion with only edited versions of video to make it appear that Monica talked on Mary (when Monica was really talking about Jen) and edited pictures from online. So again...she deserves some much side-eye leveled at her. And lest we forget...she was on WWHL right after basically bragging about how she took Monica down for Jen....the woman she was just 'crying' about how she was traumatized by. Uh...ok. Over her. Showing that slip.


    Unless Mary comes back or Production wind up truly have Monica on reserve as a trump card to get the ladies moving...I will probably bow out of this show again. 




    1 minute ago, Cat said:

    WOW! Never thought I'd see this;


    Well she has so much going on...and KANDI AND THE GANG coming back.

    But sad to hear. 


    Makes one wonder if that rumor Nene and Porsha are back are true.



  9. Now what didn't you all tell me my girl Kate from BELOW DECK winded up on TRAITORS US!!!  Cuz and Shady Phae Phae tag-teaming this guy is hilarious!!!


    And Phae seems to be doing so much more on this than M2M. Hopefully, this is the one who goes up against Quad at the recently filmed reunion.




  10. On 1/24/2024 at 2:15 PM, Gray Bunny said:

    Well now, Mary isn't a lead, but yes, I don't think the core 4 + Angie can do it alone. 

    As for Monica/Bravo, they DO want her to come back. No one's looking to clean their hands except for the cast. Bravo was hoping she'd plead her case at the reunion but only made it worse. But make no mistake, they want her back in some capacity someway, somehow. This whole bombshell finally put SLC on the map, with Heather's well-rehearsed monologue hitting mainstream. 

    Oooooooo SHADE!!! HEHE.


    On 1/24/2024 at 5:01 PM, Antoyne said:

    I am SO here for the mess.

    And Boy will it be mess cuz SHANNON.



    A final word on Heather. I'm starting to disbelieve the 'trauma' of her friendship with Jen Shah. That she protected Jen for an entire year regarding the black eye. It's not that women can't have dysfunctional, manipulative friendships... of course they can. But I believe Heather wanted to propagate a mystery for SL purposes and it failed. She foolishly and selfishly threw Production under the bus to keep it going.

    The weird thing about her admission that she is "no longer Jen Shah's b!tch" at reunion was her on Tuesday's WWHL essentially fist-pumping and saying 'This one's for Jen.'

    Like we been saying for seasons, Cat. It's clear Heather has been playing a role. And her slip stay showing.


    That's why I thought it was telling the episode before the finale when Little Girl called her and she had that chilling meltdown with the producer. THAT was the REAL Heather I feel. And she's just like her BFF...she simply hides it better.



    On 1/24/2024 at 2:11 PM, Soaplovers said:

    @Taoboi I know your love for Lisa is growing dimmer and dimmer.. but I will say that Lisa always seems to perform well at reunions.  She isn't #1 when performing at reunions, but she's always consistent.

    Yeah, I think she managed to completely kill my love for her after Part 2 and I was giving her Terri Demarco eyes during Part 3. I don't even like her recently got bangs...and I LOVE bangs.


    But I will give her this...she IS consistent at reunions.



  11. RHOP


    I was just talking about how RHOM is a slow burn, but the cast, as individuals, are interesting enough to just carry on and give us the audience so much?


    RHOP is just SLOW.


    Yes, I'm caught up on them, but Lord Baby Jesus...how the mighty has fallen. At least with RHOM, the cast do not at all have to film with each other and there would still be things going on. Off the top of my head...Julia with her animals or doing something with Martina...Nicole with her (RIP) dad...Guerdy and her cancer...Lisa's aftermath of her divorce and new relationship aka her new normal...Adriana's music career. I could go on...and that's just INDIVIDUAL scenes.


