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Posts posted by Taoboi

  1. On 3/22/2024 at 12:41 PM, ranger1rg said:

    While I agree with you that the actors playing Danny, Jake, and Aiden haven't been good these past 2 weeks, I blame it on giving them too much to do too quickly and too soon. I don't think they're bad casting.

    Eden McCoy gets a lot of criticism around here, but I think a lot of that stems from the writing for Joss. She'll never mature into a "great actress"? Well, honestly, few do. She can definitely be a solid actress, which is good enough.

    I do not agree that Tabyana Ali is "very green." Honestly, I don't even know what that mean when applied to her.

    I agree. And that goes back to what I said a few (okay, looks like a lot) of pages back. What I liked was that the new teens/tweens before the official new writing team came on board, they were being shown gradually...which is the way to introduce them again. Especially since they have been very scattershoted in showing them over the last few years. Like Rocco who I had completely forgot back. It was clear the writers wanted us to get used to seeing them again. Nothing heavy. Just a sense of all of their characteristics/personalities. Which I liked. Just brief/silly scenes. And then from there, the writers could throw them into either stories for their characters or something heavier. But yeah going through the new week so far, they might be playing them TOO heavy because they are not ready. Yet. And that is the wrong way to go...though I at least understand having Danny and Jake with the major stories. 


    I actually wonder about this re: Eden. To be honest. Why? Because I don't think the writing for Joss changed when the temp recast was airing, but I did not find that actress at all annoying. Maybe once. And I believe the temp recast aired fairly often. And as soon as Eden got back, she became annoying two episodes in. So is it JUST the writing or how the actresses chose to play what was written?


    Yeah, Tabyana ain't green. If anything she's been shown infrequently within her own story so she is probably having a hard time centering it in the overall picture of what's going on in the show. 

  2. On 3/22/2024 at 10:33 AM, NothinButAttitude said:

    This was underwhelming. Yeah. Time for a massive firing on this show. 


    Actually I agree with @Cat. I thought seeing the general concensus I would feel meh. BUT I thought it was just...ok. Definitely one of their weaker reunion teasers if not the weakest. But there was some interesting things.


    Though for me, the REAL story is MESSY MIA. Oh, lord...not Gordon saying hi to the new man. And the new man might be her son's father??????????? WHATTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!


    And then Robyn Juan's Roommate wants to start mess with Candiace. Well...I guess she gets what she has coming. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Khan said:

    For me, the problem with that story is the same problem I have with many stories right now on GH: it's involving characters I don't care about, played by actors who aren't very good (although, I will ALWAYS love Vernee Johnson).

    Hmmmm perhaps.


    I mean if I think about it...I guess my interest in those scenes character-wise would be Stella > Curtis > Marshall. And that's probably on the strength of Vernee Johnson. Which means that I finally grown used to having Stella around. 


    Curtis used to be written well for me, but I think outside of things with Ms. Wu, I've gotten over him since the Febuary Sweeps Portia wedding where Taggert was thrown under the bus. 


    So perhaps it's just a disconnect for me I didn't realize I had. 

  4. 3-20


    Well, I think I'm starting to get the rhythm of the writers. It was funny thinking be careful what you wish for. We now have people actually talking again to each other. And their talking is revealing character and/or backstory. It does worry me what people who have gotten so used to action, action, silly moment, action might be feeling, but good for me.


    I liked this week so far they touched on the 'Liz' of it all with Jason. Even if it's a little bit. But I've always said I was a Liason fan so :)   and yes, John was wrong for going to Danny, but it led to that great BLQ scene. And now he feels guilty? smh. I'm hoping it's a setup for Anna to get the goods on him. Given how close Anna and Sonny have gotten over the last years (and I was hoping before the writing change for a Anna/Valentin/Nina/Sonny thing), I just don't see her rolling over and disliking him now. Must be a trick.


    Oh, lord, it's one of Bebe's Maxie's child!!! But it did lead to a good Tracy scene so I'll allow it. lol. 


    Hahah. But...I admit I actually felt sad for Dex. Not so much the breakup with Joss though. I'm not her biggest hater, but I loved Nina wiping the smirk right off her face by throwing the almost murder of Cyrus by Dex in Joss's face.


    Go, Alexis, go!!!! Get your license back!!!


    I have mixed feelings about the Curtis's Dad reveal. On one hand, happy to see social stories again. And I'm curious to see if it's is done done now, or if it lead to another story. But those scenes felt...off. And I cannot put my finger on it. Glad to have them, but off. 


    I am really surprised that the new writers have slowed down enough to let the Jason Returns story breath. I do hope we are heading to another Friday cliffhanger.

