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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. 3-29

    So...like Y&R...we get a NEXT WEEK montage now? Wow. Well, it looks like next week is all about Sheila. Shocking.


    This week...I was in for seeing Steffy v Hope. But I admit that the acting has been great. And I loved Hope throwing some good insults. And the fashion was on point. Red is definitely KKL's color. But I felt let down by Friday. 


    And here comes that RJ/Luna/Zende story and zzzzzzz.



  2. 21 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I vaguely remember it too, but for some reason I thought the doll's eyes glowed or something more supernatural or sinister.   I might be conflating with something that happened on Days during that peak JER era in 1997 though.

    I found pretty much the exact dates, so I might take a look a see what I can find, but that period of GH is really hard for me to get through because of the Brenda/Sonny story.  Maybe if there are Mac/Felicia edits only lol.

    You could be right. 1997 DAYS was JER climaxing all of his stories on his way out the door, making it Must See TV. I even skipped classes during that period lol. 


    It definitely blurred into the tale of Two Macs. But I remembered the guy appearing and wanting the doll and explaining his story. 

  3. 14 hours ago, carolineg said:

    FYI, Tom and Felicia are still together at this point and he dumps her via a letter from Africa, so that mystery is solved. Maxie ends up bringing one of the dolls back home with her from Texas.  Sonny and Brenda's non-wedding sort of takes over and there is more talk of the doll in October.  A man named Lonnie is suddenly intent on finding this special doll.  Lonnie basically stalks Felicia for a week or so then just confronts her and Mac saying the doll was made by his late wife and he wanted it back.  They agreed to give it back.  He saw Maxie really liked it and let her keep it.  THE END. 

    Wow. I vaguely remember that. 

  4. On 3/29/2024 at 12:32 PM, I Am A Swede said:

    With B&B in the horrible state it's in, and Brad Bell obviously burned out, the question is, do Bill Bell Jr and/or Lauralee have any kind of influence over the direction of this show? It's their parent's legacy too. If B&B continues down this path, with a new soap looming on the horizon, it's quite possible, maybe even likely, that Brad's incompetence might drive this show to cancellation.

    Yeah, I put that theory out there in the New Soap Thread. 


    If anything I would hope that it might inspired Brad to try some new stuff. 



  5. 3-26


    Honestly...I thought...given the fact that JG does as most people say here story focused on for 3 weeks, vanishes, may/may not come back. I thought Lily/Daniel/Heather was done, done.  So I was happy to see Lily vs Heather. Though she probably should have slapped her. And Heather...NO. Ever since Heather decided to stay in town permanently, she has been giving subtle looks. Lily has every right to call her out. And they all work together. See? There's still potential for mess. But since Daniel and Lily broke up as soon as she made it back to town, I'll be shocked if JG mines the potential of them all working in the same building.


    And I shook my head at Jack. Ponytails. Ashley has PONYTAILS, Jack. At least, Jack's brain was not totally out to lunch. He at least found it odd. But he really should have known something was wrong with Ashley because she had PONYTAILS...something Ashley NEVER has. At least...as I said before...the Abbotts are getting clues that something is wrong with Ashley. And As I also said before, I love watching ED perform. But that moment of 'dumbing down the characters' really rubbed me the wrong way.


    Jordan is cray cray. And I love her for it. 


    I continue to love the growing Sally/Audra friendship.


    That Giggly Heffa. smh. Pathetic.




  6. I've been binge watching THE EXPANSE's Amazon seasons and have arrived at the last season. And now that I've there, I have no problem watching the trailers for the last season. And I thought I saw someone familiar, but I thought noooo couldn't be.


    But YES. I'm too much of an old school BEVERLY HILLS 90210 fan to not recognize Brandon's Steve's gal Clair (aka Kathleen Robertson) as the big bad's newest henchwoman.

    Kathleen Robertson as Rosenfeld in The Expanse


  7. On 3/29/2024 at 4:15 PM, Toups said:

    Lucky Gold has been writing soaps since at least the early 80's and will turn 74 in September.......time to retire??....just saying, you know

    I wouldn't mind that actually. I have found him over the years to be the writer most guilty of having episodes where it feels like characters take the whole episode (or 10) to spit out what they are trying to tell other characters. And not in a creative way either. 

    On 3/29/2024 at 3:53 PM, Toups said:


    - Patrick Mulcahey first listed as Breakdown Writer on March 29

    Thank you for the info.


    I'll be looking forward to that episode when I start my catch-up...weather willing since there's been a big storm here. 

  8. 33 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    I personally, would have not have them ever been rivals. Or at least have them really develop a friendship of sorts where they both decided to hold Liam accountable for all the hell he put them through. 

    And that would have been nice (like Taylor and Brooke were) but alas...

  9. 1 hour ago, DaytimeFan said:

    I saw a post about this - does this make any sense? This last season, while I didn't comment much on it, had my attention and the reunion was excellent. 

    Bravo needs to retool RHOA and RHOBH stat - why they'd turn their minds to MIA is bizarre. 