    I looked at RHOP and ??? If I'm being honest, the only things that grabbed me in these last few episodes has been La Dame's event about SA and what it revealed about all the ladies...and SA is an issue with me so that resonated. Then you had Candiace's Mother Day event which gave us the glamour that has been missing on this show...and some fun shade. Messy Mia asking the hard questions we wanted to know while also dealing with her feelings toward Jacqueline who I loved last season. And speaking of seasons past...yes, I LOVED seeing Aunt Val again (though I missed her guns) and that Old Boi got a glow up from La Dame's spinoff. Besides all that...I got nothing.


    Most of my interest has been around La Dame and Messy Mia who are honestly putting in the work for me. And while it appears Candiace is putting in some work as well, we rarely see her life at the moment so good for her doing an event. Not to mention doing what's really needed on this show...ONE ON ONE SITDOWNS!!! I could say the same for Wendy...she's giving moments...cuz I too said the same thing about Gizelle and Ashley doing a clothing line...but outside of being the target...are we seeing anything? Yes, she does not have to interact with NeckHo, but at what cost? 


    I mean are these ladies just going to skip the reunion this year? We haven't even gotten to the Muppet fight yet and it's all so...tired.


    LA DAME. Like I said, through this block of episodes, La Dame has been the bright point. She's friends with everyone...even NeckHo. She's staying that fence. But these ladies are proving that you can lead a horse to water, but you truly can't make them drink. And her and Ray are always a joy to watch. But that could be because I saw an older black couple out at the bar this week and they were just as adorable and in love as La Dame and Ray are. So adorable. I want a love like that.


    GIZELLE. She used some dangerous verbiage this past week and that's dangerous. She's trying to pull on Candiace what she pulled on Monique. Is she going to hire security again next? Cuz the WORST Candaice is going to do is read her a&& for DAYS. She was making it sound like her going to Surry County would be asking for Candiace to lunge at her. And given her background, she knows better aka what she's doing.


    ROBYN. JUAN'S ROOMMATE. Yep. Still not tired of her being dragged. I will give her this...at least she sat down alone with Candiace. And I hollered at Messy Mia questioning Juan in front of her. hehe.


    CANDIACE. YASSSSS, GIRL!!!! GIVE US GLAMOUR!!!! Cuz that event was beautiful and cute. And she sat down with Robyn. Gizelle's Shadow so good for her. 


    ASHLEY. YAS, GIRL!! GIVE US NOTHING. Cuz really?? After a strong start this season...Ashley is just THERE. And now I'm just asking why. Look at Lisa...for better or worse...on RHOM and how she's dealing with (or not) her divorce. Ashley could be giving us more. And yet...here we are.




    MIA. hahahhahahahhahahahaha!!!! Say what you want, but she IS giving. Her with Robyn Hulk and Juan and the questioning of the hotel and the reactions. Her dealing with her feelings about SA and Jacqueline. And next week, her and La Dame get into it. And still the mystery of her, Gordon, and the loss of money. Not boring. Quirky for sure.


    WENDY. While her and Eddie are #couplegoals, what does one do with Wendy? It might have been nice if she had taken NeckHo's invite. However, I can understand why. However, it did feel like Wendy was withdrawing from things. I wondered if she was mad at Candiace for trying to get to know NeckHo so now she won't go Candiace's things? If so...uh oh. Because outside of La Dame, her family, and even Mia, who would she film with? Don't let Gizelle win.


    I hope they can find a groove soon cuz these last set of episodes were wildly uneven and worse...BORING. 



  12. RHOM


    Well, I'm happy to report that I'm up to this week's episode. :)


    It really has been a good season. And going by that seating chart for this year's reunion, it appears that the season will be shifting like the telenovela it is until the very end. How else can you explain how this set of episodes that I've been watching has gone from a potential Marysol takedown season to another season of Las Cubas coming for Doctor Nicole.


