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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 2-28


    Yes, @soapfan770, that was a good three days. :)


    Outside of when Ashley kicked Audra out of the Abbot house, Ashley was chewing her a$$ up and spitting it out. She was the definition of ice queen even when Audra called her crazy. I almost wish she had not called her a bitca, cuz it showed Audra got A dig in. Not even most digs, just A DIG. Ashley got so many digs in on her, I loved it. Her past. Her daddy (Hot for Teacher) issues. And if Ashley had used hot for teacher, I would have DIED. She was making me feel like she was Brenda Barrett on GH telling off any woman who got in the way of her and Sonny so GREAT JOB, ED. And then this episode where Audra was coming across desperate. STAY DESPERATE. 


    But sadly...once Ashley heard the voices...le sigh. 


    Meanwhile, I am LIVID...they are trying to tell the same story with Billy and Chance that they told (much better I might add) with Devon and Nate that lead to the IPO takeover. Right down to a MUSIC FESTIVAL. At least with the bare minimum, there was enough history between Devon and Nate to make the story POP because the writers ran with what was already there (though the writers tried to play it straight): the history of Neil as an excuse when it WAS REALLY ABOUT Nate being mad he lost his hand and Devon lost his girl to Nate. Right now, there's no reason for Billy and Chance to dislike each other. I did like Chance saw what Billy was trying to do with him. I mean is Chance going to get this version of Imani?


    Speaking of, I missed the episode so let me ask...Amanda said her mother died. Did she mention Imani?


    I kinda like Claire story as the C story to all of this. 


    But yeah, I'm liking this week. 

  2. RHOM


    Pure and utter chaos.


    And that's just Part 1. I'm so excited to be able to watch. I'm also annoyed that Part 2 was not of schedule. Save that EricHo BH spinoff like it's a SECRETS REVEALED episode. lol. That said, while BH I can easily say Crystal was the MVP of Part 1, I cannot say the same about the RHOM girls. I felt everyone had a good moment.


    That said...the only thing that I did not like was all the commentary from MJ Jr. He was the personal embodiment of 'he looked so attractive until he opened his mouth.' So...I guess him and Larsa are a match.


    ALEXIA. So I see Alexia decided to regress back to last season's behavior. I loved each and every minute Nicole cut her down to shape. And I giggled at Nicole/Lisa's bathroom break in the middle of her monologue of bs. And WOW...I was not expecting Larsa vs Alexia (with Adriana with side-comments) but here we are!!! That was just wild and yet I still feel they are evenly matched. But that's one thing I love about RHOM, the dynamic are always shifting (Julia sitting by Alexia rather than Adriana anyone) and staying freshing without any cast member leaving. 


    LARSA. Hehe. Like Dorit on BH's reunion, she's getting it from all sides, too!!! And I hate to give her credit, but her level of unbothered is...impressive. She got some good shade in, too. That said, I didn't like how Marysol Lisa was being for her. But I can see why. Alexia came for her. Nicole came for her with that tea at the end about Alexia. Guerdy came for her as expected due to Larsa spilling the cancer diagnosis to everyone. Julia about her body. Adriana...as she usually does.


    GUERDY. I'm of two minds. Like @NothinButAttitude, she is being a little bit extra coming at Larsa. Kinda giving desperate for relevancy when she does not need it since she had THE story this season with THE moment (the hair-shaving). It reminds me of how I always said that Tanya was always tainted by Kenya and the Cookie Lady and it brought out a nasty side to her that was not there before...a side that only came out when she was around Kenya, but still...couldn't unseen it. Not that I minded Guerdy mimicking Larsa in the hallway during Larsa vs Alexia. On the other hand, I feel she's justified to show Larsa her wrath. And she is doing in a Guerdy way which Guerdy has always been extra from her first moment getting into it with Adriana who is also extra. 


    JULIA. Hehe. She was pure comedy relief and I giggled at her being nice to Marysol one moment and shading her the next. And then her kisses with Kiki during Larsa vs Alexia...lmao. Mess!!! I really feel she's grown into the Cynthia of the group. And I don't mind.


    LISA. Lapdog. I like she got some of Guerdy's wrath, too. Cuz Larsa can defend herself. 


