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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. On 4/4/2024 at 5:16 AM, Soapsuds said:

    TSJ looked so hot half naked!❤

    He's been looking a whole a$$ snack every time they get his shirtless lately. Just MMMM.

    On 4/2/2024 at 5:46 PM, soapfan770 said:

    Honestly at the moment a Kyle/Summer reunion with tension actually makes the most sense. I don’t know why we were denied a Summer/Audra fight, but Kyle/Summer felt more natural than anything Chance/Summer lately and that’s because of some bad writing with JG being to blame.

    Yeah, I am surprised that on one is playing on the history of Kyle and Summer always being drawn back together. 


    IDK either re: Summer vs Audra. They definitely had potential and chemistry. And AL is at her best for me when she gets to play the fire she brings to the role. ZS would have had Audra put up a good fight, but I felt AL's Summer was going to eat her alive in the brief catfight they had. And I really wanted to see it. Alas...


    Now...why you not writing this show? ;) 

  2. 4-2


    First of all...HELL-HO, SUNNY GOODNESS!!! That chocolate hottie at the PCPD office was built, bulged, and caked. lol. 


    So Dex as a police officer? Uh...honestly...do we have to keep him??? It just feels like he's floating around a little too much since Nina dropped that bomb on him and Joss. 


    And speaking of Nina, as I've already from the jump, it's a matter of time before hate sex between her and Drew. I would be extremely shocked if they DON'T go there. 


    Can we keep Anna like this? FH has never looked better and she's giving such BOSS BITCA vibes that I just sit here and watch.


    I know it was not much, but I have to say I LOVED Portia seeing that Curtis is starting to walk again. It was just such an earned moment. From the shooting, to Curtis's stubborness to the surgery to hit-and-miss appearances, it has been enough of a journey. I had even wondered if the surgery was a failure/rewrite so I was happy to see him practicing. I was even more happy to see Portia walk in on him. It just felt...like I said...EARNED. And of course BK sold those scenes. For a moment...I felt them as a couple. 


    Okay...what exactly has Carly done now that Wagger is hanging it over Jason's head? Color me intrigued. 

    On 4/4/2024 at 12:07 PM, Bright Eyes said:

    About Jason and his potential romances, taking only this past month into account, Steve Burton easily had the most chemistry with Rebecca Herbst. I'm not a couple person and am not at all advocating them to reunite, just calling it like I see it, so far.

    I know you're not advocating, but I love seeing it all the same. :)

  3. On 4/2/2024 at 11:06 AM, BetterForgotten said:

    Natalia herself needs better definition and fast, right now she's essentially a caricature. Having her in a bunch of scenes with Sonny of all people as her main talk-to is not going to advance her forward. 

    These characters are bland and a thinly veiled way of TPTB checking the box for both Latinx and LGBTQI+ representation with minimum effort at the moment. Or, at least, that's what it's feeling like. 

    It didn't start that way. Blaze was just a potential spoiler between Chase and BLQ during their horrible Linc storyline. And I saw potential there honestly. And I like she gave Adrienne Leon as BLQ vibes...right down to her clothes. But to be fair I do like black, leather, and Goths so...not surprised by anything Hot Topic-ish. 


    That said...I felt they built onto her personality at the start of the Blaze/Kristina storyline. And it wasn't because she was both Latinx or LGBTQI+. She was just...a singer. I didn't get a token vibe from her pre-writing change.


    That said...it has occurred to me that usually...in recent years...when another culture does appear that usually the black characters on shows do get sidelined. And I definitely don't want another case of the Rosales from Y&R because I feel there can be potential for all characters regardless of race...but I can't help but wonder has the uptick in Blaze/Blaze's mom persence come at the expense of the black characters on GH. I still think it is too soon to tell for me, though. 


    But you give me something to think about with Blaze's scenes now to consider.

    1 hour ago, titan1978 said:

    I wouldn’t mind seeing him again. Or Robert Tyler. Come on gentlemen and break up Laura and Kevin.

    I won't mind seeing foine Phillip Brown or Robert Tyler again myself. Woof. 