    Adriana, Adriana, Adriana. Yes, I know she's been nothing, but messy, but how can I not love her. And how is she just a FOH with this messiness. The Confessional giving the dark-haired beauty I love so well. And aiming at Alexia in it. And bringing back  Ana to finish Marysol off...who has been having a bad season IMHO with Julia after her...genius. Sadly, it is exposing the growing rift between Adriana and Julia...which I'm sad to see. I'm such a sucker for friendship break-ups. Especially when they are great friends so it has been sad to watch. 


    Meanwhile....Looooord Lisa. She is becoming one of the other three main storylines moving into second half of the season. We were all happy to see that she found a great guy in Jody, but she is really not dealing with the Lenny aftermath well AT ALL. I loved that her friends are trying for tough love, but it appeared to be backfired horribly. That said...her gathering Alexia...ALEXIA???...I fell out. Who would have thought little Lisa would have done that seasons ago? I was shocked and I have to admit...also impressed.


    And that brings me to the last of the main storylines...Guerdy and her cancer. Oh my God, I had tears watching her deal with her morality and how her kids are dealing with it. Along with her and her dealing with interacting with the ladies. Her 'I can't' during Lisa gathering Alexia said so much. There's nothing like potential death to make you see life differently and the ladies are quite self-absorbed at times. So her meltdown that she had to do more surgery and they STILL tried to make it about them...was too much. 


    It might be a slow burn season in a different way from Season 4 and 5, but unlike RHOP, just about every cast member (and their FOHs) have something interesting enough to make a person watch. Boring where? 


    How are the ladies looking?


    ALEXIA. I giggled at her having a meltdown and STILL taking Nicole's gift. Lord...you cannot hate her for having taste. lol. That said...the drama with her continues. Her having to move out and still wanting to live beyond (?) her means was hilarious. And the fact that Ana is the one who has her tea, and Adriana was using that to get some digs in...her tale is FAR from over...storm out or not.


    LARSA. Not much to say. Though I love Adriana clocking her with Kim K every chance she gets.


    NICOLE. Storm Out Counter??? HAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!  I cannot believe that they are trying to ice her out again. Do I feel she knew about Ana? Not the history. They only started to talk...after last year's reunion? But I know she will be just fine. I was more interested in the fact she has TWO unknown siblings. Oh, her family life is the interesting drama that keeps giving.


    JULIA. It's been coming for a while in little ways, but the rift between Julia and Adriana definitely felt real. And the fact that Adriana FINALLY confessed and Las Cubas are still going after Nicole...bad form. Still...it said something that Julia stood up for herself with them and stood up for Nicole. She has grown so much. 


    LISA. Ooooo at the bad turn that Lisa is going. She had the majority of the audience on her side. Now? She has been too about Lenny. I can understand she's been through a lot and she can be deluded, but she has been winning with a great guy who loves her kids like Jody, but she has to let Lenny go. Now the lifestyle? Well...she has to accept it or use it as a drive to be better. The fact her friends have to tough love her should be a clue. But...NOPE. Her delusion is giving realness on one hand and funny moments on the other cuz...driving the housekeeper's car? smh lol.


    GUERDY. Oh, lord...my heart. Me and cancer feel a way so watching her deal with it just...WOW. And Lord, I wish I had a guy like Russell. I love that she is giving us realness. Her talking to her kids. Her trying to soldier on. Her seeing how pettiness the ladies are being. It definitely puts things in perspective. It could also introduce a new thread to the group events with someone who is over the pettiness or self-centeredness.


    ADRIANA. Yes, I knew she was messy. Love her anyway. 


    MARYSOL. Dare! Even Alexia threw her under the bus for Julia before the tough love intervention for Lisa. She has been getting it rough so far. However, it's back to attacking Nicole. Le sigh.


    Can't wait to sit through the next set of episodes. 


  13. 5 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    I enjoyed the show. I know a lot didn't. It ended too soon IMO.

    And now everyone is discovering it again due to Jonathan Groff and (especially) Murray B's growing popularity over the last decade. Not to mention all the buzz surrounding ALL THE STRANGERS

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