    NICOLE. QUEEN. IDC. How she explained to everyone the difference between Marysol pot-stirring vs Julia pot-stirring was such a great moment because it was true. How she dressed Alexia down...even if it fell on deaf ears...was great because Alexia does have a double standard and then she wanted to sit on that couch and be obtuse. GET...IN...THAT...A$$....DOCTOR NICOLE!!!! And she threw digs at Alexia all through the episode. And the coup de grace was her dropping that tea at Alexia's reception party with Larsa on everyone. You know...Queen moves.




    KIKI. I almost forgot. She came for Larsa, too. lol. But at least she came from the place of a good friend. And that I can respect. And she brought so many cute moments. And she's best dressed for me this reunion though I love them all.


    ADRIANA. Le sigh. This bitca. lol. But I love her anyway. lol. That said. I think I'm over receipt presentation. Outside of Monica's attempt on SLC and RHOP's S7 Battle of the Receipts which was my favorite moment last season, I think we need to do a post mortem on receipt presentations cuz NO ONE is touching Monique's Binder. EVER. 


    MARYSOL. Well, it's sad to see her regress with having Alexia's back and dissing Adriana as per usual...not that Adriana is helping. Outside of that, 'that's hot' was funny.


    A lot of stuff going on. But hope to get back to Part 2 later. Good start.




  3. BH


    I guess the question is...can I still comment on a reunion when I didn't even watch the season? I saw clips here or there. I heard things like cut Crystal scenes. And Twitter (and Twitterbots) were kind enough to explode over all the season. However, I trust you all to let me know if it's a good season, a transitional season, or both. Cuz it definitely didn't seem like a Kyle takedown season. Darn, she skates again! smh. 


    That said...I liked Part 1. I didn't feel lost at all. And I'm shocked to say that I liked Erika again for the first time in YEARS. Her reactions were MY reactions cuz it was crazy.


    Look at Kyle. Already setting up for next season by destroying her alliance friendship with Dorit. Watching them go at it...I know LVP is grinning somewhere...probably on her new show. hint, hint. It's funny to see that after all of these years...the Coven is FINALLY broken. Thank you, Garcelle, Sutton, and Crystal.


    And I will have to say Crystal is MVP. She was gathering people right and left. Hopefully, she isn't punished for it again. Allegedly. And add on Garcelle and Kyle, and Dorit was getting it from all sides in Part 1. 

  4. RHOP


    Reunion filmed and allegedly done EARLY.


    THIS picture post-reunion



    Gizelle no longer first seat.


    Ashley's omnious video today.


    ANDY out on tv show tours with Candiace and Wendy?


    Is the tide FINALLY turning???


  5. 4 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:


    4 hours ago, Cat said:

    A teaser trailer for RHODubai -- which doesn't even air until June 2nd?! WTF Bravo!


    Great minds on you two. ;) :)

    That said...MILAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! I was worried given the off season.


    4 hours ago, Cat said:

    I read somewhere they filmed in February 2023. Which means a reunion filmed in late August 2024? WTF?

    I don't think they filmed the reunion yet, but yes. It's been that long since filming.



  6. SLC


    It's safe to say Mary is back at least. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    I actually sat down for it. And I have to give credit where credit is due. Erika (yes, I said her name) was giving me life. Her reaction shots to the madness was EVERYTHING. It was giving me Kenya at the RHOA S9 reunion. 


    Speaking of LVP, are we all doing VANDERPUMP VILLA?




    Don't hate me, @NothinButAttitude, but I can't tonight. I have to work. :( But I agree with the chaos. That hour went by fast. 

  7. 28 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Haha I know you’re behind so I didn’t want to spoil too much but for three days in a row now Ashley/Tucker/Audra has been the highlight.

    Actually something I wanted to applaud was Hayley Erin’s Grace actually having rare raw emotional moments with Cole and Victoria, which was a nice change of pace.

    Hehe. You know me well. And thank you. :)

    I'm not down on Hayley Erin as much as most and we have gotten a well-deserved break from her so I look forward to see the next leg of her story. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Honestly, Donna and Avery seem to have more street smarts than Michael.  

    I just liked the Joss/Kristina rivalry and it went nowhere.  I think a Dex/Blaze/Kristina/Joss quad would be more fun than Kristina: The Womb for Hire story.

    Especially Avery. That girl is a spitfire when it comes to smarts already. lol.

    Totally agree.


    21 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    I don't think it's good soap opera to have the romance just starting when the surrogacy also kicks in.