    4 hours ago, John said:

    Maybe PM/EK are following Marland's rules

    The rules:
    Watch the show.
    Learn the history of the show. You would be surprised at the ideas that you can get from the back story of your characters.
    Read the fan mail. The very characters that are not thrilling to you may be the audience’s favorites.
    Be objective. When I came in to ATWT, the first thing I said was, what is pleasing the audience? You have to put your own personal likes and dislikes aside and develop the characters that the audience wants to see.
    Talk to everyone; writers and actors especially. There may be something in a character’s history that will work beautifully for you, and who would know better than the actor who has been playing the role?
    Don’t change a core character. You can certainly give them edges they didn’t have before, or give them a logical reason to change their behavior. But when the audience says, He would never do that, then you have failed.
    Build new characters slowly. Everyone knows that it takes six months to a year for an audience to care about a new character. Tie them in to existing characters. Don’t shove them down the viewers’ throats.
    If you feel staff changes are in order, look within the organization first. P&G (Procter & Gamble) does a lot of promoting from within. Almost all of our producers worked their way up from staff positions, and that means they know the show.
    Don’t fire anyone for six months. I feel very deeply that you should look at the show’s canvas before you do anything.
    Good soap opera is good storytelling. It’s very simple.


    I feel like they are personally. Things are slowly, but surely being re-aligned. Can't hate on that.





  4. Wow. So much to catch up on. lol.


    Like @Gray Bunny, the only thing I will miss about Robyn Juan's Roommate is La Dame dragging her every chance she got. 


    Candiace...I've grown to like her, but it's clear that Production is always going to have Gizebel's back even at the reunion this past Sunday so I can see why. I will be sad actually because she has grown on the show. But she used the platform right...to start her music/acting career so kudos. 


    As for that rumor about Eileen back to BH...mixed feelings like I always do with her and BH. It did taint her for me because I LOVE Eileen as Ashley and Kristen on DAYS and Y&R respectfully. Even now she's taking a poorly thought out story on Y&R and giving such an excellent performance as Ashley...gets alters. (???), but she's played it sooooo well that it still draws me in even though I hate the story. 

    On 3/25/2024 at 4:14 PM, Cat said:

    Only just saw this.

    I had hoped that with reunion having been so good, that it saved everyone's spot. I feel very sad about it all. I hope it is just demotions here and there and that the cast in its entirety can be saved.

    No worries.


    I can't believe Bravo would dare to even mess with the cast.

  5. Yay @soapfan770 sounds like stuff I have stuff to look forward to. 


    As for Kyle/Diane, you didn't miss anything because it's coming completely from left field. What makes it more annoying is the fact that KYLE was the one who put Diane up to it. Diane told him her reservations and that the job should be his. That she did not want him to resent her for doing it. But KYLE was like no, no, no. So NOW that KYLE is getting resentful of his own mother who HE put up to that job, I have been rolling my eyes. Diane was right.


    Also not helping that 'story'...it has popped up...what...once a month for the last couple of months.


    They would have been better off having Kyle circle back around to Summer now that Summer has moved on from him to Chance. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    I really enjoyed the scenes between Jake and Jason, and the later one with Liz and Jake. As far as acting goes, what I saw with Jake was the performer making actual choices instead of just reciting the dialogue. I see promise in several of these young kids.

    I hope the show strikes the correct balance with Anna and Sonny. Because we know they are not going to get rid of MB. But this is Anna Devane, not Mac. And Anna was nobody’s fool.

    Slow, but surely. 


    Well, Sonny was long overdue an adversary outside of the mob and isn't stupid. Anna definitely fits the bill. 

  7. I agree that the only thing missing from the story is what caused Ashley to splinter off. And it better be something better than an argument with Tucker. Cuz Ashley has been through so much worse. 


    That said...it should not take Eileen Davidson hinting at what's going on through inflection, looks, and body language for the audience to know what's going on. Though as usual Eileen did it FLAWLESSLY. And honestly...she did the reveal without there even being a reveal. Why? Cuz JG cannot write it well at all apparently. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Antoyne said:

    That final scene with Anna and Sonny was so so good! Omg Sonny came in so sure of himself and she made him look like a fool.

    I really enjoyed the Jake and Jason scenes. Jake’s feelings are completely valid and understandable. I found the actor playing Jake perfectly fine in the scene, didn’t bother me at all.

    IKR. She let him have it. lol.


    And good to hear on J & J. The floor has been set for some organic conflict. And we watched it happen on screen so Jake told no lies. 


    57 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I do wonder what Anna’s longterm stance with Sonny will be after this storyline. Historically, law enforcement on this show ends up being completely stupid, crooked, or softened towards Sonny. He continues to operate as he always has with no ultimate consequences. 

    Anna has a strong moral code as a character and it’s good to see that again. 

    I admit that thought came to mind for me as well as the scene went down.


    Because while some viewers love the hospital tales, there are some viewers that like the mob tales. Some writers do a good job balancing the two. Some...don't. And neither element of the show are going anywhere. So with new writers, what will be their stance on Sonny and his 'coffee?' 


