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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. On 3/12/2024 at 8:39 AM, carolineg said:

    Idk, none of the boys have stood out for me yet and I can't stand Charlotte.  I know a vape story is relevant, but it's zzzzzzzzzzzzz to me.  Rocco is probably my favorite so far, but we will see how Danny reacts to Jason.  I am pretty neutral on the teens now.  I need more data to make a final decision.  With all the gun violence and back from the deads in Port Charles, it's no wonder someone needs to vape lol.

    I admit that I like having Charlotte around because she gives Elizabeth's kids something to do. And I was liking her story under the scab writers. But with the new writers NOW here...well...is that Lulu on the phone??? ;) 


    I definitely would like to see more of Rocco for sure. Which again could include Charlotte, too.


    We know I love all of Elizabeth's kids. :)

    On 3/12/2024 at 11:40 AM, carolineg said:

    If they didn't just decide to give the teens a distinct personality last week I would have more to say.   IMO, all these teens are almost too young to build a story on.  You can have a younger teen like KMc or JJ, but you need some teens a little older to start anything relevant.  

    I would say in time. Something the writers apparently realized. And are doing the gradual (and old school to be blunt) thing...as they should if they want anyone to be interested in seeing teens. I don't expect big story...YET...it is not even summer hehe, but at least a presence enough that we as an audience get used to them. And THEN...story. Again...old school. Which of course was my point.


    I agree about older teens as well. But again...in time. 

  2. On 3/15/2024 at 11:09 AM, Cat said:

    I didn't know that Vicki was back on RHOC (and I'm OK with that).

    Oh, yeah...it sounds like a LOT of cutting up in going on during filming for them. 


    Should be another great season from what little I know of it. ;) 

    7 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Chiiiile, this is SOOOO MESSY! Nene went on a double date with Simon and his new girlfriend, posted a picture and tagged the side chick! She is sending a very obvious message that reads FCK YOU PORSHA!



    Yep. From getting sympathy to being back on the struggle bus. lol. 

  3. On 3/11/2024 at 5:21 PM, DramatistDreamer said:

    I will have to give that question more thought since I have watched other things since then and it’s no longer as fresh in my mind lol. I know that many people will say that the Thanksgiving (or was it Christmas?) episode was among their favorite episodes but imo, personally, I thought it ran a bit too long, although I just know that Jamie Lee Curtis probably relished diving into such a messy flawed character.

    I will say that I enjoyed the character arcs of each character and I really think the series is well cast, it was such a nice surprise to see Robert Townsend turn up. Another aspect that the writers do well is, they get you to care about these characters fairly quickly, even the ones who appear to be antagonistic at the outset. Many of the characters clash and can sometimes say awful things to each other, but they are never demonized because the writing shows where each character is coming from emotionally. It’s a lesson that I wish today’s remaining soap writers would learn and adopt because most tend to write overly broad characters-even the so-called “grey” characters are so broadly written as to appear more like caricatures. Here’s how you can write a character, even an antagonist, while maintaining viability. I appreciate how show builds situations that pull the characters into either conflict or rising to the occasion, and in a few instances, both.

    One really memorable episode for me was when Marcus went to Norway to apprentice to a pastry chef. I thought the episode did well at showing how Marcus was bringing that sense of discipline and focus to build his craftsmanship and up his level of skill. With all of the happiness of his accomplishment, lurking in the background was the precarious state of his mother’s health, which added tension to the episode.

    Hehe. I think you are the second person (me being the first) that think that episode ran a little long. While I love the episode (and I'm sure Jamie Lee did, too), I don't like how fans want to hype it as much as they do vs the true heir to the best IMHO the episode after it. Well, it dropped, I was just leaving my job in fine dining though I've been part of the industry for decades so that really and truly hit for me...like a lot of the fans who come from that background. But when people mention it online, there is always some fan that is quick to bring up the Jamie Lee Curtis episode with the quickness. And it's like DUDE, STFU and let the poster breathe. One liking another episode other than you does not take away from the episode you like. rme. But yeah, among the fanbase, those two and the one you picked with Marcus in Norway are the easy faves. So I'm happy you loved that one. 


    And btw...the show has been renewed for Season 3 AND Season 4 which is being filmed back to back. Hopefully, Season 3 will be coming out at its usual time of June this year. 


    I agree. I miss the days of writing gray characters. No propping. And there is definitely known of that on this show. Everyone get good moments. Everyone get bad moments. But you at least get to see and feel where they are coming from. The arcs have been great and I look forward to more. 

  4. 3-12


    You know what? I loved every minute of Victor turning the tables on Jordan. I did not expect Nick with the taser (but glad to see him). And I was finger snapping at my screen. So she really thought she was going to get one over on THE Victor Newman. And Victor was 


    And are they setting up Adam vs Claire?