    Oh no! I don't think it's good soap opera, either. Like I said above, I would rather see Joss vs Kristina or just the romance with its hard knocks between Blaze and Kristina than to see this baby surrogate story. But soapy in terms of 'can the girl catch a break before her romance gets to Cloud Nine'. But of course not cuz happiness is boring so let's make it complicated soap. 




  9. Just now, carolineg said:

    I am pretty sure Donna could run the Mob/Coffee business better than Michael.

    Too bad it seems to have been dropped.  Because someone needs to dislike Joss besides the entire audience.😂



    I agree. My favorite scene was Kristina and Joss at the Q Mansion and Kristina was throwing all kinds of smirks and jabs at Joss with Dex in the middle and I loved it. Such a shame it was dropped. Especially now that EMc is back. I guess I've softened to Joss with the Temp because I'm starting to dislike Joss again more than when the Temp was around. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    It’s official, Ashley has slide into Tricia Dennison territory type of crazy. Not crazy enough that everyone can pick up on it, but crazy enough we know she’s crazy.

    Oh, lord...not Tricia Dennison crazy. THAT'S a whole can of (dramatically good) worms.


    You are going to make me go ahead and watch this week early than I planned with some interesting praise. 

  11. I agree. The surrogacy storyline would not have been my way to go. Moreso with recasts. Kristina's sexuality alone could bring out some tales. And as we discuss from time to time, the fact that she has a good enough relationship with her father that if someone was to happen to Sonny, she would mostly like run the 'coffee' business better than Michael ever could. 


    9 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I still sort of wanted Kristina to explore her feud with Joss and date Dex lol, but y'all know I hate Joss.

    Yeah, I enjoyed the catty/shady tension that started to pop up between Kristina and Joss before LA left. I really wanted to see it explored and it felt like they were going there. But alas. It's been a minute outside of Trina v Esme that there had been a female rivalry. And the fact they were family, too? It wrote itself for the amount of shear messiness that could have followed. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    ABC has a decent picture of her up but she's with Brad who I do not think we've seen in months!

    Spoilers say 

      Reveal hidden contents

    About Blaze, I think she is holding her own between 2 Emmy winners. I love that Kate Mansi is playing the Greek chorus with only facial expressions & body language to achieve that. And, ELR is just so bad, it's good. 

    Well since I don't read spoilers unless I ask we know I don't want and will not that read that. ;)  I do appreciate the thought though. :)


    Watching this last week or so and knowing about the writing change, the writing does feel like it's trying to wrap up a lot of Chris and Dan's stories so an appearance by Brad does not shock me. Shame he couldn't have been around when Lucas was. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Yeah, it's definitely a wait and see sort of pairing and could go places.  I am just worn down or pessimistic about all things Kristina.  Getting Mansi was a good sign, but I still don't think the show has ever been invested in Kristina and I don't love this baby story.

    It has to be one of the most unflattering dresses I have ever seen.  No shade on AS or her weight/size, but I don't even think a 90lb size 0 girl could pull it off.

    Yeah...regardless of how I sound above...I can get behind a wait and see. After all they did vanish there for a moment. And that does happen to Kristina more than I feel it should. 

    AS is definitely a beautiful woman. That dress though...I can't. What were they thinking? 

  14. 10 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Woof!  That was rough lol.

    Blaze/Kristina make a good looking couple, but we have all been down the Kristina might get a story road before.  I have no hope even with Mansi in the role.

    I remember Parker. And I remember that went nowhere fast from what I read.


    But...after all this time...isn't Kristina though? She now has two. The baby surrogate and now the romance story with Blaze. And we used to get nada on her before. I almost want to say 3 if they had kept the rivalry between her and Joss going that they started when LA was in the role.


    I almost want to give the writers their due in that they did what the majority of us wanted done when the recasting of her and Molly(s) started and stopped the surrogacy story since they were recasts and actually took time with both characters (and actresses) and let them develop over time. And once the audience was debatedly used to the actresses off in their own stories and interactions, THEN they started back on the baby surrogate tale. At least, the Kristina angle. 

  15. 17 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I don't dislike Blaze.  I just don't care about her much.  The actress is fine and is likeable.  I just find her a C/D character in what is about to become an A story.

    BLQ's dress is just criminal.  I can't even think of anyone that would look good in that.

    I got you. I'm just surprised, I guess.  I do hope that now that she's getting an A story, she can sell it. :) 


    Yeah that dress...was a choice. 

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