    And if there is one thing I CANNOT stand it's a dumbed down Anna. She's done everything and seen everything. It just seems implausible. However, some of the reason that Sonny gets back is because the writers usually do dumb down the police department. Though that seems to be changing since he has some not-dumb adversaries around now. 

  9. I was even going to go ahead and watch today. But I read the description and of course, I was going to want to see Liz and Jason's first meeting post-return cuz Liason. Hmmm. I know they are just friends, but they still have a comfortable vibe for me so I loved seeing them together. 


    And as I said in last month's thread, it would nice to see Jason's many kids sound off on the fact that he helps out everyone and everyone else's kids before his own. So watching Jason and Jake interact was like the Universe listening. Jake don't even care if he's innocent. He only cares about the fact Jason wasn't there. So...organic conflict. 


    So I guess they are going to give Eva La Rue a storyline. Cuz that quirky timing at Deception was funny. That said...her quirkiness was kinda similar to Lucy's and well...we already HAVE a Lucy. 


    Interesting how Alexis's storyline about getting her lawyer abilities back is tied to more to Neil's family evvveen more. Who knew that when he was killed off, there has been soooo much mileage for Alexis and him. Since she lost it in part because of him, it would be a nice full circle. 


    Oh how I love Sonny/Dante scenes. 

    4 hours ago, OzFrog said:

    👏👏👏👏 to Anna for kicking Sonny out of her office, especially after he had the nerve to ask her what she would be charging Jason with even in light of being cleared for shooting Dante. Was totally worth it just for the look of dumbfoundedness on Sonny’s face…

    Yes! This! 


    It was a matter of time. And I've liked Anna/Sonny getting closer pre-new writers. But I definitely like the declaration she gave to him.


    3 hours ago, John said:

    IF and WHEN Lucky returns,

    From your keystrokes to the writers' eyes and minds. :) 

  10. 3-29


    First of all...BEEEEeeassssTTT!!! That said...VALENTIN is head of Pikeman. And not only that, Sonny MIGHT be currently off his meds again. Wow. Talk about a twist. But I guess it's good to see Valentin living up to his 2017 rumors. But if that is the case, I guess that's done-zo for him and Anna for sure because looks like he's on his way to being a villain again.


    Speaking of villain...so I now wonder if Ava is working for Valentin. Because she's definitely was manipulating Sonny in those last scenes. 


    Jason above Bobbie's again?? It feels weird without Liz being there. No lie. 


    Rocco sighting!!! And I awww (and giggled at Olivia) during his scene with Dante. Who I was very happy to see him wake up. 


    I thought that was a pretty good week. It's funny how it really just focused on the after-effects of Jason's return with VERY LITTLE Jason honestly. We got to see people's points of views. We got to see people react. So much so it wasn't until Pikeman sprung back up with Beast and Valentin that I forgot about the A plot of it all. lol. I was just enjoying seeing everybody. 



  11. 3-27


    First of all...Pikeman? RME.


    But more seriously...Jason has been working with Wagger since NOVEMBER 2021??? Well...the words. And to make it even more delicious...I loved well one...all of the Robin mentions this week and two...Anna telling Jason about how he knew Wagger in his pre-accident life. I never though about that and it immediately layers all of their interactions of late. The history that the writers are digging up to remind me about what came before has been great.


    Wow. They are really going to go there with Ava/Sonny. Not hating it, but surprised all the same.


    It's a shame to have any Joss vs Kristina scenes now that there is the recast. They just don't have the same chemistry. Yet.


    Hmmmm that fistfight. Some camera angles were good and looked like someone got punched. Other angles...not as much. That said, I didn't feel it was as bad as what little I've read here have mentioned. But...again...I just don't think the actors are ready from too heavy material yet. 


    Outside of that, this past week has been so far, so good. 


    ETA: I almost forgot. I LOVED that the writers played the Britt beat. I know it was mentioned when the next writers started among us. And I was wondering as well if they would mention that to him. And SB played it so well. Outside of the interference *cough*FV*cough* Britt/Jason were HOT. 

    29 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    I don’t envy anybody taking over this show but they’ve done a good job so far. We went from 20+ stories, quick scenes with no depth to a show refocused with longer scenes, a family element at the forefront and real character development and clear motivations. I can’t wait to see where the show can go in the coming months. 

    I do agree we need cast cuts and I expect them to come as contracts come up. I hope Cody and Sasha are first. 

    Steve Burton was dreadful during his last run (after delivering solid work on Y&R) but he seems motivated again. I never expected to enjoy a Jason storyline.