    I think I'm over Chance/Summer. What was a happy accident is turning into a bore. Though I love seeing CF shirtless. And ugh at Billy being back, but at least he's mixing it up in story that is NOT Chelsea. 


    I wish I could feel sorry for Giggly Heffa, but I DON'T. Thank God, Nick walked away from the oncoming mess. 

  5. 3-14


    WAIT! WHAT???? Just when I was starting to feel that rushed feeling about Jason's return...we got THAT twist. Let me hit myself in the head because I really should have thought about that. And just ironically as I was sitting here watching Anna with Molly thinking how is the Jason/Dante stuff so weird to her given her history of being a double agent. It should be clear he might be. And that THAT happened? lol. But why would John be doing all this? So...intriguing still. I guess I'm happy that it was a quick gradual, but I liked it was gradual the town finding out that Jason's alive.

    I liked how Danny has been roped into the whole Jason storyline. No wonder he got so much screentime before. Well-played. That said...I don't have access to DAYS and had only see pictures of SB's time over there. I always felt that tattoo was fake. But...it's REAL??? Lord Baby Jesus. That's all I'll say about that.


    So happy to see these Lois/Sonny scenes. But as I've already said, I do like having Lois back and sticking around. At least until the wedding.


    Also happy to see Blaze's mother still around as well. Let's see where that story goes.


    Speaking of where stories are going...that Laura/Heather scene. I know it pre-dates my birth...but Laura and Heather were actually friends once? REALLY??? Why have the writers never tapped into that in all the Heather appearances over the last few years or so. I never knew.


    Yes, I liked Ms. Wu sashaying into Curtis's bar. And giving Curtis the tea on the shooting. It's funny how that random shooting is turning into this big umbrella storyline. It's been a minute...perhaps Peter's last death?


    Now I'm wondering if they are going to take Curtis's dad's storyline and give it a twist as well. 


    ETA: I almost forgot. I had to hollered at the swiftness in which the writers broke up Drew and Carly. I know everyone take about how Drew get treated when Jason comes around. And I was sure he would get thrown under the bus again. But the fact Drew was dogging his own self off, but telling the truth about how they treat him when Jason is around so he cut the cord QUICK. I couldn't help but hollered. As if the writers read these pages. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Cheap21 said:


    He gives zero fcks. He just out here flaunting and embarrassing Porsha without a care in the world. I actually do feel bad for her but in a way she is getting karma for the way she conducted herself when she got with him.

    And what the heck is wrong with bravo and why havent they announced the new cast and begun filming yet? This stuff is happening in real time and Porsha can skate addressing it bc there is a new headline every other day. I want to see the women react to it, talk to her about it, judge her, rally behind her, etc.... Stop waiting


    ETA: I got more Porsha tea



    Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 2.26.10 PM.png



  7. 5 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    So how's Jason's return soe far 


    So far, so good.


    All ready full of moments.

    14 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I'd say more about the teens, but the minute they start talking about that vape pen I zone out lol. 

    You aren't liking Generation Next? :( 

  8. 1 hour ago, Antoyne said:

    Holy [!@#$%^&*] they killed off Britt?!?



    1 hour ago, Antoyne said:

    Man those scenes surprised me how good they were. Laura and Steve sell that relationship so well. 

    I think that was another thing I was surprised by with those scenes. That they were and truly was THAT good.


    1 hour ago, Antoyne said:

    I agree with all of this.

    The taste. ;) But thank you. :) 


    49 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    I actually liked Britt 😂. I was stunned to hear she was ever in Jason’s orbit and that they actually had chemistry. I actually want to see it.

    OOooh she was. And they did. Even Steve came to life and that shirt came off. Everyone was shocked here at how much chemistry. And it was unexpected and they even got a slow burn...before writing interference of course.

    5 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Sonny probably only has had 2 or 3 good pairings

    1. duh  Brenda

    2. SJB/TB's Carly

    3. Megan Ward's Kate

    Just cause it's been a minute....mmmmm BRENDA...hehe.

  9. 2 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    I thought they were editing her down bc of the fight but per that preview, it looks like they are going to address it

    I thought the same thing.


    Or perhaps they did and they are showing her now so they have some form of context.



  10. 3-7


    Well, I needed that opening with RJ in those pants with no shorts. But I'm a sucker for suited men.


    That said...OOOHHH SHUT UP, LIAM!!! No amount of sitting spread eagle is going to make me like Liam and trying to taunt Finn. 


    And no to Hope/Finn though I liked she was there for him. 


    Poor Deacon. But SK is selling it.