    21 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    My hope will always be bringing in Laura’s family first- Lulu and or Lucky. Or Brenda.


  5. 2 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    They’re actually putting them together as friends. I’ve been begging for that. But naturally it’s happening after they’ve done so much damage to Sally. She could have used a strong ally who wasn’t Chloe or the Newman dick she was riding.

    Oh, yeah. I was shocked because I did not realize who Sally was talking to cuz I was doing task yesterday. But I looked up, saw it, and actually rewind. It just had a vibe to it even when I was not looking so I wanted to watch.


    I loved seeing them bond over their similarities. Even I kinda wondered why had this not happened before now. Because they really got each other in a way that I was not expecting. Perhaps it was because Audra was actually being vulnerable. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Oh man I just knew Tucker was eventually going to give in to Ashley. When we were stuck in that flashback loop I thought they had killed my interest and love for the story, but I’m back in. I still don’t think that argument with Tucker warranted her having a complete mental break but alas here we are.

    He still fighting. ;) Or at least using his brain. 


    But this story continues to be waaaay left. And your last sentence is how I am feeling playing catch-up right now. Because am I missing something? Cuz it was just a fight in Paris...it makes no sense when Ashley has gone through much worse to have a breakdown than an argument with her husband.


    10 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Nah I doubt Kyle is going to get thrown at Summer again, I predict he’ll end up sleeping with Claire/Eve, Summer blow a gasket for like 90 seconds and then everything be okay and kumbaya because that’s how JG rolls 🙈🤣😵‍💫🙃🙄

    And yes, ED has been giving off 90’s Kristen vibes off the walls lately and I’m here for it, but JG’s writing can’t keep up with it.

    As for CKLily, honestly what’s left for her to do at this point beside go the way of Elena? Yikes. As I mentioned above a lot of reckless ego choices CK made way back keep haunting her to no end and lately comes back with a vengeance.

    Lord what a mess!!! I mentioned all the other times Ashley was seen having a break from reality like learning John wasn’t her bio dad, the abortion, learning bout Blade/Rick, baby Robert’s death, and Adam’s gaslighting but this is obnoxiously bogus ugh.

    You are probably right re: Kyle. Especially since I read the description for today's episode. 


    Oh, God yes. The best thing about this crazy story has been Eileen Davidson and watching her selling this story through her eyes, voice inflections, body language and picking up on the naunces. Even when she's being cringe like when Ashley was in Tucker's room with Audra/Tucker saying exactly what she wanted. Cuz Ashley was the definition of desperation at that moment, but darn it if Eileen was not selling the scene though. 


    Ik, ik...like the GH thread, I need to catch up 😜


    And THANK YOU!!! Watching Thursday's episode...as much as I love watching Tucker/Ashley as of late...that was my train of thought. What could have possibly happened to make Ashley break down now given everything you listed. An argument in a French restaurant just does not compare. 

  7. 3-14


    Well we knew it would happen @DramatistDreamer, but they killed your lovely Lily/Daniel/Heather idea. ;) 


    Thanks to being told Christel was on maternity leave, I was actually looking forward to her coming back. IMHO, up until Lily vanished to take care of Mattie, I felt the Lily/Daniel/Heather triangle was pretty (debatedly) well-paced. Daniel and Heather finally slept together. And Devon knew. Well, everyone knew. But no one really told Lily. So there was drama to be mined when Lily walked into Daniel's apartment to surprise him. And she got surprised by 'family' time. But THAT was it? I would rather Lily did what she said she WANTED to do...namely slap Daniel AND DEVON. JG really and literally just sucked the drama right out of that triangle like THAT. I shouldn't be shocked and yet...lol. I did like the beautiful side-eye Lily was giving Heather all through the pre-break-up scenes. 


    And thank God Audra/Tucker/Ashley showed up midweek. Outside of Victor vs Jordan, I guess I had been waiting on that, too. And as expected, Audra's insecurities is already showing. And wow...Audra/Sally as friends? I wouldn't mind that. And those Tucker/Ashley scenes...mmmm. I liked Tucker is getting a clue, BUT he still fell for it. Giving into the body language TSJ has been displaying as he keeps saying no to Ashley. Speaking of Ashley, her scenes with Abby was straight out of late 90s DAYS OF OUR LIVES. 


    19 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    I like to Chance/Summer but because CF and AL are the most competent recast actors Y&R so the show has to restrain and restrict any 😂🤣….that said I still stand with my idea of Chance with his PI business and Summer as his Moonlighting partner/His Girl Friday. 

    I wouldn't mind that. 


    But also as expected, watching 3-15 and I'm scared they are going to throw Kyle at them again.