    Im also not someone who likes kids on soaps and while the acting could use some work, it’s so nice to regularly see the characters with their kids and how the impact of Jason’s return effects them. I find it very odd how teens have been largely eliminated from soaps in recent years so it’s nice to see them starting to develop a new teen scene. 

    We know Jason’s return was a requirement so I feel we still haven’t seen an idea of what these new writers want to do. I can’t wait to see them start to launch their own stories so I can see how that goes. 

    I love all of this. And seeing you again period. :) 


    I like that you see the difference already as well. The fact that I can pick out so many examples right now of character beats and what's staying with me. Like Trina at the grave and talking about Paris. Or people who normally don't interact are interacting. 


    SB most definitely seem more motivated than I've seen him in a good minute. 


    And I KNOW!!! I would be hard pressed to see any kind of tweens or teens on soaps nowadays so for me, it's been refreshing to see kids again. Even BeBe's Maxie's kids. That's why it has not bugged me nearly as much as others. There's been some missteps, but they are nice to see.

  12. 11 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Yeah, it would be nice to know they made up even though Sami wasn't a very good friend to Jamie.   Jamie was probably never necessary as a character, but it would be good to hear what she's up to these days lol.

    All girls (and guys) on soaps need the good BFF...or the bad BFF in the case of soap girls that are Goody Two Shoes. 

  13. 3-25


    I'm sorry, but only on soaps. Because I LOL and also agreed right along with Joss that if Jason really did it, Jason...DOES...NOT...MESS. So of course, Jason is innocent. When that flew out of Joss's mouth...I hollered. Cuz #facts.


    That's right, writers!!! Give Liz some story love. Because I enjoyed her talking with Willow. And getting to get a peek into Liz's head and see what she's thinking and what she's feeling. And I enjoyed her acting like such a mom with her having to leave work to go pick up her kids. And we all know how I feel about Liz's kids.


    That said...this is an interesting layer to do with Jake. Any and all of Jason's kids in fact. Given what he does for a living and all the years Jason has been there for all kids, BUT his own kids, it's nice to see the writers digging into his own kids having some resentment and Jason having to deal with it. HOWEVER, this goes back to what I said about wanting the kids to be used gradually so that when they start to hit on this thread, that they will be ready to handle. I don't think they are ready at all. At least, not Jake. So watching Jake with Liz and Aidan, he is just coming across whiny without any...presence that is only one dimensional. 


    Contrast that with Aidan. Story-wise, there's potential. But nothing has been started. Only a (very) loose thread that keeps being brought up every few months, if not year or so. But he's been popping up more and more. Background. Or mentioned in dialogue. And I feel he's being handled well. And I don't think the actor is ready yet, either though I feel his slight quirkiness gives Aidan a presence. With him, I would like to see more eventually. Like the often-mentioned Tobias. 


    I like this version of Trina!!! Or perhaps it's how Tabyana is playing her. It feels and especially LOOKS like barely contained rage. Or that's how it comes across. It could be the styling on her today. And I never even thought of the angle of her feeling a way about Joss due to Jason's return being connected to Curtis's shooting. TA is giving a lot in these scenes and just like Liz, it's reeeeeally nice to see how she's thinking. How she's feeling. And I loved the scene at the grave. Her talking about art and Monet. I grinned. Question...is this musical cue with Trina talking to Spencer's grave an old GH music cue?


    Awwwww loving seeing Chase/BLQ dealing with the Dante/Jason stuff together. After all the back and forth, they are actually being used as a couple. God bless the writers. Though I want to shake Chase at times.

  14. 1 minute ago, carolineg said:

    Since Sami's basically always off screen I am kind of surprised some writer didn't name drop Jamie since Days loves to bring up obscure characters from the past as a wink wink to the audience.

    That's a nice wink wink. 


    I would love to know that her and Sami made up after Jamie revealed her secret du jour back in the day because they WERE good friends. And I was a sucker for Jamie having a crush on Lucas cuz...SAME. 

  15. 19 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Josh Morrow may look very good for his age,

    Oh VERY, VERY good for his age.


    But that said...Nick and Lily??? Uh...


    But then again, I'm not sure who I would place Lily with. But I thought her and Adam had great adversarial chemistry. But again, would I want her tied to Adam and/or Nick again in a triangle. Yeeeah nope.

  16. On 3/6/2024 at 11:51 PM, Soapsuds said:

    Just some SON member news.

    Those that were here back in the day. 

    Dan R. Is getting married. He just recently posted on his FB page. 

    I know the name. Not well, but same. Congrats!!

    On 3/29/2024 at 10:08 AM, Soapsuds said:



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