  11. 3-8


    I guess that was a better week. But HELL NO to Phick again. Clearly they don't know what to do with Phyllis. I'm not even sure if I want Chris to go with Danny now. That said...they would have been better off just letting Christine send Giggly Heffa to jail.


    Now Ashley going off the deep end? Don't like it, but Eileen Davidson is selling it. Oh, Lord...there was only one note I didn't like (and Eileen still sold it)...the desperation when Ashley had watching Tucker and Audra together. But then again, perhaps it's good that Audra walked in. Because how TSJ was playing Tucker, his words were saying no, but his body language was not...no matter how much he made sure to keep Ashley's hands off him.


    I just watch Mariah/Tessa's scenes and shake my head. 


    Happy Chance and Summer finally slept together, but Kyle better not catch feelings again.


    I won't miss Victoria's house. Though it does have memories of Billy Miller's Billy even time I saw it. 


    I admit I hollered when Nikki put the liquor bottle out of the couch cushion. Was not expecting that. And Jack's look was priceless. 

  12. 5 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    For my GH/DAYS fans how long did it take you to accept Mansi as Kristina? She’s still my favorite Abby and despite how people feel about her Lexi was the Kristina I watched with Sonny and Alexis so it’s hard for me to watch Kate at times.

    Hmmm...when you make me think about it...I guess I have accepted KMansi as Kristina.


    But at first...NO. They recasted her and then tried to do a major storyline with her with the surrogate. What they should have done...and ended up doing since we had a series of Molly recasts at the same time...was introduced her gradually with her own side story, allowing the audience to get used to her and get to know her and THEN do the surrogate storyline. 


    And it did not help that they tried to set Kristina up as if she was AJ-lite among the Davis girls when to my knowledge...that was not how Kristina was under Lexi. Headstrong yes. But never-do-well no. So I'm really glad they stopped doing that, allowing me to like Kristina more.


    Now if Lexi wanted to come back...I would be down. The one I'm used to. And also I really and truly loved the tension between Lexi and Eden's Joss. I was so looking forward to the rivalry (Carly's girl vs Sonny's girl) that the writers started to built before the recast. 


    4 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Someone very credible told me that SG has retired from acting. But I'd thought I would try to look for somewhere it's printed or said in an interview. It's on my list to look some tomorrow. 


    Yes, she has retired & is pursuing a career in holistic healing & in wellness. 

    Thank you for the information. 

  13. 2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    Curtis and his father.

    That reminds me. I wonder if that story is going somewhere now, too. I thought the 'I was misdiagosed' storyline was over and done.


    2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    This is my first time seeing the aged up Rocco and I like the actor. Smart to have Genie Francis and Laura Wright in those scenes with the teenagers. I hope Lulu is on her way home soon.

    I was so taken aback at that. I was thinking have we seen him before? Was he in the Halloween episodes last year perhaps when Charlotte got shot?


    In any case, I did like him, too. And they did the right thing by playing him with the vets. Especially Genie. 


    It could be a hint that she's coming home. :)

  14. Yeah, I admit that I was surprised to see a scene with Kristina at Dante's side. Kinda of jarring even though Kristina does make frequent appearances at Sonny's side. As does Dante. So them together should be natural to me.


    It definitely has been plenty wisely re: Nina/Ava. Now can it raise to the level of karma/tragedy? Hmmm.


    Great minds re: Alexis. But now that's had some time working at newspaper, I'm not sure I would want Alexis back as a lawyer. When it first started, I cried foul. But I see how good Alexis is good at it. Or perhaps my college years are showing, but Alexis really found her legs there. But Alexis was always great as a lawyer as well. Still, it will be good to see if they will organically get her from Point A to Point B. 

  15. @Errol finally had time to read your article. Cannot wait. :)


    As for Paramount, I feel...and I'm sure it has been mostly discussed here as well...that since the strikes was efficient enough to cause a pause, that all companies are getting their lickback through these cancelling of shows and movies to save cost and/or AI. So many good shows are just getting cut right and left right now. Which of course, makes the news of a new soap that must more surprising.


    However, now that Paramount has merged with my tv system, that just makes me side-eye that must more seeing that header for the article. Also why I cannot get into any Netflix shows knowing that they are more than likely to be cancelled after one season.



  16. Yeah. Probably the disadvantage of not having/reading SOD or having no Instas, I had no idea CK was preggers. And apparently, I forgot she divorced.


    Kudos to Y&R for hiding any signs of a pregnancy before she went on leave though. I didn't even notice. 


    That said...since I have been enjoying the Lily/Daniel/Heather triangle before she left and before it vanished on-screen, looking forward to it. 

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