  8. 10 hours ago, Cat said:

    The love for these kind of Murder, She Wrote/Columbo-esque flicks/limited series is under-estimated. It cuts across a lot of demos, from older generations (my parents literally chill out to MSW reruns) to Millennials who also grew up with the reruns, to kids starting to get into age-appropriate murder mysteries (Nancy Drew, Agatha Christie). We all know it was this very nostalgia which drove Knives Out to perform so well.

    Oh, yes. It's so universal. The world loves a good whodunnit.


    10 hours ago, Cat said:

    On another note, Jacob Young seems to be aging like fine wine.



  9. RHOP


    I just finished the last cast trip episodes. Yeah...meh. 




    On one hand, it was nice to see the girls having fun. It did verge on getting boring outside of La Dame of course, but they were sitting there actually having fun and ki-ki-ing. And they could be civil to each other. So it was sad to see that go left due to...you guessed it-or not...the GEB. 


    Messy Mia being...well...a MESS. Digging into Ashley's divorce...and I'm starting to think she never will cuz she has nothing. So loved Mia clocking that. I also loved her paying Ashley in dust. Then you have Mia spinning a narrative with Gee...keeping the girls guessing when they know she lies. And then Mia was full of delusions.


    I loved Keirana (?). She seem fun and fresh...just like my girl Jacqueline. That said...it should say something that she clocked the whole group dynamic reaaaal quick. 




    The divide. I think the one thing I really found fascinating...and I hope the reunion resolves it...was for every moment that the divide was exposed and issues got brought up to be dealt with, it would be quickly pushed down regardless putting it on the table to be dealt with little women rather than sitting there and being catty (c) Claudia Jordan. And that made the trip really uneven if I'm being honest. And really tiring. What makes it so frustrating was that it was clear that it was GIZELLE and ROBYN, but it seems like online people want to pick on Wendy and Candiace now. That said...there was a point during the trip yeeeeeah Candiace kinda irked me cuz she did the same thing the GEB was doing. Maybe we should put Gizelle and Candiace in a room and let them fight. 


    Oh, well...I have hope for the next episode with Jacqueline's return cuz I've been looking forward to seeing her. But this season has me tired now. And I was one of the few who loved how it started. It just stalled in the middle of the season and has never recovered. La Dame and Messy Mia can only do soooooo much when your production team are bias. 




  10. On 3/16/2024 at 3:13 AM, Aback said:

    Adrienne Leon was perfect as Tracy and Brad's child. Loved her Colleen.

    Granted I'm bias (and I haven't read the full thread yet) because I loved her as the original BLQ on GH, but I liked her as Colleen from what little I've seen of her. 


    I was just annoyed they put her with the professor since I did like JT and Colleen. But I liked Lindsey, too. 


    8 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    These shows are too quick to throw away good characters permanently because they don’t think simply “leaving town” has a big enough dramatic impact (people die IRL tragically, right?), or they can’t figure out a reason for the person to depart the show alive (why would they leave their family, etc., especially if they haven’t done the necessary setup for a prison exit). Colleen’s death damaged so many characters in the long run. Especially Lily, who felt even more isolated in her Cane corner. 




  11. 3-15


    Well, all the talk about Heather and the hip has had me thinking at work today. I know a lot of us do not like over-the-top Heather and haven't for years. So perhaps the hip thing is going to be a way to bring Heather not only back from being looney, laugh a minute Ron Carlivati written character and more to what I've and the audience are used to Heather being...CUNNING. Perhaps cunning enough to make a more worthy adversary for Laura. It would give Laura someone to bounce off of which she has not had since Victor died. And it might raise the stakes in the battle over Ace that would surely come since a loony Heather is one thing, but Heather who would be crafty about how to get Ace could be interesting to see. 


    I too have loved the cliffhanger. Though I loved the Thursday one better. Could this misdiagnosis on Curtis's Dad turn into a social story? A sign of where EK and PM are going?


    I thought it was a good week. And I'm looking forward to a full week of EK and PM to get more of a feel for what to expect. Though I do feel Pat is definitely doing the 'lay of the land' with the characters a la Douglas Marland's rule for writing a soap but using the characters they got before they do anything like a massive get rid of. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Thank you!  And wouldn't you know, on the very same day I made that comment, guess who's playing husband and wife on a "Murder, She Wrote" rerun?  Yep, Dean Butler and Genie Francis.  (I totally forgot about that episode, lol.)

    Oooo interesting. 


    I always liked Almanzo when I was younger. I could see that. 

  13. TBF, Laura still has her adventure moments and it still feels organic.


    For example...her reintroduction per GF's schedule as a disguised nun (with Kevin as back-up which I thought was cute and ties into Laura's adventure past) to save Valentin from Victor's Charlotte trip. 

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