    I'm hoping that it stays a rumor. Because I was already excited that they were going to throw them back in filming Season 7 and have their premiere in November/December very reminiscent of the days when RHOA and RHOBH would dominate during that time.


    I would say if true, that just shows they are jealous that RHOM is the IT girl they wish their other shows that used to be would still be. 


    I don't get it.



  10. RHOM


    Word on Mama Joyce's Streets are saying Bravo is AGAIN pulling a RHOM S3 on the RHOM cast.


    They have now pushed the filming back to the fall so basically waiting again for the next season.

    And there will be cast cuts.


    What's the phrase...oh, yeah...if it ain't broke, don't fix it. smh.


    Need to be fixing SLC and RHOA and not RHOM.

  11. 3-22




    Team Lucy. Even if it is putting her in BLQ's hands to get the company out of Tracy's hands, Lucy was doing nothing, but telling the truth. As a reality star once said...this is not American's Next Best Friend. Deception is a BUSINESS. And the person mostly responsible for that has always been Lucy so of course, she will be professionally over her own feelings. And the audience has been aware of how Lucy sees Sasha as a daughter at times so I'm sure it hurt (and LH showed it), BUT...BUSINESS. 


    Awww at the Laura/Heather scenes this week. I love them tapping into that history...history that I didn't even know they had. That's how you mind history while going forward in another direction.


    And just when Jason Return storyline was basically C plot for the week, it gets the Friday cliffhanger. And Diane with the phone call and not being surprised when Jason got ahold of her...PRICELESS. And he could tell her everything about what's going on with John and she can't say a thing. So hopefully we are about to get some answers.


    I still feel it's a thin line between love and hate and Drew is going to wind up bedding Nina in a fit of hate sex. But...we'll see. 


    I thought it was a good week and it feels like the rhythm has been found. Can't wait until next week. 

    15 minutes ago, titan1978 said:


    I would kill for Scotty to do something awful and have Laura rip him to shreds. He is well past the shelf life of being a jerk because she broke his heart. And I like scoundrel Scotty, I just think she should call him out.

    The audience and Laura missed out on so much important storytelling when Laura was recovering. I think it would have been meaningful to watch Laura pick up the pieces of her life and rebuild her mental health. We saw all her breakdowns and traumas. It was a real missed opportunity.

    I love me some scoundrel Scotty, too. 


    I agree. It would be nice to have seen Laura trying to pick up the pieces. But alas. It's like Carly over this past year or so since the end of Nixon Falls and her marriage to Sonny. Outside of the Florida remote and her relationship with Drew, it was nice to see her pick up the pieces after losing everything to Nina and growing...not only into herself, but into taking up the name Spencer. I actually found that resonating though mind you I am not a fan of Carly's. 

    On 3/22/2024 at 1:59 PM, titan1978 said:


    As far as the teens go- we haven’t seen anything really yet. What they have been doing is trying to give each one of those boys an identifiable personality to build on.




  12. 3-20


    I don't feel like anything happened this week, but I really enjoyed watching. Perhaps it's because everyone was at work. Kinda working (at least in Steffy's case), but it just made me think Bell soap. And everyone was really looking good this week (nice to see the black Thomas shirt with the bucket again) and again that made me think Bell soap. And oh, look...Carter has a beard with his foine self...WOOF.


    That said...I've been looking forward to this. Steffy v Hope. Not because they haven't before because they have. But THIS time...Hope is totally different. She's been just as feisty as Steffy tends to be since she's gotten with Thomas. And watching Steffy read her, I expected Hope to slap her tbh. And look at the teaser that was at the end of this week's episode. lol. Called it. 


    Also said...Steffy should but out. Cuz THIS Hope might start to read her back. lol.


    There was more of Bill with Luca this week. I mean...assuming it's him and not a red herring, it would be interesting to see Bill with a daughter since outside of Caroline, he has been all boys.


    And it looks like Finn's vision was C plot this week. 



  13. 3-20


    Thank you @Soapsuds for the heads-up. As much as I've liked Claire's arc, yeeeeah they just don't do standalone well on this show most often than not. I even took in a peek and NO. Good to see next week will be more of my cup of tea. 


    But this week? I don't know whether to call it a dumpster fire or just a mess. 


    I guess the biggest stories this week was the Jordan storyline and the Ashley story. 


    I enjoyed Nikki, Victoria, and Claire vs Jordan. Some of the direction in the scenes was quite good. I liked how HK and MTS played it. But Jordan choosing death over prison...uhhhhh? Seems like a waste when this show could use a schemer who comes in and out and can go toe to toe with Victor.


    And Ashley's story. I like we are getting to the point where the other Abbotts are finally noticing that something is off with her. Kyle. Billy. The Shirley Temple. lol. So now Ashley has a kid persona. And a new one coming, too. I still can't believe this is over an argument in Paris, but at least the story is moving.


    So what are Chance and Nate up to with Devon vs Billy? 

    God to see per the next week promo that the only other story that I like is not over yet. 



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